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A. PURPOSE To measuring the rate of growth To observing characteristics living and non living things in around environment To measuring living and non living things with some besaran. B. LITERARY REVIEW Characteristic living things : 1. Breathing ( breathing ) All living things need oxygen from the environment to breathe . Breathing or respiration is the process of taking oxygen from outside the body to process food burning in the body . The combustion process will produce energy or power . Energy produced to be used for the activity or activities of the body . In addition to producing energy ,respiration also produces waste products are carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) and water vapor will be removed from the bodies of living things to their environment .

All living things have different breathing , just like humans . Humans breathe with lungs while the gills , but there are also fish with lungs bernafasan eg whales and dolphins as whales and dolphins are mammals that live in the water .Plants also as living beings and also do breathing . Plants do not have lungs or gills as respiratory equipment . Plants take in oxygen for respiration through the tiny holes in the leaves called stomata or leaf mouth . In addition to oxygen through stomata can also enter through small holes on the surface of the bark called lenticels . 2. Move

To perform motion on the move, living beings have certain locomotor . Motion carried not just move on. Cow or buffalo that wiggled its tail to chase away the flies that exist in the body is also a motion. All activities are done mostly human and animal , generally a motion .Whether the plant is also moving ?Like humans and animals , plants also did motion . However , plants are very slow motion so that its movement is invisible to our eyes .Moves when growing plants , such as flower petals opening movement when it blooms , roots penetrate the ground motion , and the motion stems and shoots towards the end of the coming sun.

So , all living things have the ability to move . Motion in living things can happen because it is done by living beings themselves . 3. Require food
Plants as living things also need food . Plants obtain food through photosynthesis . For the process of photosynthesis , plants take water and nutrients from the soil and carbon dioxide from the air to be processed into food . The process of photosynthesis only occurs in green plants , ie plants that lack chlorophyll ( the green substance ). All living things need food .Food needed by living things to get energy ( power ) . Energy used for his activities . Food for living things also needed to build his body and to replace parts of the body or the body's cells are damaged .

4. Grow
Growth occurs in living beings addition of body size . That is, from the original small body size becomes larger . This can occur because of the increase in cell number and cell size body build living things . Growth in living things are affected by the factors , ie factors within the living body itself, such as the body of substances ( hormones ) and heredity . While external factors such as environmental factors .

5. Breed ( reproduction )
Living things reproduce sexually ( mating ) or asexually ( not married ) . Animals generally reproduce sexually . Vertebrate animals like fish , frogs , turtles and mice proliferate in seksual.beberapa invertebrates can reproduce asexually , by forming buds like hydra and jellyfish . Sexual reproduction by seed plants such as the mango , whereas asexual reproduction such as the formation of buds in the banana and bambo .

All living things reproduce . Lurk or reproduction of living beings is the ability to produce offspring . creatures breeding objective is to maintain the viability of its kind .
If a species is not capable of living things reproduce , living creatures will be extinct . In the breeding process , the resulting offspring still have traits that characterize its kind .

6. Sensitive to rengsangan ( iritabilita )

All human beings are sensitive to stimuli , because the ability of living beings to receive and respond to a stimulus or also called iritabilita . For example, shy daughter plants will shut its leaves when touched .

7. Excrete waste products ( excretion )

Urine produced in the kidneys flowed into the pockets of urine or the bladder, and then removed from the body through the urethra . Urine containing urea and karbokdioksida respiratory outcomes should be removed from our body because it can be toxic to the body . These substances are waste products of the body's metabolic processes . Metabolism is the process of exchange occurring substance in the body that human beings , such as breathing and digestion process .Like humans , animals and plants also excrete metabolic waste . In the rest of the animal metabolic substances can be toxic and should be removed through a particular channel . While the rest of the plant substances such as carbon dioxide as the rest of the process of respiration and oxygen as the rest of the process of photosynthesis , the waste products that are excreted through the stomata on the leaves or through lenticels contained in the trunk . So , every living thing requires the expenditure of metabolic waste substances from the body and the process of spending the rest of the substances or also called excretion .

Different characterictic of anilams and plant Animals Eating foods that are ready to eat (heterotrophic) It has a mouth and digestive tract Do not have chlorophyll Move and migrate It has a nervous system and muscle Having senses such as the eyes and ears Plants Making your own food with photosynthesis (outotrof) Do not have a digestive tract Having chlorophyll Do not move Do not have a nervous system and muscles Do not have senses

Characteristic of living things Living things can breathe Living things need food and water Living things can grow

Characteristic of not living things Nonliving creatures can not do breathing Beings do not live does not require food and water Not living beings can not

develop Living creatures can breed Living beings receive and provide stimulus Nonliving creatures can not breed Nonliving creatures can not receive and impart stimuli

Growth is regarded as one of the most fundamental and conspicuous characteristics of a living being. Growth can be defined as an irreversible permanent increase in size of an organ or its parts or even of an individual cell. Generally, growth is accompanied by metabolic processes (both anabolic and catabolic), that occur at the expense of energy. Therefore, for example, expansion of a leaf is growth.

Growth, at a cellular level, is principally a consequence of increase in the amount of protoplasm. Since increase in protoplasm is difficult to measure directly, one generally measures some quantity which is more or less proportional to it. Growth is, therefore, measured by a variety of parameters some of which are: increase in fresh weight, dry weight, length, area, volume and cell number. In the former, growth is expressed as increase in cell number; the latter expresses growth as increase in size of the cell. While the growth of a pollen tube is measured in terms of its length, an increase in surface area denotes the growth in a dorsiventral leaf.

The period of growth is generally divided into three phases, namely, meristematic, elongation and maturation. The constantly dividing cells, both at the root apex and the shoot apex, represent the meristematic phase of growth. The cells in this region are rich in protoplasm, possess large conspicuous nuclei. Their cell walls are primary in nature, thin and cellulosic with abundant plasmodesmatal connections. The cells proximal (just next, away from the tip) to the meristematic zone represent the phase of elongation. Increased vacuolation, cell enlargement and new cell wall deposition are the characteristics of the cells in this phase. Further away from the apex, i.e., more proximal to the phase of elongation, lies the portion of axis which is undergoing the phase of maturation.

Various kinds of Germination

The seed germination can be divided into 2, namely: epigeal

Epigeal germination is the case under the unfolding leaf stem segments hipokotil resulting institution or institutions leaves and cotyledons raised to the ground, for example on green beans (Phaseoulus radiatus). hipogeal

Germination hipogeal event exposition is top stem segment (epikotil) so that leaves the institution to follow him on the ground, but the cotyledons remain below ground. For example, in pea seeds (Pisum sativum) (Pratiwi. 2006) Germination process Germination begins with the end of dormancy. Dormancy period is due to the cessation of growth in plants sesuai.Perkecambahan environmental conditions are not often regarded as the beginning of plant life. Germination occurs due to the growth of the radicle (candidate stem). Radicle grows downwards into the roots while plumula grow up into the stem. Germination is characterized by the emergence of sprouts, the small plants and still life of food supplies that are in the seeds. There are four important part in yangt seeds germinate, which stems institutions (kaulikulus), embryonic roots (roots organizations), cotyledons (leaves the institution), and the sprout (plumula). Cotyledons is on sprouts as food reserves during germination, plants can not perform photosynthesis. Water is an absolute necessity for germination. The first stage of germination is the absorption of water by the rapid imbibition. Berimbibisi water causes seeds to swell and break the wrapping skin and also trigger metabolic

changes in the embryo so that seed continued growth. The enzymes will begin digesting the materials stored are stored in the cotyledons, and the nutrients-nutrients gets transferred embryo grows. Enzymes involved in the digestion of food reserves is the enzyme amylase, beta-amylase and protease. Gibberellin hormones play an important role for the activation of the enzyme and synthesize enzymes.

FACTORS AFFECTING GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT IN PLANTS Growth and development in plants is influenced by internal factors and external factors. Internal factors include genetics (heredity), enzymes, and hormones. Meanwhile, external factors including light intensity, the adequacy of water, temperature, and minerals. Internal and external factors controlling the pattern of growth and development among others through the control of internal activities. Internal activity is a process of photosynthesis, respiration, protein synthesis, chlorophyll synthesis, osmotic pressure, and mitosis. A. INTERNAL FACTORS 1. Enzyme The enzyme is a macromolecule (protein) that speeds up chemical reactions in living bodies. The enzyme did not participate react, but the function lowers the activation energy in any reaction that occurs. With the enzyme, the energy required in each reaction becomes lower. Enzymes work on the substrate, temperature, and a certain pH. A series of reactions can take place not only with the involvement of one

type of enzyme, but need to involve different types of enzymes that have been patterned on a regular basis in a system. 2. Hormone a. Auxin Parts of plants that can form the auxin is meristematic tissue, as in the coleoptile tip, young leaves or buds, and leaves the institution. The role of auxin in plants is as follows. Impact of cell elongation, cell division and cell differentiation. Stimulate activity of cambium and phloem and xylem vessel formation. Maintain the cell wall to be both elastic and stimulated the formation of cell walls. Inhibit the impeachment of the fruit is still young and also inhibit leaf drop. Stimulates root formation and maintain properties stem geotropism. Stimulate the formation of flowers. Stimulate conception without seed.

b. Ethylene (H2C = CH2) Ethylene is a gaseous hormone. Increased content of auxin in the plant body will inhibit the formation of ethylene. Ethylene function: Inhibit the development of roots. Inhibit the formation of flowers. Improve the process of ripening fruit. Stimulate the epinasti (curl or bend the leaves grow).

c. Gibberellins Gibberellins function is as follows. Stimulate the growth of stems and leaves that can grow up to three times normal size. It stimulates the formation of roots at low concentrations, but at high concentrations stimulate root formation. Eliminate the nature of genetically dwarf plants. Stimulate the growth of flowers on the flowering plants when the old lighting more than 12 hours.

d. Cytokinin Some functions of cytokines are as follows. Stimulate cell division and stimulates elongation of growing points. Stimulate an enlarged stems and roots as well as stimulate the formation of branch roots. Stimulate the formation of shoots and seeds are able to stimulate the end of dormancy. Stimulate the growth and development of the embryo. Inhibit the aging leaf through improved delivery of mineral salts to the leaves. Stimulate the synthesis of RNA to synthesize proteins and other substances.

e. Acid Absisat Absisat acid can accelerate the aging process and stimulate the occurrence of autumn leaves leaf. f. Vernalin Vernalin can stimulate flowering at low temperatures and stimulates the development of anteridium on the gametophyte (gamete-producing plants. g. Rhizokalin. Rhizokalin can stimulate root formation. h. Traumalin Traumalin can stimulate callus formation on the injured body part. i. Florigen. Florigen serves to stimulate the formation of flowers.

B. EXTERNAL FACTORS 1. Food (Nutrition) Required nutrients consisting of elements of macro and micro elements. Macronutrient is an element required in large quantities consisting of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. Elements required in small amounts are called micronutrients, such as iron, chlorine, copper, magnesium, zinc, molibdonum, boron, and nickel.

Fertilization is one way of adding plant nutrients needed for plants not deficient, that is objec plant macronutrient or micronutrient deficiencies. 2. Light Is a major factor as energy in photosynthesis, to produce energy. Lack of light will interfere with the process of photosynthesis and growth, although the need of light depends on the type of plant. Lack of light during growth takes place will cause symptoms etiolasi, where the stem sprouts will grow faster but weak & the leaves are smaller, thinner, paler. The influence of light is not only dependent on photosynthesis (strong irradiation) alone, but there are other factors contained in the light, which is related to the wavelength. Research conducted by Hendrick & Berthwick in 1984, showed that light affects the growth is in the red spectrum with a wavelength of 660nm. Experiment with using the infrared spectrum with a wavelength of 730nm gave the opposite effect. Substances that merspon spectrum light is color fitakram a protein in plants containing specific arrangement of atoms that absorb light 3. Temperature Temperature greatly affects the growth associated with the activity because the enzyme and water content in the plant body. The higher the temperature, the faster the rate of transpiration and lower water content in plants so that the slower the process plant. Low temperatures can stimulate the expiration of a period of rest (dormancy) in buds or seeds. Treatment of low temperatures will spur the formation of a longer segment than the high temperature treatment. Temperature swings can stimulate seed germination. This event is called vernalisasi. Termoperiodisme is a type of plant growth conditions are influenced by differences in temperature day and night. 4. Water Water serves as a medium for chemical reactions in cells. In addition, the water supporting the process of photosynthesis and maintain moisture. The water content contained in the soil of nutrients to function as a solvent so that the elements of nutrients are easily absorbed by plants. In addition, the water maintains soil temperature plays a role in the process pertimbuhan. Growth will take more active at

night than during the day. This is because at night the water content in plants is higher than during the day. 5. pH The degree of soil acidity (pH soil) is more influenced on the willingness of nutrients needed by plants. In neutral soil pH conditions, the necessary elements, such as Ca, Mg, P and K available in sufficient quantities. If the soil pH is acidic, the available elements are Al, Mo, and Zn. This mineral can be toxic to plants. 6. Oxygen Oxygen levels in the soil is always opposed to the water content in the soil. If high water content, O2 levels will be low. The presence of O2 in the soil is essential to root respiration of cells that will be associated with the absorption of nutrient elements (active transport). (Panji. 2009: 3) Phototropism is the movement of plant growth and influenced by light stimulus. Examples of coleoptile phototropism is a growth of grass toward the direction of the light. Coleoptile is the first leaves that grow from the monocot plant that serves as a protective institution that new growth. Some hipotesismenyebutkan that this can be due to the speed of elongation of the cells on the darker side of the stem more rapidly than the cells on the lighter side because of the uneven distribution of auxin from the tip of the shoot. Another hypothesis states that the end bud is a photoreceptor that triggers the growth response. Photoreceptors are the pigment molecules called cryptochromes and highly sensitive to blue light. However, experts believe that not only influenced olehfotoreseptor phototropism, but also influenced by a variety of hormones and signaling pathways. Etiolasi is a very fast growing plants in a dark place but the condition of plants is weak, stems are not sturdy, small leaves and the plants look pale. Etiolasi symptoms occur in the absence of sunlight. Chloroplasts are not exposed to the sun called etioplas. Etioplas levels that are too much cause plant yellowing. Impact of crop plants due to etiolasi is unable to perform the process of photosynthesis. Whereas the photosynthetic process aims to produce carbohydrates play an important role in the formation of chlorophyll. Because carbohydrates are not formed, the leaf without chlorophyll so that the leaf is not green, but pale yellow.

Dark conditions also stimulate production of the hormone auxin. Growth hormone auxin is commonly found in meristem cells, such as root tips and stem ends. Therefore the plant will be faster growing and harvesting. The results F.W. Went, plant physiologist, in 1928 showed inhibited auxin production in plants are frequently exposed to sunlight. In addition, the enzyme riboflavin absorbs light at the end of the rod tilapia from sunlight. Indigo ray destructive enzymes that help the formation of indo acetic acid (a type of auxin). That is why, plant growth etiolasi always faster, but the stems are not strong because they contain lots of water. Due to no sunlight so the organ on the plant propagation for long shriveled and died because there was no food source. (anonym, 2010 : 3)

C. TOOLS AND MATERIALS D. PROCEDURE Activity 1 A. a) Prepare stationery and table the necessary observations b) mengapati objects and tools that exist around and in the science lab c) Determine the 10 inanimate objects and tools. d) Take note of the ten types of tools and the object in the observation sheet. e) Observing the characteristics of the inanimate objects and compare the characteristics of living things B. a) Prepare stationery and table the necessary observations. b) Go to the existing environment around the residence, such as gardens, fields, forests, or other environments, according to where you live. c) Determine the 10 creatures. d) Take note of the ten kinds of living creatures in the observation sheet. e) Observing a characteristic every living creature. f) Affix a check mark () in accordance with the characteristics observed, on the table Activity 2

Preparing 1 of the aqua glass

Entering the cotton into aqua glass

Before putting green soya seeds, cotton should be moistened with

Entering the green soya seeds into the cotton

Watering of green soya seeds twice a day

Observing and measuring the change about green soya seeds

E. DISCUSSION At this time done in lab science lab 2, lab and home pages. In this experiment performed 2 activities. The first pass characteristic observation activities animate and inanimate objects and living things in the environment. Perform project then measure makhkuk living and nonliving with various size (length, mass, time, strong currents, light intensity) (using standard and non standard units). The second is to do the project activity measurements of green bean plant growth. At this time done in lab science lab 2 , lab and home pages . In this experiment performed 2 activities . The first pass characteristic observation activities animate and inanimate objects and living things in the environment . Perform project then measure makhkuk living and nonliving with various size ( length , mass , time , strong currents , light intensity ) ( using standard and non standard units ) . The second is to do the project activity measurements of green bean plant growth . To determine whether the observed object is living or non-living objects , we use the reference characteristics of living things are 1 . Breathing , 2 . Move , 3 . Breeding , 4 . Growing up , 5 . Adaptation , 6 . Respond to stimuli and 7 . Need nutrients . For the first activity , we observed a group of objects in space science lab pages 2 and biology . From the observations obtained the following results : No Object Ciri-ciri 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Labs table Chairs lab White board Meteran Micrometer skrup White tone Black tone Laboratory Eraser handphone alfalink Ant Fly Beetle butterfly Rhoe discolor grasshopper Fish Caterpillar Lime lives Lives X

x x x x x x X X X x

x x x x x x x X X X

x x x x x x X X X x

x x x x x x x X X X

x x x x x x X X X x

x x x x x x x X X X

x x x x x x X X X x

From the observation table , we can see that science lab table , lab chairs , blackboard , gauges , micrometer screw , white stone , black stone , erasers , mobile phone , alphalink not show the characteristics of life does not breathe , move , reproduce , grow , adapt , iritabilita , and needed nutrients . While the ants move , iritabilita and require nutrients by eating ; flies moving , iritabilita and require nutrients ; beetles breathe , move and require nutrients ; butterfly move , iritabilita , requires nutrients ; plants perform photosynthesis because x need nutrients ; rhoe discolor perform photosynthesis because it requires nutrients ; grasshoppers breathe , move , and require nutrients iritabilita ; fish breathe , move , and require nutrients iritabilita ; caterpillar moves , require nutrition ; citrus leaves nutrient that is needed to carry out photosynthesis . From observation of the ants , flies , beetles , butterflies , plants x , rhoe discolor , grasshoppers , fish , caterpillars , citrus leaves show characteristic life . Objects or living things is said to show the characteristics of life when you do breathe , move , reproduce , grow , adapt , irritability , and needed nutrients . After observing the characteristics of living and non- life , we measure the objects with various magnitudes with standard and non-standard units . Lab table has a 7 inch long , 4 inch wide and 4 inch high . Lab chair has a diameter of 1.5 inch , 3 inch high . Chalkboard has a length of 2.52 meters , 1.32 meters wide and 13.523 mm thick . meter weighs 480 grams . micrometer screw has a mass of 150 grams . white stone has a volume of 15 ml . black stone has a volume of 25 ml . eraser has a length of 12 cm , width 5 cm , and 3.5 cm high . phone has a 11 cm long , 6 cm wide . alphalink has a length of 6 cm , width 10.3 cm and a thickness of 1.12 mm

. ant has a length of 0.5 cm . beetle has a length of 4 cm and 2 cm wide . butterfly has a length of 1.5 cm and a width of 1 cm . plants x 58 cm in length and 4 inch , rhoe discolor has a length of 20 cm . grasshopper has a length of 2 cm and width 0.5 cm . has a 0.5 inch long fish . Caterpillar has a length of 0.4 cm and a width of 0.15 cm . orange leaves have a length of 10 cm and a width of 4 cm . Scale used in the above measurements include length , width , height , volume , mass . Standard unit used is centimeters , grams , and ml . non-standard units that we use the span . At the scale of the measurement object observed in laboratory science laboratories pages 2 and obtained the following results N o Object Panjang
Baku (cm) Tak baku (Jengkal) Baku (cm)

Besaran Lebar
Tak baku (jengkal)

Baku (cm) Tak baku (Jengkal)

Baku (cm) Tak baku (jengkal)

Baku (cm)

Tak baku (Jengkal)

1 2 3

Labs table Labs chair whiteboard

7 252 132

4 Tebal 135 mm

4 3


Meteran Micrometer sekrup 6 White tone 7 Black tone 8 eraser 9 Handphone 10 Alphalink 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ant Lives x Fly Beetle butterfly Rhoe discolor grasshopper Fish Caterpillar Lime lives

4 5

480 150 15 25 12 11 6 0,5 58 4 1,5 20 2 0,4 0,5 0,15 5 6 10 3,5 1,12 mm

4 2 1



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