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INDONESIAN LANGUAGE TRAINING OUTLINE by ALAM BAHASA Communicative Beginner Level is designed for 60 hours.

Upon the completion of this level, learners will be able to to conduct simple basic conversation in daily situation, to understand simple basic conversation in daily conversation, to read simple texts which use simple basic structures and expressions, to write simple texts using simple basic structures and expressions he target s!ills for this level are to " No Weeks st ! "#$ Hours %& Topics #. $ntroduce her%himself, her%his colleagues, and get to !now &a' new person&s'. (erform her%his !nowledge about numbers from )ero to housands. *. +s! and mention the names and colors of some ob,ects in his%her surroundings%office to which they belong. (erform her%his numerical !nowledge about si-e, price and other measurements. .. /et to !now $ndonesian food and drin!s, its taste and buy or order food in local restaurants. Understand the customs in inviting guests to eat at our house and use expressions to start eating. 0. ell when he%she underta!es his%her daily and office activities and use appropriate adverbs of time. ell the duration of an activity as to when it starts and finishes. 1. /et to !now the names of daily necessities and buy them from a shop, mar!et or !ios!2 bargain the price &e.g. souvenirs, fruits' in appropriate places to get a reasonable price. 6. 3escribe position of an ob,ect, get and inform someone how to get the ob,ect. /et and inform someone how to get to a certain place with or without a map. /et to !now expressions used in a simple correspondence. 4. /et transportation for her%his travel, what are the facilities, reserve a tic!et from the tic!et agent. /et information about typical happenings in public transportation in $ndonesia. 5. +llow or as! someone to do a favor2 giving a prohibition, 6. al! about her%his hobby activities using appropriate tenses, how often she%he underta!es the activities. +s! about someone7s activities during wor! hours. #0. 3escribe someone, something or a place, avoid impolite words to describe someone. al! about her%his wee!ly plan, wee!end activities and holiday plan. al! about monthly or annually wor! plan. Compare someone, something or a place by using a comparative and superlative structure. 'rese#t(tio# by p(rticip(#t Activities )o*prehe#$i#+ structure, voc(bu-(ries (#$ e.pressio#s 'r(ctici#+ to use structure, voc(bu-(ries (#$ e.pressio#s i# the c-(ss Ro-e p-(y I#tervie/ Doi#+ e.ercises 'r(ctisi#+ structure, voc(bu-(ries (#$ e.pressio#s i# re(- situ(tio# Re($ $i(-o+ues or si*p-e te.t )o*prehe#$ $i(-o+ues or si*p-e te.t Discuss (bout the topic re-(te$ to the $i(-o+ue Group c-(sses Doi#+ 0i#(- test Others Book

8luent Communicator Level is designed for 60 hours. Upon the completion of this level, learners will be able to conduct free conversation by using basic sentence structure in order to increase fluency, to use complex sentences consisting of * clauses, to find derived words in the dictionary, to read texts which use complex sentences consisting of * clauses and derived verbs, to write texts using complex sentences consisting of * clauses and derived verbs. he target s!ills for this level are to " No " Weeks 1r$ ! 2th Hours %& #. Topics 9xpress her%his ideas in appropriate complex sentences by using the right con,unctions. 3iscuss about how to welcome a guest and what habits in visiting relations or friends. +pply the Me(N)- rules to identify root word and find the relevant word in the dictionary. +pply the prefix Me(N)- in her%his sentence and identify its changes of meaning once he%she adds the prefix to the existing root word. :pea! about family and tal! about occupation in $ndonesia. 3iscuss about family planning, family meeting, and ,ob facilities. +pply the prefix Ber- in her%his sentence, identify its changes of meaning once he%she adds the prefix to the existing root word. ;a!e formal and informal invitations, express acceptance or refusal to an invitation. 3iscuss polite expressions to refuse an invitation. +pply the confix Me(N)-kan in her%his sentence and identify its changes of meaning once he%she adds the confix to the existing root word. ;a!e a complex sentence with "Meskipun" structure. 8amiliari-e her%him self with formal and informal expressions used in telephone conversation, leave a message. 3evelop a telephone conversation and discuss the telephone system in $ndonesia. +pply the confix Me(N)-i in her%his sentence and identify its changes of meaning once he%she adds the confix to the existing root word. ;a!e a complex sentence with "Semakin.., semakin", "Selain.., juga", ".bahkan.." structure. 3escribe her%his health problem to get appropriate treatment, discuss about health problems. 3iscuss about (us!esmas, health insurance, health system and alternative health treatment. +pply the rules to ma!e a passive voice structure from active sentences" "di-", personal pronouns and "yang" form. ;a!e a complex sentence with "Padahal" structure. al! about feelings, what to do when he%she feels sad, happy, or any other feelings. 3iscuss about how behave to an elderly and express the feelings. ;a!e passive voice structure" "Ter-" and " e-an" form. 3escribe parts of a house, including furniture and able to communicate in order to rent a house. +s! Activities Others Boo! * )o*prehe#$ structure, voc(bu-(ries (#$ e.pressio#s 'r(ctici#+ to use structure, voc(bu-(ries (#$ e.pressio#s i# the c-(ss Ro-e p-(y I#tervie/ Doi#+ e.ercises 'r(ctisi#+ structure, voc(bu-(ries (#$ e.pressio#s i# re(- situ(tio# Re($ $i(-o+ues or si*p-e te.t )o*prehe#$ $i(-o+ues or si*p-e te.t Discuss (bout the topic re-(te$ to the $i(-o+ue Group c-(sses Gives ( si*p-e prese#t(tio#








for assistance when part&s' of house need&s' a repair. Use sentence structure "Termasuk" appropriately. ;a!e active sentences with Memper-, Memper-i and Memper-kan affixes form and its passive voice structure. al! about weather and conditions of the nature, tal! about differences of weather and seasons. 3iscuss about different weather in $ndonesia and how the weather affects human behaviour. ;a!e a complex sentence with "Seharusnya" structure.

Se*i#(r by '(rticip(#t <atural Communicator Level is designed for 60 hours. Upon the completion, learners will be able to conduct conversation in natural style, to use complex sentences consisting of * or more clauses, to !now the habits of the society in order to manage successful sociali-ation, to read texts which use complex sentences consisting of * or more clauses and derived nouns, to write texts using complex sentences consisting of * or more clauses and derived nouns he target s!ills for this level are to " No 1 Weeks 3th 4 %th Hours %& Topics #. +pply the prefix Pe(N)- in her%his sentence and identify its changes of meaning once he%she adds the prefix to the base word. +pply the word "adalah", "merupakan", "!erle!ak", "le!aknya", "!erdiri dari" and "an!ara lain".in an appropriate sentence and understand the difference between those words. =ead and comprehend a text related to prefix and expression in this lesson. *. +pply the confix Pe(N)-an and Per-an in her%his sentence and identify its changes of meaning once he%she adds the confix to the base word. +pply the word "!erhadap" and "kepada" in an appropriate sentence and understand the difference between those words. =ead and comprehend a text related to prefix and expression in this lesson. .. +pply the appropriate expression when participating in formal meetings or discussions" as!ing for and giving an opinion, as!ing for and giving explanation, interrupting an opinion or explanation, stating an agreement or disagreement, explain and giving the reason of an opinion. +pply the expressions >baik..maupun." and >bukan saja. melainkan juga .". =ead and comprehend a text related to prefix and expression in this lesson. 0. +pply the prefix "Se-" and the confix "Se-nya" in her%his sentence and identify its changes of meaning once he%she adds the prefix and confix to the base word. ;a!e complex sentences with "sampai-sampai" and "jadi". =ead and comprehend a text related to prefix and expression in this lesson. 1. +pply the suffix "-an" in her%his sentence and identify its changes of meaning once he%she adds the suffix to the root word.;a!e a complex Activities )o*prehe#$ structure, voc(bu-(ries (#$ e.pressio#s 'r(ctici#+ to use structure, voc(bu-(ries (#$ e.pressio#s i# the c-(ss Ro-e p-(y I#tervie/ Doi#+ e.ercises 'r(ctisi#+ structure, voc(bu-(ries (#$ e.pressio#s i# re(- situ(tio# Re($ $i(-o+ues or si*p-e te.t )o*prehe#$ $i(-o+ues or si*p-e te.t Discuss (bout the topic re-(te$ to the $i(-o+ue Group c-(sses 'rep(re ( prese#t(tio# 5 se*i#(r re-(te$ to his5her 0ie-$ o0 /ork Others Boo! .

sentence with "#i sa!u pihak., di lain pihak..", and "Mahalmurahnya...!ergan!ung ". =ead and comprehend a text related to prefix and expression in this lesson. 6. +pply the confix " e-an" in her%his sentence and identify its changes of meaning once he%she adds the confix to the base word. +pply the expressions >!idak hanya.!e!api juga." and >!idak !e!api.". =ead and comprehend a text related to prefix and expression in this lesson. 4. +pply the confix "Ber-an" in her%his sentence and identify its changes of meaning once he%she adds the confix to the base word. +pply the synonym words in the appropriate sentences. =ead and comprehend a text related to prefix and expression in this lesson.

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