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Buffaloes are the major dairy herds in Pakistan. Pakistan at 2 nd position after India with 98 millions and before China with 23 millions. There are fi e re!o"ni#ed breeds of buffalo in the !ountry. $ili%&a i and 'undhi are the two main breeds of buffalo( while a si#eable population of $ili( &a i and )#i%'heli breeds also e*ist. $ili%&a i is the breed of the ri erine Punjab. $ili and &a i were distin"uished as separate breeds until +9,3 when their mi*in" was a!knowled"ed offi!ially. $ili and &a i( howe er( still e*ist as separate breed. -se of o*yto!in inje!tions to animals is a !ommon pra!ti!e in Pakistan before milkin" for the milk letdown( re"ardless of their physiolo"i!al effe!ts and !onditions. )dministration of o*yto!in inje!tions due to unawareness and la!k of edu!ation may leads to effe!t the milk !omposition and ultimately alter the .uality of milk and milk produ!ts. This hormone may imprint many harmful effe!ts on the li es of animals as well as !onsumers. The effe!t of o*yto!in on milk !omposition is still a debatable issue. The present proje!t was undertaken to study the effe!t of o*yto!in on buffalo milk !omposition. Twel e buffalos were sele!ted from /i e 0to!k 1arm of -ni ersity of )"ri!ulture( 1aisalabad( Pakistan were di ided into two "roups 2si* buffalos3"roup4 i.e. "roup I and "roup II. The buffalos in "roup I were kept as a !ontrol while those in "roup II were administered with 25I- of o*yto!in intramus!ular( daily durin" the whole e*perimental period. Buffalos were properly restrained and kept under similar atmosphere !onditions. 6ilk samples were !olle!ted durin" mornin" and e enin" after e ery fifteen days till three months usin" +55ml sterile plasti! bottles and stored at 7oC throu"hout e*periment. The milk samples were analy#ed for milk minerals. 6inerals analysis were !ondu!ted and results re ealed that o*yto!in ha e si"nifi!ant effe!t on minerals !omposition i.e. ma!ro minerals sodium 2$a4 and potassium 2'4 and mi!ro mineral #in! 28n4( iron 21e4 and !opper 2Cu4 in milk. 0odium 2$a4 !on!entration from 799.,:9% ,3:.899m"3/. Potassium 2'4 2+3,9.279%++,+.529m"3/4 !on!entration were de!reased. Copper 2Cu4 !on!entration in!reased from 28.997%,2.778 ;"3/. Iron 21e4 2,.9,+%3.52+ ;" 3/4 !on!entration were de!reased


)dministration of o*yto!in si"nifi!antly affe!ted milk !omposition. 1rom this study it is !on!luded that re"ular o*yto!in inje!tions should be stopped be!ause it not only affe!t the milk !omposition but also has a promisin" effe!t on the produ!ts manufa!ture from this milk and health of the !onsumers. Infants !ould be more affe!ted than adults.

)dministration of o*yto!in before milkin" has si"nifi!ant impa!t on the milk !omposition of buffalos. <*yto!in not only imparts ad erse affe!t on milk !omposition( but also on the health of animal as well as human.

)dministration of o*yto!in resulted in an in!rease in sodium( and !opper !ontent and de!rease in potassium and iron !ontent while other minerals are not affe!ted. =i"her le el of sodium in!reases blood pressure and !auses hypertension whi!h is alarmin" si"n for an indi idual. >e!reased le el of potassium !auses hpokalemia. <*yto!in also !auses de!rease in iron !ontent leads to perni!ious anemia whi!h is ery !ommon problem in Pakistan. >ue to the ad erse effe!ts of o*yto!in mentioned abo e some re!ommendations should be followed for pre ention.



)dministration of o*yto!in inje!tions should be stri!tly prohibited for milk

)wareness should be !reated throu"h seminars and workshops at both farmers and industry le el about the possible effe!ts of o*yto!in. /aws should be established and enfor!ed re"ardin" the sale of o*yto!in inje!tions. 1uture resear!h work is needed to?

>etermine the residual effe!ts of o*yto!in in milk In esti"ate the effe!t of residual o*yto!in on the health of !onsumers and

@ffe!t on yield and on other !omponents of milk


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