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21 abril 2003
e-mail: portico@zaragoza.net
Responsable de la Seccin: Carmen Alcrudo Dirige: Jos Miguel Alcrudo
Fundada en 1945
Arqueologa 74
001 Ahfeldt, L. K.: Work and Worship. Laser Scanner Analysis of Viking Age
Rune Stones
2002 230 pp., fig., fot., grf. P 52,40
002 Attema, P. / G.-J. Burgers / E. van Joolen / M. van Leusen / B. Mater, eds:
New Developments in Italian Landscape Archaeology. Theory and Methodology
of Field Survey. Land Evaluation and Landscape Perception. Pottery Production
and Distribution. Proceedings of a Three-Day Conference Held at the University
Metodologa: 001 023
Prehistoria: 024 113
Obras generales: 024 044
Paleoltico-Neoltico: 045 071
Edad de los metales: 072 093
Espaa: 094 113
Arqueologa: 114 244
Obras generales: 114 135
Oriente: 136 154
Grecia: 155 165
Roma: 166 211
Pennsula Ibrica: 212 230
Medieval: 231 244
Epigrafa Numismtica: 245 267
of Groningen, April 13-15, 2000
2002 xi + 265 pp., fig., fot., map. P 61,38
INDICE: Introduction: D. Yntema: Advances in regional research in the Mediterranean General
Papers: G.-J. Burgers: The aims of the RPC project M. Kleibrink: A short history of dutch research
in the Mediterranean P. Attema: Two challenges for landscape archaeology J. Bintliff: Settlement
pattern analysis and demographic modeling A. Vanzetti: Some current approaches to protohistoric
centralization and urbanization in Italy F. DAndria: Greek colonization and romanization from a
native perspective A. Zifferero: Pottery production and metallurgy G.-J. Burgers: Comparative
settlement archaeology M. van Leusen: Understanding digital archaeological landscapes B.
Mater: Change in pottery technology and production in the light of urbanization and colonization
E. van Joolen: Potential land evaluation in archaeology P. Attema: Landscape perception in
archaeology: the urban and colonial experience.
003 Banning, E. B.: Archaeological Survey
2002 xxi + 273 pp., 38 fig. P 54,60
INDICE: Introduction The goals of archaeological survey The discovery of archaeological materials
by survey Units, sampling frames, and edge effects in archaeological survey Sampling space: statistical
surveys Purposive survey: prospection Surveying for spatial structure Cultural resource manage-
ment and site significance Surveying sites and landscapes Evaluating surveys Surveying the future
Appendix: Health, safety, and practical matters in field survey.
004 Botella, M. C. / I. Alemn / S. A. Jimnez: Los huesos humanos.
Manipulacin y alteraciones
2000 229 pp., lm. col. P 30,00
005 Cambi, F. / N. Terrenato: Introduzione allarcheologia dei paesaggi
1994 313 pp., 60 fig. P 26,42
006 Capogrossi, M.: Primi interventi di conservazione sui reperti mobili nello
scavo archeologico
2002 vi + 87 pp., 39 fig. P 51,43
007 Carman, J.: Archaeology and Heritage. An Introduction
2002 xii + 228 pp., 44 fig. P 33,16
INDICE: Introductory interlude: A note about literature and discourses of heritage and archaeology
Heritage all around us Components of the heritage and their treatment Institutions of heritage
Public archaeologies: 1: Defining the public; 2: Engaging with the public The value debate in
archaeology Relocating heritage in archaeology.
E. SIBILIA, eds.
Metodi fisici per i beni culturali
2002 ix + 371 pp., fot., grf. P 26,00
INDICE: 1. Introduzione allarcheometria: C. DAmico: Alcune riflessioni sulla natura
dellarcheometria G. E. Gigante: Origine e significato dellarcheometria e delle scienze
applicate alla conservazione 2. Tecniche di datazione: S. Improta: Il metodo di
datazione del carbonio 14 F. Terrasi: Metodi di datazione mediante spettrometria di
massa ultrasensibile (AMS) M. Martini / E. Sibilia: Datazione con termoluminescenza:
principi, tecniche, campi di applicazione 3. Microanalisi non distruttive: M. Milazzo:
Analisi XRF quantitativa nelle applicazioni archeometriche R. Cesareo & al.: La tecnica
della fluorescenza a raggi X in dispersione di energia (EDXRF) per lo studio de la
salvaguardia dei beni culturali 4. Tecniche diagnostiche: A. Castellano / S. Quarta:
Tecniche radiografiche per larcheometria R. Cesareo: Tomografia X e gamma per lo
studio di manufatti artistici M. Cetica & al.: Tecniche di imaging multispettrale M.
Bellaria / D. Bertani: La riflettografia infrarossa R. Fontana & al.: Tecniche ottiche per
misurare la forma F. Petrucci: Spettroscopia per immagini per la diagnostica di opere
darte contemporanea N. Ludwig: Tecniche termografiche per la diagnostica
sulledilizia storica 5. Tecniche geofisiche e microclimatiche: M. T. Carrozzo & al.:
Metodi geofisici per i beni culturali A. Bernardi: Metodologia per unanalisi microcli-
matica per la conservazione delle opere darte negli ambienti interni.
009 Chenal-Velarde, I.: La faune du site nolithique de Sion-Avenue Ritz
(Valais, Suisse). Histoire dun levage villageois il y a 5000 ans. Avec les
contributions de O. Putelat et H. Fernndez
2002 151 pp., 60 fig., 4 lm., tabl. P 48,11
010 DAndria, F. / M. Guaitoli, eds.: Metodologie di catalogazione dei beni
archeologici, I,1
1997 256 pp., fig., 5 plan. P 26,83
011 DAndria, F. / M. Guaitoli, eds.: Metodologie di catalogazione dei beni
archeologici, I,2
1997 200 pp., fig., despl. P 16,02
012 Davis, S. J. M.: La arqueologa de los animales. Con unas apostillas del
prof. J. Estvez
1989 243 pp., fig. P 25,00
013 Fletcher, R.: The Limits of Settlement Growth. A Theoretical Outline
1995 xxiv + 276 pp., 94 fig., 3 grf. P 98,70
INDICE: 1. Teoretical Context. The Role of the Material as Behaviour: Archaeology, settlement growth
and the material component of human behaviour The material as behaviour A hierarchy of social
explanation: locating the material 2. The Limits of Settlement Growth. Behavioural Stress and the
Material Management of Community Life: The behavioural parameters of interaction and communica-
tion Settlement growth trajectories Settlement growth transitions and the role of the material
3. Implications. Transformations and Constraints of Community Life: The development of sedentism
The development of agrarian and industrial urbanism Future urban growth.
014 French, C.: Geoarchaeology in Action. Studies in Soil Micromorphology
and Landscape Evolution
2003 xxi + 291 pp., 100 fig. P 33,15
INDICE: 1. Some Essential Elements of Geoarchaeology: Method and Practice: Issues and aims in
geoarchaeology Processes of archaeological preservation Geomorphological processes Soils,
sediments and buried soils Lowland and upland landscape systems 2. Geoarchaeology in Action:
Case Studies and Syntheses: The lower Welland valley, Cambridgeshire, England The Fengate shore,
lower Nene valley and the Flag Fen basin, Cambridgeshire, England The development of the
Cambridgeshire fenlands of eastern England The lower Great Ouse valley, Cambridgeshire, England
The dyke survey in the northwestern Cambridgeshire fenlands Monitoring desiccation, erosion
and preservation of sites and landscapes in the East Anglian wetlands and elsewhere Wyke Down
and the upper Allen valley, Cranborne Chase, Dorset, England The lower aguas basin, southeastern
Spain The Troina river valley, north-central Sicily The Dhamar region, central Highlands, Yemen
The environs of Tell Brak, northeastern Syria The steppe at Botai, northeastern Kazakhstan.
015 Fuchs, M.: Die OSL-Datierung von Archosedimenten zur Rekonstruktion
Anthropogen Bedingter Sedimentumlagerung. Geoarchologische Untersu-
chungen im Becken von Phlious, Ne-Peloponnes, Griechenland
2001 179 pp., fig., map. P 50,00
016 Garrison, E. G.: Techniques in Archaeological Geology
2003 317 pp., 102 fig., 20 tabl. P 83,15
INDICE: Survey and mapping the geomorphological and geological context Geophysical techniques for
archaeology Field sampling techniques for archaeological sediments and soils Analytical techniques
for archaeological sediments Petrography for archaeological geology Instrumental analytical techiques
for archaeological geology Statistics in archaeological geology References.
017 Giardino, C.: I metalli nel mondo antico. Introduzione
1998 xii + 277 pp., fig. P 20,80
018 Leakey, M. G. / J. M. Harris, eds.: Lothagam: the Dawn of Humanity in
Eastern Africa
2001 684 pp., 173 lm., fig., grf. P 204,25
INDICE: Geology, Paleosols, and Dating: C. S. Feibel: Stratrigraphy and depositional history of the
Lothagam sequence J. G. Wynn: Miocene and pliocene paleosols of Lothagam I. McDougall / C.
S. Feibel: Numerical age control for the miocene-pliocene succession at Lothagam, a hominoid-bearing
sequence in the northern Kenya rift Crustacea and Pisces: J. W. Martin / S. Trautwein: Fossil crabs
(crustacea, decapoda, brachyura) from Lothagam K. M. Stewart: Fossil fish remains from mio-
pliocene deposits at Lothagam, Kenya Reptilia and Aves: R. C. Wood: Fossil turtles from Lothagam
G. W. Storrs: Late miocene-early pliocene crocodilian fauna of Lothagam, southwest Turkana Basin,
Kenya J. M. Harris / M. G. Leakey: Lothagam birds Lagomorpha and Rodentia: A. J. Winkler:
Rodents and lagomorphs from the miocene and pliocene of Lothagam, northern Kenya Primates: M.
G. Leakey & al.: Cercopithecidae from Lothagam M. G. Leakey / A. C. Walker: The Lothagam
hominids Carnivora: L. Werdelin: Mio-pliocene carnivora from Lothagam, Kenya Proboscidea
and Tubulidentata: P. Tassy: Elephantoidea from Lothagam J. M. Harris: Deinotheres from the
Logatham succession S. A. H. Milledge: Fossil Aardvarks from the Lothagam beds Perissodac-
tyla: J. M. Harris / M. G. Leakey: Lothagam rhinocerotidae R. L. Bernor / J. M. Harris: Systematics
and evolutionary biology of the late miocene and early pliocene hipparionine equids from Lothagam,
Kenya Hippopotamidae and Suidae: E. M. Weston: Fossil hippopotamidae from Lothagam J. M.
Harris / M. G. Leakey: Lothagam suidae Ruminantia: J. M. Harris: Lothagam giraffids J. M. Harris:
Bovidae from the Lothagam succession Isotopes: T. E. Cerling & al.: Stable isotope ecology of
northern Kenya, with emphasis on the Turkana basin T. E. Cerling & al.: Isotope paleoecology of the
Nawata and Nachukui formations at Lothagam, Turkana basin, Kenya M. G. Leakey / J. M. Harris:
Lothagams: its significance and contributions Appendix: M. Antn: Notes on the reconstructions of
fossil vertebrates from Lothagam.
019 Mathieu, J. R., ed.: Experimental Archaeology. Replicating Past Objects,
Behaviors, and Processes
2002 165 pp., fig., fot., grf. P 46,45
INDICE: G. LeMoine: Monitoring developments: replicas and reproducibility I. Cross & al.: Musical
behaviors and the archaeological record: a preliminary study H. J. Greenfield: Distinguishing metal
(steel and low-tin bronze) from stone (flint and obsidian) tool cut marks on bone: an experimental
approach J. J. Shea & al.: Controlled experiments with middle paleolithic spear points: levallois points
J. R. Mathieu / D. A. Meyer: Reconceptualizing experimental archaeology: assessing the process of
experimentation A. Vranich: Seeing what is not there: reconstructing the monumental experience
C. Gifford / F. Acuto: Space, place and inka domination in northwest Argentina H. Gill-Robinson: This
little piggy went to Cumbria, this little piggy went to Wales: the tales of 12 piglets in peat C. Blair:
SMELT: economies of scale E. B. W. Zubrow: Experimenting with continental migration.
020 Moure Romanillo, A., ed.: Elefantes, ciervos y ovicaprinos. Economa y
aprovechamiento del medio en la prehistoria de Espaa y Portugal
1992 326 pp., fig. P 23,44
021 Olcese, G., ed.: Ceramica romana e archeometria: lo stato degli studi. Atti
del convegno Montegufoni, 26-27 aprile 1993
1994 322 pp., fig. P 32,24
022 Ruppe, C. V. / J. F. Barstad, eds.: International Handbook of Underwater
2002 xxviii + 881 pp., fig. P 210,60
023 Thiebault, S., ed.: Charcoal Analysis. Methodological Approaches, Pala-
eoecological Results and Wood Uses. Proceedings of the Second International
Meeting of Anthracology, Paris, September 2000
2002 x + 284 pp., fig., grf. P 54,75
024 Arsuaga, J. L. y otros: La memoria de la tierra: yacimientos que cambiaron
la historia
2002 147 pp., fig., fot., lm. col. P 9,00
INDICE: M. R. Gonzlez Morales: Altamira. El descubrimiento de la mente humana F. Smah: Java:
el descubrimiento de una nueva especie de humanidad M. Leakey: La garganta de Olduvai y la cuenca
del lago Turkana: los orgenes Y. Rak: El poblema neandertal: la presencia del homo sapiens y del homo
neanderthalensis en las cuevas de Israel J. L. Arsuaga & al.: Los yacimientos de la sierra de Atapuerca.
025 Bednarik, R. G.: Rock Art Science. The Scientific Study of Palaeoart
2001 v + 219 pp., 70 fig. P 76,96
INDICE: Rock art science: an introduction The study of rock art in a historical perspective The
discrimination of natural and artificial rock markings The technology of rock art The recording
of rock art The conservation of rock art The dating of rock art The interpretation of rock art
Some methods of rock art science Portable palaeoart Resources in rock art research Rock
art glossary.
026 Bollettino Centro camuno di studi preistorici, 33: Sciamanismus e mito
2002 144 pp., 77 fig. P 35,20
INDICE: E. Anati: Presentazione M. Meschiari: Spazio e sciamanesimo nellart paleolitica H. S.
Tang: Opposition and unity: a study of shamanistic dualism in prehistoric art G. Brusa: Vortici piumati
e ibridi ornitomorfi nellarte rupestre U. Sansoni / S. Gavaldo: Lipotesi sciamanica nellarte rupestre
della Valcamonica. Note per unindagine A. Beltrn: Shamanismo y mitologa en la pintura prehistrica
de la zona sacralizada del Ro Martn (Teruel, Espaa) U. Bertilsson: Rock art at the end of the world.
Rock art paintings and engravings in northern Sweden. Pure hunting magic or reflections of shamanism?
A. Datta: Shamanism and the indian rock paintings A. Solomon: Myth, shamanism and San rock art (South
Africa) A. Rozwadowski: Crossing the crack. Flying to the cloud. Indo-iranians, shamanism and central
asian rock art M. R. Adams: Petroglyphs of the Oregon hight desert E. Anati: Miti e memorie dellepoca
dei sogni: la pittura su corteccia degli aborigeni australiani.
027 Estudos pr-histricos, 1 1993
1993 112 pp., fot., fig. P 9,00
028 Estudos pr-histricos, 2: Cruz, D. J. da, ed.: Actas seminrio o megali-
tismo no centro de Portugal. Novos dados, problemtica e relaes com outras
reas peninsulares (Mangualde, novembro 1992)
1994 432 pp., fig., fot., despl. P 35,65
029 Estudos pr-histricos, 3 1995
1995 264 pp., fig., fot., cuadr. P 19,50
030 Estudos pr-histricos, 4: Gomes, L. F. Coutinho: A necrpole megalitica
da Lameira Dcima (Penedono - Viseu)
1996 198 pp., lm., fig., cuadr. P 19,50
031 Estudos pr-histricos, 5 1997
1997 172 pp., fot., fig. P 14,00
032 Estudos pr-histricos, 6: Cruz, D. J. da, ed.: Actas do coloquio a pr-
historia na Beira interior (Tondela, 21 a 23 de novembro de 1997)
1998 408 pp., fig., fot. P 43,65
033 Estudos pr-histricos, 7 1999
1999 305 pp., fig., fot. P 24,65
034 Estudos pr-histricos, 8 2000
2000 264 pp., fig., fot., 1 despl. P 24,65
035 Estudos pr-histricos, 9 2001
2001 148 pp., fig., fot., 1 despl. P 15,60
INDICE: M. Almeida / M. J. Neves: Ocupao holocnica do Vale das Buracas (Zumbujal, Condeixa-a-
Nova, Coimbra): crtica tafonmica, tecnologia ltica e contextualizao arqueolgica J. A. Lpez
Sez & al.: Monumento 2 de Lameira Travessa (Vila Nova de Paiva, Viseu). Resultados das anlises
polnicas I. Figueiral: Restos vegetais Carbonizados do Alto Paiva (Beira Alta) R. Vilaa & al.:
A esttua-menir de Atades (Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, Guarda) no seu contexto regional M.
Ruiz-Glvez Priego & al.: Paisaje y territorio nurgico. Generacin de un modelo y primeros datos de la
aplicacin G.I.S. L. Ladra: Os torques de prata da Cividade de Bagunte (Vila do Conde) A. T.
Santos / A. J. Aveleira: A necrpole de Caramlo Mazugueira (Caparrosa, Tondela, Viseu) M.
S. Perestrelo: A idade do bronze no castelo dos Mouros de Cidadellhe (Pinhel) J. M. Perptuo: A arca
do Penedo do Com (Esmolfe, Penalva do Castelo, Viseu) F. J. Carvalho dos Santos: Dlmen da Capela
dos Mouros (Arcas / Talhadas, Sever do Vouga, Aveiro) F. J. Carvalho dos Santos: O monumento 2
de Cho Redondo (Talhadas, Sever do Vouga, Aveiro).
036 Grimaud Herve, D. / F. Marchal / A. Vialet / F. Detroit: Le deuxime
homme en Afrique: homo ergaster, homo erectus. Prface Y. Coppens. Sous la
direction de D. Grimaud-Herv et F. Serre
2002 261 pp., fig. P 21,00
037 Karega-Munene: Holocene Foragers, Fishers and Herders of Western
2002 xii + 171 pp., fig., grf., tabl. P 53,08
038 Mafart, B. / H. Delingette, eds.: Three-Dimensional Imaging in Pa-
leoanthropology and Prehistoric Archaeology. Actes du XIV
congres UISPP,
Universit de Lige, Belgique, 2-8 septembre 2001
2002 vi + 108 pp., fig., fot. P 41,48
INDICE: B. Mafart: 3D imaging in paleoanthropology and prehistoric archeology: a new tool for old
sciences or an emerging science? G. Zonneveld: Applications and pitfalls of CT-based 3-D imaging
of hominid fossils T. C. Rae / T. Koppe: 3D imaging and measurement in studies of cranial
pneumatization E. Bruner & al.: The virtual endocast of Saccopastore 1. General morphology and
preliminary comparisons by geometric morphometrics K. Harvati: Models of shape variation between
and within species and the neanderthal taxonomic position: A 3D geometric morphometrics approach
based on temporal bone morphology M. Friess & al.: The use of 3D laser scanning techniques for the
morphometric analysis of human facial shape variation G. Subsol & al.: 3D image processing for the
study of the evolution of the shape of the human skull: presentation of the tools and preliminary results
C. P. E. Zollikofer / M. S. Ponce de Len: Virtual paleoanthropology: the 4
dimension J. L.
Thompson & al.: 3-D imaging and traditional morphometric analysis of the adolescent neandertal from
Le Moustier G. W. Weber: Virtual anthropology the hope for more transparency in paleoanthro-
pology G. Odin & al.: Comparison of a three-dimensional and a computerized-assisted method for
cranio-facial reconstruction: application to Tautavel man O. Kullmer & al.: Hominid tooth pattern
database (Hotpad) derived from optical 3D topometry I. L. Ggel / K.-H. Kunzelmann: Simulation
and 3D-laser-scanning of dental abrasion H. Delingette: Bridging the gap between archeological
datasets and digital representations R. Sablatnig & al.: Volume computation of archaeological vessels
H. de Lumley & al.: Reconstitution en trois dimensions dun sol dhabitat prhistorique: exemple de
la Caune de lArago (Tautavel, Pyrenes-Orientales, France).
039 Miskovsky, J.-C., ed.: Gologie de la prhistoire:
mthodes, techniques, applications
2002 1.519 pp., 1 CD-ROM P 135,00
040 Parkinson, W. A., ed.: The Archaeology of Tribal Societies
2003 446 pp., 102 fig., 26 tabl. P 82,94
INDICE: 1. Theoretical Considerations: W. A. Parkinson: Introduction: Archaeology and tribal
societies S. M. Fowles: From social type to social process: placing tribe in a historical framework
R. L. Carneiro: The tribal village and its culture: an evolutionary stage in the history of human society
2. Ethnographic and Ethnohistoric Perspectives: E. M. Redmond: The long and the short of a war
leaders arena S. M. Fowles: Inequality and egalitarian rebelion, a tribal dialectic in Tonga history
D. Snow: The dynamics of ethnicity in tribal society: a Penobscot case study M. Galaty: Modeling the
formation and evolution of an illyrian tribal system: ethnographic and archaeological analogs 3.
Archaeological Perspectives from the New World: S. A. Herr / J. J. Clark: Mobility and the organization
of prehispanic southwest communities M. Adler: Building consensus: tribes, architecture, and
typology in the american southwest D. J. Blakeslee: Fractal archaeology: intra-generational cycles and
the matter of scale, an example from the central plains J. M. OShea / C. M. Milner: Material indicators
of territory, identity, and interaction in a prehistoric tribal system R. W. Yerkes: Hopewell tribes: a
study of middle woodland social organization in the Ohio valley D. G. Anderson: The evolution of
tribal social organization in the southeastern United States J. E. Clark / D. Cheetham: Mesoamericas
tribal foundations 4. Archaeological Perspectives from the Old World: O. & D. E. Bar-Yosef: Early
neolithic tribes in the Levant P. Bogucki: A neolithic tribal society in northern Poland L. H. Keeley:
Some aspects of the social organization of the LBK of Belgium W. A. Parkinson: Integration,
interaction, and tribal cycling: the transition to the copper age on the great hungarian plain.
041 Settar, S. / R. Korisettar, eds.: Indian Archaeology in Retrospect, 4 vols.
(1: Prehistory: Archaeology of South Asia; 2: Protohistory: Archaeology of the
Harappan Civilization; 3: Archaeology and Interactive Disciplines; 4: Ar-
chaeology and Historiography: History, Theory and Method)
2002 2.086 pp., 132 fig., 54 map. P 235,00
042 Steuer, H. / D. Hakelberg, eds.: Eine Hervorragend nationale Wissen-
schaft. Deutsche Prhistoriker zwischen 1900 und 1995
2001 viii + 520 pp., 26 fig. P 133,12
043 Triantaphyllou, S.: A Bioarchaeological Approach to Prehistoric Ceme-
tery Populations from Central and Western Greek Macedonia
2001 viii + 172 pp., fig., tabl. P 69,00
044 Villalpando, M. E., ed.: Boundaries and Territories: Prehistory of the U.
S. Southwest and Northern Mexico
2002 ix + 189 pp., fig., map. P 48,84
045 Aurenche, O. / S. K. Kozlowski: El origen del neoltico en el Prximo
Oriente. El paraso perdido
2002 318 pp., 65 lm. P 22,00
046 Bailly, M. / R. Furestier / T. Perrin, eds.: Les industries lithiques taills
holocnes du bassin rhodanien. Problmes et actualits. Actes de la table ronde
tenue Lyon les 8 et 9 dcembre 2000
2002 247 pp., fig. P 35,00
INDICE: 1. Matires, ides, mouvements: J. Fblot-Augustins: Exploitation des matires premires et
mobilit dans le Bugey (Ain): un aperu diachronique du magdalin moyen au nolithique C. Riche
/ J. Fblot-Augustins: La caractrisation ptrographique des silex: application de la mthode deux
contextes gologiques et ptrographiques particuliers (sud-Vercors et Bugey) C. Riche: Les ateliers
de taille de silex de Vassieux-en-Vercors (Drme): exploitation des gtes et diffusion des produits C.
Bressy / P. Bintz: Prsentation du projet de lithothque 2. Industries et rseaux du nolithique
moyen: S. Saintot: La srie lithique taille du nolithique moyen I Simandre Les Estournelles
(Rhne) S. Saintot / C. Riche: La srie lithique taille de Die Chanqueyras (Drme). Caractrisation
technologique et ptrographique dune industrie lithique prchassenne drmoise T. Perrin: Les
industries lithiques tailles du haut bassin rhodanien la transition nolithique ancien / nolithique
moyen M. Honegger: Les influences mridionales dans les industries lithiques du nolithique 3.
Production et statut des outillages lithiques la fin du III
millnaire avant J.-C.: J.-P. Fillion:
Matriaux et techniques de dbitage du silex sur un site dapprovisionnement du nolithique final Villes
et Ochiaz (Ain) R. Furestier: Y a-t-il une production spcifique du support doutil chez les
campaniformes du sud-est de la France? J. Detrey: Mise en vidence dune composante rgionale dans
lindustrie lithique campaniforme en Ajoie (Jura, Suisse) M. Bailly: Du nolithique final lge du
bronze ancien en bassin rhodanien: une premire approche du statut des productions lithiques P.
Four / J. M. Roger: Le matriel lithique du site campaniforme de Maupas (Calvisson, Gard).
047 Bar-Yosef. O. / D. Pilbeam, eds.: The Geography of Neandertals and
Modern Humans in Europe and the Greater Mediterranean
2000 x + 197 pp., fig., map., tabl. P 33,81
048 Bernard-Guelle, S.: Le palolithique moyen du massif du Vercors (Pral-
pes du nord). Etude des systmes techniques en milieu de moyenne montagne
2002 242 pp., 142 fig., 26 tabl. P 58,06
049 Bicho, N. Ferreira: Technological Change in the Final Upper Paleolithic
of Rio Maior
2000 454 pp., 62 fig., 107 tabl. P 15,60
Arkeos, 8.
050 Bordes, F.: Typologie du palolithique ancien et moyen
2000 224 pp., lm. P 15,00
051 Cauvin, J.: Naissance des divinits. Naissance de lagriculture. La rvo-
lution des symboles au nolithique
1999 310 pp., 8 lm. P 8,00
052 Cruz, A. R. / L. Oosterbeek, eds.: Territrio, mobilidade e povoamento no
alto Ribatejo, I: Indstrias e ambientes. Perspectivas em dilogo
2000 262 pp., fig., lm. col., tabl. P 15,60
Arkeos, 9.
INDICE: A. R. Cruz & al.: Indstrias macrolticas do ps-glaciar no alto Ribatejo L. Oosterbeek & al.:
Novos dados crono-estratigrficos e paleo-ambientais do pleistoceno e do holoceno no alto Ribatejo E.
Allu: Pollen and charcoal analyses from archaeological sites from the alto Ribatejo (Portugal) M.
Petrescu: tude comparative de certaines associations vgtales forstires du Portugal et de la rgion de la
Dobroudja (Roumanie) F. Botn Garca: Estudios sedimentolgicos P. Mozzi: Geomorphological and
geological investigations in the Zezere and Nabo river basins (Ribatejo, Portugal) M. Migliavacca: Val
da Laje, Jogada, Pinheiros A. R. Cruz & al.: Arqsoft and GIS: an experience in the Nabo valley L.
Oosterbeek / A. R. Cruz: Projecto arqueolgico e museogrfico do alto Ribatejo A. R. Cruz: Nomenclatura
em cincia L. Oosterbeek: A past for the future and a past for the present M. J. M. Santos: Contributo
para o inventrio bibliogrfico do alto Ribatejo.
053 Cruz, A. R. / L. Oosterbeek, eds.: Territrios, mobilidade e povoamento
no alto Ribatejo, II: Santa Cita e o quaternrio da regio. Perspectivas em
2001 192 pp., fig., lm. col., tabl. P 15,60
Arkeos, 11.
INDICE: T. Lussu & al.: O musteriense de Santa Cita (Tomar, alto Ribatejo, Portugal): investigao e
conservao N. Ferreira Bicho / C. Reid Ferring: O stio arqueolgico de Santa Cita, Tomar: as
intervenes arqueolgicas de 1990 a 1997 S. Grimaldi / P. Rosina: O pleistoceno mdio final no alto
Ribatejo (Portugal central): o stio da Ribeira da Ponte da Pedra C. Lemorini & al.: Observaes
funcionais e tecnolgicas num habitat paleoltico: Fonte da Moita (Portugal central) M. G. Chacn /
L. Raposo: Anlisis comparativo de la industria ltica en slex del yacimiento de Estrada do Prado
(Portugal) y del nivel k del Abric roman (Espaa) A. M. Baptista: Ocreza (Envendos, Mao, Portugal
central): um novo stio com arte paleoltica de ar livre.
054 Budja, M., ed.: Documenta Praehistorica XXV: 6
Neolithic Studies
1998 v + 235 pp., fig., fot., tabl. P 44,35
INDICE: Y. Hou: New observations on paleolithic in China reflected by three sites X. Chen: Searching
for the early neolithic in China Z. Chaohong: New achievements in the study on the transitional period
from the palaeolithic to the neolithic in China C. Bjrk: A comparative outline of the early neolithic
cultures in China and in the Near East J. Yakar: The socio-economic structure of prehistoric communities
in the southern Levant, ca. 13 000-8000 BP M. Heun & al.: Einkorn wheat domestication site mapped
by DNA fingerprinting I. Hodder: atalhyk, Turkey: a summary of some recent results V. Nikolov:
The circumpontic cultural zone during the 6
millennium BC T. Stefanova: On the problem of the
anatolian-balkan relations during the early neolithic in Thrace L. Nikolova: Neolithic sequence: the upper
Stryama valley in western Thrace, (with appendix: radiocarbon dating of the balkan neolithic) A. Whittle:
Fish, faces and fingers: presences and symbolic identities in the mesolithic-neolithic transition in the
Carpathian basin N. Kalicz & al.: The northern periphery of the early neolithic Starevo culture in south-
western Hungary: a case study of an excavation at lake Balaton D. Gronenborn: ltestbandkeramische
Kultur, La Hoguette, Limburg, and ... what else? Contemplating the mesolithic-neolithic transition in
southern central Europe R. J. Schulting: Slighting the sea: stable isotope evidence for the transition to
farming in northwestern Europe M. Budja: Clay tokens accounting before writing in Eurasia.
055 Documenta Praehistorica, XXVI: Neolithic Studies
1999 v + 200 pp., fig., fot., map. P 44,35
INDICE: Z. Chi: The mesolithic and the neolithic in China H. Talai: Funeral rites at Zagheh: a neolithic
site in the Qazvin Plain, Iran D. Schmandt-Besserat: Tokens: the cognitive significance L. Thissen:
Trajectories towards the neolithisation of NW Turkey D. Bori: Places that created time in the Danube
Gorges and beyond, c. 9000-5500 BC I. Radovanovi: Neither person nor beast dogs in the burial
practice of the iron gates mesolithic I. Antanaitis: Concerning the transition to farming in the east Baltic
J. B. Aubn: Pots, symbols and territories: the archaeological context of neolithisation in mediterranean
Spain M. Budja: The transition to farming in mediterranean Europa an indigenous respond B.
Erdogu: Pattern and mobility in the prehistoric settlements of the Edirne region, eastern Thrace D. W.
Bailey: The built environment: pit-huts and houses in the neolithic A. Gardner: The ecology of neolithic
environmental impacts re-evaluation of existing theory using case studies from Hungary & Slovenia
D. Mleku: Landscape dynamics on the Ljubljana Moor N. Ogrinc: Stable isotope evidence of the diet
of the neolithic population in Slovenia a case study: Ajdovska Jama.
056 Ehrich, R. W. / E. Pleslova-Stikova: Homolka. An Eneolithic Site in
1968 499 pp., 1 despl. P 31,00
057 Eriksen, B. V. / B. Bratlund, eds.: Recent Studies in the Final Palaeolithic
of the European Plain. Proceedings of a UISPP Symposium, Stockholm, 14.-17.
October 1999
2002 207 pp., fig., grf., tabl. P 39,94
INDICE: B. Bratlund / B. V. Eriksen: Recent studies in the final palaeolithic of the european plain an
introduction E. Kolstrup: Some classical methods used for reconstruction of lateglacial environments in
the european plain: potentials and limitations B. V. Eriksen: Reconsidering the geochronological
framework of lateglacial hunter-gatherer colonization of southern Scandinavia A. kerlund: Life without
close neighbours. Some reflections on the first peopling of east central Sweden H. Kindgren: Tosskrr.
Stenkyrka 94 revisited L. Larsson & al.: Archaeo-faunal aspects of bog finds from Hssleberga, southern
Scania, Sweden A. D. Johansson: Late palaeolithic settlement in south Zealand, eastern Denmark G.
Eberhards / I. Zagorska: The environment and the earliest settlement of Latvia, east Baltic J. Fiedorczuk
/ R. Schild: Wilczyce a new late magdalenian site in Poland B. Bratlund: The faunal remains from
Wilczyce J. Kabacinski & al.: The lateglacial sequence at the Humburgian site at Mirkowice: stratigraphy
and geochronology M. Kobusiewicz: Ahrensburgian and Sviderian: two different modes of adaptation?
C. Pasda: A short note on man in the Allerd/Younger Dryas environment of lower Lusatia (Brandenburg,
Germany) S. Veil / K. Breest: The archaeological context of the art objects from the Federmesser site
of Weitsche, Ldkr. Lchw-Dannenberg, Lower Saxony (Germany) a preliminary report M. De Bie &
al.: On knapping spots and living areas: intra-site differentiation at late palaeolithic Rekem P. Comb /
C. Verbruggen: The lateglacial and early postglacial occupation of northern Belgium: the evidence from
Sandy Flanders E. Rensink: Late palaeolithic sites in the Maas valley of the southern Netherlands:
prospects, surveys and results E. H. Nielsen: The lateglacial settlemet of the central swiss plateau.
058 Floss, H. / T. Terberger: Die Steinartefakte des Magdalenien von Ander-
nach, Lkr. Mayen-Koblenz. Die Grabungen 1979-1983
2002 244 pp., 185 fig., lm., tabl. P 69,16
059 Gallet, M.: Pour une technologie des dbitages laminaires prhistoriques
1998 182 pp., fig. P 24,50
060 Gallia prhistoire. Archologie de la France prhistorique, 44 2002
2002 233 pp., fig., fot., tabl. P 38,00
INDICE: L. Laporte / C. Picq: Les occupations nolithiques du vallon des Ouchettes (Plassay, Charente-
maritime) C. Manen: Structure et identit des styles cramiques du nolithique ancien entre Rhne
et bre L. Laporte & al.: Le tumulus C de Pr Priss-la-Charrire (Deux-Svres) I. Sidra:
Outils, armes et parures en os funraires la fin du nolithique daprs Val-de-Reuil et Porte-Joie (Eure):
reprsentations individuelles et pratiques collectives.
061 Guilaine, J., ed.: Matriaux, productions, circulations du nolithique
lge du bronze. Sminaire du Collge de France
2002 245 pp., fig. P 30,00
INDICE: M.-C. Cauvin: Lobsidienne et sa diffusion dans le Proche-Orient nolithique M.-L. Inizan:
Tailler des roches par pression: mergence dune technique, tapes de sa diffusion dans le monde C.
Jeunesse: La coquille et la dent. Parure de coquillage et volution des systmes symboliques dans le
nolithique danubien (-5600/-4500) P. Ptrequin & al.: La valorisation sociale des longues haches dans
lEurope nolithique C.-T. Le Roux: Plussuien et la diffusion des haches polies armoricaines M.-
J. Villalba: Le gte de variscite de Can Tintorer: production, transformation et circulation du minral vert
J. Pelegrin: La production des grandes lames de silex du Grand-Pressigny L. Salanova: Fabrication
et circulation des cramiques campaniformes M. Casanova: Le lapis-lazuli, joyau de lorient ancient
Y. Billaud / B. Gratuze: Les perles en verre et en faence de la protohistoire franaise C. du Gardn:
Lambre et sa circulation dans lEurope protohistorique C. lure: Techniques et usages de lor dans
lEurope protohistorique.
062 Hoffecker, J. F.: Desolate Landscapes. Ice-Age Settlement in Eastern
2002 xviii + 299 pp., 76 fig., 21 tabl. P 41,90
INDICE: Human evolutionary ecology and eastern Europe Environmental setting Middle pleistocene
settlement Neanderthal adaptations The transition to modern humans People of the loess steppe
063 Holl, A.: Economie et socit nolithique du Dhar Tichitt (Mauritanie)
1986 195 pp., 93 fig., tabl., despl. P 31,25
064 Locht, J.-L., ed.: Bettencourt-Saint-Ouen, Somme: cinq occupations pa-
lolithiques au dbut de la dernire glaciation
2002 176 pp., fig., tabl., lm. col. P 34,00
065 Mohen, J.-P. / P. Scarre: Les tumulus de Bougon (Deux-Svres). Complexe
mgalithique du V
au III
2002 256 pp., 380 fig. P 40,00
066 Owen, L. R. / M. Porr, eds.: Ethno-Analogy and the Reconstruction of
Prehistoric Artefact Use and Production
1999 ix + 284 pp., fig. P 40,56
067 Philibert, S.: Les derniers sauvages. Territoires conomiques et syst-
mes techno-fonctionnels msolithiques
2002 198 pp., 67 fig., 55 tabl. P 68,02
068 Sacchi, D.: Le palolithique suprieur du Languedoc occidental et du
1986 284 pp., 245 fig., 36 tabl. P 57,93
069 Salanova, L.: La question du campaniforme en France et dans les les
anglo-normandes. Productions, chronologie et rles dun standard cramique
2000 392 pp., fig. P 45,73
070 Tilmatine, M. / J. Ramos Muoz / V. Castaeda Fernndez, eds.: Actas de
las primeras jornadas de estudios histricos y lingsticos: el norte de frica
y el sur de la Pennsula Ibrica
2002 233 pp. P 8,00
INDICE: J. Ramos: Reflexiones para el estudio de las primeras comunidades de cazadores-recolectores del
Norte de frica y del sur de la Pennsula Ibrica: Medio natural, relaciones y contactos V. Castaeda: Las
bandas de cazadores-recolectores de finales del pleistoceno en el sur de la Pennsula Ibrica. La explicacin
de sus relaciones con el norte de frica a lo largo del s. XX S. Hachi: La question du palolithique
suprieur en Afrique du nord S. Hachi. Considrations nouvelles propos de lart figuratif prhistorique
dAfrique du nord M. Tilmatine: Presencia y marginalizacin: el bereber en la investigacin espaola
S. Chaker: Lcriture libyco-berbre A. Arvalo: Las escrituras paleohispnicas. Estado de la cuestin
J. Bustamante: Fitonimia en las orillas. Indicios de intercambios S. Domnguez-Bella: Geologa del arco
de Gibraltar. El sur de la Pennsula Ibrica y el norte de frica como fuentes potenciales de materias primas
minerales en la prehistoria.
071 Vande Walle, H.: Les stratgies de production des outils au palolithique
moyen. Contribution la comprhension du comportement des nandertaliens
2002 406 pp., 148 fig., 307 tabl. P 89,58
072 Bartoloni. G.: La cultura villanoviana. Allinizio della storia etrusca
2002 260 pp., fig. P 17,16
073 Buchsenschutz, O. / I. Ralston, eds.: Loccupation de lge du fer dans la
valle de lAuron Bourges. Installations agricoles, funraires et cultuelles (X
sicle avant J.-C.)
2002 222 pp., 140 fig. P 26,00
074 Chieco Bianchi, A. M.: Die Bronzestatuetten aus dem Reitia-Heiligtum
von Este (Ausgrabungen 1880-1916 und 1987-1991)
2002 108 pp., 5 fig., 61 lm. P 81,00
075 Daire, M.-Y. / L. Koryakova / V. Buldashov & al.: Habitats et ncropoles
de lge du fer au carrefour de lEurasie. Les fouilles de 1993 a 1997
2002 291 pp., fig., lm. col., map. P 43,68
076 Documents darchologie mridionale, 25 2002: Protohistoire du sud
de la France
2002 318 pp., fig., fot. P 42,00
INDICE: H. Boisson: Two structures related to the production early iron age hand-thrown pottery at Mailhac
(Aude) B. Dedet / D. Rouquette: The late bronze age site at Courtinals in Mourze (Hrault). The 1961
excavations of the C.R.A. Chnes Verts T. Janin & al.: The grand bassin II protohistoric necropolis at
Mailhac, Aude (VI
- V
c. BC) T. Janin & al.: The protohistoric burial at Mtairie Grande, Laure-
Minervois (Aude) (VII
c. BC) F. Marty / M. Del Corso: The iron age hill-top settlement at Castellan
(Istres, B.-du-Rh.). Study of the ancient collections and recent research M. Py & al.: Le Cailar (Gard).
A new lagoonal protohistoric trading post at the Rhne and Vistre confluence R. Roure: New data
regarding the protohistoric settlement at Beaucaire (Gard) J.-L. Reille: Querns from southern Provence
(Coirons, Massif central) and from two protohistoric sites in eastern Languedoc: Le Marduel (IV
c. BC.)
and Nages (III
c. BC.) C. Bellon & al.: New La Tne inhumation burials from Lanslevillard (Savoie)
A. DAnna: Late neolithic sculpture in the western Mediterranean P.-P. Bonenfant / J.-P. Guillaumet:
Research undertaken by the authors on pre-roman sculpture in Europe J. Gmez de Soto / P.-Y. Milcent:
Iron age sculpture in central and western France R. Olmos / P. Rouillard: Iberian pre roman sculpture
A. Duceppe-Lamarre: Celtic stone sculpture from the halstattien and la tenian periods in VII
to I
BC continental Europe: a unified or heterogeneous corpus?
077 Etruria e Sardegna centro-settentrionale tra let del bronzo finale e
larcaismo. Atti del 21 convegno studi etruschi ed italici, Sassari-Alghero-
Torralba 1998
2002 572 pp., fig. P 468,00
078 Haarmann, H.: Early Civilization and Literacy in Europe. An Inquiry into
Cultural Continuity in the Mediterranean World
1996 iv + 391 pp., 195 fig. P 97,76
INDICE: Iconography, symbolism and writing at the dawn of civilization Old Europe from the seventh
to the fourth millennia B.C. The organizing principles of old european writing Motivated and arbitrary
symbols and their affinity with the mythical symbolism Writing from old Europe to ancient Crete A case
of cultural continuity Literacy in ancient Crete On the social functions of linear and hieroglyphic writing
The cretan legacy in the east: writing systems in the multilingual society of ancient Cypurs The spread
of european writing beyond ancient Cyprus The influence of aegean and cypriot literacy in Asia Minor and
the Near East On the three ways of writing the oldest literary language in the world: greek The impact
of aegean culture on the western periphery The case of the Lipari script and the role of etruscan writing in
Italy Conclusion: Giving profile to a new paradigm for research into antiquity.
079 Ivantchik, A. I.: Kimmerier und Skythen. Kulturhistorische und chronolo-
gische Probleme der Archologie der osteuropischen Steppen und Kaukasiens
in vor- und frhskythischer Zeit
2001 vi + 324 pp., 135 fig., 2 map. P 75,80
080 Jerem, E. /I. Poroszlai, eds.: Archaeology of the Bronze and Iron Age.
Environmental Archaeology; Archaeological Parks. Proceedings of the inter-
national Archaeological Conference, Szazha-Lombatta, 3-7 october 1996
1999 488 pp., fig., fot. P 98,00
081 Karantzali, E.: The Mycenaean Cemetery at Pylona on Rhodes
2001 257 pp. fig., lm. b/n y col. P 74,65
082 Kouka, O.: Siedlungsorganisation in der Nord- und Ostgis whrend der
Frhbronzezeit (3. Jt. v. Chr.)
2002 517 pp., fig., tabl., map. P 103,79
083 Luke, J.: Ports of Trade, Al Mina and Geometric Greek Pottery in the
2003 89 pp., 19 fig., lm., 16 tabl. P 41,48
084 Lumley, H. de / L. Clergue & al.: Fascinant Mont Bego. Montagne sacre
de lge du cuivre et de lge du bronze ancien
2002 141 pp., lm. col. P 21,20
085 Meller, H.: Die Fibeln aus dem Reitia-Heiligtum von Este (Ausgrabungen
1880-1916). Studien zu den Sptlatene-Formen
2002 119 pp., 2 fig., 90 lm. P 75,80
086 Moffa, C.: Lorganizzazione dello spazio sullacropoli di Broglio di
2002 192 pp., fig. P 26,00
087 Pellegrini, E. / R. Macellari, eds.: I lingotti con il segno del ramo secco.
Considerazioni su alcuni aspetti socio-economici nellarea etrusco-italica
durante il periodo tardo arcaico
2002 192 pp., fig. P 260,00
088 Posluschny, A.: Die hallstattzeitliche Besiedlung im Maindreieck. GIS-
Gesttzte Fundstellenanalysen
2002 347 pp., 1 CD-ROM, fig., lm. P 66,35
089 Smith, J. S., ed.: Script and Seal Use on Cyprus in the Bronze and Iron Ages
2002 xv + 248 pp., fig., fot. P 52,05
INDICE: J. S. Smith: Problems and prospects in the study of script and seal use on Cyprus in the bronze and
iron ages N. E. Hirschfeld: Marks on pots: patterns of use in the archaeological record at Enkomi J.
M. Webb: Device, image, and coercion: the role of glyptic in the political economy of late bronze age Cyprus
G. B. Bazemore: The display and viewing of the syllabic inscriptions of Rantidi sanctuary A. T. Reyes:
The stamp seals of Cyprus in the late bronze age and the iron age: an introduction B. B. Powell: Seals and
writing in the ancient Near East and Cyprus: observations from context.
090 Weller, O., ed.: Archologie du sel. Techniques et socits dans la pre- et
protohistoire europenne/Salzarchologie. Actes du colloque 12. 2 du XIV
congrs de UISPP, 4 septembre 2001, Lige et de la table ronde du comit des
Salines de France, 18 mai 1998, Paris
2002 257 pp., fig., fot., lm. col. P 69,16
INDICE: P. Gouletquer: Larchologie du sel. Histoire et mthodes dune recherche particulire M.-Y.
Daire: Ateliers de bouilleurs de sel en Trgor (Bretagne). Donnes rcentes et indites F. Lemaire:
Latelier de Saunage augusten du site de Conchil-le-Temple Fond de la commanderie (Somme)
O. Weller / Y. Desfosss: Les ateliers sauniers de Sorrus (Pas-de-Calais): un apport majeur aux techniques
de production de sel et leur volution durant le second ge du fer C. Liot: Briquetage et production
de sels par lessivage de terres sales au Mexique N. Rouzeau: Saumeries et briquetages. Essai sur la
productivit des tablissements salicoles gaulois du centre-ouest atlantique daprs ltude du gisement de
Nalliers (Vende) P. Gouletquer: Du sel ltuve. Essai de synthse dune table ronde D. Monah:
Lexploitation prhistorique du sel dans les Carpates orientales N. Tasic: Salt trade in the neolithic of
southeast Europe D. Morin: Lextraction du sel dans les Alpes durant la prhistoire (5810-5526 cal. BC).
La source sale de Moriez, Alpes de Haute Provence (France) O. Weller: Aux origines de la production
du sel en Europe. Vestiges, fonctions et enjeux archologiques M. Pasquinucci / S. Menchelli: The isola
di Coltano bronze age village and the salt production in north coastal Tuscany (Italy) N. Morre: propos
du sel hispanique J.-F. Chopin: Le Collge des Trois-Valles, Salies -du-Salat (Haute-Garonne). Un
nouveau site de production de sel dans le sud-ouest de la France J.-D. Laffite: Le briquetage de la Seille
Moyenvic (Moselle, France) au lieu-dit Les Crleurs M. Hees: Production et commerce du sel lge
du fer en Baden-Wrttemberg (Allemagne) C. Chaidron: Essai de reconstitution dun fourneau sel
protohistorique au parc de Samara (Somme) T. Saile: Le commerce du sel dans lEurope centrale
prhistorique A. Leroy: Les ateliers de salaisons en baie de Douarnenez (Finistre) A. Dufraisse / E.
Gauthier: Exploitation des sources sales en Franche-Comt: impact sur lespace forestier du nolithique
la priode mdivale.
091 Wiegert, M.: Der Hunnenring von Otzenhausen, Lkr. St. Wendel. Die
Siedlungsfunde und Bebauungsstrukturen einer sptlatenezeitlichen Hhenbefe-
stigung im Saarland
2002 728 pp., fig., lm., despl. P 103,79
092 Wijngaarden, G. J. van: Use and Appreciation of Mycenaean Pottery in the
Levant, Cyprus and Italy (1600-1200 BC)
2002 441 pp., fig., tabl., 13 map. P 65,52
INDICE: 1. Introduction: The argument Mycenaean pottery in the Mediterranean The archaeology
of trade and consumption 2. The Levant: Mycenaean pottery in the Levant: introduction Ugarit
Hazor Tell Deir Alla The cultural significance of mycenaean pottery in the Levant 3. Cyprus:
Mycenaean pottery in Cyprus: introduction Enkomi-Ayios Iakovos Athienou-Bamboulari tis
Koukouninas Apliki-Karamallos The cultural significance of mycenaean pottery in Cyprus 4. The
Central Mediterranean: Mycenaean pottery in the central Mediterranean: introduction Lipari
Thapsos Broglio di Trebisacce The cultural significance of mycenaean pottery in Italy 5.
Conclusions: Variations in the cultural significance of mycenaean pottery The role of mycenaean pottery
in Mediterranean exchange Catalogues.
093 Worschech, U.: Cromlechs, Dolmen und Menhire. Vergleichende Studie zu
vor- und frhgeschichtlichen Grabanlagen in Jordanien
2002 130 pp., fig. P 35,00
INDICE: Zusammenfassende bersicht zu frhgeschichtlichen Grabasttten in Israel Grabsttten in der
el-Kerak (Jordanien) Typologie der Grber von er-Raha Archologische und religionsgeschicht-
liche Anmerkungen zum Steinkult Exkurse: Datierung, Inschrift, Bibelwissenschaft und europische
094 Barandiarn, I. / A. Cava: Cazadores-recolectores en el Pirineo navarro.
El sitio de Aizpea entre 8.000 y 6.000 aos antes de ahora
2001 544 pp., fig., cuadr. P 41,00
095 Barandiarn Maestu, I. y otros: Los grupos humanos en la prehistoria de
Encia-Urbasa. Anlisis cultural de asentamientos sistemas de explotacin,
modos de vida y ritos desde el neoltico hasta el final de la edad antigua
1989 310 pp., fig. P 30,00
096 Barandiarn, I. / A. Cava: La ocupacin prehistrica del abrigo de
Costalena (Maella, Zaragoza)
1989 164 pp., 71 fig., 11 lm. P 8,55
097 Barber Farras, J.: El poblat ibric de la Penya del Moro de Sant Just
Desvern (baix Llobregat). Les excavacions realitzades desde el 12 dabril de
1972 fins al 31 de desembre de 1990
2000 168 pp., 85 fig. P 23,75
098 Boj i Cullell, I.: Retorn a la prehistria
2000 199 pp., fig., fot., lm. col. P 17,50
INDICE: La histria de la recerca en prehistria Canvis climtics i canvis en el paisatge Els primers
humans Els primers pobladors de Catalunya El naixement de la tecnologia Els caadors-
recollectors Lassentament i laprofitament de lentorn El foc La conscincia i la pervivncia
El final dels caadors-recollectors Larribada dels primers agricultors i ramaders Les noves
feines, les noves eines Els habitatges i lexplotaci del territori La mort. Coves, sepulcres de fossa
i monuments megaltics El naixement de la mineria El descobriment dels metalls Canvis
profunds. Els camps durnes El naixement de lurbanisme El ferro i la fi de la prehistria.
099 Breuil, H.: Antologa de textos. Recopilacin, traduccin y comentarios
por E. Ripoll Perell
2002 402 pp., fig., lm. col. P 37,50
100 Cabre Aguilo, J.: Investigaciones en las cuevas de los Casares y de la Hoz
1998 155 pp., fig., lm. P 20,75
101 Carrera Ramirez, F. / F. J. Costas Goberna / A. de la Pea Santos:
Grabados rupestres en Galicia. Caractersticas generales y problemtica de su
gestin y conservacin
2002 162 pp., fot., lm. col., map. P 12,00
102 Castro Martnez, P. V. / V. Lull / R. Mic: Cronologa de la prehistoria
reciente de la Pennsula Ibrica y Baleares (c. 2800-900 cal ane)
1996 300 pp., grf., map., tabl. P 49,76
103 Cauwe, N., ed.: Un ge dargent. Premiers agriculteurs et premiers
mtallurgistes dans le sud-est de lEspagne. La collection Siret des Muses
royaux dart et dhistoire. Catalogue de lexposition Treignes (Belgique), du 26
janvier au 31 aot 2003
2003 64 pp., fig., lm. col. P 12,40
INDICE: N. Cauwe: Henri et Louis Siret, pionniers de la prhistoire ibrique N. Cauwe: Les fouilles
dHenri et Louis Siret dans les provinces de Murcia et dAlmera entre 1880 et 1887 N. Cauwe: Le
nolithique et le chalcolithique dans le sud-est de la Pninsule Ibrique E. Warmenbol: La naissance
de la mtallurgie en Pninsule Ibrique P.-L. van Berg: La cramique dEl Argar.
104 Contreras Cortes, F. / J. A. Camara Serrano: La jerarquizacin social en
la edad del bronce del alto Guadalquivir (Espaa). El poblado de Pealosa
(Baos de la Encina, Jan)
2002 172 pp., 43 fig., lm., tabl. P 66,35
105 Cousquer, Y. / H. Jaime / R. Omns, eds.: Les celtes et la Pninsule
Ibrique. Actes du colloque international Brest, 6-7-8 novembre 1997
1999 364 pp., fig. P 22,86
INDICE: 1. Prhistoire Antiquit: A. Lorrio: La culture celtibre: une vision densemble A. Pena
Graa: Notas sobre la organizacin institucional celta en los territorios polticos autnomos (Trebas)
de la antigua Gallaecia F. Beltrn Lloris: Les bronzes crits de Botorrita A. Jimeno Martnez &
al.: Numancia celtbera: ciudad y necrpolis C. Olria / A. Manyans: Los materiales celtas y de
influencia cltica pertenecientes a necrpolis y poblados del rea central del litoral mediterrneo peninsular
ibrico P. Galliou: LArmorique et le monde celtique 2. Histoire: J.-C. Cassard: Un valencien en
Bretagne au XV
sicle: Vincent Ferrier (1418-1419) F. Maurel: Larrive des premiers gallois en
Patagonie Y. Cousquer: Le rgionalisme galicien dans la gnration Ns: Castelao et Risco 3.
Linguistique: E. Losada Bada: Las escrituras celtohispnicas R. Omns: Le substrat celtique en castillan
et en galicien I. Milln Gonzlez Pardo: La lengua luso-galega arcaica G. Emelyanoff: Celtisme et
identit asturienne aujourdhui 4. Littrature: H. Jaime: Vision celte du monde et littratures hispaniques
R. Sainero: La influencia hispana en la primitiva literatura irlandesa J.-P. Snchez: Les celtes et la qute
du Paradis Ocanique V. M. Renero Arribas: La influencia de los autores bretones en la historiografa
cltica espaola del siglo XIX M. L. Burguera Nadal: Les notions celtiques du temps chez Valle-Incln
F. Sucarrat: Luis Seone et le mythe celte.
106 Dams, L.: Les peintures rupestres du Levant espagnol. Prface par L.-R.
1985 352 pp., fig. P 84,00
107 Escoriza Mateu, T.: La representacin del cuerpo femenino. Mujeres y arte
rupestre levantino del arco mediterrneo de la Pennsula Ibrica
2002 ix + 234 pp., 64 lm., 50 fig. P 58,06
INDICE: Teora feminista, representaciones de mujeres y arqueologa Hacia una arqueologa sexuada:
la ruptura del paradigma androcntrico El arte rupestre levantino. Una visin desde los estudios
prehistricos Una nueva mirada. La produccin de la vida social en el arte rupestre levantino Niebla
sobre los espacios sociales. Hiptesis sobre el contexto social del arte levantino Conclusin para una
discusin English summary Referencias bibliogrficas.
108 Garrido Pena, R.: El campaniforme en la meseta central de la Pennsula
Ibrica (c. 2500-2000 AC.)
2000 xiii + 347 pp., 96 fig., 102 lm. P 82,90
109 Gutirrez Soler, L. M.: El oppidum de Giribaile
2002 432 pp., fig., cuadr. P 50,00
110 Hernndez Gasch, J.: Arqueomediterrania, 3 (II): Son Real. Necrpolis
talayotica de la edad del hierro, II: Estudio arqueolgico, anlisis social
1998 243 pp., 16 lm. P 18,13
111 Hernndez Prez, M. S. / J. M. Segura Mart, eds.: La sarga. Arte rupestre
y territorio
2002 216 pp., fig., lm., lm. col. P 20,00
INDICE: J. M. Segura Mart: Las pinturas de La Sarga. Historiografa (1951-2001) A. Beltrn Martnez:
La Sarga (Alcoy, Alicante). Cincuenta aos despus M. S. Hernndez Prez & al.: La Sarga, (Alcoy,
Alicante). Catlogo de pinturas y horizontes artsticos V. Villaverde & al.: Las figuras levantinas del Abric
i de La Sarga: Aproximacin a su estilo y composicin J. E. Aura Tortosa / J. Fortea Prez: Pinceles,
plumas y gradinas. Sobre la lectura formal, estructural y funcional del arte prehistrico B. Mart Oliver
/ J. Juan-Cabanilles: La decoraci de les cermiques neoltiques i la seua relaci amb les pintures rupestres
dels abrics de La Sarga J. Bernabeu Aubn & al.: El poblamiento neoltico: desarrollo del paisaje agrario
en les valls de lAlcoi R. Ortiz & al.: El context arqueolgic de La Canal i de La Sarga (Alcoi-Xixona)
R. Martnez Valle: La Sarga (Alcoy, Alicante), un proyecto para la conservacin del yacimiento V.
Galbis Matarredona / M. Signes Verdera: Paisatge i medi natural.
112 Jimnez vila, J.: La torutica orientalizante en la Pennsula Ibrica
2002 578 pp., 258 fig., 68 lm. P 60,10
INDICE: 1. Aspectos introductorios: El fenmeno orientalizante en la Pennsula Ibrica. Una aproxima-
cin conceptual El trabajo del bronce en la prehistoria de la Pennsula Ibrica 2. Anlisis del material:
Jarros Braseros Otros vasos Timiaterios, lampadarios y material asociable Elementos de carro
y atalajes Armas Elementos de mobiliario Figuras exentas Objetos varios 3. Conclusiones:
La torutica fenicio-occidental Otras tradiciones artesanales Conclusiones generales Eplogo: La
torutica post-orientalizante: problemas y perspectivas.
113 Tarradell i Mateu, M. / J. Hernndez Gasch: Arqueomediterrania, 3 (I):
Son Real. Necropolis talayotica de la edad del hierro. I: Catalogo e inventarios
1998 223 pp., fig. P 18,12
114 Arbousse Bastide, t.: Armes traditionnelles dAfrique (dagues, poignards,
glaives, pes, tranchets et couperets). Approche rgionale et classification
technique, morphologique et esthtique
2003 iv + 203 pp., 231 fig. P 56,40
115 Avisseau, M., ed.: La glyptique des mondes classiques. Mlanges en
hommage Marie-Louise Vollenweider
1997 120 pp., 137 lm. P 39,64
116 Bartosiewicz, L. / H. J. Greenfield, eds.: Transhumant Pastoralism in
Southern Europe. Recent Perspectives from Archaeology, History and Ethnology
1999 245 pp., fig. P 37,85
INDICE: 1. Archaeology: H. J. Greenfield: The advent of transhumant pastoralism in the temperate
southeast Europe: a zooarchaeological perspective from the central Balkans E. Comsa: Aspects du mtier
de ptre au cours du nolithique tardif et de la priode de transition vers lge du bronze dans le territoire de
la Roumanie L. Bartosiewicz: The role of sheep versus goat in meat consumption at archaeological sites
2. History: H. Grassl: Women in ancient pastoralism T. Cevc: The architectural origin of two types
of herdsmens huts from slovenian Alpine pastures J. M. Halpern: The ecological transformation of a
resettled area, pig herders to settled farmers in central Serbia (umadija, Yugoslavia) during the 19th and 20th
centuries 3. Ethnoarchaeology: F. Baker: The ethnoarchaeology of transhumance in the southern
Abruzzi in central Italy an interdisciplinary approach J. G. Nandris: Ethnoarchaeology and latinity in
the mountains of the soutjern Velebit C. Chang: The ethnoarchaeology of pastoral sites in the Grevena
region of northern Greece N. Efstratiou: Pastoralism in highland Rhodope: archaeological implications
form recent observations M. Moreno Garca: Ethnographic observations of transhumant husbandry
practices in Spain and their applicability to the archaeological sample 4. Ethnology: E. Chalkea:
Ecological adaptations of the Sarakatsani (Epirus-Zagori-Greece) M. L. Ryder: Did Vlach shepherds
spread sheep-milking customs through south-east Europe? I. Smerdel: The three sheepmasters:
transhumance in Pivka (Slovenia) from the middle of 19th to the middle of 20th century A.-M. Brisebarre:
Organization of ovine transhumance in Cvennes, France J. Senegacnik: The contemporary pasture
economy in the Slovenian Alps.
117 Becker, C. / H. Manhart / J. Peters / J. Schibler, eds.: Historia animalium
ex ossibus. Beitrge zur Paloanatomie, Archologie, gyptologie, Ethnologie
und Geschichte der Tiermedizin. Festschrift fr Angela von den Driesch zum 65.
1999 488 pp., 137 fig., 111 tabl. P 83,84
118 Biehl, P. F. / A. Gramsch / A. Marciniak, eds.: Archologien Europas/
Archeologies of Europe. Geschichte, Methoden und Theorien/History, Methods
and Theories
2001 590 pp. P 26,52
INDICE: R. Schild: Making archaeology, not an easy task P. F. Biehl & al.: Archaeologies of Europe:
histories and identities. An introduction Die Archologien Europas: Ein berblick: H. Parzinger:
Archologien Europas und europische Archologie Rckblick und Ausblick D. Minta-
Tworzowska: Between a community of inspiration and the separateness of archaeological traditions
Geschichte des archologischen Denkens in Ost und West: S. Tabaczyski: From the history of eastern
and western archaeological thought: an introduction to discussion P. M. Barford: East is east and west
is west? Power and paradigm in european archaeology F. Bertemes: Die mitteleuropische Archolo-
gie: Eine Standortbestimmung zwischen Ost und West M. K. H. Eggert: Between facts and fiction:
reflections on the archaeologists craft J.-P. Demoule: Archologische Kulturen und moderne Nationen
Theorie und Praxis in den europischen Archologien: J. Kunow: Die Entwicklung von archologi-
schen Organisationen und Institutionen in Deutschland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert und das ffentliche
Interesse Bedeutungsgewinne und Bedeutungsverluste und deren Folgen U. Sommer: Deutscher
Sonderweg oder gehemmte Entwicklung? Einige Bemerkungen zu momentanen Entwicklungen der
deutschen Archologie A. Northe & al.: Halle Archologie zwischen Ost und West B. Olsen:
Devided we stand? Some opinions about trends and developments in scandinavian archaeology 1970-
2000 J. Chapman: Theoretical archaeology in Britain in the late 20
century An overview L. N.
Koryakova: Present day russian archaeology and the outside world S. A. Vasilev: Palaeolithic studies in
Rusia: retrospect and prospects J. Rassamakin: Die Archologie der Ukraine: vom entwickelten
Sozialismus zur Selbststndigkeit E. Neustupn: Czech archaeology at the turn of the millennium
D. Gheorghiu / C. F. Schuster: The avatars of a paradigm: a short history of romanian archaeology
V. Nikolov: Die bulgarische Archologie im letzten Jahrzehnt des 20. Jahrhunderts S. Babi: Still innocent
after all these years? Sketches for a social history of archaeology in Serbia P. Novakovi: Archaeology in
five states A peculiarity or just another story at the crossroads of Mitteleuropa and the Balkans: a case study
of slovene archaeology A. Guidi: An italian perspective I. Martnez Navarrete: Archaeological thought
and practice in Spain (1939-2000) Diskussion: U. Veit: Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Theoriedebatte und
Politik: Ur- und Frhgeschichtliche Archologie in Europa am Beginn des dritten Jahrtausends Z.
Kobyliski: Archaeology on the ruins of ivory towers: what sort of theory do we need? P. L. Kohl: Advances
in archaeology: comments on Archaeologies of Europe. History, methods and theories.
119 Bueno Hernndez, F., ed.: I congreso nacional de historia de las presas.
Actas. Mrida, 8 al 11 de noviembre de 2000. 2 vols.
2002 832 pp., map., fig. P 12,50
120 Cancik, H. / H. Schneider, eds.: Brills New Pauly.
Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World. Antiquity, I: A-Ari
2002 lxii + 580 pp. P 166,40
[Al realizar su pedido para este volumen se compromete
a la adquisicin de la obra completa.]
121 Cullen, B. S.: Contagious Ideas. On Evolution, Culture, Archaeology, and
Cultural Virus Theory. Collected Writings Edited by J. Steele, R. Cullen & C.
2000 xx + 283 pp. P 39,80
INDICE: 1. The Cultural Virus Critique: The untried theory Cultural evolutionism Cultural
sociobiology Cultural selectionism The darwinian resurgence and the cultural virus critique
2. Heritage Constraint and the Cultural Virus Theory: Heritage constraint in cultural phenomena
Foundation arguments of the virus perspective An outline of cultural virus theory 3. Applications
of the Cultural Virus Theory: The eusocial pottery assemblage Megalithic predator, neolithic prey:
symbiosis, parasitism and monumentality in prehistoric north-west Europe Parasite ecology and the
evolution of religion Art academies, cultural copying fidelity and society: later european visual
representation as a predatory phenomenon References.
122 Downes, J. / T. Pollard, eds.: The Loved Bodys Corruption. Archaeolo-
gical Contributions to the Study of Human Mortality
1999 xiv + 223 pp., fig. P 27,35
123 Friesinger, H. / F. Krinzinger, eds.: 100 Jahre sterreichische Forschun-
gen in Ephesos. Aktes des Symposions Wien 1995, 2 vols. [Textband +Tafel-
band + Plne]
1999 763 pp., despl., + 192 lm. P 235,30
124 Gazda, E. K., ed.: The Ancient Art of Emulation. Studies in Artistic
Originality and Tradition from the Present to Classical Antiquity
2002 xiii + 300 pp., fot. P 76,30
INDICE: E. K. Gazda: Introduction: Beyond copying: Artistic originality and tradition R. Wisberg:
Twentieth-century rhetoric: enforcing originality and distancing the past A. Taylor: The problem of
labels: three marble shepherds in nineteenth-century Rome N. H. Ramage: Restorer and collector:
notes on eighteenth-century recreations of roman statues R. E. Spear: di sua mano C. C.
Mattusch: In search of the greek bronze original M. B. Hollinshead: Extending the reach of marble:
struts in greek and roman sculpture E. E. Perry: Rhetoric, literary criticism, and the roman aesthetics
of artistic imitation M. Koortbojian: Forms of attention: four notes on replication and variation
M. Marvin: The Ludovisi barbarians: the Grand Manner J. F. Trimble: Greek myth, gender, and social
structure in a roman house: two paintings of Achilles at Pompeii E. Bartman: Eross flame: images
of sexy boys in roman ideal sculpture L. J. Roccos: The Citharode Apollo in Villa contexts: a roman
theme with variations.
125 Giumlia-Mair, A., ed: I bronzi antichi. Produzione e tecnologia. Atti del
XV congresso internazionale sui bronzi antichi, Grado-Aquileia 22-26 maggio
2002 660 pp., fig. P 55,01
126 Guidobaldi, F. / A. Paribeni, eds.: Atti dellVIII colloquio dellAssociazio-
ne italiana per lo studio e la conservazione del mosaico. Firenze, 21-23 febbraio
2001 xii + 730 pp., fot. P 64,45
127 Litwin, J., ed.: Down the River to the Sea. Proceedings of the Eighth
International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Gdansk 1997
2000 ix + 272 pp., fig., fot. P 98,00
INDICE: A) The Central and Eastern European Scene: A. Zbierski: The beginnings of Gdask and polish
shipping J. Litwin: Boat and ship archaeology in Poland C. Westerdahl: From land to sea, from sea
to land. On transport zones, borders and human space J. Hausen: Shipping between Danube and Rhine
from medieval to modern times (Canal of Charlemagne, canal of king Louis of Bavaria, Rhine-Danube-
canal) I. Pomian & al.: Water or land? Preliminary results of an interdisciplinary project of palaeoenvi-
ronmental reconstruction at the site of the medieval harbour in Puck (N. Poland) P. Sorokin: The medieval
boatbuilding tradition of Russia G. Indruszewski: Technical aspects of early medieval vessels from the
southern shores of the Baltic sea A. E. Zalsters: XIIth century local water-craft construction in the eastern
Baltic V. Mss: Features of medieval frisian boatbuilding in estonian inland waters W. Ossowski:
Some results of the study of logboats in Poland O. Hckmann: Post-medieval Rhine vessels from Mainz,
Germany P. Kleij: An inventory project M.-J. Springmann: Archaeological and archival indicators of
socio-cultural change on board ship in the 16th century B) The Antique World: M. K. Langdon / A. van
de Moortel: Newly discovered greek boat engravings from Attica C. Beltrame: Sutiles naves of roman
age. New evidence and technological comparisons with pre-roman sewn boats L. T. Lehmann: Faint light
on the hellenistic steering-oar G. Boetto: New technological and historical observations on the Fiumicino
1 wreck from Portus Claudius (Fiumicino, Rome) C) Technical Studies and Reconstructions in Ship
Archaeology: K. V. Valbjrn & al.: Reconstruction of the Hjortsprint Boat - philosophy, execution and
initial results N. P. Fenger / H. Lumbye-Hansen: Reconstruction of the Hjortspring boat theoretical
performance and initial test results R. E. Hoekstra: The cog of Kampen. Rebuilding the wreck OZ36
R. Bockius: A late roman river cruiser from Mainz? On the reconstruction of Mainz, wreck No. 3 E.
& J. Gifford: Middle minoan aegean sailing ships G. Larsson: The reconstruction of the Viks boat W.
Folkersma: Numerical Hull shape reconstruction E. Riccardi: Problems in the interpretation of boat
remains arising from different manner of sinking: the wreck of Isola Piana Olbia Sassari-Italy D)
Local Boats of Europe: Y. Kahanov: The Tantura B shipwreck, Tantura Laggon, Israel. Preliminary
Hull construction report T. Weski: Local boats of the Steinhuder Meer near Hannover A. D. Vos:
Punt-like vessels from the Zuyderzee-area with different dimensions and different functions A. E.
Christensen: Some archaic details of norwegian fresh-water boats R. S. Neyland: Pram-class water
craft: continuity and change A. Englert: The shipwreck of Hedwigenkoog - A coastal vessel
abandoned in a broken North Sea dike near the harbour of Bssum around 1720 V. Fenwick / A. Gale:
The Primose path. Routes of innovation in local craft E) Extra-European Vessels: L. Blue: An indian
reverse-clinker boatbuilding tradition A. R. Saltus, Jr.: Watercraft assemblages in inland waterways
A. C. Kjorness / L. E. Babits: A derelict small boat survey, Pamlico Drainage, North Carolina, USA
D. C. Switzer: The rescue and preservation of the only existing american clipper ship F)
Prehistoric and Early Medieval Vessels: B. Arnold: Carpenters, logboats and bronze age villages on
lake Neuchtel F. Rieck: New parts of the Nydam ships. Investigations on a classical danish site,
1989-97 O. Crumlin-Pedersen: The hedeby ships D. M. Goodburn: New light on the construction
of early medieval frisian sea-going vessels G) Europeans Ships through Centuries: E. Rieth: The
mediaeval wreck from Port-Berteau II (Charente-Maritime, France) H. M. Myrhj: The late medieval
wreck from Vedby Hage, Denmark C. P.P. Leme: A ship-cementery on the B&W site in Copenhagen
N. Gnsenin: Up to date discoveries in the Marmara Islands and a log boat C. O. Cederlund: The
structure of inland transportation in early swedish iron production; types of vessels in the same; its relation
to general transport and communication routes B. Thomsen: Historic wrecks in danish waters. Where
and how many? F. Ciciliot: The genoese galeonus (XIIth-early XVIth centuries H) Final Session:
C. T. D. Dobbs / M. Bridge: Preliminary results from dendrochronological studies on the Mary Rose
J. R. Steffy: Influences of shipbuilding technology S. McGrail: The ISBSA: past, present and future.
128 Nicolini, G. / N. Dieudonne-Glad, eds.: Les mtaux antiques: travail et
conservation. Actes du colloque de Poitiers, 28-30 septembre 1995
1998 210 pp., fig., fot., tabl. P 30,00
129 Otte, M., ed.: Sons originels: prhistoire de la musique. Actes du
colloque de musicologie, Lige, 11-12-13 dcembre 1993
1994 310 pp., fig., fot., not. P 41,25
130 Pant, G., ed.: I centri produttori di ceramica in Piemonte (secoli XVII-
2002 vii + 187 pp., fig., fot. P 26,00
INDICE: M. Cortelazzo: Fonti archeologiche per lindividuazione delle produzioni del Cuneese L.
Palmucci Quaglino: Le fabbriche di ceramica nel Piemonte meridionale. Un primo inventario dei luoghi
S. Arditi / S. Gobbato: Lattivit dei ceramisti di Cassine (AL) A. Crosetto: La produzione di una fornace
astigiana G. Pant: I pignatari del Biellese. Una produzione originale? M. Subbrizio: Le ceramiche
popolari a Torino: probabili produzioni locali G. Giorda: Fornaci e fornaciai di Castellamonte (TO). La
produzione di vasellame L. Vaschetti: Vasi da coronamento nelledilizia canavesana del settecento
P. Gaiani: Lattivit delle fornaci nel Piemonte orientale. Fonti documentarie S. Sfrecola: Analisi minero-
petrografiche per lindividuazione delle aree produttive piemontesi L. Spina: Le stoviglie di Ronco
Biellese. Memoria e presente di un antico artigianato R. Bordone: Conclusioni.
131 Pedeli, C. / S. Pulga: Pratiche conservative sullo scavo archeologico.
Principi e metodi
2002 153 pp., fig. P 31,20
INDICE: Scavo e conservazione Aspetti climatici Propriet e deterioramento dei materiali Messa
in luce Riconoscimento dei materiali e valutazioni Coperture e protezioni Stabilizzazione
Prevenzione dellattacco biologico Consolidamento Stacco e prelievo Prima pulitura dei reperti
mobili (Lavaggio) Primo imballaggio Registrazione ed etichettatura Deposito temporaneo in
sito Documentazione La conservazione a lungo termine Appendic: Raccomandazioni UNESCO
Classificazione dei materiali Inerti e leganti Consolidanti: classificazione e preparazione Il
gel di silice Clima continentale: studio statistico Moduli per la registrazione dei dati di gestione e
conservazione Vademecum dellattrezzatura per lUnit operativa di pronto intervento.
132 Rutgers, L. V., ed.: What Athens has to do with Jerusalem. Essays on
Classical, Jewish and Early Christian Art and Archaeology in Honor of Gideon
2002 ix + 600 pp., fig., lm. P 46,80
INDICE: K. Fittschen: Zur Panzerstatue aus Samaria Sebaste R. Winkes: A dionysiac sarcophagus at
Roger William Park J. Patrich: Herods hippodrome-stadium at Caesarea and the games conducted therein
P. Baumann: Mythological heroes in the service of private representation: a case study on some late
antique mosaics in the Holy land J. Magness: Women at Qumran A. Kloner / B. Zissu: The Caves
of Simeon the just and The minor Sanhedrin Two burial complexes from the second temple period in
Jerusalem M. Aviam / D. Syon: Jewish ossuaries in Galilee Appendix: A. Shapiro: Petrographic
examination of clay ossuaries G. Koch: Jdische Sarkophage der Kaiserzeit und der Sptantike Z.
Weiss: New light on the Rehov inscription: identifying the gate of Campon at Beth Shean Y. Eliav:
Realia, daily life, and the transmission of local stories during the talmudic period S. Gruber: Archaeo-
logical remains of ashkenazic jewry in Europe: a new source of pride and history G. A. M. Rouwhorst:
The reading of scripture in early christian liturgy A. Provoost: A theoretical model concerning early
christian topography B. Leyerle: Children and disease in a sixth century monastery H. M. Cotton / W.
Eck: A new inscription from Caesarea Maritima and the local elite of Caesarea Maritima G. Lacerenza:
Jewish magicians and christian clients in late antiquity: the testimony of amulets and inscriptions S. Agady
& al.: Byzantine shops in the street of the monuments at Bet Shean (Scythopolis).
133 Scheffer, C., ed.: Ceramics in Context. Proceedings of the Internordic
Colloquium on Ancient Pottery Held at Stockholm, 13-15 June 1997
2001 170 pp., fig., fot. P 43,54
134 Torrence, R. / J. Grattan, eds.: Natural Disasters and Cultural Change
2002 367 pp., 55 fig., 20 fot., map. P 139,00
INDICE: R. Torrence / J. Grattan: The archaeology of disasters: past and future trends S. Shimoyama:
Basic characteristics of disasters H. Davies: Tsunamis and the coastal communities of Papua New Guinea
K. S. Crittenden / K. S. Rodolfo: Bacolor town and Pinatubo volcano, Philippines: coping with recurrent
lahar disaster M. Gibbs: Maritime archaeology and behaviour during crisis: the wreck of the VOC ship
Batavia (1629) J. Grattan & al.: The end is nigh? Social and environmental responses to volcanic gas
pollution P. M. Allison: Recurring tremors: the continuing impact of the AD 79 eruption of Mt Vesuvius
D. J. Lowe & al.: Volcanism and early maori society in New Zealand J.-C. Galipaud: Under the
volcano: Ni-Vanuatu and their environment P. Saltonstall / G. A. Carver: Earthquakes, subsidence,
prehistoric site attrition and the archaeological record: a view from the settlement Point site, Kodiak
archipelago, Alaska L. L. Johnson: Natural disasters and cultural change in the Shumagin Islands K.
D. Kornbacher: Horsemen of the Apocalypse: the relationship between severe environmental perturbations
and culture change on the north coast of Peru F. Menotti: Climatic change, flooding and occupational
hiatus in the lake-dwelling central european bronze age J. Driessen: Towards an archaeology of crisis:
defining the long-term impact of the bronze age Santorini eruption S. W. Manning / D. A. Sewell:
Volcanoes and history: a significant relationship? The case of Santorini R. Torrence: What makes a
disaster? A long-term view of volcanic eruptions and human responses in Papua New Guinea H. Machida
/ S. Sugiyama: The impact of the Kikai-Akahoya explosive eurptions on human societies S. Shimoyama:
Volcanic disasters and archaeological sites in southern Kyushu, Japan.
135 Williams, H., ed.: Archaeologies of Remembrance. Death and Memory in
Past Societies
2003 xiv + 310 pp., fig. P 114,40
136 Albersmeier, S.: Untersuchungen zu den Frauenstatuen des ptolemi-
schen gypten
2002 xiii + 457 pp., 86 lm. P 92,50
137 Bagatti, B.: Ancient Christian Villages of Samaria
2002 308 pp., lm., despl., 73 fig. P 38,75
138 Bietak, M., ed.: gypten und Levante, Internationale Zeitschrift fr gypti-
sche Archologie und deren Nachbargebiete, 12 2002
2002 272 pp., fig., fot., lm. col. P 92,50
INDICE: K. Aslanidou: Der minoische Spiralfries aus dem Grabungsareal H/IV in Tell el Dab
Malvorgang und Rekonstruktion B. Bader: A concise guide to Marl C-pottery M. Bichler & al.: Aegean
tephra an analytical aproach to a controversy about chronology F. Blakolmer: Afrikaner in der
minoischen Ikonographie? Zum Fremdenbild in der bronzezeitlichen gis A. Brysbaert: Common
craftsmanship in the aegean and east Mediterranean bronze age: preliminary technological evidence with
emphasis on the painted plaster from Tell el-Dab
a, Egypt P. M. Fischer / M. Sadeq: Tell el-
Ajjul 2000:
second season preliminary report I. Forstner-Mller & al.: Statuen in Verbannung: gyptischer
Statuenexport in den vorderen Orient unter Amenophis III. und IV. P. Fuscaldo: The nubian pottery from
the palace district of Avaris at
Ezbet Helmi, areas H/III and H/VI, Part I: The classic Kerma pottery from
the 18th dynasty H. Goedicke: The building inscription from Tell el-Dab
a of the time of Sesostris III
O. Goldwasser: A Kirgipa commenmorative scarab of Amenhotep III from Beit-Shean P. Jnosi:
Bericht ber die im Frjhahr 2001 erfolgten Sondagen im Dorf
Ezbet Helmi (Grabungsflche H/I) E.
Kyriakidis: Indications on the nature of the language of the Keftiw from egyptian sources A. Lohwasser:
Eine phnizische Bronzeschale aus dem Sudan A. M. Maeir: The relations between Egypt and the
southern Levant during the late iron age: the material evidence from Egypt B. Sass: Wenamun and his Levant
1075 BC or 925 BC? T. Schneider: Sinuhes Notiz ber die Knige: Syrisch-anatolische Herrschertitel in
gyptischer berlieferung.
139 Cagle, A.: The Spatial Structure of Kom El-Hisn: an Old Kingdom Town
in the Western Nile Delta, Egypt
2003 x + 253 pp., fig., tabl. P 59,72
140 Demaree, R. J.: Ramesside Ostraca
2002 272 pp., 224 lm. P 190,00
141 Dorman, P. F.: Faces in Clay. Technique, Imagery, and Allusion in a
Corpus of Ceramic Sculpture from Ancient Egypt
2002 223 pp., 3 fig., 38 lm. P 65,50
142 El-Khouri, L. Salem: The Nabataean Terracotta Figurines
2002 216 pp., 101 fig., 59 lm. P 49,76
143 Ess, M. van: Uruk. Architektur II. von der Akkad- bis zur mittelbabylo-
nischen Zeit, 1: Das Eanna-Heiligtum zur Ur III- und altbabylonischen Zeit,
2 vols. (Text- und Beilagenband)
2001 407 pp., fig., lm., despl. P 144,00
144 Janes, G.: Shabtis. A Private View. Ancient Egyptian Funerary Statuettes
in European Private Collections
2002 263 pp., lm. col., CD-ROM P 130,00
145 Kepinski, C.: Larbre stylis en Asie occidentale au 2
millnaire avant
J.-C., 3 vols.
1982 360 pp., fig., tabl. P 36,13
146 Lehmann, G.: Bibliographie der archologischen Fundstellen und Sur-
veys in Syrien und Libanon
2002 745 pp., CD-ROM, 20 map. P 90,27
147 Montagu, J.: Musical Instruments of the Bible
2002 xiv + 177 pp., 16 fig., 2 not. P 51,34
148 Peserico, A.: Die offenen Formen der Red Slip Ware aus Karthago.
Untersuchungen zur phnizischen Keramik im westlichen Mittelmeerraum
2002 131 pp., 13 fig., 18 lm. P 26,94
149 Preys, R.: Les complexes de la demeure du Sistre et du trne de Re.
Thologie et dcoration dans le temple dHathor Dendera
2002 xxxiii + 662 pp., 26 lm. P 72,80
150 Schmid, S. G. / B. Kolb: Petra - Ez Zantur II. Ergebnisse der Schweize-
risch-liechtensteinischen Ausgrabungen, 2 vols. (1: S. G. Schmid: Die Feinke-
ramik der Nabater. Typologie, Chronologie und kulturhistorische Hinter-
grnde; 2: B. Kolb: Die Sptantiken Wohnbauten von Ez Zantur in Petra und der
Wohnhausbau in Palstina vom 4.-6. Jh. n. Chr.)
2000 495 pp., fig., despl., microf. P 92,50
151 Schmidt, K.: Norsuntepe. Kleinfunde II. Artefakte aus Felsgestein, Kno-
chen und Geweih, Ton, Metall und Glas
2002 217 pp., 94 lm. b/n y col. P 128,00
152 Soukiassian, G. / M. Wuttmann / L. Pantalacci: Balat VI: Le palais des
Gouverneurs de lpoque de Pepy II: les sanctuaires de Ka et leurs dpendances
2002 ix + 542 pp., 370 fig., fot. P 63,00
153 Topoi. Orient-occident. Supplment 2: Les animaux et les hommes dans le
monde syro-msopotamien aux poques historiques. Actes du colloque interna-
tional tenu luniversit Charles-de-Gaulle-Lille III, 4-5 dcembre 1998
2002 506 pp., fig., map. P 23,92
INDICE: Faune, chasse et levage, circulation des animaux: B. Wilkens: Archaeozoology. Westwards:
the fauna of Tell Afis (Syria) F. G. Fedele: Lest: la faune du Hamrn (Iraq) M. Maskhour:
Lexploitation des quids en Asie du sud-ouest: lexemple de Qabrestan, un tablissement du IV
millnaire, au nord du plateau central iranien M. Tanret: Les animaux dans les archives dUr-Utu B.
Lion / C. Michel: Poissons et crustacs en haute Msopotamie au dbut du II
millnaire av. J.-C. F.
Briquel-Chatonnet / P. Bordreuil: Tiglath-phalazar I
a-t-il pch ou chass le nah

iru? D. Collon:
Lanimal dans les changes et les relations diplomatiques Cas despces: ralit et reprsentation:
D. Parayre: Les suids dans le monde syro-msopotamien aux poques historiques B. Lafont: Cheval,
ne, onagre et mule dans la haute histoire msopotamienne: quelques donnes nouvelles D. Pardee:
Les quids Ougarit au bronze rcent: la perspective des textes P. Villard: Le chien dans la
documentation no-assyrienne M. Bonechi: Noms doiseaux bla: les rapaces Limage divine
et les rituels: B. Groneberg: Tiere als Symbole von Gttern in den frhen geschichtlichen Epochen
Mesopotamiens: von der altsumerischen Zeit bis zum Ende der altbabylonischen Zeit D. Pardee:
Animal sacrifice at Ugarit F. Joanns: Le dcoupage de la viande en Msopotamie M. Maskhour:
Remarques complmentaires sur les vestiges fauniques du temple de lE.BABBAR Larsa en basse
Msopotamie P.-A. Beaulieu: Les animaux dans la divination en Msopotamie Bestiaires (textes,
objets, images): J. Black: Les btes qui parlent: les animaux dans les rcits mythologiques sumriens
G. Colbow: Les combats danimaux en Msopotamie lpoque palo-babylonienne C.
Watanabe: The lion metaphor in the mesopotamian royal context R. Dolce: bla: le bestiaire du
bronze ancien et du bronze moyen. Valeurs symboliques dans le domaine du sacr et de la royaut
M. Guichard: Les animaux dans la vaisselle de luxe dun roi de Mari: lexemple des gobelets
cphalomorphes Y. Calvet: Ougarit: les animaux symboliques du rpertoire figur au bronze rcent
Classements: lexicographie et onomastique: J.-J. Glassner: Signes dcriture et classification:
lexemple des ovi-caprins A. Millet Alb: Les noms danimaux dans lonomastique des archives
de Mari J.-L. Huot: Quelques rflexions, en guise de conclusion F. Poplin: pilogue.
154 Zecchi, M.: Geografia religiosa del Fayyum. Dalle origini al IV secolo
2001 312 pp. P 39,00
155 Arapojanni, X. / J. Rambach / L. Godart: Kavkania. Die Ergebnisse der
Ausgrabung von 1994 auf dem Hgel Vonagrilitses
2002 xxiv + 252 pp., 16 lm. P 78,00
156 De Juliis, E. M.: La ceramica sovraddipinta apula
2002 196 pp., fot., lm. b/n y col. P 20,80
157 Gentili, B. / F. Perusino, eds.: Le orse di Brauron. Un rituale di iniziazione
femminile nel santuario di Artemide
2002 271 pp., lm. b/n y col. P 31,20
INDICE: W. Burkert: Iniziazione: un concetto moderno e una terminologia antica N. Marinatos: The
arkteia and the gradual transformation of the maiden into a woman C. Calame: Offrandes Artmis
Braurnia sur lacropole: rites de pubert? C. Montepaone: Ifigenia a Brauron M. Giuman: Risplenda
come un croco perduto in mezzo a un polveroso prato. Croco e simbologia liminare nel rituale dellarkteia
di Brauron P. G. Themelis: Contribution to the topography of the sanctuary at Brauron C. Isler-Kernyi:
Artemide e Dioniso: korai e parthenoi nella citt delle immagini M. Torelli: Divagazioni sul tema della
palma. La palma di Apollo e la palma di Artemide G. Despinis: Il rilievo votivo di Aristonike ad Artemis
Brauronia F. Perusino: Le orse di Brauron nella Lisistrata di Aristofane R. Di Donato: Conclusioni.
Alla ricerca del nesso mitico-rituale.
158 Gras, M. / E. Greco / P. G. Guzzo, eds.: Nel cuore del Mediterraneo antico.
Reggio, Messina, e le colonie calcidesi dellarea dello Stretto
2000 304 pp., 15 fig., 44 lm. col. P 64,45
INDICE: M. Gras: Lo stretto fra Calabria e Sicilia e i traffici arcaici P. G. Guzzo: Istmi e commerci: una
rilettura di Georges Vallet A. Schnapp: Le vie del commercio greco in occidente C. Ampolo: La
funzione dello stretto nella vicenda politica fino al termine della guerra del Peloponneso A. Polosa:
Monete e sistemi ponderali nellarea dello stretto G. Camassa: Per una storia dei culti nellarea dello
stretto B. dAgostino: La colonizzazione euboica nel golfo di Napoli M. C. Lentini: Naxos L.
Tomay: Mtauros G. Tigano: Milazzo U. Spigo: Lipari fra lo stretto di Messina e il mondo italiota.
Approccio ai dati archeologici M. Bats: I focei attraverso e al di l dello stretto (600 a.C. ca.-475 a.C. ca.)
E. Greco: A Rhegion: il poseidoniate, i focei e la fondazione di Velia E. Carando: Topografia di
Rhegion L. Costamagna: Il territorio di Reggio G. M. Bacci: Topografia archeologica di Zancle-
Messana F. Longo: Il problema delle officine bronzistiche di Rhegion A. Pontrandolfo: I vasi calcidesi
S. Pafumi: Pitagora di Reggio, scultore panellenico A. Rouveret: Arte e medicina: noterella su Pitagora
di Reggio e Parrasio P. G. Guzzo: Oreficerie dello stretto.
159 Mitteilungen des D. A. I. Athenische Abteilung, 116 2001
2002 226 pp., 20 fig., 35 lm. P 69,50
160 Niemeier, W.-D.: Der Kuros vom Heiligen Tor. berraschende Neufunde
archaischer Skulptur im Kerameikos in Athen
2003 62 pp., 25 fig., 42 lm. col. P 24,80
161 Norskov, V.: Greek Vases in New Contexts. The Collecting and Trading of
Greek Vases: an Aspect of the Modern Reception of Antiquity
2002 407 pp., lm. col., fig., tabl. P 49,61
INDICE: The history of collecting greek vases Vases for sale: trade & restrictions Vases in museums:
case studies A look at the market: availability or choice Conclusions: the individual choice.
162 Palagia, O.: The Pediments of the Parthenon
1998 128 pp., 119 lm. P 64,48
163 Stanwick, P. E.: Portraits of the Ptolemies. Greek Kings as Egyptian
2002 xviii + 236 pp., 282 fig. P 69,59
164 Studia troica, 11 2001
2002 453 pp., fig., lm. col., tabl. P 102,00
165 Studia troica, 12 2002
2003 514 pp., fig., lm. b/n y col. P 102,00
166 Adam, J.-P.: La construccin romana, materiales y tcnicas
2002 373 pp., encuad., fot., fig. P 42,00
INDICE: La topografa Los materiales de construccin El sillar Las estructuras mixtas El
sillarejo Los arcos, las bvedas La carpintera Los revestimientos Los suelos Los
programas tcnicos La arquitectura domstica y artesanal.
167 Amrein, H.: Latelier de verriers dAvenches. Lartisanat du verre au
milieu du I
sicle aprs J.-C.
2001 176 pp., 99 fig., 20 lm. col. P 55,30
168 Baena del Alczar, L. / J. Beltrn Fortes: Corpus signorum imperii romani.
Espaa, I, 2: Las esculturas romanas de la provincia de Jan
2002 294 pp., 83 lm. P 103,13
169 Balbi de Caro, S.: Auri sacra fames. Lusso e denaro a Roma
1994 179 pp., lm. P 32,45
170 Baldini Lippolis, I.: Loreficeria nellimpero di Costantinopoli tra IV e VII
1999 285 pp., fig., lm. col. P 48,36
171 Barbera, M. / R. Petriaggi: Le lucerne tardo-antiche di produzione
1993 443 pp., fot., fig., despl. P 75,19
172 Blonde, F. / P. Ballet / J.-F. Salles, eds.: Cramiques hellnistiques et
romaines, productions et diffusion en Mditerrane orientale (Chypre, Egypte
et cte syro-palestinienne)
2002 341 pp., fig., tabl. P 38,00
INDICE: M. Picon / F. Blond: Les rsultats dun programme danalyses effectu sur lle de Chypre
H. Meyza: Cypriot sigillata and its hypothetical precedessors R. S. Gabrieli / A. D. Merryweather: A
preliminary study of hellenistic and roman kitchen ware from Nea Paphos J. Lund: Frying pans and other
cooking wares from the Akamas (Western Cyprus) J. Eiring & al.: Local and imported transport amphorae
from a hellenistic kiln site at Knossos. The results of petrographic analyses A. Marangou-Lerat: La
production cramique des ateliers crtois lpoque romaine C. Aubert: Les cramiques hellnistiques
de Beyrouth. Caractristiques des productions locales P. Ballet: Les productions cramiques dgypte
la priode hellnistique. Les indices de lhellnisation S. I. Rotroff: West slope in the east J.
Mlynarczyk: Hellenistic fine wares at Tell Keisan. A pattern of importations D. Malfitana: Eastern terra
sigillita wares in the eastern Mediterranean. Notes on an initial quantitative analysis S. laigne:
Lintroduction des cramiques fines hellnistiques du bassin oriental de la Mditerrane Alexandrie.
Importations et imitations locales G. Pierrat-Bonnefois: Lhellnisation des productions cramiques en
Haute-gypte: le cas de Td J.-F. Salles: Adaptation culturelle des cramiques hellnistiques? Importa-
tions et imitations de produits occidentaux en Inde S. Lematre: Recherche sur la diffusin en Gaule des
amphores produites dans le su-ouest de lAnatolie, lpoque impriale G. Finkielsztejn: Du bon usage
des amphores hellnistiques en contextes archologiques C. Defernez: Le poids de lorientalisation et de
lhellnisation au travers des changes et des productions cermiques dans langle nord-est du Delta gyptien
S. Marchand: Le maintien de la tradition pharaonique pour les productions des cramiques dates de
lpoque ptolmaque en gypte C. Harlaut: Productions cramiques gyptiennes dAlexandrie
lpoque ptolmaque. volution des formes et des fabriques. Traditions locales et innovations S.
Marqui: La circulation des sigilles dpoque impriale au sud de Chypre A. Hochuli-Gysel: La
cramique glaure plombifre dAsie Mineure et du bassin mditerranen oriental (du 1er s. av. J.-C. au
s. ap. J-.C.) M.-D. Nenna: Vaisselle en faence, en mtal, en verre et en cramique: filiations et
imitations dans lgypte ptolmaque E. Valtz: Ceramica invetriata: caratteristiche ed evoluzione della
produzione di Seleucia ad Tigrim.
173 Carandini, A.: Schiavi in Italia. Gli strumenti pensanti dei romani fra
tarda repubblica e medio impero
1988 387 pp., 57 fig. P 36,82
174 Castagnoli, F.: Topografia antica. Un metodo di studio, 2 vols. (I: Roma;
II: Italia)
1993 xvi + 1.116 pp., fot., fig. P 123,54
175 Cochet, A.: Le plomb en Gaule romaine. Techniques de fabrication et
2000 x + 223 pp., fig., fot. P 34,00
176 DAlconzo, P.: Picturae excisae. Conservazione e restauro dei dipinti
ercolanesi e pompeiani tra XVIII e XIX secolo
2002 149 pp., 45 fig., lm. col. P 109,20
177 Duval, P.-M. & al.: Laqueduc antique de Nmes et le pont du Gard
1990 71 pp., fig., fot. P 10,80
178 Dyczek, P.: Roman Amphorae of the 1st-3rd Centuries A.D. Found on the
Lower Danube. Typology
2001 387 pp., 219 fig. P 54,25
179 Ellis, S. P.: Roman Housing
2000 viii + 236 pp., 31 fig., 22 fot. P 28,18
180 Les enceintes augustennes dans loccident romain (France, Italie, Espa-
gne, Afrique du nord). Actes du colloque international de Nmes (III
archologique de Gaule mridionale) 9-12 octobre 1985
1987 166 pp., fig., fot. P 27,05
181 Fiches, J.-L., ed.: Les agglomrations gallo-romaines en Languedoc-
Roussillon. Projecte collectif de recherche (1993-1999), 2 vols.
2002 994 pp., fig., fot., plan. P 89,65
182 Guidobaldi, F., ed.: Sectilia pavimenta di villa Adriana
1994 312 pp., lm., plan., tabl. P 91,95
183 Hutter, S. / T. Hauschild: El faro romano de La Corua
1991 102 pp., fot., lm., plan. P 15,50
184 Ilkjaer, J. & al.: Illerup Adal, 9-10: Die Schilde (9: Textband; 10: Katalog,
Tafeln und Fundlisten)
2001 868 pp., fig., lm., grf. P 87,36
185 Kennedy, D.: The Roman Army in Jordan. A Handbook Prepared on the
Occasion of the XVIIIth International Congress of Frontier Studies, Amman,
Jordan, 2-11 September 2000
2000 220 pp., 156 fig., 20 lm. col. P 26,07
186 Kingsley, S. / M. Decker, eds.: Economy and Exchange in the East
Mediterranean During Late Antiquity. Proceedings of a Conference at Somer-
ville College,Oxford, 29th May 1999
2001 vi + 178 pp., fig., fot., map. P 41,70
INDICE: S. Kingsley / M. Decker: New Rome, new theories on inter-regional exchange. An introduction
to the east Mediterranean economy in late antiquity A. Wilson: Urban economies of late antique Cyrenaica
S. Kingsley: The economic impact of the Palestinian wine trade in late antiquity M. Decker: Food for
an empire: wine and oil production in north Syria M. M. Mango: Beyond the amphora: non-ceramic
evidence for late antique industry and trade T. Papacostas: The economy of late antique Cyprus O.
Karagiorgou: LR2: a container for the military annona on the Danubian border? B. Ward-Perkins:
Specialisation, trade, and prosperity: an overview of the economy of the late antique eastern Mediterranean.
187 Kleijn, G. de: The Water Supply of Ancient Rome. City Area, Water, and
2001 xi + 353 pp., fig., tabl. P 70,72
INDICE: Roman water supply Water supply and population in terms of quantities Running water in
use Water consumption: legislation, supervision and fistulae Find-spots of fistula stamps Fabric
and extent of the city of Rome Appendices.
188 Konrad, M.: Der sptrmische Limes in Syrien. Archologische Untersu-
chungen an den Grenzkastellen von Sura, Tetrapyrgium, Cholleund in Resafa
1999 172 pp., 117 lm., fig., tabl. P 102,00
189 Kotula, T. / A. Ladomirski, eds.: Le monde romain et ses priphries sous
la rpublique et sous lempire
2001 200 pp., fig., map. P 33,00
190 Krause, M., ed.: gypten in sptantik-christlicher Zeit. Einfhrung in die
koptische Kultur
1998 404 pp., fot., fig., lm. col. P 53,00
INDICE: M. Krause: Die Koptologie und ihre Forschungsgeschichte H. Heinen: Das sptantike gypten
(284-646 n. Chr.) Das sptantike Alexandrien M. Krause: Heidentum, Gnosis und Manichismus,
gyptische Survivals in gypten T. Orlandi: Koptische Literatur M. Krause: Das Mnchtum in
gypten H. Bacht: Der Monophysitismus H. Engberding: Die koptische Liturgie H. Hickmann:
Koptische Musik P. Grossmann: Koptische Architektur P. Grossmann: Ab Mn H.-G. Severin:
Zur Skulptur und Malerei der sptantiken und frhmittelalterlichen Zeit in gypten S. Schrenk:
Sptrmisch-frhislamische Textilien aus gypten E. Khnel: Koptische Kunst im islamischen gypten.
191 Knzl, E.: Medizinische Instrumente der rmischen Kaiserzeit im r-
misch-germanischen Zentralmuseum. Mit einem Beitrag von J. Riederer
2002 vii + 154 pp., 56 lm., tabl. P 52,00
192 La Rocca, E. / A. & M. de Vos: Pompei
2002 368 pp., lm. col. P 26,00
Guide archeologiche.
193 Landes, C., ed.: La mort des notables en Gaule romaine. Catalogue de
lexposition du Muse archologique de Lattes
2002 256 pp., fig., fot., lm. col. P 28,00
194 Langner, M.: Antike Graffitizeichnungen. Motive, Gestaltung und Bedeu-
2001 336 pp., CD-ROM, lm., fig. P 51,90
INDICE: 1. Begriffsbestimmung, Ausfhrung, Trger und Datierung: Definition und Abgrenzung des
Materials Technische Ausfhrung der Graffiti Datierung 2. Forschungsgeschichte und
moderne Bewertung: Abri der Forschungsgeschichte Die moderne Bewertung der Graffiti 3. Zur
Funktion verbaler Graffiti 4. Die Motive der Graffitizeichnungen und ihre Ausfhrung: Ornamente
und Symbole Menschliche Kpfe und Bsten Unbestimmte Einzelfiguren Sportler, Gladiato-
ren und Artisten Mythologische und religise Bilder Erotische Bilder Sonstige Figuren und
Szenen Einzelne Tiere Schiffe Ambiente Sonstiges 5. Spezifische Eigenheiten der
Gattung der Graffitizeichnungen im Vergleich zu anderen Bildgattungen: Der formale Charakter einer
Graffitozeichnung Die Verkrzung auf ein prgnantes Bild Die spielerische Entstehung einer
Graffitozeichnung Die Motive der Graffitizeichnungen 6. Anbringung und Bedeutung der
Graffitizeichnungen: Graffitizeichnungen von geometrischer bis in hellenistische Zeit Graffitizeich-
nungen in Pompeji Vergleich Pompejis mit anderen Orten Graffitizeichnungen der mittleren
Kaiserzeit Graffitizeichnungen in Dura Europos Graffitizeichnungen der spteren Kaiserzeit und
der Sptantike 7. Graffitizeichner und -betrachter. Ein resmierender Ausblick.
195 Lavan, L., ed.: Recent Research in Late-Antique Urbanism
2001 248 pp., 40 fig., 28 fot. P 93,00
INDICE: 1. Political Life: A. Lewin: Urban public building from Constantine to Julian: the epigraphic
evidence 2. Urban Topography: L. Lavan: The praetoria of civil governors in late antiquity W.
Bowden: A new urban lite? Church builders and church building in late-antique Epirus S. A.
Kingsley: Decline in the ports of Palestine in late antiquity J. Crow: Fortifications and urbanism
in late antiquity: Thessaloniki and other eastern cities N. J. Christie: War and order: urban
remodelling and defensive strategy in late roman Italy S. Provost: City walls and urban area in late-
antique Macedonia: the case of Philippi 3. Regional Studies: M. Whittow: Recent research on the
late-antique city in Asia Minor: the second half of the 6th-c. revisited G. Poccardi: Lle dAntioche la
fin de lantiquit: histoire et problme de topographie urbaine J.-B. Yon: Evergetism and urbanism in
Palmyra O. Karagiorgou: Demetrias and Thebes: the fortunes and misfortunes of two thessalian port cities
4. City and Hinterland: F. R. Trombley: Town and territorium in late roman Anatolia (late 5th to early
7th c.) 5. Retrospective on Late Antiquity: J. H. W. G. Liebeschuetz: The uses and abuses of the concept
of decline in later roman history, or was Gibbon politically incorrect?
196 Lo Cascio, E. / A. Storchi Marino, eds.: Modalit insediative e strutture
agrarie nellItalia meridionale in et romana
2001 658 pp., fig., fot. P 64,48
INDICE: Hannibals legacy trenta anni dopo Larea della Lucania e dei Bruzii: A. M. Small: Changes
in the pattern of settlement and land use around Gravina and Monte Irsi (4th century BC 6th century AD)
H. Fracchia: The romanization of the ager Buxentinus (Salerno) M. Gualtieri: Insediamenti e
propriet nella Lucania nord-orientale (I sec. a.C.-III sec. d.C.) E. Isayev: The role of the indigenous
centres in Lucania and their collapse in the III c. BC A. De Siena / L. Giardino: Trasformazioni delle
aree urbane e del paesaggio agrario in et romana nella Rasilicata sudorientale O. de Cazanove: Civita
di Tricarico nellet della romanizzazione A. B. Sangineto: Trasformazioni o crisi nei Bruttii fra il II
a.C. ed il VII d.C.? Larea dellapulia e della Calabria: G.-J. Burgers: Larcheologia e lItalia
meridionale post-annibalica: una prospettiva regionale e diacronica M. Silvestrini: La diffusione della
trib Galeria in Irpinia e in apulia R. Compatangelo-Soussignan: Modificazioni ambientali e
sistemazioni territoriali nella Puglia romana M. Chelotti: Nota sulla propriet imperiale nellApulia
settentrionale G. Volpe: Linee di storia del paesaggio dellApulia romana: San Giusto e la valle del
Celone F. Cambi: Calabria romana. Paesaggi tardo repubblicani nel territorio brindisino D.
Manacorda: Sulla Calabria romana nel passaggio tra la repubblica e limpero Larea della Campania
e del Sannio: G. Camodeca: I pagi di Nola U. Pappalardo: Vesuvio. Grandi eruzioni e reinsediamenti
G. Soricelli: La regione vesuviana tra secondo e sesto secolo d.C. I. M. Iasiello: I pagi nella valle
del Tammaro: considerazioni preliminari sul territorio di Beneventum e dei Ligures Baebiani S. De
Caro / F. Miele: Loccupazione romana della Campania settentrionale nella dinamica insediativa di lungo
periodo J.-P. Vallat: Temps long et temps court, structures et conjonctures dans lconomie rurale de
la Campanie romaine Citt e campagna nellItalia meridionale in et romana: R. Laurence: Roman
Italys urban revolution D. Vera: Sulla (ri)organizzazione agraria dellItalia meridionale in et
imperiale: origini, forme e funzioni della massa fundorum F. Zevi / F. Grelle: Conclusioni.
197 Loffreda, S.: Ceramica del tempo di Ges. Vasi della Terra Santa nel
periodo romano antico 63 a.C.-70 d.C.
2000 118 pp., 236 fig., 32 lm. col. P 30,35
198 Magnus, B., ed.: Roman Gold and the Development of the Early Germanic
Kingdoms. Aspects of Technical, Socio-Political, Socio-Economic, Artistic and
Intellectual Development, A.D. 1-550. Symposium in Stockholm, 14-16 Novem-
ber 1997
2001 328 pp., 8 lm. col., fig., fot. P 46,65
INDICE: Sources, Exploitation and Ownership: P. rsted: Roman gold mining E. Magntorn: Ruina
montium L. Lind: Gold in internal roman economy and politics, its role and compartive value over time
G. Rausing: Money rules the world I. M. Ploumis: Gold in political propaganda within the roman
empire Gold in the Socio-Economic Network between Romans and Barbarians: A. Bursche:
Roman gold medallions as power symbols of the germanic lite F. Herschend: Two west-geatish
greeks M. Axboe: Amulet pendants and a darkened sun T. Capelle: Vom rmischen Gold zum
germanischen Wrdezeichenein Diskussionsbeitrag M. Gaimster: Gold bracteates and necklaces
U. L. Hansen: Gold rings symbols of sex and rank C. Fabech: The spatial distribution of gold hoards
in southern Scandinavia and the geography of power A. Kokowski: Die Einflsse der Goldschmiede-
kunst der Hunnen und Ostrogoten auf die skandinavischen Goldschmiede A. Akiss: Die vlkerwan-
derungszeitlichen und frhmittelalterlichen Schatzfunde im Karpatenbecken Reflections of Political
and Religious Ideology in Golden Jewellery: L. Webster: From Hoxne to Dover C. von Carnap-
Bornheim: The social position of the germanic goldsmith A.D. 0-500 B. Magnus: The enigmatic
brooches B. Arrhenius: Beliefs behind the use of polychrome jewellery in the germanic area U.
Nsman: A sum of gold.
199 Moreno, P.: Scultura ellenistica, 2 vols.
1994 xi + 969 pp., fot. P 105,50
200 Pirzio Biroli Stefanelli, L., ed.: Il bronzo dei romani. Arredo e suppellettile
1990 312 pp., 273 fig., lm. col. P 130,00
201 Polak, M.: South Gaulish Terra Sigillata with Potters Stamps from
2000 xii + 482 pp., 42 lm., fig. P 74,88
202 Renn, J. / G. Castagnetti, eds.: Homo faber: Studies on Nature, Technolo-
gy, and Science at the Time of Pompeii. Presented at a Conference at the
Deutsches Museum Munich, 21-22 March 2000
2002 192 pp., 80 fig., lm. col. P 114,40
INDICE: J. Renn: Introduction: On the Trail of knowledge from a sunken city 1. Craftsmanship and
Technology: V. Marchis / G. Scalva: The engine lost: hydraulic technologies in Pompeii A.
Schrmann: Pneumatics on stage in Pompeii: ancient automatic devices and their social context P.
Mastroberardino: Vines and wines in ancient Pompeii: an ancient technology revivified M. Vallotto
/ M. Verit: Glasses from Pompeii and Herculaneum and the sands of the rivers Belus and Volturno
G. Di Pasquale: The fabrication of roman machines M. Popplow: The concept of Machina in the
roman period 2. Practical and Theoretical Nowledge: P. Damerow & al.: Mechanical knowledge and
pompeian balances W. Lefvre: Drawings in ancient treatises on mechanics F. Camerota: Optics
and the visual arts: the role of Skhnografia L. Taub: Ancient meteorology: astronomy and weather
prediction in the roman period A. Ciarallo: About an ancient medical mixture found in Pompeii M.
Henneberg / R. J. Henneberg: Reconstructing medical knowledge in ancient Pompeii from the hard
evidence of bones and teeth.
203 Richthofen, J. von: Fibelgebrauch - Gebrauchte Fibeln. Studien an Fibeln
der lteren rmischen Kaiserzeit
2000 148 pp., 4 despl., fig., map. P 32,44
204 Rogers, G. B.: Poteries sigilles de la Gaule centrale. Les motifs non
1975 198 pp., fig. P 18,50
205 Sena Chiesa, G., ed.: Augusto in Cisalpina. Ritratti augustei e giulio-
claudi in Italia settentrionale
1995 ix + 280 pp., fig. P 43,00
206 Sim, D. / I. Ridge: Iron for the Eagles. The Iron Industry in Roman Britain
2002 159 pp., 74 fig., 31 lm. col. P 24,87
INDICE: An overview of the roman iron industry Prospecting and mining Charcoal Smelting
The blacksmith Bloomsmithing and barsmithing Artefact production The use of steel
Mechanical processing.
207 Sperling, G.: Das Pantheon in Rom. Abbild und Mass des Kosmos
1999 381 pp., 161 fig., 5 tabl. P 74,00
208 Stephenson, I. P. / K. Dixon: Roman Cavalry Equipment
2003 127 pp., 104 fig., 18 lm. col. P 29,84
INDICE: Shields Helmets Thoracomachus Mail and scale Lorica segmentata Greaves
Gorget Manicae Composite armour Shafted weapons Swords The military dagger Short
swords The bow and the sling Artillery Other equipment On strategy and tactics.
209 Stibbe, C. M.: Trebenishte. The Fortunes of an Unusual Excavation. With
a Contribution by R. Vasic
2002 144 pp., 100 fig. P 83,20
210 Uscatescu, A: La cramica del macellum de Gerasa (Yaras, Jordania)
1996 491 pp., 19 lm., fig. P 27,05
211 Vos, M. de, ed.: Rus africum. Terra acqua olio nellAfrica settentrionale.
Scavo e ricognizione nei dintorni di Dougga (alto Tell tunisino). Palazzo Thun,
Torre Mirana, Via Manci, Trento 23 novembre 2000-7 gennaio 2001
2000 203 pp., 70 lm. b/n y col. P 19,29
212 Abascal, J. M. / G. Alfldy, eds.: El arco romano de Medinaceli (Soria,
Hispania citerior)
2002 148 pp., fig., lm., despl. P 41,60
INDICE: J. M. Abascal / G. Alfldy: Medinaceli en los relatos de viajes entre los siglos XV y XIX Las
excavaciones arqueolgicas: M. Marin: Informe de las excavaciones arqueolgicas en el Arco de
Medinaceli. Campaa de 1981 M. J. Borobio / F. Morales / A. C. Pascual: Intervenciones arqueolgicas
en el entorno del Arco de Medinaceli, abril de 1988 y julio de 1991 M. Lern & al.: La muralla y el Arco
de Medinaceli: tcnica constructiva, relacin y cronologa. Informe de la actuacin arqueolgica de junio
y septiembre de 1991 Coresal, S. L.: Informe sobre la modulacin y caractersticas fsico-qumicas de
los materiales ptreos del Arco de Medinaceli La Inscripcin: G. Alfldy / J. M. Abascal: La inscripcin
del arco El monumento: L. Abad: El Arco de Medinaceli, un monumento singular en la Hispania romana.
213 Actas primer simposium de arqueologa soriana
1984 568 pp., lm., map., fot. P 16,00
214 Arruda, A. M.: As cermicas aticas do castelo de Castro Marim no quadro
das exportaes gregas para a Pennsula Ibrica.
1997 212 pp., fig. P 10,89
215 Caballos Rufino, A.: Carmona romana. Actas del II congreso de historia
de Carmona. Carmona, 29 de septiembre a 2 de octubre de 1999
2001 xxvii + 569 pp., fig. P 36,06
INDICE: Introduccin: A. Caballos Rufino: La paulatina integracin de Carmo en la romanidad 1.
Poblamiento e imagen: J. L. Escacena Carrasco: Podando a Carmo. Perfiles del sustrato turdetano M.
Bendala Galn: La Carmona brquida J. Maier Allende: Imagen historiogrfica de la Carmo romana
F. Fernndez Gmez / M. I. Baceiredo Rodrguez: El pintor Rodrguez Jaldn y la necrpolis de
Carmona 2. Los testimonios documentales: A. Ramrez de Verger: Las fuentes literarias para el
conocimiento de la Carmona romana A. U. Stylow: Una aproximacin a la Carmo romana a travs de
su epigrafa. Nuevas aportaciones y revisin crtica 3. La arqueologa de Carmo: M. B. Deamos / R.
Linero Romero: 15 aos de arqueologa en Carmona J. Beltrn Fortes: Arqueologa de la Carmona
romana: el esquema urbano R. Ojeda Calvo: Nuevos datos sobre la Puerta de Crdoba en poca romana
J. M. Rodrguez Hidalgo: La tumba de Servilia. Nuevas aportaciones y revisin crtica E. Conlin Hayes:
El abastecimiento de agua en la Carmona romana R. Anglada Curado & al.: El uso del agua en Carmona.
Las termas de la calle Pozo Nuevo J. M. Romn Rodrguez: El almacenamiento de grano en Carmona: el
horreum de San Blas C. Mrquez Moreno: La ornamentacin arquitectnica de la Carmona romana P.
Len Alonso: Retratos romanos de Carmona J. Cartaya Baos: Mosaicos romanos de Carmona I.
Rodrguez Rodrguez: Las reas artesanales: los alfares J. J. Ventura Martnez: Cermicas de barniz negro
en Carmona F. Chaves Tristn: La ceca de Carmo 4. La dinmica histria de la Carmona romana.
Ciudad y territorio: R. Menndez Argn: Los grandes acontecimientos blicos en torno a Carmo (ss. III-I a.C.)
G. Alfldy: La sociedad del municipio de Carmo S. J. Keay & al.: The territory of Carmona during the
turdetanian and roman periods: Some preliminary notes about visibility and urban location F. Amores
Carredano & al.: La organizacin y explotacin del territorio de Carmo F. Amores Carredano: Entre campo
y ciudad. La periferia urbana en Carmo G. Chic Garca: Religin, territorio y economa en la Carmo romana
J. Alvar Ezquerra: El panten de Carmona: destellos de la vida religiosa en una ciudad hispanorromana
L. A. Garca Moreno: Carmona en tiempos visigodos (ss. V-VIII) 5. Carmona y la conservacin
patrimonial: J. Castieira Snchez: El patrimonio de la Carmona romana. Normativa, conservacin y
explotacin R. Lineros Romero: Arqueologa urbana en Carmona: teora y prctica M. S. Gil de los Reyes
/ M. T. Gmez Saucedo: El conjunto arqueolgico de la necrpolis romana de Carmona Eplogo provincial:
W. Eck: Der Blick nach Rom. Die Affre um den Tod des Germanicus und ihr Reflex in der Baetica La
mirada a Roma. Asuntos en torno a la muerte de Germnico y su repercusin en la Btica.
216 Cabrera, P. / R. Olmos / E. Sanmart, eds.: Huelva Arqueolgica XIII:
Iberos y griegos: Lecturas desde la diversidad. Simposio internacional celebrado
en Ampurias,3 al 5 de abril de 1991, 2 vols.
1994 784 pp., fig., tabl. P 31,25
217 Durn Penedo, M.: Iconografa de los mosaicos romanos en la Espaa
alto imperial
1993 576 pp., 59 fig., 59 lm. P 50,00
218 Extremadura arqueolgica, IX: ABAE. Archivo bibliogrfico de arqueolo-
ga extremea (1536-2000)
2001 475 pp. P 20,01
219 Flrchinger, A.: Romanische Grber in Sdspanien. Beigaben- und Be-
stattungssitte in westgotenzeitlichen Kirchen-Nekropolen
1998 x + 196 pp., 52 fig., 31 lm. P 64,31
220 Gonzlez Roman, C. / A. Padilla Arroba, eds.: Estudios sobre las ciudades
de la Btica
2002 516 pp., fig. P 18,00
221 Hernndez Guerra, L.: Indigenismo y romanizacin de la provincia de
2002 162 pp., fig., lm. b/n y col. P 9,36
222 Madrider Mitteilungen, 43 2002
2002 450 pp., lm., fig., despl. P 92,50
INDICE: J. Surez Otero: Die Bronzezeit in Galicien D. Brandherm: Zur Kultur der lteren Bronzezeit im
Nordwesten der Iberischen Halbinsel und ihren atlantischen Beziehungen R. Vilaa & al.: Provenience
analysis of prehistoric amber artifacts in Portugal J. Barrio Martn: El santuario de culto domstico del
poblado prerromano de Cullar (Segovia). Un anlisis del contexto arqueolgico y de los elementos rituales
J. M. Abascal & al.: Segobriga 1989-2000. Topografa de la ciudad y trabajos en el foro M. Trunk: Die
korinthischen Kapitelle des Apsidenbaus am Forum von Segobriga D. Vaquerizo Gil: Recintos y acotados
funerarios en Colonia Patricia Corduba J. C. Saquete: Notas sobre una tumba con jardn, una multa
sepulcral y el paisaje suburbano de Augusta Emerita S. Vidal lvarez: Problemas en torno a la iconografa
del Libro de Daniel en la escultura hispnica de los siglos IV-VII T. Ulbert / O. Pons: Die frhchristiche
Anlage von Son Fadrinet (Campos, Mallorca) C. Barcel: Escritos rabes en la baslica paleocristiana de
Casa Herrera (Mrida) A. Heidenreich: Schalen mit S-frmigem Profil in der islamischen Keramik der
Iberischen Halbinsel S. Calvo Capilla: La capilla de Beln del convento de Santa Fe de Toledo: Un oratorio
223 Morand, I.: Idologie, culture et spiritualit chez les propritaires ruraux
de lHispanie romaine
1994 448 pp., fig., lm. b/n y col. P 61,36
224 Palaeohispnica. Revista sobre lenguas y culturas de la Hispania anti-
gua, 2 2002
2002 426 pp. P 15,00
INDICE: Estudios: J. M. Abascal: Tseras y monedas. Iconografa zoomorfa y formas jurdicas de la
Celtiberia M. Almagro-Gorbea: Una probable divinidad tartsica identificada: Niethos/Netos X.
Ballester: Sobre el origen anindoeuropeo de los stures y maragatos P. de Bernardo Stempel: Centro
y reas laterales: formacin del celtibrico sobre el fondo del celta peninsular hispano J. A. Correa:
La distribucin de las oclusivas orales en la toponimia prerromana de la Btica J. F. Eska: Symptoms
of nasal effacement in hispano-celtic J. de Hoz: El complejo sufijal -(e)sken de la lengua ibrica
F. Marco Simn: Vota omnia finibvs. La tsera de Herrera de Pisuerga y la ritualizacin de los pactos
en la Hispania indoeuropea M. Mayer: El proceso de adopcin de la frmula onomstica romana
F. Pina / S. Alfay: Propuesta de ubicacin de los Volcianos en el rea pirenaica B. Prsper: La gran
inscripcin rupestre celtibrica de Pealba de Villastar G. Sopea / V. Ramn: Claudio Eliano y el
funeral descarnatorio en Celtiberia: reflexiones crticas a propsito de Sobre la naturaleza de los
animales X, 22 J. Veleza: Ibrico -te F. Villar: Los hidrnimos con *up- (*op-) agua, ro en la
toponimia prerromana hispana Novedades epigrficas: F. Beltrn / E. Ortiz: Burdo Medugeno munus
dedit. Sobre una coticula inscrita del Museo de Zaragoza M. Comas & al.: Un plomo con doble
inscripcin ibrica localizado en Baetulo (Badalona) M. I. Panosa: Inscripcin ibrica procedente de la
Joncosa (Jorba, Barcelona) J. Untermann: Dos nuevos textos ibricos del sur de Francia J. Valladolid:
Revisin de seis inscripciones sobre cermica procedentes de Azaila (Teruel) Chronica epigraphica:
F. Beltrn: El cuarto bronce de Botorrita J. A. Correa: Crnica epigrfica del sudoeste J. Velaza:
Chronica epigraphica iberica IV (2001).
225 Pavia Laguna, E. / P. Iguacel / J. L. Cinca / P. Castillo, eds.: As era la vida
cotidiana en una ciudad romana: Calagurris Iulia
2002 205 pp., fig. P 12,00
226 Rabanal Alonso, M. A., ed.: El camino de Santiago en Len. Precedentes
romanos y poca medieval
2002 128 pp., lm. col., map. P 21,00
227 Snchez Madrid, S.: Arqueologa y humanismo. Ambrosio de Morales
2002 175 pp. P 9,00
228 Segovia romana. Del 29 de septiembre al 30 de octubre de 2000. Torren
de Lozoya, Segovia
2000 214 pp., lm. col. P 18,00
INDICE: S. Martnez Caballero: Notas sobre la romanizacin del territorio segoviano A. Zamora
Canellada: Roma, desde el museo de Segovia L. Municio Gonzlez: Datos arqueolgicos sobre la
Segovia romana G. Prieto Vzquez: Excavaciones arqueolgicas en el Acueducto de Segovia. 1998
J. Santos Yanguas: La sociedad de Segovia en poca romana reflejada en su epigrafa latina S.
Fernndez Esteban & al.: Vas de comunicacin romanas en Segovia: La va XXIV del itinerario de
Antonino S. Martnez Caballero: La moneda en la Hispania romana Relacin de piezas.
229 Sillires, P.: Les voies de communication de lHispanie mridionale
1990 904 pp., 12 lm., 1 map. P 166,40
230 Zarzalejos Prieto, M.: El alfar romano de Villamanta (Madrid)
2002 211 pp., fig., fot., tabl. P 17,00
231 Almagro, M. / L. Caballero / J. Zozaya / A. Almagro: Qusayr
residencia y baos omeyas en el desierto de Jordania
2002 204 pp., 97 lm. col. P 40,00
232 Archeologia dellarchitettura, VI 2001
2002 170 pp., fig., fot., lm. col. P 29,12
INDICE: L. Di Giacomo: Unespressione lito-culturale del territorio augustanese: le carcre del Granatello
R. Gabrielli: Contributo per lanalisi dei rivestimenti: il caso di Palazzo Paleotti a Bologna N. Gallo:
C e archeologia del costruito: il caso di Castello Aghinolfi (MS) G. Frulio: Lorganizzazione del cantiere
e della produzione edilizia ad Alghero nel XVII secolo F. Barosio: Mensiocronologia dei laterizi a
Venezia: ricerche, verifiche di applicabilit, stesura di una prima curva S. Camporeale & al.: La facciata
del Palazzo Pubblico di Siena. Stratigrafia e fonti documentali C. Cerioni / C. Cosi: Il castello di
Pietrarubbia (PU): analisi archeologica delle strutture murarie L. Cervigni: S. Emiliano (Padenghe sul
Garda - BS): analisi di una pieve e del suo complesso rurale A. Curci & al.: Un esempio di edilizia
bassomedievale dal Carso triestino. Notizia preliminare E. Donato / A. V. Desideri: Palazzo Davanzati
(Firenze) tra storia e restauro O. Garbarino: Le tipologie murarie nellindagine storico-archeologica del
Santo Sepolcro in Gerusalemme M. Sarcina: La grotta artificiale degli Orti Sauli a Genova.
233 Arqueologa y territorio medieval, 9
2002 351 pp. P 30,00
INDICE: El territorio: J. L. Serrano Pea & al.: La paleomorfologa de Marroques bajos. Primeras
propuestas F. Martn Escudero: Baena en poca islmica. Fuentes, arqueologa, documentos... I.
Martn Viso: Espacio y poder en los territorios serranos de la regin de Madrid (siglos X-XIII) A.
Miranda Duque / J. I. Santos Rodrguez: Anlisis del territorio de Rann de la Arena. Gensis y
desarrollo medieval Ciudad y arquitectura: M. C. Fuentes Santos: Aproximacin al urbanismo y la
arquitectura domstica de poca califal del yacimiento de Cercadilla (Crdoba) P. Gurriarn Daza
& al.: El alminar califal de la ermita de Santiago del Camino en Medina Sidonia (Cdiz) M. A.
Martnez Nez: Yeseras epigrafadas del castillo de Santa Catalina (Jan) Documentacin: I.
Montilla Torres: Aportaciones para una tipologa de la cermica islmica en Jan (ss. XI-XIII) J.
Belln Aguilera: Avance preliminar sobre los materiales del s. XIII en Murcia: los resultados del sondeo
estratigrfico realizado en la capilla del palacio episcopal R. Frochoso: Nuevas aportaciones sobre
los primeros dirhames califales M. T. Campos Lpez: Revisin del conjunto de dinares almorvides de
la Loma de la Buitrera (Jan) S. Gilotte / A. Gonzlez Cordero: Graffiti murales de poca histrica en el
castillo de Monsalud (Nogales, Badajoz) J. I. Barrera Maturana: Graffiti en la muralla del Albayzn
Gestin y conservacin: A. M. Castillejo: Propuesta de intervencin sobre un ejemplo de patrimonio
cultural en el medio rural: estudio de las patologas, interpretacin y puesta en valor de la torre de
Botafuegos (Los Barrios, Cdiz) Reseas.
234 Ledificio battesimale in Italia. Aspetti e problemi. Atti dellVII congresso
nazionale di archeologia cristiana. Genova, Sarzana, Albenga, Finale Ligure,
Ventimiglia 21-26 settembre 1998, 2 vols.
2001 xxxvi + 1.156 pp., fig. P 104,00
INDICE: G. Cantino Wataghins / S. Ugg: Scavi e scoperte di archeologia cristiana in Italia settentrionale
(1993-1998) D. Mazzoleni: Scavi e scoperte di archeologia cristiana a Roma e nellItalia centrale (1993-
1998) G. Bertelli: Scavi e scoperte di archeologia cristiana nellItalia meridionale e insulare (1993-1998)
G. Spadea: Archeologia di et paleocristiana e altomedievale in Liguria: lattivit della Soprintendenza
archeologica I. Pittarello: Lattivit della Soprintendenza per i beni ambientali e architettonici della
Liguria per lo studio, la salvaguardia e il restauro dei monumenti di et paleocristiana e altomedievale C.
Varaldo: Il contributo dellIstituto internazionale di studi liguri nel campo dellarcheologia cristiana e
altomedievale G. Cantino Wataghin & al.: Ledificio battesimale nel tessuto della citt tardoantica e
altomedievale in Italia M. Falla Castelfranchi: Ledificio battesimale in Italia nel periodo paleocristiano
V. Fiocchi Nicolai / S. Gelichi: Battisteri e chiese rurali (IV-VII secolo) S. Ugg: I battisteri in ambito
monastico nella tarda antichit e nellalto medioevo F. Bisconti: Liconografia dei battisteri paleocristiani
in Italia G. Cuscito: Epigrafi di apparato nei battisteri paleocristiani dItalia G. Binazzi: Agnomina ex
baptismo nelle iscrizioni cristiane dItalia L. de Maria: Gesti e atteggiamenti nelliconografia battesimale
paleocristiana R. Martorelli: Arrendi e suppellettile liturgica in metallo negli edifici battesimali in Italia
dal IV al VII secolo A. Cosentino: Il fuoco sul Giordano, il cero pasquale, la columna del Battistero
lateranense L. Pejrani Baricco: Chiese battesimali in Piemonte. Scavi e scoperte P. Demeglio: San
Giovanni di Mediliano a Lu (AL). Una pieve altomedievale e il suo fonte bettesimale A. Ceresa Mori
/ G. Righetto: La chiesa di S. Giovanni Battista a Cesano Boscone A. Breda / I. Venturini: La pieve di
Pontenove di Bedizzole (BS) S. Lusuardi Siena / M. Sannazaro: I battisteri del complesso episcopale
milanese alla luce delle recenti indagini archeologiche M. David: Battisteri e vasche battesimali in
Lombardia. Elementi di riflessione tra vecchi e nuovi scavi G. C. Menis: Il battesimo ad Aquileia
nella prima met del IV secolo S. Lusuardi Siena / L. Villa: Il battistero della pieve di San Pietro in
Castello a Ragogna (UD) A. Nicoletti: Adria e il suo battistero in et tardo antica A. Frondoni:
Battisteri ed ecclesiae baptismales della Liguria C. Fusconi & al.: Nuovi dati archeologici sul
battistero di Ventimiglia A. Frondoni: Recenti restauri e indagini al battistero di Albenga A.
Cagnana & al.: Metodi di datazione delle opere murarie dei battisteri paleocristiani E. Russo: Sulla
sopraelevazione neoniana del battistero della cattedrale di Ravenna C. Rizzardi: La decorazione
musiva del battistero degli ortodossi e degli ariani a Ravenna: alcune considerazioni G. Ciampoltrini:
Il battistero di Lucca. Preistoria di un monumento del quartiere episcopale M. C. Profumo: Pesaro:
il battistero perduto e ritrovato M. Ricciardi: Nuove ricerche sul battistero nella catacomba di
Ponziano a Roma L. Spera / E. Smiraglia: Il cosiddetto Battistero della catacomba di Priscilla a Roma:
sistemazione monumentale e segni cultuali M. DAntonio: Ledificio battesimale in Campania dalle
origini allaltomedioevo C. Martorelli: Larchitettura dei battisteri di Napoli, Capua e Marcellianum
D. De Francesco: Il battistero del vescovo Paolo II nella catacomba di S. Gennaro a Napoli: un caso
di dualismo episcopale M. Trotta: Il battistero di S. Giovanni a Monte SantAngelo: dallecclesia
beati Petri alla tumba di Pagano e Rodelgrimo G. Volpe & al.: Il Battistero del complesso
paleocristiano di San Giusto (Lucera) G. Sorrenti: Battisteri paleocristiani della Basilicata: il caso di
Metaponto E. Russo: Conclusioni.
235 Lewis, C. / P. Mitchell-fox / C. Dyer: Village, Hamlet and Field. Changing
Medieval Settlements in Central England
2001 xi + 227 pp., 44 fig. P 29,84
236 Mazzoli-Guintard, C.: Vivre Cordoue au moyen ge. Solidarits citadi-
nes en terre dislam aux X
2003 308 pp. P 20,00
INDICE: Aux sources de lenqute: Des solidarits citadines comme perspective de recherche A la
redcouverte dun juriste En toile de fond, Cordoue aux X
sicles Structurg et cohesion des
quartiers: Unit des quartiers: du trait confessionnel au rle structurant de la mosque La h
masgid: son organisation et son rle dans le fonctionnement de la ville Un acteur efficace du jeu urbain:
le muhtasib Du bien commun aux biens privs: De la grandrue limpasse, des espaces de circulation
diffrencis Des espaces communautaires: les afniya La maison: de la mitoyennet au priv.
237 Parani, M. G.: Reconstructing the Reality of Images. Byzantine Material
Culture and Religous Iconography (11th-15th Centuries)
2003 445 pp., 244 lm., lm. col. P 189,28
238 Pasquini, L.: La decorazione a stucco in Italia fra tardo antico e alto
2002 294 pp., 250 fig. P 41,60
239 Peirce, I. G.: Swords of the Viking Age. Catalogue of Examples Compiled
and Described by (...). Introduced by E. Oakeshott
2002 160 pp., 136 fig., lm. col. P 82,94
240 Rosen-Ayalon, M.: Art et archologie islamiques en Palestine
2002 232 pp., fig., 26 fot., map. P 28,00
241 Sagui, L., ed.: Ceramica in Italia VI-VII secolo. Atti del colloquio in onore
di John W. Hayes, Roma, 11-13 maggio 1995. 2 vols.
1998 822 pp., fig. P 64,48
242 Trillo, C., ed.: Asentamientos rurales y territorio en el mediterrneo
2002 560 pp., lm., fig. P 24,96
INDICE: C. Wickham: Asentamientos rurales en el Mediterrneo occidental en la alta edad media A.
Gmez Becerra: El Maraute (Motril) y el poblamiento islmico en la costa de Granada M. A. Gins
Burgueo: Belda: aportaciones desde la arqueologa C. Lammali: Espacio rural fortificado: el caso
de Castril de la Pea (Granada) H. Kirchner: El mapa de los asentamientos andaluses de Ibiza F.
Retamero: Gestiones campesinas de llanos y de barrancos en el trmino de Alaior (Menorca). Siglos X-XIII
A. Malpica Cuello / C. Trillo San Jos: La hidrulica rural nazar. Anlisis de una agricultura irrigada de
origen andalus T. Madani: Le conflit lpoque mdivale: entre lamont et laval propos dun litige
autour de leau dans le campagnes de Fs M. Valor Piechotta & al.: Espacio rural y territorio en el aljarafe
de Sevilla: H.is.n al-Faray? C. Cuadrada: Primeros ejemplos de repoblacin de Tarragona: el asentami-
ento de Mongons (desde el siglo XII) M. Jimnez Puertas: Asentamientos rurales y frontera: las torres
de alquera de la tierra de Loja en poca nazar A. Garca Porras: La organizacin del espacio domstico
en el poblado medieval de El Castillejo (Los Gujares, Granada). Una lectura desde el anlisis de la
cermica L. Cara Barrionuevo: La gandera medieval en el campo de Tabernas y los Filabres C. Trillo
San Jos: Contribucin al estudio de la propiedad de la tierra en poca nazar N. Torices Abarca:
Contribucin de las representaciones grficas al estudio del paisaje.
243 Valds Fernndez, F.: En torno al Badajoz islmico. Trabajos sueltos de
arqueologa andalus
2001 358 pp., fig., fot. P 11,42
244 Williamson, T.: Shaping Medieval Landscapes. Settlement, Society, Envi-
2003 x + 214 pp., 58 fig. P 28,18
245 Aounallah, S.: Le Cap Bon, jardin de Carthage. Recherches dpigraphie
et dhistoire romano-africaines (146 a.C.-235 p.C. )
2001 388 pp., fig. P 44,35
246 Athas, G.: The Tel Dan Inscription. A Reappraisal and a New Interpreta-
2003 xii + 331 pp., fig. P 141,00
247 Backendorf, D.: Rmische Mnzschtze des zweiten und ersten Jahrhun-
derts v. Chr.vom italienischen Festland
1998 563 pp., tabl., map. P 93,50
248 Comes, R. / I. Roda, eds.: Scripta manent. La memria escrita dels romans/
La memoria escrita de los romanos
2002 335 pp., fig. P 30,00
INDICE: M. Mayer: Scripta manent, a tall dintroducci. Tot recordant la historiografia I. Rod: Un
recorregut per lexposici Scripta manent J. Velaza: Et paleohispanica scripta manent: lepigrafia com
a model de les epigrafies paleohispniques J. Gmez Pallars: La relaci entre la poesa llatina i els
Carmina latina epigraphica: Quina, Com, On? A. Caballos: El senatconsult de Gneu Pis pare J.
Rovira: Post tenebras, lux. Origen i constituci de la collecci epigrfica del Museu darqueologia de
Catalunya A. Nicolau / I. Rod: Les colleccions epigrfiques del Museu dhistria de la ciutat J.
Mass: Notes sobre la formaci dels fons depigrafia romana del Museu nacional arqueolgic de Tarragona
al segle XIX Catleg.
249 Conde de Lumiares: Inscripciones de Carthago Nova, hoy Cartagena.
1796, facsmil. Estudio de J. M. Abascal, J. M. Noguera, F. J. Navarro
2002 lxxxvii + 165 pp. P 18,75
250 Delogu, P. / S. Sorda, eds.: La moneta in ambiente rurale nellItalia
tardomedioevale. Atti dellincontro di studio, Roma 21-22 settembre 2000
2002 vi + 173 pp. P 44,35
INDICE: P. Delogu: Apertura dei lavori N. Mayhew: Money in the late medieval countryside Britain
R. C. Mller: Il baratto in una terra soggetta a Venezia: lesempio di Corf nel quattrocento P.
Grillo: La moneta coniata nella documentazione privata del XIII secolo in area lombarda, fra citt e
campagne (1200-1260) P. Mainoni: Moneta di conto e moneta circolante nelle Alpi lombarde del
duecento (Chiavenna nel XIII secolo) G. Cherubini: La moneta in ambiente rurale nella Toscana del tardo
medioevo G. Petralia: Moneta e mondo rurale nellItalia meridionale del tardo medioevo. Note
preliminari Tavola rotonda.
251 Fernndez Molina, J. / M. Fernndez cabrera / X. Calico Estivill: A Guide
to the Denarii of the Roman Republic to Augustus
2002 v + 270 pp., fig. P 60,00
252 Fernndez Molina, J. / M. Fernndez Cabrera / X. Calico Estivill:
Catlogo monogrfico de los denarios de la repblica romana (incluyendo
2002 272 pp., fig. P 60,00
253 Gregori, G. L., ed.: La collezione epigrafica dellantiquarium comunale
del Celio. Inventario generale, inediti, revisioni, contributi al riordino
2001 605 pp., 91 lm. P 134,27
254 Gulletta, M. I., ed.: Sicilia epigraphica. Atti del convegno internazionale,
Erice, 15-18 ottobre 1998, 1
2000 xi + 383 pp. P 64,81
INDICE: L. Agostiniani: Lepigrafa elima V. Alliata: Le epigrafia islamiche su pietra da Monte Iato
M. G. Amadasi Guzzo: Epigrafia fenicia in Sicilia R. Arena: Interferenze linguistiche e grafiche
nellepigrafia greca di Sicilia A. Bernab: La laminetta orfica di Entella G. Bevilacqua: Le epigrafi
magiche I. Bitto: Leggende monetali romane di Sicilia L. Bivona: Lepigrafia latina A. Brugnone:
Liscrizione del Tempio G di Selinunte e le tradizioni sui responsi oracolari delfici G. Camassa: La Lex
Sacra di Selinunte F. Cordano: Le istituzioni delle citt greche di Sicilia nelle fonti epigrafiche J.
Curbera: Defixiones A. Cutroni Tusa: Lepigrafia monetale greca M. A. De Luca: Lepigrafia araba
in Sicilia. Bilancio degli studi condotti nel corso dellultimo cinquantennio e prospettive per il Duemila
R. De Simone: Riflessioni sullonomastica punica S. De Vido: Corpora epigrafici siciliani da Gualtherus
a Kaibel U. Fantasia: I oitouukc e i oiteviu di Tauromenio B. Garozzo: Nuovi bolli anforari dalla
Sicilia occidentale (Entella, Erice, Segesta).
255 Gulletta, M. I., ed.: Sicilia epigraphica. Atti del convegno internazionale,
Erice, 15-18 ottobre, 2
2000 v + 341 pp., 123 lm. P 64,81
INDICE: A. Guillou: Epigrafia bizantina e post-bizantina H. P. Isler: Iscrizioni su ghiande missili
dagli scavi di Monte Iato A. Johnston: Ceramic texts, archaic to hellenistic G. Manganaro: Lepigrafia
greca di Sicilia G. Manganaro: Annotazioni sulla epigrafia di Lipara C. Michelini: Reimpiego di
iscrizioni a Segesta A. M. Prestianni Giallombardo: Le Tabulae halaesinae. Alcuni aspetti grafici e
linguistici A. L. Prosdocimi: Sicilia. Note sullalfabetizzazione M. Sgarlata: Lepigrafia greca e latina
cristiana della Sicilia C. de Simone: Lepigrafia sicana e sicula S. Simonsohn: Epigrafia ebraica in
Sicilia R. J. A. Wilson: Iscrizioni su manufatti siciliani in et ellenistico-romana.
256 Konuk, K.: Sylloge nummorum graecorum. Turkey 1: The Muharrem
Kayhan Collection
2002 98 pp., 41 lm. P 93,60
257 Lpez de la Orden, M. D.: De epigraphia gaditana
2002 160 pp., 95 lm. P 20,00
258 Reece, R.: The Coinage of Roman Britain
2002 176 pp., grf., fot., m. col. P 29,84
259 San Vicente, J. I.: Del trueque al euro a travs de la coleccin numismtica
2001 197 pp., 410 lm. col. P 9,00
260 Snchez-Palencia Ramos, F. J. / J. Mangas Manjarres, eds.: El edicto del
Bierzo. Augusto y el noroeste de Hispania
2000 153 pp., 17 fig. P 9,00
INDICE: L. Grau Lobo: Augusto en El Bierzo: crnica de un aparecido El bronce del Bierzo: anlisis
epigrfico y textual Estudios: P. Lpez Barja: La provincia Transduriana J. Mangas: Castellum, gens
y ciuitas en el Edicto de Augusto (15 a.C.) A. Orejas & al.: El edicto de Augusto del Bierzo y la primera
organizacin romana del noroeste peninsular E. Garca Fernndez: Immunitas y adtributio J. Gmez-
Pantoja / F. Martn Gonzlez: Notas sobre el edicto del Bierzo a la luz de otras consituciones de Augusto.
261 Schultz, S. / J. Zahle, eds.: Sylloge nummorum graecorum. The Royal
Collection of Coins and Medals Danish National Museum. Supplement.
Acquisitions 1942-1996
2002 123 pp., 1341 fig. P 160,00
262 Sima, A.: Tiere, Pflanzen, Steine und Metalle in den altsdarabischen
Inschriften. Eine lexikalische und realienkundliche Untersuchung
2000 viii + 404 pp. P 49,00
263 Vega Martn, M. / S. Pea Martn / M. C. Feria Garca: El mensaje de las
monedas almohades. Numismtica, traduccin y pensamiento islmico
2002 348 pp. P 20,00
INDICE: El dirham almohade El trmino AMR y el problema de la interpretacin Una cita cornica
AMR en contexto El oro almohade Revolucin almohade (1): el sistema monetario Revolucin
almohade (2): la moneda islmica.
264 Vidman, L.: Isis und Sarapis bei den Griechen und Rmern. Epigraphi-
sche Studie zur Verbreitung und zu den Trgern des gyptischen Kultes
1970 vi + 189 pp. P 56,16
265 Villaronga, L.: Les dracmes emporitanes de principi del segle II a.C.
2002 155 pp., 45 lm. P 30,00
266 Wiegels, R.: Die Tribusinschriften des rmischen Hispanien. Ein Katalog
1985 xii + 199 pp., 3 map. P 91,52
267 Zvetaieff, J.: Inscriptiones Italiae inferioris dialecticae
1886 ii + 184 pp., 3 lm. P 70,72
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