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Literary Lunes Magazine May/June Issue Edited By Beth Ann Masarik

Literary Lunes Magazine copyright 2012 Literary Lunes Press. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereo , in any or! "ithout "ritten per!ission e#cept or the use o brie $uotations e!bodied in critical articles and revie"s. %or in or!ation about reprinting, distributing, or other"ise sharing the contents o this book, please contact &eth Ann Masarik at in o'literarylunes.co! %irst edition, May 2012 (riginally published in paperback and e)book by Literary Lunes Publications *nterior edited by &eth Ann Masarik +over design by &eth Ann Masarik Smashwords Edition Literary Lunes Magazine """.literarylunes.co!

Table of contents Letter from the editor Calendar of Events Press Release A look into Heven and Hell By Beth Ann Masarik Behind the Scenes with Harriet Schultz By Beth Ann Masarik Behind the Scenes with the Peacock Writers By Beth Ann Masarik Wacky Writers By Beth Ann Masarik Enough to Know James Fox Imaginary Imitators Matthew Wilson High Lives B.D. Fischer The Midnight Heir Erin Danzer Poetry Palooza Dreamcatcher Interview: Kristal McKerrington Conducted by Tony Angelo Alpha Reviews By Carrie Sund There You Have It! My Opinion By Cambria Hebert Chernys Corner Book Reviews 3

By Bob Cherny Luney Reviews By Beth Ann Masarik The Staff Our Partners

Letter from the Editor

Dear Readers, Thank you for picking up this issue of Literary Lunes Magazine. We have a ot in store for you in this issue! There are so"e ne# features and so"e o d ones have returned! $ a" happy to #e co"e a%oard a ne# revie#er #ho goes %y the na"e of &o% 'herny. (is co u"n is ca ed 'herny)s 'orner. $ a" a so happy to have %ack 'arrie *und fro" + pha Revie#s! $ #ou d a so ike to take the ti"e to point everyone to our ne# and i"proved #e%site! $ sti have so"e things to edit on it, %ut it is co"ing a ong nice y! $ have added so"e ne# features to it inc uding a ne#s and "edia ta%, a ne#s etter su%scription for", and #e even no# have our o#n shop! ,up! ,ou can no# purchase ite"s #ith the Literary Lunes ogo on the"! Without further ado, $ hope you en-oy this -a".packed issue of Literary Lunes. /ond y, Beth Ann Masarik

Calendar The fo o#ing issue #i %e re eased on July 14. Dead ine for su%"issions for 1u y, is June 20th. The The"es for 1u y)s issue are2 3eteran)s Day, Me"oria Day, Mother)s Day, /ather)s Day, *u""er, and $ndependence Day. The ne4t issue #i %e re eased on September 8th. Dead ine for su%"issions for *epte"%er, is August 20th. The the"es for *epte"%er are *u""er and La%or Day. The ne4t issue #i %e re eased on November 10th. 5or there a%out.6 7 ease re"e"%er that 8cto%er is "y #edding "onth, and $ #i need e4tra he p and patience fro" everyone fro" *epte"%er.9ove"%er. $ a" getting "arried on 8cto%er :4th, and #i %e on "y honey"oon right after that. The dead ine for su%"issions for 9ove"%er, is October 27th. The the"es are 'o u"%us Day, (a o#een, /a , and #eddings! 9ove"%er #i %e the ast issue of 2;:2. $ a" going to need 9ove"%er and Dece"%er to get acc i"ated into "y ne# ife as a #ife of a soon to %e #onderfu hus%and! The ne4t issue after 9ove"%er, #on)t co"e out unti 1anuary of 2;:3. $ #i post the the"es for 2;:3 in 9ove"%er)s and 1anuary)s issues.


Press Release
$ a" happy to announce that on 1une <, 2;:2, the Writings /ro" the (eart antho ogy #i %e re eased! /or those of you #ho "ay have forgotten, Writings /ro" the (eart is a co ection of short stories and poetry. Thirty authors su%"itted their #ork, and have dedicated their ti"e and energy into this pro-ect. + proceeds "ade fro" this antho ogy #i %e donated to the *teven and + e4andra 'ohen 'hi dren)s Medica 'enter of 9e# ,ork. $t #as for"er y ca ed *chneider 'hi dren)s (ospita and is a part of the 9orth *hore=L$1 hea th syste", #hich is one of the argest hea th syste"s in the #or d. The "oney #i %e specifica y donated to their pediatric cardio ogy unit %ecause $ "yse f have had open heart surgery. To ce e%rate "y ife, $ #anted to give %ack to a hospita that has done so "uch for "e over the ast 2> years. The antho ogy #i %e avai a% e on +"azon, 'reatespace, &arnes ? 9o% e, and *"ash#ords in paper%ack and e%ook. $ hope you #i -oin us and support this great cause! The antho ogy #i %e priced at @:2 paper%ack and @:.AA e%ook 5prices are su%-ect to change %et#een no# and re ease date. 7 ease visit ###. iterary unes.co" for the officia prince infor"ation in a coup e of #eeks6.

+ ook into (even and (e . a ne# series %y 'a"%ria (e%ert &y &eth +nn Masarik $ a" e4tre"e y e4cited to announce that our very o#n staff "e"%er, 'a"%ria (e%ert, has re eased not one, %ut t#o ne# ,+=Cr%an /antasy %ooks. These %ooks are a part of the ne# Heven and Hell series, and $ have to say, that her first %ook, Masquerade is 7(D98M$9+L! $ have a so read her nove a, &efore, #hich is the preEue to MasEuerade, and et "e te you that it is #hat hooked "e on the series! $ go%% ed up MasEuerade in T(RDD W(8LD D+,*! $ serious y cou d 98T put the %ook do#n, and $ read &efore in under t#o hours. ,ou can read %oth revie#s ater in this issue. $ a" happy to announce that on this day, May :>, 2;:2, 'a"%ria)s second %ook in the (even and (e series, 'harade has officia y %een re eased! *he is current y running a % og tour for it and is giving a#ay L8T* of great prizes, inc uding autographed %ooks! *top %y her #e%site for "ore infor"ation on the tour and her %ooks 5and to #atch so"e hot trai ers!6. ###.ca"%riahe%ert.co". $n addition to 'harade, Mrs. (e%ert has recent y re eased another nove a ca ed &et#een. $ unfortunate y have not read this one yet, %ut $ a" sure that it #i %e -ust as #onderfu as the other %ooks $ have read %y her. $ cannot %egin to ho# e4cited $ a" for 'a"%ria! *erious y! F8 8CT +9D &C, (DR &88G*! $ don)t nor"a y push authors ike this, %ut $ can honest y te you that you W$LL 98T &D D$*+778$9TDD! About Charade:
Dying at the hands of a psycho was a shock. Having my life returned to me by an angel was incredible. Being named a Supernatural Treasure and being given Sam as my guard was pretty darn awesome. Acquiring a debt for it all well! " should have seen it coming. #ow here we are! fighting demons from Hell! caring for a boy that " $ust don%t trust! and traveling to faraway places to return a treasure to its rightful place. #othing is as it seems. &veryone wears a mask' everyone puts on a charade. "t%s up to us to separate the truth from the lies and reality from fiction. A hard task when my new reality involves fallen angels! witches and dragons( and did " mention Hell) Anchoring me down through it all is Sam. Sam! who must face tragedies of his own and is put to the test again and again. "f we fail in our task! life as we know it life as you know it will end. *orever.


Behind the Scenes With Harriet Schultz

+onducted by &eth Ann Masarik

What is your name? (arriet *chu tz

Tell us about yourself. $)" a happi y "arried "other of adu t %oy=gir t#ins. $ gre# up in 9e# ,ork and had a ot of fun #orking 5at (arper)s and Ti"e "agazines6 and iving there as a sing e #o"an after $ graduated fro" co ege. $ "et the "an $ "arried on a trip to *an /rancisco and #e ived there for a%out :0 years %efore "oving to his ho"e state of Maine. *o $ zigzagged across the country and have ca ed t#o spectacu ar y %eautifu cities ho"e.

What do you write? Cnti $ #rote "y conte"porary ro"antic suspense nove , Legacy of the (igh ands, $ #as a -ourna ist and covered oca govern"ent and po itics. $ a so #rote opinion pieces and oved %eing a% e to e4press "y o#n vie#s instead of "aintaining the o%-ectivity reEuired as a reporter.

Why do you write it? Food Euestion. $ guess %ecause $ en-oy reading that kind of %ook. $ set out to #rite a ro"ance, %ut it turned into a suspensefu thri er #ith ro"ance, adventure, t#ists and turns, secrets, so"e hot se4 and H of course H a de icious hero.

Do you have any past or current releases? My current %ook is Legacy of the (igh ands. $)" "ost e4cited that readers say they en-oyed the read so "uch that they didn)t #ant it to end and they #ant "ore of these characters. Many of the" are in the seEue $)" #riting no#. A

Tell us about it. +n ancient oath eads to "urder, revenge and une4pected ove in Legacy of the (igh ands. When Wi 'a"eron)s %ody is discovered in a &oston a ey, the on y c ue to the thirty.four.year.o d)s "urder is a pristine *cottish sgian dubh dagger eft %eside it. (is devastated #ido#, + e4andra, f ees &oston to find refuge in the Mia"i vi a of Wi )s %est friend, Diego 9avarro, #ho has the "eans, po#er and te"pera"ent to so ve the puzz e and to avenge the sense ess ki ing. Diego, a handso"e and #ea thy +rgentine, is eEua y deter"ined to #in the grieving #ido#)s heart. 9either of the" #ants to %etray Wi , %ut they find it increasing y difficu t to resist a gro#ing attraction to each other as they fo o# eads that take the" fro" Mia"i to &uenos +ires and *cot and unrave ing the 'a"eron fa"i y)s secrets and the Legacy of the Highlands.

Who is publishing it? +fter :;; re-ection etters fro" iterary agents, "any of #hich had #ords si"i ar to this2 I$ kno# $)" going to regret this, %utJ or I,ou)re an e4tre"e y ta ented #riter, %ut.J $t got to the point that $ %egan to hate the #ord I%utJ!!! $ se f.pu% ished "y e.%ook on +"azon, and then a so in for"ats that are so d %y a the usua e.%ook se ers. $ pu% ished a trade paper%ack in 1anuary that is avai a% e through 'reatespace or +"azon. $f you ive in Maine, it)s a so in oca %ookstores.

Where is your favorite place to write? $ usua y #rite on "y aptop, #hich sits on a desk in "y ho"e office. With the door c osed. $t #ou d %e he pfu if $ didn)t have an internet connection to distract "e.

What do you listen to when you write? To "y initia horror, $ discovered country "usic a fe# years ago, in part %ecause so "any of the "en are se4y and rugged y handso"e and no# $)" addicted. 1ake 8#en)s I+ one With ,ouJ is "y current favorite. $ a so ike -azz, anything %y the &eat es or Ro ing *tones and the $rish rocker, 9oe Fa agher.


How long have you been writing? 7rofessiona y, for 3; years! $)" not the kind of #riter #ho %egan to "ake up stories as a kid. My i"agination didn)t kick in unti $ %egan to #rite Legacy and that $ had one #as a great surprise to "e!

If you could be any mythological creature, what would it be and why? $ don)t kno#. That)s a"e, isn)t itK

What is your guilty pleasure food? 'hoco ate, pretze s, &en ? 1erry)s 7fish /ood ice crea" and any kind of " ? "s.

Where can we buy your books? The e.%ook version is on +"azon and a of the usua e.%ook se ers. The trade paper%ack can %e found on +"azon or 'reatespace. Links are on "y #e%site2 http2==###.harrietschu tz.% ogspot.co"

Do you have any advice for aspiring writers? 1ust do it! ,ou #on)t kno# if you have it in you to produce a %ook or even a short story if you never try. Write for yourse f and not for a specific audience. $f your #ork is good, readers #i 5hopefu y6 find you. +nd read, read, read since you a%sor% good #riting a "ost %y os"osis.


Behind the Scenes with The Peacock Writers 'onducted %y &eth +nn Masarik
iterary unes, Thank you for having us. $ #ou d ike to introduce us as a group firstL F#enna D),oung 5that is "e, $ did so"e of the for"atting6, 7au a *hene 5#ho first had the idea for the charity %ook, a so editor and for"atter6, 'aro yn Tody5 she ca"e up #ith our na"e and ogo, editor6, 'aro Wi s 5created our %ook video teaser, editor6 and 1anice +%e 5editor, ending support #henever needed6. We are the forerunners in a ne# group of authors #ho" have -oined together to #rite short stories and poe"s for the %enefit of chi dren)s charities, in #hat #e p an to %e a continuing series of short %ooks for chi dren ages ;.:2M. We ca ourse ves IThe 7eacock WritersJ and are an ever changing and e4panding group of authors fro" around the #or d. The core group first "et on &ookRi4.co", in the 'hi dren)s +uthors Froup, #e e4cept for "e, $ #as asked to -oin the group %ecause of so"e of "y poetry. $n our first %ook, A Wh ms c!l "ol #!y $or %h l#ren&' #e represented The Cnited *tates of +"erica and The Cnited Gingdo"N Dng and, -oking y ca ing ourse ves Four Yanks and a Brit. The the"e of the %ook %eing a%out 'hrist"as, the (o idays and charity. &ut as #e are giving this intervie#, our group has e4panded to inc ude 'anada, and severa ne#er "e"%ers, #hi e another has gone on a hiatus. +s $ said, #e are an ever evo ving group. *o"e "e"%ers "ay #rite on y a poe", or contri%ute editingL others "ight #rite 3.4 ite"s or do the graphics. Whi e others "ay f o# in and out of the group, #e p an on re easing %ooks se"i.annua y for non.profit. + proceeds after the print and pu% ishing costs #i go direct y to chi dren)s charities. &y eaving it open, #e hope to touch "any ives and assist "any organizations across the g o%e. + our %ooks can %e found on +"azon.co", %ut #e have a so arranged for the" to %e distri%uted to other on. ine retai ers and %ookstores. 8ur p an for raising funds is t#ofo dL direct sa es to readers and then charities or groups purchasing %u k at cost and rese for fund raising events. We are a so gearing up to re ease our second %ook in our 'harity *eries2 (he )! n %lou#*s + $t'. $n this %ook our the"e is spring, Rain%o#s and Rene#a , #ith three short stories at the end to he p a chi d earn a%out grief %ut #ith a "agica t#ist. 9o# for a itt e "ore a%out the +uthors the"se vesO


What is your name? $t depends on the genre or tenor of the goa discussed. /or "y chi dren)s stories, $ a" si"p y 7au a *hene. $f $ a" #riting for a chi dren)s charity, $ a" one of The 7eacock Writers. $f $ a" #riting for adu ts, "y co ections are under 7au a Louise *hene. $ a" a%out to e"%ark on #riting ,+ fantasy=sci=fi and have not yet decided on a na"e for that genre. Tell us about yourself. /or years "y hus%and has urged "e to #rite %ooks %ecause "y passion for reading #as a "ost as great as "y passion for hi". $ to d hi" $ did not #ant to turn "y ove into a chore. 8ur youngest son in 2;;>, faced an end to his "arriage. (is daughter deve oped "any fears fro" this upheava and fro" this trau"a, IMandy The + pha DogJ #as %orn. My son used his cartoon dra#ings to add to the hu"or of the story #hich actua y covers Euite serious topics . fears, "istreat"ent, overeating, o%esity, %iting, forgiveness, and %eco"ing a #inner. This %ook initia y #as #ritten to he p a itt e gir overco"e her fears, %ut, as friends and re atives read the story and the cartoons, #e #ere urged to take our ove of rescuing ani"a s to the pu% ic and a pu% isher #as sought. Mandy The + pha Dog, the first insta "ent in The 'hronic es of the G.A &oys and Fir s on Locus *treet #as pu% ished and re eased on 1une 2;, 2;;A. :;P of our proceeds go to ani"a rescue eagues. + series of %ooks in this ine have %een pu% ished on ine . so"e free, as yet, to read. What do you write? $ #rite %oth chi dren)s stories and adu t short stories. $ have not yet sett ed into a genre niche other than a "y %ooks, chi dren and adu t a ike, dea #ith socia issues and=or in-ustice. Why do you write it? 'o"pu sion. Many ti"es there has %een a contest the"e #hich triggered a story, usua y %ased on so"ething in "y ife and $ fictiona ize. With The 7eacock Writers, $ asked if anyone #as up to #riting a chi dren)s 'hrist"as story to go into a co ection and the response #as over#he "ing #ith the additiona #ant of using the co ection for the good of chi dren. Thus the group #as for"ed, %ut is a #ays in f u4 . no one is ocked into "ore than co""itting to one %ook. (o#ever, #e find, once #e step out, it is a "ust in our spirits to do it again. (e ping and giving is contagious.


Do you have any past or current releases? 8h.. yes! Tell us about them. Mandy The + pha Dog started the series and #as pu% ished conventiona y. $ found that too restrictive, and have stepped out into the rea " of the $ndie pu% ished, #ith the rest of the stories in that series. The More, The Merrier #as the 'hrist"as the"ed story #hich appears as a sing e and in the co ection, + Whi"sica (o iday for 'hi dren2 To &enefit 'hi dren)s 'harities. Mason and The Rain%o# &ridge #i %e re eased as a sing e %efore the end of March 2;:2 as #e as appearing in the co ection for chi dren)s charities, The Rain ' oud)s Fift, a so to %e re eased %y the end of March 2;:2. 8n 1u y :3, 2;:2, 'aptain *nooper2 The *courge of The *even *eas #i %e pu% ished for "y grandson)s %irthday and dedicated to hi". Then in the fa , the ong a#aited, The Midnight 'aper, #i %e pu% ished. $ pu% ished severa co ections of adu t short stories and a" inc uded in an antho ogy a ong #ith seven other authors a%out socia in-ustice entit ed, *andcast es, in digita for" on y, at this point. The na"e of "y story #hich is a so in one of "y o#n co ections is entit ed *acrifica La"%s. $ #rite artic es for an on ine "agazine ca ed +ngie)s Diary http2==angiesdiary.co"= and so"e of "y artic es #ritten around ho idays are no# in severa editions of (o iday Dchos found on +"azon.co". The 2nd edition is ca ed (o iday Dchos2 *ongs of Love featuring The $ce Maiden. The $ce Maiden is a fictiona ized diary of "y courtship and if $ kept a diary that is the #ay it #ou d have %een #ritten. The co ection, 7ro% e" or *o utionK2 featuring *acrificia La"%s a so #as pu% ished through &ookRi4.co" and #hi e these t#o co ections appear on other sources inc uding +"azon.uk, +"azon.de, &?9 and Go%o, they have not yet "ade the trans ation onto +"azon.co" 5C*6. Who is publishing them? $ #i %e pu% ishing any sing e or co ections as an $ndie author either through +"azon, &ookRi4, or 'reate*pace. +s $ said, $ found the conventiona route too constrictive. 7ricing too high %y the pu% isher "aking the %ook "uch higher in price than other %ooks in that genre and the a"ount of proceeds i"itedL and then, too, %eing ocked into a seven year contract has %urned out the #ish to appear as a Qconventiona y pu% ished) author. (o#ever, as an $ndie author, $ did earn fro" conventiona avenues. My "anuscript "ust %e perfect or as perfect as $ can "ake it. $ have found trusted editors #ho enhance "y stories #hi e sti eaving the" as "y o#n after editing. $ proof read unti "y eyes,


figurative y, % eed. +nd then, one "ore ti"e. $ a" positive y ana #hen it co"es to spacing, p ace"ent, etc.

Where is your favorite place to write? My co"puter, %ut $ do #rite rough out ines #hi e riding in the car. Mason and The Rain%o# &ridge #as first #ritten and edited in "y head during a recent hospita stay . $ #as in a three hour Eueue #aiting to have an MR$. What do you listen to when you write? $t depends on the tenor of the story. $f it is ro"antic, $ isten to *oft Rock. $f it is angry, $ isten to po itica ne#s or ne#s in genera or head %anging rock. $f it is sad, ' assic 'ountry. 7aranor"a , $ put on *tring or ' assica sans yrics. $f it is after "idnight then -ust si ence is good. During the day, $ have a very noisy househo d #ith seven dogs, a hus%and #ho needs ots of attention, and other noise "akers depending on the day of the #eek, visiting hea th aids, etc. $ go #ith the f o#. How long have you been writing? /or the pu% ic, since 2;;>. /or a church group "onth y intervie# ne#s etter co u"n, $ #rote for a "ost three years, %et#een :AAB and 2;;;. $ #rote, produced, and directed a co""ercia spoof for a "edia c ass $ attended at the co ege #here $ #as an ad"inistrator of severa depart"ents, %ack in the ear y >;s. If you could be any mythological creature, what would it be and why? + 7egasus %ecause $ ove the a#eso"e %eauty and po#er of the %one, "usc e . the sine# structure of horses, and %ecause $ have a fear of heights. $f $ had #ings, it #ou d %e natura to f y, and that fear #ou d %e conEuered. What is your guilty pleasure food? (ot spicy anything! Dvery cu ture has their spice that heats things up. $ ove the" a . Where can we buy your books? $ a" a over the net fro" +%e)s %ooks to +"azon, &?9 to Go%o, +pp e . put in "y na"e, you) find "e. My chi dren)s %ooks have a #e%site ca ed 'hronic es of The G.A &oys and Fir s #ith inks to other p aces #here $ can %e found on the net. The Link to the 'hronic es is pshene.#e%s.co"=


Do you have any advice for aspiring writers? $ #rite fro" the heart and there are peop e that are readers and understand that type out pouring of #ords. Then there are others #ho do not understand that sty e. That is okay. $ do not #rite for the". My %ooks have hu"or even in ti"es, or perhaps, %ecause of ti"es of stress. (u"or is a va ve to et off that stea" #ithout necessari y %urning the reader %ut getting the" into "y "ind fra"e and seeing "y point of vie#. (ere is a ink to an artic e $ did on conference ca intervie#ing and Euestions asked N http2==angiesdiary.co"=artic es=conference.ca .intervie#= There are readers that #i ove your #ork and there #i %e ones that hate it, so"e even harsh y criticizing it. Do not a o# the negative to overco"e your drive to #rite. $f your gra""ar or spe ing is a cha enge, then get yourse f an editor, either ive or a progra". D4a"ine criticis" and if va id, i"p e"ent and "ake yourse f a %etter #riter. $f #riting is your ca ing, you #i not %e a% e to give it up. $t is an auto"atic response . -ust ike %reathing. 7au a *hene, +uthor pshene.#e%s.co"=


Thank ,ou for inviting "e to share "y story #ith your readers. What is your name? My na"e is F#en *tee and #hen $ #rite for adu ts of any genre $ use !.D. "teel. When $ #rite for chi dren and young adu ts $ use the pseudony" of !wenna D#$oung. &oth are variations of "y ega na"e. Tell us about yourself. $ a" a divorced "o" of t#o gro#n chi dren #ho" ive on the other side of the countryL $ a" a Registered 9urse of :> years 5kind of a Q-ack of a trades) %ut "y heart is in 7ediatrics6L + C* 9avy 3eteranL an Dsthetician and Reiki Master, and no# $ can add internationa author to the ist. $ gre# up trave ing and have %een to a the over the Cnited *tates, e4cept + aska, and have a %it of the gypsy in "y sou . $ ove to trave and ove the ocean. $ drea" of going on an e4tended cruise on a ta ship, you kno#, the ones #ith the fu rigging and sai s, not to "ention the hottie sai ors... What do you write? $ a" fair y ne# to #riting, and $ a" part of #hat $ see as a gro#ing trend, "eaning that $ #rite #hat $ #ant and ike, not %eing he d to one type of genre or sty e. &ut "y heart ies in Ro"ance and these charity %ooks. $ "ean, #ho #ou dn)t put their a into so"ething as i"portant as he ping sick, tired, hurt or hungry chi drenK Why do you write it? May%e $ #rite Ro"ance %ecause $ a" of the generation #here every gir drea"s of her Q7rince 'har"ing), and $ get to create the", f a#s inc uded, #hi e sti searching for "ine...and no# that there is no i"it to W(DRD the ro"ance takes p ace $ can go tota y sci.fi, fantasy,erotic, or -ust 7F... Do you have any past or current releases? My first pu% ished #ork #as a poe" that $ entered in a contest a%out...h"", :; years ago. $t #as a%out the p ight of the aged in our society. $ didn)t #in any "oney, %ut it #as an honor to %e pu% ished fro" over :>,;;; #or d.#ide entrants. $ again "ade that honor this year #ith another poe" a%out a *cottish (igh ander ca ed, IThe 7iper)s La"entJ and it #i %e turned into a paranor"a ro"ance series. $ #rite si"p e, rhy"ing poetry and it is featured in "any of "y %ooks, +du t and 'hi dren)s. %s !.D. "teel, $ have a so #ritten severa short stories, poe"s and "y first fu ength Ro"ance, &'ersey Da(e.) $t #as re eased for the first ti"e a%out :R yrs. ago. Much to "y dis"ay, $ %eca"e an $nternationa +uthor #ith its re ease, ho#ever, it #as "y first :B

Irea J %ook and it had "any f a#s. $t has gone through three reincarnations, #ith the third and fina edition %eing re eased in +pri 2;:2. $ earned a ot a%out pu% ishing and the harsh #hip of critics #ith this %ook. $ a" sti earning, %ut $ have "ade "any friends a ong the road to en ighten"ent! $ have severa short stories out on +"azon.co"=.uk=.de, *ony.co", i%ookstore.co", Go%o, and severa other sites. These stories #ere #ritten as part of "y earning e4perience, %eing cha enged to #rite outside of "y co"fort zone %y other authors on &ookRi4.co". $ a" sure there are other sites -ust ike &ookRi4, that %udding authors can use. +s a "atter of fact, $ %e ieve it is essentia ! *o"e Tit es as F.D. *tee 2 The *ower of the Heart, The %+,-an, Winter#s Wolf, The %rt of the .iss, and 'ersey Da(e, and soon to be released, /hairi#s "urrender0 The "tar "lave 1hronicles of 2leeker !ala+y. %s !wenna D#$oung, $ have #ritten so"e poetry, short stories and have co a%orated #ith a group of #riters kno#n as QThe 7eacock Writers,J to create %ooks to %enefit chi dren)s charities. 8ur first %ook is %oth a paper%ack and an e.%ook tit ed, &% Whimsical Holiday for 1hildren.) Tell us about them. We are current y in the process of getting another vo u"e together for a *pring re ease #ith a rain%o#=rene#a the"e, tit ed &The 3ain 1loud#s !ift). $t #i %e avai a% e on &ookRi4.co", +"azon.co" =.de.uk, &?9, i%ookstore and e se#here %y the end of +pri 2;:2. The 7eacock Writers are p anning to "ake at east a year y appearance %ut "ay try for %i.annua y. + proceeds fro" these %ooks go direct y to charity, none of the authors "ake a di"e fro" their sa es. $ "ay not %e 8prah or *ha#n 7enn, %ut $ can do so"ething to he p our #or d)s youth, even if it is a Qpenny here, a do ar there.) Tit es %y F#enna D),oung2 &% Whimsical Holiday for 1hildren), &"anta#s "ecret), &% Trio of Holiday *oems), and &The 3ain 1loud#s !ift.) My ne4t Ro"ance is a "ost finished and it is "ore of the size of an 9ove a, 3;.4;,;;; #ords. $t is a /uturistic Ro"ance tit ed, &/hairi#s "urrender) and is the first in a series. $ a so p an to #rite a series a%out so"e 7aranor"a (igh anders, #ith so"e historica fiction thro#n in. They #i %e ca ed, &The *ipers ament) and &The Highlander#s 2attle 1ry0 The Well of "ouls "eries) They have %een Euiet y #aiting for "e to finish up 3hairi)s story, and each %ook #i start #ith a poe". The first %ook #i %e a%out that Q7iper) $ "entioned ear ier. $ have the %ook covers a ready designed and "ay $ say they are (8T! 1i""y Tho"as, the Q/a%io)


of this generation 5actua y he is on "ore covers than /a%io...6 #i "ake an appearance on t#o of "y %ooks, I3hairi)s *urrenderJ and IThe (igh ander)s &att e 'ryJ

Who is publishing them? $ have "et so"e traditiona y pu% ished and se f.pu% ished #riters, and for "yse f, $ prefer to %e se f.pu% ished. 9o# don)t get "e #rong, if a "a-or pu% ishing house ca"e knocking at "y door, $ -ust "ight take the" up on it, %ut it %etter %e a good offer! $ did a ot of research into pu% ishing2 #hat an author is e4pected to do and $ found out that they have to put out a ot of "oney! Trave , %ook tours, pro"oting, and such. *o, #hy #ou d $ go through a that for a "eas y @0.:;,;;; advance and give up part of "y rights in a contract, #hen $ cou d retain +LL "y rightsK *o, $ sti have to do the sa"e a"ount of #ork, %ut $ can do it at M, pace and financia a%i ity. The $nternet has rea y "ade this possi% e, a ong #ith +"azon. They Q%roke) the traditiona "ode for pu% ishing. *i"i ar to Q(u"pty.Du"pty), $ don)t think they #i ever %e a% e to put it %ack together again! Where is your favorite place to write? 9o#here, rea y. +ny#here the "ood strikes do it #hi e it is hot and fresh in your "ind. What do you listen to when you write? 9othing, this #ay $ actua y I"ergeJ into the story and %eco"e part of it #hi e $ #rite. How long have you been writing? 7rofessiona y a%out, h", 2 years, %ut $ started a%out :2 years ago. $t -ust ca"e upon "e out of the % ue, sure took "e %y surprise! $ a #ays got '.D)s in schoo for #riting. Cn. %ekno#nst to "e or "ay parents, $ a" dys e4ic. &ack then, you had to %e Idu"%J to %e c assified #ith a earning disa%i ity. 9oticed $ did not say disorderK Many chi dren go un. diagnosed %ecause of their high $S and a%i ity to adapt. Mine #as to cheat and a near perfect "e"ory5very short ter" though...ah #here is it no# that $ can use itKKK (ave you seen itK *orry, $ ike to -oke around a itt e6. If you could be any mythological creature, what would it be and why? The 7hoeni4! The a%i ity to %e re%orn fro" it)s ashes, to rise again, to try again and it)s a very ro"antic %east, isn)t itK Tragica y so....and $ have had severa near death e4periences, so $ think it kind of fits.


What is your guilty pleasure food? +ny kind of food! L8L ...$ ove food, %ut as the years go %y, "y tastes change, so $ don)t rea y have one o d faithfu .

Where can we buy your books? 8n ine right no#, a though $ have %een isted in the registries for i%raries and %ook se ers. +"azon, itunes=i%ookstore, *ony, &arnes and 9o% e, &ookRi4.co", and severa other on. ine "arket p aces ike, 'reate*pace, Go%o... $ can %e found #ith a si"p e goog e search and "y ho"e site2 ###.indieauthornet#ork.#ee% y.co" Do you have any advice for aspiring writers? Don)t et anyone deter you fro" doing #hat you are passionate a%out, no "atter #hat it is! 9o#, on the "ore practica side2 read, edit, re edit, find others to he p you edit, re read and edit again! $ earned the hard #ay, that a though #e "ay %e I$ndie +uthors, our readers e4pect the sa"e Eua ity as traditiona pu% ishing houses. &ut don)t #orry, $ have found "any peop e in "y -ourney as an author #ho" are #i ing to trade services, or edit or he p the ne#%ies. F.D. *tee +uthor ###.indieauthornet#ork.#ee% y.co" http2==gdstee ro"anceauthor.% ogspot.co"= https2==###.face%ook.co"=F.D.*tee Ro"ance+uthor


What is your name? My na"e is 'aro Wi s Tell us about yourself. $)" "arried #ith a gro#n up fa"i y of five chi dren, eight grandchi dren 5yes >6 and one great grandchi d. $ ive #ith "y hus%and at 'hesha" a"id the %eautifu 'hi ton (i s in the CG. $)" a retired %usiness #o"an, after having run the accounts and office "anage"ent side of our fa"i y %usiness for "any years. $ no# consider "yse f a #riter, $ a so ove to read 5anything from ickens to the cornflakes !acket6 in fact, if $ don)t have so"ething to read $ go into anaphy actic shock. What do you write? $ "ost y #rite short stuff, f ash fiction, and chi dren)s stories. Why do you write it? $ think the inspiration to #rite ca"e fro" "y +unt F adysL she inspired "e to read, and #ou d give "e great %ooks for %irthdays and 'hrist"as. ,ou see, the %ooks she gave "e and "y sister #ere the on y ones ever to enter our house #hen $ #as a kid. $ started soaking the" up ike a sponge, #hich ead to "e "aking up itt e stories in "y head. $ guess that #as the start, %ut it took a ot of years for "e to take the ne4t step. My ove of f ash ste"s fro" never having "uch ti"e to read #hen "y chi dren #ere gro#ing up so $ read very short fiction that got to the point fast. The chi dren)s stories are a fo o# on fro" ver%a stories to d to "y grandchi dren. Do you have any past or current releases? ,es $ have three %ooks out at the "o"ent and one story in a co ection. Tell us about them. 8k, I/ive Minute /ictionJ is a co ection of nine very short stories, so"e funny, so"e thought provoking and so"e -ust do#nright si y. I+ Titus +dventureJ is a chi dren)s story #ritten for gro#nups=parent)s to read to young ones and o der chi dren to read the"se ves. When Titus #ants to visit his friend 1ackson #ho is in hospita , he runs into a sorts of trou% e. *o, he sets a%out trying to find so"eone to he p hi". There is a so a Titus story in a co ection ca ed, I+ Whi"sica (o iday for 'hi dren,J to %enefit chi dren)s charities. The authors are donating a profits fro" this %ook, to charity. $ rea y en-oyed co a%orating #ith so"e #onderfu #riters on this co ection. +nd of course there)s a ne# Titus story in the pipe ine. +nd ast is a very short tongue in cheek guide for parents of stroppy teenagers ca ed I7arents) Ru es.J


Who is publishing them? + "y %ooks are se f.pu% ished. Where is your favorite place to write? $ usua y #rite at "y dining ta% e. ,es, $ kno# very une4citing aren)t $K What do you listen to when you write? 9othing, $ get too distracted if $ isten to "usic or anything e se #hi e #riting. $ even tune out "y other ha f, in fact he -ust said so"ething that "ade "e rea ize he)d %een out, co"e %ack in and $ didn)t kno# he)d %een gone. 9ot sure that "akes any sense, %ut hey ho on#ards and up#ards. How long have you been writing? 8h, $)ve %een #riting since chi dhood %ut on y a%out fifteen year serious y. If you could be any mythological creature, what would it be and why? That)s easy $)d ove to %e *cheherazade, the storyte er in +ra%ian 9ights. (o# coo #ou d it %e to #rite :,;;: %ooks that everyone read. What is your guilty pleasure food? The $ndian dish2 'hicken &iryani, yu"! Where can we buy your books? ,ou can find a "y %ooks on +"azon %oth C* and CG. Do you have any advice for aspiring writers? + #ays carry a note%ookL you never kno# #here an idea for a story #i co"e fro". $n the ear y days $ got caught out "any ti"es #ith nothing to #rite on and ost the idea %efore $ cou d #rite it do#n. $ a so keep a note%ook %y "y %ed, $ can)t te you ho# often and idea pops into "y head -ust as $)" drifting off to s eep. +nd fina y, #rite, #rite, #rite, it doesn)t "atter if you think it)s ru%%ishL sooner or ater you) have a good story do#n, and ike a aspects of ife if you don)t use it, you ose it. Thank you, and fyi here)s a ink 5"y authors page on +"azon6 it ists "y %ooks, % og, t#itter, #e%site, youtu%e %ook pro"os, etc...#here peop e can find "e if they so #ish2


http044tinyurl.com45ygnts6 'aro Wi s 7ame and about myself My na"e is 1anice +%e . $ a" educator and %ring e4periences in teaching, counse ing, and ad"inistration to "y fiction #riting. 7revious #riting has %een in a specia ized fie d of co ege student services. What do you write and past and current releases. $ especia y ike #riting fantasy short stories, though recent y $ have %een spending "y #riting ti"e co"p eting a ro"ance nove . My fantasy stories inc ude t#o 'hrist"as stories for youth that have appeared as a ne#spaper seria and are no# avai a% e as an e. %ook on +"azon.co" IThe Litt e White 'hrist"as (orse,J and ILitt e (orse Wears +nt ers.J $ have severa e.%ooks avai a% e through +"azon.co" and &arnes ? 9o% e. 'urrent re eases are I&ea" Do#n *cottyJ, ITi"e Rides the Tide,J and IThe Meta ic &ird.J /orthco"ing short stories are I*i ver *tars on the *eaJ and IThe Freen 7hone.J 'urrent y $ a" #orking on a ro"ance nove and it is hot on every #ord $ #rite!!! $ a" e4cited a%out this ne# avenue of genre and you #i %e hearing "ore a%out that very soon. Who is *ublishing my work? Dssentia y $ a". &ookri4.co" #i %e doing so"e of the re eases, %ut #ith the opportunities for e.%ooks and good #ork in paper %acks, Euite frank y, $ a" not ready to step to a s"a press #ith its "any pro% e"s. 8%vious y, if a eader in pu% ished #as chasing "e, $ #ou d reconsider. 26 $ a" finding "y niche as $ #ou d encourage others to do. %dvice to aspiring writers. Write. Read. 7ut the pen to the paper. $ see any creative endeavor as %oth a craft and art. The craft is in "astering the too s of the trade. that takes discip ine and practice. The art is the creative aspect that takes patience, hanging oose and trying different things, drea"ing, and stretching onese f %eyond the %o4 in #hich one ives. The t#o are very different fro" one another, so it is i"portant to earn your persona e%%s and f o#sL that is, the rhyth" of % ending the t#o to "ake your #riting an art that f o#s #ith energy and interest. + side note. $f you ever have #riters % ock you "ay #ant to check out "y %ook, I+ Desperate Ti"eJ, on &ookri4.co" /ree to a .


8n "arketing. the fast changing cu ture #i open ne# doors, so go #ith the f o#, and earn not to get hung up on the detai s of "arketing at the e4pense of #riting your "asterpiece!!!! $ #i finish #ith a p ea. 7 ease %uy "y e.%ooks or urge at east three of your friends to take a ook and %uy!!!! (o# is that for a "arketing push!!!!! *earch on "y 9a"e or Tit e on +"azon.'o" or &arnes ? 9o% e. &est #ishes to a #riters #here ever you are.


What is your name? 'aro yn Tody N 7en na"es inc ude 'actusRose and Drea"*cu ptr. Tell us about yourself. $ a" pro%a% y %est descri%ed as a ate % oo"er. $ ike to paint, dance, #rite, p ay #ith c ay, trave , and spend Eua ity ti"e #ith "y gro#ing fa"i y. During "y career $ progressed %y studying, earning degrees #ith the % essing and support of the #orkp ace, net#orking, earning to take risks, studying #ith Disney Cniversity and in various other oca e, and raising "y fa"i y. &y doing so $ %roke the career Qg ass cei ing) enough to get "y head a%ove the c ouds, and fe t proud to hear that others #ere inspired to %eco"e nontraditiona students and rea ize their o#n drea"s. My fa"i y is gro#n and $ have a itt e "ore freedo" to consider drea"s that #ere set aside. $n turn, $ hope to share that fee ing #ith others in a si"i ar position. What do you write? $ pri"ari y #rite specu ative fiction. $t often para e s a nonfiction process a%out rea izing one)s drea"s that is, in turn, %ased on the notion of seria reinvention. $ have a so #ritten docudra"a, creative nonfiction, nonfiction, and an i ustrated %ook of fire ight poetry. Why do you write it? &ecause $ en-oy e4ercising "y i"agination and deve oping stories that deserve an independent ife. Writing is one of "y passions. $ a so #rite to eave egacy for "y chi dren and grandchi dren. Do you have any past or current releases? Suite a fe# stories and poe"s have %een pu% ished in antho ogies under either "y na"e, 'actusRose, or as part of Drea"*cu ptr offerings. My first nove is drafted and in the refine"ent process. *evera other stories are part of a onger series in progress, and have contri%uted to s"a er #orks. Tell us about them. + fe# true stories re ate incredi% e or "ysterious e4periences. /or instance, surviving the eye of a tornado. 8thers #ere surprising steps %ack in ti"e N so"e to vintage settings #here significant incidents occurred 0;.years ear ier and reunions #ith e der y o#ners %efore they passed. +nother #as an unp anned conversation Q%eyond the curtain) in an une4pected situation . a #ork setting #ith "y co eagues. &-usic of the Wind) is a docudra"a #ritten to %enefit Euake victi"s %y reenacting the #or d)s second "ost po#erfu earthEuake the fro" the perspective of chi dren.


&8alling for 8all) is a nosta gic p ay on photography. Many poe"s are ro"anticis" geared to finding ove again and fee ing good a%out ife. *o"e #orks feature "y art#ork. "ither#orm $illa% stories #ere created to raise funds for chi dren)s charity. + engthy ,+ series is under#ay in a *aga featuring & ack%erry 7atches, the 7atch#ork /orest, and a siza% e cast. $ #rote the first "ystiEue "ystery in the &uardians of Ho!e% series during 9a9oWriMo and it is in the editing stage. +nd, since the *aga is taking so ong to #rite, $ a" preparing for pu% ication as a "ini series ocated at the edge of the 7atch#ork /orest. Who is publishing them? Writing at the Ledges 5###.#ritingatthe edges.co"6, L. /airchi d, +. Fuarnieri, &ookRi4, the 7eacock Writers, and +"azon. 7atch#ork Treehouse 7ress #i pu% ish the "iniseries. Where is your favorite place to write? /acing the iving area #ith scenery outside the #indo#s. $ #ou d prefer to add a rest ess sea #ith end ess #ater, at a height that ets "y i"agination soar, and Riviera. ike inspiration. What do you listen to when you write? *pa "usic #hen $ isten to anythingL a Mediterranean fountain or rea ocean #aves #ou d %e idea . How long have you been writing? Like "any students, $ %egan #riting in chi dhood. (o#ever, $ %egan co"posing fiction in the ear y A;)s and picked up the pace a fe# years ago. If you could be any mythological creature, what would it be and why? +fter a engthy consu tation #ith "y young grandsonO a 7DF+D8R. True, it #as a co a%oration %et#een a young inventor #ith a vivid i"agination and an author #ith the heart of a "aiden, %ut this co"%ination of a si ver 7egasus, a fe""e fata e centaur #ith ong f o#ing hair, and a short.prong unicorn ref ects a pure heart #ith the a%i ity to #ing any#here in the #or d on and, sea, or in the air, see anything, partake in Euests, connect #ith hearts and heroes in re"ote ocations, a the #hi e defending honor #ith her Euiver, %o#, and hidden staff protected %y a secret code. Who kno#s #hat cou d happenK What is your guilty pleasure food?


Dark choco ate. Where can we buy your books? ###.#ritingatthe edges, +"azon.co", and &ookRi4.co" in the near future. The 7eacock Writers #i %e in an e4panded "arket soon. Do you have any advice for aspiring writers? There is such a #ea th of infor"ation on ine. 9ear y any Euestion can %e ans#ered Euick y and si"p y %y entering the inEuiry in a search engine %o4 and revie#ing the responses. Writing groups are a so i""ense y he pfu and encouraging #ith usefu e4perience and feed%ack. $f you can)t attend one in person there are on ine groups that are active night and day. +nd "ost i"portant y, %e ieve in yourse f. 7ractice and e icit constructive co""ents, %ut a #ays %e ieve that there are others in the #or d #aiting for #hat you have to offer. Thank you for the opportunity to intervie#!


Wacky Writers
Welcome back to another episode of Wacky Writers, the meme where I give you a prompt and you write about it !he ma"imum word count should be #$,$$$ words !he minimum word count is %$$ !his month&s prompt is' If you could be a character in any fairytale, what would you be and which fairytale would you be in( )ou can answer this in any way you&d like )ou can write it like an essay, or you can even go so far as to write a short story with you as an actual character in a fairytale It can even be a made up character* !he options are endless* !his prompt was inspired by television show called +nce ,pon a !ime


D98CF( T8 G98W 1a"es /o4 1erry fe t a %it %etter a%out his o der %rother no#. 1eff had fina y given up trying to reason, threaten, ca-o e or tease 1erry out of the %e ief that so"ething crept a%out his %edroo" in the night. The teasing had %een the #orstL 1eff sudden y f inging the %edroo" door open to ho er I&oo!J 8r #aiting unti 1erry #as as eep to sneak into the %edroo" and turn off the night ight, so"ething 1eff a #ays denied. $nstead, tonight 1eff had turned to ogic and scientific e4peri"entation to prove that nothing rose up out of the dark to sta k a%out 1erry)s %edroo" in the night. 1erry snugg ed do#n in the covers and g anced up at the %edpost a%ove his head. $n the night ights di" g o# he cou d see the t#ine cord 1eff had tied to the %edpost and stretched across the roo" to affi4 to the pu chain of the a"p on the %ookshe f. 1erry reached out and gave -ust enough of a tug to fee the t#ine gro# tautL assuring hi"se f that 1eff had #eighted do#n the a"p %ase #ith enough %ooks that it #ou dn)t topp e. The kno# edge that he cou d Euick y turn the a"p on #ith the t#ine provided 1erry "ore security than the di" night ight #hich #as prone to f icker and fade at ti"es. /or the first ti"e in #eeks, 1erry dropped off to s eep in ess than an hour. The chi"es of the ha c ock gradua y a#akened 1erry, %ut not Euick y enough to count the chi"es to kno# ho# ate the hour. Drifting a#ake, 1erry rea ized the night ight #as off. (is i""ediate anger at 1eff for turning off the ight Euick y changed to fear as 1erry sensed so"ething creeping a%out the roo" in the darkness. I1effKJ (e #hispered, %are y audi% e to his o#n ears. 1erry, re"e"%ering the a"p device 1eff had constructed, sat up and ifted his ar" to fee a%out in the air unti his fingertips found the t#ine. Wrapping the t#ine a%out his fingers 1erry gave a Euick tug, %ut the a"p did not f ick on. (e didn)t even hear the soft ratchet of the pu chain. Dra#ing the ine taut, 1erry #as a%out to give a sharper tug #hen, in sudden horror, he rea ized that so"ething #as pu ing %ack strong y on the t#ine. &efore he cou d un#rap the t#ine fro" his fingers 1erry found his ar" stretched out straight to#ard the a"p. The pu on the t#ine #as steady and rhyth"ic as if so"eone . or so"ething . #ere s o# y #rapping the t#ine into a %a , keeping it stretched taut across the roo". 1erry opened his "outh to cry out, %ut his "outh had gro#n so dry and his fear so great that on y a dry raspy gasp e4ited his throat. /ingers, co d and thin, ong and %ony as his grand"other)s, #rapped around his #rist and sudden y -erked his hand hard against the t#ine. 1erry fe t the t#ine snap and the frayed end fe against his pa " as the co d fingers re eased their grip. + voice, odd y accented #ith a repti ian ratt e of r)s and snake ike si%i ance of s)s, as raspy as the gasp that had escaped his o#n throat, spoke to hi" fro" the dark. IDon)t s)c)rdea"! &e s)si ent, 1er)gy, or your)r ife #i %e r)ruined.J *o"ething co d, "eta ic and s"ooth #as pressed into his pa ". &y touch, 1erry recognized the die.cast "eta "ode of the stea th %o"%er fro" atop his %rother)s desk. I*)sc)drea",J the voice #arned, Iand #hen da ights)s get f ipped on $ #i %e gone)d and your)r %r)rudder #i %e ieve it iss you dot %een cr)reeping a%out in da dar)rk!J The "ode #as -erked rough y fro" 1erry)s hand and rep aced #ith a s"ooth piece of %ent and f attened #ire and #hat fe t ike stiff s ips of 2A

paper. I*c)drea",J the voice rasped, Iand your)r fadder)r #i dis)scover)r dot you have s)sto en)d his)s go d p ated "oney c ip r)right off his)s dres)ser)r in da dar)rk of night!J The "oney c ip #as rep aced %y the s"ooth hand e and stiff %rist es of his "other)s hair%rush as the voice continued to rasp out threats, I$t #i %r)reak your)r "udder)r)s hear)rt to discover)r you stood r)right %y her)r %eds)side in da dar)rk #id deeze in your)r hands)s!J The %rush #as -oined %y the co d stee of the kitchen %utcher knife, its point pressing against 1erry)s pa ". The voice hissed a fina #arning, I$f you sc)drea", 1er)gy, fa"i y #i co"e and find ps)sychopath c utching knife in his)s % eeding hands)s and sur)rounded %y his)s oot pi fer)red in da dar)rk of night! *)so, you have choiceL ie r)right %ack do#n, eaf "e a one and $ put di)ss s)stuff %ack %efor)rd da#n, or s)sc)drea" and end up ocked a#ay in s)so"e dis)s"a as)sy u" for da ins)sane. Fo ahead, choos)se.J With tears #e ing in his eyes and hands tre"% ing uncontro a% y, 1erry ay %ack and s o# y pu ed the covers over his head. With a #heezing chuck e the voice rasped, IFood, $ a" g ad dat #e have)d an under)rs)standing.J 1erry heard the entity scutt e across the roo" and s ide the c oset door open. Then he heard the -ang e of c othes hangers and the thud of his tennis shoes %eing "oved out of the #ay as the creature "oved into the corner. I8h, a coup e "ore tings)s,J the voice rasped, Ino "or)d night ightL $ getting tir)red of #aiting for)r you to fa )d to s)s eep s)so $ can turn dot off. +nd, s)stop asking your)r "udder)r for cat, $ taking car)red of da "ice around here -us)st fine. Da "oths)s and da f ies)s, too. + though, $ #ou d ike s)spider)r or t#o as des)ser)rt. 8G, you s)stop s)s"as)shing de"! When you find s)spider)rs)s, put in -ar)r under %ed s)so dey s)stay fr)res)sh.J 1erry heard the creature sigh contented y as it sett ed into the c oset corner. Then -ust %efore s iding the door shut the voice rasped out one ast order, I+nd, 1er)gy, don)t pu dot s)stunt #id a"p cor)rd again)d. ,ou r)rea y don)t ever)r, ever)r, #ant to s)see "eL is)s enough to kno# dot $ a" a #ays)s her)re.J


$"aginary $"itator)s Matthe# Wi son Miss 'onnor)s had eyes of thunder #hen she ca ed Richard into her office. I+h, Mi er. There you are. May%e you can thro# so"e ight on #hy you a o# such rot in "y schoo ,J she thrust his te4t %ook to#ard hi" ike it #as cursed #ith p ague. *o"ething to %e avoided at a cost. &urnt. Richard fe t his +da")s app e catch, tried to s#a o# %ut a %a of #et #oo see"ed to odge itse f %ehind his tonsi s. I,ou to d us to #rite a fairy story for c ass, $ thought.J *he didn)t et hi" finish nor sit, f apped the #e thu"%ed through red %ook as if she #ere trying to fan herse f in a#fu heat, I$ kno# #hat $ said. What $ #ant to kno# is #hy you "ade the fairies %ad guys.J Richard % inked, fee ing stupid as if she #ere speaking another anguage. (e)d fe t fit to %urst #hen she)d ca ed hi" na"e over the interco". (ad she fina y found out it had %een hi" #ho)d ran his keys a ong her car for giving hi" a d grade. Who cou d get e4cited enough a%out "ath)s to actua y istenK Try. (e)d thought she)d ca "o". De"and she pay for a co"p ete re.spray. May%e send hi" to -uveni e ha #ith the rest of the ani"a )s. &ut she #anted to kno# #hy . he cou dn)t say it. IWhatKJ I7ardon, not #hat,J she corrected. IWhy did you "ake the fairies %addiesKJ Richard shrugged, he #as no *hakespeare, had ratt ed off the first hackney eyed "ovie rip off he cou d construct. ITo stand out, no one)s done it %efore. 9o one.J I/or good reason.J Ms. 'onnor)s said, "aking a visi% e atte"pt to ca " herse f. IDveryone kno#s fairies are hard #orker)s, a #ays underappreciated and die in the end.J *he gave the %ook a further shake and didn)t pause her fury to pick up the disp aced paper)s carpeting the f oor ike inked toi et paper. I,ou kno# the offence you cou d cause #ith thisK Making anyone reading this fi th %e ieve fairies are rea y ike this.J Richard)s tu""y hurt, e4pecting any "o"ent for the conversation to take a nasty s ide to#ard the car. I/airies aren)t rea , Ms. $ don)t think #e)re going to get sued.J *he s a""ed the %ook do#n and the naughty #ords on the toi et #a s proved right. *he)d no sense of hu"or. I$)" #e a#are fairies don)t e4ist %ut in this p ace of earning facts are essentia . + #ays do your ho"e#ork. $f you)d %othered to check the i%rary you)d kno# fairies don)t have five fingers on their eft hand, they have si4. They g ide, not f y and the ones #ho hide a"ongst the hu"ans #ho have cut their #ing)s off sti have their scar)s. They don)t -ust "agica y disappear.J Richard nodded at every point he fe t appropriate, trying to appease her %ut so"eho# the ight did not eave her eyes. $n his story, fairies had eyes that %urnt ike dia"ondsL he i"agined she cou d see into his core. (is #ho e sou e4posed. ,es, he pro"ised he)d not do it again. Wou d eave #riting to rea #riters. (e reca ed the function of %reathing #hen she dis"issed hi". Don)t fai "e knees. (e tried to keep the" ocked though his %one)s fe t rep aced #ith #ater. $f he fe it "eant onger in her presence, to "e t under those evi eyes. IMi er.J 3:

(e stopped #ith his hand around the door, he cou d "ake a run for it. &ut he #as not faster than a phone ca . *pitefu y, she)d ring "o" and get hi" in trou% e. Frounded for the co"ing su""er ho idays. (e turned, fi4ed a s"i e. I,esKJ (is voice sounded a ien to hi", so"eho# di"inished. *he he d up his %ook and suggested he deposit it in the nearest %in. (e tried not to re a4 as he #a ked %ack the #ay he ca"e. There)d %een no "ention of car)s, and #orse, co"pensation. (e didn)t kno# #hat had happened here today. Who he #as supposed to have offendedK This is #hat happened to o d #o"en #hen their chi dren gre# and f e# the nest. They %eca"e %itter and "ade ife hard for other peop e. Richard didn)t #ant to touch that dry, iver spotted skin so he d his hand out f at she "ay easi y p ace it upon ike cookie)s for *anta. (e thought it #as a %itten do#n penci at first, the thing knocking against the side of his hand. (e pu ed the %ook a#ay %ut 'onnor)s had s o#ed in her o d age, %y the ti"e her hand #as %ack at her side he)d caught sight of her "utation. The si4th finger. *he sa# hi" #atching and shuff ed "ore paper)s to snap his spe . IThat #i %e a , Mi er.J I,es, Ms. 'onnor.J he sudden y #ondered if she had scar)s on her %ack. (o# far so"eone so fat "ight f y.


(igh Lives &.D. /ischer

*uzette shou d have trusted her first instinct, #hich #as her first thought, upon passing into the kitchen and taking off her coat. *he tried %ut fai ed to re"e"%er that the coat #ou d no onger %rush the ends of her hair #hen she pee ed it fro" her %ody. $t had a #ays tick ed, as though she #ere %eing teased, and it #as on y no#, in re"oving the coat at this "o"ent, that she decided to %e p eased to have cut her hair so short. *o short it %are y covered her ears. $t hadn)t %een this short since she #as a gir . *he had the thought 5or fe t the instinct6 upon seeing the %ott e of the (igh Life on the stove ne4t to four strips of %eef sizz ing in a huge cast.iron ski et. They #ere near y unifor" in size and co or, and *uzette guessed they #ere grass.fed, and an e4ce ent cut. That #ou d %e his sty e. The sizz ing agent had to %e o ive oi , she figured. The instinct 5or thought6 #as not a good one2 the heat, the sizz e, the danger of spi age2 a poor c i"ate for a co d %eer. +nd #hi e she stood there and thought the instinct, or fe t the thought, he #as saying to 8 iver2 I+nd so $)" ha f panicking. $ can)t i"agine ho# $)ve run out of %utter. $ "ean, it)s -ust not conceiva% e. &utter of a things. Who runs out of %utterK $t)s on "y perpetua shopping ist.J I7erpetua shopping istKJ I,eah, "y perpetua shopping ist. ,ou kno#. $ don)t kno# #hat you ca it. The ist of things you a #ays ask yourse f if you need. Mi k, %utter, sugar, eggs, coffee.. you)ve got to %uy fresh, you kno#.J IDo you rea y consu"e that "uch sugarKJ (e shrugged. I$)" ta king a%out the things you don)t even %other to put on the ist %ecause you kno# you) never forget the" %ecause you ask yourse f every ti"e. Whi e you)re at the grocery store.J I$ put everything on "y ist.J IRea yK That)s strange. $ don)t. There are a dozen or so things $ kno# $) never forget. $t)s %y rote %y no#. $ kno# e4act y #hich ais e and #hen the thought #i co"e to "e. $ fo o# the e4act sa"e path every ti"e $ go.J I$)ve run out of %utter p enty of ti"es,J *uzette offered. IWhere do you go shoppingKJ 8 iver asked hi". 33

I'ity Market, of course.J 8 iver nodded, s#a o#ing fro" the %eer in his hand, and then said2 I+nd so, despite a that shoring you)ve sti so"eho# forgotten ...J I$ kno#. The "ind ree s.J IWhat are the othersKJ IWhat are the other #hatKJ IThe other dozen ite"s.J IThe other dozen ite"sKJ IThat you tick off #hi e you)re shopping.J I8h. We ... $)" not sure. $ "ean, $ can)t -ust ree the" off the top of "y head -ust ike that. &utter, sugar, eggs, coffee, %eer. There are others, %ut $ have to %e in the grocery store. Like $ said, such and such ais e such and such, so and so ais e so and so. $ think $ have to %e there.J I$ see.J I,ou kno# ho# that is. 7hysica cues to cognition, they ca it. We cou dn)t ive #ithout the". 3isua signa s in the prefronta corte4 fire neurons that echo through the cere%e u" and trigger the "e"ory in the &ra"pton)s area, deep in the hippoca"pus. &ing %ang %oo".J I$ see.J I$ read an artic e ast "onth that pegged the pheno"enon e4act y.J I$ see.J I$t #as in The 9ation.J IWhat #asKJ IThe artic e $ read. +%out physica cues to cognition.J IThe 9ationKJ IThe 9ation.J 34

IThey)re sti pu% ishing The 9ationKJ I8f course. $t)s, ike, a historica pheno"enon, %ro.J (e punched 8 iver)s %icep, #hich "ade *uzette shudder. There #ere, she had noticed #hi e they ta ked, three open %ott es of the (igh Life, one in 8 iver)s hand, one on the stove, and one on top of the fridge e"ptied to a s#a o#, %ut sti . I(i, *uzette,J 8 iver fina y said. $n her opinion, she shou d have %een ackno# edged %y no#, a though she #as "ore &etsy)s friend than 8 iver)s. 8 iver eaned over and gave her shou ders a Euick sEueeze, the other co d around a (igh Life. (e took her coat. $t #as co d outside. The %ott e ooked so co d, frosting at the top. *he sa# the %otto" of the &ro#n Line ru"% ing %y through the #indo# ne4t to the fridge #hi e he hugged her. IThis is (adrian. $ to d you a%out hi".J (adrian said so"ething she cou dn)t Euite hear, %ut she shook his proffered hand even though it disgusted her, nothing persona . Dou%t ess he dre# so"e %itter conc usion fro" her fingertip handshake, %ut it #as nothing persona . Then she said so"ething she a so cou dn)t Euite hear, %ut she #as fair y certain that she)d s"i ed, in so"e vast conspiracy. (er ips #ere too done up that night, she fearedL she feared they ooked % ood.red. *he feared they ooked % ood.red against skin that ooked pa er than nor"a %ecause she)d dyed her hair % ack ast #eekend, she sudden y feared. 9o# it #as Thursday. Three open %ott es and t#o "en. Were they "enK I$ didn)t "ean,J *uzette said, eaning into 8 iver, Ito interrupt your story.J The third %ott e on the stove did not appear to have %een drunk fro" at a . The sizz ing of the steak, to *uzette)s ears, had gro#n e4tre"e. 8 iver had disappeared to put a#ay her coat. $f it had %een her, she #ou d have %een ha f.panicked. 'ooking "eat on the stove a #ays terrified her. *he #as Euarter.panicked sti , even though she had no responsi%i ity. *he thought %rief y of the re ief a ruined dinner. The unresponsi%i ity of it. The other.person.ness of it. 8 iver ca"e %ack. (e caught her ooking at the ski et and a shado# fi tered across his face. (e %ent do#n to the eve of the steak. I$ #as saying,J (adrian #as saying, Ithat $ #as once in 8 iver)s situation.J IWhat situationKJ


IThis. 'ooking. Dntertaining. 9ot Euite e4act y the sa"e, $ "ean, there #ere on y t#o of us. $ #as entertaining a young #o"an, you see, on #ho" $ had certain designs. 9ot "eaning anything specific %y that, of course. This #as so"e years ago no#.J (e reached up to the top of the fridge for the near y e"pty %ott e, and then he continued2 I$ #as preparing steak, "uch as our friend 8 iverJ..he #as ifting up each s a% in turn, sure y checking for the Mai ard reactionL she #as proud to kno# that ter", and sure that neither of the "en did..Jis doing no#. The steaks rea y ooked Euite nice y. Dverything #as co"ing a ong e4act y as $)d p anned.J (e he d tight to that near y e"pty (igh Life, eaning s anted y, casua y, against the refrigerator, and tried to "ake eye contact #ith *uzette, #hich she noticed and ignored. *he #as focused on that third fu %ott e on the stove, dangerous y c ose to 8 iver)s "achinations. I+nd so #hat happenedKJ *uzette asked. *he #as so "iffed that her nostri s #ere f aring, she #as sure. *he cou dn)t he p it. *he #as past %eing e"%arrassed, "ost y. *he sti #ore the red scarf of the co d around her neck. IDverything #as co"ing a ong fine.J I,ou said that.J I,es. *he had arrived, and $ #as cooking, and #e #ere conversing #ith considera% e ease. *he #as drinking. $ #as drinking. 8n y, -ust after $)d poured her second g ass of red #ine..#e #ere drinking 7inot, in case you are interested, %ut not &urgundy..and the "ea #as co"ing to its denoue"ent ...J I'an $ have a (igh Life, p easeKJ $t #as a pretty s"a kitchen. (adrian fina y s#a o#ed the ast of his (igh Life and s id to the side, the anger co"ing over her in #aves. There #as a certain hu"i iation in having to ask. (adrian tossed the e"pty %ott e in the trash. I,ou don)t recyc eKJ *uzette feigned #hat cou d as easi y have %een rea appa "ent. IThat)s rea y %ad, 8 iver.J IWhatKJ (e put do#n the steak. I8f course $ recyc e.J I$KJ (e pointed at the %ack door. (adrian sighed, and picked the %ott e out of the trash. 3<

I$t)s too co d to go outside,J he said. IMay%e #e can -ust set the" on the counter for tonightKJ IWe don)t have that "uch counter space, %ro.J I$t)s not ike #e)re going to drink that deep y of the (igh Life, are #eK $ "ean, #e do have to #ork to"orro#. We have -o%s. We have ives.J IWhat if $ didn)tKJ *uzette said. I7ardonKJ IWhat if $ didn)t have a -o%K Lots of peop e are out of #ork these days. Wou dn)t you fee %ad for saying thatKJ IWhat if you didn)t have a -o%KJ IRight. ,ou can)t assu"e anything. ,ou never kno# these days.J I&ut you do have a -o%. 8 iver to d "e. (e to d "e you #ork for 'o""union.J I/uck,J *uzette said, s"i ing a rea s"i e and taking a ong s#a o# fro" her (igh Life. I$ thought it #as #orth a try.J IThese are -ust a%out done,J 8 iver said. I$ can keep the" #ar" for a itt e #hi e, %ut if &etsy doesn)t get here ...J (adrian had picked up the fu or near y fu %ott e fro" the stove, and *uzette craned to see if there #as spatter on the %ott e. IWhatKJ IWhatK 8h ... nothing.J *he straightened up. IWe , #hen is &etsy supposed to get hereKJ I+t east fifteen "inutes ago.J ITe4t her.J I$ te4ted her.J I,ou cou d ca her,J (adrian suggested. 3B

I$s (adrian rea y your na"eKJ IWhatKJ I$s (adrian rea y your na"e, $ said.J I$s (adrian rea y "y na"eKJ I,eah. $s (adrian rea y your na"e.J I(adrian is rea y "y na"e. $t)s "y "idd e na"e.J IWhat)s your first na"eKJ I1ohn.J IWe , #hy do you go %y (adrian, thenK $t)s not ike your na"e is ... 1a#arha a .J I1a#arha a KJ I$ cou dn)t think of any ... funny na"es.J I$ndian na"es are funny to youKJ IThat is not the point and you kno# it! The point is, $ #as asking, #hy don)t you -ust go %y 1ohnKJ I8h. Right. We , %ecause "y father)s na"e is 1ohn. ,ou kno#, you don)t #ant t#o 1ohns roa"ing around the house.J IWere you the o destKJ I,es. WhyKJ I&ecause it)s a #ays see"ed Eueer to "e, ho# so"e peop e give their na"e to a chi d other than the o dest.J ISueerKJ I&ecause #hat does that "ake the o dest chi d thinkK That he #asn)t good enough for your na"eKJ *he took a ong s#a o# of the (igh Life.


I9o, $ #as the o dest. $ have t#o sisters. They had a #ays p anned to na"e "e 1ohn %ut ca "e (adrian. &ut of course #ho can te ho# things #i rea y turn out. $ "ight have %een ca ed (oney &a%y or 1ohnny &oy or QDrian. &ut then so"ething happened that sea ed the p an. $t #as rea y pretty tragic. $)" not sure that $ #ant to ta k a%out it.J 8 iver continued to investigate the steaks. *uzette started to fee %ad. IWhat happened,J (adrian continued, start ing her, Iis that "y father died. 8n the very eve of "y %irth. +n inveterate o d "otorcyc e rider, "y father #as. +nd he #as out on a dark and stor"y night the night %efore $ #as %orn, a "onth pre"ature y, a%or %rought on %y the trau"a of his accident. (is in-uries proved fata . +fter that they had no choice %ut to ca "e (adrian. There cou d %e on y one 1ohn.J (e sipped fro" his (igh Life, #hi e *uzette and 8 iver pretended to ook e se#here, and drank fro" theirs. I9o, not rea y,J he fina y said. IMy father)s sti a ive. $ #as -ust kidding.J *uzette spit her %eer %ack into the %ott e and gaped. (is s"i e spanned a significant distanceL her ref e4ive dis%e ieving snort did the sa"e. 8 iver ca ed &etsy, and #hen she didn)t ans#er he du"ped in the s iced "ushroo"s and onions and #hen she sti hadn)t ca ed or ans#ered his te4t he knifed in a Euarter.stick of %utter for the pan sauce and fina y insisted that they eat #hi e everything #as hot and ready. *evera "ore (igh Lifes had %een consu"ed. I$)" trou% ed %y this, 8 iver. $ rea y a".J *uzette #as starting to fee , as she often did, as though she #ere %eing set up, so"eho# "anipu ated, in a #ay that "ight %e %ad or good %ut over #hich in either case she #ou d have no o%vious contro . 8 iver shrugged. I*he kne# #hat ti"e dinner #as. What are #e supposed to do, rearrange our ives to suit herKJ *o (adrian set a fresh ne# %eer %eside three of the four p ates. *uzette it cand es. 8 iver arranged the steaks on a serving tray. I$ -ust #onder #here she cou d %e,J *uzette said as they #ere sitting do#n. 8 iver shrugged, and *uzette hated hi" for the #ay his %aggy s#eater fe off his shou ders. They cut into their steaks. They ooked i"pressive, *uzette had to ad"it. They had %een cooked to the reEuisite e4terna crust, and the red te"perature at the center see"ed e4act y right. &ut in the "outh they tasted so"eho# "ore ike an idea of steak, 3A

a "ost ike "i itary steak. May%e not Euite as %ad as that sounds, %ut not good. *o"ething #as #rong. *uzette fe t sure of it. /ina y, she asked2 I*o #hy #ere you ha f panickingKJ Dveryone #as che#ing. 8 iver had c osed his eyes in a si"u acru" of p easure. (adrian fussed #ith his p ate, arranging strict de"i itarized zones %et#een the steak and the sca oped potatoes and the green %eans. *uzette s#a o#ed. $t #as %ecause of the e ectric stove, she thought. $t #as i"possi% e to cook a decent cut of "eat on an e ectric stove. *he fe t so %ad for 8 iver. IWho are you ta king toKJ 8 iver fina y said. *uzette took another %ite of the dreadfu steak and indicated (adrian #ith her shou der. I(i",J she said through her che#ing. I(adrian.J *ti che#ing, (adrian g anced start ed around the roo", as though ooking for a te evision ca"era. I,ou said you #ere ha f.panicked,J she said. I(a f.panickedKJ IWhen you forgot the %utter, you said.J IThe %utter!J (adrian s#a o#ed, and drained fro" the (igh Life. (e took severa heavy %reaths, staring at the dancing f a"e in front of *uzette. IThe %utter,J he said again. IRight,J *uzette said. IWhat you forgot.J IWhat $ forgot. That)s right. $t)s a funny story rea y.J 8 iver re"ained ost to the #or d. IWe #ere co"ing to the end of the "ea %efore $ rea ized. The end of the cooking, $ "ean. The %eginning of the "ea , $ guess. The steaks #ere a "ost doneL $ had diced an onion and a package of "ushroo"s and t#o c oves of gar ic %efore she arrivedL $ took the ce ophane.covered %o# out of the refrigerator. Mise en p ace. +nd that)s #hen $ rea ized.J I9o %utter.J 4;

I9o %utter for the pan sauce. +nd a pan sauce #ithout %utter ... #hy, it)s no pan sauce at a . $t)s %are y even gravy. $t)s -ust ... stock.J I*tock.J IThat)s right. $t)s -ust ... grease. +nd this gir #as ... %eautifu . Long % onde hair ... everything. $ cou d no sooner serve her such greasy steak than $ cou d ... $ don)t even kno#!J They che#ed in si ence for a #hi e. *udden y, 8 iver said2 I*o #hat did you doKJ IWhat did $ doK $ did the on y thing that $ cou d do. $ thought fast. $ asked her to run out to "y car to "ake sure that it #as ocked. $ to d her that $ had a sudden terri% e fear that $)d eft it un ocked and $ gave her "y keys. $ to d her that $ kne# it #as #eird and that $ #ou d do it "yse f %ut $ had to attend to the steaks and then the pan sauce. $ to d her that ti"e #as of the essence and that this #as a ti"e #hen #e had to co"e together. +nd so $ asked her to do "e the favor. $ to d her $ trusted her. $ hadn)t yet kissed her. $ gave her "y %ig %ro#n eyes. The s#eet ones. Like a puppy dog.J I,ou itera y to d her that ti"e #as of the essenceKJ I$ did.J I+nd that this #as a ti"e #hen peop e had to co"e togetherKJ I+ndKJ I+nd these #ere your #ords.J I$n so "any. &asica y. ,es.J I+ndKJ I+nd #hatKJ I+nd #hat happenedKJ *uzette fe t ike sta%%ing hi" #ith her fork. IWhat happenedK The second the door c osed %ehind her $ opened up the freezer and took out the coffee can everyone keeps in there. /or the drippings. +nd $ did the on y thing a "an cou d do in that situation2 $ chise ed out a ta% espoon of accu"u ated ard and fat and spooned it into the frying pan. $t #as the on y thing $ cou d think under such tre"u ous circu"stances. &y the ti"e she got %ack and $ thanked her there #as no


#ay that she cou d te . $t #as a %ri iant so ution, $ ad-udged it then, and ad-udge it sti . $t)s the reason it says Qpro% e".so ving) on "y resu"e. Cnder ski s.J I$ don)t think you)ve used Qtre"u ous) correct y,J 8 iver said. IWait a second,J *uzette said. I,ou used your coffee.can grease to su%stitute for the %utter in a pan sauce you #ere serving to a gir your #ere trying to "ake it #ithKJ IMake itKJ 8 iver asked. Dven *uzette had to ad"it that the ter" "ade her unco"forta% e. I$ had no choice,J (adrian said. I$t #as "y on y option. Dverything #as a ined up. $ cou dn)t et the a%sence of %utter stand in "y #ay at that point. $t #as actua y an ingenious so ution. 9o one cou d te the difference.J I9o oneK $t #as -ust her!J I,ou)re outraged on her %eha fK 7sha#!J (adrian itera y said Ipsha#.J I&ut that grease ... it cou d have co"e fro" any#here.J I+nd pro%a% y did.J I&acon, chicken #ings, fried eggs, ground ha"%urger, "e ted %utter and gri ed cheese ... and ho# ong had that can %een in there any#ayKJ I,ears, "ost ike y. (o# ong does it take to fi a coffee canKJ *uzette didn)t catch #hether it #as 8 iver or (adrian #ho said that. *he had turned to her steak to co"pose herse f. I,ears. Fod on y kno#s #hat kind of disease you #ere su%-ecting her to.J (adrian #aved that a#ay #ith his hand. I9o one got hurt. 9o one got sick. 9o one #as any #iser. 7 us $ ate it, "yse f, too, don)t forget.J I$ don)t forget.J *uzette #as #rigg ing #ith rage. *he fe t ike shedding her c othes and then her skin, a though not in any kind of se4ua #ay, of course. I&ut that #as unfair of you. Rea y unfair.J *he turned %ack to her steak again. *o did (adrian. *o did 8 iver.


I+nd another thing.J *uzette)s si ver#are against her p ate rang out in the si ence. I9ot on y the disease, it)s a so disgusting. 1ust p ain disgusting.J IWe , ike $ said,J (adrian said, Iit doesn)t "atter. 9othing ca"e of it.J I9othing ca"e of itKJ she de"anded. *he % e# a strand of hair fro" her face. IWhat is it ike #ith youKJ I*uzette, #hatK *uzette ...J I$s it ikeJ..she s#a o#ed..J#e don)t even e4ist to youKJ I...J *he turned %ack to her p ate. I1ust stop it. $ rea y ... $ don)t #ant to ta k a%out this any "ore.J Later, after the "ea , they sat three across the couch, eaned in around a %ong on the coffee ta% e. *uzette had pretended to %e surprised #hen 8 iver "oved #ord ess y for the" to s"oke #eed. +nd yet she had %een that #ho e ti"e e4pectant. 8 iver produced a grinderL (adrian #atched hi" c ick it through its ratcheting circ eL *uzette #atched (adrian. *he took a practice % o#, to test the %u%% ing of the %ong, and then rep aced it. *he c asped her hands in her ap. I$)" rea y #orried a%out &etsy,J she said fina y. IThis isn)t ike her.J I$t isn)t ike her at a ,J 8 iver said, sti t#isting the #eed in the grinder. I&ut $ don)t get into her %usiness.J I(er %usinessKJ 8 iver shrugged. (e had finished, apparent y, and et the grinder fa to the g ass coffee ta% e so oud y *uzette #as afraid it had cracked. + f a"ing "otorcyc e % azed off the top of the grinder. I$)" not her keeper.J I*he)s your gir friend, 8 iver.J (e shrugged again, in a "anner that suggested to *uzette he cou d use a good s#ift kick in the crotch. I$ can)t %e responsi% e for her.J I,ou can)t %e responsi% e for herKJ 43

IThat)s not #hat ove is.J ILove ... (adrian ...J (e put do#n the %ong. I,esKJ ITe hi" ... you)ve got to agree #ith "eJ..she #as near y hyperventi ating..Jhis gir friend ... &etsy ... shou dn)t he %e "ore concernedKJ (adrian, #ho #as in the "idd e 5and *uzette #ou d ater #onder if he had so "aneuvered #ith intention, %ut #hen she #ent to rep ay the "igration to the couch in her head the scene understanda% y acked specifics6, picked %ack up the %ong and shifted, -ust a %it, in his seat. IWe ,J he fina y said, Iit)s a strange %usiness a around, that)s for sure. $ don)t even kno# &etsy that #e .J They had started in, the three of the", on the third si4.pack of the (igh Life. IThank you,J *uzette said. I*ee, 8 iverKJ ILet "e pack that,J 8 iver said. (adrian handed over the %ong. I$t)s not as though there)s anything $ cou d do. $)ve ca ed. $)ve te4ted. What "ore do you #antKJ I,ou cou d ... $ don)t kno#. $ -ust #ant you to care.J I$ care. (e , $ #ish she #ere here right no#. ,ou kno# $ ove her. &ut #hat do you #ant "e to do, ca the po iceKJ 8 iver passed the %ong to (adrian, #ho passed it to *uzette, saying, ILadies first.J *uzette accepted it as though %eing handed a %a%y, or Ming vase, or a thing de icate y %a anced, perhaps %y the i"percepti% e forces of e ectro"agnetis". *he stared at it for a "o"ent. IWi you ight this for "eKJ


(adrian picked up the ighter fro" the coffee ta% eL she %rought the %ong to her "outhL he %rought the ighter to the %o# L and she inha ed, creating %u%% es of a deep satisfaction. $t #as a ong ta %ong, uti itarian, and %y the ti"e the s"oke reached her it had coo ed to a de ightfu #ar"th that *uzette private y ikened to a "other)s cookies -ust fro" the oven. *he pushed the ighter a#ay, touching hi"L she o#ered the %ong %et#een her kneesL seconds ater she e4ha ed a great c oud, #ith %i o#ing pride. $t #as the sa"e every ti"e. I9ice,J (adrian said. IThank you for ighting it for "e.J *he passed the %ong to (adrian and it "ade its rounds, "ore than once, and #as re.packed, "ore than t#ice. *uzette %egan to fee good in a #ay that #as %oth fa"i iar and unfa"i iar. *he eaned %ack, raising her ar"s over her head. I$n the anthropo ogy of #o"en,J (adrian #as saying, Itragedy is a #e . popu ated for".J 8 iver snort. aughed. *uzette had no idea #hat he #as ta king a%out. IWait ... are you ta king a%out &etsyKJ *uzette asked. I9ot e4act y. 9ot specifica y.J I(e doesn)t kno# #hat he)s ta king a%out,J 8 iver said. I(e doesn)t kno# #hat he)s not ta king a%out.J I$)" not saying anything. $)" -ust saying that, in a situation ike this, peop e usua y say that there)s no reason to think that anything %ad has happened. My point is -ust that there)s no reason to think so"ething hasn)t. 0;.0;. Dither the one or the other. 'ou d go either #ay. / ip a coin. + tragedy cou d %e happening right no#, at this e4act "o"ent, as #e dra# in our %reaths unkno#ing. 8r it cou d %e ater this #eek. 8r it "ay ho d off for years. My point is that you can)t say, at each "o"ent it)s one outco"e or the other, 0;.0;, and the on y thing you can say is that you don)t kno# #hen it #i co"e, %ut co"e it #i . That is for certain.J I'o"e it #i ,J 8 iver cracked. I*eeKJ *uzette said, eaning for#ard perhaps a %it "ore dra"atica y than she had intended. IThis is #hat $ #as saying, 8 iver.J IWhat #ere you saying, %a%y do KJ


I&a%y do K $s that #hat you -ust ca ed "eKJ I1ust a ter" of endear"ent. Re a4.J $f it #eren)t for &etsy..#ho at that e4act "o"ent "ight %e ying in a ditch 5a though this particu ar tragedy *uzette had foresta ed, she #as sure, %y the instant of her i"agination6 or raped in an a ey 5this one see"ed "ore ike y6 or under the knives of surgeons after a "u ti.car accident 5nothing you cou d do a%out that one6..she "ight have said so"ething rea y regretta% e. $nstead she ooked at (adrian. I9ot coo , %ro,J he said. IWhatever.J Then, nothing happened for a #hi e2 *uzette eaned %ack again, def atedL (adrian ooked at his handsL 8 iver s u"ped as if as eep. 9o one see"ed to %e having any thoughts, none that anyone cou d detect. $t #as hard even to te #hether the si ence #as unp easant, unti fina y it #as %roken %y a %uzz. The %uzz stopped, then started again. +nd then stopped. IWhat is thatKJ *uzette asked, spooked, fee ing very high. I$ think ...J (adrian said as it %egan again, I$ think ... it)s 8 iver)s phone.J I8 iverKJ 8 iver hadn)t "oved. (e "ight have %een unconscious, a though everyone kne# he #asn)t. (adrian reached across the fe# short inches %et#een the" and set the %ack of his hand against 8 iver)s thigh. +s though his pa " #ou d %e ho"ose4ua . The %uzz %egan again, and then stopped. (e nodded to *uzette. I8 iverK +ren)t you going to ans#er itKJ I$t doesn)t ook ike it,J 8 iver fina y said, eyes c osed, sti not "oving. I&ut ... it cou d %e &etsy.J The phone %uzzed one ast ti"e and then fe si ent. I'ou d %e #ou d %e shou d #e ...J I+ren)t you at east going to ook to see if it #as herKJ I$t doesn)t ook ike it.J I8 iver ...J 4<

IWho gives a fuckKJ he roared, fina y co"ing to ife. I$)" stoned. $)" not her keeper. ,ou kno# #hat $ "eanKJ Roused, he fired up the %ong one ast ti"e, pu ing so hard that he e"ptied the %o# of its contents, pu ing it through to the su ied #ater %eneath. (e un oosed the car%, producing a thin #hist e. *uzette stood up. IWhy, you)re -ust ... you)re nothing %ut a dick!J *o near to tears that they "ay as #e have %een co"ing, she stood up and shook her head, as though to c ear it, #hich #as i"possi% e. *he took one hard ook at 8 iver and then at (adrian, %ut it #as a different hardness. Then she ran fro" the apart"ent. *he didn)t even %other #ith her coat, didn)t even %other to s a" the door, and through her f eeing she heard (adrian %ehind her say, I9ice going, %ro,J and then rise up after her. $t had %een co d, ear ier, %ut no#, un%ekno#nst, it had started to sno#, not soft y, %ut #ith f akes so s"a they #ere near y crysta s. Despite a the dark hair on her ar" 5#hich she detested6, *uzette #as co d, i""ediate yL the air she %reathed in #as co d do#n to her ungs and into her % ood. The tears froze in her face %efore they had "uch chance to fa . (adrian caught up #ith her. I(ey,J he said. I(i.J $n the a#k#ard shivering night he pu ed off his hooded s#eatshirt. I(o d sti ,J he said, #hich she did, sniff ing, a ready tre"% ing. (e %rought the hoodie do#n over her head and shou ders. (e kept his hands on her %ody and %rought the" together %ehind her %ack, dra#ing her to hi". IThere, there,J he said, Iit)s okay.J *he suffered it. The sno# fe "ost y on hi". $t #as of course "uch ess co d together. I*eeKJ he said, and stuck out his tongue, %racing for the stinging of the sno#. &ut the f akes on y "e ted. *he pu ed a#ay, %ut gent y, and stuck out her tongue, too. + thin tendon of aughter %rought on a hiccup. I,ou can)t fee it,J she said. I$ kno#,J he said. I,ou can)t fee it at a .J I$sn)t it niceKJ 4B

*he aughed, and spread her ar"s #ide ike an airp ane, and took off careening to the side of 8 iver)s..and &etsy)sK..%ui ding. (e fo o#ed her again, catching her against the #a of the parking garage ne4t door. (e #as co d, %ut didn)t sho# it. (er %ack against the %rick, he c osed the distance %et#een the" #ith a sing e step and %raced hi"se f against the #a , %racketing her. They re"ained that #ay for a ong pregnant "o"ent. $t see"ed ike everything cou d go either #ay. 9ot "oving, not touching, the co d see"ed no# intensified, they #ou d agree in their reco ections, over %our%on in %ars, -oints shared in a eys, thin ines of coke off sha%%y "irrors. They disagreed in the story over #hether that ru"% e #as the D overhead or -ust the %eating of their hearts. Then, #ith thoughts of #ar"th, he o#ered hi"se f to her. Later, they #ou d end up "arried for a fe# years. Thankfu y, they never had chi dren. *he didn)t kno# it, %ecause they never tried, %ut she #as suffering during those years fro" a c inica insta%i ity of the insides that #ou d have prevented hea thy conception. Too "uch %eer and %ong #ater ad"i4ed to a native an4iety stopping up her tu%es. &ut years after that, in the co"parative ca " of a hard.#on age, #ith a ne# hus%and, #ho" she #ou d a so divorce, she had no pro% e" getting pregnant at a . *he #as certain at the ti"e that this #ou d "ake her happy. $t "ade her so"ething, that #as for sure, %ut pro%a% y nothing "ore than a "other.


The -idnight Heir 9rin Dan(er

The 8stara Reve #as a ready in fu s#ing #ith 9ia 'ionaoith arrived. (e surveyed the happy, dancing denizens of the *un 'ourt #ith "i d disdain. Dvery#here he turned, they aughed and pranced around, ce e%rating the return of *pring. Did they not rea ize today #as not a day of rene#a and happiness, %ut rather a day of good%yeK The oss he #ou d endure today ay heavy on his shou ders as he "ade his #ay to#ards the #ooden dais at the opposite end of the grassy kno that served as a court yard. Dancers parted, so"e %o#ing their heads, as he passed. (is hand auto"atica y rest on the go den hi t of the s#ord at his hip. (is #hite dragon.hide ar"or g ea"ed in the sun ight, "uch ike the go den cur s atop his head. The dais ca"e into vie# and he paused, a %reath caught in his throat as his eyes fe on his "other. What #as she doing hereK *he #asn)t #e enough to %e here today. + ar" shot through hi" as he c osed the distance to her side. (is o der %rother, his fair hair g inting in the sun, stepped in front of hi" and put a hand on 9ia )s chest. + go den key g ea"ed on a red ri%%on around 'onnor)s neck, a sun engraved on its hand e. I*he asked to %e here,J 'onnor to d hi". 9ia g ared into his %rother)s ight % ue eyes. I*he shou dn)t %e,J he argued. I*he)s too #eak.J I&eing here "akes her stronger. 1ust ook at her, 9ia L you) see for yourse f.J 9ia ooked passed his %rother, at the "other they #ere osing. The f o#ers that % oo"ed #ithin her go den tresses ooked "ore a ive than they had in years, vi%rant shades of fuchsia, #hite and tea , their green eaves #rapping around her head in a verdant cro#n. The *un Sueen ooked "ore a ive than she had since they)d first earned of her i ness. Dven so, a tightness sett ed at the corners of her eyes #hen she caught sight of 9ia #ith his %rother. *he reached out a de icate, pa e hand, %eckoning hi" to her side. 9ia stepped around his %rother and #ent to her, knee ing %efore her %ark and vine throne. / o#ers % oo"ed a around her, "aking her ook ike the Foddess of *pring she had once %een. 9o#, she #ou d %e nothing. I9ia , "y ove,J she #hispered, her voice as "usica as the "orning %irds that greeted hi" every day. 1ust the sound of it, and her hand on his cheek, "ade it hard for hi" to %reathe. IMother,J he rep ied %roken y. (e ifted his head to "eet her eyes. IWhat are you doing hereKJ + soft s"i e graced her ips even as she arched an eye%ro# at hi". IDid you think $ #ou d spend "y ast day a oneKJ The pain of an arro# pierced his chest. I9o, of course not. $ "ean no disrespect.J IThen dance #ith "e and a is forgiven.J 9ia rose and took his "other)s hand in his. The %ark and vine throne ne4t to her #as e"pty, his father so"e#here in the cro#d. +nger rep aced so"e of his grief at the thought of his father)s a%sence. They turned to the cro#d and sa# 'ernunnos, the *un 4A

Ging, dancing and groping p ayfu y #ith *orcha de *o , a no% e#o"an of their 'ourt. *orcha)s f a"ing hair fe past her #aist, f ying around her ithe, s"a fra"e as the coup e danced and aughed. 'ernunnos ooked on y at his current over, the ant er cro#n fir" y p anted on his ong, straight chestnut ocks. &i e rose in the %ack of 9ia )s throat and he ignored the ca "ing energy his "other tried to soothe hi" #ith. I*he #i %e his Eueen. (e has a ready chosen her,J his "other ad"itted Euiet y. &etraya and shock #ashed over hi" as 9ia )s head snapped to#ards her. I,ou)re not even gone yet,J he dec ared, his skin g o#ing #ith his anger. (is "other continued to regard hi" serene y. I$ #i %e. ,our father #i need a strong #o"an %y his side, one #ho #i accept his "any discrepancies and %e a fir" ru er. ,our father #i not change. *orcha kno#s that. *he #i %e good for hi".J I(o# can you say thatK (e shou d %e dancing #ith youHnot his #hore!J Reve ers c osest to the" ooked over at 9ia )s raised voice. They Euick y ooked a#ay at the rage they sa# there. 9ia )s %ody g o#ed as %right y as the sun a%ove the", anger churning #i d y #ithin hi". (e fe t he #ou d e4p ode if he didn)t eave no#. I$)" sorry, Mother,J he apo ogized Euiet y and Euick y strode a#ay fro" her, c earing a path through the cro#d to the opposite side of the court yard #here he)d co"e in. The ta oak trees surrounding the yard %eckoned hi", their ancient "agic seeping into his angered sou . (e sta ked a fe# feet into the forest %efore co apsing against one of the trees, a o#ing its pure energy to take a#ay his rage. Tears g istened on his cheeks as he #atched his "other return to her seat. (is father paid her no attention, acting as if she #as a ready gone. 9ia et the tears fa , soothing strength fi ing hi", #ashing a#ay the anger and sadness #ithin. (e)d kno#n tonight #as going to %e hard. +fter #hat cou d have %een a fe# "inutes or a fe# hours, 9ia thanked the trees for their kindness and #a ked %ack to the party. (is father had eft *orcha to dance #ith his "other no# #hi e 'onnor ooked on fro" his throne ne4t to their father)s. The on y one "issing #as their youngest %rother. I&rother.J 'iaran)s voice sounded -ust %ehind his eft shou der. 9ia spun around and gasped at #hat he sa#. (is %rother)s #hite.% ond ocks #ere streaked #ith si ver and dark grey, a ready turning the co or of his ne# 'ourt. 'iaran)s %right % ue eyes p eaded #ith 9ia not to "ake a scene, so"ething 9ia tried to ignore %ut cou d not. This #as their ast night togetherL they shou d not spend it fighting. I'iaran,J 9ia greeted hi" and pu ed hi" c ose for a tight one.ar"ed hug. 'iaran thu"ped his %ack, his re ief #ashing over %oth of the" %efore he stepped %ack. 9ia )s eyes narro#ed. /ee ings #ou d not %e to erated #here he #as going. Worry ec ipsed a other e"otions #ithin 9ia and he opened his "outh to ask if his %rother #as sure #hen the reason for his %rother)s %etraya stepped up to the". 3a eriana 7ri"rose, the Moon 7rincess and on y chi d to the Moon Sueen +rianrhod, #rapped her thin, pa e ar"s around 'iaran as she regarded 9ia coo y fro" his side. (er pa e #hite.% onde hair g ea"ed %right y in the sun and her vio et eyes shone #ith ove as she gazed at 'iaran. They)d %een in ove for decades. $t #as on y her "other)s a%surd decree that forced 'airan to eave his fa"i y. I(o# can you "ake hi" do this to usK $sn)t osing our "other %ad enoughKJ 9ia spat at the Moon 7rincess. + si ver crescent "oon key g ea"ed on a si ver ri%%on around her neck. *he fro#ned at 9ia as she straightened %y 'iaran)s side. 0;

I$ a" not "aking your %rother do anythingL this is his choice. $t)s the on y #ay #e can %e together,J she argued, tossing her spark ing "ane over one shou der. Lightning crack ed in her vio et eyes, her anger getting a#ay fro" her. 8verhead, dark c ouds %egan to creep in. 'iaran g anced at the sky %efore #rapping his ar" around his %e oved)s #aist and steering her a#ay fro" his %rother. The ast thing any of the" needed #as to ruin tonight. + fe# feet a#ay, 'iaran turned %ack to his %rother. I$ have "ade "y decision. ,ou need to accept that,J he dec ared and disappeared #ith 3a eriana into the cro#d. 9ia )s hands c enched into fists as he #atched the" go. Dver since +rianrhod had "ade the dec aration that her daughter #ou d on y "arry so"eone roya , 'iaran and 3a eriana had %een trying to find a so ution that #ou d keep the" together. &ecause 'onnor #as the *un 'ourt)s keyho der, he #as considered the on y prince a"ong the". 9ia #as the 'ourt)s #arrior cha"pion, gaining hi" status and favor a"ong a . 'iaran #as on y the third %rother, a decent fighter and hea er #ho #as in ove #ith the Moon 7rincess. Logica y, 9ia kne# his %rother)s decision #as their on y choice. (e -ust #ished his %reaking heart cou d understand. + chi crept through the air, touching 9ia )s nose #ith the hint of frost and night. % oo"ing -as"ine. (e turned to#ards the southern entrance to the courtyard and #as not surprised to find Morrighan standing -ust outside the reve . The Midnight Sueen had co"e to co ect her ne# heir. Their eyes "et, ony4 against turEuoise, and 9ia )s hand #ent to his s#ord. The Midnight 'ourt #as his s#orn ene"y and even though he kne# this agree"ent had %een signed and sea ed %y %oth "onarchs, having the Midnight Sueen #ithin his rea " "ade hi" #ant to ki . The fact that she #as here to take his %rother on y intensified that fee ing. (e started to#ards her as Morrighan caught sight of his "other on the throne and headed there, her raven feathered cape f o#ing %ehind her. (er pa e skin ooked a "ost iridescent in the %right sun ight. + % ack cro#n of thorns rested ight y on her % ack hair that fe ike an ink spi do#n her %ack, "i4ing #ith the cape. The reve ers stopped and Euieted as the Midnight Sueen and *un 'ourt cha"pion #ove through the" to#ards their Eueen)s throne. I'orde ia, ho# are you, oveKJ Morrighan greeted his "other, %ending to kiss %oth cheeks. The *un Sueen s"i ed #ar" y, ho ding Morrighan)s hands in her o#n. IMorrighan, so good to see you again,J 'orde ia rep ied. 9ia stopped at the %otto" of the dais, staring up at the #o"en #ho acted ike o d friends. They #ere anything %ut. $n the past, they had fought fierce y against each other, night against day. 9o#, they had a co""on ground to stand on. &i e rose once again in 9ia )s throat as 'iaran stepped up ne4t to hi". I,ou ook ove y, dearL no one #ou d ever kno# you)re dying,J Morrighan continued. 9ia g ared at the #o"an)s %ack, his hands c enched in fists at his side. (is "other gave a #eak augh. IDeath is on y a ne# %eginning,J she dec ared, Iespecia y on the day of rene#a and re%irth. My return is guaranteed.J I,es, yes, there is that.J Morrighan fro#ned as she turned to scan the cro#d. + grin sp it her face #hen she found 'iaran standing so c ose. I+nd here)s the "an $ ca"e for. +re you sure you #ant to do this, %oyK &etray your fa"i y, your kingdo", a for the ove of so"e gir KJ 0:

The "usc es #orked in 'iaran)s -a# as he tried not to attack his future Eueen. I$t is not %etraya if it is done free y and consensua y,J he rep ied tight y. Morrighan)s eyes it up at the tone of his voice. I8h yes, you) %e a ove y addition to "y gro#ing court,J she "ur"ured and s#ept do#n the steps of the dais to take his ar". I*ay good%ye, %oy,J she instructed. IWe have no ti"e to #aste in our return. The night"ares get rest ess if $)" gone too ong.J 9ia noticed his %rother)s shudder at the thought of the vi e creatures of the Midnight 'ourt2 %oggarts, %anshees, go% ins, red caps, spriggans, and tro#s. The (ost. Cnease snaked through 9ia %ut he kept his shudder to hi"se f. To sho# #eakness to the Midnight Sueen "eant certain death in her 'ourt. (e #ished his %rother had "ore co"posure, hadn)t a ready sho#n #eakness in the for" of ove. (is reason for eaving the *un 'ourt cou d %e the one that ed to his de"ise. 9ia shook his head and averted his gaze as 'iaran turned to#ards hi". I9ia ,J 'iaran %egan Euiet y. + sniff e fro" atop the dais %rought %oth their attention to their "other, #ho sat on her throne #ith tears on her cheeks. 'iaran eft 9ia to go to her, #rapping his ar"s around her and "ur"uring too Euiet y to %e heard. Morrighan huffed and shifted fro" one foot to another, upset a%out having to #ait. 9ia )s eyes never eft his "other, #atching %right y co ored peta s fa around her as she hugged her youngest son. I$)" sorry,J she #hispered hoarse y. 'iaran pu ed %ack, his face t#isted in confusion and then horrified understanding as his "other continued. I$f $)d had you first, you #ou dn)t need to go to the Midnight 'ourt to %e #ith the #o"an you ove. ,ou #ou d stay #ith "e instead of risking osing yourse f for ove.J IMother, no. $t is not you #ho has to fee poor y a%out this situationL you have done nothing #rong. ,ou had no contro over #hen you %ore us, nor do you have contro over #hat $ #i do to keep "y ove.J I$)" -ust so afraid of osing you forever.J (is "other)s voice %roke and she covered her face as so%s %urst fro" her %ody, shaking her frai fra"e. I,ou #i never ose "e.J /ierce deter"ination shone %right y in his % ue eyes. The streaks of si ver in his hair crack ed #ith "agic as he ooked fro" his "other to his %rother. 9ia nodded so e"n y, kno#ing his %rother)s oath #as for hi" as #e . (e on y #ished he cou d %e ieve it. (e)d heard count ess horror stories of the things Morrighan did to those of the *un 'ourt in her territoryL #hat #as to say she #ou d treat hi" different y %ecause he #i ing y #ent to herK Dven as the heir, there #as no te ing ho# horri% y Morrighan #ou d treat hi" #hi e groo"ing hi" to take her "aca%re throne. 'orde ia p ucked a tea f o#er fro" her hair and pressed it into 'iaran)s hand %efore rising and eaving the dais, tears sti strea"ing do#n her cheeks though the shaking so%s had su%sided. 9ia #atched her go, stopping -ust inside the protective cover of the ancient oaks. *he ooked s"a and shrive ed a"ong their "a-esty. 'iaran put the f o#er in his pocket %efore turning to his %rother and %e oved. 9ia regarded hi" so"%er y, kno#ing there #as nothing "ore to say. IMerry 7art, %rother,J 9ia to d hi" and turned a#ay. (e passed through the cro#d Euiet y, ignoring a around hi" as he #a ked to#ards their "other. The cro#d parted Euiet y, "ost %o#ing their heads or averting their gaze.


(e reached his "other and stopped %eside her, an ar" snaking around her shou ders. *he eaned into hi", her %reath co"ing in short, hard gasps. (er ar"s and egs shook #ith the effort to keep standing %ut 9ia refused to et her go. (e)d -ust ost his %rotherL he #asn)t ready to ose his "other, too. Tears c ouded his vision as he ooked do#n at her. I,ou have to et "e go,J she #hispered, her voice shaking. (e shook his head, s#a o#ing the u"p in his throat. I$ can)t,J he rep ied. *he strugg ed to "ove and fina y stood facing hi", gazing up into his handso"e face. *he ifted her hand to cup his cheek. I,ou "ust,J she to d hi". 7eta s fe faster fro" her hair, ittering the forest f oor around the". 9ia ignored #hat they "eant. I$ #i return to you. Today is a%out rene#a and re%irthL to die on this day "eans to %e re%orn. $ #i find you again,J she pro"ised, her voice fading #ith every #ord to the point that 9ia had to ean into her to hear her fina dec aration. I$ ove you,J she %reathed and her "usc es seized, her %ody arching to#ards hi" as her fina %reath eft on a #hisper. 9ia aid her on the forest f oor as the peta s and vines fe fro" her hair. (er %ody #i ted, shrive ing in on itse f. + too soon, she #as gone, rep aced on y %y dying f o#er peta s and %ro#n vines. 9ia kne t ne4t to his "other)s re"ains and ifted his head, ooking to#ards the party to see if anyone kne# of his "other)s passing. 8n y one person stood on the edge of the forest #atching hi". 3a eriana 7ri"rose. +nger ike nothing he)d ever fe t %efore rose #ithin hi", % inding hi" in red. *he #as the reason this happened. *he "ight as #e have ki ed his "other the "o"ent she took a#ay his %rother. (e #ou d never forgive her for #hat she)d done. I,ou took everything fro" "e,J he said to her, kno#ing she heard despite the distance %et#een the". *he gasped, s o# y shaking her head as her hand rose to cover her "outh. (is s#ord f e# true through the trees, eaving his side #ithout a thought a%out the action. 3a eriana unged to the side a "o"ent %efore the % ade s iced through #here she)d -ust %een standing. I$ took nothing fro" you that #as not a ready ost,J she rep ied, a %o t of ightning snaking do#n fro" the sky near #here he stood. (e -u"ped to the side, the #hite.hot e ectricity singeing the side of his face as he ro ed to his feet. /ire erupted around %oth of the", a #a of f a"es shooting up fro" the ground. Matching f a"es danced in 9ia )s eyes as he gathered so"e of the fire to#ards hi", intent on using it on 3a eriana. &etraya and hatred p agued his "ind, grief over the oss he)d endured today suffocating his every thought. 9othing #ou d ever %e the sa"e. +s Euick y as the f a"es appeared, they disappeared. 9ia and 3a eriana stu"% ed and fe as the ground shook %eneath the", the arge trees around the" teetering dangerous y as their roots #ere redirected. (ot #aves of "agic fe over %oth of the", pinning the" to the ground as "assive tree roots shot up to ho d the" in p ace. 9ia i""ediate y stopped fighting, the anger #ithin hi" dissipating as the oak)s soothing nature seeped into his veins. IThis is not a ti"e for %att e.J 'ernunnos)s voice %oo"ed in the sudden Euiet of the forest. IWe are a hurting due to our oss today and "ust grieve. 3io ence is never the #ay.J


9ia dropped his gaze to the ground surrounding hi", asha"ed for his outrage. 'iaran had done #hat he thought #as his on y option, fo o#ing his heart into the epito"e of darkness to %e #ith the #o"an he oved. (is "otherO 'orde ia had %een dying ong %efore 'iaran)s decision #as "ade. *he had chosen to die today #ith the pro"ise of re%irth. 'ernunnos kne t ne4t to his son)s head, e4tending his hand to and on 9ia )s shou der. I$ kno# you)re hurting and osing your "other is not easy for either of us,J 'ernunnos %egan Euiet y. I'o"e, et us ce e%rate her ife and #ish for a speedy re%irth so she "ay %ring -oy to us once "ore.J The root re eased 9ia )s #aist, s ipping %ack into the ground. 9ia dusted hi"se f off as he unsteadi y got to his feet. 3a eriana a so stood, %rushing dirt and %ark fro" the front of her dress. 'ernunnos reached for %oth their hands, %o#ing his head in a si ent prayer. IWhat)s done sha not %e undone,J 'ernunnos dec ared as he ifted his head, his dark %ro#n eyes hard as they stared at his son. I$ don)t e4pect an apo ogy, %ut $ #i not to erate any "ore antics.J I,es, /ather,J 9ia "ur"ured and turned a#ay, #renching his hand fro" the "an)s grasp. With a disdainfu g are in 3a eriana)s direction, he sta ked fro" the forest. /or as ong as he ived, he #ou d never forgive 3a eriana for her ro e in today)s happenings.


Poetry Palooza My -ero By !erra .elly

My hero how I looked u to you ad!ired you tried so hard "or you but you looked right through !e ne#er saw the good only the !istakes that anyone $ould !ake I was ne#er er"e$t only a $hild but I tried so hard you always de!anded better ushing and ushing I thought that !eant you lo#ed !e wanted better "or !e But it was %ust a oint o" ride &ou ne#er saw !e Just the a$hie#e!ents 'o!ething to brag about I tried so hard I %ust wanted you to see !e E#en now a"ter so !any years I !iss the hero (he "ather I adored But you turned into a stranger And I a! tired o" trying so hard I a! !e And that)s all I $an be (hat should be enough It "inally is "or !e


!he /uotidian Man By 0im -auck

I dan$e with you all night in !y drea!s* A ne#er ending sweet !elody it see!s* (ill the lead i e !orning "alls+ And reality on$e again $alls* (he days %ust bleed into one another+ (hese $rude awakenings !e used to bother+ (i!e was I $ould not stand it+ I see now that ti!e is the bandit+ ,oes by so da!ned "ast+ (rying to hold the !e!ories ast+ (hey)re getting all the !ore hazier+ (he old boy is going $razier+ But when i see the world through your eyes+ &ou show !e there are %ust no lies+ In the soul o" one who $ries+ Just the ure tre!bling when we realize+ li"e is "or li#ing+ (hank you "or "orgi#ing+ (he "ool who %ust now has started+ (o see that when he is de arted+ (he world will kee turning+ (he o$eans will go on $hurning+ (his -uotidian !an)s lega$y shall kee burning+ (hough his swan song has been sung+ .is hat "or the last ti!e hung+ his unre-uited drea! goes on*


1ightmare By 0amie 2an3er

(ra ed in a real! /nly I see! to be in I "eel so abandoned (here)s no one in sight E#ery turn I !ake 0eels like I)! $rashing Into a bri$k wall (rying to "ind the light I)#e nowhere else to go 1on)t know what else to do 2ant to wake u "ro! (his night!are+ this "right I)! all out o" o tions Cannot see in darkness 2ill no one shed so!e light (o this dark and dreary night


+utlets By 2enny E Marshall

(ake the si! le leasures In the si! le things in li"e (he grass is always greener /n the other side 2e are not earthwor!s Let us get out in the night &ou do not need that blanket &ou ha#e the whole sky


1rea!$at$her Inter#iew: 3ristal M$3errington

Conducted by Tony Angelo Tell me a little bit about your life? &osh' #ell ( su!!ose you could say (%m a normal )cottish #oman. ( drink tea' #rite my books. ( su!!ose #hat makes me stand out' is that a lot of my #ork comes to me #hen (%m in the bath #ith hundreds of candles around me. ( am a huge fan of "restling. ( have some serious soft s!ots for the men that go out there and risk their lives to entertain us. (%m *+ years old and have eight books on sale in ma,or retailers of -books. (ncluding .ma/on. (%m a bestseller in .ma/ons 0eference and 1ollection. ( even got into the to! *22'222 on .ma/on%s !aid best sellers list in the 34. ( never thought ( #ould get there. (%m a full time #riter of "restling 0omance' Young .dult 0omance' -rotica' Hi! Ho!' 5aranormal and some alternative books. When did you start to write? ( started to #rite #hen ( #as a child' ( actually started #riting a story one night cause my .untie #as coming to visit me in the hos!ital. ( didn%t have anything for her. ( #anted her to come back and visit me again. ( #rote her a story and it #as the first time ( ever #rote a story. ( believe she still has it. .ll ( can remember about it #as that it had a &iraffe in it and a man called )hane Helms. Who Inspires you? ( have to s!ilt this ans#er into t#o. For #riting its easy 0achel 1aine' 1atherine 1ookson and 1elia 0eece. 6hose three #omen gave me the ins!iration to continue on #riting #hen things are too hard to kee! !icking u! the !en and seeing #here it #ould take me. (n the sense of "restling' ( have to say 4id 4ash' )hane Helms' 6he Hardy Boys for #ithout them ( #ouldn%t have been such a fighter against my .rthritics as ( am no#. What are you working on now? "orking on the second book of my telling of dealing #ith .rthritics. (ts called 70. )aviours &uilt8 Ho# ( "anted 6o ie' #hich follo#s the successful book called Burning From "ithin8 (nside 4ristal Mc4errington' 1onquering 0. and ysle9ia%. "e are also #orking on "restling 0omance still. "e are coming to the end of the . ifferent Life series. "e are doing three short s!in off series and these are going into 0A

5rint in March. :o fi9 dates yet. "e have also got some more Young .dult stuff coming that isn%t "restling 0omance related. )hetlands (mmortals is also looking to be in !rint very shortly. "e are starting #ith the first four ebooks and #ill be doing every four ebooks into one big !rint book. (t #ill be the longest series ( do. "e have a ma! that states it #ill be over +* ebooks. %re there any future pro:ects in the works? "ith any future !ro,ects then you need to kno# there set in stone' as of yet "riting is my main goal. ( love #riting and ho!e to see some of it going to#ards film in the near future' but nothing is set in stone. "e are also #orking on other things. ( ho!e by the end of *2;+ (%ll be a screen!lay "riter 5rofessionally and an .uthor. 6hat%s the goal any#ay.


+ pha Revie#s &y 'arrie *und

+uthor2+nya &ast Tit e2 Witch /ire +nya &ast had "e % ushing a the #ay through Witch /ire, the first %ook in the -lemental "itches )eries. $n case you are not at a into hot, stea"y, erotic se4 scenes you "ight #ant to stay a#ay fro" this %ook. $f ove a good ove scene this is the right %ook for you. This dark nove is had "e #anting "ore fro" the first page to the ast page. $ have not a #ays thought of "yse f as a %ig ro"ance reader as it see" too "uch se4 in a %ook can distract fro" the good stuff. $t so"eti"es fee s ike fi er "ateria , %ut apparent y not #hen it is done #e . Witch /ire is a%out a #aitress na"ed Mira, #ho practices Wicca %ut does not %e ieve in the "agica aspects or her re igion. Then she "eets 1ack #ho saves her fro" a %ruta attack at her apart"ent and proceeds to take her against her #i . 1ack is a fire #itch and he keeps te ing her she is an air #itch. (e #as sent to protect her fro" an evi #ar ock that is trying to sacrifice her. *he #as not raised as a #itch at the reEuest of her parents, so she finds a of this hard to %e ieve. 1ack kno#s there is a natura attraction %et#een air and fire so he tries to keep the se4ua tension do#n to a "ini"u". (e is not successfu #ith this and he kno#s he cou d %e in %ig trou% e #hen his %oss finds out. $ oved the interactions #ith 1ack and Mira, they see"ed so passionate. The "ore they #ere together the "ore $ #anted the" to stay together. $ cou dn)t get enough of their into4icating attraction. The ove story #as rea y the focus of this %ook %ut there #as sti a ton of action and % oodshed. $t #as a so very interesting to #atch Mira earn a%out her heritage as 1ack teaches her ho# to #ie d her po#er. $ oved this dark nove and can)t #ait for "ore therefore it gets five stars out of five.


+ pha Revie#s &y 'arrie *und

+uthor2 Garen 'hance Tit e2 Touch the Dark $f you #ant an e4citing %ook #ith a sorts of "agic and supernatura %eings this is the %ook for you. $t "oves Euick y and the "ain character, 'assandra 7a "er, if %eyond interesting as they revea -ust enough to keep your reading. Who doesn)t ove a %ook #ith #itches, #ar "ages, va"pires, #ere#o ves, *atyrs, faeries, #ere.rats and a p ethora other supernatura creatures. The %ook opens #ith 'assandra receiving #hat ooks to %e a death threat fro" the a va"pire that she ran a#ay fro" three years ago. Tony the va"pire ki ed her parents and kept her %ecause of her a%i ities. 'assandra a"azing a%i ities to see the future and co""unicate #ith ghosts gets her into a heap of trou% e. 'assandra does not kno# "uch a%out her fa"i y or her o#n po#ers, as she is confronted #ith near death she earns -ust ho# "uch she doesn)t kno# a%out herse f. The 3a"pire *enate has sent a representative to protect her fro" Tony)s attack. 9o# she if faced #ith -oining forces #ith the *enate or going on the run again. *iding #ith the va"pire senate is as %ad as %eing on her o#n %ecause she is considered a possession to the". $ rea y iked 'assandra fro" the first page to the ast. (er persona ity #as rather c osed ike anyone #ho had %een on the run for three years. *he didn)t trust anyone %ut she #asn)t nasty, -ust c osed off. $ thought 'hance did a nice -o% deve oping a character that #ou d #in over her readers. Many nove s ike this either have a strong, over y confident character or Euite the opposite. $ didn)t see any of that in this nove , 'assandra #as aid %ack and took on each hit as it ca"e. $ rea y iked this %ook and $ a" going to have to give the %ook five stars. $ a" sure it is not going to %e a c assic %ut $ rate on ho# "uch $ en-oy reading the %ooks.


(here &ou .a#e It4 My / inion By Ca!bria .ebert

(itle: (he .unger ,a!es Author: 'uzanne Collins Published by: '$holasti$ 5667 ,enre: &oung adult+ 1ysto ian 0or!at: Ebook and Print 'yno sis $ourtesy o" ,oodReads: In the ruins o" a la$e on$e known as 8orth A!eri$a lies the nation o" Pane!+ a shining Ca itol surrounded by twel#e outlying distri$ts* (he Ca itol is harsh and $ruel and kee s the distri$ts in line by "or$ing the! all to send one boy and one girl between the ages o" twel#e and eighteen to arti$i ate in the annual .unger ,a!es+ a "ight to the death on li#e (9* 'i:teen;year;old 3atniss E#erdeen+ who li#es alone with her !other and younger sister Pri!rose+ regards it as a death senten$e when she ste s "orward to take her sister)s la$e in the ,a!es* But 3atniss has been $lose to dead be"ore < and sur#i#al+ "or her+ is se$ond nature* 2ithout really !eaning to+ she be$o!es a $ontender* But i" she is to win+ she will ha#e to start !aking $hoi$es that will weigh sur#i#al against hu!anity and li"e against lo#e* My Re#iew: (his book has been out "or a "ew years now+ it)s hugely o ular and eo le e#erywhere ra#e about it* But "or so!e reason I was ne#er drawn to read it* I ne#er knew why+ I had no doubt that the re#iewers were wrong+ it)s in !y "a#orite genre =young adult> and I a! always on the lookout "or a great read* 'o what was the roble!? 2hat was it about this book that I shied away "ro!? It a$tually kind o" bothered !e that I hadn)t read it+ on so!e le#el inside o" !e I wanted to* 'o when the Book ' ark grou on ,oodReads announ$ed they were going to read it "or the book $lub I de$ided I was going to read it along with the!* =Plus+ the !o#ie is $o!ing out in Mar$h and I really want to see it but I like to read the book "irst*> 'o I did* I literally read it in one day* I $ouldn)t ut it down* And I "inally dis$o#ered why I had shied away "ro! it "or so long* (his book tou$hed so!ething in !e dee down* I $an)t really e: lain it but to say reading it was an e!otional e: erien$e "or !e* I a! an a#id reader* I lo#e to read but it)s rare I get #ery e!otional when reading a book* But this was an e:$e tion* <3

I was su$ked into this book "or the #ery "irst age* 3atniss grabbed a hold o" !e and wouldn)t let go* .er li"e @ her tragedies @ were so in$redibly heartbreaking but I ne#er on$e "elt sorry "or her* I "elt bad at her li"e)s $ir$u!stan$es and I "elt her ain and sorrow when she did but ne#er sorry* 'he was so resilient that it was heartbreaking* And the "a$t that she tried so hard to take $are o" her sister and her !other =e#en though she was #ery angry at her !other and "elt abandoned by her> was awe ins iring* (he lo#e she "elt "or her "ather was tangent and the way she $lut$hed to his !e!ory like a li"eline was beauti"ul* (he setting in this book was so!ething uni-ue and interesting* (he way the distri$ts were set u and the way the eo le were !ade to li#e was so!ething I robably won)t "orget* (hey were all so beaten down but yet+ they still took leasure where they $ould and they su orted ea$h other @ i" only -uietly* 2hen the Aga!esB started in the book I was engrossed in e#ery detail* I don)t know i" it)s be$ause I was so sho$ked that the go#ern!ent would a$tually do so!ething like this or the "a$t that it was so inhu!ane that I %ust $ouldn)t look away* I was a$tually angry that this was the way the go#ern!ent =or whate#er they were $alled in the book> would try to $ontrol the eo le in the distri$ts* 2here was the "reedo!? It o$$urs to !e that erha s the eo le were ke t se arated so they $ould ban together and re#olt* A $hara$ter that sur rised !e in the book was Peeta* .e was a genuine $hara$ter "ro! the beginning and I really grew to like hi!* .e see!ed weaker than 3atniss =though I think !ost eo le are $o! ared to her> yet in a way he was stronger be$ause o" his lanning and his sa$ri"i$es* I think it was artly be$ause o" hi! that she was able to do so well in the ga!es* I hadn)t really e: e$ted the ro!an$e as e$t in the book+ I "igured there !ight be a little in there+ but it was a lot di""erent than I i!agined it !ight be* Also+ I was sur rised that the story $ontinued on a"ter the ga!es ended+ but it $o! letely set u the ne:t book in the series and I think layed an i! ortant art in 3atniss) story* (he one thing I a! leery about "or this book and "or the ne:t two books to $o!e =I ha#e yet to read the!> is the lo#e triangle that I think is $o!ing* I a! growing tired o" lo#e triangles* 8ot be$ause they are o#er done* I think that it doesn)t !atter how !any ti!es a lo#e triangle is written it $an still be good i" written with a "resh eye* =sidebar: A! I the only one that wonders why it)s always a girl and two guys in the triangle? 2hy $an)t the guy e#er get to i$k? Lol> Anyway+ the reason I a! tired o" lo#e triangles is be$ause so!eone always gets hurt* I don)t like getting atta$hed to two guys+ getting to know the! and then wat$hing one o" the! =usually the one I like> get hurt* It !akes "or a di""i$ult read* 2ho a! I rooting "or? ,ale+ the $hildhood "riend who ser#ed as ins iration and !oti#ation to sur#i#e @ who 3atniss a$tually in#isioned and heard his #oi$e while at the ga!es* /r+ Peeta+ the bakers son who treated 3atniss with kindness at a ti!e she !ost needed it and who lo#es her so !u$h that I a$tually "elt it* <4

It)s a tough $all* I don)t want to i$k and I don)t know i" I want to wat$h her i$k* L/L* 'o will I be reading the ne:t two books in this series? &es* (he writing is beauti"ul* 8ot on$e did I "alter through the story+ not on$e did I ha#e to sto and ask !ysel" to re$all so!ething "ro! the ages be"ore* 'uzanne Collins is a gi"ted writer* 'he $an s in a senten$e @ a world @ with gra$e and ease* I ha#e a huge a!ount o" res e$t "or an author who $an $reate su$h e!otion within the ages o" a book* It)s ins iring* I really don)t think that this re#iew has done this book %usti$e but it)s all I got* L/L* I" you ha#en)t read this book+ i" you are like I was+ shying away be$ause you so!ehow know that it will rea$h you in ways you didn)t know ossible* I" you don)t want to $ry while reading a book =I hate that> or "eel rage at a world that doesn)t e#en e:ist then you should read this book* &ou will "eel all those things =i" you are anything like !e*> But I $an honestly say that I a! glad I "inally i$ked u this book* I "eel like it o ened !y eyes to a whole new world o" writing* 'o there you ha#e it* My o inion*


(here &ou .a#e It4 My / inion By Ca!bria .ebert

(itle: Cat$hing 0ire =.unger ,a!es C5> Author: 'uzanne Collins 0or!at: Print and ebook Publisher: 'e te!ber Dst 566E by '$holasti$ Press ,enre: 1ysto ian+ '$i;0i+ &oung adult Synopsis (courtesy of GoodReads): Against all odds+ 3atniss has won the .unger ,a!es* 'he and "ellow 1istri$t D5 tribute Peeta Mellark are !ira$ulously still ali#e* 3atniss should be relie#ed+ ha y e#en* A"ter all+ she has returned to her "a!ily and longti!e "riend+ ,ale* &et nothing is the way 3atniss wishes it to be* ,ale holds her at an i$y distan$e* Peeta has turned his ba$k on her $o! letely* And there are whis ers o" a rebellion against the Ca itol ; a rebellion that 3atniss and Peeta !ay ha#e hel ed $reate* Mu$h to her sho$k+ 3atniss has "ueled an unrest she)s a"raid she $annot sto * And what s$ares her e#en !ore is that she)s not entirely $on#in$ed she should try* As ti!e draws near "or 3atniss and Peeta to #isit the distri$ts on the Ca itol)s $ruel 9i$tory (our+ the stakes are higher than e#er* I" they $an)t ro#e+ without a shadow o" a doubt+ that they are lost in their lo#e "or ea$h other+ the $onse-uen$es will be horri"ying* In Catching Fire+ the se$ond no#el o" the .unger ,a!es trilogy+ 'uzanne Collins $ontinues the story o" 3atniss E#erdeen+ testing her !ore than e#er be"ore*** and sur rising readers at e#ery turn* My review (courtesy of me!): As you all !ight ha#e read in !y re#iew "or .unger ,a!es+ I ut o"" reading this series* Be$ause I was artly a"raid o" it* I knew that whate#er lied within those ages would i! a$t !e+ would !ake !e "eel+ !ight e#en !ake !e $ry* I didn)t really want to go there* I was ha y in !y bubble gu! worldF but then the hoo la about the !o#ie started and I thought that I better read it so I $ould wat$h the !o#ies* Cat$hing 0ire was %ust like .unger ,a!es in the "a$t that it !ade !e "eel+ it !ade !e $ry and it ke t !e awake til I was done reading* (his series is undoubtedly a age turner and an e!otional roller$oaster* 'uzanne Collins has a breathtaking writing style that throws you right into the story and you "eel e#erything 3atniss "eels+ when she is hungry so are you* 2hen she is hurting+ so are you* It lea#es you $o! letely e:hausted @ yet wanting !ore*


I was e:hausted when reading this book+ I ke t thinking Ahow !u$h $an one girl take?B and this girl+ she take a lot* But she always hangs on+ she always kee s "ighting* I ad!ire her so !u$h "or that* Can I %ust say that I lo#e !e so!e Peeta??? I !ean I really do* /kay+ I "eel that I $an !o#e on nowF this book is "ull o" twists and turns and yet its so!ehow belie#able* I $an)t go into a lot o" detail be$ause I don)t want to gi#e anything away but I will say this book is worth the read* I" you ha#en)t read it you should* (his isn)t a book really+ it)s an e: erien$e and you $o!e away asking yoursel"+ Awell what would I do i" that ha ened to !e*B I a! !o#ing on to the "inal book+ Mo$king%ay+ so I $an see how all o" this ends* I a! ho ing "or a ha y ending "or the $hara$ters be$ause they truly deser#e it* 'o there you ha#e it* My o inion*


(here &ou .a#e It4 My / inion By Ca!bria .ebert

(itle: Mo$king%ay Author: 'uzanne Collins ,enre: 1ysto ian+ '$i;0i+ &oung adult Publisher: '$holasti$ Press Synopsis (courtesy of GoodReads): 3atniss E#erdeen+ girl on "ire+ has sur#i#ed+ e#en though her ho!e has been destroyed* ,ale has es$a ed* 3atniss)s "a!ily is sa"e* Peeta has been $a tured by the Ca itol* 1istri$t DG really does e:ist* (here are rebels* (here are new leaders* A re#olution is un"olding* It is by design that 3atniss was res$ued "ro! the arena in the $ruel and haunting Huarter Huell+ and it is by design that she has long been art o" the re#olution without knowing it* 1istri$t DG has $o!e out o" the shadows and is lotting to o#erthrow the Ca itol* E#eryone+ it see!s+ has had a hand in the $are"ully laid lains ; e:$e t 3atniss* (he su$$ess o" the rebellion hinges on 3atniss)s willingness to be a awn+ to a$$e t res onsibility "or $ountless li#es+ and to $hange the $ourse o" the "uture o" Pane!* (o do this+ she !ust ut aside her "eelings o" anger and distrust* 'he !ust be$o!e the rebels) Mo$king%ay ; no !atter what the ersonal $ost* My review (courtesy of me): ***THIS RE IE! !I"" #$%T&I% S'$I"ERS ** I( )$* H& E%+T RE&, THE (IRST -$$.S I% THE SERIES ,$%+T RE&, THIS RE IE!/ I usually do not ut s oilers in !y re#iew =I think it !ight be a "irstF> but I "eel the need to gi#e !y o inion here and I want to do it without trying not to gi#e things away+ be$ause I ha#e a lot o" o inions here* Lol* I really en%oyed this book* Just like the "irst two books in this series+ I was drawn into 'uzanne Collin)s world and had to kee reading to the #ery end* I will say that I a! glad this series is on !y read shel" and that I ha#e "inished the series+ I wasn)t sure how !u$h !ore disaster and tragedy I $ould "a$e* I "elt e:hausted when "inished with this book* I !ean+ 3atniss really goes through the ringer throughout this series and !y heart breaks "or her* (he brutality o" the go#ern!ent was not lost on !e and I $o! letely understood why the distri$ts re#olted* I thought that 3atniss as a sy!bol o" their ho e to $hange things+ to sto the go#ern!ent was beauti"ul* (hose eo le needed so!eone and she "it the bill* But it $ost her dearly* 3atniss is a strong $hara$ter and she did see! to grow a little weaker in this "inal book+ but that was realisti$* 2ho wouldn)t grow weaker at e#erything <>

that had been done to her? I understood her la se in !ental $a a$ity e#en though I ad!it+ it "rustrated !e* 2hen Peeta was gone I ke t thinking A,/ ,E( .IM4B and A2.A( ARE &/I 2AI(I8, 0/R?B I would get u set be$ause I had no $lue what was ha ening to hi! and I knew it was bad* I %ust wanted hi! sa"e and I wanted her to "ight like hell to get hi! ba$k* (hen he did $o!e ba$k* Can I %ust dis$lose+ that I think Peeta had !y heart "ro! the #ery beginning o" this series* (he boy with the bread $o! letely won !e o#er* And I ad!it in the "irst book+ I was thinking ,ale !ight be the guy "or 3atniss be$ause o" the way she would i$ture hi! while she was in the ga!es and how his !e!ory ga#e her strength to kee going* And at "irst+ Peeta see!ed kind o" weak to !e+ like he was a$$e ting that he was going to die* But then so!ething ha ened* It)s like he grew u + he grew into this !an who would do anything "or 3atniss be$ause he lo#ed her* .e held that girl u when she didn)t e#en know he was doing* .e sa$ri"i$ed hi!sel" o#er and o#er "or her* .e understood her+ he $hased away the night!aresF e#erything in hi! was so strong* And with that being said I want to say how in the world $ould she be with anyone other than Peeta? &es+ I liked ,ale* .e was great+ strong+ de endable and rote$ti#e* But he wasn)t Peeta* In !y hu!ble o inion two eo le that ha#e li#ed through and e: erien$ed what Peeta and 3atniss did together $ould only end u together* (hey alone would understand the horrors they li#ed through* I think a bond was "orged between the!+ a bond that would be indestru$tible by anyone else* ,ale ne#er stood a $han$e the !inute 3atniss was !ade a tribute* And I think that Peeta and 3atniss deser#e whate#er ha iness they $ould "ind when all this ended be$ause hadn)t they earned it? I" two eo le $an "ind their way ba$k to ea$h other a"ter all o" that =a"ter the tra$ker %a$kers4> then eo le need to get the hell out o" the way and let the! li#e their li#es* =2hi$h+ in essen$e is e:a$tly what ha ened>* Peronsally+ I think that i" 3atniss had ended u with ,ale it would ha#e taken away "ro! the series and what they went through* As I said earlier+ I did get "rustrated by the long eriods in the book where 3atniss was kind o" out o" it =e#en though I understood it> and I was e#en !ore so "rustrated by what was ha ening to Peeta* But really+ I understood the need "or all o" it be$ause you $an)t %ust $o!e ba$k "ro! war and be okay* I was also saddened by the death o" Pri!!* 2hat a waste o" a beauti"ul li"e* Course all the li#es lost were su$h a waste* I was beyond u set when 0inn died as well =though I e: e$ted it> and when we "ind out his wi"e Annie had their baby I was saddened "urther be$ause that $hild wouldn)t know its "ather* It would be robbed o" what it $ould ha#e and should ha#e had* It was beyond saddening* 'o you $an see why I was relie#ed when I had the series read+ I was tired* I needed a break "ro! the sadness and des air* I will say that the ending !ade it a little bit better be$ause Peeta and 3atniss do "ind their way ba$k to one another*


All in all+ this is a beauti"ully written series that I think e#eryone should e: erien$e* (his book isn)t about a lo#e triangle* It)s about sur#i#al* I a! anti$i ating the !o#ies to this series now and I ho e that it does the! %usti$e* 'o there you ha#e it* My o inion*


Cherny)s Corner Book Re#iews By Bob Cherny Tit e2 The Writer)s 1ourney +uthor2 'hristopher 3og er Revie#2 + #riter friend oaned "e her copy of 'hristopher 3og er)s IThe Writer)s 1ourneyJ in order to he p "e #ith "y #riting. This %ook %e ongs on every fiction #riter)s %ookshe f. Whether you #rite short stories or "u ti.vo u"e epic sagas, this %ook has va ua% e infor"ation that #i he p you organize and structure your #ork. &ui ding on the #ork of 1oseph 'a"p%e , this %ook is easy to read and understand #here 1oseph 'a"p%e )s %ook is scho ar y and dependent on a higher eve of educationa %ackground. $f you are a #riter, $ cha enge you to read this %ook and then go %ack through your #orks and pick out the the"atic e e"ents that you natura y inc uded in your #ork that fo o# the structure de"onstrated in this. $ think you #i %e surprised to see ho# "uch of this structure you a ready fo o# and ho# you can i"prove your #ork %y incorporating the offered suggestions. +s a reader, you can %enefit fro" this %ook %y %eing %etter a% e to ana yze the #orks you read. ,ou #i %e a% e to pick out the s avish adherents to the patterns fro" the tru y creative. The infor"ation in this %ook #i he p you understand any story)s structure and %etter appreciate the story #hether the #ork is a %a et, a "ovie, a nove or an epic poe". The %ook is easy to read and fo o#s the structure it espouses. $t is pedantic in p aces, %ut if that is the #orst $ can say a%out a %ook, $ #ou d not #orry a%out %eing put off %y it. $ a" sure there are other %ooks that cover this territory, %ut this is a good one.


Cherny)s Corner Book Re#iews By Bob Cherny Tit e2 D eanor +uthor2 +nne +tkins Revie#2 D eanor Rooseve t)s i"pact on current +"erican cu ture is easy to underesti"ate. This %ook puts her %ack in her rightfu p ace in her historica era as #e as pointing out the initiatives she started that continue to this day. $n spite of the po#er of her #ords and the strength of the coa itions she asse"% ed, the %att es she fought continue to %e fought. The %ook is i%era y supp e"ented #ith Euotes fro" D eanor ike this one, 7( think the day of selfishness is over< the day of really #orking together has come' and #e must learn to #ork together all of us' regardless of race or creed or color= "e go ahead together or #e go do#n together= This co""ent is as re evant today as it #as #hen she "ade it ha f a century ago. +nne +tkins) prose is iterate, and yet easy to read, #ith an understanding of #hich issues that #ere as topica #hen D eanor dea t #ith the" as they are today. $t is this a%i ity to "ake one of the greatest #o"en in +"erican history as conte"porary as any #o"an on today)s po itica scene that gives the %ook its greatest po#er. This Euote co"es fro" ear y in the %ook2 .re these 7the good old days if life e9!ectancy is a brief forty>five years? Millions die each year of infectious diseases and thirty>five thousand die every year in industrial accidents. 6here is no #orkers% com!ensation' no unem!loyment !ay and no insurance. )everance !ay is given because something at #ork got severed@a hand or a foot. (n any arena -leanor fights in,ustice and !erseveres against over#helming odds and chilling cruelties. Like "onder "oman in su!!ort hose' she #ill #in battles on the local' the national and the global scale. Her life is an e9am!le of moral courage and she becomes internationally kno#n as 7First Lady of the "orld. First' she must survive her childhood. +nne varies her te"po, her #riting sty e and her pacing as appropriate to the events in D eanor)s ife she is descri%ing and at the sa"e ti"e keeps the #ork si"p e enough to use as a "idd e schoo or high schoo te4t %ook. Whi e this is hard y the "ost erudite #riting $ have ever seen, it is so id, co"petent and conveys its "essage in a #ay that "akes it read as s"ooth y as a "ainstrea" nove . 8ne of the "ost difficu t tasks for a %iographer is to put the su%-ect in their historica conte4t and then dra# the resu ts of the su%-ect)s actions into the present day. B2

This is the %ook)s greatest strength. $t is not the %e.a .and.end.a in.depth %iography of D eanor Rooseve t #ith "ountains or origina research and hundreds of footnotes, %ut it is an open and accessi% e #ork that pays ho"age to one of the greatest #o"en in +"erican history. The %ook is i%era y i ustrated #ith photographs #hich are carefu y chosen to support the te4t. /or the "ost parts these #ork, %ut their effectiveness is i"ited in so"e cases %y the Eua ity of the origina s. There are a fe# photos that $ a" not sure $ #ou d have inc uded, %ut even those do he p further the story a though not as "uch as so"e others. The side%ar Euotes are %oth an enhance"ent and a distraction. +s #ith the photos, #hi e $ agree #ith the inc usions of "ost of the", $ a" not convinced so"e of the others %e onged as side%ars and not in the %ody of the te4t. /ro" the thousands of Euotes and photos avai a% e, choosing the fe# to use "ust have %een a "ind.nu"%ing task, %ut the fina effect is so id and he ps i u"inate the #ritten #ords. $ reco""end this %ook for anyone over the age of fourteen #ho cares a%out #here +"erica is headed.


Cherny)s Corner Book Re#iews By Bob Cherny Tit e2 There Foes the Fa a4y +uthor2 1enn Thorson Revie#2 &revity is the so e of #it and "y dogs are tired. 7 ot2 Three stars 'haracters2 Three stars /or"atting and technica e4ecution2 /ive stars (u"or2 T#o stars This #as pitched as a hu"orous take on a science fiction story and #hi e parts of it are very funny and have a nice %ite to the", the story goes on #ay too ong. $ had a ot of trou% e finishing the %ook and put it do#n severa ti"es. The on y reason $ finished it #as %ecause #hen $ reEuested it fro" LL&ooks $ p edged to revie# it. $n order to keep "y p edge $ ca"e %ack to it and eventua y finished it. /ortunate y, "ost of the ast ha f of the %ook is pretty good. There are f ashes of %ri iance ike this passage2 0ollie leaned in. Bertram leaned in. Yes' there #as definitely something small out there. Ane smallish thing #here 0hobu9>B used to be. )o 0ollie tossed himself into the !ilot%s chair and moved the shi! in closer. He directed the shi!%s sco!es to focus in. . magnified area formed in the #indo#>screen. 7(t a!!ears to be = 7Yes? 7= . sign. .nd the sign read8 ,ou h!ve re!che# the $ormer loc!t on o$ )hobu-.7. Sorry our pl!net*s not !ble to come to these coor# n!tes r ght no/& but le!ve us ! mess!ge !t our 0n net s te1 un net.seerso$rhobu-.rb-.7.21.gcu1 !n# /e*ll be sure to get b!c3 to you. 4or met!phys c!l emergenc es& B4

v s t our $ello/ prophets n the Nett st!r system.

Thanks for stopping by!

+nd then there are engthy passages of parodies of instruction "anua s that a ternate %et#een %ri iant and %oring. This is "y favorite2 5eace &uard :ak cleared her throat. 7:o# that you finish install of 4linko L4> +; 5risoner 1onfinement )ystem' kindly ready yourself to enter a very e9citing ne# realm of inbreakable security. 5lease to #elcome to the kno#ledge that' in !ro!er use' the 4linko L4>+; #ill be al#ays having for you a highest level of safety comfort #ith even your most dangerful a!!rehensions. (t has s!ecials su!er sensor to detect movement in confinement cell area. .lso' it measure heart rate of cell occu!ant Cif occu!ant is containing heart organD' as heart rate rise may indicate sus!icious activity and nervousness in many lifeform. 4linko L4>+; 5risoner 1onfinement )ystem is unharmable to hand>laser shooting' flame' and e9treme #eather condition if outside in its !lacement=% Elotni grunted. 7.re you using 6ranslache# on that at all? 7Look' said :ak' 7that%s #hat it says. 7)ki! a little' Elotni told her. Bertram o!ened an eye and could make out some blurry uniformed beings standing in the narro# hall on the other side of the bars. Ane #as leaning over a technical manual roughly the si/e of a mini>fridge. 76o begin good use of 4linko L4>+; 5risoner 1onfinement )ystem' you are first to be finding the 4linko 5risoner 1onfinement )ystem key!ad.% :ak looked u! as one of her fello# 5eace &uards motioned to#ard the shiny ne# key!ad. 7&ood' she continued. 7Ance it is to be in your eyeball>looking' find yourself !ushing the green )tart button.% "e//ag reached over and de!ressed a button on a key!ad mounted on the #all. . bulb embedded in the hall#ay ceiling #ent green' bathing the cell block in a #eird' slimy glo#. 7:e9t? 7= But only after you to !ush the blue 1lear button for clearing system =% &rumbling' "e//ag !resumably !ushed 71lear and then the green button' #hich re>lit the hall light. 7"hat no#? 7:o# enter si9teen>digit number code #hich you choose.% :ak looked u!. 7.nybody got a number in mind? &ut even it goes on "uch too ong fro" there. &ertra" Lud o#, one of ife)s %asic archetypica sci.fi oser.heroes is kidnapped fro" his %edroo" %y a interga actic "iscreant, 'aptain Ro ia" Ts"oor and. $ a" sure there is a pun in the na"e, %ut $ have no idea #hat it is. (e is Euick y infor"ed that his "ission is to save the Darth, %ut fro" #ho", fro" #hat and #hy are eft "ysteries. &ertra")s "eeting #ith the IseersJ #ho infor" hi" of his "ission the IseersJ are constricted %y a dia ectic that shou d %e funny, %ut on y serves to s o# the action do#n. B0

The entire %usiness #ith the rea estate agent shou d %e funny, %ut it goes on too ong. Too "uch ti"e is spent on the description of the rea estate agent)s head. 8kay, #e got it the first ti"e. The descriptions of the various corporations #ho are the potentia %uyers the agent is courting as "ight %e Euoted in their stock ho der reports do not #ork and shou d %e e i"inated or drastica y shortened. The concept of the ITrans ache#J gu" is Euite good and provides the potentia for pointed hu"or, %ut the hu"or takes too ong to set up and once the punch ine is reached, it is no onger funny. The protest "ove"ent &ertra" creates #ith its fa .out and the fina conf ict a "ost #ork. The narration in that critica scene is inconsistent and erratica y paced eading to an u ti"ate y unsatisfying ending. This %ook #ou d #ork #e if it #as t#o thirds its current ength. $ #ou d e4pect a %ook ike this fro" a first ti"e author, %ut this author has #on severa prestigious a#ards. May%e there is so"ething here $ a" not seeing, %ut $ do not kno# #hat it is.


Cherny)s Corner Book Re#iews By Bob Cherny Tit e2 Fer"s, Fenes and 'ivi ization +uthor2 David 7. ' ark avai a% e fro" +"azon. Revie# David has prepared an e4haustive study of the i"pact of disease on society and cu ture. (e has provided c ear and verifia% e ans#ers to "any "ysteries #hich have confounded historians and scientists in other discip ines. 8ne of "y favorites of these ans#ers is an e4p anation for +tti a the (un)s sudden decision not to attack Ro"e #hen it appeared he cou d easi y have taken it. Detai ed discussions of the i"pact of epide"ics throughout history offer proof that the hypothesis set out in IWar of the Wor dsJ is rea . Disease and pesti ence "ay have fended off "ore attacking ar"ies than %ri iant "i itary strategies. The science is good, %ut it is not often so technica that the average person cannot understand it. $ #as a science "a-or forty years ago, %ut $ had no trou% e fo o#ing a the "a-or concepts. Most of us think of evo ution in ter"s of "i ennia spans of ti"e. +s David points out, diseases evo ve in as itt e as a fe# generations. Those #ho dou%t the science of evo ution and point to I"issing inksJ and gaps in the fossi record, need to read this %ook. Fer"s evo ve Euick y. *"a organis"s change "uch faster in response to environ"enta pressure than arge ones do. +s this %ook points out over and over, ignorance is not % iss. $gnorance is hazardous not on y to your hea th, %ut to the hea th of everyone around you. $gnorance and "is.infor"ation are too s used %y the po#erfu against the po#er ess. Dducation, sanitary conditions and proper hygiene are a popu ation)s %est defenses against those that #ou d seek to do the" i . $gnore this %ook at your peri . Ro%ert (. 'herny +uthor of2 I/ ying #ith /airiesJ $ ? $$ IDoogie *toneJ I+ /ather)s FhostJ ' u% Lighthouse 7u% ishing


Cherny)s Corner Book Re#iews By Bob Cherny &ook2 Dark *ide of the Mirror +uthor2 R L +ustin 7 ot 0 *tars $s fifteen year o d D"i y crazy or does she rea y hear voices in the "irrorsK D"i y and her fa"i y have "oved fro" Manhattan to *an /rancisco to ive #ith her unc e in the arge o d house #here her "other gre# up. D"i y)s parents attri%ute the voices to the stress of the "ove and take her to see a psychiatrist. D"i y is a "ost #i ing to go a ong, %ut #hen one of the voices turns out to %e a fifteen year o d %oy #ho she can identify, and another the %oy)s father, everything changes. /aced #ith a po#erfu opponent, D"i y gro#s up Euick y and steps up to the cha enge using her #its, cunning and ne#.found po#ers. Revie#2 $ read the %ook in a sing e sitting. $t is suita% e for "idd e schoo and o der, a though adu ts #i en-oy the story as #e . $t starts s o# y %ut Euick y picks up the pace. 8nce into the second chapter, the story races a ong at a furious pace. The #riting sty e is spare as #ou d %e appropriate of a good detective nove , #hich, in a sense, this is. There is a "ini"u" of e4traneous detai or unnecessary description. There are p aces #here $ think "ore detai #ou d have enhanced the suspense, %ut it #ou d have s o#ed do#n the action. This is a decision every author "akes #ith every sentence. The "ini"a istic #riting sty e "eans that #hi e D"i y and Ty er)s persona ities are dra#n in satisfying depth, the other characters are not fi ed out as #e . Whi e $ agree #ith "ost of ho# the characters are hand ed, in the ast fe# chapters, so"e of the characters, nota% y Ty)s parents, fade out of sight. They are too i"portant to have %een shuff ed off in this "anner. Dven #ith "y o%-ections, $ sti fee the characterizations are #orth four stars. The #riting sty e is perfect for the tone of the %ook and for the intended age of the reader. $ found no gra""atica , punctuation of for"atting errors. $ #ou d reco""end this %ook for anyone "idd e schoo and o der #ho ikes a fun, easy, e4citing read. B>

Luney 4eviews By Beth Ann Masarik

,itle- Mas$uerade ./even and /ell 011 Author- +a!bria /ebert Publisher- (ther"orld Publications 2ate Published- 2ece!ber 3, 2011 4ating- 5 out o 5 stars

6ynopsis .courtesy o 7oodreads1&e ore. 8verything "as so !uch better &e ore. * "asn9t haunted by night!ares, !y place at school "as secure and !y ace "as la"less. :o", *9! a reak and everything has changed. ,he "orst part is that * can9t re!e!ber the night * "as sentenced to the shado"s. ,he !e!ory has been stolen ro! !e and * ;ust can9t shake the eeling that so!eone, so!ething is out there )"atching. <ust "hen * think * have !y li e handled, 6a!, "ith his inti!idating golden stare and shiver inducing voice, !akes !e realize that * don9t kno" anything. /e !akes !e see that !y scars don9t !atter. ,hat they never !attered. * can9t help but all or hi!, co!pletely unkno"ing that he kno"s e#actly ho" * got this "ay. :ot kno"ing he "as involved. === /even has no idea ho" closely death stalks her. 6he has no idea "hat * have done to keep her alive. * ear the day she learns !y secrets, inds out "hat * really a!. &ut even then * cannot stop, * vo" to !ake things right. %inally her hunter "ill be hunted, /eaven and /ell, aith and sin "ill battle, and "e "ill be victorious. &ut irst, /even !ust learn to be "hat she never i!agined. * kno" her strength is there > * eel it. * "e are to overco!e all odds, she !ust push past her la"s ) her railties ) to beco!e !uch !ore. My 4evie"-


,o be per ectly honest, * did not kno" "hat to e#pect "hen * ordered !y copy o Mas$uerade. ?hen * irst picked it up, * hal e#pected it to have so!ething to do "ith va!pires and de!ons. A ter all, they "ere huge at one point, "eren@t theyA &ut that@s not "hat Mas$uerade "as about at all. Mas$uerade is about a couple na!ed 6a! and /even, and all o the things that they have to endure to be together. /even@s !o! is, or lack o a better ter!, a religious nut, and thinks that her scars are a !ark o 6atan. /er !other even goes so ar as to telling her thatB ,his causes a big ri t in their relationship, and /even eventually goes o and lives "ith her grand!other. (h, and let@s not orget that her !other dislikes 6a! .surprise, surprise1. 6a! is a co!plicated soul. /e is a shape shi ter .sort o 1, but * "ill not tell you "hat kind because * don@t "ant to give too !uch a"ay. <ust kno" that he "as kicked out o his o"n a!ily because o "hat he is. (ne day, he stu!bled upon /even, and is in atuated "ith her. /e stalks her, and ollo"s her until one day he inally !eets her and they "ell...you@ll have to read the book ind out the rest. Long story short, * 48ALLC, 48ALLC en;oyed this book. Aside ro! so!e gra!!ar and spelling hiccups ."hat book doesn@t have the!A1, this "as a D84C en;oyable book. * you love shape shi ters, hot guys, and love triangles and ;ealous best riends, then this is the book or youB


Luney 4eviews By Beth Ann Masarik

Tit e2 & ind *ight2 Through the Dyes of Leocardo Reyes +uthor2 Dr"isenda + varez Fenre2 ,oung +du t Cr%an /antasy *ynopsis 5taken fro" Foodreads62 + % ind gir dra#ing is a%nor"a even on the "agica is and of Ddaion #here eaves %rush the"se ves into pi es in the "idd e of the night. +s an i""igrant, Leocardo is not %iased %y accepted ru es of "agic and deter"ines that 8dette)s dra#ings are pre"onitions. +nie a gre# up #ith "agic and kno#s pre"onitions are i"possi% e. *he deter"ines 8dette is a "ediu" channe ing voice ess spirits. $n this vo u"e2 *natched out of their ife in *pain, Leocardo and his % ind sister 8dette find the"se ves on an is and #ith no reco ection of the trip. +fter foi ed atte"pts to escape, 8dette)s strange %ehavior gets #orse. Dven after earning the is and has %esto#ed "agic upon the" %oth, Leocardo faces the possi%i ity his sister is having a "enta %reak do#n. 1ust as he thinks he is sett ed in, -o% and ro"antic ife sta% e, 8dette disappears. My Rating2 4 out of 0 stars Revie#2 To %e perfect y honest, $ didnTt kno# #hat to e4pect #hen $ first opened this %ook. $ had never heard of Dr"isenda %efore, and #as honest y a itt e %it nervous a%out reading this %ook, as $ a" often #hen reading ne# authors. Though s o# at ti"es, $ thought that this #as an en-oya% e read. $t #as short, #hich $ iked, especia y after -ust finishing a 3<; page nove . $n e%ook for"at, it #as on y :A; pages. $ thought that the concept of #riting a%out a % ind gir #ho gets pre"onitions fro" the dead #as a 3DR, interesting concept. Whi e $ iked that Leocardo p ayed the protective o der %rother, $ thought he cried #ay too "uch. $n any y %ooks that $Tve read 5at east ate y6, the "a e hero is strong. $ understand that he and his sister #ere forced to stay in an unkno#n and, and that their parents no onger kne# #ho they #ere, %ut gro# so"e %a s Leo! +side fro" that, and the s o# parts 5#hich is #hat stopped "e fro" giving it 0 stars6, $ rea y did en-oy the %ook. $ a" ooking for#ard to reading the ne4t %ook fro" eoTs eyes.


Luney 4eviews By Beth Ann Masarik

Tit e2 & ind *ight2 Through the Dyes of +nie a Da#son +uthor2 D ia%eth (a#thorne Fenre2 ,oung +du t Cr%an /antast *ynopsis 5taken fro" goodreads6 $n this vo u"e2 Whi e +nie a tries to escape a ifesty e #here o% igations take priority over friendships, she %efriends 8dette, a % ind gir #ith the a%i ity to dra#. + "ost i""ediate y, concerns and Euestions arise as +nie a suspects that 8dette)s gift is far stronger than any seen %efore. $n the "idd e of fa"i y tur"oi and a co"p icated ro"antic re ationship #ith 8dette)s %rother, +nie a faces the rea ization that he ping her co"atose friend "eans diso%eying her "other, so"ething she has never done %efore. My Rating2 4 :=2 out of 0 stars Revie#2 $ have to say, that $ rea y en-oyed reading a%out +nie a and her fa"i y. $ especia y iked Tatiana, and hope that there is a %ook dedicated to her. $ ove ho# #hi e caring and sensitive +na is, she is a so very strong. $ actua y find her stronger than Leocardo in so"e respects. $ think that out of a the characters in this series so far, +nie a is the one that has gro#n the "ost. $ ove ho# dip o"atic she a #ays is, even in a crisis. ,es, she oses her coo so"eti"es, %ut donTt #e a K *he does #hat she has to do, and a #ays see"s to put others %efore herse f. (onest y, $ #ish $ cou d %e "ore ike +nie a. There #as -ust enough action and suspense to keep you #anting "ore. $ donTt #ant to give too "uch a#ay, %ut $ iked a the psychic "ediu" stuff that #as thro#n in. $Tve a #ays %een dra#n to "agic, and $ think that is partia y #hy $ #as so dra#n to this %ook. ,ou rea y got to see ho# the Da#son fa"i y 5and so"e of the other civi ians of Ddaion6 ived. $ #ou d high y reco""end this %ook. 8vera revie# of the series2 *o far, $ rea y did en-oy %oth %ooks. $ a" rea y very happy to have %een privi eged to "eet these ove y authors. Whi e they say you can read the %ooks in any order, $ #ou d high y reco""end starting off #ith LeocardoTs %ook. WhyK &ecause you #i get a history on ho# and #hy Leocardo and

8dette co"e to Ddaion, so"ething you do not rea y get in +nie aTs %ook. There is infor"ation in each %ook that is eft out of the other that $ think you need to en-oy the series as a #ho e. $ honest y canTt #ait to read future %ooks in the series!


(he 'ta""
&eth +nn Masarik, is the founder and chief editor of Literary Lunes. *he created this "agazine, %ecause peop e are a #ays co"ing to her for iterary advice, and she #anted to %e there for a aspiring #riters. *he is the author of the ne# ,+=Cr%an /antasy series ca ed The Wor d +"ong Cs, and #hen she is not #riting, she can %e found #orking part ti"e at a a# fir" in 9, or spending ti"e #ith her fiance and fa"i y. +sh ey Laura is dedicated to giving #riters a voice outside of their #ork. /or Literary Lunes, she assists #ith the accepting of artic e su%"issions and the for"atting of the "agazine. 8utside of Literary Lunes, she is a so the Municipa Liaison for Me"phis 9ationa 9ove Writing Month 59+98WR$M86. 'a"%ria (e%ert, is a ne# edition to our staff, and our current %ook revie#er. Like &eth, she is a de%ut author, and a very ta ented one at that. We are very happy and ucky to have her on %oard. When 'a"%ria isnTt #riting %ooks, she a so runs an internet radio sho# ca ed 1ourna 1a%%er on & ogta kradio.co". /or "ore infor"ation a%out 'a"%ria, visit her #e%site at ###.ca"%riahe%ert.co" Drin Danzer #rites regu ar y for Literary Lunes, and recent y signed #ith &eth and 'a"%riaTs pu% isher, 8ther#or d 7u% ications. Like &eth and 'a"%ria, she a so #rites for young adu ts. Drin not on y contri%utes her o#n short stories, %ut so"eti"es she even contri%utes artic es on ho# to #rite iterature as #e . /or "ore infor"ation a%out Drin, p ease visit ###.erindanzer.% ogspot.co"


/ur Partners
Literary Lunes #ou d not %e "ade possi% e #ithout the e4tra support and efforts of the fo o#ing peop e2


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