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uLSlCn CuluLLlnLS

for PollsLlc School

klLchen Cardens
!"##$% !'$()$*+, -"./00$ 120 3 42*+2 4'0+$%' 56##$##
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BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

1able of ConLenLs
Executive summaiy .............................................................................................................................................. 1
1 Intiouuction ................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Why School Kitchen uaiuens. ........................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Why uo we neeu a holistic appioach. ......................................................................................... 4
2 The stoiy this pioject wants to tell ....................................................................................................... S
2.1 A faiiy tale . .......................................................................................................................................... S
S Naking it happen- Bolistic school kitchen gaiuens uesign guiuelines .................................. 8
NAKE BECISI0NS. ........................................................................................................................................ 1u
S.2.1 Cieate a membeiship piotocol ............................................................................................................................... 1u
S.2.2 Establish a uecision-making pioceuuie that is cleai to all ......................................................................... 11
S.2.S Pievention anu management of conflicts ........................................................................................................... 12
S.2.4 Peisonal empoweiment anu leaueiship skills................................................................................................. 12
S.2.S Suggesteu pioceuuie to ensuie all gioup membeis aie empoweieu to seive the puipose of the
gioup ...................................................1S
S.2.6 Bow you aie going to get oiganizeu. ................................................................................................................... 1S
S.S BEvEL0P A SW0T ANALYSIS F0R TBE PR0}ECT ............................................................... 1S
00TREACB ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
S.4.1 The impoitance of ensuiing stuuents' motivation anu fulfillment: ....................................................... 17
S.4.2 Inteinal anu exteinal maiketing of the gaiuen- The "selling of enviionmentalism" anu
enviionmental engagement with a laigei community ..................................................................................................... 18
S.4.S Real veisus Token chiluyouth paiticipation .................................................................................................. 19
S.4.4 Noving Stuuents fiom uigital living to eco-living........................................................................................... 2u
RESILIENCE ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

S.S.1 Assess foi Climate Change ........................................................................................................................................ 22
S.S.2 Watei .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2S
S.S.S 0SINu PERNAC0LT0RE T0 PLAN SCB00L KITCBEN uARBENS .......................................................... 29
S.S.4 Eneigy cycling - Catching anu stoiing eneigy ................................................................................................. SS
S.S.S uieen Builuing ................................................................................................................................................................ S8
S.6.1 Stakeholueis & Investois: ......................................................................................................................................... 4u
S.6.1.1 School & teacheis : ...................................................................................................................................................... 4u
S.6.2 Foims of Investment in the School Kitchen uaiuens Pioject .................................................................... 42
S.6.S Ways to attiact Investment Suppoit .................................................................................................................... 4S
S.6.4 Piouuction of Infoimation Kit to attiact financial anu In-kinu suppoit .............................................. 46
S.7.1 Recognising the impoitance of iituals anu celebiations:............................................................................ 47
S.7.2 Cieating a manuala calenuai of iituals anu celebiations: .......................................................................... 47
S.7.S Naking the entiie piocess as paiticipatoiy as possible: ............................................................................. 49
S.7.4 Keeping the costs low anu iecycleie-use the mateiials wheie possible: .......................................... 49
S.7.S Ensuiing that celebiations incluue an element of intei-species connection, to heal the uiviue
between humans anu the eaith ................................................................................................................................................... 49
S.7.6 Incoipoiating the voices anu neeus of othei kinguoms of natuie in the uesign .............................. Su
S.7.7 Ensuiing Natuie plays a iole in the Besign of the School Kitchen uaiuens: ...................................... S1
S.7.8 Auuiessing spiiituality in the uesign of School Kitchen uaiuens: .......................................................... S1
S.8.1 Cieating Inuicatois: ..................................................................................................................................................... S2
S.8.2 Cieate space foi ieflection anu analyzing impact: ......................................................................................... SS
S.8.S Accepting feeuback ...................................................................................................................................................... S4
4 ANNEX: Links to ielevant school anu foou iegulations in Nalaysia anu Spain ................ SS

!"##$% !'$()$*+
-"./00$ 120
42*+2 4'0+$%' 56##$##

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

uLSlCn CuluLLlnLS for PollsLlc School klLchen
"1bose wbo cootemplote tbe beooty of tbe eottb floJ tesootces of stteoqtb tbot wlll eoJote os
looq os llfe losts."
!"#$%&' )#*+,-

LxecuLlve summary

1he goal of Lhls pro[ecL ls Lo develop a seL of deslgn
guldellnes Lo creaLe hollsLlc School klLchen Cardens, fully lnLegraLlng Lhe four maln plllars of
Lcovlllage ueslgn LducaLlon: soclal, ecologlcal, economlc and worldvlew.

CreaLlng Lhe School klLchen Cardens, Lhrough Lhese guldellnes, wlll Lap lnLo Lhelr poLenLlal Lo
bulld solldarlLy, susLalnablllLy pracLlce and love for Lhe LarLh/Cala amongsL chlldren ln
lndusLrlallsed and non-lndusLrlallsed counLrles.

1he pro[ecL also explores Lhe poLenLlal Lo connecL schools and chlldren from dlfferenL counLrles,
norLh and SouLh Lo bulld a neLwork of shared learnlng and lnsplraLlon Lo reconnecL chlldren Lo
Lhelr own land and LradlLlonal food.

ln order Lo develop Lhe deslgn guldellnes ln a way LhaL LhaL can be applled ln real llfe, Lhe case
sLudy observes Lwo dlfferenL conLexLs: Lhe Luropean- MedlLerranean and SouLh-LasL Asla uslng
as examples a school ln Lhe lsland of Mallorca, Spaln and Lhe lrench School ln kuala Lumpur,

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL Lhe school chosen ln Mallorca has noL dlrecLly parLlclpaLed ln Lhe
developmenL process of Lhe pro[ecL and Lherefore remalns [usL an example of whaL could be
done ln a slmllar conLexL. 1he lnformaLlon gaLhered comes from parenLs of chlldren aLLendlng
LhaL school. Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhe school ln kuala Lumpur has parLlclpaLed ln some ways ln
Lhe developmenL of Lhls pro[ecL and ls llkely Lo lmplemenL lL.

1 lnLroducLlon

1.1 Why School klLchen Cardens?

ln many parLs of Lhe world, communlLy and sLudenL lnLeresL ln klLchen gardens ls lncreaslng,
parLlcularly due Lo Lhe lnLense medla focus on lssues such as food mlles, packaglng, and Lhe
cosL ln Lerms of nuLrlLlon, Lhe economy and Lhe envlronmenL of prepackaged and fasL food. 1he
popularlLy of gardenlng and cooklng Lelevlslon shows also provldes an lmpeLus for people Lo
explore growlng and preparlng Lhelr own produce. ln response Lo Lhls, Lhere ls a wlde range of
ouLreach programs and LerLlary and prlvaLely-run courses avallable. 1here ls a growlng
experLlse ln Lhe developmenL and malnLenance of School klLchen Cardens."

School klLchen Cardens have been esLabllshed ln several counLrles for some Llme now. ln
AusLralla, for example, Lhere ls a loL of evldence avallable on Lhe poslLlve and blg lmpacL of Lhelr
use. Pere are some good reasons, accordlng Lo Lhe AusLrallan new SouLh Wales ueparLmenL of
LducaLlon and Lralnlng,
gardens.pdf :

1here ls a complexlLy of reasons behlnd Lhe esLabllshmenL of klLchen Cardens wlLhln school,
lncludlng: developlng awareness for Lhe envlronmenL, engaglng sLudenLs ln Lhelr learnlng,
fosLerlng communlLy parLlclpaLlon, lncreaslng self- esLeem lmprovlng dleL, lncreaslng physlcal
acLlvlLy. 5cbool kltcbeo qotJeos. tbe ootJoot closstoom, o meooloqfol ooJ ootbeotlc ploce of
leotoloq: 1he creaLlon of a food garden wlLh a dlverslLy of planL specles lnevlLably creaLes a
hablLaL for counLless specles of anlmals. SLudenLs can see flrsL hand Lhe symbloLlc naLure LhaL
exlsLs beLween specles - Lhe grub eaLs a planL and grows lnLo a buLLerfly and Lhe buLLerfly, ln
Lurn, polllnaLes oLher planLs. 1he presence or absence of bees or blrds can lnfluence Lhe seLLlng

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

of pumpklns and cucumbers. SLudenLs are noL [usL learnlng Lo ldenLlfy and label Lhlngs buL Lo
undersLand specles behavlour. SLudenLs who have access Lo a garden aL school galn knowledge
Lhrough lnLeracLlon and observaLlon of Lhe naLural world. Chlldren also dlsplay a connecLlon
and a sense of responslblllLy for Lhe envlronmenL when Lhey have a role ln lLs creaLlon and
malnLenance. Pands- on experlence ln a garden wlll enhance and relnforce Lhe sLudy of unlLs
such as llfe cycles.

Accordlng Lo a sLudy of avallable llLeraLure of school gardens ln 1he Chlld ln Lhe Carden: An
LvaluaLlve 8evlew of Lhe 8eneflLs of School Cardenlng", !ournal of envlronmenLal educaLlon,
Wln1L8 2009, vCL. 40, nC. 2:

Moore (1993) reporLed LhaL Lhe school vegeLable garden was Lhe mosL feaslble pedagoglcal
vehlcle for promoLlng dally envlronmenLal learnlng ln hls pro[ecL's fully redeslgned schoolyard.
ln parLlcular, annual vegeLable and flower gardens enabled a yearly full sLarL from bare soll.
Lach year, sLudenLs could be full parLlclpanLs ln deslgnlng Lhe garden and Lhe acL of
regeneraLlon, Lhe regeneraLlve acL of embeddlng Llny seeds ln dlrL and food-scrap composL, and
nurLurlng Lhose seeds durlng Lhelr LransformaLlon lnLo flowers or vegeLables. 8esearchers have
frequenLly commenLed on how exclLed chlldren were Lo puL Lhelr hands ln dlrL. 8lrds, lnsecLs,
splders, weeds, and mammallan predaLors were players ln Lhls process, so LhaL Lhe school's
envlronmenLal complexlLy flourlshed. lood producLlon connecLed sLudenLs Lo sensual pleasures,
susLenance, and Lhe agrl-sysLems of dally llfe ln and beyond Lhe school. 8uLLerfly, hablLaL, and
pond gardens requlred less summer malnLenance and also provlded dlverse opporLunlLles for
observlng naLural sysLems. LducaLors found LhaL gardens produced Lhe ecologlcal dlverslLy LhaL
had been mlsslng from mono-culLural schoolyards, allowlng chlldren Lo work dlrecLly wlLh
energy LransformaLlon and enLropy.
A school garden can be a frequenL, lf noL dally, experlence, a place owned by Lhe sLudenLs. WlLh
aLLenLlon, gardens can also creaLe dellghL and prlde and fosLer Lhe klnd of unfeLLered play LhaL
chlldren creaLe ln slmple hldden spaces (Mergen, 2003).
1hese gardens can be prlvaLe spoLs for observlng, fosLerlng Lhe lmaglnaLlon, or slmply readlng
among Lhe fava beans (8ryn[egard, 2001). unlformly, Lhe quallLaLlve sLudles of klndergarLen Lo
slxLh-grade gardenlng LhaL are summarlzed ln 1ables 3 and 6 showed Lhe followlng poslLlve
behavloral and soclal ouLcomes: helghLened moLlvaLlon and enLhuslasm, lmproved sense of self,
Leamwork, communlLy, and parenLal lnvolvemenL. 1he amounL of sLrucLure LhaL chlldren
encounLer ln relaLlng Lo a garden may deLermlne wheLher Lhey beneflL boLh cognlLlvely and
emoLlonally (1horp & 1ownsend, 2001)."

lrom an envlronmenLal perspecLlve, school gardens may seem Lo researchers Lo be a llmlLed
subsLlLuLe for redeslgnlng Lhe whole schoolyard or for lnLeracLlng more closely wlLh nearby

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen


1.2 Why do we need a hollsLlc approach?

1he added value of Lhe pro[ecL and lLs ueslgn Culdellnes resldes ln Lwo maln plllars:

a. 8rlnglng all Lhe LuL componenLs Lo Lhe well-esLabllshed ldea/pracLlce of School klLchen
Cardens, Lo maxlmlze lLs poLenLlal and use Lhem as an effecLlve enLry polnL Lo brlng
susLalnable soclal, ecologlcal, economlc and new worldvlew lnsplraLlon and pracLlce Lo
chlldren and clLlzens.

b. Cpenlng a door for chlldren (and Lhelr famllles and Leachers) Lo experlence Lhelr Lrue
essence as members of Lhe broader human famlly (beyond Lhelr famlly, reglon or
counLry) Lhrough connecLlng and learnlng from chlldren ln oLher counLrles, walklng Lhe
paLh of reconnecLlng Lo Lhe land, en[oylng Lhe growlng Lhe food wlLh Lhelr own hands
and reconnecLlng Lo Lhelr own LradlLlonal food and values.

ln Lhe developmenL of Lhe ueslgn Culdellnes, Lhe Leam has explored and lnLegraLed dlfferenL
aspecLs relaLed Lo lmplemenLlng a 'hollsLlc' School klLchen Cardens Lhrough:

Lxplorlng and LesLlng avenues for publlc flnanclng supporL,
Lxplorlng flnanclng and loglsLlcal supporL by oLher acLors,
Assesslng Lhe expecLaLlons and concerns of school members,
ConsulLlng chlldren and learnlng abouL Lhelr dreams,
Lxplorlng Lhe poLenLlal for collaboraLlon wlLh local farmers,
8rlnglng ln promlslng pracLlces and deslgn based on permaculLure, blodynamlc
horLlculLure, deslgnlng Lhrough mandalas eLc,
Lxplorlng ways Lo lnLegraLe local gasLronomy as a way Lo reconnecL Lo Lhe value of whaL
comes from Lhe land, Lhe local,
Lxplorlng ways Lo connecL Lhe chlldren, parenLs and Leachers wlLh wlsdom from oLher
counLrles and Lo vlslons and pracLlces from oLher communlLles ln Lhe world,
8ulldlng a sense of carlng for Cala and seelng all humans as one blg famlly.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

2 1he sLory Lhls pro[ecL wanLs Lo Lell

2.1 A falry Lale .

why cont 1rees be our 1eochers ond Noture our c/ossroom?
My oome ls Mottloo ooJ l om 5 yeots olJ. l llve lo o beootlfol lslooJ, Mollotco, lo o seo tbot ls
colleJ tbe MeJltettooeoo. l llke tbls ploce, tbete ote blqb moootolos tbot meet wltb tbe seo. l
llke swlmmloq ooJ seeloq tbe flsb ooJet tbe wotet. 5ometlmes l feel llke l om ooe of tbem, l feel
vety llqbt ooJ boppy. l woolJ speoJ boots lo tbe wotet! 1be otbet Joy my btotbet qot opset wltb
me. ne cooqbt two tloy sbtlmps ftom tbe wotet ooJ took tbem owoy lo o bocket. lotet, l took
tbe bocket ooJ btooqbt tbe sbtlmps bock to tbe seo. l koew tbelt mom woolJ be soJ ooJ
wottleJ, lookloq fot tbem. l Joot teolly llke lt wbeo my btotbet cotcbes oolmols. ne tbloks lt ls o
qome, tbls ls wbot olJet klJs ooJ most oJolts Jo. l Joot tblok we sboolJ ploy wltb oolmols.
wbeo l qet opset, l tell my mom. l love my mom. 5be ooJetstooJs me. 5be exploloeJ to me tbot
fot mooy, mooy ceototles, bomoo beloqs bove beeo llvloq oo oot plooet wltb tbe bellef tbot tbey
ote sopetlot to evetytbloq otoooJ tbem. l koow tbey ote wtooq.

My fovotlte book ls colleJ All l see, l om. My mom teoJs lt to me wbeo l qo to sleep. lt temloJs
me tbot wbeo l look ot tbe stots, l see myself, tbot wbeo l look ot o ptetty Jolsy, l see myself.
AoJ so oo, wltb evetytbloq tbot sottoooJs me.
Apott ftom flsb, botses, owls ooJ Joqs, ttees ote my best ftleoJs. Mom ooce tolJ me tbot we
sboolJ oll cooslJet tbe ttees oot teocbets, becoose tbey bove beeo tbete fot mooy yeots,
sometlmes booJteJs! llke os, tbey ote boto vety llttle, ftom o tloy seeJ, bot tbey ote so smott
tbot coo qtow mocb blqqet tboo tbe tollest petsoo lo tbe wotlJ, my JoJ. 1tees bove so mocb
koowleJqe tbot oll tbe oolmols llke beloq close to tbem ooJ eveo tbe fooqos qtow llke olmost
lovlslble splJet webs ooJet tbem, to feeJ tbem ooJ to sbote tbe koowleJqe of tbe ttee wltb
evetytbloq tbot ls otoooJ blm, locloJloq oo eotlte fotest! Mom soys tbls ls bow ecooomlcs lo tbe
wotlJ sboolJ wotk. l bove o fovotlte ttee, lo tbe fotest, o wlllow. Mom tells me tbot lf ooe Joy
we qet tbete vety eotly, ot Jowo, we wlll be oble to see tbe foltles. 1bey come to soy bello ooJ
sloq to tbe ttee, tbey ote tbelt qootJs. loltles Joot llke bomoos wbo Jo tbloqs tbot wlll botm
tbe ttees ot ooyooe else lo tbe fotest. l tblok bomoos coo be ftleoJs wltb ootote, becoose we ote
ootote. nowevet, sometlmes bomoos ote meoo.

5cbool ls tbe ploce wbete l speoJ most of my tlme sloce l om 4. l tblok l woolJ llke lt mote lf
scbool woolJ octoolly be loslJe tbe fotest. llke tbls l koow oll tbe cbllJteo coolJ llsteo ooJ leoto

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

ftom lts smott lobobltoots. 8ot my scbool ls loslJe o clty, ooJ eveo tbooqb l llke seeloq my scbool
ftleoJs, l Joot llke beloq ot scbool too mocb. wbeo l feel ttoppeJ by tbe colJ tblck wolls of tbe
closstoom, l wolt tlll tbe teocbet qlves os petmlssloo ooJ too oot to tbe ployqtoooJ to meet my
ftleoJ, tbe cbestoot ttee. l feel bopplet tbeo. 1oJoy l weot to scbool lookloq fotwotJ to seeloq
my ftleoJ tbe ttee. 8ot l coolJot floJ blm. wbete boJ be qooe? ne wos olJ, ooJ l Joot tblok
ttees coo teolly move. 1belt toots ote so Jeep tbot tbey jost move opwotJs bot coooot wolk. l
oskeJ my teocbet. 5be tolJ me tbot tbe scbool boJ JeclJeJ to cot lt, ooJ toke tbe qtoss oot of
tbe ployqtoooJ. lt wos qettloq too moJJy ooJ klJs wete qettloq Jltty, sbe solJ, so tbe scbool bos
JeclJeJ to pot cooctete losteoJ. cooctete? cooctete ls oot ollve! l ctleJ.

wbot om l qoloq to Jo wbeo l oeeJ to leove tbe colJ tblck wolls of tbe closstoom lo seotcb of tbe
wotmtb ooJ beooty of my ftleoJ tbe ttee? 1eots ote comloq oot of my eyes. uoot oJolts
ooJetstooJ? 1tees ote oot teocbets! AoJ we, cbllJteo, love tbem! l om scoteJ, l bove tbls owfol
feelloq tbot lf l speoJ most of tbe tlme ot scbool, sottoooJeJ by cooctete, l wlll fotqet tbot tbe
ttee wos my best ftleoJ, ooJ teocbet, ooJ l wlll become llke oll tbese oJolts, wbo Joot belleve lo
foltles, ot tbe moqlc ooJ beooty of ootote. No, l coooot let tbls boppeo, l wlll cootlooe to qo to
tbe fotest ooJ wlll become so smott tbot wbeo l qtow olJet l wlll be oble to cbooqe tbe scbool
ooJ moke lt o ploce wbete cbllJteo coo leoto tbe wlsJom of ttees.
8y Motto Mooteso collell, Octobet 2011

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

1he sLory Lhls ro[ecL wanLs Lo Lell ls abouL naLure, abouL how we are all wedded ln Per cycles
and how we can consclously embrace Lhese agaln ln Lhe school, so LhaL She can conLlnue
nurLurlng us. 1hls becomes parLlcularly lmporLanL ln a Llme where Lhe domlnanL worldvlew
conLlnues creaLlng a separaLlon beLween humans and Lhe resL of naLure's creaLures and
sysLems, and where each Llme more chlldren grow up ln urban seLLlngs compleLely
dlsconnecLed from whaL once used Lo be our home, Leacher and provlder: naLure. 1hls ro[ecL
choses Lhe sLory where chlldren and adulLs can learn Lo experlence wholeness agaln ln Lhelr
dally llfe.

1here ls boLh wonder and pracLlcallLy ln naLure Lo learn from: from seed Lo soll Lo culLlvaLlon Lo
harvesL, Lo nourlshmenL and wasLe reuse, connecLlng Lhe whole cycle raLher Lhan sLaylng wlLh
Lhe broken parLs of Lhe food lndusLry. 1hls ls reflecLed ln Lhe naLural food growlng cycles, ln Lhe
collecLlon of wasLe for composL and blogas and ln waLer. ln Lhese cycles lles Lhe sacredness of
llfe LhaL we are all parL of. 1he sacredness noL only comes from Lhe acLlons LhaL we Lake parL ln
as parL of naLure buL also from how we approach Per wlLh respecL and connecLedness, Lhrough
celebraLlon and aLLendlng Lo her cycles

As Lold ln LllzabeL SahLourls' LarLhdance", naLure flnds ways Lo adapL and flnd new balance
and reslllence, when Loxlc wasLe ls generaLed, from many fallures-of organlsms dylng, new
adapLaLlons Lake place for new balance. Such can be lnvaluable llfe learnlng polnLs for sLudenLs.

1hls ro[ecL promoLes: rec|proc|ty and mutua| growth, ||sten|ng to Nature, |nterdependence
and |nterconnectedness, respect and beauty.

We see Lhem as lnLrlnslc quallLles of Lhe klnd of humans LhaL we wlll need ln order Lo resLore
Lhe balance on Lhls planeL. 1hls ro[ecL Lrles Lo brlng long Lerm change ln our socleLles Lhrough
chlldren and Lhelr envlronmenL, movlng from a wheel of domlnaLlon, compeLlLlveness,
separaLlon and desLrucLlon Lo a wheel of collaboraLlon, respecL and harmonlous growLh for Lhe
beneflL of all.

We are aware LhaL lf Lhls change ls noL pursued soon, we wlll all face long-Lerm food lnsecurlLy,
envlronmenLal degradaLlon, lack of naLural resources, lll healLh, lncreased dlsasLers. More
profoundly, we wlll experlence a lack of ldenLlLy as a human race, forgeLLlng our essenLlal
lnLerconnecLlon wlLh naLure, lLs beauLy and abundance. WhaL Lhe world desperaLely needs
Loday ls Lo respecL and carefully nurLure Lhe naLural resources LhaL are sLlll on Lhe planeL,
sLarLlng from Lhe soll, closlng cycles agaln and worklng for regeneraLlon lnsLead of degradaLlon.

1hrough chlldhood, chlldren remaln somehow connecLed Lo a sense of wonder, drlven by a
unlque and almosL sclenLlflc curloslLy Lowards llfe and naLure. We [usL need Lo flnd Lhe besL
ways Lo Lap lnLo Lhls sense of wonder and nurLure lL so LhaL, as Lhey grow, Lhey don'L only

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

malnLaln lL buL Lhey also Lransform lL lnLo Lhe necessary knowledge, skllls and deLermlnaLlon Lo
flnd soluLlons Lo resLore naLure's and human's balance. Conslderlng LhaL mosL chlldren spend
mosL of Lhelr Llme aL school, schools become an obvlous sLarLlng polnL Lo brlng Lhls change.

3 Maklng lL happen- PollsLlc school klLchen
gardens deslgn guldellnes

1hls ro[ecL offers a seL of guldellnes Lo all Lhose schools and parenLs LhaL wanL Lo work
Lowards brlnglng Lhe change menLloned above. We suggesL sLarLlng small, accordlng Lo
resources avallable. CreaLlng Lhe School klLchen Carden and lmplemenLlng some ermaculLure
deslgn prlnclples doesn'L have Lo be an amblLlous Lask, however Lhe changes Lhls wlll brlng are

ln order Lo make Lhe guldellnes useful for schools ln dlfferenL conLexLs we have chosen Lwo
schools: ln Lhe MedlLerranean lsland of Mallorca, Spaln and Lhe lrench School ln kuala Lumpur,
Malaysla. 8oLh schools presenL very dlfferenL characLerlsLlcs: one ls parLlally publlc, Lhe oLher ls
prlvaLe, Lhey are affecLed by dlfferenL cllmaLes and culLures and have access Lo dlfferenL levels
of resources. Powever, ln boLh cases, esLabllshlng Lhe School klLchen Cardens followlng a
hollsLlc approach wlll brlng lmmeasurable poLenLlal for change aL all levels: personal, soclal,
ecologlcal, economlc and of worldvlew.

1he ro[ecL Leam applled each guldellne Lo Lhe pro[ecL developmenL process lLself and dlrecLly
Lo Lhe Lwo schools ln focus. Lach guldellne Lherefore conLalns real llfe examples and analysls of
Lhe Lwo schools-Lo make lL more easlly appllcable should you wlsh Lo sLarL your own hollsLlc
School klLchen Carden.

1here are elghL baslc deslgn guldellnes Lo geL sLarLed:

3.1 SL1 u 1PL vlSlCn, MlSSlCn & C8!LC1lvLS Cl 1PL kl1CPLn CA8uLn

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

1he vlslon and mlsslon wlll be your compass LhroughouL Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe pro[ecL and
your reference polnL Lo evaluaLe where you are golng.

WlLhouL a clear and common vlslon endorsed by all sLakeholders Lhe mlsslon of seLLlng up a
hollsLlc klLchen garden aL Lhe school mlghL be weakened or fall down Lhe road. Accordlng Lo
ulana L. ChrlsLlan (2003, cteotloq o llfe 1oqetbet. ltoctlcol 1ools to Ctow covllloqes ooJ
loteotloool commooltles, new SocleLy ubllshers), Lhe group common vlslon:
- uescrlbes Lhe shared fuLure you wanL Lo creaLe
- 8eveals and announces your group's core values
- Lxpresses someLhlng each of you can ldenLlfy wlLh
- Pelps unlfy your efforL
- Clves you a reference polnL Lo reLurn Lo durlng confuslon or dlsagreemenL
- keeps your group lnsplred
- uraws ouL Lhe commlLmenL of Lhe people ln your group

vlslon ls Lhe shared fuLure you wanL Lo creaLe, your shared lmage of whaL's posslble. lL ls ofLen
expressed as Lhe who", Lhe whaL" and Lhe why" of your endeavour. ldeally lL's descrlbed ln
Lhe presenL Lense, as lf lL were happenlng now. Mlsslon or urpose expresses Lhe vlslon ln
concreLe, physlcal Lerms. lL's whaL you wlll be physlcally dolng as well as experlenclng as you
manlfesL your shared lmage of whaL's posslble. Coals and Cb[ecLlves are mllesLones you
commlL yourselves Lo accompllsh ln Lhe shorL or medlum Lerm. 1hey are measurable, you know
when you have accompllshed Lhem.

(Source: Cala LducaLlon Soclal ulmenslon PandouL page 9)

1hls Leam [olnLly ldenLlfled Lhe followlng vlslon, mlsslon and ob[ecLlves ln relaLlon Lo Lhls

Group's V|s|on: "ubllc and prlvaLe schools across Lhe world become an expanslve space
where chlldren, famllles and Leachers en[oy a deeper connecLlon wlLh Cala and galn Lhe
Lools Lo co-creaLe a susLalnable world".
Summar|sed v|s|on statement: "Schools worldwlde become Cala's expanslve and lovlng
Group's m|ss|on: Lo promoLe and supporL Lhe creaLlon of School klLchen Cardens LhaL bulld
solldarlLy, susLalnablllLy pracLlces and love for Lhe LarLh/Cala by developlng a seL of ueslgn
rlnclples based on Lhe four ecovlllage deslgn educaLlon plllars.
i. 1o ldenLlfy wlLhln each of Lhe four ecovlllage deslgn educaLlon plllars whlch are Lhe Lwo or
Lhree mosL relevanL aspecLs for Lhe deslgn of hollsLlc School klLchen Cardens,
ii. 1o develop deslgn prlnclples based on permaculLure and adapLed Lo Lhe Lroplcal conLexL ln
SouLh LasL Asla and Lhe MedlLerranean,

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

iii. 1o map exlsLlng School klLchen Cardens neLworks and lnlLlaLlves ln Lhe norLh and SouLh and
deslgn a creaLlve way Lo bulld lnLerconnecLlons.

3.2 uLllnL MLM8L8SPl Cl 1PL 8C!LC1: PCW WlLL ?Cu CL1 C8CAnlZLu &

3.2.1 Create a membersh|p protoco|

1he membershlp proLocol ls geared Lowards ensurlng meanlngful parLlclpaLlon of members
ln Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe ro[ecL sLudy as well as lLs purpose.

8ased on our experlence durlng Lhe developmenL process of Lhls ro[ecL, Lhe group
ldenLlfled Lhe followlng baslc LeneLs of our membershlp proLocol:

Lnsure lnLeresL Lo ensure parLlclpaLlon
!olnLly declde on lmporLanL lssues, work sharlng and Llmeframe
8especL work allocaLlon and Llme frame once agreed
8e open Lo feedback and Lo conslder alLernaLlves
verballse Lhe Lhlnklng process and assumpLlons
SLrlve for clear communlcaLlon and rapld response Llme
Ask for help when sLuck
Share personal or work lssues LhaL may affecL fulflllmenL of your commlLmenL so
LhaL remedlal acLlons can be agreed and lnlLlaLed

lor a School klLchen Carden group membershlp proLocol, Lhe ldea ls Lo reach as many
chlldren as posslble, so LhaL all chlldren are parLlclpaLlng almosL by defaulL.

1he access could be sLrucLured ln Lwo ways:
- wlLhln Lhe currlculum (blology, geography, Lechnology and even LaLln wlLh all Lhe
boLanlcal names), or
- Lhrough exLra-currlcular acLlvlLles, whlch may be open Lo oLher LargeL groups such
as parenLs, local communlLy, oLher schools eLc.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

A pro[ecL sLeerlng group ls recommended Lo provlde some guldellnes for acLlvlLles
wlLhln Lhe garden, harvesL and updaLe a posslble rosLer of acLlvlLles Lo be done and maLch
Lhem wlLh groups of gardeners.

3.2.2 Lstab||sh a dec|s|on-mak|ng procedure that |s c|ear to a||
A declslon-maklng procedure can be creaLed followlng quesLlons such as:
Are all declslons equal ln lmporLance, scope?
Who should declde whaL declslons?
WhaL declslon-maklng meLhod musL be used for each Lype of declslon?
Pow ofLen do we wanL Lo gaLher Lo make declslons?
lor how long?
WhaL are our baslc agreemenLs for meeLlngs?
Pow wlll we ensure LhaL our declslon-maklng process ls Lruly parLlclpaLory,
lncluslve and falr?
Pow wlll we solve confllcLs arlslng ln declslon-maklng?
Pow wlll we communlcaLe Lhe declslons Lo Lhe group?

lmporLanL declslons on Lhe dlrecLlon, ulLlmaLe lnLenL, and sLrucLure of Lhe ro[ecL should be
Laken by deep dlscusslon Lo clarlfy lssues and challenge assumpLlons. 1hls wlll allow for
lnformed declslons Lo be Laken by consensus.
Cnce Lhe vlslon, mlsslon, ob[ecLlves and sLrucLure of Lhe ro[ecL have been agreed, Lhe sharlng
of workload ls [olnLly declded by Lrylng Lo balance Lhe lnLeresLs and skllls of Lhe members, whlle
Lrylng Lo ensure an equlLable way of resolvlng lssues LhaL may arlse. 1hls ls done by deep
llsLenlng and uslng non-vlolenL communlcaLlon Lechnlques, ensurlng LhaL Lhere ls no
mlsundersLandlng abouL Lhe role of each member and Lhelr expecLed conLrlbuLlon.
Some Llps LhaL have worked for Lhls group:
-1o ensure effecLlve dlscusslons ln Lhe meeLlngs, an agenda should be clrculaLed and
agreed (e.g. by emall, verbally Lo sLudenLs, Lhrough prlnLouLs) prlor Lo Lhe scheduled meeLlng.
-1o Lry and guaranLee clarlLy on declslons, verbal declslons are Lhen wrlLLen down and
publlshed ln spaces accesslble Lo all. Lack of response wlLhln 7 days ls Laken as assenL Lo allow
Lhe group Lo move forward.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

3.2.3 revent|on and management of conf||cts
ConfllcL lf and when lL arlses, may be addressed by flrsL reconnecLlng Lo Lhe common ground of
mlsslon, vlslon and ob[ecLlves and LargeL group (e.g. chlldren). 1hls wlll help re-esLabllsh Lhe
connecLlon Lo Lhe purpose of Lhe ro[ecL.
lL ls lmporLanL Lo clarlfy Lhe source of Lhe confllcL and why lL arose. 1he group wlll beneflL from
undersLandlng whlch needs were noL addressed or whlch ground rules are percelved as noL
belng respecLed. 1he focus should be on learnlng from Lhe confllcL, explorlng ways Lo prevenL lL
ln Lhe fuLure and re-esLabllshlng common ground Lo flnd a way forward.
3.2.4 ersona| empowerment and |eadersh|p sk|||s

Clven Lhe dlverslLy of Lhe membershlp ln Lhe ro[ecL Leam LhaL Lhe school wlll creaLe (whlch wlll
lnclude chlldren of dlfferenL ages, parenLs, Leachers, volunLeers and oLhers) lL ls essenLlal Lo
flnd ways Lo address Lhe power dynamlcs wlLhln Lhe group and Lo ensure every member has an
equal volce Lo convey Lhelr lnner wlsdom.

- |an to f|nd a|| the requ|red team members
LsLabllsh a vlslon of who would be Lhe ldeal members, map your conLacLs, lncludlng
oLher exlsLlng School klLchen Carden lnlLlaLlves.

- I|nd dynam|c ways for |eadersh|p to be d|str|buted
1hls should be declded [olnLly by Lhe full group.

As an example, some of Lhe ways leadershlp can be dlsLrlbuLed could be:

CpLlon 1 (more LradlLlonal): dlsLrlbuLe leadershlp Lhrough dlvlslon of Lasks. Lach member leads
Lhe group ln hls/her speclflc Lask and one of Lhe members connecLs all Lasks/pays aLLenLlon Lo
all Lhe lnLerconnecLlons (Lhls role would be dlsLrlbuLed Lhrough roLaLlon).
CpLlon 2 (more revoluLlonary and fun): vlslL Lo a naLural ecosysLem, observlng leadershlp
dynamlcs ln lL. Lach member would connecL Lo one speclflc componenL of Lhe ecosysLem and
observe how Lhls componenL (e.g a Lree, mycellum, Lhe waLer eLc) manlfesLs leadershlp ln LhaL
parLlcular ecosysLem (how and when ls Laklng a leadershlp role and why LhaL ls necessary for
Lhe ecosysLem). 1he group would share Lhe wlsdom acqulred Lhrough LhaL connecLlon and
deflne, lnsplred by LhaL, Lhelr own way of dlsLrlbuLlng leadershlp.
WhaL are some of your own ways Lo dlsLrlbuLe leadershlp?

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

3.2.S Suggested procedure to ensure a|| group members are empowered to
serve the purpose of the group
SLarL each meeLlng wlLh a connecLlng exerclse: medlLaLlon clrcle, song, Lapplng lnLo
naLure or a speaklng clrcle (where members feel free Lo express Lhelr

ln all communlcaLlons of Lhe group:
a) Lncourage loLs of lndlvldual freedom and personal dlscoverles wlLhln Lhe
framework of Lhe common vlslon,

b) 8ecognlse LhaL every slngle person ln Lhe group ls a glfL and has Lhe ablllLy Lo
Lap lnLo hlgher wlsdom lnsplred by Cala.

- Lnsure LhaL whoever Lakes Lhe leadershlp Lurn lnLegraLe all Lhe aspecLs of Lhe hollsLlc
leadershlp Lrlangle
(Coals - rocess - 8elaLlonshlps)

- lnLegraLe bondlng acLlvlLles (arL, creaLlvlLy, celebraLlon) frequenLly.

3.2.6 now you are go|ng to get organ|zed?

Lach school can choose Lhe besL way Lo organlse ln order Lo ensure Lhe success of Lhe klLchen
garden pro[ecL ln Lhelr own conLexL.

We are sharlng here Lhe recommendaLlons glven by Lhe Lco-schools program, whlch we found
very useful:

Sett|ng up a comm|ttee: 1he commlLLee dlrecLs Lhe operaLlons of a school's programme.
WhaLever form lL Lakes, lL musL fulflll Lhe purposes llsLed below and be sLudenL led by:,
ensurlng LhaL Lhe enLlre school knows abouL Lco-Schools and wlll recelve regular
developlng, lmplemenLlng, monlLorlng and evaluaLlng Lhe school's envlronmenLal pollcy
LhaL addresses Lhe envlronmenLal concerns of Lhe school communlLy
ensurlng LhaL all members of Lhe school communlLy (especlally puplls) are represenLed
ln Lhe declslon-maklng process
provldlng a llnk beLween puplls, Leachers, senlor managemenL and Lhe enLlre school
communlLy and, ldeally, Lhe Local CommunlLy, lnLegraLlng Lhe programme wlLhln Lhe
School uevelopmenL lan and local ecologlcal agendas.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

1here ls noL one parLlcular way Lo seL up Lhe commlLLee. lL mlghL grow from a group LhaL ls
already acLlve ln Lhe school or be seL up from scraLch Lhrough nomlnaLlons from Lhe head of
school or Lhe puplls. lL ls cruclal LhaL puplls are represenLed ln Lhe commlLLee and ldeally
selecLed from Lhelr peers afLer Lhe prospecLlve candldaLes explaln why Lhey are volunLeerlng Lo
be on Lhe commlLLee (Lhls could be done durlng a school assembly). 1hese puplls should be
chosen (or ldeally, elecLed) so LhaL Lhey represenL Lhe whole school.
An ldeal CommlLLee wlll also represenL Lhe vlews of Lhe wlder, local communlLy as well as Lhe
whole school. Members could lnclude:

- puplls from every year - lL ls essenLlal LhaL puplls have a hlgh represenLaLlon on Lhe
- a member of Lhe school board
- oLher Leachers
- a parenL or guardlan
- non-Leachlng sLaff, e.g. Lhe [anlLor, faclllLles manager, buslness manager, caLerlng
supervlsor, or healLh educaLor
- a represenLaLlve from Lhe local communlLy
- a represenLaLlve from a local envlronmenLal organlsaLlon

Pow ofLen Lhe commlLLee meeLs ls declded by Lhe school, however some schools have found
LhaL Lhey need Lo meeL more regularly ln Lhe beglnnlng, unLll Lhe programme becomes
CommlLLees should keep records of Lhelr declslons ln Lhe form of mlnuLes. 1hese should be
shared aL school managemenL meeLlngs, wlLh all classes/year groups and dlsplayed on a noLlce
board. key lssues should be ralsed aL school assemblles and wlLh Lhe wlder communlLy when
posslble. Wherever posslble, lL ls recommended LhaL puplls carry ouL Lhe mlnuLlng process and
Lhe subsequenL dlssemlnaLlon of lnformaLlon.

1he sense of democracy lnvolved, and Lhe moLlvaLlon ln resolvlng lnlLlaLlves broughL forLh by
Lhe sLudenLs Lhemselves are producLs of Lhls process.

lf your school ls an lnfanL school/nursery, you may declde LhaL formal meeLlngs are noL
pracLlcal wlLh such young chlldren. ?ou can sLlll, however, have CommlLLee members who
dlscuss lssues, make declslons and updaLe oLhers regardlng parLlcular pro[ecLs. SulLable
avenues for dlssemlnaLlng such lnformaLlon could be vla clrcle Llme or Lhrough pracLlcal

lL ls also recommended LhaL you Lhlnk of ways ln whlch Lo ensure Lhe conLlnulLy of CommlLLee
plans and knowledge from one school sesslon Lo Lhe nexL. upll members could, for example,
serve a 1.3 year Lerm wlLh an overlapplng 'handover' phase Lo make sure LhaL new CommlLLee

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

members are noL 'sLarLlng from scraLch'. ConLlnulLy plannlng ls also essenLlal Lo ensure LhaL a
school's eco work survlves lf a key member of sLaff leaves Lhe school.

3.3 uLvLLC A SWC1 AnAL?SlS lC8 1PL 8C!LC1

8efore sLarLlng any lmplemenLaLlon, lL ls lmporLanL Lo analyse Lhe sLrengLhs, Lhe weaknesses,
opporLunlLles and LhreaLs/challenges of Lhe ro[ecL so LhaL you can address Lhem ln advance.
1he model grld whlch you may flnd sulLable Lo apply ls Lhls:

uslng LhaL module, Lhe SWC1 analysls we applled Lo Lhe lrench School ln kuala Lumpur and Lhe
Spanlsh School ln Mallorca looks llke Lhls:

-1he opporLunlLles for connecLlng
chlldren Lo Lhe cycles of naLure,
experlenLlal learnlng ln
lnLerconnecLedness are Lremendous.

-Crowlng Lhelr own food glves greaLer
percelved value Lo Lhe food Lhey eaL.
-Crowlng food can have some
challenges ln Lerms of growlng enough
food for supplylng Lo Lhe canLeen.

-8equlres gardenlng knowledge and
permaculLure experLlse for long Lerm
susLalnablllLy ln organlc food growlng,

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

-Learnlng opporLunlLles are presenL for
oLher areas ln Lerms of waLer
purlflcaLlon LreaLmenL of effluence and
blogas LreaLmenL also glves chlldren
Langlble experlence of Lhe poLenLlal for
humans Lo poslLlvely and negaLlvely
lmpacL Lhe envlronmenL.

whlch can be prone Lo pesLs, lnclemenL
weaLher eLc.

-lood gardens also requlre ongolng
malnLenance and care, whlch need Lo
be addressed durlng Llmes such as
holldays and long breaks.

-A posslble weakness may also be LhaL
food gardens are noL convenLlonally
aesLheLlcally pleaslng. lans many need
Lo be made ln Lhe school exLenslon
deslgn for placemenL of a less aesLheLlc
buL pracLlcal garden.
CC81unl1lLS 1P8LA1S

-1he School CommlLLee seems Lo have
some supporL for green lnlLlaLlves. And
Lhe School klLchen Carden pro[ecL,
whlch ls Lo be rolled ouL ln con[uncLlon
wlLh Lhe School exLenslon already has a
deslgn brlef whlch has a sLrong
envlronmenLal senslblllLy.

-klLchen garden pro[ecL wlll have some
sLrong sLrucLures as Lhere are plans Lo
be parL of Lhe Lco Schools neLwork.

-1here ls a growlng ecologlcal
movemenL ln Mallorca, wlLh a sLrong
emphasls on food and seed savlngs. 1hls
brlngs momenLum and poLenLlal
supporL for school food gardens
lnlLlaLlves based on permaculLure.

-osslble LhreaL Lo Lhe School klLchen
Carden wlll be Lhe lack of buy ln from
Leachers ln Lhe adopLlon of Lhe program
ln Lhe currlculum, whlch can scupper
Lhe exlsLence and Lhe long-runnlng
susLalnablllLy of Lhe programme.

-1he scale and slze of Lhe klLchen
garden pro[ecL wlll also be deLermlned
by percepLlon of school's declslon
makers of Lhe lmporLance of Lhe School
klLchen Carden ln Lhe sLudenLs
learnlng, and how far Lhey are wllllng Lo
lncorporaLe Lhe pro[ecLs needs ln Lhe
deslgn and consLrucLlon of Lhe school

-A posslble assoclaLlon of Lhe food
garden Lo a space for 'lelsure' or
playground, dlsconnecLlng lL from Lhe
school ob[ecLlves and dlmlnlshlng Lhe
educaLlonal value LhaL Lhls lnlLlaLlve
would brlng Lo Lhe school.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

-osslble legal llmlLaLlons Lo grow and
consume food ln Lhe school or develop
oLher relevanL pracLlces (e.g.
producLlon of composL eLc)

lL ls lmporLanL Lo ldenLlfy Lhe sLrengLhs and opporLunlLles of Lhe pro[ecL Lo sLrengLhen lL, aL Lhe
same Llme proacLlvely address Lhe weaknesses and LhreaLs so LhaL Lhey don'L become a real
llmlLaLlon ln Lhe fuLure.

lor lnsLance, one of Lhe LhreaLs we ldenLlfled relaLes Lo posslble legal llmlLaLlons LhaL you mlghL
flnd ln your conLexL. 1herefore, ln Lhe Annex we have lncluded a llsL of regulaLlons and llnks
LhaL we have found ln boLh conLexLs, Malaysla and Mallorca. Lven when regulaLlons mlghL
sound llmlLlng, Lhere may be space for flexlble lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe LexL or for even changlng
Lhem Lhrough some advocacy or campalgns, [olnlng efforLs wlLh oLhers!

3.4 LxLC8L LllLC1lvL WA?S 1C 8LC8ul1 MLM8L8S Anu LxAnu 8C!LC1

3.4.1 1he |mportance of ensur|ng students' mot|vat|on and fu|f|||ment:
1he success of Lhe school klLchen program depends on sLudenLs experlenclng meanlngfulness ln
Lhe acLlvlLles of Lhe School klLchen Carden.
1he goal ls Lo make parLlclpaLlon aLLracLlve enough for chlldren and Leens Lo [oln and for
parenLs Lo supporL Lhls acLlvlLy.
1he documenL, ln lramlng envlronmenLal communlcaLlon and youLh by Luropean
LnvlronmenLal CommunlcaLlon neLworks newsflash, no. 79, lebruary 2010
(ec.europa.eu/env|ronment/neLworks/doc/newsflash/newsflash79.pdf)", found:
?oung people are key ln geLLlng env|ronmenta| messages Lhrough Lo socleLy aL large. Ch||dren
have a role aL Lwo levels: Lhey can acL as effecLlve lnLermedlarles, LransmlLLlng env|ronmenta|
messages Lo Lhelr famllles, and Lhey represenL Lhe adulLs - clLlzens, consumers, workers - of
Lomorrow. 1hese Lwo levers and Lhelr slgnlflcance explaln Lhe body of research and numerous
acLlons conducLed on env|ronmenta| educaLlon."

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

lf we analyse Lhe School klLchen Cardens pro[ecL, Lhrough Lhe SMA81 CrlLerla pro[ecL
managemenL Lool, Lhe beneflLs of School klLchen Cardens are measurable, moLlvaLlonal and
meanlngful (M) ln Lerms of educaLlon and developmenL of envlronmenLal consclousness and
acLlon. ALLalnable (A), Lhe chlldren are already enLhuslasLlc recyclers as a resulL of Lhe schools
recycllng programme, so Lhey already demonsLraLe an lnLeresL ln poslLlve envlronmenLal acLlon.
And Llme orlenLed (1), as lL wlll be Lled Lo Lhe school year and Lhe monLhly producLlon of food
Lhe canLeen.

A qulck run Lhrough SMA81 crlLerla wlll sure LhaL your pro[ecL remalns spec|f|c, measurab|e,
atta|nab|e, re|evant and t|me-bound.
lor some ldeas on how Lo ensure your pro[ecLs meeL MA81 crlLerla, you can look aL :
hLLp://www.csupomona.edu/~smemerson/buslness318/arLlcles101/chlldrens gardens.pdf

3.4.2 Interna| and externa| market|ng of the garden- 1he "se|||ng of
env|ronmenta||sm" and env|ronmenta| engagement w|th a |arger

AnoLher goal ls LhaL Lhe sLudenLs Lhemselves and Lhelr acLlvlLles spread Lhe meme of poslLlve
envlronmenLal acLlon and educaLlon Lo Lhe larger communlLy. AlLhough Lhls ls never expllclLly
arLlculaLed Lo Lhe sLudenLs, and Lhey are ln no way pressurlzed, Lhe sLudenLs have Lhe poLenLlal
Lo be powerful lnfluencers, wlLh Lhelr poslLlve envlronmenLal acLlons and moLlvaLlons,
especlally of parenLs.

1hls has already been demonsLraLed ln Lhe lrench school ln Malaysla, where a recycllng
program was successfully lmplemenLed. arenLs were noL necessarlly acLlve recyclers. 8uL
when Lhe school sLarLed a recycllng programs, Lhe sLudenLs began Lo acLlvely recycle brlnglng
recyclables Lo Lhe school, lnfluenclng non-recycllng famllles lnLo a new poslLlve hablL. 1hls ls
already havlng an effecL on Lhe school canLeen managemenL Loo, whlch ls a large scale
commerclal caLerlng operaLlon. 1he plans for Lhe school seLLlng up a klLchen garden and
parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe eco schools pro[ecL ls drlvlng Lhe lnfrasLrucLure for blomass recycllng. 1he
school canLeen wlll be parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe recycllng of food wasLe whlch ln conLrlbuLlon Lo Lhe
larger envlronmenLal message across Lhe school and lnfluenclng Lhls commerclal concern. 1hls
aspecL of Lhe pro[ecL wlll fulflll SMA81 ln mlnor Lerms for 'S' for slgnlflcance & SLreLchlng, 'M'
for meanlng, Lhe sLudenLs become carrlers for meanlngfulness ln Lerms of real llfe

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

envlronmenLal meanlng, even Lo Lhelr parenLs. 1here ls posslblllLy of 8elevance Loo (8),
8elevance may be drawn beLween Lhe acLlon and lmpacL on Lhe envlronmenL. lor lnsLance,
waLer ls recycled Lo nourlsh Lhe garden.

1o make membershlp recrulLmenL and reLenLlon more aLLracLlve, some perLlnenL poLenLlal
challenges need Lo be addressed

3.4.3 kea| versus 1oken ch||d]youth part|c|pat|on

ln a reveallng book en LlLled cbllJteo lottlclpotloo. 1beoty' ooJ ltoctlce of lovolvloq
oooq cltlzeos lo commoolty' uevelopmeot ooJ ovltoomeotol cote (LarLhscan . 1997).
1he auLhor, 8oger ParL, offers suggesLlons for lnvolvlng chlldren ln communlLy-based
pro[ecLs. A crlLlcal polnL he makes ls Lo avold efforLs LhaL "decoraLe" or "Lokenlze "
chlldren's connecLlon Lo Lhe pro[ecL. slnce Lhls does noL represenL Lrue parLlclpaLlon.

An example of decoraLlon ls when chlldren wear 1-shlrLs promoLlng a garden program
LhaL Lhey nelLher planned, nor deslgned, nor lmplemenLed. 1oken lnvolvemenL ls very
common and agaln, ls noL Lrue parLlclpaLlon. An example of Lhls mlghL be a school ln
whlch chlldren are lnvolved ln a conLesL Lo name Lhe garden, buL do noL have any
lnpuL ln lLs plannlng deslgn, or lmplemenLaLlon. ln ParL 's elghL-sLep ladder of
parLlclpaLlon, he polnLs Lhe way Lo pro[ecLs wlLh lncreaslng degrees of lnlLlaLlon by
chlldren. 8anglng from "asslgned by adulLs buL lnformed." all Lhe way Lo "chlld-
lnlLlaLed pro[ecLs ln whlch chlldren share declslons wlLh adulLs. "

ln Lhls pro[ecL's search for besL pracLlces from successful school lood gardens. 1hese
polnLs of empowermenL and exploraLlon of ldeas ln Lhe suggesLed book by ParL was
hlghly recommended ln Sowlng Lhe Seeds of Success: Pow Lo sLarL and susLaln a kld's
Cardenlng ro[ecL ln ?our CommunlLy" by Marcla Lames-Sheavly and Lhe naLlonal
Cardenlng AssoclaLlon (uS) .

nart's |adder of Ch||d]outh art|c|pat|on

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

lmoqe tokeo ftom bttp.//www.sbopeopeotope.oet/flles/meJlo/meJlo152.pJf

under ParL's Model, chlldren and youLh are supporLed accordlng Lo Lhelr ablllLy Lo
parLlclpaLe Llll Lhey are able Lo parLlclpaLe and Lhe level 8 rung of Lhe ladder.

3.4.4 Mov|ng Students from d|g|ta| ||v|ng to eco-||v|ng
ln Lhls lncreaslngly dlglLal age, belng ln an urban seLLlng and away from naLure can
leave sLudenLs less enLhuslasLlc abouL naLure and gardenlng. Cne way Lo brldge Lhls
gap ls harness Lhelr lnLeresL ln dlglLal Lechnology and communlcaLlon for Lhe good of
Lhe garden.

ulglLal 1echnology can be used for garden malnLenance and Lracklng of growLh,
educaLlon and generaLlng publlclLy for Lhe school ls sLudenLs keep supporL local
communlLy bulldlng wlLh Lhe garden Lhrough soclal neLworklng eLc.

Some ldeas ln Lhls area would lnclude phone appllcaLlons such as lanLlsslmo Lo
supporL lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe schools gardenlng calendar for planLlng, ferLlllslng and
harvesLlng eLc.

AlLhough lL may be more deslrable for sLudenLs Lo be more aLLuned Lo naLure's cycles,
Lhls may be a brldge as Lhelr lnLeresL ls bullL ln connecLlng Lo Lhe cycles of naLure.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

lanLlsslmo lssues auLomaLed remlnder for planLs care aL varlous llfe sLages. lL also
supporLs Lo-do llsLs and funcLlons Lo Lrack garden relaLed Lasks and expenses.

AnoLher Lwo ldeas from gardenabcs.com lnclude

- 1|me-Lapse V|deo - Whlle sLudenLs are away on long vacaLlon holldays, Lhelr learnlng and
lnLeresL can sLlll be malnLalned Lhrough Llme lapse phoLography. 1hey planL produce ln sprlng
and reLurn ln laLe summer Lo see lL fully maLure, llke 'maglc.'

Cne year, Carden A8Cs creaLed a Llme-lapse vldeo of Lhe garden -- so reLurnlng sLudenLs could
see lL grow. 1hey love lL! noL only ls lL a greaL Leachlng Lool, buL lL's someLhlng we hope Lo geL
sLudenLs more lnvolved ln dlrecLlng nexL season."

-lmovle -Cne of Lhe Leachers brlngs sLudenLs Lo Lhe garden Lo dlglLally documenL lLs growLh
and Lhe dlfferenL klnds of frulLs and veggles growlng. 1hey make Lhls lnLo an lmovle Lo share
wlLh oLher classes. lL's a fun pro[ecL LhaL Lakes on a dlfferenL angle every year. lL's also a fun
way Lo ease lnLo Lhe new school year, geL Lo know classmaLes and en[oy some Llme ouLslde
durlng Lhe nlce weaLher."

Such dlglLal vldeo pro[ecLs can have mulLlple purposes, and can be used for fund ralslng, whlch
wlll be furLher elaboraLed ln Lhe secLlon on malnLalnlng Lhe economlc susLalnablllLy of Lhe

lf Lhe School klLchen Cardenlng club ls smaller lnlLlally, cross-currlcular collaboraLlons may be a
greaL way Lo bulld communlLy across Lhe school and a subLle way Lo geL oLhers ln Lhe school
lndlrecLly lnvolved ln belng envlronmenLal messengers. Members of Lhe vldeo, lnformaLlon
Lechnology or phoLography clubs can also be engaged wlLh ln Lhese pro[ecLs.

3.3 lMLLMLn1 LCCLCClCAL uLSlCn 1C LnSu8L 8C!LC1 SuS1AlnA8lLl1? Anu

1he School klLchen Carden musL boLh be ecologlcally sound and enhance lLs envlronmenL. 8uL
lL ls prlmarlly a Lool Lo Leach susLalnablllLy ln a pracLlcal, fun way where sLudenLs learn by dolng
and Lhe lessons become embedded aL several levels wlLhln Lhe puplls.

ln Lhls secLlon we explore several aspecLs of susLalnablllLy and how Lhey can be expressed ln Lhe
School klLchen Carden, glvlng examples of appllcaLlon aL boLh Lhe slLes.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

3.S.1 Assess for C||mate Change

CllmaLe change ls a key conslderaLlon for klLchen gardens as lL poLenLlally has very dlsrupLlve
effecLs on LemperaLure, preclplLaLlon volumes and reglmes, as well as weaLher paLLerns.

1here are Lwo maln aspecLs Lo Lhe guldellne
l) assess lmpacL and bulld reslllence, plannlng for aL leasL 30 years ln Lhe horlzon or Lhe planned
llfe for Lhe school,
ll) observe and record how Lhe klLchen garden conLrlbuLes Lo reduclng Lhe carbon fooLprlnL of
Lhe school

1hls process ls exempllfled below for boLh slLes: Assess lmpacLs & 8ulld 8eslllence
1he paLLern of deforesLaLlon for palm oll planLaLlon has conLlnued for decades resulLlng ln loss
of foresL cover and blodlverslLy, whlch ln Lurn lowers reslllence Lo cllmaLe change. ln kuala
Lumpur, Lhe caplLal, lnLense urbanlzaLlon due Lo populaLlon lncrease has led Lo a reducLlon of
agrlculLural, foresLed or green areas. 8oad LransporL coupled wlLh Lhe lnLenslve use of alr-
condlLlonlng has creaLed an urban heaL lsland whlch magnlfles Lhe effecL of cllmaLe change.
8esearch lndlcaLes an average lncrease of 1.3 C ln MonL klara area where Lhe school ls slLuaLed.
CurrenL assessmenL by Malaysla weaLher bureau llsL Lhe followlng expecLed cllmaLe change

Mean rlse ln LemperaLure of 1.3C average.
A decrease ln mean monLhly ralnfall over Selangor (kuala Lumpur ClLy ls surrounded by
Selangor rovlnce)
Plgher maxlmum and lower mlnlmum ralnfall are observed ln Lhe fuLure ln
many sub reglons
More exLreme hydrologlcal condlLlons may be expecLed

llres dellberaLely llL for foresL clearlng ln 8orneo and lndonesla resulL ln exLenslve haze
blankeLlng of kL durlng Lhe dry season, for up Lo Lhree monLhs. Alr-borne parLlcles decrease
avallable sunllghL and lncrease Lhe greenhouse effecLs.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

1he maln LhreaLs Lo Lhe pro[ecL come from changes ln ralnfall paLLern, longer dry spells (e.g.
droughL of 1998, 1.8 Mllllon lnhablLanLs affecLed ln klang valley) , and excesslve peak
LemperaLure. 1he lnLenslLy of ralnfall, already very hlgh also lncreases, whlch may resulL ln
Lopsoll belng washed away, so esLabllshlng good sources of mulch wlLhln Lhe pro[ecL ls
1he haze can render ouLslde acLlvlLles unsafe, especlally for chlldren, as lL lncreases Lhe
occurrence of resplraLory lllnesses.
1here are serlous expecLed feedback loops for cllmaLe change ln Malaysla, such as acldlflcaLlon
of waLers, coral bleachlng whlch reduce Lhe ablllLy of Lhe ecosysLem Lo furLher acL as a carbon
slnk. As LemperaLure lncreases Lhe remnanL foresL may become a neL emlLLer of CC
. loresL
flres ln 8orneo have lgnlLed Lhe underlylng peaL bog whlch smolders on below Lhe soll even
afLer Lhe flres have been exLlngulshed by monsoon ralns.
Lxcesslve LemperaLure can mlnlmlzed by uslng neL shadlng, and maklng provlslon for hydraullc
coollng as well as verLlcal sLack venLllaLlon (e.g. Mlddle easL wlnd Lowers) as dlfference ln
elevaLlon ls avallable.
8alnfall paLLern varlablllLy wlll be buffered by lrrlgaLlon uslng raln harvesLed waLer (see nexL
secLlon) uslng drlp feed sysLem Lo mlnlmlze mlnerallzaLlon of soll.
Mulch sources wlll prlmarlly be from leaf llLLer collecLed from cleanlng of school paLhways as
well as grass cllpplngs from Lhe sporLs fleld.
roLecLlon from wlnd musL be consldered, alLhough Malaysla ls noL wlLhln Lhe cyclonlc belL,
Lhere are early slgns of sLronger sLorm evenLs


Mallorca ls a relaLlvely small lsland, so Lhe need for susLalnable access Lo energy ls a prlorlLy.
8elng 'lsolaLed' from Lhe malnland, lLs access Lo fossll fuels, naLural gas plpes, and even fresh
waLer Lends Lo be cosLly and rlsky. CfLen, accesslng Lhose fuels wlll requlre LransporL vla Lhe sea.

Many of Lhese lslands, due Lo Lhelr beauLy, locaLlon and weaLher, Lend Lo be Lhe aLLracLlve Lo
mass LourlsLs, whlch mulLlplles energy consumpLlon aL peak Llmes. 1hese needs are so far meL
vla lncreased use of fossll fuels,. 1ogeLher wlLh Lhe lncrease ln amounL of wasLe, Lhe lsland ls aL
rlsk of damaglng lLs own naLural resources and evenLually collapslng.

lf noL managed well, many lslands ln Lhe MedlLerranean reglon, lncludlng Lhe Mallorca, wlll
soon flnd serlous energy and susLalnablllLy challenges.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

Some daLa on Lhe lsland of Mallorca:
Mean Solar lrradlance: 190W/m2 (hLLp://www.3Ller.com/en/supporL/resource-maps/ )
Annual average LemperaLure (C): 17.4
Average annual ralnfall ln Lhe lsland of Mallorca ls 430mm

CllmaLe change lmpllcaLlons ln Mallorca can be summarlzed ln: lncreased LemperaLures,
lncrease droughL and lncreased rlsks for local ecosysLems. 1he deslgn of School klLchen
Cardens on a slLe based ln Mallorca wlll have Lo bear ln mlnd Lhe lncreaslngly challenglng
cllmaLe characLerlsLlcs and mlLlgaLe as posslble lLs lmpacL.

1hls ls an excerpL from CllmaLe Change forecasLs ln Lhe MedlLerranean reglon, publlshed by
Creenpeace: hLLp://www.greenpeace.org/lnLernaLlonal/en/publlcaLlons/reporLs/cllmaLe-
change-and-Lhe-medlLer/?accepL=c3b49c61ab1dbe621214848b7479edb3: 1he MedlLerranean
reglon 3 ls parLlcularly vulnerable Lo cllmaLe change as over much of Lhe reglon, summer
ralnfall ls vlrLually zero. WaLer scarclLy ls endemlc and changes ln Lhe waLer balance would have
subsLanLlal lmpllcaLlons for, amongsL oLher Lhlngs, agrlculLure and waLer supplles. 1hls
vulnerablllLy ls compounded by Lhe ongolng deserLlflcaLlon of much of Lhe reglon, LogeLher wlLh
populaLlon growLh and poverLy ln, parLlcularly, Lhe souLhern 8asln.
Cver Lhe lasL flve years, a number of sLudles have assessed how cllmaLe change may affecL Lhe
MedlLerranean reglon. lrom Lhese, lL ls clear LhaL whlle many uncerLalnLles remaln, cllmaLe
change wlll have profound and far-reachlng lmpllcaLlons for Lhe 330 mllllon or so people who
llve ln Lhe MedlLerranean reglon Loday - and for generaLlons Lo come.
1he prospecLs for preclplLaLlon over Lhe MedlLerranean reglon ln a warmer world are hlghly
uncerLaln due Lo Lhe general weakness of CCMs ln predlcLlng reglonal preclplLaLlon. Models
offer confllcLlng evldence over how preclplLaLlon may change on average over Lhe
MedlLerranean reglon. 1wo ouL of Lhree equlllbrlum experlmenLs presenLed ln one sLudy
suggesL an overall lncrease ln preclplLaLlon across Lhe reglon (8osenzwleg and 1ublello, 1997).
Powever, recenL LranslenL model runs for Lhe 2020s suggesL an overall decrease of beLween 1.3
and 7.3 (8osenzwleg and 1ublello, 1997).
An lndlcaLlon of Lhe scale of posslble changes ls glven by one scenarlo based on Lhe ouLpuL from
four cllmaLe models. 1hls suggesLs LhaL LemperaLures could rlse by over 4C by 2100 over many
lnland areas and by over half of Lhls over Lhe MedlLerranean Sea. Cver Lhe same perlod, annual
preclplLaLlon ls pro[ecLed Lo decllne by 10 Lo 40 over much of Afrlca and souLheasLern Spaln,
wlLh smaller - buL poLenLlally slgnlflcanL - changes elsewhere.
Aerosol emlsslons may counLer some of Lhe effecLs of greenhouse gases ln some areas. 8uL, ln
Lhe long-Lerm prospecL remalns one of hoLLer, drler condlLlons LhroughouL Lhe MedlLerranean
reglon as Lhe relaLlve lnfluence of greenhouse gases lncreases over Llme. 1he raLe of
deserLlflcaLlon would lncrease due Lo lncreases ln eroslon, sallnlsaLlon and flre hazard and

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

reducLlons ln soll quallLy. As a resulL, Lhe process of deserLlflcaLlon ls llkely Lo become
lL ls llkely LhaL Lhe flrsL lmpacLs of cllmaLe change wlll be felL ln Lhe MedlLerranean waLer
resource sysLem. 8educLlons ln waLer avallablllLy would hlL souLhern MedlLerranean counLrles
Lhe hardesL. Lven relaLlvely well-endowed counLrles, such as Spaln, Creece and lLaly, could
suffer ever-more frequenL reglonal waLer shorLages due Lo Lhe Lwln problems of cllmaLe change
and rlslng demand.
?lelds of gralns and oLher crops could decrease subsLanLlally across Lhe MedlLerranean reglon
due Lo lncreased frequency of droughL. Whlle losses may be parLlally offseL by beneflclal effecLs
from carbon dloxlde, crop producLlon would be furLher LhreaLened by lncreases ln compeLlLlon
for waLer and Lhe prevalence of pesLs and dlseases and land losses Lhrough deserLlflcaLlon and
sea level rlse."

8ecause Lhe maln LhreaL ln a MedlLerranean reglon ls Lhe hlgh seasonallLy of waLer, waLer
reslllence musL be enhanced by boLh ralnwaLer harvesLlng, wlse use by drlp lrrlgaLlon ln cooler
parL of Lhe days as well as uslng adapLed planLs whlch requlre less waLer or a droughL LoleranL
especlally ln Lhe perennlal planLlngs.

Seasonal shadlng mlghL also be used on senslLlve planLs LogeLher wlLh mulchlng Lo reLaln
molsLure and proLecL from excesslve evaporaLlon.

CllmaLe change also lncreases exLremes and Lhere could be colder spells ln wlnLer, so
approprlaLe use of seasonal sun Lraps, dlsmounLable greenhouses and frosL proLecLlon could be
requlred on perennlals and frulL Lrees.

1o mlnlmlze fossll fuel use, use of v Lo power lrrlgaLlon pumps ls recommended.
3.S.2 Water

As alluded Lo ln Lhe cllmaLe change secLlon above, undersLandlng preclplLaLlon and seasonal
paLLerns are key Lo managlng a garden. 1o avold relylng on plped munlclpal waLer, a susLalnable
klLchen garden musL enhance collecLlon and recycllng of on-slLe waLer.

8efore esLabllshlng Lhe garden lL ls Lherefore essenLlal Lo plan for waLer supply and dlsLrlbuLlon.
WlLhln Lhe conLexL of a School klLchen Carden lL ls also lmporLanL Lo plan for school holldays
perlods-wheLher Lhrough manual operaLlon or Lhrough full auLomaLlon. lL ls besL Lo plan for
redundancy and have backup access Lo munlclpal supply, naLural sources (e.g. wells) or
secondary Lanks even lf Lhe bulk of waLer ls lnLended Lo be raln harvesLed.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

1he assessmenL of ralnfall paLLerns and quanLlLles and caLchmenL surfaces ls used for Lhe slzlng
of Lhe sysLem and Lhe plannlng of Lhe layouL and of any mechanlcal devlces requlred Lo move
Lhe waLer Lo lLs lnLended dlsLrlbuLlon polnL.

lL ls also lmporLanL Lo lnLegraLe Lhe waLer supply lssue hollsLlcally wlLh Lhe school so as Lo
develop as coherenL a scheme as posslble. lor lnsLance, exlsLlng waLer sLorage or roofs of Lhe
school can be easlly Lapped Lo enhance waLer securlLy.

Cur Lwo examples presenL opposlLe condlLlons ln relaLlon Lo waLer: one belng Lroplcal wlLh an
abundance ln preclplLaLlons, wlLh dry and ralny seasons, and Lhe oLher belng very dry ln
summer wlLh weLLer wlnLer, faclng, year on year, lower preclplLaLlon raLes. 1hese Lwo conLexLs
glve a good overvlew on how Lo explore dlfferenL cllmaLlc condlLlons and prlorlLles ln relaLlon Lo
waLer, even lf Lhe assessmenL process ls Lhe same.


8ecause Malaysla ls a Lroplcal counLry wlLh hlgh ralnfall (3000mm per year), Lhere ls currenLly
llLLle emphasls on ralnwaLer harvesLlng, excepL ln remoLe areas wlLh no malns connecLlon.
Powever ln recenL years, weaLher paLLerns have become less predlcLable, and Lhere have been
occaslonal waLer shorLages ln Lhe klang valley (kuala Lumpur waLershed). Also, slnce waLer
dlsLrlbuLlon has been prlvaLlzed, waLer prlces have lncreased.

1here ls currenLly no provlslon for ralnwaLer harvesLlng ln Lhe school. 1here are sLorm waLer
holdlng Lanks used Lo slow down waLer dlscharge ln Lhe dralns Lo mlnlmlze floodlng rlsk ln Lhe
valley below Lhe school.

As Lhe klLchen garden lnLegraLes lnLo Lhe overall school redevelopmenL scheme, Lhe currenL
ldea ls Lo use Lhe ralnwaLer as an ad[uncL Lo LreaLed grey waLer comlng from slnks and showers
for use as flush waLer for LolleLs and urlnals, lrrlgaLlon for Lhe klLchen garden as well as oLher
non-food planLlngs.

CondensaLlon waLer from alr-condlLlonlng unlLs wlll be collecLed and used as drlp feed for
marglnal planLlngs, and suspended gardens.

CLher opporLunlLles Lo explore are Lhe enhancemenL of coollng and provlslon of hoL waLer by
runnlng Lhe reused waLer as coollng medlum for Lhe alr condlLlonlng unlLs as well as Lhe use of
waLer as coollng agenL vla sprlnkler for evaporaLlon coollng, especlally durlng peak LemperaLure

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

osL consLrucLlon bulldlng populaLlon ls expecLed aL 1300 sLudenLs plus 200 sLaff, l.e. a load of
1700 person equlvalenL.

ln vlew of Lhe consLrlcLed slLe, exLenslve consLrucLed weLlands are noL consldered Lhe besL
opLlon, Lhe focus of Lhe deslgn wlll be on uslng llvlng machlnes as ploneered by !ohn 1odd. 8lo-
LreaLmenL wlll also be used as a Leachlng ald for blology and geography classes.

1he second opporLunlLy ls Lo redlrecL Lhe draln Lo Lhe gravlLy fed sLorm waLer Lank, prevlously
used Lo slow Lhe release of roof dralnage waLer, and modlfy lL as a prlmary seLLllng Lank for
draln waLer. 1hls wlll be used as lrrlgaLlon for Lhe wllderness area planned beLween Lhe old and
new bulldlng. 1o reduce 8Cu of Lhe sLorm waLer from Lhe old bulldlng, Lhe runoff wlll be fed ln
a consLrucLed free form cascadlng sLream uslng Lhe naLural decllvlLy, uslng aeraLlng paLLerns as
well as lnLermedlaLe reed beds along Lhe slde of Lhe bulldlng.

1hls ls ln keeplng Lhe deslgn of Lhe bulldlng around LradlLlonal leng Shul or vasLu sysLems by
havlng flow of waLer, llghL and alr as a key guldlng prlnclple ln Lhe deslgn. 1he klLchen garden
wlll follow Lhe same paLLern Lo lnLegraLe wlLhln Lhe whole.

1he Lhlrd opporLunlLy ln Lhe new bulldlng ls Lo have Lhe garden on Lhe roofLop lLself Lo do dlrecL
waLer harvesLlng ln Lhe klLchen garden area, runoff from green roof areas and Lhe planLlngs and
Lhe resL of Lhe roof wlll be dlrecLed Lo Lank for subsequenL use ln LolleLs and showers.

1he roof slze of Lhe new bulldlng ls 2160 m2. Mean dally ralnfall ls approxlmaLely 18 mm. 1hls
glves approxlmaLely 40 M3 of waLer per raln evenL.

llow paLLern skeLch:

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen


Conslderlng Lhe lack of sufflclenL raln and Lhe llmlLed access Lo fresh waLer on Lhe lsland,
accesslng and sLorlng waLer wlll be a key prlorlLy for Lhe school and a cooJltlo sloe poo ooo for
Lhe creaLlon of klLchen gardens.

AL Lhls sLage Lhe enLry polnL ls Lhe school's LranslLlon Lowards a more ecologlcally susLalnable
funcLlonlng ls Lhe klLchen gardens.

1here ls no lnLenLlon, aL Lhe momenL, of reLroflLLlng any of lLs exlsLlng deslgn, so we wlll focus
our analysls and recommendaLlons wlll be on harvesLlng and sLorlng 100 of Lhe waLer needed
for Lhe klLchen gardens and, evenLually, for waLerlng all Lhe green areas of Lhe school.

1he pro[ecL Leam wlll also analyse dlfferenL opLlons, opporLunlLles and challenges of cleanlng or
reuslng Lhe grey waLers, lncludlng from Lhe pool.

8asellne: 1here ls currenLly no provlslon for ralnwaLer harvesLlng ln Lhe school, nor for reuse of
grey waLer. WaLer, used on-slLe, for all purposes comes from Lhe munlclpallLy plpe sysLem and
ls pald for by Lhe school. As shown ln Lhe base map, Lhe school malnLalns a blg and a small pool

1hese are Lhe opLlons, we propose, for sLorage and reLenLlon of waLer for use ln Lhe klLchen
gardens and green areas of Lhe school:

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

a) ka|nwater harvest|ng from roofs
1hls ls obLalned from dlfferenL locaLlons on slLe.

CuesLlons LhaL need furLher research and analysls:
Pow much waLer wlll be needed for Lhe klLchen gardens and Lhe school green area LhroughouL
Lhe year?
we need Lo measure Lhe LoLal number of m2 of green surface (Lrees eLc) on
we need Lo declde how many m2 of klLchen gardens we wlll creaLe
once we know Lhe demand, we can declde whlch roofs would be used for waLer
harvesLlng (lf noL all) and how many waLer Lanks wlll be needed Lo sLore Lhe waLer for use
durlng dry seasons (aL leasL 3 monLhs a year)

1he formula we wlll use Lo calculaLe Lhe amounL of waLer Lo be harvesLed from a parLlcular
roof wlll be: 1 mllllmeLer of raln on 1m wlll dellver 1 llLer of waLer lnLo Lhe Lank. lf Lhe roof ls
100m2 and Lhe average annual ralnfall ln Lhe lsland of Mallorca ls 430mm, Lhe runoff would be
43.000LlLers mlnus 20 Lo 30 for arlslng from splash back, guLLer leaks and flrsL flush of
maLLer from Lhe roof and guLLers.

WlLh Lhe supply and demand lnformaLlon we wlll be able Lo declde on Lhe ldeal waLer Lank slze.
1anks wlll be placed ln shaded areas, Lo avold sun overheaLlng.

b) Creat|on of wet|ands near the poo|s to reuse poo| water to |rr|gate grass and trees: Lhe
cleaned waLer can be used Lo waLer all Lhe green areas around Lhe pools (Lrees, grasses).

CuesLlons LhaL need research: can chlorlne and oLher chemlcals used ln Lhe pool be effecLlvely
dlgesLed by a weLland? Whlch should be Lhe slze and characLerlsLlcs of Lhe weLland Lo dlgesL
Lhese chemlcals? WhaL ls Lhe regular ouLflow of waLer from Lhe pool? Pow many Llmes ls lL
empLled ln Lhe year? Whlch are Lhe healLh rlsks for chlldren of reuslng Lhe waLer of Lhe pool
(afLer golng Lhrough Lhe weLland) back lnLo Lhe pool (ln case Lhls ls an opLlon Lo be consldered)?

c) Creat|on of a pond: explore Lhe opporLunlLles and challenges of creaLlng a pond on Lhe
slLe (lncludlng offlclal safeLy regulaLlon, healLh and sanlLaLlon eLc).

3.S.3 USING LkMACUL1UkL 1C LAN SCnCCL kI1CnLN GAkDLNS lrom ConcepL ueslgn Lo ueLall Mapplng

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

ermaculLure allows us Lo deslgn from paLLern Lo deLalls. Cne key prlnclple of permaculLure ls
zones. ermaculLure ls a vasL sub[ecL and we only hlghllghL some aspecLs as an lnvlLaLlon for
more research.

Cne sLarLs wlLh an overall map of Lhe slLes, ln Lhe form of a skeLch or a comprehenslve map
llsLlng soll Lypes, shadlng, exposure Lo raln and sun. 1he map wlll gradually lnclude more deLalls
as Lhe deslgn progresses. Speclflc rlsks such as flre or floodlng are Laken lnLo accounL uslng flre
reslsLanL specles as barrler or gradually Laller Lrees

Cne baslc LeneL ls LhaL zones LhaL are used mosL ofLen need Lo be closer Lo Lhe maln access
polnL. uslng Lhe permaculLure zones allows us Lo Lhlnk sLrucLurally abouL Lhe use of space on a
macro level before we plan Lhe deLalls of Lhe planLlngs. Cnce zones are deflned we can move
undersLand planL lnLeracLlons, compaLlblllLy, complemenLarlLy or anLagonlsm Lo plan Lhe
deLalls of klLchen garden and seek Lo form self-susLalnlng mlcro-ecosysLem aL varlous levels. ueflne an overarchlng ob[ecLlve for Lhe deslgn

lor lnsLance Lhe School klLchen Carden communlLy could declde LhaL Lhelr alm ls Lo susLalnably
produces 30 of lLs organlc vegeLarlan food consumpLlon, harvesLs 100 of Lhe waLer needed
Lo supporL green areas and uses as many Lools and spaces as posslble Lo awaken chlldren's
wonder and love Lowards naLure, whlle learnlng abouL lLs sysLems.

1hls process ls applled Lo our Lwo examples Lo lllusLraLe how Lopography, slLe sLrucLure and
alms of Lhe garden comblne Lo lnform Lhe deslgn.


2one, e|evat|ons, sector p|ans

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

Cne of Lhe challenges ls how Lo lnLegraLe Lhe klLchen garden across Lhe Lwo separaLe bulldlngs
Lo make lL parL of Lhe overall deslgn scheme for Lhe school expanslon.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

ln prevlous aLLempLs aL openlng Lhe sLudenLs Lo gardenlng, sLudenLs had planLed some Lrees on
Lhe easLern slde of Lhe bulldlng.

8ecause of Lhe sLeep elevaLlon of Lhe slLe and Lhe need Lo keep spaces for sporL acLlvlLles, Lhe
deslgn Lrles Lo besL uLlllze Lhe unused areas of Lhe slLe, whlle keeplng wlLh Lhe zone prlnclple,
albelL re-lnLerpreLed verLlcally.
1he flrsL elemenL cenLers around uslng Lhe flaL roof on Lhe new bulldlng as a green growlng roof.
1he zones are seL-up from Lhe enLrance Lo Lhe roof, whlch ls Lhe closesL Lo Lhe new canLeen.
1he zone layouL mlmlc Lhe flow of Lhe whole bulldlng ln exLendlng as flower peLals from Lhe
roof enLrance. 1he roof caLers Lo Lhe mosL easlly accesslble porLlon wlLh Lhe planLlngs belng
done ln ralsed beds wlLh clrculaLlon spaces around, Lhls ls Lo faclllLaLe garden access and avold
havlng loLs of chlldren Lrampllng Lhe ground . 1he herbs and salads are closesL Lo Lhe enLrance.
1hen come Lhe annuals. 1he secondary roof can be used for Lhe foresL garden wlLh perennlal

1he lasL zone ls Lucked alongslde Lhe bulldlng and ls a LranslLlon from Lrees Lo raln foresL. 1he
elevaLlon ls used as Lhe organlzlng feaLure orlenLed along an axls glven by Lhe lnLermlLLenL
sLream creaLed by Lhe flrsL bulldlng ralnwaLer harvesLlng overflow and/or grey waLer whlch
runs ln a free form cascade (Lhe ponds along Lhe sLream are planLed wlLh reeds and oLher
aquaLlc planLs Lo clean Lhe harvesLed/re-used waLer) from Lhe klndergarLen/prlmary school
garden aL Lhe Lop Lowards Lhe ralnforesL wlld paLch aL Lhe boLLom. 1here are lnLermedlary
ponds aL lnLervals on Lhe way down, Lo acL as buffer lrrlgaLlon sources as well opporLunlLles for
small waLer gardens. AfLer a pond Lhe waLer conLlnues lLs [ourney across Lhe enLlre lengLh of
Lhe new bulldlng Lo reach Lhe aLrlum pond. 1he pond can be sLocked wlLh 1llapla for
demonsLraLlon aquaculLure and aquaponlcs.

1here ls also poLenLlal for verLlcal farmlng around Lhe perlmeLer of Lhe car park, Lhls Lhe green
cllmblng wall, where cllmblng zones are lnserLed ln beLween creepers planLlng such as passlon
frulL, planLs Lo aLLracL polllnaLors, and some more secluded areas deslgned for baLs and blrds
nesLlng slLes.

Alongslde Lhe new bulldlng ls a poLenLlal area Lo grow sLaples such as rlce uslng S8l or dry rlce
meLhods as well as Laro, and sweeL poLaLoes. llshes and a small number ducks can be kepL Lo
llmlL mosqulLo breedlng.


BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

2one, e|evat|on and sector p|an:

rlorlLy Lhlngs Lo conslder:

WaLer access
Should be Lhe backbone of Lhe deslgn, conslderlng Lhe dry condlLlons ln Lhe bloreglon.

Ceneral access (Lo creaLe and use Lhe klLchen gardens):
-Pow are we golng Lo geL ln Lhere Lo creaLe lL?
-Pow are we golng Lo geL Lhe Leachers and sLudenLs Lhere Lo use lL and harvesL?.
-WhaL wlll be Lhe slze of Lhe area? ueslgn access depends on how many sLudenLs wlll be Lhere
aL one Llme.

Conslder llghL, shade, Lrees, waLer plpes under Lhe ground.

ln Mallorca, Lhe school slLe ls locaLed lnland wlLh llLLle exposure Lo wlnds. 1he annual average
ralnfall ls very low and Lhere ls no sea or rlvers connecLlng Lo Lhe area. 1he sun and poLenLlal
flre are Lhe key exLernal energles Lo conslder. lL wlll be lmporLanL Lo deslgn Lhe slLe ln a way
LhaL Lhe hard noon sun ln Lhe summer ls mlnlmlzed and any sunllghL ls maxlmlzed ln Lhe wlnLer.
1hls can be done by planLlng, ln speclflc areas, declduous Lrees (full of leaves ln Lhe summer
provldlng some shade and fresh areas and have no leaves ln Lhe wlnLer, allowlng Lhe sun Lo
brlng warmLh). ln Lerms of flre, research on exlsLlng flrebreaks ln Lhe school should be done.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

2ones are belng planned aL a mlcro (wlLhln Lhe klLchen garden) and macro (overall slLe) level.

Mlcro: apply zones aL mlcro level wlLhln Lhe klLchen garden: Zone 1 (Lhe klLchen garden paLh)
here locaLe Lhlngs LhaL Lhe school communlLy would be harvesLlng everyday: e.g. herbs and
salads. ln Zone 2, a blL furLher away ln Lhe klLchen garden, locaLe Lhose Lhlngs LhaL wlll Lake a
longer Llme Lo grow, rooLs or vegeLables LhaL Lake a longer Llme Lo grow (e.g. eggplanL, chllly .).
Zone 3: here locaLe Laller planLs (e.g. corn, sunflowers), belng consclous LhaL Lhey can shade ouL
shorLer and fasLer growlng Lhlngs llke salads. 1hls could be used as an advanLage lf placed
correcLly, conslderlng Lhe dry cllmaLe.

Pow wlde Lhe beds and paLhs wlll be. 1hlnner beds Lhan usually recommended (1.20) so LhaL
Lhe youngesL klds (3 years old) can have easy access. osslbly dlfferenL gardens respondlng Lo
dlfferenL needs would have Lo be creaLed, conslderlng Lhe dlfferenL ages.

2ones |n the s|te: 1he zonlng has been Laklng lnLo accounL Lwo maln Lhlngs: a) Lhe LargeL
audlence (chlldren from 3-8) (as a sLarLer), and b) Lhe exlsLlng clrculaLlon paLhways ln Lhe slLe.
Conslderlng LhaL Lhe school has 2000 sLudenLs, we need Lo make sure LhaL Lhe zones used do
noL block exlsLlng Lrafflc areas or maln playgrounds.

2one 0-1: lnfanLs classrooms (key LargeL aL flrsL): ralsed beds and boxes could be deslgned
around Lhe small classrooms bulldlngs, as well as ways for propagaLlng seeds ln Lhe classrooms'
wlndows. 1he ob[ecLlve ls Lo maxlmlze Lhe exposure of Lhe chlldren Lo Lhe planLs even when
Lhey are aL class.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

noLe: lor Lhe momenL chlldren from 3-8 wlll be Lhe LargeL, so we should deslgn Lhe ralsed beds
and Lhe paLhs accordlng Lo Lhelr slze: e.g. Lhlnner beds Lhan usually recommended (1.20m) so
LhaL Lhe youngesL klds (3 years old) can have easy access. ulfferenL gardens respondlng Lo
dlfferenL needs can be creaLed, conslderlng Lhe dlfferenL ages.

2one 2: approxlmaLely 30m away from Lhe lnfanLs' classrooms Lhere ls an area LhaL we wlll use
as zone Lwo. 1he ob[ecLlve wlll be Lo grow food and aL Lhe same Llme lncrease Lhe curloslLy and
sensory experlence of Lhe chlldren ln relaLlon Lo Lhe garden. ln Lhls area, Lwo maln elemenLs
could be lnLroduced: a vegeLable garden ln Lhe shape of a mandala and sensory paLhs or small
play areas LhaL lncorporaLe LexLures from naLure (wood, sofL or splky grass), smell (aromaLlc
planLs such as lavender, sage, mlnL, Lhyme, rosemary LhaL are hardy, so can Lake some pulllng
from Lhe young chlldren, slghL (enhance colours dlverslLy wlLh flowers ..). Cverall, Lhls Zone 2
would be deslgned Lo creaLe sLlmulaLlon and Lo culLlvaLe more lnLrlgue lnLo Lhe naLural world.

2one 3: WlLh Lhe same ob[ecLlve as Zone 2, ln Lhls Zone 3, locaLed ln Lhe green area nexL Lo Lhe
pools and Lhe Lennls courLs, secreL sensory paLhs or a llvlng labyrlnLh could be creaLed. 1hls
would be Lhe secreL maglcal spoL Lo engage wlLh naLure's mysLerles.

2one 4: around Lhe edges of Lhe school, where Lrees already exlsL, ls a good locaLlon Lo creaLe a
mlnl food foresL. An efflclenLly deslgned food foresL normally would have seven layers: 1) rooLs
(sweeL poLaLos, carroLs, Lurnlps, parsnlps) underneaLh Lhe ground, 2) ground covers above Lhe
ground (nlLrogen flxlng planLs (shorL Lerm and long Lerm) or purely ground covers LhaL aren'L
nlLrogen flxlng (rhubarb, pumpkln), 3) shrubs: planLs LhaL don'L grow Loo blg (llmes), 4) lrulL
Lrees: cherry, aprlcoLs, flgs, pomegranaLes, chesLnuLs, almonds, 3) cllmbers (Lhlngs LhaL grow up
Lhe Lrees), 6) clampers (lemon grass, clLronella, bananas, bamboo), 7) daLes, palms.

2one S: ls where a wlldllfe zone can be creaLed. We wlll use an exlsLlng Lree or clusLer of Lrees
as a sLarLlng polnL. lanL some small Lrees around Lhem and bulld a small pond (40cm deep so
LhaL klds are noL ln danger/Lake lnLo conslderaLlon safeLy regulaLlons) Lo aLLracL and supporL
wlldllfe. CreaLe refuge for blrds and baLs. Add blrds feeders and baL houses on Lhe Lrees ln zone
3 plus nearby Lhe klLchen gardens (zone 1).

3.S.4 Lnergy cyc||ng - Catch|ng and stor|ng energy

Agaln we are uslng a permaculLure deslgn prlnclple Lo lnform our deslgn, Lhe ldea here ls Lo
Lhlnk ln Lerms of energy and cycles and Lo consLrucL cycles whlch mlmlc naLural cycles. 1hls
process ls also a good Leachlng ald Lo help Lhe sLudenLs see Lhe world ln Lerms of lnLerlocked

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

cycles of energy be lL solar, gravlLaLlonal, nuLrlLlonal or chemlcal (carbon, oxygen, phosphorus
or nlLrogen cycles)

ln Lhe conLexL of a School klLchen Carden we conslder a few ways Lo caLch and sLore energy:
drlp llne lrrlgaLlon, composLlng, mulchlng and blodlgesLlng.

-Insta|||ng dr|p ||ne |rr|gat|on
a) connecLed Lo a waLer purlfylng sysLem (wlLh a grease Lrap). 1hls wlll fllLer Lhe grey waLer
from Lhe school klLchen. Llkewlse, Lhe overflow LhaL Lhe Lank cannoL process could go Lo
banana clrcles planLed nearby afLer belng fllLered by Lhe grease Lrap.
b) connecLed Lo Lhe Lanks nexL Lo each bulldlng nearby where raln waLer harvesLlng ls sLored.

- Compost|ng
Lnsures LhaL no organlc wasLe ls wasLed (elLher from klLchen or gardens/food foresL: creaLe a
small worm farm Lo do verml composL and engage Lhe sLudenLs ln runnlng long Lerm and shorL
Lerm composL plles.

- Mu|ch|ng
Conslderlng Lhe dry condlLlons and waLer scarclLy ln Lhe bloreglon, mulchlng wlll be essenLlal Lo
keep Lhe soll of Lhe klLchen gardens and food foresL molsLure and avold waLer evaporaLlon. 1he
leaves from Lhe green areas and food foresL can be perfecL mulch.

- 8|ogas D|gest|ng
Lnergy from canLeen food wasLe can be recycled Lhrough a small blogas dlgesLer Lo produce gas
for Lhe klLchen sLoves. 1he sludge ls rouLed Lo Lhe composL heap

1hese elemenLs wlll be deslgned followlng Lhe permaculLure energy efflclency prlnclple of
relaLlve locaLlon. Accordlng Lo whlch, all elemenLs can have mulLlple lnpuLs and ouLpuLs. 8y Lhe
correcL placemenL of elemenLs, we wlll creaLe a relaLlonshlp where Lhe ouLpuLs of one elemenL
feed lnLo Lhe lnpuLs of anoLher elemenL ln our deslgn.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

Lnergy cycles can also be creaLed by max|m|s|ng |nput and output connect|ons of Lhe dlfferenL
elemenLs ln Lhe slLe. We sLarL by some lnpuL/ouLpuL analysls of Lhree elemenLs:

ka|sed beds
lnpuLs: waLer, Llme, composL, soll seeds, mulch, brlcks or wood, LhoughL, deslgn, CC2.
CuLpuL: connecLlon, educaLlon, food, more seeds, mulch, weeds, oxygen, beauLy.

Iood forest
lnpuL: waLer, composL, Llme for weedlng, prunlng Lrees, harvesLlng. CuLpuL: food, mulch,
educaLlon, connecLlon, wlldllfe hablLaL, poLenLlal wlndbreak and provldes shade for klds Lo go
and play.

Schoo| k|tchen
lnpuL: human hours/pald Llme, vegeLables, gas, elecLrlclLy, clean waLer, cleanlng producLs,
CuLpuLs: cooked food, vegeLable scraps (apple cores, pumpkln peels, carroL peels, salad
leaves.), egg shells (can be used ln Lhe food foresL Lo repel snalls and slugs) non-organlc wasLe,
grey waLer..

1he nexL sLep could be Lo exLend Lhe analysls Lo oLher elemenLs ln Lhe slLe and Lhen analyse all
Lhe posslble connecLlons. 1he connecLlons and relaLlonshlps beLween dlfferenL elemenLs'

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

lnpuLs and ouLpuLs wlll help us deflne Lhe mosL energy efflclenL locaLlon for some of Lhese

3.S.S Green 8u||d|ng

CfLen, Lhe School klLchen Carden can be an opporLunlLy Lo wlden Lhe ecologlcal analysls and re-
deslgn of Lhe whole school uslng Lhe klLchen garden as a sLepplng sLone for hollsLlc deslgn. 1hls
can be sLrucLured as a school-wlde efforL, where group of sLudenLs work LogeLher Lo re-deslgn
Lhelr own envlronmenL and are empowered Lo become Lhe nexL generaLlon of green clLlzens.

1hls secLlon only explores Lhe Malayslan conLexL as Lhe Mallorca school does noL yeL lnclude
new bulldlngs or Lhe re-developmenL of exlsLlng bulldlngs. WlLh Lhe klLchen garden as a
learnlng gaLeway Lo susLalnable llvlng, we brlefly hlghllghL some guldlng prlnclples Lo malnLaln a
conslsLency of Lhe approach LhroughouL Lhe pro[ecL. ueveloplng a sLaLemenL of deslgn lnLenL - guldlng prlnclples

Some of Lhe guldlng prlnclples used ln Lhe Malaysla pro[ecL are:

a. use deslgn as Leachlng ald for susLalnablllLy, how Lhe bulldlng works, bulldlng as
Leacher, a space whlch shapes worldvlews
b. CreaLlng a new generaLlon of envlronmenLal leaders, openlng mlnds Lo
alLernaLlves way of belng ln and parL of Lhe world
c. ApproprlaLe and local sourclng where posslble, naLural maLerlals preferred, wlLh
low embedded energy.
d. Cradle Lo cradle phllosophy, plan for decommlsslonlng, reuse of maLerlals, locally
sourced maLerlals, geL lnsplraLlon for local vernacular archlLecLure (sLllLs, double
skln plLched roofs, naLurally venLllaLed.
e. Assess Carbon lmpacL boLh durlng consLrucLlon and durlng operaLlon,
approprlaLe planLlng for balanclng emlsslons
f. 8alance funcLlonallLy and beauLy, creaLe spaces for arLlsLlc expresslon by users
g. CuLpuL reuse : grey waLer, canLeen wasLe, opporLunlLles of energy producLlon
(blogas), composLlng, grey waLer lagoon or eco/llvlng machlnes
h. MulLlplylng opporLunlLles for lnLeracLlon wlLh Lhe naLural envlronmenL, mlx
deflned boundarles and blended LranslLlons beLween bullL and naLural
l. 1echnology and hllosophy Lransfer Lo Malaysla, local englneers, sLaLemenL of
lrench communlLy commlLmenL Lo a beLLer envlronmenL Lhrough lnLelllgenL

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

[. Allowlng mulLl-purposlng Lo maxlmlze usage
k. Cn-slLe energy producLlon : a demonsLraLlon effecL (wlnd, solar, mlcro hydro,
l. LeglblllLy of bulldlng lnLenL, ease of operaLlon, effecLlve slmpllclLy
m. 8lomlmlcry, meLaphor of bulldlng as raln foresL. 8lodlverslLy enhancemenL,
approprlaLe planLlng, educaLlonal food producLlon (flsh pond, vegeLable roof or
wall), llvlng bulldlng (8anyan, llanas)
n. CommunlLy embedded, focal polnL of lrench/Luropean ldenLlLy buL wlLh a
Malayslan LwlsL, open Lo oLher schools for susLalnablllLy awareness classes,
opporLunlLles for parenL/chlldren shared acLlvlLles (e.g. klLchen garden harvesL)
o. SLrlve for approprlaLe raLlng Llvlng 8ulldlng Challenge v.2, LLLu plaLlnum or
equlvalenL as LargeL (88LLAM LxcellenL bespoke)
p. CllmaLe change adapLaLlon and mlLlgaLlon, bulld for a more exLreme world,
dralnage, wlnd, on-slLe waLer use (run-off Lo lrrlgaLlon, use for LolleL)
q. Solar Coollng, naLural coollng and venLllaLlon (wlnd Lower, use of dlfferenLlal
pressure, heaL, elevaLlon, ground coollng), geoLhermal coollng, absorpLlon
coollng, deslccanL coollng, dehumldlflcaLlon of alr, waLerfall or founLaln coollng,
r. Lmphaslse Lhermal lnsulaLlon, double, Lrlple skln venLllaLed faade, algal Lube
s. use Lhe lnslghLs of ecopsychology whlch shows LhaL sLudenLs behave less
aggresslvely ln naLural surroundlngs, creaLe recreaLlonal space whlch are less
harsh and relleve Lhe sLresses creaLed by conflnemenL and focus on purely
academlc sub[ecLs by mlxlng acLlve spaces (sporLs) wlLh conLemplaLlve, quleL
L. keep aL leasL one space as wlld, use prlnclpally naLlve specles for Lhe resL of Lhe
planLlngs, mlmlc naLural successlon paLLerns for a self-susLalnlng sysLem.
u. 1he appllances are Lo be chosen for durablllLy, re-usable, recyclable and wlLh low
operaLlonal power requlremenLs. Lxplore uC alLernaLlves for solar/wlnd
powered elemenLs such as pumps. Lxplore posslblllLles for grld connecLed
renewable energy sysLems wlLh dual meLerlng. ueLalled deslgn ldeas Lo make Lhe bulldlng leglble

key deslgn elemenLs can be used as learnlng dlsplay and Leachlng alds.

a. Wlnd Lurblne on Lop of wlnd Lower
b. ulsplay ln aLrlum showlng energy belng consumed or generaLed by Lhe bulldlng
c. 8alnwaLer cascade wlLh mlnl-hydro ln roof chuLes
d. 8lodlverslLy refuge planLlng wlLh blrd, buLLerflles and oLher polllnaLor hablLaLs
(baLs, sLlngless bees)

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

e. ApparenL servlces, maklng vlslble Lhe organs of Lhe bulldlng organlsm
f. Mesh, sall roof, play wlLh llghL, shadow and alr.
g. Creen cllmbers walls, passlon frulLs, verLlcal farmlng, aquaponlcs?
h. AmphlLheaLer surrounded by Lrees, arched planLed canoples

Agaln, Lhe ldea ls Lo make vlslble Lhe cycles of Lhe naLural world such as nlLrogen cycle (8logas
dlgesLer), carbon cycle (planLs, algae), waLer cycle (raln waLer harvesLlng). 1hese are conLrasLed
wlLh our currenL lndusLrlal processes whlch have lnpuL (consumpLlon) buL only wasLe ouLpuL.
1he school Lherefore musL sLrlve Lo re-esLabllsh a cycllng of nuLrlenLs mlmlcklng Lhe naLural
cycles of Cala, wlLh Lhe klLchen garden belng a prlme componenL Lo keep a susLalnable
momenLum golng.

3.6 LnSu8L 1PL SuS1AlnA8lLl1? Anu LCCnCMlC vlA8lLl1? Cl 1PL 8C!LC1

3.6.1 Stakeho|ders & Investors:
1he economlc susLalnablllLy of Lhe School klLchen Cardens requlre lnvesLmenLs ln varlous forms
from lLs prlmary & secondary sLakeholders. Who are Lhe people ln your communlLy who wlll
ensure Lhe success of your Carden based on Lhe SWC1 analysls you have conducLed?

ln Lhe case of Lhe lrench School ln Malaysla, lL ldenLlfled Lhese sLakeholders who were
lnvesLors noL [usL ln flnanclal Lerms, buL ln maLerlals, experLlse labour and supporL. School & Leachers :
1he Leachers would be consldered lnvesLors ln Lhe pro[ecL ln Lerms of Llme, faclllLaLlon and
managemenL of Lhe pro[ecL (educaLlonal lnvesLmenL).
1he school would be consldered lnvesLors ln Lhe pro[ecL as a conLrlbuLor of land, and lnpuLs
necessary for culLlvaLlon, seed sLock, soll and oLher lnfrasLrucLure.

Pavlng conslsLenL, commlLLed knowledgeable Leachers and gardenlng menLors are Lhe key Lo a
successful pro[ecL-for malnLalnlng membershlp longevlLy, meanlngful lnLeracLlons wlLh Lhe

1he research revlew 1he Chlld ln Lhe Carden: An LvaluaLlve 8evlew of Lhe 8eneflLs of School
Cardenlng", lour of Lhe seven sLudles emphaslzed LhaL school gardens requlred dedlcaLed,
experlenced adulL volunLeers, masLer gardeners, or pald coordlnaLors Lo flourlsh over Llme

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

(Alexander eL al., 1993, 8ryn[egard, 2001, Canarls, 1993, 1horp & 1ownsend, 2001)..1wo of Lhe
seven sLudles noLed LhaL many elemenLary Leachers were noL agrlculLure llLeraLe and lacked
knowledge of baslc planL sclence or planL-growlng skllls."

ln a sLudy of 33 schools and 71 llorlda elemenLary Leachers who had enLered Lhelr gardens ln
a 1997 unlverslLy of llorlda conLesL (100 response raLe), Skelly and 8radley (2000) found LhaL
Leachers used gardens for LL (97), Lo help sLudenLs learn beLLer (84), for experlenLlal
learnlng (73), and because Lhe Leacher had a personal love of gardenlng (6 7). MosL Leachers
were encouraged by Lhelr admlnlsLraLlon (34). Also, 8S of sLudenLs spenL beLween 1 hr (6
8) and 2-3 hr (17) per week ln Lhe garden, buL usually Lhey spenL more Llme on gardenlng
sub[ecLs ln Lhe classroom
(Skelly & 8radley).

Where gardens falled or where Leachers had no oplnlon over effecLlveness of gardens, pro[ecLs
became less successful. noLable were Lhe number of no oplnlon answers for every caLegory
(26-40) and Lhe hlgh percenLages of Leachers who felL LhaL gardens were noL effecLlve, sllghLly
effecLlve, or only somewhaL effecLlve. Powever, some of Lhe gardens aL Lhese schools were
mlnlmal, and many grew no food. Llke Lhe prlnclpals, Lhe Leachers lndlcaLed LhaL lack of Llme
(67), lack of Leacher lnLeresL (63), lack of experlence (61), and lack of knowledge (60)
were ma[or barrlers Lo uslng gardenlng for lnsLrucLlon. SLudenLs :

1he sLudenLs would be consldered lnvesLors of Llme and labour ln Lhe garden, Lhey are also
consumers ln Lerms of Lhe produce whlch ends up as food ln Lhe canLeen. Slnce Lhe focus of Lhls
pro[ecL ls also experlenLlal educaLlon. 1he sLudenLs would also be consldered consumers ln
Lerms of learnlng.

1he success susLalnablllLy of Lhe School klLchen Cardens depends on Lhe meanlngfulness of lLs
acLlvlLles Lo sLudenLs. ln Lhe Malaysla, Lhere are abouL 21 compeLlng organlzers of
exLracurrlcular acLlvlLles wlLhln Lhe lrench school compeLlng for sLudenLs commlLmenL. Lach
sLudenL ls meanL Lo choose Lwo acLlvlLles per week. 1he Coal ls Lhe make parLlclpaLlon
aLLracLlve enough for chlldren Lo [oln and for parenLs Lo supporL Lhls acLlvlLy.
ln Mallorca membershlp ls also on a volunLary basls and aLLracLlveness of membershlp Lo
sLudenLs and key along wlLh school and parenLal supporL arenLs & famlly members :
are addlLlonal sources of supporL for donaLlon of resources and volunLeerlng of Llme and as
sources of moral supporL of sLudenLs cholces Lo [oln Lhe gardens and commlL Llme Lo lLs

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

acLlvlLles. 1hey are also Lhe secondary LargeL of Lhe Cardens eco-educaLlonal goals as chlldren
can be an lmporLanL LransformaLlve key ln Lhe envlronmenLal educaLlon of Lhe famlly. lL musL
be emphaslzed LhaL Lhls aspecL of sLudenLs as LransmlLLers of Lhe envlronmenLal message
should Lake place naLurally as a resulL of Lhelr own naLural enLhuslasm raLher Lhan have Lhls
role forced upon Lhem Secondary sLakeholders:
Canteen propr|etors are consldered consumers as Lhey would be buylng produce from Lhe

Cther members of the |oca| commun|ty : chlldren assoclaLlons, ecologlcal assoclaLlons, oLher
schools, farmers and oLher gardenlng, fundralslng and organlzaLlonal and skllls experLs. SLrong
assoclaLlons wlLh Lhe local communlLy has been ldenLlfled as an lmporLanL facLor ls Lhe long
Lerm vlablllLy of School CommunlLy Cardens ouLllned ln Lhe research revlew, 1he Chlld ln Lhe
Carden: An LvaluaLlve 8evlew of Lhe 8eneflLs of School Cardenlng" and has also been descrlbed
by experlenced school communlLy.

3.6.2 Iorms of Investment |n the Schoo| k|tchen Gardens ro[ect

lnfrasLrucLural and sLakeholder supporL represenL varlous lnpuLs lnLo Lhe pro[ecL ln Lhe forms of
Lhese lnvesLmenLs.

Wlll be requlred for Lhe acLual gardenlng durlng semesLer and vacaLlon, plannlng, co-
ordlnaLlon, seed savlng, preparaLlon of produce ln readlness for Lhe cafeLerla,
fundralslng, fosLerlng communlLy wlLh sLakeholders, monlLorlng of pro[ecL

LxperLlse wlll be requlred ln Lhese areas: masLer gardenlng, plannlng, fundralslng,
markeLlng & publlclLy, compllance food safeLy proLocols for harvesL and cleanlng and
produce, currlculum lnLegraLlon

Lo pay for LducaLlon exchanges, lnfrasLrucLure and loglsLlcal needs, Lools

-roducLs ln klnd
As much as posslble, Lools and maLerlals wlll be procured by donaLlon, borrowlng and
sponsorshlp flrsL for long Lerm pro[ecL susLalnablllLy

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

Some baslc requlremenLs for a sLarL-up garden lnclude:
* gardenlng Lools
* soll LesL klL and amendmenLs
* organlc maLerlal Lo lmprove soll, composL
* Lools
* means of waLerlng
* maLerlals for ralsed beds, lf uslng
* seeds, sLarLs, planLs
* supporLs
* proLecLlons, fenclng, row covers
* ferLlllzers
* pesL conLrols, lf uslng
* lnsLrucLlonal maLerlals, fleld guldes, books
* maLerlal for walkways
* mulch
* conLalners

3.6.3 Ways to attract Investment Support Sale of vegeLables Lo Lhe school CanLeen

ln Lhe case of Lhe lrench School ln kuala Lumpur, lnlLlally, Lhe School klLchen Cardens
wlll be supplylng vegeLables Lo Lhe School canLeen, once a monLh based on Lhemes seL
by Lhe school. vegeLables grown by Lhe sLudenLs wlll be sold Lo Lhe cafeLerla maLchlng
prlces Lhe canLeen managemenL ls paylng Lo suppllers. 1hls brlngs Lhe School klLchen
Carden a regular small lncome.

WlLh Lhls opLlon, an lssue Lo address would be wlLh regards Lo agrlculLural food safeLy
pracLlces and Lhere are suggesLed proLocols based on governmenL guldellnes for
Mallorca and Malaysla and oLher besL pracLlces ouLllned ln Lhe Annex. 8arLer & Seed Lxchanges
8arLerlng can be a falr means of exchange for much needed conLrlbuLlons, especlally lf
cash ls LlghL or can be used as a way Lo educaLe sLudenLs ln oLher forms of economlc

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

lL may also be a good Lool for Lhe reLenLlon of volunLeers, who are an lmporLanL parL of
Lhe long Lerm vlablllLy of gardenlng pro[ecLs on many levels lncludlng economlcs. MosL
communlLy gardens Lhrlve on Lhe experLlse of experlenced enLhuslasLlc gardeners and
volunLeers who can upkeep Lhe garden Lhrough lLs dlfferenL sLages, year round. 1he
barLer can be a way Lo appreclaLe volunLeers for work done. lL also embraces
susLalnablllLy prlnclples of equlLablllLy.

SeparaLely, Lhe schools can also conslder seeds and seedllng exchanges. 1hls can be an
effecLlve way Lo bulld up Lhe quallLy and sLrengLh of local seeds, avoldlng havlng Lo
lnvesL ln buylng new ones (or commerclal non-ecologlcal ones) and aL Lhe same Llme
bulld susLalnable relaLlonshlps wlLh oLher lnsLlLuLlons lncludlng oLher schools, publlc
lnsLlLuLlons or local assoclaLlons. ComplemenLary Currency SysLems & 1lme 8anks
AnoLher effecLlve sysLem LhaL could be esLabllshed would be a Llme bank Lo ensure
coverage durlng Lhe hollday seasons. 8y lncludlng ln Lhls sysLem oLher schools,
assoclaLlons and oLher lnlLlaLlves, Lhe number of volunLeers for harvesLlng and managlng
Lhe gardens whlle Lhe school ls closed wlll lncrease. ln reLurn, Lhey geL 'hour noLes' LhaL
could be exchanged by access Lo knowledge sharlng lnlLlaLlves (e.g. permaculLure
workshops), seeds, seedllngs, crops or volunLeers' Llme ln oLher relaLed pro[ecLs.

ln Lhe Malayslan School klLchen garden conLexL, Lhe lssue of garden malnLenance durlng
long school breaks could be addressed by recrulLlng local sLakeholders affecLed by Lhe
new road belng bullL upkeep of Lhe gardens. arLnershlp ls belng lnlLlaLed wlLh Lhe
canLeen operaLors who ls commlLLed Lo buylng whaLever food ls belng produced, and ls
lnLeresLed Lo spread Lhe ldea Lo oLher schools for whlch Lhey caLer.

1hls economlc relaLlonshlp could be Lhe basls of sLrucLurlng a local currency whereby
Lhe operaLor would be uslng "green leaves" Lokens Lo buy Lhe food from Lhe klLchen
garden, parLlclpaLlng volunLeers and malnLenance sLaff would recelve "green leaves" for
Lhe hours spenL Laklng care of Lhe klLchen Carden whlch Lhey would ln Lurn use Lo buy
meals from Lhe canLeen.

asL Lhls flrsL experlmenL, Lhe local currency could be used wlLh parenLs buylng from Lhe
weekly markeL, glvlng Lhem an lncenLlve Lo elLher geL lnvolved ln Lhe garden, or Lo
garden Lhemselves uslng seeds provlded from Lhe klLchen garden, and Lhen sell back
some of Lhe excess produce Lo Lhe klLchen garden. 1here are furLher posslble llnkages lf
acLlvlLles are developed around Lhe processlng of foods lnLo preserves, drled or
fermenLed producLs.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen
4S CLher lorms of lundralslng

Slnce boLh schools serve sLudenLs aL Lhe secondary level. Clder sLudenLs can be furLher
engaged ln pro[ecLs LhaL lnvolve culLlvaLlon greaLer declslon- maklng and problem
solvlng powers and communlLy engagemenL.

1hls can Lake Lhe form of varlous pro[ecLs such as :

-AdopLlng and donaLlng produce or gardenlng Llme Lo a worLhy cause eg. 1o sLudenLs
for a poorer school ln communlLy for food, or charlLable organlsaLlon eLc. 1hls ls lnsplred
by a school whlch donaLes food Lo a local foodbank.

-Selllng vegeLables for planL seedllngs or recycllng for money for charlLable causes or Lo
fund local or reglonal eco pro[ecLs.

- fundralslng for lmmerslon learnlng Lrlps relaLed Lo gardenlng or envlronmenLal
programmes ln Lhe reglon such as eco camps, permaculLure/gardenlng/ecovlllage
farmsLays or youLh envlronmenLal leadershlp evenLs. Sponsorshlp
1he lrench School ls currenLly already supporLed by corporaLe sponsorshlp from
companles such as Alr lrance and movlng companles LhaL flnd a ready cllenLele among
Lhe lrench expaLrlaLe communlLy ln kuala Lumpur. lL may be worLhwhlle Lo lnvesLlgaLe
Lhe posslblllLy of galnlng fundlng from corporaLlons LhaL would llke Lo boosL Lhelr
CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy proflles by fundlng Lhe schools ecologlcal pro[ecLs. lor
lnsLance Cardenlng and companles can be approached Lo sponsor ln-klnd equlpmenL for
aquaponlcs as parL of Lhe closed loop sysLem of Lhe School klLchen Cardens.

lor Lhe lnlLlal success of Lhe garden Lhough care musL be Laken ln sLarLlng
experlmenLally wlLh a smaller slze sulLable for manageablllLy and expanslon as
capablllLles lncrease and workable sysLems are puL lnLo place.

Powever, Lo ensure susLalnablllLy and reslllence of such lnlLlaLlves lL ls lmporLanL LhaL
Lhey are deslgned as self-malnLalned sysLems LhaL ln Lhe long Lerm wlll requlre very llLLle
lnvesLmenL or lnpuL (ermaculLure deslgn provldes wlLh Lhe necessary prlnclples and
Lechnlques Lo achleve Lhls). ln smaller, seml-publlc schools, llke Lhe sample we have

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

chosen from Mallorca, lL ls lmporLanL LhaL Lhe school can Lake care of School klLchen
Carden lnlLlaLlves wlLhouL Lhe need for exLernal flnanclng. 1hls ensures lLs susLalnablllLy
and lncreases Lhe sense of ownershlp by sLudenLs, parenLs and Leachers on Lhe School
klLchen Carden and all Lhelr relaLed lnlLlaLlves. Pence bulldlng a greaLer sense of
communlLy for Lhe fuLure.

3.6.4 roduct|on of Informat|on k|t to attract f|nanc|a| and In-k|nd support

1o aLLracL varlous forms of flnanclal and ln klnd supporL. lL can be useful Lo spend a llLLle Llme
collaLlng a slmple ro[ecL lnformaLlon klL, as suggesLed by Lhe uS naLlonal Cardenlng
AssoclaLlon ln Lhe book, Sowlng Lhe Seeds of Change".

1he pro[ecL folder should lnclude:
- An enLhuslasLlc endorsemenL leLLer from Lhe dlrecLor, prlnclpal, or coordlnaLor of Lhe
gardenlng pro[ecL supporLlng Lhe pro[ecL. 1hls lnforms Lhe publlc LhaL Lhls ls a leglLlmaLe

- a Cne-page pro[ecL descrlpLlon
- llsL of people who are supporLlng Lhe pro[ecL
- a llsL of speclflc needs
- Carden plan
- CuoLes and/or drawlngs by parLlclpanLs
- CLher approprlaLe lnserLs. lor lnsLance lf Lhere are plcLures and vldeos onllne of Lhe
garden recelvers of Lhe pro[ecL folder can also be dlrecLed Lo Lhose llnks onllne.

3.7 S18LnC1PLnlnC CCMMunl1? 8CnuS & 8LLA1lCnSPl Wl1P nA1u8L

look op ot tbe sky- 1be beoveos so bloe, tbe soo so toJloot, 1be clooJs so ployfol, tbe sootloq
toptots, 1be meoJows lo bloom, tbe wooJlooJ cteototes, 1be tlvets sloqloq tbelt woy to tbe seo,
wolf sooq oo tbe looJ, wbole sooq lo tbe seo, celebtotloo evetywbete, wllJ, tlotoos, lmmeose os
o moosooo llftloq oo oceoo of joy AoJ splllloq lt Jowo ovet tbe Appolocbloo looJscope,
uteocbloq os oll wltb o Jeloqe of Jellqbt As we opeo oot otms ooJ tosb towotJ eocb otbet, oo
ooJ l ooJ oll of os, MoveJ by tbot vost composslooote lteseoce 1bot btloqs oll tbloqs toqetbet
lo lotlmote celebtotloo, celebtotloo tbot ls tbe oolvetse ltself.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

[1homas 8erry--lrom Lvery 8elng Pas 8lghLs, 1wenLy-1hlrd Annual L.l. Schumacher LecLures
SLockbrldge, MassachuseLLs, CcLober 2003]

3.7.1 kecogn|s|ng the |mportance of r|tua|s and ce|ebrat|ons:

CelebraLlons and rlLuals are of greaL lmporLance wlLhln groups and communlLles, buL Lhey
cannoL be lmposed on Lhelr members, Lhey have Lo go ln llne wlLh Lhe group culLure, dlfferenL
ln each conLexL. When deflnlng celebraLlons for Lhe school and lLs communlLy ln relaLlon Lo Lhe
hollsLlc School klLchen Cardens, we need Lo be respecLful of Lhe dlverslLy of rellglous bellefs
and esLabllsh rlLuals and celebraLlons LhaL mosL of Lhe chlldren/ school /parenLs / Leachers
would be comforLable wlLh.

lor hundreds of years ln all parLs of Lhe world humans have been celebraLlng llfe and naLure
cycles. 1hese are ln a way local and unlversal aL Lhe same Llme and overcome any rellglous
3.7.2 Creat|ng a manda|a ca|endar of r|tua|s and ce|ebrat|ons:
1he calendar could Lake place of a mandala (Lo challenge Lhe malnsLream llnear approach Lo
Lhe year and Lo calendars) and be developed [olnLly by chlldren, parenLs and Leachers aL a
speclflc day of Lhe year (e.g. sLarL of Lhe new scholar year ...). 1he calendar could be dlvlded ln
Lhe 12 monLhs of Lhe year or ln a dlfferenL, more creaLlve dlvlslon (declded [olnLly by all
When deslgnlng Lhe calendar, aLLenLlon should be pald Lo exlsLlng LradlLlonal celebraLlons LhaL
sLrengLhen communlLy bonds and connecLlon wlLh naLure ln LhaL bloreglon.
Some examples of local fesLlvlLles connecLed Lo naLure's frulLs or cycles LhaL Lhe school could
Lap lnLo:
ln Lhe MedlLerranean reglon, as ln many oLher reglons of Lhe world, many celebraLlons exlsL
around Lhe local food, land and seasons, wlLh a sLrong gasLronomlc flavor. ln Mallorca for
example, Lhe school could Lap lnLo Lhe local celebraLlon called 'La flra del pebre bord', LhaL
comes every auLumn and has as cenLral elemenL a local vegeLable specle: Lhe sweeL red pepper,
brlnglng many people LogeLher ln celebraLlon of naLure's frulLs.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

ln Lhe lrench school ln Malaysla for example, Lhe sLudenLs may have flrsL hand opporLunlLles
Lo experlence many culLural ways of worklng wlLh cycles. 1he Chlnese populaLlon sLlll acLlvely
uses Lhe lunar calendar Lo mark moon phases, harvesL fesLlvals and solsLlce. Malays and
lndlans have a greaL deal of folk knowledge of medlclnal uses of herbs and splces lndlgenous
Lo Lhe reglon whlch can be Lapped on. 1he Crang Asll (LradlLlonal people) of Malaysla have
shamanlc sLorles and rlLuals surroundlng naLlve planLs and anlmals of naLure LhaL can be
explored. CLher rellglous and rlLuals such as homa Lherapy (agnlhoLra) ceremonles whlch are
of Lhe Plndu LradlLlon can be lnLroduced. 1hls ls a flre burnlng rlLual uslng drled cow dung,
graln and clarlfled buLLer, whlch has been ouLllned ln Lhe vedas, Lhe ceremony of agnlhoLra
enhances Lhe energy of Lhe land and Lhe ash can also be used for ferLlllzer. 1hls can be used Lo
educaLlon Lhe sLudenLs.

Such rlLes and rlLuals can be lncorporaLed ln monLhly Lhemes LhaL are declded wlLhln Lhe school
and parL of culLural learnlng raLher Lhan an enforcemenL of splrlLuallLy on Lhe sLudenLs,
fosLerlng experlences of dlverslLy ln worldvlews buL, neverLheless worldvlews LhaL respecL
1he core moments of the Schoo| k|tchen Gardens ce|ebrat|on ca|endar cou|d |nc|ude:
harvesLlng and seedlng momenLs ln Lhe year
llfe (blrLh) and deaLh of any relaLed member Lo Lhe school communlLy
chlldren's llfe sLages (followlng cycles of 7 years, llke lL ls done ln some lndlgenous
communlLles ln Lhe world)
naLure's seasons/cycles: summer/wlnLer solsLlce, sprlng/auLumn equlnox
1he moon cycles

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

naLure's four elemenLs: flre, waLer, earLh, wlnd
Love & communlLy

We recommend LhaL Lhe celebraLlon calendar esLabllshes connecLlons Lo Lhe maln
phases ln Lhe [ourney of blrLh, maLuraLlon and deaLh. 1he Cycles of growLh of planLs,
Lrees and frulL, seasonally lend Lhemselves Lo cycles of blrLh, maLuraLlon deaLh and
regeneraLlon. Crowlng Lhe garden wlll lncorporaLe many cycles lncludlng Carbon,
nlLrogen, phosphorus eLc. and Lhe canLeen wlll be recycllng food wasLe maLerlal for
blomass. lor lnsLance soll needs Lo be enrlched by legumes Lo lnLroduce nlLrogen. 1he
ParvesL and deaLh of such planLs encourage Lhe renewal of soll and enhances Lhe llfe of
oLher crops. 1hls promoLes ldeas of how naLure wondrously does noL wasLe buL
lncorporaLes deaLh lnLo her renewal.

3.7.3 Mak|ng the ent|re process as part|c|patory as poss|b|e:
Lach celebraLlon would be organlzed [olnLly by Lhe communlLy, Lhe emphasls belng on
sLrengLhenlng Lhe bonds wlLhln Lhe communlLy, Lhe communlLy wlLh naLure/bloreglon and Lhe
communlLy wlLh oLher communlLles ln Lhe world. CelebraLlons would comblne acLlvlLles LhaL
secure a balance beLween hearL/splrlL/hands/head, emphaslzlng creaLlvlLy and Lhe expresslon
of members' feellngs Lhrough muslc, arL, dance ... ln Lhe plannlng process, lL ls lmporLanL LhaL
Lhe elder are lncluded (e.g. grandparenLs of chlldren ln Lhe school communlLy, elder/former
farmers eLc).
3.7.4 keep|ng the costs |ow and recyc|e]re-use the mater|a|s where poss|b|e:
When plannlng and organlzlng rlLuals and celebraLlons, lL ls vlLally lmporLance LhaL Lhese
celebraLlons lncur Lhe mlnlmum flnanclal cosLs posslble. 1he Lools and elemenLs used ln Lhe
celebraLlon should come from local sources and as far as posslble naLural elemenLs (gaLhered ln
a way LhaL respecLs naLure's cycles). An efflclenL wasLe managemenL and recycllng plan should
be puL ln place aL Lhe organlzaLlon's sLages of each celebraLlon, Lo ensure Lhere ls no negaLlve
lmpacL on Lhe envlronmenL and LhaL, as far as posslble, Lhe 'wasLe' ls re-used as a source for
new llfe and growLh.
3.7.S Lnsur|ng that ce|ebrat|ons |nc|ude an e|ement of |nter-spec|es connect|on,
to hea| the d|v|de between humans and the earth
1hls can be done Lhrough sLudenLs creaLlng a blodlverslLy sancLuary of naLlve specles ln Lhe
school Lo undersLand Lhe place of humans and all flora and fauna wlLhln Lhe framework of
naLure. Such a pro[ecL would emphaslze and concreLlse Lhe ldea of Lhe value of dlverslLy and
Lhe lnLerdependence of specles and hopes Lo resLore Lhe connecLlon and bonds beLween
humans and naLure.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

3.7.6 Incorporat|ng the vo|ces and needs of other k|ngdoms of nature |n the

1he deslgn of a hollsLlc School klLchen Carden should revolve around Lhe ldea of re-
harmonlzlng humans needs wlLh Lhose of Lhe pre-exlsLlng hablLaL, Lo show Lhe sLudenLs Lhe
embedded cycles (carbon, phosphorus, nlLrogen, eLc..) ln whlch we llve--how ln facL we are parL
of naLure and would noL be able Lo llve aparL from naLure.

8y provldlng for a varleLy of hablLaLs Lhe deslgn can glve a volce and place Lo naLure as an
lnLegral parL of Lhe concepL. 1he deslgn could show, for example, LhaL bulldlngs LhaL lnLegraLe
naLure from Lhe onseL, make for more pleasanL surroundlngs whlle aL Lhe same Llme enhance
llvellhood spaces and opporLunlLles for oLher specles. 1he deslgn should be lnsplred by Lco-
psychology, whlch shows LhaL sLudenLs exposed Lo naLure learn beLLer and feel less sLressed.

SLudenLs should also be exposed Lo Lhe ldeas of ueep Lcology Lo make Lhem reallze of Lhe
rlghLs of oLher klngdoms wlLh whom we share Lhe laneL. 1he deslgn should also alm Lo lnsplre
Lhe sLudenLs Lo see how Lhey can resLore naLural spaces ln Lhelr own homes by lnserLlng small
deslgn elemenLs Lo remlnd Lhem of our place wlLhln Lhe Web of llfe.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

3.7.7 Lnsur|ng Nature p|ays a ro|e |n the Des|gn of the Schoo| k|tchen Gardens:

1he deslgn should provlde for more secluded conLemplaLlve spaces where one can medlLaLe or
sLudy surrounded by naLure, and oLhers where sLudenLs can lnLeracL wlLh Lhelr senses of Louch,
smell and LasLe Lo promoLe and deepen Lhe experlence of oLher klngdoms.

ApproprlaLe quoLaLlons can be placed aL sLraLeglc polnLs Lo lnduce a reflecLlve awareness of
ones surroundlng. ln keeplng wlLh Lhe ldea of a deslgn LhaL Leaches, Lhe archlLecLure of Lhe
school could boLh conLrasL and lnLegraLes human and naLural elemenLs. ln Lhe deslgn, naLure
should be boLh a Leachlng ald for sub[ecLs such as humanlLles, LarLh and Llfe sclence, as well as
an opporLunlLy Lo apprehend Lhe world as a place where we can llve ln harmony wlLh oLher
klngdoms. lL should alm Lo make vlslble Lhe mulLlLude of lnLeracLlons on whlch we depend from
Lhe very alr we breaLhe, Lo our need for food and clean waLer.

3.7.8 Address|ng sp|r|tua||ty |n the des|gn of Schoo| k|tchen Gardens:

SplrlLuallLy (beyond rellglon) can be reflecLed ln Lhe deslgn of Lhe gardens by seeklng Lo
reconnecL Lhe human elemenL wlLhln lLs naLural elemenL. 1he garden ls Lhe eplLome of a
cooperaLlon beLween human endeavours and naLural processes. 1hrough Lhls cooperaLlon
Lhere ls an opporLunlLy Lo re-enllven a deeper lnsLlncLual relaLlonshlp wlLh naLure, and Lo re-
learn Lo llve ln harmony wlLh Lhe naLural rhyLhms. 1he human Llme sLops, and one has Lo deal
wlLh a slower buL relenLless unfoldlng of naLural processes.

Cn a deeper level Lhe acL of eaLlng food produced and harvesLed dlrecLly from Lhe garden
forces us Lo acknowledge our dependence on naLure. 1hrough eaLlng we lnLegraLe naLure ln
our very cells and Lhls ls made obvlous when Lhere ls no separaLlon beLween producLlon and
consumpLlon. 1he cycles of 8lrLh and deaLh, and re-lnLegraLlon lnLo a blgger LranscendenL
whole are made vlslble.

rocesses such as Lhe germlnaLlon of seeds and Lhe growLh of seedllngs makes Lhe mysLery of
llfe uLLerly vlslble, and Lhrough Lhe acL of wlLnesslng we are broughL Lo an lnnaLe sense of
sacredness of llfe. 1hls vlslon of brlnglng back llfe and naLure wlLhln Lhe campus, of leLLlng Lhe
garden become Lhe Leacher ls a way Lo leL Lhe splrlL ln Lhe space where lL ls normally banlshed
by a way of Leachlng lnherlLed from uescarLes. ln LhaL sense, brlnglng a garden lnLo a school ls a
subverslve way Lo leL Lhe sLudenLs re-approprlaLe an lnLulLlve way of knowlng. 1he acL of
gardenlng lLself when approached as a form of acLlve medlLaLlon can open Lhe sLudenLs Lo a
dlfferenL awareness of belng ln Lhe world.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

ConLacL wlLh naLure and lLs wonders enhances an appreclaLlon of Lhe small mlracles LhaL are
presenL Lo all of us ln everyday llfe. We may be able Lo sclenLlflcally deconsLrucL Lhese
processes of growLh and developmenL, buL sLudenLs can learn LhaL Lhere ls much beauLy and
saLlsfacLlon ln Lhe flrsL appearance of a frulL, especlally lf culLlvaLe awareness, care and
aLLenLlon Lo Lhe acL of growlng and aLLenLlon Lo naLure's laws, Lhus shlfLlng Lhelr focus away
from Lhe explolLaLlon of resources for our needs.

Whlle Lhls re-lnLegraLlon could be qulckened by more dlrecLed experlences, lL may be
preferable Lo leL Lhe garden Lell lLs sLory naLurally, and leL Lhe sLudenLs approprlaLe lLs message
aL Lhelr own pace. 8ecause Lhls ls a school seLLlng, Lhe lnnaLe splrlLuallLy of Lhe garden ls
lmplled raLher forced upon Lhe vlslLor. unllke ln a rellglous bulldlng, Lhe splrlL of Lhe place lends
lLself Lo varlous lnLerpreLaLlons dependlng on Lhe sLaLe of readlness of Lhe reclplenL. 1here ls a
co-evoluLlon of meanlng as Lhe garden works lLs slow maglc on Lhe sLudenL gardener.

3.8 LvALuA1L, 8LCLlvL lLLu8ACk Anu 1WLAk 1PL 8C!LC1 AS nLCLSSA8?

1lme Lo Llme, lL ls crlLlcal Lo recelve feedback for relevance of Lhe pro[ecL, LroubleshooLlng, and
also Lo keep Lhe pro[ecL on Lrack for vlslon, mlsslon, goals and LargeLs seL. 1o ensure
parLlclpaLlon on all levels, especlally chlldren and youLh, here are some guldellnes:

arLlclpanLs ldenLlfy Lhelr own lndlcaLors of performance
arLlclpanLs perform some form of self-evaluaLlon sulLed Lo Lhelr age and culLure
Pave frequenL small evaluaLlons, Lhls helps pro[ecL coordlnaLors Lo monlLor and Lweak
Lhe pro[ecL for lmprovemenL, relevance and susLalnablllLy
Lmpower parLlclpanLs Lo lnlLlaLe, conLrol, and Lake correcLlve acLlon

1he above guldellnes were adapLed from undersLandlng and LvaluaLlng Chlldren's
parLlclpaLlon: A 8evlew of ConLemporary LlLeraLure by !ason ParL, !esse newman, Llsanne
Ackermann and 1homas leeny of lan lnLernaLlonal

3.8.1 Creat|ng Ind|cators:

ldeally evaluaLlons would lnclude quallLaLlve and quanLlLaLlve lndlcaLors

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen
SS CuanLlLaLlve lndlcaLors
lor lnsLance Lhe lrench School ln kuala Lumpur under Lhe Lco Schools scheme has seL
some measurable LargeLs under Lhe focus of LnvlronmenLal wellbelng such as :
-AmounL of planL maLerlal composLed
-AmounL of ralnwaLer reclalmed for Lhe garden
-lncreased soll ferLlllLy
-lncreased blodlverslLy

And some examples of LargeLs seL by Lhe school ln Mallorca are
-amounL of local (ecologlcal) seeds used and saved
-amounL of polllnaLors (lncreased)
-amounL of pesLs (reduced/ellmlnaLed) CuallLaLlve lndlcaLors
Chlldren become more engaged ln Lhelr learnlng when Lhey can percelve meanlng, purpose
and relevance Lo Lhelr llfe and how Lhey are parL of naLure.

1hls ls where lL would be useful for Lhem Lo evaluaLe Lhelr experlences for educaLlon and
meanlng. lor lnsLance, as parL soclal well belng Lhere wlll be celebraLlons accordlng Lo naLure's
cycles and seasons. AL Lhese gaLherlngs Lhey can be asked Lo raLe on a scale of 1-10 on Lhe
pro[ecLs values and educaLlonal goals relaLed Lo:

- Meanlngfulness
- Learnlng
- CelebraLlon & lun
- Cycles of Llfe
- CommunlLy
- 1helr lnLrlnslc experlences of naLure and blodlverslLy
- SusLalnablllLy and self-rellance

Clder chlldren can also be asked Lo [ournal Lhelr experlences from Llme Lo Llme.

3.8.2 Create space for ref|ect|on and ana|yz|ng |mpact:

lL ls very useful Lo reflecL on how Lhe garden has lmpacLed Lhelr learnlng and vlews of naLure:

rogram |mpacts
- WhaL do you undersLand abouL gardenlng and how dld you come Lo know lL?

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

- WhaL have you learnL mosL from your experlence wlLh school klLchen Cardens?
- Pow have your Lhlnklng, oplnlons, and bellefs abouL Lhe naLure changed Lhrough
Lhls program?

Cpen ended statements that encourage ch||dren and youth to ref|ect the |nf|uence on the
- l never reallzed LhaL Lhere ls so much Lo do ln Lhe garden.."
- Some of Lhe Lhlngs l learnL abouL naLure from worklng wlLh Lhe garden are

rob|ems and cha||enges (re|ated to program $,-.&-. or the /*,$&++ of |earn|ng)
- WhaL dlfflculLles dld you encounLer and how dld you resolve any problems?
- Were Lhere any challenges you haven'L been able Lo resolve?

1he |earn|ng exper|ence
- WhaL conLrlbuLed Lo your successful learnlng? unsuccessful learnlng?
- Why do you conslder lL Lo be successful or noL so?

ersona| op|n|on and exper|ences, or statements of be||ef:

- 1he hands-on experlence helped my learnlng because."
- l en[oyed learnlng Lhls Loplc ln parLlcular because."
- l dldn'L llke LhaL acLlvlLy so much because.."
- When l spend Llme ln naLure, l feel
- Cbservlng naLure's cycles, l learn...

CLher resources for evaluaLlon can be found aL: hLLp://blogs.cornell.edu/garden/grow-your-

3.8.3 Accept|ng feedback

lL ls very lmporLanL LhaL flndlngs and lessons learnL from Lhe evaluaLlon are fed back Lo all
sLakeholders aL Lhe end of Lhe process, parLlcularly Lo Lhose chlldren who gave lnformaLlon
Lowards Lhe evaluaLlon.
1hese flndlngs should also be presenLed ln ways accesslble Lo chlldren and adulLs of all ages,
llLeraLe or non-llLeraLe, ln Lhe parLlcular conLexL (Wllson and Mckeown, 2003).
arLlcularly wlLh younger chlldren aLLenLlon should be pald Lo Lhe means of communlcaLlng
feedback Lo ensure LhaL lL ls undersLandable and lnLeresLlng.

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

4 AnnLx: Llnks Lo relevanL school and food
regulaLlons ln Malaysla and Spaln
Pere are some useful llnks Lo exlsLlng regulaLlons ln Malaysla and Spaln LhaL could affecL some
aspecLs of Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of you School klLchen Cardens and oLher envlronmenLal

Sale of School klLchen Carden roduce Lo CafeLerla: Lnsurlng Safely
Malayslan ueparLmenL of AgrlculLure Culdellnes for Cood AgrlculLural racLlce
1hls documenL covers guldellnes for mulLlple aspecLs ln Lhe followlng areas:
-lanLlng maLerlals
-lleld SanlLaLlon and ParvesL racLlce
(please also refer Lo hLLp://www.gardenabcs.com/uploads/Carden_roLocol_-
for speclflc seLs of proLocols wlLh regards Lo harvesL and cleanlng of produce LhaL can be
adopLed by Lhe school cafeLerla)
-Soll AmendmenLs and Manurlng
More deLalls can also be obLalned from Lhe followlng documenL produced by Malaysla's
MlnlsLry of AgrlculLure Malayslan SLandard Crop CommodlLy - Cood AgrlculLural racLlces (MS

ln relaLlon Lo food and nuLrlLlon, check:
1he Spanlsh Agency for lood SecurlLy and nuLrlLlon:
Ley 17/2011, de 3 de [ullo, de segurldad allmenLarla y nuLrlcln.

ln relaLlon Lo school cenLers regulaLlons, more broadly, check:

BESIuN u0IBELINES foi Bolistic School Kitchen

8eal uecreLo 1004/1991, de 14 de [unlo, por el que se esLablecen los requlslLos mlnlmos de los
CenLros que lmparLan Lnsenanzas de 8eglmen Ceneral no unlverslLarlas.(8CL 132/1991 de 26-
06-1991, pg. 21181)
uecreLo 297/2002, de 17 de ulclembre por el que se regulan las Lscuelas lnfanLlles para nlnos y
nlnas de cero a Lres anos en la CAv duranLe los cursos 2002-2003 y 2003-2004, 8Cv no 249,
31 de dlclembre de 2002.

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