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1. WAP to print n numbers using for loop in PL/SQL 2.

Write the PL/SQL code to input the emps no and increase the salary by 10% if his salary < 5000 otherwise delete the record from employee table and insert it into temp table. 1. Write a PL/SQL program to input two nos and display the total and average of these no. 2. Write PL/SQL code to insert the record in dept table. 1. Write a program to display the sum of digits in no: 2. Write the Code to input the depts no and print the total emps and sum of salary with in that dept. 1. WAP to print 1 to 10 numbers using simple loop in PL/SQL using Store procedure. 2. WAP to implement Cursor program to show employee data in PL/SQL 1. WAP to perform COMMIT and ROLLBACK operation in SQL 2. Write a program to input the salary and working exp of emp and calculate the bonus as 10% of salary. Give 500 RS. Extra bonus to those whose working exp. More than 10 years. 1. Write a PL/SQL program to input two nos and print the maximum no between them. 2. WAP to create objects in oracle database as following criteria: Creates an object type named t_person and t_address; notice that t_address contains four attributes named street,city,state ,zip and t_person has an attribute named address, which is of type t_address: 1. Write a program to input a no and print the table of that no. 2. Write the Code to input the emps no and print the name and salary of that emp. 1. WRITE THE CODE TO PRINT 10 TO 1. 2. Write the PL/SQL script to display the ename, job, sal and deptno from the emp table using cursor 1. Program to input 3 nos and find out the maximum no. 2. Write the Code to input the depts no and print the total emps and sum of salary with in that dept. 1. Program to print first n odd numbers in descending order. 2. WAP to create objects in oracle database as following criteria: Creates an object type named t_person and t_address; notice that t_address contains four attributes named street, city, state, zip and t_person has an attribute named address, which is of type t_address: 1. Write the Code to input the depts no and print the total emps and sum of salary with in that dept. 2. WAP to insert even odd numbers in temp table using PL/SQL 1. Write a PL/SQL program to input two nos and print the maximum no between them. 2. Write a PL/SQL script to increase the salary as per following criteria: SALARY AMT INCREMENTED BY <1200 8% <2500 12% <4500 15% OTHERWISE 20% 1. What is Trigger? 2. Write an SQL trigger to carry out the following action: On delete of an account, for each owner of the account, check if the owner has any remaining accounts, and if she does not, delete her from the depositor relation.

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