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II Year B.

Tech CSE I Semester


Unit-I Different strategies for problem solving, need for OOP, Overview of OOP PrinciplesEncapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism. !! class overview- class definition, ob"ects, class members, access control, class scope, constructors and destructors, inline functions, static class members, this pointer, friend function, dynamic memory allocation and de-allocation #new and delete$ Unit-II Polymorphism and Inheritance% &unction overloading, operator overloading, generic programming function and class templates, inheritance basics, base and derived classes, different types of inheritance, base class access control, virtual base class, function overriding, runtime polymorphism using virtual functions, abstract classes. Unit-III 'treams, libraries and error handling ( 'tream classes) hierarchy, console I*O, formatted I*O, file streams and string streams, e+ception-handling mechanism, 'tandard ,emplate -ibrary. Unit-I. /lgorithms, performance analysis - time comple+ity and space comple+ity, 0eview of basic data structures-the list /D,, stac1 /D,, spare mati+ implementation using template class in !!, 2ueue /D,, implementation using template class, priority 2ueues-definition, /D,, heaps, definition, insertion and deletion, application-heap sort, dis"oint sets-dis"oint set /D,, dis"oint set operations, union and find algorithms. Unit-. '1ip -ists and 3ashing% Dictionaries, linear list representation, s1ip list representation, operationsinsertion, deletion and searching, hash table representation, hash functions, collision resolution-separate chaining, open addressing-linear probing, 2uadratic probing, double hashing, rehashing, e+tendible hashing, e+tendible hashing, comparison of hashing and s1ip lists. Unit-.I 'earch trees #Part-I$% 4inary search trees, definition, /D, implementation, operations searching, insertion and deletion, 4alanced search trees- /.- trees, definition, height of an /.- tree, representation, operations-insertion, deletion and searching. Unit-.II 'earch trees #Part-II$% 0ed-4lac1 trees ( representation, insertion, deletion, searching 'play trees- introduction, the splay operation, 4-,rees, 4-,ree of order m, height of 4-tree, insertion, deletion and searching. Unit-.III Pattern matching and ,ries% Pattern matching algorithms- 4rute force, the 4oyer5oore algorithm, the muth-5orris-Pratt algorithm, 'tandard ,ries, ompressed ,ries, 'uffi+ trees, 'earch engines-Inverted6 ,E7, 4OO8' 9. Data 'tructures, /lgorithms and /pplications in !!, '.'ahni, University Press #India$ Pvt. -td., :. Data 'tructures and /lgorithms in !!, 5ichael ,.;oodrich, 0.,amassia and D.5ount, <iley student edition, =ohn <iley and 'ons. 0E&E0E> E 9. Data 'tructures and /lgorithm /nalysis in !!, 5ar1 /llen <eiss, Pearson Education -td. II Edn. :. Data 'tructures using and !!, -angsam, /ugenstein and ,anenbaum, P3I. ?. !! Primer, ?rd Edn, '.4.-ippman, Pearson education ltd. @. Problem solving with !!, ,he OOP, @th edn. <.'avitch, Pearson education. A. Data 'tructures and algorithms in !!, ?rd edn., /dam DroBde1, ,homson.

II Year B.Tech IT I Semester


Unit-I Different strategies for problem solving, need for OOP, Overview of OOP PrinciplesEncapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism. !! class overview- class definition, ob"ects, class members, access control, class scope, constructors and destructors, inline functions, static class members, this pointer, friend function, dynamic memory allocation and de-allocation #new and delete$ Unit-II Polymorphism and Inheritance% &unction overloading, operator overloading, generic programming function and class templates, inheritance basics, base and derived classes, different types of inheritance, base class access control, virtual base class, function overriding, runtime polymorphism using virtual functions, abstract classes. Unit-III 'treams, libraries and error handling ( 'tream classes) hierarchy, console I*O, formatted I*O, file streams and string streams, e+ception-handling mechanism, 'tandard ,emplate -ibrary. Unit-I. /lgorithms, performance analysis - time comple+ity and space comple+ity, #Onotation, Omega notation and ,heta notation, little o notation, probabilistic analysis. /mortiBed analysis$ 0eview of basic data structures-the list /D,, stac1 /D,, 'pare matri+ implementation using template class in !!, 2ueue /D,, implementation using template class, priority 2ueues-definition, /D,, heaps, definition, insertion and deletion, application-heap sort, dis"oint sets-dis"oint set /D,, dis"oint set operations, union and find algorithms. Unit-. '1ip -ists and 3ashing% Dictionaries, linear list representation, s1ip list representation, operationsinsertion, deletion and searching, hash table representation, hash functions, collision resolution-separate chaining, open addressing-linear probing, 2uadratic probing, double hashing, rehashing, e+tendible hashing, e+tendible hashing, comparison of hashing and s1ip lists. Unit-.I 'earch trees #Part-I$% 4inary search trees, definition, /D, implementation, operations searching, insertion and deletion, 4alanced search trees- /.- trees, definition, height of an /.- tree, representation, operations-insertion, deletion and searching. 'earch trees #Part-II$% 0ed-4lac1 trees ( representation, insertion, deletion, searching 'play trees- introduction, the splay operation, 4-,rees, 4-,ree of order m, height of 4-tree, insertion, deletion and searching. Unit-.II Divide and on2uer, 'earching and ,raversal techni2ues% ;eneral method, merge sort, 2uic1 sort. Efficient non recursive tree traversal algorithms, dfs, bfs of ;raphs, />D*O0 graphs, game tree, 4i-connected components. Unit-.III ;reedy method and Dynamic programming% ;eneral method #;reedy$, minimum cost spanning, trees, "ob se2uencing with deadlines. ;eneral method#Dynamic programming$, Optimal binary search trees, C*9 1napsac1 problem. ,ravelling sales person problem.
TEXT BOOKS 1. Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, S.Sahni, ni!ersit" #ress $%ndia& #!t. 'td., (. Data Structures and Algorithm Anal"sis in C++, )ar* Allen +eiss, #earson Education 'td. %% Edn. ,E-E,E.CE 1. Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, )ichael T./oodrich, ,.Tamassia and D.)ount, +ile" student edition, 0ohn +ile" and Sons. (. 3. 4. 6. 8. Data Structures using C and C++, 'angsam, Augenstein and Tanen1aum, #2%. C++ #rimer, 3rd Edn, S.B.'ippman, #earson education ltd. #ro1lem sol!ing 5ith C++, The OO#, 4th edn. +.Sa!itch, #earson education. Data Structures and algorithms in C++, 3rd edn., Adam Dro7de*, Thomson. The C+++ #rogramming 'anguage B.Stroustrup, 3rd edn., #earson Edn.

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