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List of accepted papers

Anaerobic Autocatalytic Decomposition/Dissociation Mechanism Of TNT Based on Initiation Mode and Physical Aspects Dr. TU I!" Allen #. $alculation of !olid Propellant Burnin% &ates from $ondensed'Phase Decomposition (inetics Dr. )A*!$+*" &. +. )ood,ard &eaction ocali-ations in $rystalline *.plosi/es !ub0ected to !tron% !hoc1 Dr. P A(!IN" I%or On the Possibility of &educin% the Penetration $apability of !haped'$har%e #ets in a Ma%netic 2ield Prof." Dr. !+3*T!O3" 4ennady A Ne, !mall'!cale Burn &ate Test Method Mr. DA+N" $. #ames Unsteady response of premi.ed'flames to pressure ,a/es Professor $ A3IN" Paul Burnin% of Alumini-ed !olid &oc1et Propellants5 from Micrometric to Nanometric 2uel !i-e Dr. U$A" ui%i De Ad/anced !tudies $oncernin% the +ermetic Inte%rity of Pyrotechnic Initiators and Micro'4as 4enerators Dr. &IN(" (arl (. The Time Dependent &eacti/e +ydrodynamic *6uations and the Defla%ration'to'Detonation Transition )I ar%e Diameter Plane )a/e ens Made from Non'Ideal *.plosi/es )I !imulation of Under,ater !ympathetic &eaction Tests Dr U" #in% Pin% &eacti/e Nanocomposite Materials Produced by Arrested &eacti/e Millin% D&*I7IN" *d,ard . *.citation of the Anomalous'2luctuatin% Physical 2ields and *.istential Micro'!tructures in the Burnin% )a/e of the *ner%etic Materials Dr. U(IN" Ale.ander N. !tudy on Thermal Decomposition and $ombustion of Insensiti/e *.plosi/es 8"89'Diamino':":9'a-ofura-an ;DAA-2< and 8"89'Diamino':":9'a-o.yfura-an ;DAA2< Prof. !INDIT!(II 3.P. &eacti/ity of N'NO= Bonds IN Nitramines. Bond Dissociation and Bond Isproportionation Approach Prof. 2&I*D 7dene1 and Prof. 7*MAN" !/atoplu1 Possibilities of application of the $ NM& spectroscopy in the study of initiation reacti/ity of hi%hly thermally stable

IAM!" Pharis *. IAM!" Pharis *.

polynitro arenes &O+A$" Michal and !/atoplu1 7*MAN !tudy of DMNB compatibility Dr. Milosla/ (&UP(A !election of Ad/anced Propellants for Pulsed M+D Po,er !ystems 3ictor No/i1o/ Mathematical Modellin% of The Processes of !olid 2uel I%nition And $ombustion at $ombustors of the Po,er Boilers

Dr. U!TIM*N(O" Ale.ander Plasma I%nition of $oal at Thermal Po,er Plants Prof. M*!!*& *" 3ladimir Preparation and characteri-ation of or%anic %el ? inor%anic o.idi-ers ener%etic nanocomposites $UD7I O" !tanista, $omparati/e &esearch of !par1 Plu% and M) Plasma 4enerator I%nition Performance Dr. 3INO4&ADO3" 3. Burnin% &ate Dependence of $omposite Propellants on Ammonium Perchlorate Particle !i-e Dr. I@BA " Muhammad Ma-har Burnin% &ate Testin% Techni6ues'A $omparati/e !tudy bet,een !trand Burner and Ballistic */aluation Motors Muhammad &i-,an'ul'+a6 A !tudy on the *ffect of $ross' in1in% Density on Mechanical and !,ellin% $haracteristics of +ydro.yl Terminated Poly Butadiene ;+TPB< Based Polyurethane Net,or1s +U!!AIN" (ha,ar Application Perspecti/es of $on/ersion *.plosi/e !ubstances on the Bases of $olloid 4unpo,ders and Ballistite #et 2uels of Utili-ed Ammunition in Minin% Industry Dr. (+OM*&I(I" !er%o An Ab Initio !tudy of nitromethane" +MA" &DA" $ =B" P*TN BC&D" *d,ard 2.$. The dependence of the detonation trancformation time on the char%e density of hetero%eneous e.plosi/es from point of /ie, of the hot spots mechanism &CBANIN" !. !. $omparison of sound pressure le/el of lethal and non'lethal type of ammunition (UMA&I" &a0esh Modification of 3acuum !tability Test for the Determination of Decomposition (inetics !* *!O3!(C" #a1ub 4enerali-ed dependence of detonation /elocity on the porosity ;density< A3&O3" 3. *.plosion +a-ards In *thylene Producin% And Processin% Plants )IND+O&!T" #an Ne, correlations for predictin% thermodynamic and physical properties of ener%etic materials Dr. (*!+A3A&7" Mohammad +ossein Photode%radation of A6ueous Nitramine *.plosi/es Usin% Doped and Undoped 7n! and $d! Nanoparticles as Photocatalyst +amid &e-a POU&*T*DA Numerical !tudy Of *.plosion *ffects On &einforced $oncrete !tructures MOU!A3I" !. #. Preparation and thermolysis of some transition metal nitrate and perchlorate comple.es ,ith he.amethylenetetramine ;+MTA<" piperidine and paraphenylenediamine ;PPDA< !IN4+" 4urdip $haracteristics of $ombustion Metal $ontained Propellant ,ith )ater O.idi-er !IM" #u'+yen The Mechanism of $ombustion of Metal $ontained Pyrotechnical Mi.ture !IM" #u'+yen Directional *ffects of *.plosions in One'sided Open $ubical !tructures

A " +arbans $atastrophic Interface Debondin% in Plastic Bonded *.plosi/es Dr. TAN" +enry Ne, Aspects of 4un Propellant $ombustion PAU C" 4ert Positionin% a Deminer Mobile &obot by Ima%e Processin% BA4+BANPOU&A! " A Production of Nano'&d. by )et Batch Ball Millin% Ma0id !hei1hi Narani +omo%eneous Mi.in% of Nano Po,ders ,ith *.plosi/es +amid 4haeni Numerical and *.perimental Analysis of $ircular Plates !ub0ected to Under,ater *.plosion oadin% !+*I(+I (O+!A& Ali as%har $atalytic decomposition of N=O: to N= and O= to impro/e Isp 4+ANBA&I PA(D*+I !hahram !election and Testin% of Thermite $ompositions for Pyrotechnic De/ices 2&O O3 Cu. Preparation" $haracteri-ation D */aluation of Nano'Ammonium Perchlorate in $omposite Propellant B. Bhattacharya" An0ali (umari" Mehilal" !unil #ain" Mu1esh #ain D A.!.&ao. Non'Destructi/e */aluation ;ND*< of Double Base Propellant ;*DB< 4rains Usin% $omputed Tomo%raphy ;$T< !ystem Bi1ash 4hose" ! ! Pundale" ! N !in%h. Ballistic */aluation of *nhanced *ner%y O3A Propellant in +i%h $alibre 4un && !an%ha/i" 3+ (hire" MA& !hai1h" T( $ha1raborty D Amar0it !in%h &eaction 1inetics and process optimi-ation for nitration of ='Methyl':"E'dihydro.y'pyrimidine by A( Mandal" !( !ahu" 33 #adha/ and 3 Narasimhan !tudies on o, 3ulnerable $ast PBAs P. P. 3AD+*" U. !. P&A!AD" &. (. !IN+A" !. N. A!T+ANA" A. !IN4+ and A. !ubhananda &AO $ompost Bioremediation ? An *ffecti/e Method for &emediation of !oil $ontaminated ,ith Trinitrotoluene ;TNT< &( PAND*C" A! (A B+O&" !N A!T+ANA" A! &AO" Ila Ti,ari D 3! 4hole !tatic 2irin% of Tandem )arheads ' Mo/ements Induced by Precursor $har%e Blast !ha1eel ABBA! &ofi Numerical simulation on e.plosion in concrete co/ered ,ith soil IU Can *lectricity'heat response cur/es of pyrotechnical AI* Ain%hua " CAN !hilon%" 7+OU +uishen%" )U +on%bo" )AN4 )ei%uo" I +on%,ei Uncon/entional emulsion e.plosi/es ,ith lo, detonation /elocities 7+OU +uishen%" AI* Ain%hua" +UN4 )enyao" )AN4 0in" )AN4 Men%" CAN !hilon% Deformation analysis of free loadin% propellant in stora%e CU Can%" )AN4 Nin%fei" 7+AN4 Pin% Decreasin% /ibration by controlled split blastin% in %allery e.ca/ation C* +ai,an%" )AN4 #in" 2AN4 7efa" Tibor 4. &o-%onyi Application of bench blastin% ,ith ,ide spacin% and small burden in $hinese three'%or%e pro0ect C* +ai,an%" 2AN4 7efa" Tibor 4. &o-%onyi

!mall area and short'duration pulse shoc1 initiation of primary hi%h e.plosi/es )AN4 4ui0i" MO #ian0un" )U 4an%" TAN 2uli" 7+AN4 Nin%" IU Con%%an%" TAN4 Aiaoson%" +AN Mei !tudy of brid%e ,eldin% resistance distribution and process capacity +UI #ia" +UI Nin%li !tudy on the combustion mechanism of the combined lon%'time delay element )AN4 Aiu-hi" P*N4 #iabin" +UI #ia" I 7eyu *lectronic structure" chemical bond and property of TATB and DATB MIN Ainmin" &*N Ci" IU +an.in% Al%orithm for constructin% blast /ulnerability en/elopes for aircraft P*I Can%" !ON4 Bifen%" +AN @in% The research for characteristics of methane/air combustion and e.plosion #IN &iya" +U !huan%6i" TAN Cin.in" 7+AN4 +on%.ian% Misfire causes analysis and pre/ention of emulsion e.plosi/e in shaft free-in% section 7ON4 @i Application of special char%in% construction in deep ,ater clay blastin% 2U #u%en" )AN4 +aibo" 7+OU !hen%bin%" CUAN Bin% The application of %rafted ferrocene in solid propellant #IA Aiaofen%" I Bao.uan" )AN4 !hiyin%" )*I !han6un Physico'chemical properties of 8" :'Dinitrofura-anfuro.an ;DNT2< and its effect on combustion properties of smo1eless propellant 4AO +on%.u" 7+AO 2en%6i" I !han%,en" UO Can%" 7+AN4 7hi-hon%" 7+OU Can%shui" 7+AN4 &uie" 4AO Cin Thermal beha/ior" 1inetic parameters of the ma0or e.othermic decomposition reaction and 6uantum chemical in/esti%ation of 8" :'Dinitrofura-anfuro.an ;DNT2< 7+*N4 in" 7+AO 2en%6i" MA +ai.ia" !ON4 #iron%" +U &on%-u" )*N 7henyi" 4AO +on%.u" UO Can%" 4AO Cin !tudy on temperature history characteristic cur/e of film brid%e Asuna" I 4uo.in" AO Cunlian% One'dimensional e.pandin% model for smo1e pro0ectile 7+U $hen%uan%" PAN 4on%pei" 4UAN hua" $+*N Ain !tudy on formulation of dust and smo1e elimination a%ent based on uniform desi%n method $+*N Aue.i" OU !hen%nan Numerical calculation for influence of en/ironmental inducti/e electric current on initial e.plosi/e ener%y of hot'brid%e electric detonator $+*N Min%hua" 4AO Min" 7+AN 7hibo &esearch on effect of temperature and humidity on thermal self'i%nition of propellant 7+AN 7hibo" #IAN4 #inyon%" $+*N Min%hua Ne, method for synthesis of F'Amino':"E'Dinitro'Ben-ofuro.an )AN4 #ianlon%" U ianyin%" !UN Caoran" MU )ei" OU Cu.ian% Nitrosation and nitration of tetraacetyldiben-ylhe.aa-aiso,urt-itane )AN4 #ianlon%" AU Baoen" IAN4 +ui.ia" MU )ei" OU Cu.ian% A simplified approach for determinin% detonation parameters of industrial e.plosi/es $+*N Bao.in Probabilistic study on thermal sensiti/ity of ener%etic material

)AN4 Pen%" DU 7himin% !ynthesis and thermal decomposition of N"NG'bis;ben-ofuro.an< o.alic amide U ianyin%" 7+AN4 (unlin%" CU* +on%1un" IAN4 +ui.a" MU )ei" IU De.in !ynthesis and crystalli-in% of +NI) in nitric acid ,ith nitrates U ianyin%" MA 7hi-hon%" AU Baoen" CU* +on%1un" MU )ei" OU Cu.ian% A no/el lo, sensiti/ity e.plosi/e 8":'bis ;aminofura-ano< furo.an5 synthesis" characteri-ation and performance )AN4 #un" I #inshan" DON4 +aishan Molecular %eometry structure and thermodynamic properties of hi%h ener%etic nitro%en materials ,ith 6uantum chemistry 4UO +on%" )AN4 i0un" @IAN Ainmin% !tudy on the influence of substituents to addition reactions of nitriliums ,ith BicycloH=.=.>I'hept'='en IN Auefei" 4UO +on%" !UN $hen%1e Numerical modelin% on the accelerated a%in% of #OB'JBB8 e.plosi/e 4AO Dayuan" +* Bi" +* !on%,ei A synchrotron radiation $T system for e.plosi/e initiator nondestructi/e e.amination I Dayin%" !+AN4 hon%-ao" 7+AN4 rui" $+U enyi" AI* %aodi" +U Aiaofan%" AIA Cuanmin% *ffects of nano TMO/$NTs composite particles on the thermal decomposition of AP and AP/+TPB IU #ian.un" IAN4 )ei" I 2en%shen%" 7+AN4 Aiao0uan" IU Con% *.perimental study of factors affectin% infrared emission intensity of some decoy flare pellets AIAO Aiuyou" )AN4 Culin%" $AO #iuyu" 2AN Ca0ian%" &AN Aiu-hon% *.perimental study of combustion properties of ma%nesium'aluminum alloys in solid fuel'rich propellants AIAO Aiuyou" )AN4 Culin% Desi%n of specimen for composite solid propellant bia.ial tensile e.periment $+*N4 !hu" U Tin%-hen%" $AI 4uobiao" DON4 $hen%lin Preparation of TATB'BT2 aanocomposite ener%etic materials usin% sol/ent /apori-in% method 7*N4 4uiyu" NI* +ude" +UAN4 +ui" IU an" 7+AO in" 3 $hun.u Numerical simulation of combustor of inert %as %enerator by fuel burnin% DU Can%" $+*N !i,ei Numerical simulation of fuel'air mi.ture e.plosion on condition of inert %as DU Can%" $+*N !i,ei 2inite element analysis of a brass K.KEmm cartrid%e case P*N4 Cun" CI on%" NAN Cin% Numerical in/esti%ation of different initiation mode for prefabricate fra%ment ,arhead U #ian%ren" M*N4 +uilin" !UN Ainli Numerical study on blastin% ,a/e propa%ation in crushed roc1s @U 7himin% &esearch of detonation reaction principle on superposition e.plosi/e materials )AN4 Ainshen%" IAN4 (aishui The e.perimental influence on detonation e.plosi/e char%e ,ith /ariable clearance and fillers CAN4 +ui6un" )AN4 7eshan Distribution of parameters of %as behind the front of detonation ,a/e $+*N 7hi%an%" CU* ianyon%" 4UO Mei6in% &esearch on dama%e e/aluation of ship structure in under,ater non'contact e.plosion IU +ui" PU #inyun

A ne, method for studyin% on the system of N>BB/P*T curin% reaction by 2TI& )AN4 Aiaohon%" 7+AN4 4ao" PAN @in%" $+*N 7hi6un !imulation study on dynamics response of sphere tan1 to shoc1 ,a/eL PAN Auhai" AU #in" #IAN4 #unchen% &esearch of usin% abandoned li6uid propellant N=O: to produce o.alic acid #IA Cin%" 7+AO +ousui" *I Canbin" I yi" )AN4 Auan0un !tudy of the U3'fenton process in de%radation of unsymmetrical dimethyl hydra-ine ;UDM+< ,aste,ater #IA Cin%" I Ci" IAN4 lian%" &*N @ian%fu" 7+AN4 in% *.periment and simplified model of combustion and propulsion of bul1'loaded ener%etic li6uid $+AN4 Aue.ia" CU Con%%an%" CAN !hanhen% Test research of tunnel fire ,ith natural /entilation )AN4 Canfu" #IAN4 # $" 4ON4 C 2" 7+U D 7 &esearch tunnel fires ,ith natural /entilation e.perimentally and theoretically )AN4 Canfu" #IAN4 # $" 4ON4 C 2" 7+U D 7 *.perimental in/esti%ation on the temperature of semiconductor brid%e ;!$B< plasma )U &on%" 7+U !hun%uan" 7+AN4 in" I Can" 2*N4 +on%yan Thermal performance of $u/Al micron'nanometer composites ,ith tun%sten trio.ide #IAN4 )ei" )AN4 Ci" I 2en%shen% Blastin% e.ca/ation /ibration testin% and analysis of under%round chamber AU Cin%" #IA +u" +U +on%yan !tudy on blastin% stress field of air cushion char%e AU Cin%" UO @ian% Numerical simulation of e.plosi/e characteristic and rules of flammable %as in closed pressure pipe #IA Pin%" IU i0un" )AN4 Pen%fei *.periment and numerical study on interaction of %as 0et and li6uid media CU Con%%an%" @I itin%" 7+OU Can%huan%" $+AN4 Aue.ia The research of stora%e security of a ne, type propellant in indi/idual roc1et #IAN4 #inyon%" U 4uie" IU )ei6i" $+AN4" )enpin% Influence of humidity on the heat decomposition speed of sin%le'base propellant 7+AN4 &enhe" U 4uie" IU (unlun" D*N4 Tao" D*N4 +anbo !tudy on the relationship bet,een species and proportion of metal po,der and combustion performance of boron'based propellant and o.idation efficiency of boron )U )ane" MAO 4en,an%" 7+AO Pen%" 7+AN4 7eyan%" )AN4 Can Preparation of hi%h ener%etic solid fuel amorphous boron po,der and microstructure of combustion products )U #i0un" MA )enhui" 7+AN4 4uan%li" 7+AI Cuchun" CAN4 Bin" DAI Con%nian $atalysis decomposition and i%nition characteristic studies of hydro%en pero.ide and special 1erosene $+*N Ainhua" (ON4 #in%" $+*N !hen%6in !tudy the influence factor on the burnin% rate of propellant used in cable bBrid%e plu% system 7+*N4 )enfan%" !+A 2en%" CU #in" )AN4 ya" PAN &enmin% Thermal decomposition study of +NI) DON4 inmao" I Aiaodon%" CAN4 &on%0ie The method choice of rin% clea/a%e of =';dinitroethylene <':"K' imida-olidinedione I Con%.ian%" 7+*N4 lin0uan" $AO duanlin Porosity effect on the shaped char%e 0et speed f2rom po,der metallur%ical liner I &u0ian%" !+*N 7hao,u

*/aluation of dan%er -one caused by B *3* of N4 tan1s I #ianhua" )AN4 Cu" +UAN4 7han%hua Analyses of influencin% factors on heat ,a/e propa%ation in hea/y oil fires +UAN4 7han%hua" I #ianhua" )AN4 Cu *.perimental research of shoc1 ,a/e pressure characteristics for under,ater e.plosion of alumini-ed ,ater %el seismic e.plosi/e +UAN4 ,enyao" )AN4 yin0un" )U 4uo6un" )AN4 Aiao%uan%" )AN4 Deyon% &esearch on combustion property ,ith different propellant in the under,ater /ehicle combustor CAN Pin%" @IAN 7hibo" 7+AN4 #in0un" CAN4 #ie $rystal transition of +NI) in t,o systems of *thyl acetate'$+$l8 and DM!O'+=O and recyclin% of the sol/ents $+*N iu6un" $+*N !husen" #IN !haohua" I i0ie In/esti%ations on the mechanism of nitration of tetraacetyldiformylhe.aa-aiso,urt-itane !+I &ui" $+*N !husen" #IN !haohua" I i0ie TAI$ bondin% a%ent coated &DA to impro/e the mechanical properties of $MDB propellant I #ian%cun" #IAO @in%0ie" &*N +ui" 7+AO )eidon%" I *n-hon% Theoretical in/esti%ation of on K'amido'E'nitryl'>":'dio.ide'fura-an and pyra-ine ;AND2P< )U Min0ie" #IN !haohua" I i0ie" $+*N !husen" IU #in6uan Application study of Ni/Al composite po,der in solid propellant 7+AN4 $hao" CUAN 7hifen%" CAN4 ibo In/esti%ation on the e.plosion characteristic of the fully'prefabricated fra%'demolition ,arhead bein% detonated at t,o points #I 4uo.un" U #ian%ren Dynamic analysis of the concrete %4ra/ity dam under penetration and e.plosion !UN Ainli" M*N4 +uilin" #I 4uo.un The reaction 1inetics of hydroly-in%' nitration of TAI) I i0ie" $+*N !husen" #IN !haohua" 7+AO Ain6i" IU Can%yan% &esearch on specific heat capacity of tTransition metal picrate @IAO Aiao0in%" 2AN 2an" !UN $uina" 7+*N4 @iuyu The refinement of +e.aben-ylhe.aa-aiso,urt-itane;+BI)< by mi.ed sol/ent )AN4 &uifan%" !+I Canshan" $+*N !husen" #IN !haohua &esearch on blast effect of e.plosi/e char%e in deep soil )AN4 Tao" CU )enli" AIAO )ei" )AN4 Aiaolian Influence of parameter settin% on the simulation result of under,ater e.plosion usin% !'DCNA DIN4 Nin%" )AN4 Tao" CU )enli &esearch on compression test of liner materials by e.plosi/e linin% )AN4 +ailian%" DIN4 +ui-he" MA Min" I Ainmin% The influence on soil physics performance based on e.plosi/e enlar%in% ca/ity and e.plosi/e linin% )AN4 +ailian%" !U +uifen%" IU 7hi6in%" DIN4 +ui-he $ombustion property of hi%h ener%y deterred %un propellant I Bin%" IAO Ain" CAN4 Mintao" )AN4 7eshan &esearch on the e.plosi/e sensiti/ity e/aluationGs influence on the ammunition safety e/aluation @IN Aian%yu" AN 7hentao" 2U Aiao-hon%" $+*N Nan" 7+AN4 $hen *.tinction coefficient of red phosphorus smo1e combined ,ith nanometer iron po,der to >B.E microns laser emission )AN4 Auanyu A/iation 1erosene supersonic combustion in the dual'mode scram0et

IU Ou-i" 7OU #ianfen%" 7+*N4 Cao" $AI Cuanhu" +U Culi The influence of the fra%mentation de%ree of %lass micro'balloons under dynamic pressure on desensiti-ation de%ree of emulsion e.plosi/es )U +on%bo" CAN !hilon%" IU 2en% The study on confirmin% methods of the dynamic yield intensity of :B$r steel 7+AO Taiyon%" $+*N 7hi%an% !tudy on the e.plosi/e destruction of solid e.plosi/es based on ener%y information CAN4 7henhon%" AU 7hishen%" 2*N4 Cuan &esearch on disposition method of barra%e firin% curtain !UN !hiyan" )AN4 ian%" @IU 7himin%" )AN4 +an%yu Pro.imate matchin% effect on the safety of a ne, 1ind of insensiti/e e.plosi/e IU Tianshen%" )AN4 2en%yin% *ffect of porous material on suppressin% %as e.plosion CAN4 Ci" +* Aue6iu" 7+AN4 #infen%" NI* Baishen% The three'dimensional stress analysis for solid propellant en%ine chamber 7+I Couhai" )*I 2en%" 4UO )enAuan Numerical simulation analysis of the effect of pre'splittin% crac1 parameters on dampin% /ibration IU Canyin% !tudy on critical /ibration /elocity of under%round chamber ,ith different surroundin% roc1 mass under the actin% of blastin% /ibration CI $han%?pin%" U )enbo" 7+AN4 #ianhua De/elopment of a hi%h po,er pro%rammable precise time'delay tri%%er/i%nition system for M2$4 )U Bi" +* Cuanhan%" 7+AN4 @in%min%" MA Cuefen Impro/ed deben-ylation of ca%ed polycyclic amine he.aben-ylhe.aa-aiso,urt-itane $+*N +ua.ion%" $+*N !husen" I i0ie" #IN !haohua *.perimental study of sin%le i%nition 2A* shoc1 ,a/e diffused in free air IU 4en%ran" $AO Baoyu" AI* i0un" !+*N 7hao,u" 7+OU Tin%6in% &esearch and application of ,ater'decouple char%eGs influence on fracture ran%e of roc1 blastin% 7ON4 @in%" )AN4 +ai?bo &esearch on optimum fu-e',arhead coordination based on antenna beamformin% of fu-e +UAN4 7hon%hua" 2*N4 @in%0uan !tudy on the 1ey factors infectin% detonation /elocity of detonatin% cords BAI Cin%,ei" #IAN4 7huan%de" 7+AO Culon%" )an% (e.uan" $+U *nyi *.perimental in/esti%ation into emulsion e.plosi/e desensiti-ation from microcosmic scale IU Ci" CAN !hilon%" !UN #inhua" 7+AO Don%fen% A ne, i%niter for thermite desi%n TIAN $hunlei" 4AO #un%uo" 7+AN4 i !tudy on performance of micro'physical characteristic and l aser attenuation of sea fo% !+*N Cue%uo" U Aulian%" I Aiao6i" AI* i0un" 7+AI 4uofen% */aluation on the thermal dama%e effects of sin%le e/ent solid fuel air e.plosi/e AI* i0un" 2AN4 Aian%" 7+OU (aiyuan" #IAO )enfen%" !+*N Cue%uo &esearch on sta%ed start of tripropellant thermal propulsion system CAN4 #ie" @IAN 7hibo" 7+AN4 #in0un" )AN4 Min6in% The simulation research on the distribution rules of %as in %ob of mines under the sea $+*N4 )eimin" )AN4 4an%" CAN4 Pen%" 7+*N4 Can%.in" 4UO Cun.ian% !tudies of factors affectin% the desensiti-ed efficiency on M'$ '=B coated ,ith a6ueous polyurethane emulsion

demulsified process M*N4 7hen%" OU Cu.ian% !tudies on the dynamic mechanical properties of the PBA 7+OU Don%" +UAN4 2en%lei" CAO +uishen% Prediction of mechanical properties of castin% polymer bonded e.plosi/es 4UI Dayon%" TIAN Deyu" IU #ianhon%" IU on%" MA +ui" IU #ipin% The a%in% property and stora%e life prediction of N*P* propellant 7+AO Con%0un" 7+AN4 )ei" 7+AN4 Ain%%ao" 7+U +ui" )AN4 $hunhua" 2AN4 in0un *.perimental study of foam ceramics effect on shoc1 ,a/e propa%ation of %as e.plosion 7+AN4 #infen%" NI* Baishen%" CAN4 Ci" +U Tie-hu" 4U Aiaomin !tudies on the dama%e constituti/e model of the PBA 7+OU Don%" +UAN4 2en%lei $ombustion properties of hi%hly metalli-ed ma%nesium/sodium nitrate Pyrotechnic Mi.tures 7OU Meishuai" 4UO Aiaoyan" CAN4 &on%0ie 2inite element analysis of interfacial debondin% in solid propellants I 4aochun" AIN4+ Cao%uo" )AN4 Cufen%" DIN4 Biao Usin% petroleum perforatin% char%e numerical /alue simulation system to optimi-e thein%redient of deep penetration perforatin% char%e liner +* Canli" !ON4 iu6un" I Bihon%" CAN #ie $ombustion mechanism of fuel'rich propellant based on boron )AN4 Cin%hon%" 7+AN4 Aiaohon% !ynthesis and thermal properties of amine salts of 8'Nitro'>"=":'Tria-ol'K'one I +on%-hen" I #inshan" +UAN4 Min%" !UN #ie" 7+OU #ianhua A multi'band obscurin% smo1e composition in the /isible" infrared and millimeter ,a/elen%th ran%e 4UAN +ua" 7+U $hen%uan%" PAN 4on%pei !ynthesis and properties of alane IU Min%.in%" +* #in.uan" $AO Cilin

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