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Class Participation Rubric Mrs.

Derck Class participation is worth 25% of students total class grade in English due to the significant increase in learning the sub!ect "atter when these specific goals are "et. Categor# Attitude E$cellent%&
)tudent is alwa#s respectful of his or her self others and teacher has a positi,e attitude and does not critici.e an#one elses ideas or work. Consistentl# sta#s focused on in%class work and what needs to be done. 3er# self%directed.

Rarel# is critical of ideas or work of others. /ften has a positi,e attitude about the task0s1. 2suall# treats others and self with respect. -ocuses on in% class work and what needs to be done "ost of the ti"e.

)atisfactor# C%D
/ften or occasionall# has a positi,e attitude about the task0s1 and beha,es in a respectful "anner. -ocuses on the task and what needs to be done so"e of the ti"e. /ften "ust be re"inded b# the teacher about what needs to get done. )o"eti"es pro,ide useful ideas when participating in classroo" discussion. & satisfactor# student who does what is re4uired. /ften listens to shares with and supports the efforts of others but so"eti"es is not acti,el# listening or responding. /ften brings "aterials but so"eti"es needs to borrow.
6ends to procrastinate does not use school ti"e or schedule pro,ided to get work co"pleted.

*eeds +"pro,e"ent D%/ften is critical of the work or ideas of others. Rarel# beha,es in a respectful "anner.

Focus on Class Work

Rarel# focuses on class work and what needs to be done.


Routinel# pro,ides useful ideas when participating in classroo" discussion. & definite leader who contributes a lot of effort. &l"ost alwa#s listens to shares with and supports the efforts of others. )tudents can feel safe ,olunteering in this students presence. (rings needed "aterials to class and is alwa#s read# to work. Routinel# uses ti"e well to ensure things get done on ti"e. )tudent ne,er asks to ad!ust deadlines.

2suall# pro,ides useful ideas when participating in classroo" discussion. & strong student whop tries hard. 2suall# listens to shares with and supports the efforts of others.

Rarel# pro,ides useful ideas when participating in classroo" discussion. Ma# refuse to participate.

Working with Others

Rarel# listens to shares with and supports the efforts of others. /ften disrupts or discourages others atte"pts to participate.



&l"ost alwa#s brings needed "aterial to class and is read# to work. 2suall# uses ti"e well rarel# "isses deadlines.

)eldo" brings "aterials and5or is rarel# read# to get to work. Rarel# gets work done b# deadlines alwa#s asks for e$tensions or does not sub"it work despite ti"e in school.

Quality o Work

Pro,ides work of the highest 4ualit# that reflects the students best efforts. )tudent is aware of and follows all rules in the student handbook such as plagiaris" food drink tardies etc.

Pro,ides 4ualit# work that reflects an effort fro" the student. )tudent see"s to nearl# alwa#s know and follow rules as outlined in the student handbook.



)tudent is awake and engaged in class on a dail# basis and shows no disrupti,e beha,ior.

)tudent is awake and engaged in class nearl# e,er# da# and shows no disrupti,e beha,ior.

7ork occasionall# needs to be redone or does not reflect an# ti"e or effort. )tudent has broken a few rules during this "arking period or has "ade no effort to "ake hi" or her self aware of the rules. )tudent is awake "ost of the ti"e but has fallen asleep or done nothing for a few classes. )how no disrupti,e beha,ior.

Pro,ides illegible work that reflects ,er# little effort or does not turn in an# work. )tudent does not follow rules as e$plained in student handbook.

)tudent fre4uentl# sleeps and5or disrupts class.

6he following Penns#l,ania )tandards for )peaking and 8istening are regulated and "ust be taught in Penns#l,ania9 $$% $%&% 'peaking and (istening &. 8isten to others. &sk clarif#ing 4uestions. )#nthesi.e infor"ation ideas and opinions to deter"ine rele,anc#. 6ake notes. (. Contribute to discussions. &sk rele,ant clarif#ing 4uestions. Respond with rele,ant infor"ation or opinions to 4uestions asked. 8isten to and acknowledge the contributions of others. &d!ust tone and in,ol,e"ent to encourage e4uitable participation. -acilitate total group participation. +ntroduce rele,ant facilitating infor"ation ideas and opinions to enrich the discussion. Paraphrase and su""ari.e as needed. C. Participate in s"all and large group discussions and presentations.

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