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OHCHR is calling for Info on the safety of journalists and the issue of impunity

Friday, April 04, 2014 The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights OHCHR! is calling for information On the "afety of #ournalists and the $ssue of impunity to %e includitur in the &'"( report to %e presented to the (eneral Assem%ly) The email sent out %y the OHCHR follo*s+ This message is in reference to the (eneral Assem%ly resolution 68/163 On the "afety of #ournalists and the $ssue of impunity ) ,aragraph - of the resolution re.uests the "ecretary/(eneral to report to at its si0ty/ ninth session on the implementation of the resolution) Accordingly, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights *ould %e grateful to 1ost From 2our organi3ation Recei4e the rele4ent any information *ith regard to the implementation of the resolution, in particular regarding 1em%er "tates From 5fforts topre4ent 6iolence against #ournalists and media *or7ers, ensure Accounta%ility for Acts of 6iolence against #ournalists and media *or7ers falling 8ithin Their 9urisdiction, and to ,romote a "afe and 5na%ling en4ironment for #ournalists 8ithout undue interference to ,erForm Their 8or7 independently and, specifically %y means of + (a) Legislative measures; (B) awareness-raising among relevant entities and individuals regarding international human rights and humanitarian law obligations relating to the safety of journalists; (C) monitoring and reporting of attacks against journalists; ( ) public condemnations of attacks against journalists; and (e) investigations and prosecutions of! and remedy for! attacks against journalists" "uch information should %e addressed no later than 2 1ay 2014 to the Office of the &nited 'ations High Commissioner for Human Rights, &nited 'ations Office at (ene4a, CH/1211, (ene4a 10, :41 22 ;1< ;014 Fa0 num%er, c = o "e%astiaan 6erelst ) 1ay also %e sent electronically to any .ueries or responses registryohchrorg, cc) s4erelstohchrorg ) Resolutionadopted%y the (eneral Assem%ly >ecem%er201? on1- / @-=1@?)

The "afety of #ournalists and the $ssue of impunity The (eneral Assem%ly, guided %y the purposes and principles of the Charter ofthe &nited 'ations,Reaffirming the &ni4ersal>eclaration of Human Rights1 and recalling rele4ant international human rights treaties, including the $nternational Co4enant on Ci4il and ,olitical Rights2 and the $nternational Con4ention for the ,rotection of All ,ersons from 5nforced >isappearance, ? as *ell as the (ene4a Con4entions of 12 August 1;4;4 and the Additional,rotocols thereto, A Recalling the &nited 'ations ,lan of Action On the "afety of #ournalists and the $ssue of $mpunity, endorsed %y the &nited 'ations "ystem Chief 50ecuti4es Board for Coordination On 12 April 2012, in *hich &nited 'ations agencies, Funds and programs *ere in4ited to 8or7 *ith 1em%er "tates to*ards a free and "afe en4ironment for #ournalists and media *or7ers in %oth conflict and non/conflict situations, *ith a 4ie* to strengthening peace, >emocracy and >e4elopment *orld*ide, Recalling also Human Rights Council Resolutions 20=- of On A #uly 2012 the promotion, protection and en9oyment of human rights on the $nternet, @ 21=12 of 2< "eptem%er 2012 on the safety of 9ournalists, <and 24=1A of 2< "eptem%er 201? on the 8orld ,rogramme for Human Rights 5ducation- and Council decision 24=11@ of On 2@ "eptem%er 201? a ,anel discussion On the "afety of #ournalists, ; As *ell As "ecurity Councilresolution 1<?- 200@! of2? >ecem%er 200@, Ta7ing note of the reports of the "pecial Rapporteur On the promotion and protection of the right to Freedom of opinion and e0pression10 and the "pecial Rapporteur On e0tra9udicial, summary or ar%itrary 50ecutions, 11 su%mitted to the Human Rights Councilat $ts 8A>"8ORTH session, Commending the role and the acti4ities of the Office of the &nited 'ations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the &nited 'ations 5ducational, "cientific and Cultural organi3ation *ith regard to the "afety of #ournalists and the $ssue ofimpunity, Ta7ing note *ith appreciation of the report of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Concerning the "afety of #ournalists On good practices, 12 su%mitted to the Human Rights Councilat $ts T*enty/Fourth session, 'oting *ith appreciation the $nternational conference On the "afety of #ournalists, held in 8arsa* On 2? and 24 April 201?, and $ts specific Recommendations, 1? Ac7no*ledging that is Continuously e4ol4ing to include $nputs From #ournalism $nstitutions media, pri4ate indi4iduals and organi3ations a Range of that see7, recei4e and impart information and ideas of all 7inds, online as *ell as offline, in the e0ercise of freedom of opinion and e0pression, in accordance *ith article 1; of the $nternational Co4enant on Ci4il and ,olitical Rights, there%y contri%uting to shape pu%lic de%ate ,

Recogni3ing the rele4ance of Freedom of e0pression and of free media in democracies and in fostering and %uilding $nclusi4e Cno*ledge "OC$5T$5" interculturaldialogue, peace and good (o4ernance, Recogni3ing also that the specific 8or7 of #ournalists often puts them at ris7 of intimidation, harassment and 6iolence, Ta7ing note of the good practices of different countries aimed at the protection of #ournalists, As *ell As, $nter Alia, >esigned for the protection of Human rights defenders those that CA', *here applica%le, %e the rele4ent to the protection of #ournalists, Recogni3ing that the num%er of 8hose Di4es are people influenced %y the 8ay information is presented #ournalism is significant and that influences pu%lic opinion, Bearing in 1ind that constitutes impunity for attac7s against #ournalists One of the 1ain challenges to strengthening the protection of9ournalists, Recalling that in this regard #ournalists, media ,rofessionals ,rofessional and Associated ,ersonnel engaged in missions in >angerous Areas of armed conflict shall %e considered ci4ilians and shall %e respected and ,rotected As As such, they ta7e no action ad4ersely affecting ,ro4ided that ci4ilians As Their status, 50pressing Concern at the Threat to the "afety of #ournalists posed %y non/"tate Actors, including terrorist (roups and criminalorgani3ations, Ac7no*ledging the 4arious ris7s faced %y 8omen #ournalists in the e0ercise of specific Their 8or7, and underlining, in this conte0t, the $mportance of ta7ing a gender/sensiti4e approach to Address 8hen Considering the measures "afety of9ournalists, 1) Ta7es note *ith appreciation of the &nited 'ations ,lan of Action and the $ssue On the "afety of#ournalists of$mpunityE 2) All attac7s and une.ui4ocally Condemns 6iolence against #ournalists and media *or7ers, Agaricus As such, e0tra9udicial 7illings, enforced disappearances and ar%itrary >etention, As *ell As intimidation and harassment in %oth conflict and non/ conflict situationsE ?) >ecides to proclaim the $nternational >ay to 5nd $mpunity 2 'o4em%er As for Crimes against #ournalistsE 4) Re.uests the &nited 'ations 5ducational, "cientific and Cultural Organi3ation, in consultation *ith rele4ant entities of the &nited 'ations system, and mindful of the

pro4isions of the anne0 to 5conomic and "ocial Council resolution 1;-0=@< of 2A #uly 1;-0, to facilitate the implementation of the $nternational>ay in colla%oration *ith (o4ernments and the rele4ent sta7eholdersE A) &rges 1em%er "tates to do their utmost to pre4ent 4iolence against 9ournalists and media *or7ers, to ensure accounta%ility through the conduct of impartial, speedy and effecti4e in4estigations into all alleged 4iolence against 9ournalists and media *or7ers falling *ithin their 9urisdiction and to %ring the perpetrators of such crimes 6ictims ha4e access to #ustice and to ensure that appropriate RemediesE @) Calls upon "tates to promote a safe and ena%ling en4ironment for 9ournalists to perform their *or7 independently and *ithout undue interference, including %y means of+ a! legislati4e measuresE B! a*areness/raising in the 9udiciary and among la* enforcement officers and military personnel, as *ell as among 9ournalists and in ci4il society, regarding international human rights and humanitarian la* o%ligations and commitments relating to the safety of 9ournalistsE C! the monitoring and reporting of attac7s against 9ournalistsE >! pu%licly condemning attac7sE and e! dedicating the R5"O&RC5" necessary to in4estigate and prosecute such attac7sE <) $n4ites the rele4ant agencies, organi3ations, funds and programmes of the &nited 'ations system to consider identifying focal points for the e0change of information a%out the implementation of the &nited 'ations ,lan of Action on the "afety of #ournalists and the $ssue of $mpunity, in cooperation *ith 1em%er "tates of the &nited 'ations and under the o4erallcoordination 5ducational, "cientific and Cultural Organi3ationE -) Re.uests the "ecretary/(eneral to report to the (eneral Assem%ly at its si0ty/ninth session on the implementation of the present resolution)

<0th plenary 1eeting 1- >ecem%er 201? 1 Resolution21< A $$$!) 2 "ee resolution2200 A FF$!, Anne0) ? Resolution@11<<, Anne0) 4 &nited 'ations, Treaty "eries, 4ol) <A, 'os) ;<0/;<?) A $%id), 6ol) 112A, 'os) 1<A12 and 1<A1?) @ "ee Official Records of the (eneral Assem%ly, "i0ty/"e4enth "ession, "upplement 'o) A? and corrigendum A=@<=A? and Corr)1!, chap) $6, sect) A) < $%id), "upplement 'o) A?A A=@<=A?=Add)1!, chap) $$$) - $%id), "i0ty/5ighth "ession, "upplement 'o) A?A A=@-=A?=Add)1!, chap) $$$) 1?/ 44;2? 5! G 1?44;2? G ,lease recycle ; $%id), chap) $6) 10 AHRC201<) AHRC2022 and Corr1 11) 12 AHRC242?) "201?422 1? "ee, Anne0)

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