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Depletable resource also known as non-renewable resource.

Depletable resource is a natural resource such as coal, gas or oil that once consumed, it cannot be replaced. Many nations count on coal, oil and natural gas to supply most of their energy needs, but reliance on fossil fuels presents a big problem. Fossil fuels are depletable and non-recyclable sources of energy. Eventually, the world will run out of fossil fuels, or it will become too expensive to retrieve those that remain. Fossil fuels also causes air, water and soil pollution, and produce greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. Biomass is one of the renewable energy sources that can be used to replace the depletable resources. It offer clean alternatives to fossil fuels. It also produce little pollution on greenhouse gases, and they will never run out. Biomass has been an important source of energy ever since people first began burning wood to cook food and warm themselves. Biomass can be used to produce electricity and as fuel for transportation, or to manufacture products that would otherwise require the use of non-renewable fossil fuels. Biomass is biological material derived from living, or recently living organisms. Sources of biomass energy include food crops, grasses and other plants, agricultural and forestry waste and residue, organic components from municipal and industrial wastes, even methane gas harvested from community landfills. Biomass is all biologically-produced matter based in carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The estimated biomass production in the world is 146 billion tons a year, consisting of mostly wild plant growth. As a renewable energy source, biomass can either be used directly via combustion to produce heat, or indirectly after converting it to various forms of biofuel. Direct combustion is the simplest and most common method of capturing the energy contained within biomass. Usually these facilities (boilers) produce steam to use either within an industrial process, or to produce electricity directly. They can also produce heat, which is then captured for one purpose or another. Direct combustion technology is very similar to that used for coal. Since biomass does not contain these dangerous elements, combusting it produces no dangerous emissions. Based on the source of biomass, biofuels are classified broadly into two major categories. First generation biofuels are derived from sources such as sugarcane and corn starch. Second generation biofuels are derived from sources such as agriculture and municipal waste. Biomass as an alternative source of energy will reduce further increase of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere. Carbon dioxide acts as a greenhouse gas by trapping heat leading to a rise in global warming. In contrast, use of fossil fuels, releases "new carbon" which has been locked away in the form of hydrocarbon fuels in the earths crust since millions of years. . In conclusion, the use of biomass energy provides a multitude of environmental benefits. It can help mitigate climate change, reduce acid rain, prevent soil erosion and water pollution. Plus, by using biomass also can minimize pressure on landfills, provide wildlife habitat and help maintain forest health through better management. It is a renewable resource that can be used to generate energy on demand, with little or no net contributions to global greenhouse gas emissions.

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