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3. Materiais e Mtodos.................................................................................................. 2
3.1. Estratgia do projeto..............................................................................................2
3.2. Rotas...................................................................................................................... 3
3.3. Nmero de corpos de prova...................................................................................4
3.4. Materiais................................................................................................................. 5
3.5. Equipamentos........................................................................................................ 6
3.6. Tratamentos trmicos.............................................................................................7
3.6.4. Tratamento subzero.......................................................................................... 11
3.6.5. Tratamento criognico....................................................................................... 12
3.6.6. Revenimento (Temper)......................................................................................13
4. Ensaios Previstos.................................................................................................... 14
4.1. DN 50100 Ensaios de fadiga, conceitos, sinais, execuo, avaliao..............14
4.2. Determinao do tamanho de gro ASTM...........................................................15
4.3. Ensaio de Dureza................................................................................................. 16
4.4. Ensaio de mpacto Charpy...................................................................................17
4.5. Sharp Notch Tensile Testing - ASTM E 338.........................................................18
4.6. ENSAO DE TRAO.......................................................................................... 19
4.7. Ensaio de Compresso........................................................................................ 20
4.8. Ensaio de Kc....................................................................................................... 21
4.9. Ensaio de Resistncia a Fratura...........................................................................22
4.10. Ensaio de CTOD................................................................................................ 23
4.11. Ensaio para Determinao de Curva R..............................................................25
4.12. Ensaio Axial de Fadiga de Alto Ciclo em Amplitude Constante..........................26
4.13. Ensaio de Fadiga de Baixo Ciclo por deformao controlada ...........................27
4.14. ASTM F1160 Shear and Bending Fatigue Testing of Calcium Phosphate and
Metallic Medical Coatings............................................................................................ 28
4.15. ASTM F1800 Standard Test Method for Cyclic Fatigue Testing of Metal Tibial
Tray Components of Total Knee Joint Replacements..................................................29
4.16. ASTM F1440 Fatigue Testing of Metallic Stemmed Hip Arthroplasty.................30
4.17. Anlise deformao vs. nmero de ciclos..........................................................31
Anlise da/dN.............................................................................................................. 33
SO 3800 Threaded fasteners Axial load fatigue testing Test methods and
evaluation of results.................................................................................................... 34
Ensaio de Fadiga por Flexo em quatro pontos..........................................................35
Ensaio de Fadiga por trao Axial...............................................................................36
Surface-Crack Tension Test (SCT) ASTM E740......................................................37
Metalografia................................................................................................................ 38
Plano de trabalho e cronograma.................................................................................39
REFERNCAS BBLOGRFCAS............................................................................44
Anexo - Converses em Medidas de Dureza............................................................45
3. Materiais e Mtodos
3.1. Estratgia do projeto
O objetivo melhorar o desempenho fadiga de baixo ciclo e alto ciclo dos aos
AS 4140 e 4340, temperados, revenidos e tratados criogenicamente.
Para tanto foram criadas rotas com os tratamentos planejados visando a obteno
dos aos tratados.
As propriedades mecnicas necessria a anlise da melhoria em desempenho
foram colhidas na literatura e sero obtidas atravs de ensaios tencolgicos.
O revenimento ser realizado em duas temperaturas distintas visando encontrar
estruturas ideais para a fadigas de baixo ciclo e alto ciclo. Espera-se obter rendimento ideal
para cada um.
Os resultados sero comparados com as rotas iniciais de cada ao (sem tratamento)
e com a rota revenida e temperada, que mais usual na indstria.
Sero realizados os ensaios, nesta ordem:
- Resistncia a quebra (Charpy);
- Dureza (Rockwell C);
- Trao (Monotnico e Cclico);
- Compresso (Monotnico e Cclico);
- Flexo 4 pontos (Monotnico e Cclico);
Sero avaliadas a vida em fadiga por tenses (Wohler), por deformaes (Paris), por
crescimento de trincas usando a tcnica de da/dN da mecnica da fratura.
Em trabalhos futuros podero ser avaliados tambm:
o impacto de sobrecargas;
abertura e fechamento de trincas;
3.2. Rotas
R41 4140 usinado
R41-R200 4140 usinado temp+revenido 200C
R41-R600 4140 usinado temp+revenido 600C
R41-Z-R200 4140 usinado temp+subzero+revenido 200C
R41-Z-R600 4140 usinado temp+subzero+revenido 600C
R41-ZC-R200 4140 usinado temp+subzero+criognico+revenido 200C
R41-ZC-6R00 4140 usinado temp+subzero+criognico+revenido 600C
R43 4340 usinado
R43-R200 4340 usinado+temp+revenido 200
R43-R600 4340 usinado+temp+revenido 600
R43-Z-R200 4340 usinado+temp+subzero+revenido 200C
R43-Z-R600 4340 usinado+temp+subzero+revenido 600C
R43-ZC-R200 4340 usinado+temp+subzero+criognico+revenido 200C
R43-ZC-R600 4340 usinado+temp+subzero+criognico+revenido 600C
Planejamento de Atividades:
Corpos de prova do ensaio de trao cclica
Para cada rota em triplicatas
Realizar 4 medidas (pseudo-rplicas) em cada corpo em sua rea til.
Medir antes e depois do ensaio de trao cclica.
Resistncia a quebra (Charpy)
Corpo de prova especficos (14 * 3 = 42)
Para cada rota em triplicatas
Trao monotnica
Corpos de prova especficos
Para cada rota em triplicatas
Consumo: 10 x 3 = 30 cps
Trao monotnica e cclica (no fazer)
Em cada rota 5 cp tero interrompido o ensaio nos ciclos (10
, 10
, 10
, 10
, 10
procer o ensaio de trao monotnica com o cp em fadiga
Consumo: 5 x 10 = 50 cps
Trao cclica
Corpos de prova especficos em triplicatas
Para R = 0, Sa e Sm constantes
Para cada rota em triplicatas
Consumo: 10 x 3 = 30 cps
Corpos de prova especficos em triplicatas
Para R = -0,3, Sa e Sm constante
Para cada rota em triplicatas
Consumo: 10 x 3 = 30 cps
3.3. Nmero de corpos de prova
ASTM E739 - informa nmeros mnimos para ensaios de fadiga
Tipo de Ensaio Mnimo de CPs Rplica mnima
Preliminar 6 a 12 17 a 33
Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Componentes e
6 a 12 33 a 50
Dados Utilizveis em Projeto 12 a 24 50 a 75
Dados com Confiabilidade Estatstica 12 a 24 75 a 88
7 x 3 para identificao de tenso x deformao de cada rota
10 rotas
3.4. Materiais
ao AS 4340
ao AS 4140
Comprados na empresa
Os materiais tero sua composio qumica medida em laboratrio por anlise espectral e
os resultados sero comparados com a norma ASTM SA-29, visando identificar a
adequao dos mesmos.

Element 4340 4140
Carbon 0.380.43 0.380.43
Manganese 0.600.80 0.751.00
Phosphorus max 0.035 0.035
Sulfur max 0.040 0.040
Sillicon 0.15 to 0.35 0.15 to 0.35
Nickel 1.652.00 . . .
Chromium 0.700.90 0.801.10
Molybdenum 0.200.30 0.150.25
Os resultados devero estar dentro das faixas apresentadas na Tabela X.
3.5. Equipamentos
Sero utilizados basicamente equipamentos disponveis na UENF e no FF em
funo da logistica de agendamento, acesso e custo do experimento.
Para os ensaios de trao e flexo monotnicos ser utilizada a mquinas
e equiMTS, modelo 810,
com capacidade de 100 kN
controladores digitais servo-hidrulicos MultiPurpose TestWare da MTS.
quantidade medida para corpos de prova
3.6. ratamentos trmicos
tmpera x graus ; y tempo
arrefecimento por leo at x graus
Andrews (1965):
As temperaturas Ms e Mf dos aos foram calculadas utilizando-se a equao experimental
de Andrews (1965):
Ms(C) = 539 - 423*(%C)-30,4(%Mn)-17,7(%Ni)-12,1(%Cr)-7,5(%Mo)-7,5(%Si)(+/-13C) (1)
Mf(C) = MS - 215 (+/- 15C) (2)
costa e mei 2010
pg 283
revenido 600 durante 1 hora
Esquema de tratamento trmico para avaliao do fenmeno da FMR.
Tr: 250oC, 350oC, 400oC e 450oC.
jose b marcomini
4. Tratamentos Trmicos
para cada lote de rota:
preparar austenitizao
preparar martmpera
preparar subzero
preparar criognico
preparar revenimento (240 ou 600C)
Executar austenitizao
3.6.1. pr-austenitizao
agendar tcnicos para austenitizao
prepara corpos de prova
Aquecer forno para austenitizar at atingir temperatura 820
preparar martmpera
4.6.2. !usteniti"a#$o
Medir temperatura do forno
Anotar hora e temperatura de entrada no forno
Colocar corpos de prova no forno
Monitorar temperatura do forno e tempo (1 hora)
Anotar temperatura e hora de sada do forno
executar martmpera
4.6.3. Mart%mpera
Agendar tcnicos para martmpera
Preparar leo na temperatura Ms + 50 (martmpera)
Monitorar a temperatura do leo com termopar Ms + 50
Medir temperatura do leo (Ms + 50C)
Anotar temperatura e hora do incio do procedimento
Levar corpos do forno para banho em leo
Monitorar tempo e temperatura do corpo (1 hora)
Ao chegar na temperatura Mf retirar do banho
Arrefecer em gua corrente o mais rpido possvel para < 100C
Aguardar temperatura ambiente
executar subzero
3.6.4. ratamento su&"ero
resfriamento intermedirio para 90 graus y tempo
nitrognio lquido em x graus y tempo
arrefecimento em temperatura ambiente
Agendar tcnicos para subzero
Agendar freezer (confirmar -80C)
Verificar se tem espao e deixar isopor no lugar
Localizar armao arame
4c. Subzero
Colocar corpos de prova na armao de arame
Medir temperatura do freezer (min -80C)
anotar hora e temperatura
Depositar corpos no freezer
Aguardar um (1) dia
Medir temperatura
anotar data e hora
Retirar do freezer
executar criognico
3.6.5. ratamento criog%nico
Agendar tcnicos para tratamento criognico
Contactar Fernando para agendar a obteno do Nitrognio
Colher o Nitrognio Lquido para cmera
4d. Criognico
Medir temperatura na cmara
Colocar corpos de prova na cmara com Nitrognio Lquido
Manter no tratamento por um (1) dia
Medir temperatura do corpo
Aguardar ao ar arrefecimento lento para temperatura ambiente (1 dia)
executar revenimento
3.6.6. Revenimento 'emper(
Pr-revenimento (240C)
Agendar tcnicos para revenimento
Monitorar a temperatura do forno (240C)
Preparar banho em gua corrente
Pr-revenimento (600C)
Agendar tcnicos para revenimento
Monitorar a temperatura do forno (600C)
Preparar banho em gua corrente
4e. Tratamento Trmico: Revenido (a 240C)
medir temperatura do forno (exatos 600C)
anotar hora e temperatura
Depositar corpos de prova no forno
Monitorar tempo e temperatura de revenimento (1 hora)
Arrefecer em gua corrente o mais rpido possvel para < 100C
4f. Tratamento Trmico: Revenido (a 600C)
medir temperatura do forno (exatos 600C)
anotar hora e temperatura
Depositar corpos de prova no forno
Monitorar tempo e temperatura de revenimento (1 hora)
Arrefecer em gua corrente o mais rpido possvel para < 100C
3.). Ensaios *revistos
3.).1. +,N 5-1-- . Ensaios de /adiga0 conceitos0 sinais0 e1ecu#$o0 ava2ia#$o.
3.).2. +etermina#$o do taman3o de gr$o !4M
E 11-96 Test methods for determining the average grain sise, 03.01.
ASTM E112 ?
3.).3. Ensaio de +ure"a
O ensaio de dureza deve ser realizado de acordo com a norma ASTM A-370 [25].
A escala utilizada foi a Rockwell C.
A carga aplicada foi de 150 kg.
As medidas sero realizadas em quatro pontos distintos, na rea til do corpo de prova.
Sero analisados trs corpos de prova de cada rota (trplicas).
As anlises sero realizadas aps a usinagem nas rotas R1 e R3 (conforme fornecido), e
aps os tratamentos trmicos em todas as outras.
Sero medidos adicionalmente, nas rotas R1 e R3, em triplicata, aps a tmpera.
Ser medido um corpo de prova na condio conforme recebido e um corpo de prova
tratado por tmpera, um corpo de prova revenido medido em cinco pontos distintos, no
podendo apresentar nenhum resultado acima de 225 HB. Ser utilizada a escala de dureza
Ensaios de dureza conforme ASTM A 370, rev. A, 2007
O durmetro a ser utilizado com escala em HRC com incerteza de medio de +/- 0,6HRC.
A dureza HB segundo a ABNT para os aos esto apresentadas na Tabela X:
Ao dim. 13 mm dim. 25 mm dim. 50 mm dim. 100 mm
4140 302 302 285 241
4340 388 363 341 321
25. ASTM A370, Standart Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testinhg of Steel
Products, ASTM nternational, 2007.
3.).4. Ensaio de ,mpacto 53arp6
Norma ASTM E-23
O ensaio segue os princpios da norma ASTM A370. Sero realizados trs testes
para os aos conforme recebidos, alm de trs testes para cada rota deste trabalho,
visando obteno da mdia destes ensaios. Espera-se obter como resultado uma energia
absorvida maior ou igual a 54 J. Nenhum dos trs resultados podero apresentar valor
inferior a 47 J e a fratura deve ter aparncia dctil superior a metade (Eckstein, 2006).
Corpo-de-prova Charpy com entalhe em U conforme norma da ASM (ASM, 2000)
3.).5. 43arp Notc3 ensi2e esting 7 !4M E 338
"Standard Test Method for Sharp-Notch Tension Testing of High-Strength Sheet Materials"
ASTM E338 covers the determination of a comparative measure of the resistance of sheet
materials to unstable fracture originating from a very sharp stress-concentrator or crack. t
relates specifically to fracture under continuously increasing load and excludes conditions of
loading that produce creep or fatigue. The quantity determined is the sharp-notch strength of
a specimen of particular dimensions, and this value depends upon these dimensions as well
as the characteristics of the material. n addition to the sharp-notch strength, the yield
strength ratio is also determined.
This method is not intended to provide an absolute measure of resistance to crack
propagation which might be used in calculations of the strength of structures. However, it
can serve a number of purposes.
n the research and development of materials it can be used to understand how fracture
characteristics are affected by such variables as chemical composition, processing, heat-
treatment, etc.
n design applications, it is often used to compare the relative crack-propagation resistance
of a number of materials which are otherwise equally suitable for an application, or to
eliminate materials when an arbitrary minimum acceptable sharp-notch strength can be
ASTM E338 can be used for specifications of acceptance and quality control when there is a
sound basis for establishing a minimum acceptable sharp-notch strength
The sharp-notch strength may decrease rapidly through a narrow range of decreasing
temperature. This temperature range and the rate of decrease depend on the material and
its thickness. The temperature of the specimen during each test are therefore controlled and
recorded. Tests are conducted throughout the range of expected service temperatures to
ascertain the relation between notch strength and temperature. For design applications, care
should be taken that the lowest and highest anticipated service temperatures, they are
included in the testing program.
n addition to performing Sharp-Notch Tensile Testing for you, Touchstone can assist you in
the development of your complete test program.
3.).6. EN4!,9 +E R!:;9
ensaios de trao conforme ASTM A 370, rev. A, 2007
A mquina de ensaios ser Usando a nstron
de acordo com ASTM A-370 [25]
25. ASTM A370, Standart Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel
Products, ASTM nternational, 2007.
Tensile Testing of Metals - ASTM E 8
"Standard Test Method for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials"
The ASTM E8 method covers the tension testing of metallic materials in any form at room
temperature, specifically, the methods of determination of yield strength, yield point, tensile
strength, elongation, and reduction of area.
Tension tests determine the strength and ductility of materials under uniaxial tensile
stresses. This information may be helpful in comparisons of materials, in the development of
new alloys, for quality control, to support structural design, and acceptance testing for
commercial shipments.
Grip and face selection are very important to obtain accurate results. Specimen alignment is
key to avoid side loading or bending moments. Touchstone's extensive experience in
composites testing, which are more sensitive to alignment, ensures control of this critical
parameter in testing metallic materials. This is particularly important for R&D projects, where
a reference standard or specification may not be available, and improper alignment could
yield results that are incorrect but unknown.
n addition to mechanical testing capability, for tests such as ASTM E8 and many other
ASTM methods, Touchstone can conduct complete metallurgical and/or failure analysis
using its laboratories for light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and
Reference: ASTM E8 Standard Test Method for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
3.).). Ensaio de 5ompress$o
Compression Testing of Metals - ASTM E 9
"Standard Test Method for the Compression Testing of Metallic Materials at Room
ASTM E9 covers the apparatus, specimens, and procedure for axial-load compression
testing of metallic materials at room temperature. Touchstone has at times performed a
modification of this test at elevated and cryogenic temperatures.
Normally, the specimen is subjected to an increasing axial compressive load. Both load and
strain are monitored either continuously or in finite increments, and the compressive
properties are determined.
The data obtained from a compression test may include the yield strength, the yield point,
Young's modulus, the stress-strain curve, and the compressive strength. n the case of a
material that does not fail in compression by a shattering fracture, compressive strength is a
value that is dependent on total strain and specimen geometry.
Compressive properties are of interest in the analyses of structures subject to compressive
or bending loads or both and in the analyses of metal working and fabrication processes that
involve large compressive deformation such as forging and rolling.
For brittle or nonductile metals that fracture in tension at stresses below the yield strength,
compression tests offer the possibility of extending the strain range of the stress-strain data.
While the compression test is not complicated by necking as is the tension test for certain
metallic materials, buckling and barreling can complicate results and should be minimized.
3.).8. Ensaio de <
Fracture Toughness of Metals (K-value) - ASTM E 399
ASTM E 399 - Standard Test Method for Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic
ASTM E399 covers the determination of the plane-strain fracture toughness (Kc) of metallic
materials by tests using a variety of fatigue-cracked specimens having a thickness of 0.063
in. (1.6 mm) or greater.
E399 also covers the determination of the specimen strength ratio Rxx where x refers to the
specific specimen configuration being tested. This strength ratio is a function of the
maximum load the specimen can sustain, its initial dimensions and the yield strength of the
ASTM E399 involves the testing of notched specimens that have been precracked in fatigue
by loading either in tension or three-point bending.
Load versus displacement across the notch at the specimen edge is recorded
The load corresponding to a 2% apparent increment of crack extension is established by a
specified deviation from the linear portion of the record.
The Kc value is calculated from this load by equations that have been established on the
basis of elastic stress analysis of specimens of the types described in this method.
The validity of the determination of the Kc value by this test method depends upon the
establishment of a sharp-crack condition at the tip of the fatigue crack, in a specimen of
adequate size.
To establish a suitable crack-tip condition, the stress intensity level at which the fatigue
precracking of the specimen is conducted is limited to a relatively low value.
The property Kc determined by this test method characterizes the resistance of a material to
fracture in a neutral environment in the presence of a sharp crack under severe tensile
constraint, such that the state of stress near the crack front approaches tritensile plane
strain, and the crack-tip plastic region is small compared with the crack size and specimen
dimensions in the constraint direction.
A Kc value is believed to represent a lower limiting value of fracture toughness. This value
may be used to estimate the relation between failure stress and defect size for a material in
service wherein the conditions of high constraint described above would be expected.
3.).=. Ensaio de Resist%ncia a >ratura
Fracture Toughness of Metals ASTM E1820 (elastic/plastic)
The ASTM E1820 test determines the fracture toughness of metals using the parameters of
K, J, and Crack-Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD). The fracture toughness is calculated by
taking a fatigue, pre-cracked specimen with a notch and using a double cantilever to push
the two sides of the notch away from each other. This allows our technicians to observe how
the sample splits. There are three possibilities of how the specimen could split: fracture
instability which results in a single point-value of fracture toughness, stable tearing which
results in an R-curve, and stable tearing interrupted by fracture instability which results in an
R-curve that ends at the point of instability. These values could be used for material
comparison by yield strength, selection, and quality assurance. They could also help set a
standard for structural flaw assessment.
Reference: Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fracture Toughness ASTM E1820
3.).1-. Ensaio de 59+
ASTM E1290 Standard Test Method for Crack-Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD)
Fracture Toughness Measurement
CTOD (Crack Tip Opening Displacement) uma das formas de medir a tenacidade
a fratura do material,
22. Eckstein, C. B., Additional Requirements for Cr-Mo Low Alloy Steel, Cenpes, Petrobras,
25. ASTM A370, Standart Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testinhg of Steel
Products, ASTM nternational, 2007.
Determinao de
Para dureza (toughness):
ASTM E 399: "Standard Test Method for Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic
This is the oldest standard, and contains a number of specimen configurations for toughness
ASTM E 1820: "Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fracture Toughness.
This new, comprehensive standard covers critical K, J and CTOD testing for both
point values (like Kc) or R-curves.
ASTM E 1304, "Standard Test Method for Plane-Strain (Chevron-Notch) Fracture
Toughness of Metallic Materials.
Two chevron-notch configurations.
See Note 1, Scope, to relate results from E 1304 to those from E 399.
capacidade do material se deformar plasticamente atravs da medio das faces da fissura
preexistente no corpo de prova, de acordo com a norma BS 7448
altura do cp: W = altura
espessura do cp: B = 0,5W
distncia entre suportes: S = 4 W
entalhe mecnico mais a fissura: a = entre 0,45W at 0,55W
ensaio de fadiga para abrir a pr-trinca segundo especificao, equao para clculo da
carga a ser aplicada e sua dimenso limite [53]
3.).11. Ensaio para +etermina#$o de 5urva R
R-Curve Determination - ASTM E 561
ASTM E 561 covers the determination of resistance to fracturing of metallic materials by R-
curves using either the center-cracked tension panel M(T), the compact specimen C(T), or
the crack-line wedge-loaded specimen C(W), to deliver applied stress intensity factor, K, to
the material. An R-curve is a continuous record of toughness development in terms of KR
plotted against crack extension in the material as a crack is driven with a continuously
increased stress intensity factor, K.
R-curves characterize the resistance to fracture of materials during incremental slow-stable
crack extension and result from growth of the plastic zone as the crack extends from a sharp
notch. They provide a record of the toughness development as a crack is driven stably under
increasing applied K. They are dependent upon specimen thickness, temperature, and strain
3.).12. Ensaio !1ia2 de >adiga de !2to 5ic2o em !mp2itude 5onstante
STP 566 [12], publicada pela ASTM, os corpos-de-prova para
ensaios de flexo rotativa devem possuir a geometria apresentada na figura .5 e seu
acabamento superficial deve ser obtido com o polimento at a obteno de uma superfcie
espelhada de forma a diminuir-se a variabilidade e a influencia do acabamento superficial
resistncia fadiga do material.
STP 566 ASTM Handbook of Fatigue Testing ,1974
High Cycle Fatigue - ASTM E 466
ASTM E466 - Standard Test Method for Conducting Constant Amplitude Axial Fatigue Tests
of Metallic Materials
Touchstone is experienced in the performance of fatigue testing in almost every material
system and at a wide variety of temperatures from cryogenic to over 2200 degrees
Machining methods and techniques can strongly influence the fatigue life of a material.
Proper machining techniques prevent the introduction of stress risers or crack initiation sites.
Touchstone is experienced in fatigue specimen preparation to comply with strict sample
preparation requirements, including surface finish of the machined sample. This knowledge
and care provides the most meaningful and best possible high cycle fatigue life results.
ASTM E466 conducts axial fatigue tests to obtain the fatigue strength of metallic materials in
the fatigue regime where the strains are predominately elastic both upon initial loading and
throughout the test.
The method is limited to the fatigue testing of axial unnotched and notched specimens
subjected to constant amplitude, periodic forcing function in air at room temperature. This
practice is not intended for application in axial fatigue tests of components or parts.
The ASTM E466 axial load fatigue test is used to determine the effect of variations in
material, geometry, surface condition, stress, etc., on the fatigue resistance of metallic
materials subjected to direct stress for relatively large number of cycles. The test may also
be used as a guide to the selection of metallic materials for service under conditions of
repeated direct stress.
Reference: ASTM E466 - Standard Test Method for Conducting Constant Amplitude Axial
Fatigue Tests of Metallic Materials
3.).13. Ensaio de >adiga de ?ai1o 5ic2o por de/orma#$o contro2ada
Low Cycle Fatigue - ASTM E 606
"ASTM E606 - Standard Test Method for " Strain-Controlled Fatigue Testing"
This Low Cycle Fatigue testing method covers the determination of low-cycle fatigue
properties of nominally homogeneous metallic materials by the use of uniaxially loaded test
specimens. t is intended as a guide for low-cycle fatigue testing performed in support of
such activities as materials research and development, mechanical design, process and
quality control, product performance, and failure analysis.
Although low-cycle fatigue is a phenomenon that is influenced by many of the same
variables that influence high-cycle fatigue, the nature of low-cycle fatigue imposes distinctive
requirements on fatigue testing methods.
n particular, the cyclic total strain should be measured and cyclic plastic strain should be
determined. Furthermore, either of these strains typically are used to establish cyclic limits;
total strain usually is controlled throughout the cycle. The uniqueness of this recommended
practice and the results it yields is the determination of cyclic stresses and strains throughout
the tests.
Low-cycle fatigue can be an important consideration in the design of industrial products. t is
important for situations in which components or portions of components undergo either
mechanically or thermally induced cyclic plastic strains that cause failure within relatively few
cycles. nformation obtained from low-cycle fatigue testing may be an important element in
the establishment of design criteria to protect against component failure by fatigue.
Low-cycle fatigue test results are useful in the areas of mechanical design as well as
materials research and development, process and quality control, product performance, and
failure analysis. Results of a low-cycle fatigue test program may be used in the formulation
of empirical relationships between the cyclic variables of stress, total strain, plastic strain,
and fatigue life. They are commonly used in data correlations such as curves of cyclic stress
or strain versus life and cyclic stress versus cyclic plastic strain. Examination of the cyclic
stress-strain curve and its comparison with monotonic stress strain curves gives useful
information regarding the cyclic stability of a material, for example, whether the values of
hardness, yield point, yield strength, and strain hardening exponent will increase or decrease
(that is, whether a material will harden or soften) due to cyclic plastic straining. Results of the
uniaxial tests on specimens of simple geometry can be applied to the design of components
with notches or other complex shapes provided that the strains can be determined and
multiaxial states of stress or strain and their gradients are correctly correlated with the
uniaxial strain data.
Reference: ASTM E606 - Standard Practice for Strain-Controlled Fatigue Testing
3.).14. !4M >116- 43ear and ?ending >atigue esting o/ 5a2cium *3osp3ate
and Meta22ic Medica2 5oatings
3.).15. !4M >18-- 4tandard est Met3od /or 56c2ic >atigue esting o/ Meta2
i&ia2 ra6 5omponents o/ ota2 <nee @oint Rep2acements
3.).16. !4M >144- >atigue esting o/ Meta22ic 4temmed Aip !rt3rop2ast6
3.).1). !nB2ise de/orma#$o vs. nmero de cic2os
3.).18. ratamentos estatCsticos
Os dados obtidos atravs de ensaio normatizados devero atender s condies:
a) A vida em fadiga seja um dado aleatrio;
b) nexistncia de testes suspensos;
(Nenhum corpo-de-prova com ensaio suspenso por vida infinita pode ser includo)
c) Possibilidade de a curva ser descrita na forma: Y = A + BX
(X corresponde amplitude de tenso e Y nmero de ciclos medido at a falha)
d) A vida em fadiga varivel aleatria descrita por uma distribuio log-Normal;
e) A varincia da distribuio constante.
As estimativas dos coeficientes A e B podem ser determinadas por:

A= Y

B. X (equao X)
Xi = log Si: i variando at k corpos de prova ensaiados ;
Yi = log Ni: i variando at l nveis de tenso ;
k Nmero total de corpos-de-prova ensaiados em 50%, 60% e 70% do Limite de
ntervalo de confiana
Onde o parmetro tp vem da Tabela de distribuio de Student, a partir dos graus de
liberdade e com o nvel de confiana de 95%, (ASTM E739, 2004).
Desta forma os coeficientes sero estimados para cada rota de tratamento ensaiada por
3.).1=. !nB2ise daDdN
Fatigue Crack Growth (da/dN) - ASTM E 647
"Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fatigue Crack Growth Rates"
ASTM E647 covers the determination of steady-state fatigue crack growth rates from near-
threshold to Kmax controlled instability using either compact type, C (T), or center-cracked-
tension, M (T), specimens. Results are expressed in terms of the crack-tip stress-intensity
factor range (DK), defined by the theory of linear elasticity.
This test method involves cyclic loading of notched specimens which have been acceptably
pre-cracked in fatigue. Crack length is measured, either visually or by an equivalent method,
as a function of elapsed fatigue cycles and these data are subjected to numerical analysis to
establish the rate of crack growth. Crack growth rates are expressed as a function of the
stress-intensity factor range, DK, which is calculated from expressions based on linear
elastic stress analysis.
Fatigue crack growth rate expressed as a function of crack-tip distress-intensity factor range,
da/dN versus DK, characterizes a material's resistance to stable crack extension under
cyclic loading.
3.).2-. ,49 38-- . 3readed /asteners . !1ia2 2oad /atigue testing . est
met3ods and eva2uation o/ resu2ts
3.).21. Ensaio de >adiga por >2e1$o em quatro pontos
MTS 810 com capacidade de 100 kN (em trao ou compresso),
Parmetros do ensaio
deformao plstica acumulada
fadiga de baixo ciclo
Frequncia 0,5 Hz
Nmero de ciclos 6000
Controle de deslocamento 5,5 - 0m
Amplitude constante:
tenso mxima e razo de fadiga (R = omnima/omxima)
amplitude de tenso e tenso mdia
3.).22. Ensaio de >adiga por tra#$o !1ia2
3.).23. 4ur/ace75racE ension est '45( . !4M E)4-
This practice is the design, preparation, and testing of a metal sample containing a surface-
crack. The ASTM E740 procedure is used to calculate the load-carrying capacity of
structural components that have a possible type of flaw. t can also be used for research and
development purposes to investigate the failure tendencies of a cracked metal.
This particular standard relates solely to testing under a continuously increasing load
however, Touchstone is able to test it under cyclic and sustained loading conditions also.
The test is performed by creating a small semi-elliptical crack in a sample, applying
tremendous amounts of increasing pressure to the top of that sample until fracture, and
recording the maximum pressure it could withstand before cracking. There is no limit to the
strength, toughness, or thickness of the sample. The final calculations include the maximum
load withstood and the residual strength.
Reference: ASTM E740 Standard Practice for Fracture Testing with Surface-Crack
Tension Specimens
3.).25. Meta2ogra/ia
Avaliao em raio x
avaliao em microscopia tica
avaliao em microscopia eletrnica
Anlise de microscopia eletrnica de varredura (MEV)
Anlise de difrao de raios-X
4. Plano de trabalho e cronograma
Macro - Atividades 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 2015-2 2015-3 2015-4
1.Reviso Bibliogrfica xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx
2.Aquisio do material x
3.Usinagem xxxx
4.Tratamento Trmico xx
5.Experimentos xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx
6.Anlise dos resultados x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
7.Escrita dos resultados x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
8.Elaborao da Tese x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxx xxxxxx
9.Apresentao x
10.Acerto de sugestes xxxx
11.Entrega final x
4.2. 53ecE2ist de !tividades necessBrias
1. Reviso de Bibliogrfica
Encontrar mais artigos cientficos e teses de doutorado sobre a criogenia e fadiga.
Ler e resumir cada um
Acrescentar no texto da tese o que couber.
2. Aquisio de materiais
Localizar armao arame para tratamento criognico
Comprar Cmara Nitrognio Lquido
Comprar Medidor de temperatura laser
Contabilizar quantidade de corpos de cada ensaio
Calcular perdas percentuais em cada ensaio
Calcular tamanho total da compra
Entrar em contato com o vendedor
Receber e verificar as quantidades
Solicitar anlise qumica
Aceite final da compra
3. Usinagem
Entrar em contato com setor da UENF e do FF
Alternativamente contratar empresa local
Agendar visita para:
dentificao do maquinrio e metodologia
Combinar de estar presente durante
Apresentao dos parmetros e requisitos da tese
Receber paulatinamente pequenos lotes de entregveis
Conferncia dos parmetros dos corpos de prova
Polir superfcies corpos de prova para fadiga
4. Tratamentos Trmicos
para cada lote de rota:
preparar austenitizao
preparar martmpera
preparar subzero
preparar criognico
preparar revenimento (240 ou 600C)
Executar austenitizao
agendar tcnicos para austenitizao
prepara corpos de prova
Aquecer forno para austenitizar at atingir temperatura 820
preparar martmpera
Agendar tcnicos para martmpera
Preparar leo na temperatura Ms + 50 (martmpera)
Monitorar a temperatura do leo com termopar Ms + 50
Agendar tcnicos para subzero
Agendar freezer (confirmar -80C)
Verificar se tem espao e deixar isopor no lugar
Localizar armao arame
Agendar tcnicos para tratamento criognico
Contactar Fernando para agendar a obteno do Nitrognio
Colher o Nitrognio Lquido para cmera
Pr-revenimento (240C)
Agendar tcnicos para revenimento
Monitorar a temperatura do forno (240C)
Preparar banho em gua corrente
Pr-revenimento (600C)
Agendar tcnicos para revenimento
Monitorar a temperatura do forno (600C)
Preparar banho em gua corrente
4a. Tratamento Trmico: Austenitizao
Medir temperatura do forno
Anotar hora e temperatura de entrada no forno
Colocar corpos de prova no forno
Monitorar temperatura do forno e tempo (1 hora)
Anotar temperatura e hora de sada do forno
executar martmpera
4b. Tratamento Trmico: Martmpera
Medir temperatura do leo (Ms + 50C)
Anotar temperatura e hora do incio do procedimento
Levar corpos do forno para banho em leo
Monitorar tempo e temperatura do corpo (1 hora)
Ao chegar na temperatura Mf retirar do banho
Arrefecer em gua corrente o mais rpido possvel para < 100C
Aguardar temperatura ambiente
executar subzero
4c. Subzero
Colocar corpos de prova na armao de arame
Medir temperatura do freezer (min -80C)
anotar hora e temperatura
Depositar corpos no freezer
Aguardar um (1) dia
Medir temperatura
anotar data e hora
Retirar do freezer
executar criognico
4d. Criognico
Medir temperatura na cmara
Colocar corpos de prova na cmara com Nitrognio Lquido
Manter no tratamento por um (1) dia
Medir temperatura do corpo
Aguardar ao ar arrefecimento lento para temperatura ambiente (1 dia)
executar revenimento
4e. Tratamento Trmico: Revenido (a 240C)
medir temperatura do forno (exatos 600C)
anotar hora e temperatura
Depositar corpos de prova no forno
Monitorar tempo e temperatura de revenimento (1 hora)
Arrefecer em gua corrente o mais rpido possvel para < 100C
4f. Tratamento Trmico: Revenido (a 600C)
medir temperatura do forno (exatos 600C)
anotar hora e temperatura
Depositar corpos de prova no forno
Monitorar tempo e temperatura de revenimento (1 hora)
Arrefecer em gua corrente o mais rpido possvel para < 100C
5. Experimentos
6.Anlise dos resultados
7.Escrita dos resultados
8.Elaborao da Tese
10.Acerto de sugestes
11.Entrega final
ASM. ASM Handbook, Vol. 8 Mechanical Test and Evaluation, 2000
ASTM E-739-91, 'Practice for statistical analysis of linear or linearized stress-life (S-N) and
strain-life (s-N) fatigue data', Annual Book of ASTM Standards, ASTM, West Conshohocken,
PA, 1998.
22. Eckstein, C. B., Additional Requirements for Cr-Mo Low Alloy Steel, Cenpes, Petrobras,
[52] British Standard, 1991, Part 2, Method for determination of Kc, critical CTOD and
critical J values of metallic materials, BS, 7448.
[53] British Standard, 1991, Part 1, Method for determination of Kc, critical CTOD and
critical J values of metallic materials, BS, 7448.
[56] SO TR 15608: Welding Guidelines for a metallic materials grouping system,
[58] SO 12106: 2003 Metallic materials - Fatigue testing - Axial Strain Controlled
[33] Pereira, H.F. Comportamento fadiga de componentes estruturais sob a ao de
solicitaes de amplitude varivel. Departamento de Engenharia Mecnica, Universidade do
Porto. Lisboa: Dissertao de Mestrado, 2006.
[44] SO 6892: 2009 Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Method of test at room
[49] EN 1993-1-9:2005-07, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. Part 1-9: Fatigue,
Eurocode 3, CEN European Committee for Standardization, Brussels, Belgium, 2005.
STP 566 ASTM Handbook of Fatigue Testing ,1974
Chaves, Antnio de Pdua . "Estudo comparativo da vida em fadiga de aos fundidos e
forjados de alta resistncia para utilizao em acessrios de linhas de ancoragem de
plataformas offshore dissertao de mestrado. Rio de Janeiro. CEFET RJ. p. 93. 2010.
Ane&o I ' Con(ers)es em Medidas de *+re,a

RO!"E## | RO!"EE# $%&ER'( ) V*!ER$ +R*,( #R apr-(
.R .R+ .RA ) /0 , 12 , 30 , ) .V .+ ,4MM5
60 - 81.2 90.2 77.5 66.6 697 654 -
59 - 80.7 89.8 76.6 65.5 674 634 -
58 - 80.1 89.3 75.7 64.3 653 615 -
57 - 79.6 88.9 74.8 63.2 633 595 -
56 - 79 88.3 73.9 62 613 577 -
55 /52 78.5 87.9 73 60.9 595 560 2075
54 78 87.4 72 59.8 577 543 2015
53 //6 77.4 86.9 71.2 58.6 560 525 1950
52 //6 76.8 86.4 70.2 57.4 544 512 1880
51 76.3 85.9 69.4 56.1 528 496 1820
50 //7 75.9 85.5 68.5 55 513 401 1760
49 //7 75.2 85 67.6 53.8 498 469 1696
48 74.7 84.5 66.7 52.5 484 455 1634
47 //8 74.1 83.9 65 51.4 471 443 1579
46 //0 73.6 83.5 64.8 50.3 458 432 1531
45 //0 73.1 83 64 49 446 421 1480
44 //3 72.5 82.5 63.1 47.8 434 409 1434
43 72 82 62.2 46.7 423 400 1386
42 //1 71.5 81.5 61.3 45.5 412 309 1340
41 //5 70.9 80.9 60.4 44.3 402 381 1296
40 //5 70.4 80.4 59.5 43.1 392 371 1250
39 69.9 79.9 58.6 41.9 382 362 1215
38 //2 69.4 79.4 57.7 40.8 372 353 1179
37 //2 60.9 78.8 56 39.6 363 344 1160
36 (109) 68.4 78.3 55.9 38.4 354 336 1115
35 (108.5) 67.9 77.7 55 37.2 345 327 1080
34 (108) 67.4 77.2 54.2 36.1 336 319 1054
33 (107.5) 66.8 76.6 53.3 34.9 327 311 1025
32 (107) 66.3 76.1 52.1 33.7 318 301 1000
31 (106) 65.8 75.6 51.3 32.5 310 294 979
30 (105.5) 65.3 75 50.4 31.3 302 286 952
29 (104.5) 64.7 74.5 49.5 30.1 294 279 931
28 (104) 64.3 73.9 48.6 28.9 286 271 910
27 (103) 63.8 73.3 47.7 27.8 279 264 882
26 (102.5) 63.3 72.8 46.8 26.7 272 258 862
25 (101.5) 62.8 72.2 45.9 25.5 266 253 840
24 (101) 62.4 71.6 45 24.3 260 247 825
23 100 62 71 44 23.1 254 243 805
22 99 61.5 70.5 43.2 22 248 237 785
21 98.5 61 69.9 42.3 20.7 243 231 770
20 97.8 60.5 69.4 41.5 19.6 238 226 760

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