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San Jose Elementary School

Whats Happening This Month
Special points of interest:
Cyber bullying Digital citizenship Our class on Edmodo Pledge reminders

April 1st, 2014

Volume 1, Issue 1

Bullying Ends Where Kindness Begins

The more things change, the more they stay the same. And so it goes with bullying. But unlike the good ol days, when bullying was localized and (hopefully) temporary, cyber bullying knows no boundaries. Well begin our unit on Digital Citizenship by delving into the many forms of cyber bullying, as well as tips for avoiding becoming a victim and helping those who have. Cyber bullying involves using technology to torment, threaten, harass or embarrass another person. Just because it happens online, doesnt make it any less real. Cyber bullying has a potentially limitless reach, is easily and readily shared, and its content is virtually impossible to fully delete. Those humiliating rumors, embarrassing pictures and even sensitive or confidential information can exist online for years. The increased prevalence of smart phones and image -based social media, coupled with the perceived anonymity associated with online communication has contributed to a drastic increase in the number of students victimized online. During our Digital Citizenship unit, students will work together as a class to write a pledge to help end cyber bullying and increase their safety as they spend time online. Student suggestions will compiled on our site under Bullying Ends Where Kindness Begins. It Begins With Me.

Inside this issue:

Our Class on Edmodo Our Class Website Parent Pledge Student Pledge Calendar

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Be a Good Digital Citizen

As students spend more time onlineboth in and out of schoolits important they understand what it means to be a good digital citizen. Our Digital Citizenship unit will make sure they know how to navigate the internet responsibly and safely. In addition to covering topics from privacy to piracy, the unit will help students realize that just like in real life, their online actions and reputations are seen as a reflection of their character. More information on digital citizenship can be found at: www.digitalcitizenship.org


Our Class on Edmodo

Is it Facebook? Sorta. Kinda. But no, not really. Its Edmodo; a familiar fun way to stay socially engaged with our class from anywhere, anytime. On our class Edmodo page students can check on assignments, turn in homework and projects, post and view pictures, and interact with other students. The interface looks and feels a lot like social media sites they may already be familiar with, but all content is first filtered and approved by the teacher. Edmodo is a great training ground for students to experiment with their new-found digital identities. Its a real-life, interactive (yet closely monitored and maintained) realm for them to apply all the aspects of good digital citizenship. Its also a helpful resource for asking questions, getting clarification, staying motivated and feeling connected to whats happening in our class. Parents can also access, monitor and edit or remove any posts by their child via their own administrative password.

A familiar, fun, social way to stay connected to our class.

They can also check on assignments and due dates, send messages to the teacher, or just browse through pictures of what weve been doing in class.

Visit the gallery together and let them give you a tour

Check Out Our Class Website!

While your online (checking out Edmodo), stop by our class website. Its a great place to get acquainted with our class cultureour rules, philosophy, pictures, projects, and general areas of interest for students beyond the scope of our class. Our class website also contains copies of all the forms, documents, calendars and other paperwork from the first days of class. Many times those items get lostor sometimes never make it home at all; just visit the Brain tab of the site for a full list of need-to-know documents. The website also contains contact information for the teacher and the school office, along with a map, office hours, and best time and methods for contacting the teacher or administration. Our photo gallery is updated regularly and is a fun way for your child to show off their accomplishments and victories throughout the year. If youve got a minute, visit the gallery together and let them give you a tour. See it at thisisfifthgrade.weebly.com

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Parent Pledge (a reminder)

Volume 1, Issue 1

The front page had an article about cyber bullying. Many parents are already aware of the existence and prevalence of cyber-bullying, but feel ill-equipped to deal with it. Its vitally important that your child feels comfortable talking to you about instances of cyber bullying and that they are encouraged to come to you with any questions or concerns. The following tips were included with the Parent Pledge, but are included here as welljust a friendly reminder.

Stay Informed! If you havent already, get familiar with some popular social media technology. Better yet, use it. Have a look at Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat. Have a look at your childs online network. Know their usernames. Know their online friends. Look for warning signs like deleted browser histories or the sudden appearance of banner ads for products youve not been searching for. Know what torrent sites are. Know what theyre for.

Stay Involved! Talk with your child about their online habits. Let them know you have a clue. Stress the Golden Rule. Its just as important online treat others how youd like to be treated. Talk to your child about privacy. Seemingly unimportant information can pose a risk if shared online. Teach your child about viruses, malware and online scams. Encourage your child to come to you with questions about anything. Odds are your answer will be preferable to what they find when they Google it.

The Kids Are OK

While were on the subject of pledges, heres a refresher of the pledge your child has made regarding their commitment to being a good digital citizen. You may want to take a minute to remind them of it, and perhaps take the opportunity to start the discussion. I will treat others as I want them to treat me. I wont write, share, or respond to mean comments. I will be supportive of those who know less than I do. I will help others use technology safely. I will T.H.I.N.K. Is it TRUE? Is it HELPFUL? Is it INSPIRING? Is it NECESSARY? Is it KIND? I will talk to my parents about what I do online. I will tell my parents if I find stuff that makes me uncomfortable. I will ask my parents before downloading anything. I will keep private information private. I understand that my parents may monitor my computer and cell phone activities in order to help keep me safe.

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San Jose Elementary School

2001 San Jose Dr. Dearborn Heights, FL 54321

Tech, tech, tech

Its everywhere they look, so why not embrace it in the classroom? Throughout our school year, well be learning about and engaging with fun, interactive technologies for learning, collaborating, researching and sharing. Look for names like Animoto, Prezi, Narrable, ActivInspire and more.

Phone: 850-356-7633 Fax: 850-356-7645 E-mail: deled5th@sanjose.edu

Business Tagline or Motto

April 2014
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Rock, Paper,

Scissors seating competition

6 13 20

7 14

8 15


10 17

11 18 25

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21 Bring 22
a pet to class day

23 Does any- 24
one read these?





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