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through Bertha Dudde 7540

Gods care for the human being ....

First seek the kingdom of God .... For it is our task in !ife to find the contact "ith # kingdom so that this kingdom can recei$e ou again one da "hen ou !ea$e the earth. %his is& in fact& our on! task& because e$er thing e!se "i!! sort itse!f out& if on! ou make an effort to do 'ustice to this task. (ou "ere )!aced in this earth! "or!d in order to !ook for the spiritual kingdom "hi!e ou !i$e in it .... But ou "ere a!so gi$en a g!orious )romise that ou "i!! be ab!e to co)e "ith this earth! "or!d as "e!! if ou fu!fi! the condition of !ooking for the kingdom of God first .... *n a manner of s)eaking& * )romised ou a re"ard "hich& b itse!f& shou!d a!one entice ou to com)! "ith # re+uirement& for as a result of My promise you are also spared the struggle for existence, the worry about your life, about your earthly life .... (ou need on! take care of our sou!s sa!$ation& and * "i!! take o$er the care for our )h sica! "e!!,being and sort out e$er thing& "hich other"ise "ou!d demand a great dea! of effort from ou if ou had to dea! "ith it b ourse!$es. I will take over the care which earthly life demands of you as soon as you fulfil My requirement: to first stri$e for # kingdom and its 'ustice .... i.e. if ou com)!ete! hand ourse!$es o$er to #e because ou recognise #e as our God and -reator& as our Father of eternit & because ou recognise that true 'ustice can on! be found "ith #e& a !ife according to our sou!s maturit & and because ou rea!ise that this is "h ou shou!d seek #e and # kingdom&

"hich "i!! then certain! be o)ened for those of ou "ho hand ourse!$es o$er to #e "ith com)!ete trust in # 'ustice .... (ou shou!d on! !i$e in the right "a "ith a $ie" of ac+uiring # kingdom .... (ou shou!d stri$e for heartfe!t contact "ith #e .... .o"e$er& dont !ook for #e in the "or!d& for # kingdom is not of this "or!d& therefore ou must turn our thoughts hea$en"ards& a"a from the "or!d and its enticements .... ou must think of # kingdom& our true home& "hich ou once abandoned and to "hich ou shou!d return again. /nd ou "i!! not regret it if ou fo!!o" # ad$ice to stri$e for this kingdom& for ou "i!! a!so be re!ie$ed of a!! earth! "orries and )rob!ems at the same time& because * "i!! take care of these on our beha!f and& in e$er ad$ersit & * "i!! tru! !ook after ou. * "i!! )ro$ide for ou in an earth! "a !ike a father for his chi!dren& * "i!! gi$e to ou "hat ou need in e$er da !ife& and * "i!! a!so )ro$ide ou "ith an abundance of s)iritua! "ea!th& for as soon as ou turn our e es to #e and # kingdom ou "i!! a!so recei$e gifts of grace from there and our bond "ith #e "i!! gro" increasing! stronger& earth! !ife "i!! no !onger be a burden to ou& ou "i!! ha$e "hat ou re+uire .... )h sica!! and s)iritua!! .... For then ou "i!! ha$e esca)ed from the danger of succumbing to the "or!d and its demands& of com)!ete! becoming ens!a$ed b it and thus ou "i!! a!so ha$e esca)ed from the !ord of the "or!d b com)!ete! conscious! turning to"ards # kingdom "hich "i!! no" be granted to ou. First seek the kingdom of od, all other things will be given to you .... %his )romise sha!! encourage ou to !ook for the bond "ith #e and # kingdom& for as et ou are often he!d back b earth! "orries& "hich ou take more serious! than the "orr for our sou! .... But * )romise ou certain he!)& * take a!! our "orries u)on #e& )ro$iding ou first !ook for #e and # kingdom .... %herefore ou can !i$e our earth! !ife com)!ete! "ithout "orr & if on! ou "ou!d a!"a s remember # )romise ....

.o"e$er& on! a fe" )eo)!e take these Words serious! but the are re!eased from a!! earth! burdens& for * # se!f !ook after them& and * "i!! !o$ing! !ook after e$er )erson "ho on! e$er stri$es to gain #e and # kingdom. /nd he "i!! certain! reach the goa!& he "i!! find #e and unite "ith #e. .e "i!! not !i$e his !ife on earth in $ain& he "i!! be admitted to # kingdom and be $er ha)) ....


0ub!ished b friends of ne" re$e!ations of God 1 *nformation& do"n!oad of a!! trans!ated re$e!ations& theme,book!ets at2 htt)233""".bertha,dudde.info3eng!ish3inde4.htm! 5 htt)233en.bertha,dudde.org3

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