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Sofia Sheikh RST 1st/2nd nd 2 April 2013 Classroom Classrooms is an area in which students spend most of their day

in for a year; it is like a second home to them A classroom is in which the students come to learn and !uild a future; an area that parents trust to send their kids without hesitation" knowin# that their children are in safe hands learnin# Classrooms are desi#ned to help stimulate the !rain of the 1st #rade students in a way that makes the learnin# fun $y classroom is desi#ned for first #raders Throu#hout the year" % ha&e learned a!out first #raders and the way they act and learn 'irst #raders are an e(cita!le !unch who are constantly mo&in# and ponderin# a!out their ne(t acti&ity 'illed with e(cessi&e ener#y" the students need space to mo&e around in $y classroom for the first #raders pro&ides this space" for % ha&e a main area where the teacher can teach Then connected to the main area is the readin# area )hile e(periencin# a first #rade en&ironment" there is a hea&y emphasis on readin# The readin# area will pro&ide a nice are that will help stimulate the !rain acti&ity of the students Another room that is connected to the main area is a play#round The play#round contains a pathway to the second floor" which contains the acti&ity room The play#round acts no only as a area for the students to relie&e their stress from workin# all day !ut it is also an area where the students can create !etter communication skills The acti&ity room allows the teacher to create an area where the teacher can ha&e the student come to the ru# and e(plain the lesson" like $s *eck does in my intern class Also the acti&ity room also access to an area where #roups can work to#ether" with lots of room and space !etween each other 'or a student focused classroom the layout needs to !i# enou#h so that the students will not feel confined !ut instead en&ision the school as a place of freedom and sense to stimulate the mind 'or a classroom" focusin# on a theme can alter the students perception and help them achie&e a hi#her le&el of creati&ity !y #i&in# them access to a new concept and helpin# them relate !ack to theme" which will e(pand their hori+on of creati&ity The theme % chose to work around,was an Ara!ian theme The Ara!ian theme com!ines in a royalty and a sandy aspect which contri!uted to the layout of the theme % used the Ara!ian theme to present somethin# uni-ue and different to help the students see somethin# that may teach them a!out Ara!ia" !ut also let them en.oy the pleasure of ha&in# fun in the Ara!ian en&ironment The main room is mainly !lack with #old and red #litter arches painted on to the wall /n top of the arches on the wall is the alpha!et in #reen #litter )ith #reen #litter on a !lack wall" the alpha!et will !e more &isi!le and attract the students attention *y attractin# the students0 attention" the students will ha&e a !etter re&iew of the alpha!et and will !ecome a -uick reminder for them when needed Also inside the wall arches are concepts that student learn throu#hout the year *y pastin# these concepts inside the arch" the students will !e a!le to identify and ha&e a more efficient way to re&iew the lesson and remem!er it There is a !i# white !oard in the man area for the teacher to use to teach a lesson and draw dia#rams The white !oard has a yellow ru# in front of it in case the teacher wants to the students to #ather in closer for the lesson The seats for the students are decorated cushions with a !ack rest to them This not only ties into the theme !ut it also pro&ides a more comforta!le seatin# for the students" which will allow the students !e in a comforta!le position to learn effecti&ely %n the main room" there are shel&es that will allow the teacher to or#ani+e her supplies and lea&e out supplies for the student to use in their daily acti&ities There is also a !ook shelf for the students to use to read and e(pand their &oca!ulary and learn sentence structure These are the &ital details in the main room that help the student to open the hori+on of knowled#e !y ha&in# access to a learnin# en&ironment that pro&ides them with supplies and area they can work in There is a #arden connected to the classroom that pro&ides the students with an area in which they are connected to nature Also" it connects to 1st #rade science lessons" for in first #rade" the students deal with flowers and ha!itats The #arden pro&ides a real e(perience" helpin# the students

#rasp the concept in a more realistic way" with e(ample to e(plain any why -uestions the students ha&e The #arden can !e seen from the main area throu#h windows The windows pro&ide a color stimulus for the minds of the students %t is a psycholo#ical fact that students work more effecti&ely when e(posed to natural colors 1atural colors will help the students !y stimulatin# their mind to stay awake and acti&e to learn The #arden may !e a an area that may not !e used too often !ut it is necessary to stimulate the minds of the students The readin# area pro&ide a separate area for the student to en.oy their readin# time %nside the readin# area is a stuffed monkey connected to the wall that pro&ides a seat to hu# the monkey and read *y addin# A!u the $onkey" the students will !ecome e(cited to read in the room and en.oy their readin# time *y #i&in# a push or e(citement to read will stimulate their want to read which will help de&elop their &oca!ulary and sentence structure The readin# area entrance has drapes and chains that helps create an e(tra stimulus for the students to #o into the room" for it is uni-ue and different for them" which catches their attention" allowin# a increasin# want to read The readin# area is also a -uiet" separate room for the students to en.oy their readin# without too many distractions like &oices and pictures %n my intern class" the students pay more attention to &oices and pictures than readin# The readin# area is desi#ned to sol&e that pro!lem The readin# area is specifically for readin#" !ut it could !e the teacher readin#" readin# with a partner or readin# alone" !ut it is an area that only pertains to readin# The play#round is a pathway to the 2nd floor which is an acti&ity room The play#round and the acti&ity room #o in hand with each other The play#round is a way the students can ha&e an area to relie&e the tension of learnin# and #i&e their minds to rest The play#round also allows the students to impro&e their relation with each other so as to make their time at school a place they want to #o for their friends are their *y ha&in# an optimistic &iew a!out school" their minds will !e more happier to #rasp the lessons the teacher will teach The e-uipment in the play#round includes !oard #ames " colorin# !ooks and a swin# set These are all items that will help the students understand a !etter need of social skills and help them en.oy school to promote !etter learnin# To #et to the 2nd floor there is rope ladder that starts at the play#round le&el *y clim!in# the rope ladder" the student will reach the 2nd floor" which is set aside for acti&ity time The acti&ity room was created to #i&e the students room to work in #roups for pro.ects The acti&ity room can also !e used as an area where the teacher uses the easel to teach The carpet for the 2nd floor is sandy" helpin# the students feel the connection of Ara!ian theme" !ut there is #old carpet for the students This room creates an increasin# sense to learn and create a space in which the students will en.oy #oin# to the 2nd floor to learn To #et !ack to the 1st floor the students will take the slide 2 another aspect that adds to the e(citement of school The students need a stimulus that creates an e(citin# factor to learn and these two room pro&ide the stimulus for the students The layout of the classroom allows the teacher to ha&e an easier access to the students mind and want )ith all e(citin# and new factors" the students will en.oy their time at school They will come to school thinkin# of it as a time they can en.oy their 3 hours in school with e(citement 'irst #raders ha&e ener#y that needs a direction" and with the play#round and acti&ity room entrance and e(it" their ener#ies are !ein# put to #ood use The readin# area helps the students rela( and the #arden #i&es them a sense of freedom and nature All these are factors that are used to influence the students to learn in an en&ironment to help them feel comforta!le and e(cited

$s Sofia Sheikh nd 2 4rade

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