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Capstone Synopsis Paper Deborah Aderin o!!oy Co!!ege Pra"ti"u# in Nursing Edu"ation $ernadette D %Curry& PhD& RN Spring& '(1)

CAPSTONE SYNOPSIS PAPER Capstone Course Synopsis Paper Nurses re#ain *unda#enta! to the su""ess o* the e#erging patient "entered "are


de!i+ery #ode!, they -or. in a "o#p!e/ transitiona! en+iron#ent% In an e**ort to #aintain the pa"e -ith the ad+an"e#ent in te"hno!ogy& #edi"a! inno+ations and in"reased patients0 de#ands& higher edu"ation in nursing pra"ti"e re#ains the .ey% In '(11& the Institute o* edi"ine report on the 1uture o* Nursing& e!e"ted *or trans*or#ation in the

nursing pro*ession in order to #eet the de#ands o* the A**ordab!e Care A"t that -as signed by the President in '(1( that a!! A#eri"ans re"ei+e integrated& e+iden"e2based "are -hi"h is e3uitab!e& "ost e**e"ti+e ser+i"es& and i#pro+ed out"o#es% The "o##ittee see.s i#pro+e#ent in nursing !eadership& edu"ation and training, nurses #ust pra"ti"e to their *u!! potentia!s and "o!!e"tion o* resear"h data% This in #ind& the graduate progra# at o!!oy Co!!ege has prepared #e to be"o#e a nurse edu"ator to de!i+er 3ua!ity edu"ation and !eadership abi!ities to the *uture nurses& and to be positi+e!y in+o!+ed in the trans*or#ation o* hea!th"are de!i+ery syste#% The *o"us o* asters0 in Nursing Edu"ation at o!!oy Co!!ege is to prepare a

nursing s"ho!ar *or the ad+an"ed nursing pra"ti"e ro!e as a nurse edu"ator% The pri#ary goa! is the de+e!op#ent& trans#ission& and organi4ation o* nursing .no-!edge and the trans!ation o* that .no-!edge into pra"ti"e through ad+an"ed theory based2instru"tions in a"ade#i"s& resear"h a"ti+ities& and "!ini"a! e/perien"es 5 o!!oy& '(1'6% The progra# is a""redited by Co##ission on Co!!egiate Nursing Edu"ation, the "ore *oundation is rooted in the A#eri"an Asso"iation o* Co!!eges o* Nursing e!e#ents o* asters0

edu"ation *or ad+an"ed pra"ti"e ro!es in nursing% The students are instru"ted in tea"hing2

CAPSTONE SYNOPSIS PAPER !earning theory& !earner "hara"teristi"s& "ourse "urri"u!u# de+e!op#ent7i#p!e#entation& out"o#e e+a!uation& and de+e!op#ent o* the edu"ator ro!e% The "on"eptua! *ra#e-or. at

o!!oy Co!!ege is Hu#anisti" -ith *o"us on hu#an

beings& their +a!ues& be!ie*s& per"eptions& "apa"ities& and a"hie+e#ents 5 o!!oy Co!!ege Handboo.& '(1'6% The hu#anisti" *ra#e-or. addresses nursing as an e/istentia! e/perien"e that in+o!+es the "onne"tion bet-een the nurse and the person to be nursed% The nursing progra#s are inter2-o+en -ith *our "on"epts& na#e!y& hu#anity& hea!th& +a!uing and en+iron#ent% Ha+ing this in #ind& nursing edu"ation pro+ides re3uisite .no-!edge and "o#peten"es& pro#otes the essentia! +a!ues and "u!ture o* nursing& and pro+ides *or the de+e!op#ent o* the ro!es o* s"ho!ar and !eader& -hi"h the *a"u!ty sees as essentia! to the pra"ti"e o* pro*essiona! nursing% The edu"ation I a"3uired at o!!oy Co!!ege has enri"hed #y pro*essiona!

pra"ti"e in #any positi+e -ays% The progra# *ostered persona! and pro*essiona! gro-th that trans!ated into ad+an"ed .no-!edge in #y pra"ti"e% I started o!!oy three years ago

as a *ie!d nurse at the 8isiting Nurse Ser+i"e o* Ne- Yor.% The de#onstration o* the .no-!edge a"3uired -as +ery ob+ious to the #anage#ent% I -as pro#oted to a Nurse anager position -hen I -as ha!* -ay through the progra#% The "on"epts that I ha+e !earned ga+e #e the !eadership s.i!!s in #y ro!e% The training I obtained in "riti"a! thin.ing& "o##uni"ation& therapeuti" nursing inter+entions& ethi"a! "o#peten"es& and #u!ti"u!tura! "o#peten"es has be"o#e an asset in #y ro!e% Ea"h o* the "ourses that I ha+e su""ess*u!!y "o#p!eted and a"hie+ed the set ob9e"ti+es is interre!ated to-ards the sa#e goa!% In Ad+an"ed Nursing Theory& I -as ab!e to interpret the +ie-s o* past and present nursing theorists and app!y their +a!ues to #y


"urrent nursing pra"ti"e% In the Organi4ation Nursing Course& I attained the .no-!edge o* organi4ationa! theories& "u!ture& !eadership prin"ip!es #oti+ation s.i!!s and tea# bui!ding% In easure#ent and E+a!uation Course& I !earned ho- to app!y #easure#ent and

nu#bers& 3ua!ities o* #easure#ent instru#ents& test "onstru"tion and s"ore interpretation% Hea!th Issues -ith ;!oba! 8ie- presented an o+er+ie- o* issues in g!oba! hea!th in underde+e!oped "ountries and the ro!e o* <or!d Hea!th Organi4ations% The Resear"h and Design Course& -as a de+e!op#ent o* a resear"h proposa! that I did on edi"ation

Co#p!ian"e a#ong O!der adu!ts in the Co##unity% The "ourse in Nursing Curri"u!u# -as the "ore o* #y progra# as a nurse edu"ator% I -as taught ho- to de+e!op a "ourse "urri"u!u# -ith the ob9e"ti+es& *or#ati+e and su##ati+e e+a!uation& the s"ho!arship o* tea"hing and the prin"ip!es o* adu!t !earning theories% This "ourse +ie-ed the Nationa! =eague *or Nurse Edu"ator Co#peten"es -hi"h are the guide to the de+e!op#ent o* graduate nursing progra#s and inspiration o* e/"e!!en"e in the nurse edu"ator pra"ti"e% The Nursing In*or#ati"s Course pro+ided #e -ith an enor#ous a#ount o* .no-!edge in the use o* Po-erPoint instru"tions& hea!th "are in*or#ati"s and the app!i"ation o* "o#puteri4ed in*or#ation syste#s, ho- they "an be used as an e**e"ti+e too! by edu"ators in the "!assroo#% This "ourse a!so taught #e ho- -ebinars and -eb"asts "an be used in p!a"e o* traditiona! "!assroo# setting *or tea"hing% The Creati+e Strategies Course e/p!ored the *a"tors that in*!uen"e "reati+e tea"hing& di**erent !earning sty!es% The Nationa! =eague *or Nursing 5'(1:6 asserts that& the nurse edu"ator ro!e re3uires spe"ia!i4ed preparations and engage#ent in the a"ade#i" enterprise% I had the opportunity to do #y pra"ti"u# in one o* the prestigious tea"hing institution& <inthrop Hospita!& -or.ing -ith the *uture generation o* nurses in an instru"tiona! en+iron#ent%

CAPSTONE SYNOPSIS PAPER This has been a re-arding e/perien"e *or #e in #any -ays% 1irst& I ha+e the opportunity

to bring to !i*e the tea"hing strategies I !earned to students in the "!assroo#% The students -ere +ery re"epti+e to #y and engaging tea"hing sty!es% They sa- #e as a resour"e person& see.ing *or ans-ers "on"erning patient "are #anage#ent% Assu#ing the ro!e o* a *a"i!itator -as one o* the #a9or strength o* #y "!ini"a! e/perien"e% y *o"us -as on

inte!!e"tua! de+e!op#ent and students0 parti"ipation in de"iding -hat needed to be !earned and ho-% I !earned that the #ost i#portant s.i!! as a nurse edu"ator is to he!p the students de+e!op "riti"a! thin.ing about the in*or#ation bo#barding the#% Pro#oting independent thin.ing using open2ended 3uestions -as *ound to be +ery e**e"ti+e in estab!ishing trust *ro# the students& tea"hing -as per"ei+ed as !ess threatening& a!!o-ing unrestrained or *ree response% The students0 abi!ities and e/perien"es -ere respe"ted and +a!ued% In Educating Nurses a Call to Radical Transformation& the authors "a!!ed *or a bridge bet-een theory and pra"ti"e 5$enner& Sutphen& =eonard > Day& '(1(6% y

pre"eptor -as a nurse edu"ator -ith the Criti"a! Care ba".ground% She arti"u!ated her "!ini"a! and "!assroo# .no-!edge in her pra"ti"e% She .ept her "!ini"a! .no-!edge "urrent through "ontinuing edu"ation and "erti*i"ations% She is a"ti+e!y in+o!+ed in tea"hing o* "riti"a! "are nursing% This -as +ery bene*i"ia! *or the students be"ause she "onstant!y reiterated -hat the students -ere taught in the "!assroo# at the "!ini"a! settings% In "on"!usion& #y graduate edu"ation at o!!oy Co!!ege has prepared #e to be a

nurse edu"ator that *osters positi+e "hanges in hea!th"are de!i+ery syste# through !eadership and #entoring% ?pon graduation& I en+ision #yse!* as an ad9un"t *a"u!ty

CAPSTONE SYNOPSIS PAPER #e#ber in an undergraduate nursing progra# -or.ing -ith *uture generation o* nurses% 1i+e years *ro# no- I see #yse!* "o#p!eting #y do"tora! studies%

CAPSTONE SYNOPSIS PAPER Re*eren"es $enner& P%& Sutphen& %& =eonard& 8%& > Day& =% 5'(1(6% Educating nurses: A call for

radical transformation% Stan*ord& CA: Bossey2$ass% Institute o* edi"ine 5'(116% The Future of Nursing, Leading Changes,

Advancing Health% <ashington& DC% Author Molloy College !raduate Course Catalog% 5'(1'2'(1)6 Nationa! =eague o* Nursing 5'(1'6% Nursing education "ers"ectives% ::%1% Retrie+ed *ro# http:77---%n!n%org7n!n9ourna!7inde/%ht#

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