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Publicaes seleccionadas - Ncleo de Urbanismo e

Ambiente - Instituto Superior Tcnico

BRANDO, P. (2011) - La imagen de La ciudad.Estrategias de Identidad y Comunicacin, Publicacions i
Edicions de la Universitad de Barcelona, Barcelona, ISBN: 9788447535224, 198pp.
COSTA LOBO, M. (2011) - Desenvolvimento socioeconmico em espaos construdos e naturais, Espaos
culturais e tursticos em pases lusfonos - desenvolvimento urbano e turismo, Coleo PROARQ, UFRJFAU, ISBN: 978-85-88341-37-1, p.11-20.
LOUPA RAMOS, I. (2011) - Landscape Quality Objectives - for remote rural landscapes in Portugal:
addressing experts and stakeholders perspectives on future developments, The European Landscape
Convention, Michael Jones and Marie Stenseke (Eds), Springer, ISBN: 978-90-481-9931-0, p.199-218.
CASAKIN, H., BERNARDO, F. (2011) - The Role of Place Identity in the Perception, Understanding, and
Design of Built Environments, Bentham Science Publishers. (Caskin and Bernardo
SARAIVA, G. (2011) reviewer and foreword author of the ebook Casakin, H. and Bernardo, F., - The Role of
Place Identity in the Perception, Understanding, and Design of Built Environments, Bentham Science
DICKENS, C., KITI, I.N. (2011) - Adaptive water Management and policy learning in a changing climate: a
formal comparative analysis of eight water Management regimes in Europe, Africa and Asia, Environmental
Policy and Governance, Vol. 21(3), ISSN: 1756-932X, p.145-163.
QUENTAL, N., LOURENO, J.M., NUNES DA SILVA, F. (2011) - Sustainable development policy: goals,
targets and political cycles, Sustainable Development, Vol. 19(1), ISSN: 0968-0802, p.15-29.
BERNARDO, F., PALMA-OLIVEIRA, J.M. (2011) - Lugar de residncia: uma fonte de informao importante
para a formao de impresses, Espacios urbanos Y sostentabilidad: claves para la cincia y la gestin
ambiental; Vollidres, M.C.H.; Ramirez, B.F.; Mndez, M.J.M.; Ferrer, C.M.S. (eds.), Editorial Universidad de
Almeria, ISBN: 978-84-693-8554-8, p.279-284.
BRANDO, A. (2011) - Arco Ribeirinho Sul: How do we design for a future we don't know, Bringing City Form
Back into Planning - Citta Annual Conference on Planning Research, P. Pinho and V. Oliveira (eds.), FEUP
Edies, Porto.
BRANDO, P.; BRANDO, A. (2011) - Do industrial ao ps-industrial: transio e diversidade urbana LX/BCN, Conferencia Internacional Waterfronts of Art - Transitions?, do Public Art and Urban Design
Observatory no IST Lisboa, October.
COSTA LOBO, M. (2011) - Planeamento Urbanstico em Portugal, in on the w@terfront, Public Art and Urban
Design da Universitat de Barcelona, ISSN: 1139-7365, 11pp (online).
COSTA LOBO, M. (2011) - The humanized territory and its planning, proceedings of the 7th International
Conference on Virtual Cities and Territories, 11-13 October, UNL, p.793-798.
GONALVES, J. (2011) - From Urban Rehabilitation to Rehabilitation of Urbanity, III International Workshop,
IST - Instituto Superior Tcnico/DaST-Design a sustainable Tomorrow/SCUT- South China University of
Technology | Urban Regeneration and sustainability, 22 July, Palcio Belmonte, Lisboa.
PINTO A.J., REMESAR, A., BRANDO, P. (2011) - Networks and anchors: from morphology to the strategy of
urban cohesion, proceeding of 1st Conference of the Portuguese Network of Urban Morphology - Urban
Morphology in Portugal: Approaches and Perspectives (http://pnum.fe.up.pt/index.php/), Lisbon.
PISCO, P., SILVA, J.B. (2011) - Could School Urbanism be an answer?, CITTA 4thAnnual Conference on
Planning Research Innovation in Governance and Decision Making in Planning, organizado pelo Research
Centre for Territory, Transports and Environment, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, 13

LOUPA RAMOS, I., CONDESSA, B., PATRCIO, M., BERNARDO, F. (2011) - Urban regeneration projects in
the eyes of the stakeholders: POLIS intervention in the city of Leiria (Portugal), actas da International
conference Landscapes of everyday life intersecting perspectives on research and action, 16-18 March,
Perpignan (France) and Girona (Spain), (digital format).
LOUPA RAMOS, I., SARAIVA, G., RAMOS, R. (2011) - Found in Translation - bridging concepts from
traditional gardens into contemporary urban planning and design. EFLA Regional Congress of Landscape. 2-4
November, Tallin, Estnia, (digital format).
ANTUNES FERREIRA, J., CONDESSA, B., ALMEIDA, J., PINTO, P. (2010) - Urban settlements delimitation
in low-density areas - An application to the municipality of Tomar (Portugal), in Landscape and Urban Planning
97 (2010) 156-167, Elsevier, July.
LOUPA RAMOS, I. (2010) - Exploratory landscape scenarios - in the formulation of landscape quality
objectives, in Futures 42 (2010) 682-692, doi:10.1016/j.futures.2010.04.005, Elsevier, April.
FAZENDA, N., NUNES DA SILVA, F., COSTA, C. (2010) - Douro valley tourism plan - the plan as part of a
sustainable tourist destination development process, in Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, Vol. 2 Iss:
4, pp.428-440, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
QUENTAL, N., LOURENO, J., NUNES DA SILVA, F. (2010) - Sustainability: characteristics and scientific
roots, DOI 10.1007/s10668-010-9260-x, in Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010, published online: 04
GONALVES, J. (2010) - A deriva urbanstica do planeamento territorial: que consequncias para o
desenvolvimento local?, in Cadernos Metrpole: configurao urbana, v.12, n. 24, EDCU ? Editora da PUCSP, ISSN 15172422, jul/dez 2010, pp.491-506.
COSTA LOBO, M. (2010) - A model against conflicts at World scale, in Urbanistica pvs, n. 56, dicembre 2010,
anno XXI, Journal of Sapienza, University of Rome, ISSN 11256257, p.6.
COSTA LOBO, M., COSTA, A.R. (2010) - Da Baixa Pombalina a Braslia: Iluminismo e contemporaneidade
em pases e espaos de Lngua Portuguesa, in Da Baixa Pombalina a Braslia: cidades e espacialidades,
Luiz Manoel Gazzaneo (org.), Coleo PROARQ, UFRJ-FAU, Rio de Janeiro, ISBN 9788588341272, pp.2645.
SARAIVA, G. (2010) - Landscape aesthetics: assessing social perception, in Sustainable Riparian Zones: A
Management Guide, Part 2: Assessing Landscape Quality, Interrreg IIIC, EU, ISBN 9788448249670, pp.142147.
BERNARDO, F., PALMA-OLIVEIRA, J.M. (2010) - Place of residence: an important source of information to
impressions formation, in S. Kabisch, A. Kunath; H. Feldmann (Eds) 21 IAPS Conference Vulnerability, Risk
and Complexity: Impacts of Global Change on Human Habitats (Abstracts of presentations). Leipzig:
Helmoholtz Centre for Environmental Research., pp.188-189.
BERNARDO, F., PALMA-OLIVEIRA, J.M. (2010) - Live in a large or small neighbourhood: impact in terms of
discrimination, in S. Kabisch, A. Kunath; H. Feldmann (Eds) 21 IAPS Conference Vulnerability, Risk and
Complexity: Impacts of Global Change on Human Habitats (Abstracts of presentations), Leipzig: Helmoholtz
Centre for Environmental Research, pp.291.
J., NUNES, L., KELLEN, D. (2010) - Perception of Space occupation in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area: the
impact of identity, risk perception and distance distortion, in S. Kabisch, A. Kunath; H. Feldmann (Eds) 21
IAPS Conference Vulnerability, Risk and Complexity: Impacts of Global Change on Human Habitats (abstracts
of presentations). Leipzig: Helmoholtz Centre for Environmental Research, pp.167-168.
COSTA LOBO, M. (2010) - Urban and Regional Planning, in International 20th Urban Design and
Implementation Symposium & International 4thCongress of Urban Design - Towards a charter of Urban
Design, ISBN 9789756264270, pp. 18-21.
GONALVES, J., ANTUNES FERREIRA, J., CONDESSA, B. (2010) - Contributo para a deciso locativa de
um grande equipamento pblico: o caso do Hospital Oeste Norte, in Anais do 54th IFHP World Congress
2010, Porto Alegre, Brasil, 14 a 17 de Novembro.
assess rural landscape valuation: how and what is measured at different levels of governance, in Living
Landscape: the European Landscape Convention in research perspective, UNISCAPE (Ed). Badecchi &
Vivalde Editori. Firenze, Volume1, ISBN: 9788883414589, pp 91-101.

REMESAR, A.; PINTO, A.J.; RICART, N. (2010) - Citizen Participation: Challenges and Opportunities, 54
IFHP World Congress Porto Alegre, Building Communities for the Cities of the Future, IFHP, ISBN: 978-85397-0042-4, November, Brazil.
PINTO, A. J.; REMESAR, A.; BRANDO, P.; NUNES DA SILVA, F. (2010) - Planning Public Spaces Networks
towards Urban Cohesion, 46th ISoCaRP International Congress: Sustainable City. Developing World, (paper
also selected to integrate a book of the same international association (to be published), September, Nairobi,
NETO, S. (2009) - Water and Human rights in the context of public and private management, International
Seminar Em Defesa do Direito gua, 10 ICS, January, Lisbon.
BERNARDO, F., PALMA-OLIVEIRA, J.M. (2009) - Lugar e Identidade: A importncia do lugar para autodefinio, X Congresso Internacional de Psicologia Ambiental, 28-30 Janeiro, Fundao Calouste Gulbenkian,
PALMA-OLIVEIRA, J.M., CARVALHO, J., SOEIRO, V., BERNARDO, F. (2009) - O espao politico como
definidor da percepo social: o conceito de entitatividade aplicado rea Metropolitana de Lisboa, X
Congresso Internacional de Psicologia Ambiental, 28-30 Janeiro, Fundao Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa.
BERNARDO, F., PALMA-OLIVEIRA, J.M. (2009) - O conceito de entitatividade e a compreenso do Lugar, X
Congresso Internacional de Psicologia Ambiental, 28-30 Janeiro, Fundao Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa.
BERNARDO, F., LOUPA RAMOS, I., SARAIVA, G., CONDESSA, B. (2009) - Vivncias do rio na cidade:
Explorao de indicadores de qualidade ambiental percebida, X Congresso Internacional de Psicologia
Ambiental, 28-30 Janeiro, Fundao Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa.
BERNARDO, F., PALMA-OLIVEIRA, J.M. (2009) - Exploring place and identity: the importance of place to the
self-definition, 11thEuropean Congress of Psychology, 7-10 July, Oslo, Norway.
BERNARDO, F., PALMA-OLIVEIRA, J.M. (2009) - Places and the perception of group entitativity,
11thEuropean Congress of Psychology, 7-10 July, Oslo, Norway.
RAMOS, I.J. (2009) - Relating amenity functions to landscape pattern: methodological developments based
on users preferences, European IALE Conference 2009 European Landscapes in Transformation: Challenges
for Landscape Ecology and Management, 12-16 July, Salzburg.
LOUPA RAMOS, I., PINTO-CORREIA, T., BARROSO, S.C. (2009) - Integrating social demand into landscape
indicator approaches: methodological issues (poster), European IALE Conference 2009 European
Landscapes in Transformation: Challenges for Landscape Ecology and Management, 12-16 July, Salzburg.
LOUPA RAMOS, I., PAULO, A.M.A. (2009) - Climate change scenarios: potential impacts on Mediterranean
landscapes, International Conference on Ecohydrology and Climate Change, 10-12 September, Tomar,
NETO, S., CAMKIN, J. (2009) - UNESCO HELPing River Basin Planning in the Guadiana, Portugal, 12thRiver
Symposium, 21-24 September, Brisbane, Australia.
NETO, S., LEBEL, L., HUNTJENS, P., CAMKIN, J. (2009) - Critical reflections on multi-stakeholder dialogues,
Wrap-up Meeting on ASEM WaterNet, 17-19 November, Changsha, Hunan Province, P. R. of China.
SARAIVA, G. (2009) - Planificacin del agua y del paisaje en Portugal. Actas das Jornadas Paisaje, Agua y
Sostenibilidad ?Paisajes 08?, Expo Zaragoza.
SARAIVA, G. (2009) - rea de estudo do vale de Caparide, II International Workshop SCUT/IST/DAST
Sustainable Issues in Urban Planning and Landscape Design, South China University Technology, IST e
DAST-Design a Sustainable Tomorrow, 24 July to 14 August, Lisbon, Portugal.
LOUPA RAMOS, I., BARROSO, F., PINTO CORREIA, T. (2009) - Integrating social demand into landscape
indicators: methodological issues, APEP Seminar Progress in landscape indicators. University of vora (Plo
da Mitra), 10 December, vora, Portugal.
SARAIVA, G. (2009) - Landscape Aesthetics: Assessing Social Perception, in Arizpe, D.; Mendes, A. &
Rabaa, J. (Eds.) 2008, Sustainable Riparian Zones. A Management Guide. Generalitat Valenciana, ISBN
978-84-482-4967-0, pp. 142-147.

LEAL, G., MOTA, A.C., MOREIRA, I., SARAIVA, G. MENDES, A. (2009) - Planning, in Arizpe, D.; Mendes, A.
& Rabaa, J. (Eds.) 2008, Sustainable Riparian Zones. A Management Guide. Generalitat Valenciana, ISBN
978-84-482-4967-0, pp. 164-167.
COSTA, C.S.; LOUPA RAMOS, I. (2009) - Grnkonzept der Stadt Lissabon, Stadt+Grn, Patzer Verlag,
Berlin-Hannover, ISSN 0948-9770, pp. 50-57.
COSTA LOBO, M. (2009) - Urban and regional planning, 4th International urban design congress towards a
charter of urban design, ISBN 978-975-6264-27-0, pp. 18-21.
QUENTAL, N., LOURENO, J., NUNES DA SILVA, F. (2009) - Sustainable development policy: goals, targets
and political cycles, pp. 16, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment, 2009.
NUNES DA SILVA, F.; SERDOURA, F.; LAJAS, R. (2009) - The EXPO area and the pursuit of sustainability.
CITTA 1st annual conference on planning research, evaluation in planning, ed.Paulo Pinho & Vitor Oliveira,
ISBN 978-972-752-111-1, pp. 195-221.
COSTA LOBO, M. (2009) - O espao humanizado: das primeiras cidades cidade global e para quando a
paz?, in Ordem, desordem, ordenamento - Arquitectura, Luiz M. Gazaneo e Ana A. Amora (org.), Coleo
PROARQ, UFRJ-FAU, Rio de Janeiro, ISBN 978-85-88341-20-3, pp. 148-181.
BRANDO, P. (2009) - A cidade, como tudo o que slido, est a derreter-se no ar. Ensaio provisrio, sobre
Durao e Complexidade, in Revista On the Waterfronts ed. CRPOLIS - Universidade de Barcelona, n12
MATEUS, R., ANTUNES FERREIRA, J., CARREIRA, J. (2008) - Multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA):
Central Porto high-speed railways station, in European Journal of Operational Research 187 (2008), Elsevier),
BUNCE, R. G. H., LOUPA RAMOS, I. et al (2008) - A standardized procedure for surveillance and monitoring
European habitats and provision of spatial data, in Landscape Ecology 23:11-25, DOI 10.1007/s10980-0079173-8.
QUENTAL, N., LOURENO, J., NUNES DA SILVA, F. (2008) - Sustainable Development Policy: Goals,
Targets and Political Cycles, in Sustainable Development, InterScience Wiley , UK (accepted for publication).
NETO, S. (2008) - Water cycle, scales and vulnerability, General Assembly 2008 - Vienna, Austria, 13-18 April
2008,European Geosciences Union - Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-00000, 2008,
EGU General Assembly.
BINA, O. (2008) - Context and systems: thinking more broadly about effectiveness in strategic environmental
assessment in China, in Environment Management, DOI 10.1007/s00267-008-9123-5, Springer
Science+Business Media, LLC 2008, pp.17.
LOUPA RAMOS, I., NUNES DA SILVA, F., BERNARDO, F., SARAIVA, G. (2008) - Integration of green areas
in urban regeneration programs: successes and downfalls in Portugal, in Urban green spaces: a key for
sustainable cities, Sofia, Bulgria, ISBN 978-3-933053-33-6.
SARAIVA, G. (2008) - gua y Paisaje, in Reflejos del Agua, Veiga da Cunha, L. (Coord), Edicion especial con
motivo de la participacion Portuguesa en la Expo Zaragoza 2008, Associao Portuguesa dos Recursos
Hdricos, Lisboa, pp.48-49.
SARAIVA, G., LOUPA RAMOS, I., VAZ, L., CONDESSA, B. (2008) - Towards Sustainability in Rehabilitating
Urban River Landscapes. Crossing Ecology with Social Concerns, in Gumiero, B Rinaldi, M & Fokkens,
Centro Italiano per la Reiqualificazione Fluviale, Venice, Italia, pp. 929-938.
COSTA LOBO, M. (2008) - O encontro do Brasil com o seu destino: a cidade brasileira no hemisfrio sul, in
Dois sculos de Brasilidade da transferncia da Corte aos pases lusfonos e hispnicos. Urbanismo,
Espacialidade e Hitria, Coleo PROARQ, UFRJ-FAU, Rio de Janeiro 2008, ISBN 9788588341135, pp.1027.
PEREIRA, M., NUNES DA SILVA, F. (2008) - Modelos de ordenamento em confronto na rea metropolitana
de Lisboa: cidade alargada ou recentragem metropolitana?, in Cadernos Metrpole, n. 20, ISSN 1517-2422,
Brasil, pp.107-123.
LANDEIRO, C., KONDOLF, M. et al (editors) (2008) - A Living Mediterranean River - Restoration and
management of the Rio Real in Portugal, to achieve good ecological condition, The Department of Landscape
Architecture & Environment Planning ? University of California, Berkeley, ISBN-10: 0-9788896-3-0.

ANDERSON, S., JENCKS, R., KONDOLF, M., NATALI, J., SARAIVA, G. (2007) - New life for urban
streams. Strategies for revitalizing waterways in the Lisbon Metropolitan region. Mediterranean Climate
Landscapes, University of California at Berkeley & Luso-American Foundation.

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