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General Catalogue 2013

CGM generating sets

CGM generating sets

CGM GROUPES ELECTROGENES est une entreprise ne en 1980 en Vntie, dans la ville dArzignano (VI), et offre une excellent service de conception, la construction et lentretien de groupes lectrognes de diffrentes tailles et puissances. La socit C.G.M. a toujours t synonyme de lassiduit, lesprit dentreprise et lexprience acquise dans plus de 30 ans; C.G.M. se prte bien comme lun des principaux partenaires de dans le monde entier. Notre rseau commercial est tendu en Italie ainsi qu ltranger, une filiale au Kenya a t ouverte il y a quelques annes , avec un service daprs vente, afin de mieux suivre le march de centre Afrique. Nous avons consolid des rapports avec dimportants distributeurs en Europe et den divers pays de lEst tels, que: La Hongrie, Rep.Ceca, Roumanie, Lithuanie et pays Balkans. Dans le reste du monde nous avons des rapports avec: Emirats Arabes, Egypte, Ethiopie, Djibouti, Isral, Mauritanie, Nigeria, Cameroun, Gabon, Congo, Angola, Yemen et autres. Actuellement la maison travaille pour 40% sur le march italien et 60% sur le march tranger.

La C.G.M. GRUPPI ELETTROGENI unazienda nata nel 1980 in Veneto, nella citt di Arzignano (VI), ed offre un ottimo servizio di progettazione, realizzazione e manutenzione di gruppi elettrogeni di varie dimensioni e potenze. La ditta C.G.M. si sempre distinta per loperosit, le capacit imprenditoriali e lesperienza acquisita in pi di 30 anni di attivit; C.G.M. si presta cos ad essere uno dei partner privilegiati a livello mondiale. La rete commerciale si estesa sia in Italia che allestero, dove da qualche anno C.G.M. ha aperto una filiale in Kenya, con servizio di post vendita, in grado di seguire pi da vicino il centro Africa. Sono stati consolidati anche i rapporti con importanti distributori in Europa ed in vari paesi dellEst, quali: Ungheria, Rep. Ceca, Romania, Lituania e paesi Balcani. Nel resto del mondo C.G.M. si rapporta con: Egitto, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Israele, Mauritania, Nigeria, Cameroun, Gabon, Congo, Angola, Yemen ed altri. Attualmente la ditta opera per il 40% sul mercato italiano e 60% sul mercato estero.

C.G.M. GENERATING SETS born in 1980 in Veneto, town of Arzignano (VI), and offers great service design, construction and maintenance of generating sets of various sizes and powers. C.G.M. has always stood for industriousness, entrepreneurial skills and the experience gained in more than 30 years of activity; C.G.M. lends itself well to be one of the key partners in worldwide.

Our trade have extended in Italy and both abroad: over recent years we have opened one branch in Kenya, with post-sale service, able to following more give close the central Africa. We have strenghten relationships with main distributors in Europe and various countries of the East as: Hungary, Czech Rep., Romania, Lithuania and Balkan countries. For the rest of the World we have relationships with: Egypt, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Mauritania, Nigeria, Cameroun, Gabon, Congo, Angola, Yemen, Arab Emirates. At this time the company business is 40% with Italian market and 60% with foreign states.

CGM generating sets

OFFRIR ET GARANTIR UN SERVICE GLOBAL OU-DELA DE LA VENTE DE CE PRODUIT! La mission de C.G.M. est de donner le mieux ses clients et pour ce faire laider tout moment. Lenthousiasme dassumer cette support objectif et technologiques moderne, constamment mis jour, peut offrir ce quil a promis. Chaque produit est soigneusement suivie de sorte que le rsultat final rponde pleinement aux demandes. Et les petits dtails qui se posent les grandes entreprises. POURQUOI CHOISIR C.G.M. ? - Parl au clients respectant leurs besoins - Rpond aux clients les plus exigeants, assures la plus grande qualit - Elle offre des solutions personnalises et premier plan - Soins scrupuleusement le choix des matriaux les mieux adapts diffrents utilisations et les lieux

OFFRIRE E GARANTIRE UN SERVIZIO GLOBALE CHE VADA OLTRE LA VENDITA DEL PRODOTTO! La missione di C.G.M. dare il meglio alla propria clientela e per fare ci la assiste in ogni momento. Lentusiasmo di affrontare questo obiettivo e supporti tecnologici moderni, continuamente aggiornati, permettono di offrire quanto promesso. Ogni prodotto viene seguito con cura affinch il risultato finale risponda appieno alle richieste. E dai piccoli dettagli che nascono grandi aziende. PERCHE SCEGLIERE C.G.M. ? - Dialoga con il cliente rispettando le sue esigenze - Soddisfa i clienti pi esigenti, garantendo sempre la massima qualit - Propone soluzioni personalizzate e sempre allavanguardia - Cura con il massimo scrupolo la scelta dei materiali pi idonei ai vari usi e luoghi

OFFER AND PROVIDE A SERVICE THAT GO OVER THE SALE OF THE PRODUCT! The mission of C.G.M. is to give the best to its customers and to do this we assist at all times. The enthusiasm to take on this objective and modern technological support, continuously updated, can offer what it promised. Each product is carefully followed so that the final result meets fully to requests. It is from the small details that arise large companies.

WHY CHOOSE C.G.M. ? - Talk to the customers in accordance their needs - Meets the most demanding customers, ensuring the utmost quality - It offers customized solutions and forefront - Care scrupulously the choice of the most suitable materials to various uses and places

CGM generating sets

La gamme de produits offre par C.G.M. est large et diversifi, mme si nous sommes spcialiss dans la production de gnrateurs de 1 2000 des KVA (Avec des moteurs essence, gaz et diesel) gnrateurs pour attelage ou tracteurs, les tours et le motosoudeurs. Nous offrons galement une assistance technique tendue (ordinaire et extraordinaire) et la maintenance prvue service domicile. La qualit et la comptence se pose en particulier dune bonne mthodologie de conception et un processus de production calibre. Le tout est vrifie par des tests rigoureux et garantis de la conformit avec les rglements. Sur le march nest pas distribu produits qui na pas t pralablement rigoureusement tests en interne. Sur la qualit des gnrateurs, C.G.M. a obtenu en 2005, la plus importante reconnaissance: certification de conformit ISO 9001:2008 . Cette reconnaissance nest pas seulement un point darrive, mais une tape de passage damliorer encore, pour faire de notre mieux et de donner tous comptences techniques et / qualit de lentreprise.

La gamma di prodotti offerta da C.G.M. diversificata ed ampia, anche se siamo specializzati nella produzione di gruppi elettrogeni da 1 a 2000 KVA (con motori sia benzina che diesel), di motosaldatrici e gruppi elettrogeni per attacco al trattore. Offriamo inoltre una capillare assistenza tecnica (ordinaria e straordinaria) nonch una manutenzione programmata con servizio domiciliare. La qualit e la competenza deriva specialmente da una corretta metodologia di progettazione e di un tarato iter produttivo. Il tutto viene verificato dai rigorosi test e garantito dal rispetto delle normative vigenti. Sul mercato non viene emesso alcun prodotto che non sia stato prima rigorosamente testato internamente. Proprio sul livello qualitativo dei generatori, C.G.M. ha ottenuto nel 2005 il riconoscimento pi importante: la Certificazione di conformit alla norma ISO 9001:2008. Tale riconoscimento non solo un punto di arrivo, ma una tappa di passaggio per migliorare ancora, per dare sempre il meglio e per offrire tutte le competenze e le capacit tecnico/qualitative dellazienda.

The offered range is diversified and wide, but we are specializes in production of generating sets from 1 up to 2000 KVA (with gasoline, diesel and gaz engine), tractor coupling generators, lighting towers and motor welding sets. We offer also an extensive technical assistance (ordinary and extraordinary) and a scheduled maintenance home service.

The quality and competence arises especially from a correct design methodology and a calibrated production process. The whole is verified by rigorous testing and guaranteed from compliance with the regulations. On the market are not be issued products that was not previously rigorously tested in-house. Right on the quality of generators, C.G.M. obtained in 2005, the most important recognition: the Certification of compliance with the ISO 9001:2008 . This recognition is not only a point of arrival, but a stage of passage to further improve, to give our best and to offer all skills and technical/quality of the company.

Serie 1
Gruppi elettrogeni Benzina
Gasoline Generating sets Groupes electrogenes essence

Benzina Gasoline Essence

Giri RPM Tr/Mn


mod. CGM 3H - CGM 3.8H

mod. CGM 5,5H

mod. CGM 7H

mod. CGM 10H

mod. CGM 10B - CGM 12B

mod. silenced CGM 5,5H - CGM 7H - CGM 10H

Serie 1
Gruppi elettrogeni Benzina
Gasoline Generating sets Groupes electrogenes essence
GRUPPI ELETTROGENI BENZINA 3000 GIRI raffreddamento ad ARIA Questi gruppi elettrogeni sono costruiti prevalentemente per abitazioni, impianti ambulanti, roulottes, campeggi, hobbistica. Silenziosi e facili da usare, erogano corrente alternata 230V monofase o 400V trifase + N - 50 Hz. I gruppi sono allestiti con motori benzina a 3000 giri Honda e Briggs & Stratton a 4 tempi, avviamento a strappo con autoavvolgente o avviamento elettrico con chiave e batteria. Quadro di distribuzione con prese di corrente a norme CEE fino a 5,5 kVA, completo di interruttore e voltmetro oltre tale potenza. Possibilit di allestire le macchine con kit GAS o GPL.

Benzina Gasoline Essence

Giri RPM Tr/Mn


GASOLINE GENERATING SETS 3000 RPM AIR cooled These generating sets are made especially for small houses, walking installations, caravans, campings, hobby, etc. They are light, noiseless and easy to use, they supply 230 Volt single phase or 400 Volts 3-phases + N - 50 Hz. The generating sets are made with 4 strokes gasoline engines at 3000 rpm as Honda and Briggs & Stratton manual starting with rope, or electric starting with key and battery. The control panel is with sockets EEC up to 5,5 kVA, complete with circuit breaker and voltmeter over this power. Possible to have units with GAS or LPG kit.

GROUPES ELECTROGENES A ESSENCE 3000 TR/MN refroidis par AIR Ces groupes lectrognes sont surtout pour habitations, roulottes, campings, installations ambulantes, hobbies, etc. Lgers, silencieux et faciles utiliser, ils donnent courant alterne 230V monophas ou 400V triphas + N 50 Hz. Les groupes ont des moteurs essence 3000 TR/MN HONDA et BRIGGS & STRATTON 4 temps, dmarrage manuel par corde ou dmarrage lectrique avec batterie. Tableau de commande avec prises de courant CEE jusqua 5,5 kVA, avec interrupteur et voltmtre aprs cette puissance. Possibilit de avoir kit Gas ou LPG.


Modello Continui Emergenza Motore Avv. NCilindri Potenza Max Cilindrata Consumo Model Continuous Stand-by Engine Start Cylinder Power Max Displacem. Consump. Modle Continus Secours Moteur Dm. Cylindres Puissance Max Cylindre Consom. [KVA] [KW] [KVA] [KW] CGM 3H 3 2,7 3,4 4,4 5,6 8 8 9,6 3,3 4,2 6 7,7 11 11 2,9 3,8 4,8 6,1 8,8 8,8 GX160 GX200 GX270 GX390 iGX440 B&S 16HP B&S 18HP



S S S/E S/E E S/E S/E 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

Hp/kW 5,5 / 4 6,5 / 4,8 9 / 6,6 13 / 9,6 15 / 11,2 16 / 11,8 18 / 13,2

cc 163 196 270 389 439 480 570

lt/hr 1 1,1 1,6 2 3,2 3,8 4,3

lt 3,6 3,6 5,6 6,5 6,5 8,5 8,5

Kg 37 40 58/76 76/85 120 95/125 100/135

mm 540x400x400h 540x400x400h 740x450x500h 740x450x500h 860x550x650h 860x550x650h 860x550x650h

Kg 106 115 160 -

mm 1100X550X600h 1100X550X600h 1100X550X600h -

CGM 3,8H 3,8 CGM 5,5H 5,5 CGM 7H CGM 10H CGM 10B CGM 12B 7 10 10 12

13,2 10,5

= Avviamento / Starting / Dmarrage * S = Strappo / Rope starting / Manuel par corde E = Elettrico / Electric / Electrique

Serie 2
Gruppi elettrogeni Diesel
Diesel Generating sets Groupes electrogenes diesel


Giri RPM Tr/Mn


mod. from CGM 5DE to CGM 12DE

mod. silenced from CGM 5DE to CGM 12DE

mod. from CGM 15DE to CGM 22DE

mod. silenced from CGM 15DE to CGM 22DE

mod. from CGM 10DW to CGM 30DW

mod. silenced from CGM 10DW to CGM 30DW


Serie 2
Gruppi elettrogeni Diesel
Diesel Generating sets Groupes electrogenes diesel
GRUPPI ELETTROGENI DIESEL 3000 GIRI - raffreddamento ad ARIA o ACQUA Questi gruppi elettrogeni sono allestiti con motori Diesel Lombardini, avviamento elettrico (con chiave e batteria) o a strappo con autoavvolgente. Alternatore con tensione 400 Volt Trifase con neutro accessibile o 230 Volt Monofase - 50 Hz montati su telaio di base. Quadro elettrico per il comando manuale, fissato sul gruppo, con la seguente strumentazione: interruttore magnetotermico di protezione e voltmetro (escluso 5 KVA ), 2 prese a norme CEE, chiave di avviamento e spia. Applicazioni principali: villette isolate, camping, rifugi alpini, piccoli cantieri, ristoranti, allevamenti, industrie artigiane, centri sportivi, stazioni di servizio eccetera. I gruppi a 3000 giri/min sono adatti ad un uso di emergenza non continuativo.A richiesta: quadri automatici, carrelli traino, cofani di protezione, cofani insonorizzati, motorizzazioni diverse, allestimenti speciali.


Giri RPM Tr/Mn


DIESELGENERATING SETS 3000 RPM AIR or WATER cooled These Generating Sets are with Lombardini Diesel Engine, electric starting (with key and battery) or manual starting (with rope). Generator 400V 3-phases+N or 230V 1-phase - 50 Hz mounted on bedframe. Manual control panel, fixed on generating set, with following instruments: automatic circuit breaker and voltmeter (excluded 5 kVA power), 2 CEE sokets, key starting and light. Main use: small houses, camping, mountain refuges, restaurants, farms, small factories. Generating Sets at 3000 R.P.M. are especially used ofr stand-by use, not continuous. Upon request: automatic panels, trailers, sound-proof and weather-proof canopy, specials set ups.

GROUPES ELECTROGENES DIESEL 3000 TR/MN refroidis par AIR ou EAU Groupes lectrognes avec moteur diesel Lombardini, dmarrage lectrique (avec batterie) ou dmarrage manuel (par corde). Alternateur avec courant alterne 400V Triphas+Neutre ou 230V Monophas - 50Hz mont sur chassis fix. Tableau lectrique manuel, mont sur le gnrateur avec: interrupteur automatique magnetothermique et voltmtre (exclu les puissance 5 kVA), 2 prises a norme CEE, cle de dmarrage et lampe. Application principales: habitations, petit chantiers, chalets, camping, restourants, etc. Les groupes 3000 TR/MN sont pour utilisation en secours et pas continu. Sur demande: tableau lectrique de controle automatique, groupes capots, groupes insonoriss, groupes sur roues, versions spciales.


Modello Continui Emergenza Model Continuous Stand-by Modle Continus Secours [KVA] [KW] [KVA] [KW] CGM 5DE CGM 7DE 5 7 4 5,6 8 10 12 17,6 5,5 7,7 11 13,2 16,5 24,2 4,4 6,1 8,8 15LD350 15LD440 25LD330/2 1 1 2 2 2 2 Motore NCilindri Potenza Cilindrata Consumo Engine Cylinder Power Displacem. Consump. Moteur Cylindres Puissance Cylindre Consom. Hp/kW 6,3/4,7 9,2/6,8 11,7/8,6 14,5/10,5 19/14 26/19 cc 349 442 654 851 954 1248 lt/hr 1 1,5 2 2,8 3,2 4,2 lt 4,3/10 4,5/10 4/10 4/10 7/50 10/50



Kg 110 150 170 195 206 250

mm 860x540x630h 860x540x630h 860x540x630h 860x540x630h 1000X650x800h 1100X650X800h

Kg 160 200 210 230 360 400

mm 1100x620x700h 1100X620X700h 1200x620x700h 1200x620x700h 1200x750x1240h 1350x750x1240h

CGM 10DE 10 CGM 12DE 12 CGM 15DE 15 CGM 22DE 22

10,6 25LD425/2 13,2 12LD477/2 19,4 9LD625/2


10 15 20 25 30

8 12 16 20 24

11 16,5 22 27,5 33


LDW 702

2 3 4 3 4

15,1/11 22,4/16,5 29,9/22 36,3/26,7 47,6/35

686 1028 1372 1649 2199

2,9 3,8 5,8 6,6 8

50 50 50 50 50

240 320 360 400 430

1200x700x850h 1200x700x850h 1400x750x850h 1400x750x850h 1400x750x850h

380 450 500 560 680

1600x700x1150h 1600x700x1150h 1600x700x1150h 1600x700x1150h 1600x700x1150h

13,2 LDW 1003 17,6 LDW 1404 22 LDW 1603

26,4 LDW 2204


Serie 4
Gruppi elettrogeni Diesel
Diesel Generating sets Groupes electrogenes diesel


Giri RPM Tr/Mn


mod. from 5 to 20kVA

mod. from 5 to 20kVA silenced

mod. from 130 to 200kVA

mod. from 40 to 80kVA

mod. from 40 to 80kVA silenced

mod. from 250 to 600kVA

mod. from 85 to 100kVA

mod. from 85 to 100kVA silenced

mod. from 750 to 1250kVA


Serie 4
Gruppi elettrogeni Diesel
Diesel Generating sets Groupes electrogenes diesel


Giri RPM Tr/Mn


GRUPPI ELETTROGENI DIESEL 1500 GIRI raffreddamento ad ACQUA Questi gruppi elettrogeni sono allestiti con motori Diesel Lombardini, Perkins, Iveco, John Deere, Deutz, Volvo, ad avviamento elettrico con batteria, accoppiamento a mezzo campana e giunto lamellare, montati su base fissa, con interposizione di supporti antivibranti, serbatoio carburante incorporato nel basamento. Quadro elettrico per comando manuale, fissato sul gruppo, con la seguente strumentazione: interruttore magnetotermico di protezione, voltmetro, 1 o 3 amperometri (a seconda delle potenza), contaore, frequenzimetro, chiave di avviamento, segnalazione ottica per bassa pressione olio, alta temperatura acqua, dinamo carica batteria, minimo livello combustibile, con arresto automatico in caso di anomalie, presa o morsettiera utilizzo. A richiesta: Quadri automatici, carrelli traino lento o veloce (da immatricolare), cofani di protezione, cofani insonorizzati, allestimenti speciali. mod. from 130 to 200kVA silenced

DIESEL GENERATING SETS 1500 RPM WATER cooled These generating sets are with diesel engine Lombardini, Perkins, Iveco, John Deere, Deutz, Volvo, electric starting with battery, directly coupled by means of plate coupling, fixed on a bedframe with vibration dampers, fuel tank mounted on bedframe. Manual control panel (mounted on generator) with: automatic circuit breaker, voltmeter, 1 or 3 ammeters (depending from the size of generator), hourmeter, frequencymeter, starting key, indication lights for low oil pressure, high water temperature, low fuel level with automatic stop for engine faults, sockets or terminal box. Upon request: automatic mains failure panel, slow trailer or high way trailer, weatherproof canopy, sound-proof canopy and special set ups.

mod. from 250 to 600kVA silenced

GROUPES ELECTROGENES DIESEL 1500 TR/MN refroidis par EAU Groupes lectrognes avec moteur diesel Lombardini, Perkins, Iveco, John Deere, Deutz, Volvo, dmarrage lectrique avec batterie , couplage par joint lamellaire, mont sur chassis fixe, complet de supports en caoutchaouc, rservoir de combustible emboit dans le chassis. Tableau lectrique manuel, mont sur le gnrateur avec: Interrupteur automatique magnetothermique, voltmtre, 1 ou 3 ampremtres, compteur heures, frquencemtre, cl de dmarrage, lampes indicateur de baisse pression dhuile, haute temprature de leau, dynamo chargeur de batteries, indicateur du niveau minimum du combustible, avec arrete automatique durgence pour anomalies, prises de courant ou bornier. Sur demande: tableau automatiques, chariot, capotage parapluie, capotage insonoris, versions spciales etc. mod. from 750 to 1250kVA silenced


Serie 4
Gruppi elettrogeni Diesel
Diesel Generating sets Groupes electrogenes diesel


Giri RPM Tr/Mn



Modello Continui Emergenza Model Continuous Stand-by Modle Continus Secours [KVA] [KW] [KVA] [KW] CGM 10P CGM 14P CGM 20P CGM 30P CGM 45P CGM 60P CGM 80P 10 14 20 30 45 60 80 8 11 8,8 12,3 17,6 26,4 39,6 52,8 70,5 88 120 132 160 184 201 220 308 352 396 440 403A-11G 403A-15G1 404A-22G1 1103A-33G 1103A-33TG1 1103A-33TG2 1104A-44TG2 1104C-44TAG2 1006-TAG 1006TAG2 1106C E66-TAG4 1306C E87-TAG3 1306C E87-TAG4 1306C E87-TAG6 2206C E13-TAG2 2206C E13-TAG3 2506C E15-TAG1 2506C E15-TAG2 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 12 12 12 12 16 16 16 Motore Engine Moteur NCilindri Potenza Cilindrata Consumo Cylinder Power Displacem. Consump. Cylindres Puissance Cylindre Consom. Hp/kW 11,2/8,4 16,1/12 24,6/18,4 37,1/27,7 55,3/41,3 72,1/53,8 96,3/71,9 120,8/90 162,1/121 173,2/129,3 212,4/158,4 243/180 265/198 291/217 409/305 468/349 531/396 583/435 689/514 758/565 847/632 911/679 1021/861 1414/1055 1540/1149 1700/1267 1931/1440 2210/1648 2385/1779 2650/1975 cc 1131 1496 2216 3300 3300 3300 4400 4410 5990 5990 6600 8700 8700 8700 12500 12500 15000 15000 18100 18100 22921 22921 30561 45842 45842 45842 45842 61123 61123 61123 lt/hr 2,3 2,8 2,7 5,4 8 10,4 14 17,1 24,1 31 31 35 37,5 36 58 65 73 81 96 97 121 130 146 196 213 237 275 268 307 330 lt 50 50 50 50 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 400 400 400 400



Kg 350 430 600 680 750 930

mm 1400x750x850h 1400x750x850h 1600x750x850h 1500x900x1500h

lt 50 50 50 50

Kg 540 580 650 900 980 1050 1200 1550 1600 1850 2200 2350 2500 4050 4250 4300 4900 5100 4950 5350 7100 7700

mm 1600x700x1150h 1600x700x1150h 1600x700x1150h 2000x900x1400h 2000x900x1400h 2300x1100x1600h 2300x1100x1600h 2800x1100x1900h 3200x1100x2000h 3200x1100x2000h 3200x1100x2000h 3200x1100x1900h 3400x1300x2100h 4250x1500x2600h 4250x1500x2600h 4250x1500x2600h 4250x1500x2600h 4840x1800x2800h 4840x1800x2800h 4840x1800x2800h 5650x2000x2800h 5650x2000x2800h

11,2 15,4 16 24 36 48 64 80 22 33 49,5 66 88 110

1900x850x2000h 120 1900x850x2000h 120

1080 1900x850x2000h 120 1200 2200x1000x2250h 100 1320 2200x1000x2250h 200 1450 2200x1000x2250h 200 1480 2600x1100x2500h 200 1500 2800x1100x2500h 200 1550 2900x1300x2500 120 1600 2900x1300x1700h 120 2750 3200x1600x1800h 120 2900 3200x1600x1800h 120 3450 3200x1400x1800h 120 3500 3100x1400x1800 120 3450 3400x1500x2200h 120 3700 3600x1600x2200h 120 5200 3800x1900x2500h 400 7520 4900x1900x2500h 400 7550 4900x1900x2500h 400 9600 5200x2000x2650h 400

CGM 100P 100 CGM 136P 136 CGM 150P 150 CGM 180P 180 CGM 208P 208 CGM 228P 228 CGM 250P 250 CGM 350P 350 CGM 400P 400 CGM 450P 450 CGM 500P 500 CGM 600P 600 CGM 650P 650 CGM 750P 750 CGM 800P 800

109 149,6 120 144 166 182 200 280 320 360 400 480 520 600 640 165 200 230 251 275 385 440 495 550 660 715 825 880

528 2806C E18-TAG1A 572 660 704 900 2806A E18-TAG2 4006 23TAG2A 4006 23TAG3A 4008 TAG2A 401246TWG2A

CGM1022P 1022 818 1125

10100 6465x2200x2800h 11500 8000x2450x3000h 17200 8000x2450x3000h 17500 8000x2450x3000h 17700 8000x2450x3000h 24500 25000 25500 -

CGM1250P 1250 1000 1375 1100

CGM1360P 1360 1088 1496 1196,8 401246TWG3A CGM1500P 1500 1200 1650 1320 CGM1700P 1700 1360 1870 1496 CGM1850P 1850 1480 2000 1600 CGM2000P 2000 1600 2250 1800 CGM 2250P 2250 1800 2500 2000 4012 46TAG2A 4012 46TAG3A 4016 TAG1A 4016 TAG2A 4016 61TRG3

400 10100 5250x2000x2700h 400 400 10200 5300x2000x2750h 400 400 10500 5300x2000x2750h 400 400 15000 6000x2050x2750h 400 400 15500 6000x2050x2750h 400 400 16000 6000x2050x2750h 400


Serie 4
Gruppi elettrogeni Diesel
Diesel Generating sets Groupes electrogenes diesel


Giri RPM Tr/Mn



Modello Model Modle Continui Emergenza Continuous Stand-by Continus Secours [KVA] [KW] [KVA] [KW] CGM 5LW CGM7,5LW 5 7,5 4 6 8,4 12 16 16 21,6 5,5 8,2 12 16,5 22 22 30 4,4 6,5 9,6 LDW 702 LDW 1003 LDW 1404 2 3 4 3 4 3 4 Motore NCilindri Potenza Cilindrata Consumo Engine Cylinder Power Displacem. Consump. Moteur Cylindres Puissance Cylindre Consom. Hp/kW 7,5/5,5 11,5/8,5 15,1/11 20,4/15 26,5/19,5 27,2/20 33,6/24,7 cc 686 1028 1372 1649 2199 1861 2482 lt/hr 1,3 1,9 2,6 3,3 4,5 4,5 5,2 lt 50 50 50 50 50 50 50



Kg 260 300 310 350 440 440 550

mm 1100x700x850h 1200x700x850h 1400x750x850h 1500x800x1000h 1500x800x1000h 1500x800x1000h 1600x800x1000h

Kg 300 340 350 450 500 500 650

mm 1600x700x1150h 1600x700x1150h 1600x700x1150h 1600x700x1150h 1600x700x1150h 1600x700x1150h 1700x700x1150h

CGM10,5LW 10,5 CGM 15LW CGM 20LW CGM 20KH CGM 27KH 15 20 20 27

13,2 LDW 1603 17,6 LDW 2204 17,6 KDI 190 3M 24 KDI 250 4M


Modello Continui Emergenza Model Continuous Stand-by Modle Continus Secours [KVA] [KW] [KVA] [KW] CGM 30F CGM 40F CGM 50F CGM 60F CGM 75F CGM 85F 30 40 50 60 75 85 24 32 40 48 60 68 80 104 128 160 200 220 240 280 320 33 44 55 66 82 94 110 143 176 220 275 303 330 385 440 26,4 35,2 44 52,8 68 75,2 88 114,4 141 176 F32AM1A F32SM1A F32TM1A NEF45SM1A NEF45SM2A NEF45TM1A NEF45TM2A NEF67SM1A NEF67TM3A NEF67TE2A 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Motore Engine Moteur NCilindri Potenza Cilindrata Consumo Cylinder Power Displacem. Consump. Cylindres Puissance Cylindre Consom. Hp/kW 39/28 46,6/37 54/40 73/53,5 90/66 105/77 117/87 150/110 188/136 238/175 325/239 325/239 364/268 408/300 479/352 cc 3200 3200 3200 4500 4500 4500 4500 6700 6700 6700 8700 8700 10300 12880 12880 lt/hr 5,5 8 6,7 10 12,4 14,1 16,2 22,7 28 32,5 44 44 52,5 57,3 62 lt 50





lt 50

Kg 920 950 1150 1190 1300 1450 1550 1900 2100 2400 3550 3550 3850 4050 4300

mm 2000x900x1400h 2000x900x1400h 2300x1100x1600h 2300x1100x1600h 2300x1100x1600h 2800x1100x1900h 2800x1100x1800h 3200x1100x2000h 3200x1100x2000h 3200x1100x2000h 3400x1300x2100h 3400x1300x2100h 4250x1500x2600h 4250x1500x2600h 4250x1500x2600h

670 1500x900x1500h

120 760 1900x850x2000h 120 120 795 1900x850x2000h 120 120 930 1900x850x2000h 120 120 1050 1900x850x2000h 120 120 1100 2200x1000x2250h 100 120 1200 2200x1000x2250h 100 120 1300 2600x1100x2250h 200 120 1450 2600x1100x2250h 200 120 1600 2800x1100x2500h 200 120 2200 2900x1300x1700h 120 120 2200 2900x1300x1700h 120 120 2500 3000x1300x1800h 120 120 2750 3000x1300x1800h 120 120 2900 3000x1300x1800h 120

CGM 100F 100 CGM 130F 130 CGM 160F 160 CGM 200F 200 CGM 250F 250 CGM 275F 275 CGM 300F 300 CGM 350F 350 CGM 400F 400



Serie 4
Gruppi elettrogeni Diesel
Diesel Generating sets Groupes electrogenes diesel


Giri RPM Tr/Mn



Modello Model Modle Continui Emergenza Continuous Stand-by Continus Secours [KVA] [KW] [KVA] [KW] CGM 85VO CGM100VO 85 100 68 80 104 120 148 164 200 224 260 280 300 320 360 368 400 480 504 94 110 143 165 204 225 275 308 358 385 413 440 495 506 550 660 693 75,2 88 114,4 132 163 180 220 246,4 286 308 330 352 396 405 440 528 554 TAD350GE TAD531GE TAD532GE TAD731GE TAD732GE TAD733GE TAD734GE TAD940GE TAD941GE TAD1342GE TAD1343GE TAD1344GE TAD1345GE TAD1640GE TAD1641GE TAD1642GE TWD1643GE 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Motore Engine Moteur NCilindri Potenza Cilindrata Consumo Cylinder Power Displacem. Consump. Cylindres Puissance Cylindre Consom. Hp/kW 109/80 125/92 158/116 188/138 224/165 246/181 306/225 343/252 401/295 412/303 442/325 481/354 528/385 545/401 600/441 675/496 752/553 cc 4760 4760 4760 7150 7150 7150 7150 9360 9360 12780 12780 12780 12780 16120 16120 16120 16120 lt/hr 14,3 16,5 16,5 25,3 30,3 33,4 41,4 41,7 49,1 51,6 55,3 67,4 69 67,3 74,4 85,6 92,7 lt 50 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120








1100 2200x1000x2250h 100 1200 2200x1000x2250h 100 1350 2600x1100x2250h 200 1450 2600x1100x2250h 200 1700 2600x1100x2300h 200 1770 2600x1100x2300h 200 1930 2900x1300x2300h 120 2100 2900x1400x1800h 120 2360 3100x1400x1800h 120 2550 3100x1400x1800 120

1450 2800x1100x1900h 1550 2800x1100x1900h 1950 3200x1100x2000h 2100 3200x1100x2000h 2450 3200x1100x2000h 2530 3200x1100x1900h 2800 3400x1300x2100h 3400 3400x1300x2100h 3550 4340x1400x2600h 3950 4340x1400x2600h 4000 4340x1400x2600h 4200 4340x1400x2600h 4600 4340x1400x2600h 4750 4340x1400x2600h 4900 4340x1400x2600h 5300 4340x1400x2800h 6200 4840x1800x2800h

CGM 130VO 130 CGM 150VO 150 CGM 185VO 185 CGM 205VO 205 CGM 250VO 250 CGM 280VO 280 CGM 325VO 325 CGM 350VO 350 CGM 375VO 375 CGM 400VO 400 CGM 450VO 450 CGM 460VO 460 CGM 500VO 500 CGM 600VO 600 CGM 630VO 630

2650 3100x1400x1800h 120 2860 3100x1400x1800h 120 3140 3100x1400x2200h 120 3140 3100x1400x2200h 120 3250 3400x1500x2200h 120 3450 3400x1500x2200h 120 3700 3600x1600x2200h 120


Modello Model Modle Continui Emergenza Continuous Stand-by Continus Secours [KVA] [KW] [KVA] [KW] CGM 30JD CGM 40JD CGM 70JD CGM 83JD 30 40 70 83 24 32 56 33 44 77 26,4 35,2 61,6 67,5 88 110 D3029DF128 D3029TF158 D4045TF158 D4045TF258 D4045HF158 D6068TF258 3 3 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 Motore Engine Moteur NCilindri Potenza Cilindrata Consumo Cylinder Power Displacem. Consump. Cylindres Puissance Cylindre Consom. Hp/kW 35/26 51/38 82/60,5 98/72 119/88 146/109 190/139 248/184 322/233 372/277 cc 2900 2900 4500 4500 4500 6800 6800 6800 9000 9000 lt/hr 5,2 7,4 12 14,2 16,5 18,5 26,9 41,2 46,5 54,6 lt 50 50



Kg 700 830



Kg 1110 1100 1250

mm 2000x900x1400h 2000x900x1400h 2300x1100x1600h 2800x1100x1900h 2800x1100x1900h 3200x1100x2000h 3200x1100x2000h 3200x1100x2000h 3400x1300x2100h 3400x1300x2100h

1500x900x1500h 50 1700x900x1500h 50

50 1000 2000x1000x1950h 50

66,4 84,3 80 100 120 160 200 240 110 138 165 220 275 330

50 1000 2000x1000x2100h 100 1390 120 1300 2000x1000x2100h 100 1500 120 1350 2600x1100x2250h 200 1930 120 1450 2600x1100x2250h 200 2100 120 1650 2800x1100x2500h 200 2400 120 1900 2900x1300x2500h 120 3100 120 2500 3000x1300x1800h 120 3850

CGM 100JD 100 CGM 125JD 125 CGM 150JDE 150 CGM 200JDE 200 CGM 250JDE 250 CGM 300JDE 300

132 D6068HFU82-150 176 D6068HFU82-200 220 D6090HFU84-250 264 D6090HFU84-300


Serie 4
Gruppi elettrogeni Diesel
Diesel Generating sets Groupes electrogenes diesel


Giri RPM Tr/Mn



Modello Model Modle Continui Emergenza Continuous Stand-by Continus Secours [KVA] [KW] [KVA] [KW] CGM 20DZa CGM 20DZo CGM 30DZa CGM 30DZo CGM 40DZa CGM 40DZo CGM 60DZa CGM 60DZo CGM 75DZ 20 20 30 30 40 40 60 60 75 16 16 24 24 32 32 48 48 60 80 104 22 22 33 33 44 44 66 66 82,5 110 143 17,6 17,6 26,4 26,4 35,2 35,2 52,8 52,8 66 88 114,4 F3L2011 F3M2011 F4L2011 F4M2011 BF4L2011 BF4M2011 F6L912 BF4M2011C BF4M2012C BF4M1013EC BF4M 1013FC BF6M 1013C 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 Motore Engine Moteur NCilindri Potenza Cilindrata Consumo Cylinder Power Displacem. Consump. Cylindres Puissance Cylindre Consom. Hp/kW 25,8/19 25,8/19 37,5/27,5 37,5/27,5 49,5/36,4 49,5/36,4 71/53 70,7/52 90/66 126/92,8 154/113,4 194/142 213/156,5 244/179 294/216 369/271 410/301 445/327 521/383 550/404 590/434 cc 2331 2331 3111 3111 3111 3111 5644 4040 4040 4764 4764 7146 7146 7150 7146 11906 11906 11906 15874 15874 15874 lt/hr 3,8 3,8 5,1 5,2 7 6,8 11 10 12 16,5 20,3 24,3 30 35 38 46 52 57 66 74 74 lt 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50



Kg 450 520

mm 1500x800x920h 1500x800x920h

lt 50 50 50 50 50

Kg 780 840 1000 -

mm 1600x700x1150h 2000x900x1400h 2000x900x1400h -

580 1500x800x1800h 550 1500x800x1800h 650 1700x900x1200h 640 1700x900x1200h 780 1800x900x1200h 780 1800x900x1200h 795 1800x900x1200h

1100 2300x1100x1600h 1200 2300x1100x1600h 1500 2800x1100x1900h 1600 3200x1100x2000h 2100 3200x1100x2000h 2400 3200x1100x2000h 2700 3200x1100x2000h 2800 3400x1300x2100h 3400 4250x1500x2600h 3600 4250x1500x2600h 4200 4250x1500x2600h 4600 4250x1500x2600h 4900 4250x1500x2600h 5100 4840x1800x2800h

CGM 100DZ 100 CGM 130DZ 130 CGM 165DZ 165 CGM 180DZ 180 CGM 200DZ 200 CGM 250DZ 250 CGM 315DZ 315 CGM 350DZ 350 CGM 380DZ 380 CGM 450DZ 450 CGM 475DZ 475 CGM 510DZ 510

120 1280 2200x1000x2000h 100 120 1350 2200x1000x2000h 200 120 1600 2500x1000x2000h 200 120 1700 2600x1000x2000h 200 120 1770 2600x1000x2000h 200 120 1900 2900x1000x2000h 120 120 2330 3100x1300x2000h 120 120 2600 3100x1300x2000h 120 120 2650 3100x1300x2000h 120 120 3300 3100x1300x2000h 120 120 3500 3100x1300x2000h 120 120 3500 3100x1300x2000h 120

132 181,5 145,2 144 160 200 252 280 304 360 380 408 198 220 275 350 385 411 500 523 561

158,2 BF6M1013FCG2 176 BF6M1013FCG3 220 280 308 329 400 418 448,8 TCD2013L064V BF6M1015CG2 BF6M1015CG3 BF6M1015CP BF8M1015CG2 BF8M1015CG3 BF8M1015CP


Serie Gas
Natural Gas or LPG Generating Sets Groupes Electrogenes Gaz Naturel ou LPG

Gas Metano/GPL Natural Gas/LPG Gaz Natural/LPG

Giri RPM Tr/Mn


Gruppi elettrogeni a gas metano o GPL

mod. RMG3000

mod. RMG5700

mod. RMG4300

mod. RMG8100

mod. silenced from CGM 25NG to CGM 100GPL


Serie Gas
Natural Gas or LPG Generating Sets Groupes Electrogenes Gaz Naturel ou LPG
GRUPPI ELETTROGENI A GAS METANO O GPL - 1500 GIRI raffreddamento ad ACQUA Questa serie di gruppi elettrogeni allestita con motori a gas naturale o GPL. Essa nasce per rispondere alle sempre pi esigenti richieste di basso costo di esercizio e protezione per lambiente. Scegliere questa tipologia di gruppi elettrogeni porta a possedere una macchina i cui consumi sono notevolmente ridotti rispetto ad un normale gruppo con motore diesel e ad abbattere gli scarichi nocivi in atmosfera. Un altro vantaggio riguarda la bassa rumorosit e la mancanza di serbatoio del carburante, poich il gruppo pu direttamente allacciarsi alla rete pubblica. Praticit duso e unelevata affidabilit completano le caratteristiche positive proprie di un gruppo elettrogeno di questo tipo. A richiesta si possono allestire gruppi con: quadri automatici, carrelli traino lento o veloce, cofani di protezione, cofani insonorizzati, allestimenti speciali.

Gas Metano/GPL Natural Gas/LPG Gaz Natural/LPG

Giri RPM Tr/Mn


Gruppi elettrogeni a gas metano o GPL

NATURAL GAS OR LPG GENERATING SETS - 1500 RPM WATER cooled This series of generating sets is fitted with natural gas or LPG engines. It has been created to meet the ever more demanding requirements of low running costs and environmental protection. Choose this type of generating set means have a generator whose levels of consumption are considerably lower than a normal set with a diesel engine and lowering harmful exhaust discharges into the atmosphere. Another advantage is the low noise level and the fact that there is no fuel tank, as the set can be connected to the public mains directly. Ease of use and high levels of reliability complete the positive features of a generating set of this type. On request, it is possible to fit the generating sets with: automatic panels, trailer for slow or fast movements, sound proof canopy and special fittings.

GROUPES ELECTROGENES GAZ NATUREL OU LPG - 1500 TR/MN refroidis par EAU Cette nouvelle srie de groupes lectrognes est quipe de moteurs gaz naturel ou LPG. Elle a t conue pour rpondre aux demandes de bas cot dexercice et de protection de lenvironnement. Choisir cette typologie de groupes lectrognes amne possder une machine dont les consommations sont considrablement rduites par rapport un groupe normal moteur diesel. On permet notamment dabattre les dchets nocifs dans latmosphre. Un autre avantage concerne le niveau de bruit faible et labsence de rservoir carburant, puisque le groupe peut directement tre raccord au rseau public. Utilisation pratique et fiabilit leve compltent les caractristiques positives dun groupe lectrogne de ce type. Sur demande les groupes lectrognes peuvent tre quips de: tableau automatique, capotage pare pluie, capotage insonorise et quipements spciaux.


Modello Model Modle Continui Emergenza Continuous Stand-by Continus Secours [KVA] [KW] [KVA] [KW] CGM 25NG 25 CGM 40NG 40 CGM 50NG 50 CGM 80NG 80 20 32 40 64 27,5 44 55 88 22 35,2 44 70,5 RMG3000 RMG4300 RMG5700 RMG8100 4 6 8 8


Motore NCilindri Potenza Cilindrata Consumo Engine Cylinder Power Displacem. Consump. Moteur Cylindres Puissance Cylindre Consom. Hp/kW 38/27,5 56/42,9 75/56,8 122/91,4 cc 3000 4300 5700 8100 m3/hr 8,5 10,4 15,6 21,9



Kg 700 880 1050 1200

mm 1500x900x1500h 1800x900x1400h 2000x1000x2250h 2200x1000x2250h

Kg 920 1150 1300 1550

mm 2200x1000x1500h 2200x1000x1500h 2200x1000x1800h 2600x1100x2000h

[KVA] [KW] [KVA] [KW] CGM 30GPL 30 CGM 40GPL 40 CGM 55GPL 55 CGM 90GPL 90 24 32 44 72 33 44 60 100 26,4 35,2 48 80 RMG3000 RMG4300 RMG5700 RMG8100 4 6 8 8 Hp/kW 43/32,5 60/45,3 84/63,2 140/102,4 cc 3000 4300 5700 8100 lt/hr 11,9 16,4 21,2 31,4 Kg 700 880 1050 1200 mm 1500x900x1500h 1800x900x1400h 2000x1000x2250h 2200x1000x2250h Kg 920 1150 1300 1350 mm 2200x1000x1500h 2200x1000x1500h 2200x1000x1800h 2600x1100x2000h


Gruppi elettrogeni per attacco al trattore

Generating sets for tractor coupling Groupes electrogenes pour attelage au tracteur

mod. from CGM 10TR/TRL to CGM 20TR/TRL

mod. from CGM 25TR/TRL to CGM 40TR

mod. from CGM 42TRL to CGM 100TRL



Serie Tr

Giri RPM Tr/Mn

Gruppi elettrogeni per attacco al trattore

Generating sets for tractor coupling Groupes electrogenes pour attelage au tracteur



GENERATING SETS FOR TRACTOR COUPLING These generating sets are supplied completed with a 3 points base for an easy coupling with every type of tractor. The power is transmitted through a cardan joint (not included in our supply) between the power take-off and the overgear mounted on the generator. The manual panel is fixed on the generating set completed with the following instruments: automatic circuit breaker, voltmeter, 2 sockets in accordance with EEC regulation or terminal box. Upon request: ammeter, frequencymeter, wheels, version with protection IP44 and AVR.

Questi gruppi elettrogeni compatti e facili da usare, sono completi di base con attacco a 3 punti per un facile fissaggio su qualsiasi trattore. La trasmissione avviene tramite un giunto cardanico (escluso dalla nostra fornitura) applicato tra la presa di forza del trattore e il moltiplicatore del gruppo. Il quadro di comando manuale fissato sul gruppo completo della seguente strumentazione: Interruttore magnetotermico differenziale di protezione, voltmetro, 2 prese a norme CEE. A richiesta: amperometro, frequenzimetro, carrello per traino lento, versione in IP44 e AVR.

3000 giri RPM Tr/Mn

Modello Model Modle Continui Continuous Continus Emergenza Stand-by Secours


Giri entrata R.P.M. entry Tours entree Giri alternatore R.P.M. generator Tours genetateur HP trattore HP tractor Hp tracteur

[KVA] CGM 10TR CGM 15TR CGM 20TR CGM 25TR CGM 30TR CGM 40TR 10 15 20 25 30 40

[KW] 8 12 16 20 24 32

[KVA] 11 16,5 22 27,5 33 44

[KW] 8,8 13,2 17,6 22 26,4 35,2 440 440 440 440 440 440 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 20 30 45 45 60 75

1500 giri RPM Tr/Mn

CGM 10TRL CGM 15TRL CGM 20TRL CGM 25TRL CGM 30TRL CGM 42TRL CGM 50TRL CGM 63TRL CGM 70TRL 10 15 20 25 30 42 50 63 70 8 12 16 20 24 33,6 40 50,4 56 11 16,5 22 27,5 33 46,2 55 69,3 77 8,8 13,2 17,6 22 26,4 37 44 55,4 61,5 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 400 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 20 30 45 45 60 80 100 120 130 135 150 200 230 260 390 410 430 440 900x850x800h 900x850x800h 900x850x800h 950x950x900h 950x950x900h 1150x950x1250h 1150x950x1250h 1150x950x1250h 1150x950x1250h


Serie Tr

Giri RPM Tr/Mn



Groupes lectrognes faciles a utiliser, avec chssis pour attelage au 3 points, pour chaque type de tracteur. La transmission est obtenue par lentremise dun joint de cardan (pas compris dans notre fourniture) appliqu entre la prise de force et le moltiplicateur. Tableau lectrique mont sur le gnrateur avec: interrupteur automatique magntothermique de protection, 1 voltmtre, prises de courant ou bornier. Sur demande: ampremtres, frquencemtre, chariot, version avec protection IP44 et AVR.


Kg 100 115 130 215 250 270

mm 900x850x800h 900x850x800h 900x850x800h 950x950x900h 950x950x900h 950x950x900h


Torri faro
Torri Faro
Lighting towers Tours declairage

Benzina Gasoline Essence


Giri RPM Tr/Mn

mod. CGM 7TFD

mod. CGM 7TFD highway

mod. CGM 7,5LTFD

mod. speciale


Torri faro
Torri Faro
Lighting towers Tours declairage
TORRI FARO Le Torri Faro sono unit di illuminazione facili da manovrare, sicure ed affidabili, che risultano adatte a molteplici usi: dallilluminazione di cantieri a manifestazioni sportive, miniere e cave, nonch impieghi militari e di emergenza per eventi climatici o altro. Disponiamo di pi modelli che variano per motorizzazione e potenza del gruppo elettrogeno ma anche per struttura dei fari (quantit, portata di illuminazione, altezza): le macchine di allestimento vanno da 7 a 10 kVA con motori benzina o diesel, a 3000 o 1500 giri; i fari possono essere 4 o 6 e con potenze da 400W a 1000W; le aste telescopiche vanno da 5,5mt a 8mt. Sono disponibili potenze superiori di gruppo elettrogeno e di fari.

Benzina Gasoline Essence


Giri RPM Tr/Mn

LIGHTING TOWERS The lighting towers are lighting units easy to operate, safe and reliable, which are suitable for various uses: light for Yards and Sporting Events, Mines and Quarries, as well as military use and emergency weather events or otherwise. We have several models which differ for Engine and generator power but also for the structure of the headlights (quantity, range of lighting, height): generating sets used for construction ranging are from 7 to 10kVA, with gasoline or diesel engine, 3000 or 1500 RPM; the headlights can be 4 or 6 and with power from 400W to 1000W; the telescopic rods are from 5,5 to 8 mt. We have available also bigger generators and lamps.

TOURS DECLAIRAGE Tours dclairage pour illumination adapte pour varis emploies: clairage pour les chantiers dile et routier, manifestations sportives, mines et carrires, foires et expositions en plein air, emplois militaires et dmergence pour vnements climatiques ou autre. Nous avons plusieurs modeles, differents pour le moteur et la puissance du generateur mais aussi la structure des phares(quantite, deventail de leclairage, hauter): le groupe electrognes pour la fabrication sont de 7 a 10kVA avec moteur essence ou diesel, 3000 ou 1500 TR/MN; les phares peuvent etre de 4 a 6 et avec des puissance de 400W a 1000W, les tiges telescopiques peut etre de 5,5 a 8 mt. Nous avons la disponibilit davoir generateur et feux plus grand.


Modello Model Modle Continui Continuous Continus Giri alternatore R.P.M. generator Tours genetateur Alimentazione Alimentation Alimentation Motore Engine Moteur Consumo Consump. Consom. Volt Volt Volt Altezza Height Hauteur


[KVA] [KW] CGM 7TFB CGM 7TFD CGM 7TFYD CGM 7,5LTFD CGM 7,5LTFYD CGM 7,5LTFYD4 CGM 10LTFD6 7 7 7 7,5 7,5 7,5 10 6 6 6 6,4 6,4 6,4 8 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 1500 Benzina Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel HONDA GX390 LOMBARDINI 15LD440 LOMBARDINI 15LD440 LOMBARDINI LDW1003 LOMBARDINI LDW1003 LOMBARDINI LDW1003 LOMBARDINI LDW1404

lt/hr 2 1,5 1,5 3,8 3,8 3,8 5,8

lt 6,5 10 10 50 50 50 50

V 230 230 230 230 230 230 400+N

mt 5,5 5,5 5,5 8 8 8 8 Alogeni 4x500Watt Alogeni 4x500Watt Ioduri 4x400Watt Alogeni 4x1000Watt Ioduri 4x400Watt Ioduri 4x1000Watt Alogeni 6x1000Watt

Kg 120 250 280 710 730 840 820

mm 1350x700x2000h 1800x900x2000h 1800x900x2000h 2400x1050x2200h 2400x1050x2200h 2400x1050x2200h 2400x1050x2200h


Serie S
Motorwelding sets Motosoudeuses

Benzina Gasoline Essence


Giri RPM Tr/Mn

mod. CGM 170SBE + trailer

mod. CGM 220SDE

mod. CGM 300SDE

mod. CGM 400SDE

mod. CGM 500SDE silenced


Serie S
Motorwelding sets Motosoudeuses
MOTOSALDATRICI Gruppi abbinati a motori benzina Honda o diesel Lombardini, avviamento elettrico o a strappo, funzionanti a 3000 e 1500 giri, montati su basamento fisso, atti a saldare ed erogare 400V Trifase o 230V monofase. A richiesta: gruppi carrellati, cofanati, silenziati, allestimenti speciali.

Benzina Gasoline Essence


Giri RPM Tr/Mn

MOTORWELDING SETS Sets coupled with gasoline engine Honda or diesel engine Lombardini, electric starting or manual starting, 3000 or 1500 R.P.M., mounted on fixed baseframe, used for welding and supply power 400V 3phases and 230V 1phase. Upon request: slow trailer, highway trailer, weather-proof canopy, soundproof canopy, special set up.

MOTOSOUDEUSES Groupes avec des moteurs essence HONDA ou diesel LOMBARDINI, dmarrage lectrique ou manuel par corde, 3000 OU 1500 TR/MN, mont sur chssis fixe, aptes pour la soudure et la distribution de 400V Triphas, 220V Monophas. Sur demande: chariot, capotage parapluie, capotage insonoris, versions spciales etc.

3000 giri RPM Tr/Mn

Modello Model Modle Potenza 400Volt Power Puissance [KVA] CGM-170SB CGM-170SBE CGM-200SB CGM-200SBE CGM-220SBT CGM-220SBET CGM-300SBET 6,5 6,5 8,5 [KW] 5,2 5,2 6,8 Potenza 230Volt Power Puissance [KVA] 3 3 4 4 3,5 3,5 4 [KW] 2,4 2,4 3,2 3,2 2,8 2,8 3,2 Giri alternatore Saldatrice R.P.M. generator Welding Tours Soudage genetateur Ampere 170 170 200 200 220 220 300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 Honda GX270 Honda GX270 Honda GX390 Honda GX390 B&S 16HP B&S 16HP B&S 18HP Motore Engine Moteur


Avviamento Tensione Consumo Starting Tension Consump. Dmarrage Voltage Consom.


S E S E S E E 230 230 230 230 400/230 400/230 400/230

lt/hr 1,6 1,6 2 2 3,8 3,8 4,3

lt 6 6 6,5 6,5 8,5 8,5 8,5

Kg 76 85 83 98 100 130 150

mm 740x450x500h 740x450x500h 740x450x500h 740x450x500h 740x550x650h 860X550x650h 860X550X650h

3000 giri RPM Tr/Mn

CGM-170SDE CGM-200SDE CGM-220SDE CGM-220SDET CGM-300SDET 6,5 8,5 5,2 6,8 3 4 5 3,5 4 2,4 3,2 4 2,8 3,2 170 200 220 220 300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 Lomb. 15LD 350 Lomb. 15LD 440 Lomb. 25LD 330/2 Lomb. 25LD 330/2 Lomb. 12LD 477/2 E E E E E 230 230 230 400/230 400/230 1 1 2 2 3,2 4,3 4,5 4 4 7 160 170 180 180 240 860x520x650h 860x520x650h 860x520x650h 860x520x650h 1100X650X800h

3000 giri RPM Tr/Mn

CGM-400SDET 15 12 5 4 400 3000 Lomb. LDW 1003 E 400/230 3,8 50 600 1500x800x1200h

1500 giri RPM Tr/Mn

CGM-250SDET CGM-300SDET CGM-400SDET CGM-500SDET 11 8 13 16 8,8 6,4 10,4 12,8 4,5 3,5 5 6,5 3,6 2,8 4 5,2 250 300 400 500 1500 1500 1500 1500 Lomb. LDW 1404 Lomb. LDW 1603 Lomb. LDW 2204 Iveco F32AM1A E E E E 400/230 400/230 400/230 400/230 2,6 3,3 4,5 5,2 50 50 50 50 620 720 600 700 1500x800x1200h 1500x800x1200h 1500x800x1000h 1500x900x1500h

S = strappo / Rope starting / Manuel par corde

E = Elettrico / Electric / Electrique


Special Transporter
Gruppi elettrogeni Diesel
Diesel Generating sets Groupes electrogenes diesel


Giri RPM Tr/Mn


mod. from CGM 5 to 20 LW


Special Transporter
Gruppi elettrogeni Diesel
Diesel Generating sets Groupes electrogenes diesel


Giri RPM Tr/Mn


SPECIAL TRASPORTER DIESEL 1500 GIRI raffreddamento ad ACQUA Allestimento speciale per furgoni e camion, disponibili in versione da 5 e 20 KVA, con motore lombardini 1500 giri raffreddati ad acqua. Silenziosi e affidabili, garantiscono energia elettrica per tutto il tempo necessario. Avviamento elettrico a 12V con accensione remota dall interno dell automezzo. Vengono forniti senza serbatoio carburante, senza batteria e con marmitta fornita sciolta.

DIESEL SPECIAL TRASPORTER 1500 RPM WATER cooled Special preparation for trucks and vans, power available from 5 to 20 kVA, with Lombardini engines 1500 r.p.m. water cooled. Noiseless and reliable, they guarantee electric power for long periods. Electric starting at 12 V with remote start from the truck. They are supplied without fuel tank, without battery and with muffler supplied spare.

SPECIAL TRASPORTER DIESEL 1500 TR/MN refroidis par EAU quipement spcial pour fourgons et camions, disponibles dans les versions de 7,5 20 kVa, avec moteur Lombardini 1500 tours refroidis eau. Silencieux et fiables, ils garantissent une nergie lectrique pendant tout le temps ncessaire. Dmarrage lectrique 12 V avec allumage command depuis lintrieur du vhicule. Ils sont fournis sans rservoir carburant, sans batterie et avec silencieux dchappement spar.


Modello Model Modle Continui Continuous Continus [KVA] CGM 5LW CGM 7,5LW CGM 10,5LW CGM 15LW CGM 20LW 5 7,5 10,5 15 20 [KW] 4 6 8,4 12 16 Emergenza Stand-by Secours [KVA] 5,5 8,2 12 16,5 22 [KW] 4,4 6,5 9,6 13,2 17,6 LDW 702 LDW 1003 LDW 1404 LDW 1603 LDW 2204 2 3 4 3 4 Motore Engine Moteur NCilindri Cylinder Cylindres Potenza Power Puissance Hp/kW 7,5/5,5 11,5/8,5 15,1/11 20,4/15 26,5/19,5 Cilindrata Displacem. Cylindre cc 686 1028 1372 1649 2199 Consumo Consump. Consom. lt/hr 1,3 1,9 2,6 3,3 4,5


Kg 370 380 390 430 470

mm 1400x600X700h 1400x600X700h 1400x600X700h 1500x600x800h 1500x600x800h


CGM Gruppi Elettrogeni srl

Via Decima Strada 3, 36071 Arzignano, Vicenza Tel: +39 0444 673712 - Fax: +39 0444 675384

info@cgmitalia.it - www.cgmitalia.it

Rev01 - Settembre 2013


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