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Constitution of the Completely Assumed Totalitarian Dictatorship of Moah (CATDM)

Introduction : After consulting himself on the 2nd of April 2014, the Supreme Dictator establishes the Constitution of the nation of Moah, which will take effect immediatel after the end of its writing! Article I : - The CATDM territory is constituted of the Rucciu and Isula Piana isles, that formerly belonged to the city of !"le-Rousse, Corsica, #rance $ as %ell as any and all data data and information transfert o&er the global com'uter net%or( (no%n as the Internet) - All humans*artificial intelligences*dol'hins*seagulls*cats*giant iso'ods born on the Moah territory, ha&ing at least one 'arent that is a citi+en of Moah, ha&ing married a citi+en of Moah, or ha&ing been naturali+ed, is considered as a citi+en of Moah) - If a citi+en li&es outside of the e,isting territory of the nation of Moah, they are authori+ed to declare their 'lace of residence as an encla&e of the CATDM, at the only condition that they 'ut the -eriously -erious .anner of -eriousness on their %all) - Citi+ens of the CATDM are also allo%ed to ha&e u' to t%o other nationalities) - The official languages for the Com'letely Assumed Totalitarian Dictatorshi' of Moah are #rench, /nglish and Corsican) The Constitution %as first %ritten in #rench, then in /nglish, and %ill be translated into Corsican once the -u'reme Dictator finds someone to do it because he!s too la+y for that)

Article II : - The Com'letely Assumed Totalitarian Dictatorshi' of Moah is a com'letely assumed totalitarian dictatorshi') The -u'reme Dictator has absolute 'o%er o&er all of the nation and go&ernment, as he is the en&oy of 0ur Re'tilian 0&erlords on /arth, and he has all the rights to this 'o%er) - The Constitution e,'resses the fundamental &alues of the CATDM, and its content must be res'ected) The -u'reme Dictator is allo%ed to re%rite it at %ill) Article III : - The flag of the CATDM is the -eriously -erious .anner of -eriousness 1

- The official seal of the CATDM is the red-eyed smiley at the center of the -eriously -erious .anner of -eriousness) 0n a legal 'oint of &ie%, it is absolutely useless and can be used by any citi+en for any use) - The CATDM national anthem is the orchestral &ersion of 2e&er 3onna 3i&e 4ou 5' by Ric( Astley, orchestrated by 6alt Ribeiro)

- The CATDM official ca'ital city, %hich %ill stay here until a less hostile territory is found, is the Isula Piana isle) -ince it is difficult to access, all go&ernmental decisions %ill be ta(en &ia telecommunications) - The 2ational 7oliday is celebrated on A'ril 8st, the official date of the creation of the CATDM) #or this occasion, citi+ens must sho% their 'atriotism to Moah, by any %ay they can find, and inform as much 'eo'le as 'ossible about our nation) - The -tate currency is the Dogecoin 9D03/:, but other currencies are acce'ted 1 any (ind of money on the immaterial territory, and the money of the surrounding country outside of it) Article IV : - The Internet 'arts of the CATDM territory are referred to as the Immaterial territory ) - The immaterial territory is almost fully autonomous, and the CATDM isn!t res'onsible for any criminal act that ha''ens there) - The inhabitants of the immaterial territory must bring military su''ort in case of a conflict in&ol&ing the CATDM 1 indeed, the Internet is the -u'reme Dictator!s 'ersonal army) Article V : - The legal age of ma;ority in Moah, %hich is also the minimum age for any naturali+ation re<uest, is 8= $ ho%e&er, all the other age limits 'ut into 'lace by the #rench go&ernment and*or the surrounding country!s go&ernment are (e't unchanged and also a''ly) - #or &alidating the official legal ma;ority in the CATDM, an offering of blood to 0ur Re'tilian 0&erlords must be done) 4ou can also ta(e a 'icture of a glass of stra%berry syru' or grenadine and send it to the nearest /mbassy, 0ur Re'tilian 0&erlords %on!t really get too angry about that) - The abo&e 'aragra'h %ill only ta(e effect once enough Ambassies are

o'ened, don!t ta(e it into account right no%) Article VI : - The -tate religion is the cult of 0ur Re'tilian 0&erlords, and of the -u'reme Dictator, %hich it Their terrestrial intermediary) To be 'art of this religion, you ;ust need to be a citi+en of the CATDM, and to announce your ne% religion to all of your family and friends, %hile trying to ha&e a tone as serious as 'ossible) 92ote 1 that one last thing %ill not be systematically &erified: - The other tolerated religions are Pastafarianism, the cult of the In&isible Pin( 5nicorn, Discordianism and the Church of the -ub3enius) Article VII : - The go&ernment is e,clusi&ely com'osed of the -u'reme Dictator, the Ministers and the Ambassadors) - The Ministers! roles are to ad&ise the -u'reme Dictator 1 they must gi&e him com'letely ridiculous ideas so that he can immediately re;ect them or, if the idea is about as idiotic as you can get, acce't it) - The Ambassadors are citi+ens %ho li&e outside of the territory defined by the Constitution and %ho ha&e made an e,'licit re<uest for an authori+ation to o'en an Ambassy) There may be, at most, an Ambassador for a city, and if t%o Ambassadors are nominated in the same city, they must decide %hich one %ill (ee' the 'osition) - An Ambassador is res'onsible for di'lomacy bet%een the CATDM and the other nations, but they %ill ha&e to contact the -u'reme Dictator to obtain his a''ro&al before ta(ing any im'ortant decision) - Ambassadors are allo%ed to gi&e Moah citi+enshi' to anyone they deem %orthy) They can deli&er CATDM 'ass'orts and ID cards) - The official CATDM documents are, by the %ay, fully 'ersonali+able by the Ambassador, as long as it still loo(s li(e an ID or a 'ass'ort) It is, ho%e&er, recommended for the Ambassador to %rite the name of their Ambassy on any ID they deli&er to a citi+en)

Article VIII : - >ustice can be enforced by any member of the go&ernment, including Ambassadors, but only on the CATDM citi+ens) - The official nation!s la% for the local encla&e also a''lies to any citi+en of the CATDM &isiting or li&ing in said encla&e) - The only ;udicial sanction that can currently be enforced in Moah is the su''ression of citi+enshi', %hich can be used if a 'erson commits a crime under the la% of the surrounding nation, or if they ta(e the CATDM too seriously)

.astia, ?nd of A'ril ?@8= $ D)A) R), -u'reme Dictator of the Com'letely Assumed Totalitarian Dictatorshi' of Moah)

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