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Departamento de fsica Carrera de fsica Problemas de electricidad y magnetismo 1. Segundo semestre de 2012 Estimado(a) estudiante.

. Este grupo de problemas le ayudar a comprender los conceptos estudiados en clase. La lista es quiz algo extensa pero es obligatorio hacer todos los ejercicios, como se dice La prctica hace al maestro. Ellos tendrn que ser entregados haciendo parte de la nota final. Como ustedes entendern, dado que esta materia es de 3 crditos se espera que usted dedique a ella un tiempo de 9 horas por semana, es decir 5 horas adicionales de estudio individual. La lista fue tomada de algunos textos de Fsica clsicos, internet siendo algunos de ellos modificados. Objetivos a lograr con los ejercicios: Al final de realizar los ejercicios usted debe poder: Determinar el nmero de electrones en una carga determinada Determinar la fuerza elctrica entre dos y ms cargas puntuales Determinar el campo elctrico debido a una y ms cargas puntuales Determinar el movimiento de una carga en un campo elctrico constante

1. Dos balones de voleibol de masa de 250g cada uno, sujetos por hilos de nylon y cargados con un generador electrosttico, penden como se muestra en la figura. Cul es la carga de cada uno, en Coulomb, suponiendo que las cargas son iguales? (Use como constante gravitacional la de Bogot). En que cambia la fsica del problema si uno de los balones tiene dos veces la carga del otro, se obtendra el mismo dibujo? Muestre que si la longitud de las cuerdas es L y el ngulo entre las cuerdas 2y los balones tiene masa m la carga de los balones es: donde k es la constante de Coulomb.

2.5m 0.5m

2. Explicar, mencionando cada etapa como puede utilizarse una varilla aislante positivamente cargada para dar a una esfera de metal a) Una carga positiva, b) Una carga negativa, c) Puede usarse la misma vara para dar a una esfera una carga positiva y a otra negativa sin recargar la varilla? 3. Cuantos electrones deben ser removidos o adicionados a una moneda de 100 pesos para tener una carga de +0.1C? Qu fuerza de repulsin tendran dos monedas separadas 1m cada una con esta carga? 4. A thin rod bent into a semicircle of radius R has a charge of Q, in esu, distributed uniformly over its length. Find the strength of the electric field at the centre of the semicircle. 5. At the beginning of the 20th century the idea that the rest mass of the electron might have a purely electrical origin was very attractive, especially when the equivalence of energy and mass was revealed by the special relativity. Imagine the electron as a ball of charge, of constant volume density out to some maximum radius ro. One defect of the model is rather obvious: Nothing is provided to hold the charge together!

6. A thin rod of length L carries a total charge q uniformly distributed along its length. Find the strength of the electric field at each of the two points A and B located as shown in the diagram. L A
a b

B 7. A metal sphere of radius R is earthed via a very thin conductor. An electric charge +e is situated at a distance d=2R from the centre of the sphere. What is the negative charge e of the sphere? The surface of the earth and all another objects can be assumed sufficiently remote, and the effect of the grounding wire can be neglected. 8. Dos cargas positivas iguales q estn en el eje y; una esta en y=a y la otra en y=-a. a) Demostrar que el campo elctrico en el eje x esta dirigido a lo largo de dicho eje con . b) Demostrar que cercano al origen, cuando x es mucho menor que a, Ex equivale aproximadamente a . c) Demostrar que 2 para x mucho mayor a el campo vale 2kq/x . Explique por que debera esperarse este resultado incluso antes de ser calculado. d) Demuestre que el campo elctrico tiene su mximo valor para los puntos . e) Dibuje Ex. f) Utilizando Mathematica dibuje el campo elctrico para todo el espacio. 9. A solid non-conducting sphere of radius R has a non-uniform charge distribution of volume charge density =sr/R, where s is a constant and r is the distance from the centre of the sphere. If s=42.0 C/m3 and R=2.00cm, what is the total charge of the sphere? y

10. Consider a distribution of charge in the form of a circular cylinder, like a long charged pipe. Prove that that the field inside the pipe is zero. Prove that the outside is the same as if the charge were all on the axis. Is either statement true for a pipe of square cross section on which the charge is distributed with uniform surface density? 11. a) A point charge q is located at the center of a cube of edge length d. What is the value of over one face of the cube? b) The charge q is moved to one corner of the cube. What is now the value of the flux of E through each of the faces of the cube? 12. An infinite plane has a uniform surface charge distribution on its surface. Adjacent to it is an infinite parallel layer of charge of thickness d and uniform volume charge density . All the charges are fixed. Find E everywhere. 13. A spherical volume, of radius a, is filled with a charge of uniform density . We want to know the potential energy U of this sphere of charge, that is, the work done in assembling it. Calculate it by building the sphere up layer by layer, making use of the fact that the field outside a spherical distribution of charge is the same as if all the charge where at the centre. Express the result in terms of the total charge of the sphere. 14. Concentric spherical shells of radius a and b, with b>a, carry charge +Q ad Q, respectively, each charge uniformly distributed. Find the energy stored in the electrical field of this system. 15. Four positive charged bodies, two with charge Q and another two with charge q, are connected by four unstretchable strings of equal length. In the absence of external forces they assume the equilibrium configuration shown in the diagram. Show that . This can be done in two ways. You could show that this

relation must hold if the total force on each body, the vector sum of string tension and electrical repulsion, is zero. Or you could write out the expression for the energy U and minimize it.

16. Taking the earth as a sphere of radius of 6400km, find the charge e on the earth if the electric field-strength on earths surface.

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