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The title of our project is The Production of Compost Tea as Organic Fertilizer for Plantae. Our group aims to find out if compost tea can help to increase healthy growth rate among plants. The procedure involves the use of mi ed and soa!ed decaying dried leaves" vegeta#les and fruit peels plus the use of animal manure and urine. This mi ture produces li$uid e tracts. This li$uid e tracts will undergo process of fermentation. %uring this process you can also add aspirin if you want to for #eneficial reason of suppressing diseases. This fermented li$uid will then #e preserved in a palayo!. &fter three '() days the preserved li$uid will undergo another process called filtration to separate its li$uid parts from its residue. This filtered e tracted li$uid is what we call compost tea. The residue is still usa#le #ecause you can mi it together with the plants soil.

,e" students from -iena College of Taytay" cannot get away from tree planting activities each year to help our natural environment. One time during this activity" our group noticed that the growth rate of trees we planted were so slow. ,e ta!e the matter seriously and came up with the idea that we are going to ma!e it as an o#jective in one of our science investigatory project. .veryone !nows that providing plants with nutrition is the !ey factor for its growth and development just li!e us humans. These thoughts open us to various options li!e #uying e pensive fertilizers. /ut the use of it is not a good way to maintain healthy plants #ecause it contains synthetic chemicals. These chemicals in fertilizers can upset the sym#iotic relationship of microorganisms in soil and if overused can also harm the environment. ,e came to the idea of using compost since it definitely enhances the soil with nutrients and micro#es. Compost is an organic alternative to fertilizers. Compost typically includes decayed

vegeta#les" fruits" grass clippings and plant foliage. 0ou can ma!e your own or you can #uy it at a cheaper price. 1ater on" we finally decided to ma!e our own and do some innovations in producing compost tea as an organic li$uid fertilizer for growing plants and trees. Compost Tea is concentrated li$uid e tracted #y soa!ing" #oiling and fermenting decayed organic materials. This fresh tea e tract contains #illions of microorganisms which is #est to #e used to feed the soil. ,e !now that a healthy soil environment is the !ey to healthy plants. Compost Tea will help plants and trees get esta#lished $uic!ly with less transplant shoc! and faster root development.

**. -tatement of the Pro#lem 2ow we !now that compost tea is a li$uid fertilizer and plant disease suppressor made #y soa!ing #iologically active compost in water mi ed with other ingredients such as animal manure and urine to feed microorganisms. ,e leave the mi ture over a period of one to three days. The li$uid from the mi ture is then e tracted. This study aims to answer the following $uestions+ ,ill this #e an effective organic fertilizer3 ,ill manure and urine 'we prefer animal wastes #est) #e a helping ingredients in ma!ing this project3 ,hat will #e the result if we include aspirin3 ,ill heating !ill the #acteria4micro#es present in the li$uid mi ture3

***. 5ypothesis *t is an effective organic fertilizer #ecause we already conducted three tests+ a) 6sing syringes to directly inject the li$uid fertilizer onto the plants #) ,e sprin!led the compost li$uid tea directly to the soil c) 7emains and residue of the mi ture were put directly into plants soil &nimal manure was added to the soa!ed compost mi ture in order to feed the microorganism and decomposers present there and it also !eeps the soil moist8 a little amount of urine diluted with water produces nitrates which is a good ingredient in ma!ing fertilizer. &spirin is used as a disease suppressor8 e pect a high healthy rate in plants #ecause of this. *t depends on how long you heat the li$uid mi ture.

***. -ignificance of the -tudy The study opens our minds that some certain things we considered trash can #e valua#le. *t can #e used in the production of organic fertilizers which is a great help in the agricultural sector of our society. *n the course of the study" we encountered hurdles due to foul odor and smell of the mi ture. /ut setting this aside" even though it too! us three days the most to produce compost tea" we thought of how much cheaper and safer it is to use than commercial chemical fertilizers. &#ove all" it is

environmental friendly #ecause we can help to eliminate or somehow reduce wastes in our already polluted surroundings. *9. -cope and %elimitations This study we should say is time consuming. *t involves a lot of tests li!e P5 Tests and o#servations of plant samplings. 0ou have to ta!e note of the growth and health rate of the samplings. ,hen it comes to financial #udget" it is not that costly to ma!e. The only thing that we did not ta!e into consideration is the produced shelf life. ,e are only producing compost tea that:s good for a wee! use only. . tensive study on the fermentation process if too much #acteria;s were !illed in the process of heating was not tested. That:s why we limited the heating process to only <=><? minutes instead of (= minutes. /acteria;s might die and protein content might #e affected if we prolong the heating process.

Various Drie Lea!es 'such as @amias" Aangoes" Aalunggay" Taro" Papaya and Buava) *t is a common !nowledge that leaves mineral contents are so high. ,e used some dried tree leaves" and we all !now that trees are deeply rooted" so they a#sor# minerals deep in the soil and a good portion of these minerals goes into its leaves. Once decayed" they supply so many fi#rous organic matter. They have humus #uilding $ualities that improve structure of all soil types. They aerate or help in the circulation of air4o ygen into the soil.

Various Frui" Pee#i$%s '/anana" %alandan" &pple" Pear" ,atermelon) Properties of fruit waste do help to decompose efficiently our compost mi ture. One or two peels of #ananas gives potassium which ma!es plants get #igger faster and give more #looms. Aajority of vitamins and minerals and other nutrients actually reside in the peel of apples & *t is rich in 9itamin & C C as well as minerals li!e calcium" phosphorus" folate and iron. *t will generally help to !eep plants ro#ust and well. Citrus peels li!e oranges and dalandans are actually useful as plant insecticides. Pears and ,atermelon peels contains mostly water" however they are e cellent food for earthworms" which in turn will aerate soil and increase the amount of availa#le nutrients in the soil for plants to utilize.

Hu'a$ Uri$e is very high in nitrogen. 6rea contains more phosphorus and potassium than most of commercial fertilizers availa#le in the mar!et. /ut caution" use only urine that is considered sterile meaning it comes from a healthy #ody free from viruses and infection.

Crus(e E%% S(e##s >are D(E calcium car#onate and a solidly true soil conditioner. *t improves soil physical $ualities and it helps in its a#ility to provide nutrition for plants.

,e used Do% s(i" as animal manure ingredient to our compost mi ture since it is the most readily availa#le at the moment. *t is #asically solid animal dogshit that we put" since it has a high moisture content. &nimal waste contains most of the nutrients that crops re$uire" including nitrogen plus organic matter to improve soil $uality and plant condition.

&dded ingredients li!e decaying o$io$) %ar#i* a$ %i$%er was just accidentally added. *t was found out to #e decayed at the household of one mem#er of the group. /ut only small $uantities of this was added unto the mi ture since there;s this research that says odor of this ingredients affects the #acteria;s present in the mi ture.

Wa"er '5FO) & minimal amount of water to #e mi ed with urine so as to decrease its nitrate content and avoid #urning sensation in plants.

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