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Master Chef Survey These are the responses of my constructed survey on the different aspects of my Boscaiola.

I sent my survey out via email to 29 people I was successful with 25 responses.

1. What age group do you fall in? Purpose: To find out the age range of people completing my survey.

In the results I was able to find out that the majority of people who completed my survey were 10-20 year olds and most likely teenagers. There were also a few people above the age of 40 and 1 person 20-40 years old who finished the survey. In conclusion, my question successfully accomplished its purpose however I think it shouldve been sent to some children aged 1 -10 so their opinions and ideas could be expressed.

2. What gender are you? Purpose: To find out the gender of people being surveyed so I can have a range of males and females perspectives.

The result was that it mainly females who completed my survey. This question was successful as it showed me I had a range of opinions. I found out that most of my opinions came from females so in the future it would be better if I sent my survey to an even amount of boys and girls so I can get a variety of opinions from different perspectives.

3. How much do you like Italian pasta on a scale of 1-10? Purpose: to find out the amount of people who liked the Italian pasta out of 10. Results: In results everyone liked Italian pasta and most gave it a 10/10 which is a positive not towards my design.

4. What type of pasta would best suit the recipe for boscaiola? Purpose: To eliminate different types of pasta with the types people like.

The most favoured Italian pasta is fettuccini however we have already cooked fettuccini as a part of practice so I will probably make my boscaiola with penne pasta, the second most favoured pasta.

5. How much pasta would you consume? Purpose: to find out the amount of pasta that needed to be cooked.

Most people I discovered prefer an average size bowl of pasta however some of the audience surveyed prefer a large bowl. When I make my boscaiola dish I will make a little over average for the people that want more.

6. Would you prefer fresh cooked ham or bits of cooked bacon in you boscaiola? Purpose: to find out what type of meat the people surveyed prefer, bacon or ham. The vote was very tight between which meat was most preferred however cooked bacon bits were the most popular choice out of the two. Furthermore, I am going to use cooked bacon bits while cooking my boscaiola.

7. What extra ingredient would you add to your pasta with the main 3 ingredients being bacon, mushroom and onion? Purpose: To find some ingredients to add to my boscaiola.

In total the most wanted ingredients were parsley (14 votes) and prawns (13 votes) therefore I will add these ingredients into my recipe.

8. Would you like extra parmesan cheese or parsley sprinkled over youre your pasta? Purpose: To find out if I should add parmesan cheese or parsley as an extra flavour.

I found out that most of the people surveyed would like parmesan cheese with their pasta so I will add parmesan cheese to top off my dish. However, in this question I shouldnt have asked about the parsley because I had already considered as another ingredient in previous question. 9. Would you like chilli added in your pasta? If so how spicy? Purpose: to analyse if the audience survey like chilli and if they did how spicy the desire it.

I found out that most people favoured a light spice in their boscaiola therefore I will only add minimum chilli into my boscaiola to give it a small but exquisite tang. In my results however I also noticed that a large amount of people didnt want chilli at all so this factor must be considered depending on the audience the food is being served to because most of the older people like chilli on the other hand younger ones dont so I think Ill only put a bit of chilli.

10. Would you like the boscaiola sauce to dominate the dish or the pasta? Purpose: Do find out which aspect of the pasta would be most dominating.

In my survey results I have learnt that most people would like the sauce to dominate the boscaiola as it is a major factor. This tells me that I need to make more sauce than pasta and focus more on the pasta.

11. How would you like the texture of your boscaiola sauce? Choose 2 option Purpose: this is to find out what type of texture the boscaiola sauce will attain Through this question I found out that the most people like their boscaiola sauce light and creamy. This texture will be hard to create as it is exquisite.

12. At what temperature would you like your boscaiola served at? Purpose: To find out what temperature is best to have the boscaiola served at.

In this question I found out that most people would like their boscaiola mildly hot this is not extremely hot so this temperature would not be very hard to come by. Furthermore, I am making the final temperature of my pasta mildly hot.

13. Would you like your boscaiola served with a crusty bread side dish? Purpose: to simply find out if the surveyed audience would enjoy some crust bread as a side. Most people would enjoy some crusty bread as a side dish. Subsequently, I will put some bread like Ciabatta on the side of to accompany the pasta.

14. What type of onion and mushroom would you like? Purpose: To find out what particular type of mushroom and onions people liked.

I found out that the most popular mushroom was the button mushrooms and the most popular onion was the brown onion therefore I will use these two types of mushrooms when making my dish. 15. Would you like salt and pepper sprinkled on your pasta? Purpose: to find out what topping they want sprinkled on their pasta.

The majority of people surveyed would like both salt and pepper sprinkled over their pasta.

16. What meat would you like included in your boscaiola? (If you don't want meat you can skip this question) Purpose: To initially find out if people want meat in their dish and if so what type.

The majority of voters chose that they would like chicken as an extra element in their boscaiola, 5 people did not want meat in their pasta at all though. Due to this I will put chicken in my pasta.

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