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Saint Francis Borgia Church

8033 W. Addison St.

Chicago, IL 60634


www.saintfrancisborgiachicago.com Easter Sunday April 20, 2014

Christ is Risen Alleluia!

Mass Intentions
Saturday, April 19, 2014 - Holy Saturday
7:00 For All Parishoners

Sunday, April 20, 2014 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
7:30 9:00 10:30 12:00 1:30

Za wszystich parafian For All Parishoners Za wszystkich parafian For All Parishoners For All Parishoners Za wszystkich parafian Health and Blessings for Fr. Tom Mulcrone Health and Blessings for Teresa Milek Carmella Sparacino Ralph Pucci Health and Blessings for Fr. Tom Mulcrone Health and Blessings for Teresa Milek Virginia Sempio Cresencio Evangelista, Jr. Za wszystkich parafian Za wszystkich parafian Health and Blessings for Fr. Tom Mulcrone Health and Blessings for Teresa Milek Health and Blessings for Fr. Tom Mulcrone Health and Blessings for Teresa Milek

Sunday, April 27, 2014 Second Sunday of Easter

Health and Blessings for Fr. Tom Mulcrone Health and Blessings for Teresa Milek Tom Flood Mary McDonagh Anastazja Pacocha Casey & Anjuta Grabowski Bronislaw Greczek Pat OMalley 9:00 Helena Polinska w 1 rocz. smierci O spokoj duszy dla Marianny Karpiej w 1 miesiac po smierci Jan Witkowski Marianna i Antoni Andruk Piotr i Anna Bycul oraz za zmarlych z rodziny Bycul 10:30 Health and Blessings for Fr. Tom Mulcrone Health and Blessings for Teresa Milek Health & Blessings for Lester Jedynak Harry Pietroczynski Rosario Cabrera George Paris 12:00 Health and Blessings for Fr. Tom Mulcrone Health and Blessings for Teresa Milek Health & Blessings for Michael ONeill, Jr. Domenico & Rosa Parente Pamela Heider Gaetano Urbanio Rosy Carvajal Mary and Anthony Virgilio O zdrowie i Boze Blog. za Eweline Bosko z okazji 1:30 Chrztu Sw. O otwarcie bram nieba dla Ryszarda Chelmeckiego Marianna Socha Franciszek i Helena Sworowski Irena i Aleksander Bonislawski Rev. Francis M. Plakut Eugeniusz Jasion Andrzej Sieczka Jan Sieczka Bronislawa i Adolf Bosko Jozef i Czeslawa Ryszko 6:00 O Boze Blog. i Opieke Matki Bozej za wstawiennictwem Ojca Jana Pawla II dla rodziny Panu Bogu wiadomej Stefania Duda O spokoj dusz w czyscu cierpiacych 7:30

Monday, April 21, 2014

7:15 8:30 10:30 7:00 7:15 8:30

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Health and Blessings for Fr. Tom Mulcrone Health and Blessings for Teresa Milek 8:30 Health and Blessings for Fr. Tom Mulcrone Health and Blessings for Teresa Milek Andrew Thompson 7:15

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Health and Blessings for Fr. Tom Mulcrone Health and Blessings for Teresa Milek Rosaria Abruscato 8:30 Health and Blessings for Fr. Tom Mulcrone Health and Blessings for Teresa Milek 7:15

Friday, April 25, 2014

7:15 8:30 For the heart of the world Health and Blessings for Fr. Tom Mulcrone Health and Blessings for Teresa Milek

Saturday, April 26, 2014

8:00 Health and Blessings for Fr. Tom Mulcrone Health and Blessings for Teresa Milek Michael Kennedy 5:00 Health and Blessings for Fr. Tom Mulcrone Health and Blessings for Teresa Milek Health & Blessings for Michael ONeill, Jr. Blessings on 60th Wedding Ann. for Onorina & Daniele Tainer Dorothy Schultz Domenica Carruba Gueli

Sc hool News
This Week At St. Francis Borgia School Week of April 21, 2014 Classes are not in session this week due to Easter break. Classes resume on Monday April 28.

Respect Life
Jesus, who upon entering into the world said: "I have come, O God, to do your will" (cf. Heb 10:9), made himself obedient to the Father in everything and, "having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end" (Jn 13:1), giving himself completely for them. He who had come "not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Mk 10:45), attains on the Cross the heights of love: "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

St. Francis Borgia Mission Statement

St. Francis Borgia nurtures the Roman Catholic Faith and fosters the gifts of the Holy Spirit in all by: Welcoming everyone into our faith community; Celebrating the sacraments together; Providing faith education; Providing an environment for prayerful meditation; Utilizing our time, talents and treasures. We resolve to develop, support, empower, and encourage individuals to reach their spiritual potential for the greater glory of God and the good of His people.

Members of our church community are serving our country in the various branches of the military. Please pray for all of them and their families and especially for those listed below.
Matthew J. Albanese James Allision Paul Raymond Barthel Christopher R. Burdulinski Joseph Vito Burdulinski Anthony L. Cammuca James D. Campis Jasper Catalano Robert Curtis Tamara DeCaro Shawn Gaffney Gerald Giovannelli Slawomir Glownia Michael Granadon Daniel Jarosz Joseph Patrick Kinney Frank Joseph Klimas James Labbe Tom Lewandowski Matt Manzano Tim McManus Darrell Mills Michael A. Morelli Artur Niedbelka Roman Ortega Nicholas Ranch James H. Schreiner Robert Schreiner Richard A. Wagner Steven A. Walker

SUNDAY, April 20 9:00 Deaf Ministry ............. SC1/SC2/SC3/SC4/MH MONDAY, April 21 9:00 Crafters ..................................................... SC3 TUESDAY, April 22 9:00 Marian Movement ................................ Chapel 7:00 Knights of Columbus ................................ SC3 7:00 Italian Catholic Federation........................ SC2 WEDNESDAY, April 23 THURSDAY, April 24 9:00 Deaf Ministry ................................ Chapel/SC2 7:00 Padre Pio Mass (Polish) ....................... Church 7:00 RCIA..................................................... School 7:00 Sacred Heart Prayer Group ................... Chapel FRIDAY, April 25 3:00 Divine Mercy Prayer Group ................. Chapel 7:00 6th Grade Event ............................ Mayall Hall 8:00 Polish Musical Group .......................... Church SATURDAY, April 26 9:00 Religious Education .............................. School 9:00 1st Communion Rehearsal ................... Church 10:00 Market Day ............................................... SC2 7:00 Padre Pio Mass (Italian)....................... Church SUNDAY, April 27 9:00 Deaf Ministry ............. SC1/SC2/SC3/SC4/MH 3:00 Swieconka/ Canonization Event ............... SC2

Please pray for those who have died and their families:

Anthony P. Scarpelli
Catholic Womens Club
Our May Crowning will be Tuesday, May 6th. Fr. Rich will celebrate Mass at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel. All parishioners are welcome. Refreshments will be served in the Stokes Center after Mass. For more information call Kate Klostermann (773) 625-5449.

Golden Club
Thursday, May 8th. Doors open at 12:00 noon. Meeting starts at 1:15 p.m. Please remember to bring your non-perishable food donations for St. Cyprians Food Pantry. For more info call Connie Costillo (773) 589-1857.

Felicia Accolti Carmella Aguilar June Billingham Mary Burke Marcella Buttkus Jan Bycul Rita Caruk Greg Caruso Steve Chorba Elisabeth Corkran Elaine Czarnowski Bernice Dombrowski Margaret Ebler & Family Patricia Fleming Anne Fritz David Gardner Walter Garland Jared Godla James Gorski Timothy Heider Lottie Jankowski Genowefa Karwowska Edwin Kowalski Bronislawa Lakomski Deacon William Lehman Jozef Lenart Dons Ludmann Gerry Mangini John Martinelli Aria McCarthy Bernice Mae McKay Joanne Melone Stella Mendelowska

Please pray for all the sick, homebound, and the convalescents of the parish, our relatives and friends, and especially:

Grace Miceli Michael ONeill, Jr. Michael ONeill, Sr. Michael Palumbo Rosemary Palumbo Samantha Parry Yolanda Passi Bernadette Petty Victoria Pietroczynski John Pini Antonio Pontarelli Hector Quintanilla Ellen Retzler Catherine Richko Kathryn Richko Lacie Richko Megan Richko Michelle Richko Sara Richko Virginia Rylko Dolores Schmugge Jeff Stachula Christopher Staunton Frances Swiatek Christine M. Szeszol Jason Townsend Nicholas Vitellaro Helena Walaszek James White Michele White Terry White Elizabeth Wlodarski

Easter 2014

I am the Resurrection and the life, whoever believes in me will live. Do you believe this? (John 11;26)

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We are celebrating Easter, the time to proclaim to the whole world our faith in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter is a gift of the Risen Christ, who shares with us the joy of His Resurrection and gives us hope for eternal life. May the joyful Alleluia coming from our hearts reach every corner of the world and bring the good news of peace and love. May this Easter unite us with Christ and His Church, which proclaim entirely the Good News of the Resurrection. The Resurrection of Jesus gives the whole world a new perspective. The key to open the Tomb of Jesus and all the graves in the world is having faith in the Resurrection. On this special occasion of Easter, I want to wish and share this faith with you. I pray that the Risen Lord may deepen and strengthen the faith of our parish family. I wish and pray that your family, under Christs guidance, may rise from any difficulties and resurrect to life in deeper faith, unity and love. I would like to wish each one of you this individual resurrection, this joy and motivation to life, which only Christ can give us. In the Name of the Risen Lord, I would like to ask you to remember His Church in which He lives and continues His work of salvation. Please do not forget St. Francis Borgia Church, which proclaims the Risen Christ and through the Holy Sacraments heals, strengthens and saves. May the Risen Christ reward you and bless you for your generosity and dedication to His Church. I entrust to the Risen Lord the spiritual renewal of our parish family and the renovation of our church. Prayerfully yours in Christ,

Rev. Richard Milek

John XXIII was courageous, a good country priest, with a great sense of humor, and great holiness. He was a man who let himself be guided by the LordRegarding John Paul II, I would say he was the great missionary of the Church: he was a missionary, a man who carried the Gospel everywhere And to canonize them both together will be,I believe, a message for the Church: these two were wonderful, both of them. (Pope Francis) We will celebrate the Canonization of Blessed Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II here at St. Francis Borgia Church on Sunday April 27th at the 10:30am Mass followed by the reception in the Stokes Center. We encourage you to bring desserts to share. All are welcome!

Bogosawiony Jan XXIII - Ioannes PP. XXIII Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli; Papiestwo: 28 padziernika 1958r. 3 czerwca 1963r.; Beatyfikowany przez papiea Jana Pawa II w dniu 3 wrzenia 2000r. Bogoswiony Jan Pawe II - Ioannes Paulus PP. II Karol Wojtya; Papiestwo: 16 padziernika 1978r.2 kwietnia 2005r.; Beatyfikowany przez papiea Benedykta XVI w dniu 1 maja 2011r. Zapraszamy na Uroczyst Msz w. w dniu Kanonizacji, w niedziel 27 kwietnia o 1:30 pm, a po Mszy w. na wiconk o 3:00pm, w czasie ktrej bdzie specjalny program dedykowany Kanonizowanym Papieom, Janowi Pawowi II i Janowi XXIII. W programie bdzie gorcy obiad, kawa, ciasto, napoje, i loteria. Cena biletu dla dorosych: $25, dla dzieci od 6-10 lat: 10; dzieci do 6 lat za darmo.

Wielkanoc 2014 Chrystus zmartwychwsta. Nie odrzucajcie Go wy, ktrzy budujecie ludzki wiat. Nie odrzucajcie Go wy, ktrzy w jakikolwiek sposb, w jakiejkolwiek dziedzinie budujecie wiat dzisiejszy i jutrzejszy. Ktrzy budujecie wiat kultury i cywilizacji; wiat ekonomii i polityki; wiat nauki i informacji. Ktrzy budujecie wiat pokoju... lub wojny? Ktrzy budujecie wiat adu... lub terroru? Nie odrzucajcie Chrystusa: On jest kamieniem wgielnym! Niech aden czowiek Go nie odrzuca - bo kady jest budowniczym swego losu. (Jan Pawe II)

Drodzy Bracia i Siostry, Kade wita Wielkanocne s kolejnym dowodem Zmartwychwstania Chrystusa, a dla nas szans na ponowne wyznanie naszej wiary w Jego Zmartwychwstanie. wita te s witami wiary, nadziei i mioci. Niech z gbi naszych serc popynie radosne Alleluja i dotrze do wszystkich zaktkw zagubionego w chaosie za i nienawici wiata. Niech zmartwychwstanie pokj i mio. Niech te wita zjednocz nas z Chrystusem i Kocioem, ktry nieustannie i niestrudzenie gosi ordzie Zmartwychwstania. Zmartwychwstanie Chrystusa nadaje nowy wymiar wiatu i ludzkoci, kadej rodzinie i kademu z nas. Kluczem do otwarcia Grobu Chrystusa i wszystkich grobw wiata jest wiara w Zmartwychwstanie. T wiar pragn si z wami dzieli i tej wiary pragn wam yczy. Prosz Chrystusa Zmartwychwstaego, aby pogbi i umocni wiar naszej wsplnoty parafialnej. ycz wam aby rodzina wasza pod przewodem Chrystusa powstaa z wszelkich trudnoci i zmartwychwstaa do ycia w gbszej wierze, jednoci i mioci. ycz kademu z was tego indywidualnego zmartwychwstania, tej radoci i motywacji do ycia, ktr tylko Chrystus da moe. Prosz was w imieniu Jezusa Chrystusa Zmartwychwstaego, abycie pamitali o Jego Kociele, w ktrym On nieustannie yje i dziaa. Prosz was nie zapominajcie o kociele w. Franciszka Borgia, ktry gosi Chrystusa Zmartwychwstaego i poprzez sakramenty wite nadal uzdrawia, umacnia i zbawia. Niech Chrystus Zmartwychwstay wynagrodzi wam wasz hojno i powicenie dla Jego kocioa i niech wam stokrotnie bogosawi. Z pamici w modlitwie,

Ks. Ryszard Miek

Our Sacrificial Gifts of Time, Talent, & Treasure

April 5 and 6, 2014 Collection Weekly Collection: $11,857 Mail: $201 Total: $12, 058 Weekly Goal: 10,644 Over Goal: $ 1,414 April 12 and 13, 2014 Collection To be announced in next bulletin Thank You!


Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sunday: Acts 2:42-47; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; 1 Pt 1:3-9; Jn 20:19-31
Sat. April 26 5:00pm Sun. April 27 7:30am Sun. April 27 9:00am, Polish Sun. April 27 10:30am Sun. April 27 12:00pm Sun. April 27 1:30pm, Polish Sun. April 27 6:00pm, Polish

e bsit e w r our See ing you ! us phone rt sm a

Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers G. Accardi, M. Accardi, K. Pera, J. Sabatino V. Arredondo, K. Heisler, K. Heisler, G. McDonagh D. and J. Kaszczewski, A. Podraza, A. Zabawa
M. Acuna, A. Carcamo, V. Covaleda, D. Foley, M. Foley



Fr. Marcin Bulinski M. Rosso Fr. Joe Mulcrone B. Cherwin

G. Cannataro, *M. D'Alessandro, T. Fulton, R. Ginnelly, M. Heider, T. Helfand, D. Lehman

*E. de la Torre, J. Guida, R. Swiatkowski M. Latko

Fr. Marcin Bulinski J. Znosko Fr. Richard Milek Fr. Joe Mulcrone Fr. Richard Milek

L. Evangelista T. DeCaro, *K. Klostermann, R. Kostencki, B. Pacia, F. Pacia, N. Testa, S. Testa B. Brieske C. Brieske,*M. Lavin, N. Nugent M. Bycul E. Krason C. Cudzich

L. Cano, M. Cano, M. Casey, M. Casey, T. Cozad To be announced M. Symkow, R. Wilk

Fr. Marcin Bulinski D. Farbisz Sacred Heart Side

Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 7:30am Sunday 10:30am Sunday 12:00pm

Blessed Virgin Side

Frank Cannataro (co-lead usher), Dr. John Przywara, Terry Renk, Stanley Szarmach, John Przywara Sr. Robert Dabe (co-lead usher), Edward Cernak, Timothy Costa, Thomas Melkovitz

Ken Grenier (head usher), Anthony Aguilar, George Hickey, Pat Hickey, Marsha Ptasnik, Michael Schmaus, James Thompson, Carol Zator, Ken Zator, Lisa Schmaus Ernesto Cabias, Robert Lugo, J. Blair Raftree (co-lead usher), Stanley Starzec

Mary McGeean(co-lead usher), Stella Mendelowska, Bob Fitzpatrick Giacomo Santoro (co-lead usher), Tyler Testa, Ken Teresa Pina-Rodriguez, Bernie Schmidt, Fernando Lego Johnson, Amadeo Gallo Philip Kulka (co-lead usher), Bryant Marure, Mark J. Dobzyn, Casey Kucmierz Michael Wilczynski, Anthony Siciliano, Jerry Piwinski, Miroslaw Wodzynski, Toni DeCaro Stanislaw Kochanek, Ireneusz Kura, Karol Latko, Kazimierz Mucha, Piotr Mysha, Bogdan Wszelaki, Jerry Kopczewski

Sun. (Polish) Waldemar Farbisz (lead usher), Cezary Kozikowski, Jan Majka, Zygmunt Papciak, Julian Pyjor, 9:00am Frank Wierzbicki, Marek Zabawa. 6:00pm

St. Francis Borgia Church

8033 W. Addison St. Chicago, IL 60634
www.stfrancisborgiachicago.org Rectory 773-625-1118 773-625-1110 (FAX) School 773-589-1000 773-589-0781 (FAX) Religious Education 773-625-1705 773-625-1774 (FAX)

Fr. Richard Milek, Pastor Fr. Marcin Bulinski, Associate Pastor Mr. William Lehman, Deacon Miss Ruthanne Swiatkowski, Religious Ed. Director Miss Monika Wawrzyniak, Office Manager Mass Intentions Telephone the rectory or stop by in person, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30am and 4:00pm.

Fr. Joseph Mulcrone, Director, Office of the Deaf Fr. Michael Class, SJ, Weekend Celebrant Mrs. Susan Betzolt, Principal Mr. Martin Wojtulewicz, Business Manager Mr. Anthony J. Woldeit, Music Director Rectory Office Hours Weekdays: 8:30am -12:00noon; 1:00 - 8:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 1:00pm Sunday: CLOSED

CHURCH NAME & NUMBER #512073 Saint Francis Borgia ADDRESS 8033 W. Addison Street Chicago, IL 60634 PHONE 773-625-1118 CONTACT PERSON Monika SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Windows 7 Professional PRINTER HP Laserjet 2100 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 4:30 PM NUMBER OF PAGES SENT SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS

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