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Death sentence: court awarded him death sentence for murdering an innocent Convict (criminal, offender) he was convicted by a session judge on killing innocent Plea (petition, request, appeal): the convicts counsels took the plea that he committed the crime when he saw her wife naked in the company of some person Immoral character Offense Inevitable inevitable reality Amicable friendly, agreeable, harmonious, good-humored Mitigate moderate, take the edge off, diminish, ease, lessen Conviction confidence, certainly, assurance, Hail frozen rain, summon, call to, all over, hailstone, sleet Precedent example, model, guide Women rights activists hailed the court order with the conviction that It would set a precedent for rejecting the plea of honor killing Prosecution trial, hearing, examination, Commuter traveler, customer, fare, rail user it will causing immense problems for the commuter as well as pedestrians Mob crowed, rabble, mass, gang no police official reached the spot to disperse the mob Oblivious unaware, unconscious, ignorant the government remained oblivious to the problems Rant rage, fume, shout, go on, angry outburst, the info minister in his rant said, Transient momentary, temporary, transitory, short-lived, brief Heed notice, regard, listen to, he pays no heed to the directives of his manager Quibbling being finicky, being fussy, splitting hairs, pedantry, he had to quit the job after much quibbling Incumbent, incumbent employees will be given broacher of helpline guideline

Plead appeal, beg, beseech, implore, he refused further recruitment by pleading that company is already over staffed Aback ds Assertion declaration, statement, claim, taken aback info ministors assertion, PM made a brief statement Flurry spell, outbreak, boat, flood, she was responding to the flurry of questions Nose-diving performance, bad performance Rub salt on the wounds Quip joke, witticism, cleaver remark, one-liner, he quipped if she had no control over ptv, PM should personally look into his request Nomenclature classification, testimony, catalog, arrangement, organization Hypocrisy double standards, tow-facedness, pretence,

DECIDE: Indecisive He can never make up his mind about anything. He's so ........ . Decisiveness It's the President's ........ that I admire most. He's a great leader. Decisively They won ........, 5-0.
Invariably always, consistently, regularly, perpetually, habitually, Apparel clothing, wear, kit, attire, garb,

__________________ Party One_________________

How to Improve your Vocabulary 100 words to Impress an Examiner!

Here are 100 advanced English words which should you be able to use them in a sentence will impress even educated native speakers! Perfect if you want to impress the examiner in examinations like: IELTS, TOEFL and Cambridge CAE and CPE. If you are really serious about having an extensive and impressive vocabulary, try learning these and then try these advanced vocabulary tests.

Part ONE / Part TWO

aberration (n.) something that differs from the norm (In 1974, Poland won the World Cup, but the success turned out to be an aberration, and Poland have not won a World Cup since).

abhor (v.) to hate, detest (Because he always wound up getting hit in the head when he tried to play cricket, Marcin began to abhor the sport).

acquiesce (v.) to agree without protesting (Though Mr. Pospieszny wanted to stay outside and work in his garage, when his wife told him that he had better come in to dinner, he acquiesced to her demands.)

alacrity (n.) eagerness, speed (For some reason, Simon loved to help his girlfriend whenever he could, so when his girlfriend asked him to set the table he did so with alacrity.)

amiable (adj.) friendly (An amiable fellow, Neil got along with just about everyone.)

appease (v.) to calm, satisfy (When Jerry cries, his mother gives him chocolate to appease him.)

arcane (adj.) obscure, secret, known only by a few (The professor is an expert in arcane Kashubian literature.)

avarice (n.) excessive greed (The bankers avarice led him to amass an enormous personal fortune.)

brazen (adj.) excessively bold, brash, clear and obvious (Critics condemned the writers brazen attempt to plagiarise Frankow-Czerwonkos work.)

brusque (adj.) short, abrupt, dismissive (Simons brusque manner sometimes offends his colleagues.)

cajole (v.) to urge, coax (Magda's friends cajoled her into drinking too much.)

callous (adj.) harsh, cold, unfeeling (The murderers callous lack of remorse shocked the jury.)

candor (n.) honesty, frankness (We were surprised by the candor of the politicians speech because she is usually rather evasive.)

chide (v.) to voice disapproval (Hania chided Gregory for his vulgar habits and sloppy appearance.)

circumspect (adj.) cautious (Though I promised Martas father I would bring her home promptly by midnight, it would have been more circumspect not to have specified a time.)

clandestine (adj.) secret (Announcing to her boyfriend that she was going to the library, Maria actually went to meet George for a clandestine liaison.)

coerce (v.) to make somebody do something by force or threat (The court decided that David Beckham did not have to honor the contract because he had been coerced into signing it.)

coherent (adj.) logically consistent, intelligible (William could not figure out what Harold had seen because he was too distraught to deliver a coherent statement.)

complacency (n.) self-satisfied ignorance of danger (Simon tried to shock his friends out of their complacency by painting a frightening picture of what might happen to them.)

confidant (n.) a person entrusted with secrets (Shortly after we met, he became my chief confidant.)

connive (v.) to plot, scheme (She connived to get me to give up my plans to start up a new business.)


(adj.) increasing, building upon itself (The cumulative effect of hours spent using the World English website was a vast improvement in his vocabulary and general level of English.)

debase (v.) to lower the quality or esteem of something (The large raise that he gave himself debased his motives for running the charity.)

decry (v.) to criticize openly (Andrzej Lepper, the leader of the Polish Self Defence party decried the appaling state of Polish roads.)

deferential (adj.) showing respect for anothers authority (Donata is always excessively deferential to any kind of authority figure.)

demure (adj.) quiet, modest, reserved (Though everyone else at the party was dancing and going crazy, she remained demure.)

deride (v.) to laugh at mockingly, scorn (The native speaker often derided the other teachers accent.)

despot (n.) one who has total power and rules brutally (The despot issued a death sentence for anyone who disobeyed his laws.)


(adj.) showing care in doing ones work (The diligent researcher made sure to double check her measurements.)

elated (adj.) overjoyed, thrilled (When he found out he had won the lottery, the postman was elated.)

eloquent (adj.) expressive, articulate, moving (The best man gave such an eloquent speech that most guests were crying.)

embezzle (v.) to steal money by falsifying records (The accountant was fired for embezzling 10,000 of the companys funds.)

empathy (n.) sensitivity to anothers feelings as if they were ones own (I feel such empathy for my dog when shes upset so am I!)

enmity (n.) ill will, hatred, hostility (John and Scott have clearly not forgiven each other, because the enmity between them is obvious to anyone in their presence.)

erudite (adj.) learned (My English teacher is such an erudite scholar that he has translated some of the most difficult and abstruse Old English poetry.)

extol (v.) to praise, revere (Kamila extolled the virtues of a vegetarian diet to her meat-loving boyfriend.)

fabricate (v.) to make up, invent (When I arrived an hour late to class, I fabricated some excuse about my car breaking down on the way to work.)

feral (adj.) wild, savage (That beast looks so feral that I would fear being alone with it.)

flabbergasted (adj.) astounded (Whenever I read an Agatha Christie mystery novel, I am always flabbergasted when I learn the identity of the murderer.)

forsake (v.) to give up, renounce (I won't forsake my conservative principles.)

fractious (adj.) troublesome or irritable (Although the child insisted he wasnt tired, his fractious behaviour especially his decision to crush his jam sandwiches all over the floor - convinced everyone present that it was time to put him to bed.)

furtive (adj.) secretive, sly (Claudias placement of her drugs in her sock drawer was not as furtive as she thought, as the sock drawer is the first place most parents look.)

gluttony (n.) overindulgence in food or drink (Helens fried chicken tastes so divine, I dont know how anyone can call gluttony a sin.)

gratuitous (adj.) uncalled for, unwarranted (Every evening the guy at the fish and chip shop gives me a gratuitous helping of vinegar.)

haughty (adj.) disdainfully proud (The superstars haughty dismissal of her co-stars will backfire on her someday.)

hypocrisy (n.) pretending to believe what one does not (Once the politician began passing legislation that contradicted his campaign promises, his hypocrisy became apparent.)

impeccable (adj.) exemplary, flawless (If your grades were as impeccable as your brothers, then you too would receive a car for a graduation present.)

impertinent (adj.) rude, insolent (Most of your comments are so impertinent that I dont wish to dignify them with an answer.)

implacable (adj.) incapable of being appeased or mitigated (Watch out: once you shun Grandmothers cooking, she is totally implacable.)

impudent (adj.) casually rude, insolent, impertinent (The impudent young woman looked her teacher up and down and told him he was hot.)

incisive (adj.) clear, sharp, direct (The discussion wasnt going anywhere until her incisive comment allowed everyone to see what the true issues were.)

indolent (adj.) lazy (Why should my indolent children, who cant even pick themselves up off the sofa to pour their own juice, be rewarded with a trip to Burger King?)

inept (adj.) not suitable or capable, unqualified (She proved how inept she was when she forgot two orders and spilled a pint of cider in a customers lap.)

infamy (n.) notoriety, extreme ill repute (The infamy of his crime will not lessen as time passes.)

inhibit (v.) to prevent, restrain, stop (When I told you I needed the car last night, I certainly never meant to inhibit you from going out.)

innate (adj.) inborn, native, inherent (His incredible athletic talent is innate, he never trains, lifts weights, or practices.)

insatiable (adj.) incapable of being satisfied (My insatiable appetite for blondes was a real problem on my recent holiday in Japan!)


(adj.) separated and narrow-minded; tight-knit, closed off (Because of the sensitive nature of their jobs, those who work for MI5 must remain insular and generally only spend time with each other.)

intrepid (adj.) brave in the face of danger (After scaling a live volcano prior to its eruption, the explorer was praised for his intrepid attitude.)

inveterate (adj.) stubbornly established by habit (Im the first to admit that Im an inveterate cider drinkerI drink four pints a day.)

____________________Part Two______________

jubilant (adj.) extremely joyful, happy (The crowd was jubilant when the firefighter carried the woman from the flaming building.)

knell (n.) the solemn sound of a bell, often indicating a death (Echoing throughout our village, the funeral knell made the grey day even more grim.)

lithe (adj.) graceful, flexible, supple (Although the dancers were all outstanding, Joannas control of her lithe body was particularly impressive.)


(adj.) ghastly, sensational (Barrys story, in which he described a character torturing his neighbour's tortoise, was judged too lurid to be published on the English Library's website.)

maverick (n.) an independent, nonconformist person (John is a real maverick and always does things his own way.)

maxim (n.) a common saying expressing a principle of conduct (Ms. Stones etiquette maxims are both entertaining and instructional.)

meticulous (adj.) extremely careful with details (The ornate needlework in the brides gown w as a product of meticulous handiwork.)

modicum (n.) a small amount of something (Refusing to display even a modicum of sensitivity, Magda announced her bosss affair to the entire office.)

morose (adj.) gloomy or sullen (Davids morose nature made him very unpleasant to talk to.)

myriad (adj.) consisting of a very great number (It was difficult to decide what to do on Saturday night because the city presented us with myriad possibilities for fun.)


(n.) the lowest point of something (My day was boring, but the nadir came when my new car was stolen.)

nominal (adj.) trifling, insignificant (Because he was moving the following week and needed to get rid of his furniture more than he needed money, Kim sold everything for a nominal price.)

novice (n.) a beginner, someone without training or experience (Because we were all novices at archery, our instructor decided to begin with the basics

nuance (n.) a slight variation in meaning, tone, expression (The nuances of the poem were not obvious to the casual reader, but the teacher was able to point them out.)

oblivious (adj.) lacking consciousness or awareness of something (Oblivious to the burning smell emanating from the kitchen, my father did not notice that the rolls in the oven were burned until much too late.)

obsequious (adj.) excessively compliant or submissive (Donald acted like Susans servant, obeying her every request in an obsequious manner.)

obtuse (adj.) lacking quickness of sensibility or intellect (Political opponents warned that the prime ministers obtuse approach to foreign policy would embroil the nation in mindless war.)


(n.) a remedy for all ills or difficulties (Doctors wish there was a single panacea for every disease, but sadly there is not.)

parody (n.) a satirical imitation (A hush fell over the classroom when the teacher returned to find Magdalena acting out a parody of his teaching style.)

penchant (n.) a tendency, partiality, preference (Fionas dinner parties quickly became monotonous on account of her penchant for Indian dishes.)

perusal (n.) a careful examination, review (The actor agreed to accept the role after a three-month perusal of the movie script.)

plethora (n.) an abundance, excess (The wedding banquet included a plethora of oysters piled almost three feet high.)

predilection (n.) a preference or inclination for something (James has a predilection for eating toad in the whole with tomato ketchup.)

quaint (adj.) charmingly old-fashioned (Mary was delighted by the quaint bonnets she saw in Romania.)


(adj.) hasty, incautious (Its best to think things over calmly and thoroughly, rather than make rash decisions.)

refurbish (v.) to restore, clean up (After being refurbished the old Triumph motorcycle commanded the handsome price of $6000.)

repudiate (v.) to reject, refuse to accept (Tom made a strong case for an extension of his curfew, but his mother repudiated it with a few biting words.)

rife (adj.) abundant (Surprisingly, the teachers writing was rife with spelling errors.)

salient (adj.) significant, conspicuous (One of the salient differences between Alison and Helen is that Alison is a couple of kilos heavier.)

serendipity (n.) luck, finding good things without looking for them (In an amazing bit of serendipity, penniless Mark found a $50 bill on the back seat of the bus.)

staid (adj.) sedate, serious, self-restrained (The staid butler never changed his expression no matter what happened.)


(adj.) exceeding what is necessary (Samantha had already won the campaign so her constant flattery of others was superfluous.)

sycophant (n.) one who flatters for self-gain (Some see the people in the cabinet as the Prime Ministers closest advisors, but others see them as sycophants.)

taciturn (adj.) not inclined to talk (Though Magda never seems to stop talking, her brother is quite taciturn.)

truculent (adj.) ready to fight, cruel (This club doesnt really attract the dangerous types, so why was that bouncer being so truculent?)

umbrage (n.) resentment, offence (He called me a lily-livered coward, and I took umbrage at the insult.)

venerable (adj.) deserving of respect because of age or achievement (The venerable High Court judge had made several key rulings in landmark cases throughout the years.)

vex (v.) to confuse or annoy (My boyfriend vexes me by pinching my bottom for hours on end.)

vociferous (adj.) loud, boisterous (Im tired of his vociferous whining so Im breaking up with him.)

wanton (adj.) undisciplined, lewd, lustful (Joannas wanton demeanor often made the frat guys next door very excited.)

zenith (n.) the highest point, culminating point (I was too nice to tell Emily that she had reached the absolute zenith of her career with that one top 10 hit of hers.)

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Vocabulary-Nature is the list of words related to Nature.

Vocabulary-Nature will improve your word-power.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

AmphibiousAt home equally on land and in water

GregariousLiving or moving in flocks or herds

Hibernationthe dormant condition in which the plants and animals pass the winter

Deciduoustrees which lose their leaves annually

RuminantA cud-chewing animals (e.g. a cow)

RodentA gnawing animal e.g. a rat

QuadrupedA four-footed animal

MarsupialsAnimals which carry their young in a pouch e.g. kangaroo

HumusSoil composed largely of decayed vegetable matter

AlluviumSoil washed down or carried away by rivers

InsecticideA preparation for killing insects

ParasiteA plant or animal growing on another

AnnualLasting for a single year

BiennialLasting for two years

PerennialLasting for many years

EmbryoThat part of the seed which develops into the plant

Germ That part of the seed which develops into the plant

RadicleThat part of the embryo which develops into the root

Plumule That part of the embryo which develops into the stem

GerminationThe process by which the young plant begins to grow

TranspirationThe process by which the plants excess water through their leaves

AssimilationThe process by which the plants manufacture food

RespirationThe process by which the plants and the animals breathe

AbsorptionThe process by which the plants take up mineral salts in solution through their roots

StomataTiny opening on the under surface of leaves through which the plants breathe

ChlorophyllThe green coloring matter in the leaves of plants CambiumA slimy substance between wood and bark of a stem

StipulesA two leaf-like appendages at the base of few leaves

TendrilA spiral shoots of a plant which winds itself round another body for support

PollinationThe process by which the pollen dust is transferred

FertilizationThe entrance of pollen grains into the ovules in the ovary

DibbleAn instrument for making holes in the soil for seeds

NaturalistOne who studies plants and animal life

OffalThe parts of animal killed for foods which are rejected waste

OreRock from which metal is extracted

SpoorThe track of a wild animal

VenisonThe meat of deer

MuttonThe meat of Sheep

InflorescenceA cluster of flowers on a branch

CotyledonThe seed-leaves of the embryo

Mono-cotyledonousPlants with one seed-leaf e.g. corn

Di-cotyledonousPlants with two seed-leaf e.g. lime

RhizomeA thick underground stem

VertebrateAn animal with back-bone

InvertebrateAn animal without back-bone

KernelThat which is in inside of the nuts

Corethe central part of a fruit

FaunaThe animal of a certain region

FloraThe plants and other vegetation of a certain region

ChrysalisThe last through which an insect passes before it becomes a perfect insect

DroughtAbsence of rain for a long timeVocabulary-Nature is the list of words related to Nature.

Vocabulary-Nature will improve your word-power.

Take down the words which you find for the first time


ImpenetrableThat which can not be pierced or penetrated

ImpregnableThat which can not be taken by assault

ImpassableThat which can not be passed

InvincibleThat which can be conquered

InvulnerableThat which can not be wounded or injured

IrreducibleThat which can not be lessened

IrreparableThat which can not be repaired or remedied

IrreplaceableThat which can not be replaced in case of loss

InimitableThat which can not be imitated

IneffaceableThat which can not be rubbed out

IndelibleThat which can not be rubbed out

IndestructibleIncapable of being destroyed

InfallibleIncapable of making errors

IncorrigibleIncapable of being redeemed form evil

IncombustibleIncapable of being burnt

InevitableThat which can not be prevented or avoided

InexplicableThat which can be made plain or understood

ImperishableEnduring for all times

ImperviousNot admitting the passage of waters

InanimateNot endued with animal life

IndispensableAbsolutely necessary or that which can not be dispensed with

IrrelevantNot to the point

ImmortalUnable to die

Immovablethat which can not be moved

InaudibleThat which can not be heard

InvisibleThat which can not be seen

AphoniaTotal loss of voice

ContumacyWillful resistant to the lawful authority

AnticA fantastic trick


OptimistOne who looks on the bright side of things

Pessimist One who looks on the dark side of things

PhilanthropistOne who devotes his services for the love of mankind

MisanthropeA hater of mankind

Misanthropist A hater of mankind

MinionOne who becomes the favorite of a distinguished person and serves him

CynicOne who sneers at the believes of his fellow men

SomnambulistOne who walks in his sleep

SomniloquistOne who talks in his sleep

VentriloquistOne who has the art of speaking in such a way that the sounds seem to come from another person

EgoistOne who delights to speak about himself

AltruistOne who devotes his life for the welfare and interests of other people

FugitiveOne who runs away from justice

RefugeeOne who takes refuge in a foreign country

Alien One who takes refuge in a foreign country

ExileOne who is banished from his country

IncendiaryOne who maliciously set fires to building

KleptomaniacOne who has irresistible tendency to steal

BibiliokleptOne who steals books

IconoclastOne who breaks images and church ornaments

MartyrOne who dies for a noble cause

RecluseOne who retires from society to live a solitary life

Hermit One who retires from society to live a solitary life

VolunteerOne who offers his services of his own free will

ConscriptOne who is compelled by law to serve as a soldier

RecruitA soldier or a sailor newly enlisted

NoviceOne new to anything

Tyro One new to anything

Neophyte One new to anything

ZoophilistA lover of animals

AmateurOne who engages in any pursuit for the love of it and not for any gain

FruitarianOne who feeds on fruits

VegetarianOne who eats only vegetable-foods

CannibalsOne who feeds on human flesh

ItinerantOne who journeys from place to place

PedestrianOne who journeys on foot

PilgrimOne who journeys to a holy place

MendicantOne who goes from placer to place begging alms

Beggar One who goes from placer to place begging alms

DemagogueA leader of people who can sway his followers by his oratory

SophistOne whos reasoning is clever but false

PedantOne who makes a display of his learning

ConnoisseurOne who special skills on judging arts, music etc

RaconteurAn expert at story telling

EavesdropperOne who listens to the conversations of others

PatriotOne who loves his country and serves it

ProphetOne who foretells events

EpicureOne devoted to pleasures of eating and drinking

SybariteOne given up to luxurious living

VoluptuaryOne given up to sensual pleasures and bodily enjoyment

HypocriteOne who pretends to be what he is not

Imposter One who pretends to be what he is not

MountebankOne who pretends to know about everything

Charlatan One who pretends to know about everything

Quack One who pretends to know about everything

MimicOne who imitates the voice and gestures of others

InterpreterOne who translates the speaking of others

LinguistOne who knows many languages

AmbidexterOne who can use both his hands

HostOne who entertains others

Hostess One who entertains others

ChaperonOne who accompanies a young lady to the public places

ProtgOne who is under the protection of others

Ward One who is under the protection of others

Prospectorone who searches for minerals and mining sites

CourierA messenger sent in great haste

CoxswainOne who steers a boat

ContortionistAn acrobat who bends his body into various shapes

MisogamistA hater of marriage

MisogynistA hater of women

ValetudinarianA man who is over anxious about his health

HecklerOne who worries a candidate for an election by awkward questions

CanvasserOne who tries to get votes for the election-candidate

OrthoepistAn authority on pronunciation

IngrateAn unthankful person

EmissaryOne sent out on a mission

AntiquaryA person who collects things belonging to the ancient times

NumismatistOne who collects coins

PredecessorOne who has been before in office

SuccessorOne who takes over an office after another person

AssassinOne who kills political persons

AccompliceA partner in a crime

CoadjutorOne who works along with another person

ContemporaryOne who is living at the same time as another

ObscurantOne who is opposed to intellectual progress

PantophagistOne who eats all kinds of foods

DipsomaniacOne who has irresistible desire for alcoholic drinks

Alcoholic One who has irresistible desire for alcoholic drinks

Teetotaler One who has irresistible desire for alcoholic drinks Vocabulary: Characters is the list of words denoting Characters.

You can add more such words to this list of Vocabulary-Characters.

Vocabulary-Characters will help you improve your word-power

Vocabulary-Military is the list of words denoting Military.

Vocabulary-Military will help you improve your word-power.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

AggressionAn unprovoked attack by an enemy

BelligerentsNations carrying on warfare

ConscriptionsCompulsory enrolment as soldiers and sailors

CasualtiesThe killed or wounded in battle

ConvoyA number of ships traveling together under escort for the sake of safety

ContrabandSmuggling of goods and engaging in prohibited traffic

Espionagethe act or the practice of spying

EvacuateTo remove from one place to another to avoid the destruction of war

EmbargoAn order prohibiting the ships to leave the ports

Mobilizeto make troops and ships for war services

InvadeTo enter another country as an enemy

NeutralTaking neither side in a struggle

AlienAn illegal foreigner in a country

InternTo keep citizens in confinement

AmmunitionShells, bombs and other destructive items

Ordnanceheavy guns and army store-items

BayonetA knife fixed on to the end of a gun

ParoleA promise given by the prisoner if given a temporary release

PutteesLong cloths bound round the legs of soldiers from ankle to knee

ReveilleMusic for awakening the soldiers in the morning

ArsenalA place where naval or military weapons are made or stored

ParachuteAn apparatus which opens like an umbrella to enable a person to drop safely from an aircraft

VolleyA shower of bullets

SalvoThe firing of many guns at the same time to mark an occasion



FusilladeA number of fire arms discharged continuously

ReconnoiterTo make an examination of enemy territory

ArmisticeAn agreement to stop fighting

CapitulateTo surrender to an enemy on agreed terms

AnnihilateTo reduce to nothing

AmnestyA general pardon of offenders

Battalionthe main division of an army

BesiegeTo surround a place with the intention of capturing it

RecruitA soldier recently enlisted for services

LeaveA soldiers holiday

Furlough A soldiers holiday

Vocabulary-Opposites is the list of words related to Opposites.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

LegibleWriting that is easy to read IllegibleWriting that difficult to decipher

LiterateAble to read IlliterateUnable to read

EdibleFit for eating Inedible.Unfit fir eating

EligibleFit to be chosen or selected Ineligibleunfit to be chosen or selected

AudibleLoud enough to be heard InaudibleNot loud enough to be heard

LegitimateBorn of married parents IllegitimateBorn of unmarried parents

ImportsGoods brought into a country ExportsGoods carried out of country

The following words also can be added to the list stated above.

MigrateTo move from one country to another

EmigrateOne who leaves his country to settler in another

ImmigrantOne who comes to a foreign country to settle there

RepatriateTo send back a person to his own country

ExpatriateTo banish for ones country

PatriotismLove of ones country

TariffA list of duties payable on exports or imports

InvoiceThe list of goods dispatched with quantity and price to the purchaser

ConsigneeOne to whom goods are dispatched

Vocabulary-Opposites is the list of words related to Opposites.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

Vocabulary-Literature is the list of words denoting Literature.

Vocabulary-Literature will help you improve your word-power.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

DiaryA book in which the events of each day are recorded

DictionaryA book containing the words of a language with their definitions in an alphabetical order

DirectoryA book of names and addresses

LedgerA book of accounts showing debits and credits

EncyclopediaA book containing information on all branches of knowledge

AlbumA book with blank pages for putting pictures etc

CatalogueA list of books in a library

Bibliography A list of books in a library

GlossaryA list of explanation for the important words

MemoirsA written account, usually in a book form, of the interesting experiences of ones life

WatermarkThe trade mark of the maker seen on paper

WiseacreOne who pretends to have a great deal of knowledge

EpitomeA brief summary of book

ExcerptAn extract from a book of writing

CaptionThe heading of the chapter in a book

AxiomA statement which is accepted as true without proof

AgendaA list of headings to be executed in a meeting

JargonLanguage which is confused

ManifestoA declaration of plans put forward by a candidate for an election

ExpurgateTo remove the offensive portions from a book

ExtantStill in use

FrontispieceA picture facing the title of the book

CopyrightThe exclusive right of an author or his heirs to publish or sell copies of his books

ErratumAn error in printing

FacsimileAn exact copy of handwriting or a picture

CriterionA principle by which anything is judged

ExtemporeDelivered without previous preparation

Impromptu Delivered without previous preparation

PrologueA short speech by a player at the beginning of a play

Epilogue A short speech by a player at the end of a play

PlagiarismPassing of another authors works as ones own

EulogyA writing or a speech in praise of a person

Encomium A writing or a speech in praise of a person

AutographA persons own handwriting

AutobiographyA record of ones life written by himself

BiographyThe history of life of a person

ComedyA humorous play having a happy ending

TragedyA play with sad or tragic end

DirgeA mournful song for the dead

ElegyA poem of lamentation especially for the dead

Dialoguea conversation between two persons

SoliloquySpeaking to oneself

LucubrationStudy by night

AlliterationA succession of the same initial letters in a passage

MemorandumA note to help the memory

InventoryA list of articles pr goods available at a time

PerorationThe concluding part of the speech

HarangueA vehement speech indented to excite passions

GesticulateTo make expressive gestures while speaking

HackneyedLanguage that is very much used

EnunciateTo pronounce the words distinctively

DramatistOne who writes a play

Playwright One who writes a play

AcrosticA poem in which the first letters of each line, taken in order, form a name or a sentence

Vocabulary-Literature is the list of words denoting Literature.

Vocabulary-Literature will help you improve your word-power.

Vocabulary-Arts is the list of words denoting Arts.

This list Vocabulary-Arts will improve your word-power.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

PolytechnicAn institution for the education in the Arts and Sciences

AstronomyThe study of all heavenly bodies and the earth in relation to them

AgricultureThe art of tilling the soil

HorticultureThe art of cultivating and managing gardens

AgronomicsThe Science of land management

GenealogyThe science of family descent

ArchaeologyThe study of ancient building and prehistoric remains

PaleographyThe study of ancient writings

CalligraphyThe art of beautiful hand-writing

MetallurgyThe art of metal working

NumismaticsThe study of coins

MathematicsThe study of numbers

SurveyingThe art of measuring lands

TrigonometryThe science of triangles

TaxidermyThe art of preserving skins

PyrotechnicsThe art of making fire-works

ChromaticsThe science of colors

RhetoricThe art of elegant speech and writing

ElocutionThe art of effective speaking

AstrologyThe art of telling the future by the study of the stars

AnthropologyThe study of mankind

EthnologyThe science which deals with the varieties of human-kinds

AnatomyThe science of the structure of the human-body

PhysiologyThe science which deals with the way in which the human-body works

TechnologyThe scientific study of industrial arts

PsychologyThe study of the human-mind

PhysiognomyThe study of human face

BiologyThe study of living matter

BotanyThe study of plants

ZoologyThe study of animals

GeologyThe study of rocks and soils

OrnithologyThe study of birds

OologyThe study of eggs

OrologyThe study of mountains

PhilologyThe study of languages

EtymologyThe study of origin and history of words

AstronomyThe study of stars

LimnologyThe study of lakes

Vocabulary-Arts is the list of words denoting Arts.

Take down the words which you find for the first time. Vocabulary-Miscellaneous is the list of words denoting Miscellaneous subjects.

Vocabulary-Miscellaneous will help you improve your word-power.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

BilingualOne fluent in two languages

EphemeralLasting only for a day

VerbatimWord for word

PetrifyTo change to stone

PulverizeTo reduce to powder

ExtravagantWasteful in spending

MemorizeTo learn by heart

IncognitoTraveling under a name other than ones own

MalleableCapable of being drawn out

Ductile Capable of being drawn out

MiscellaneousConsisting of several kinds

MonopolyThe exclusive right to buy or sell a commodity

InsolventUnable to pays ones debts

LayetteThe outfit of a new born baby

Fragilethat can be easily broken

DicerptibleCapable of being separated or torn asunder

Imminent...Close at hand

MercenaryServing for money

DipsomaniacIrresistible craving for alcoholic drinks

GyneolatryExcessive devotion to female sex

PalisadeA fence of stakes or iron, etc

SinecureA job for which one is paid, but which one has few or no duties

CodicilAn appendix to a will

OrthographyCorrect spelling

CacographyBad spelling

QueueA line of people waiting for something

StileSteps to enable one to get over a fence

AmnesiaLoss of memory

AphoniaLoss of voice

AphonyLoss of voice

HowdahA seat on the back of an elephant

ShuntingTo turn a train on side track

EffluentThe liquid which comes out from a sewerage tank

WinnowTo separate the husk form the grain

StanchionA bar or pair of bars for confining cattle in a stall

EffigyThe likeness or representation of a person especially on coins or medals

WaifA forsaken or neglected child who has no home and spends most of its time on the streets

FerruleAn iron ring placed at the end of a staff to prevent it from splitting

CarnivorousLiving on flesh

HerbivorousLiving on grass and vegetables

GraminivorousLiving on grass

PiscivorousLiving on fish

OmnivorousLiving on both animal flesh and grass

GavelThe chairmans hammer

BatonA stick used by the music conductor or a policeman

Yolkthe yellow part of an egg

Albumenthe white part of an egg

ChevronThe stripes on the sleeves of policemen in the services to denote their ranks

ViaductA bridge carrying a road across a river or valley

AlloyA mixture of metals, especially when an inferior metal is mixed with one of richer metal

CanopyA rich-covering over the bed in a procession

CareenTo lay ship on its side in order to clean it

NostalgiaHome-sickness or sentimental longings for the past

MenuThe list of various items to be served at a meal

RecipeDirections for preparing certain dishes

CaseinThe part of milk from which cheese is made

VersatileAble to adapt oneself to many situations

JetsamGoods thrown overboard in order to make a ship lighter

FlotsamGoods found floating after ship wreck

JamboreeA joyful gathering of youth groups

Carillona set of bells so arranged that tunes of songs or hymns can be played on them

CaricatureA picture of a person or thing drawn in such a highly exaggerated manner as to cause laughter

AliasA name taken on by a person but which is not his real name

MosaicA picture produced by putting together small pieces of glass or marbles

StropLeather for sharpening razors

ValiseA leather traveling-bag carried in the hand

RosterA list showing the order in which certain persons have to perform their duties

PannierOne of pair of baskets slung over the back of a donkey

AmuletA thing worn by few people as a charm against evil

SkeletonThe bony framework of the body

ChassisThe framework of a car

AwningA covering of canvas, tarpaulin etc to shade windows and the doors from the sun

EmbezzleTo put ones use the money of another with which one is entrusted

ParsimoniousTo be over particular about spending of money

UllageThe space which for safety is left unfilled in a cask or vessel before it is sealed

NicheA hollow space in a wall for a statue

IndemnifyTo compensate for loss or damage

ArraignTo bring a person before a court of law to answer a charge leveled against him

DockAn enclosure for prisoners in a courthouse

FelloeThe whole rim (or one of the segments of the rim) of a wheel

Vocabulary-Miscellaneous is the list of words denoting Miscellaneous subjects.

Vocabulary-Miscellaneous will help you improve your word-power.

You can add more such words to this list Vocabulary-Miscellaneous.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

Vocabulary-Universe is the list of words denoting our Universe.

Vocabulary-Universe will improve your word-power.

Note down these words from this list of Vocabulary-Universe for your future reference.


Space means the whole universe including the earth.

Outer Space:

Outer Space means all space other than the earth. Outer space is vast.

Milky Way:

Milky Way is our home galaxy. The Milky Way is faint band of light crossing the night sky. It consists of stars in the Plane of our Galaxy. Milky Way is a spiral Galaxy about 100,000 light years in diameter, containing at least 100 billion stars, like our sun.


The cluster or bunch of billions stars. There are about 100 billion galaxies in the universe.


Nebula is the cloud of gas and dust in the space. Nebula is the birth-place of stars.

Solar System:

Solar System comprises of the sun and the nine other planets which orbit the sun.

The Sun:

The Sun is the star at the center of the solar system. The Sun is about 4.7 billion years old and is composed about 70% hydrogen and 30% helium with other elements making up less than 1%. The Sun is at the distance of about 32,000 light years from the center of the Galaxy. The diameter of the Sun is 1,392,000km.


The Planets are large celestial bodies in orbit around a star (SUN), composed of rock, metal or gas. There are nine planets in our solar system. They are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto.


Meteor, the flash of light in the sky, popularly known as falling star or shooting star is caused by a particles of dust. Meteoroid is a piece of rock or metal like substance from space that reaches the earths surface or the surface of other celestial body.


Satellites are small bodies that orbit a large one, either natural or artificial..

The Moon:

The Moon is the natural satellite of our earth and is its nearest neighbor in space.


Comets are small icy bodies orbiting the sun, usually on a highly elliptical path.

Light Year:

One light year is the distance light travels in one year at nearly 3, 00, 00 km a second. This is the speed of the light.


Eclipse is the passage of an astronomical body through the shadow of another.

Lunar Eclipse:

The moon is said to be in eclipse when the earth comes between the moon and the sun and this is called lunar eclipse.

Solar Eclipse:

The sun is said to be in eclipse when the moon comes between the sun and the earth and this is called as Solar Eclipse.


The tide is rise and fall of sea level due to the gravitational forces of the moon and the sun. The rise in the water level is called as high tide and the fall is called as low or ebb tide.


Atmosphere is the mixture of gasses that surrounds the Earth, prevented from escaping by the pull of the Earths gravity.


Climate is the weather conditions at a particular place over a period of time.


Deserts are arid areas without sufficient rainfall and consequently without vegetations to support human-life.


It is the shaking of the earths surface as a result of the sudden release of stresses built up in the earths crust.


Volcano is a vent (small opening) in the earths crust from which molten, rock, lava, ashes and gases are ejected.


Oceans are the great mass of slat water.


River is a long water course that flows down a slope along a channel.


Lake is a body of still water lying depressed around without direct communication with the sea.

Vocabulary-Universe is the list of words denoting our Universe.

Vocabulary-Universe will improve your word-power.

Note down these words from this list of Vocabulary-Universe for your future reference.

This ROOT-WORD is PHOBIA which comes from Greek word Phobos which means IRRATIONAL FEAR.There are innumerable words with this suffix PHOBIA. The list is endless. Here a collection of few words with this suffix-PHOBIA has been given.

Aerophobia : Irrational fear of aero planes or flying

Pterophobia : Irrational fear of aero planes or flying

Zoophobia : Irrational fear of animals

Apiophobia : Irrational fear of bees

Melissophobia : Irrational fear of bees

Ornithophobia : Irrational fear of birds

Haemophobia : Irrational fear of blood

Haematophobia : Irrational fear of blood

Gephyrophobia : Irrational fear of bridges

Taphophobia : Irrational fear of burial alive

Ailurophobia : Irrational fear of cats

Gatophobia : Irrational fear of cats

Pacdophobia : Irrational fear of children

Pnigophobia : Irrational fear of choking

Psychrophobia : Irrational fear of cold

Cheimophobia : Irrational fear of cold

Cyrophobia : Irrational fear of cold

Claustrophobia : Irrational fear of confined places

Demo phobia : Irrational fear of confined places

Scotophobia : Irrational fear of dark places

Nyctophobia : Irrational fear of dark places

Achluophobia : Irrational fear of dark places

Lygophobia : Irrational fear of dark places

Necrophobia : Irrational fear of death or dead bodies

Thanatophobia : Irrational fear of death or dead bodies

Bathophobia : Irrational fear of depths or deep places

Xerophobia : Irrational fear of deserts or dry places

Cynophobia : Irrational fear of dogs

Dipsophobia : Irrational fear of drinking or drunkenness

Phobophobia : Irrational fear of fear

Pyrophobia : Irrational fear of fire

Ichthyophobia : Irrational fear of fish

Xenophobia : Irrational fear of foreigners

Dora phobia : Irrational fear of fur

Microbiophobia : Irrational fear of germs

Phasmophobia : Irrational fear of ghosts

Thermo phobia : Irrational fear of heat

Acrophobia : Irrational fear of heights

Hypsophobia : Irrational fear of heights

Cremonophobia : Irrational fear of heights

Hippo phobia : Irrational fear of horses

Nosophobis : Irrational fear of illness

Pathophobia : Irrational fear of illness

Traumatophobia : Irrational fear of injury

Entomophobia : Irrational fear of insects

Astrapophobia : Irrational fear of lightning

Keraunophobia : Irrational fear of lightning

Monophobia : Irrational fear of loneliness

Auto phobia : Irrational fear of loneliness

Cremiophobia : Irrational fear of loneliness

Mania phobia : Irrational fear of madness

Lyssophobia : Irrational fear of madness

Androphobia : Irrational fear of men

Musophobia : Irrational fear of mice

Onomatophobia : Irrational fear of a particular word

Phonophobia : Irrational fear of sound

Gerascophobia : Irrational fear of old age

Agoraphobia : Irrational fear of open space

Keno phobia : Irrational fear of going out in public

Topophobia : Irrational fear of particular place

Toxicophobia : Irrational fear of poisoning

Iophobia : Irrational fear of poisoning

Maleusiophobia : Irrational fear of pregnancy

Thalassophobia : Irrational fear of sea

Galeophobia : Irrational fear of sharks

Hypnophobia : Irrational fear of sleep

Ophidiophobia : Irrational fear of snakes

Lalophobia : Irrational fear of speaking

Glossophobia : Irrational fear of public-speaking

Taco phobia : Irrational fear of speed

Archnophobia : Irrational fear of spiders

Dromophobia : Irrational fear of streets or crossing streets

Eragsiophobia : Irrational fear of surgery

Tomophobia : Irrational fear of surgery

Triskaidekaphobia: Irrational fear of the number thirteen

Keraunophobia : Irrational fear of thunder

Brontophobia : Irrational fear of thunder

Tonitrophobia : Irrational fear of thunder

Siderodromophobia: Irrational fear of trains

Hodophobia : Irrational fear of travel

Hydrophobia : Irrational fear of water

Aqua phobia : Irrational fear of water

Hygrophobia : Irrational fear of water

Gynophobia : Irrational fear of water

Helminthophobia : Irrational fear of worms

Scoileciphobia : Irrational fear of worms

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words

Didaskaleinophobia is the fear of going to school

Phobatrivaphobia is a fear of trivia about phobias

Dipsomania : Addiction to alcohol

Bibliomania : Addiction to books

Gephyromania : Addiction to crossing bridges

Ailuromania : Addiction to cats

Demo mania : Addiction to being in the crowd

Ochlomania : Addiction to being in the crowd

Necromania : Addiction to being with dead-bodies

Thanatomania : Addiction to experiencing death

Cynomania : Addiction to being in the dogs

Narcomania : Addiction to drugs

Phagomania : Addiction to excessive eating

Sitomania : Addiction to excessive eating

Phyromania : Addiction to raising fire

Pyromania : Addiction to being amidst fire.

Anthomania : Addiction to flowers

Hippomania : Addiction to horses

Mythomania : Addiction to lying or exaggerating

Egomania : Addiction to talking about oneself

Abhulutomania : Addiction to personal cleanliness

Megalomania : Addiction to exercising ones power

Hedonpmania : Addiction to excessive pleasure

Theo mania : Addiction to religious studies

Entheomania : Addiction to religious studies

Pluto mania : Addiction to being rich

Chrematomania : Addiction to being rich

Erotomania : Addiction to excessive sex

Nymphomania : Addiction to excessive sex

Satyromania : Addiction to excessive sex

Monomania : Addiction to one idea or thing

Kleptomania : Addiction to stealing

Tomomania : Addiction to surgery or undergoing surgery

Logomania : Addiction to talking & talking

Verbomania : Addiction to talking & talking

Dromomania : Addiction to traveling

Hodomania : Addiction to traveling

Porimania : Addiction to traveling Vocabulary : Science is the list of words denoting Science.

This list Vocabulary : Science will improve your word-power.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

PolytechnicAn institution for the education in the Arts and Sciences

AstronomyThe study of all heavenly bodies and the earth in relation to them

AgricultureThe art of tilling the soil

HorticultureThe art of cultivating and managing gardens

AgronomicsThe Science of land management

GenealogyThe science of family descent

ArchaeologyThe study of ancient building and prehistoric remains

PaleographyThe study of ancient writings

CalligraphyThe art of beautiful hand-writing

MetallurgyThe art of metal working

NumismaticsThe study of coins

MathematicsThe study of numbers

SurveyingThe art of measuring lands

TrigonometryThe science of triangles

TaxidermyThe art of preserving skins

PyrotechnicsThe art of making fire-works

ChromaticsThe science of colors

RhetoricThe art of elegant speech and writing

ElocutionThe art of effective speaking

AstrologyThe art of telling the future by the study of the stars

AnthropologyThe study of mankind

EthnologyThe science which deals with the varieties of human-kinds

AnatomyThe science of the structure of the human-body

PhysiologyThe science which deals with the way in which the human-body works

TechnologyThe scientific study of industrial arts

PsychologyThe study of the human-mind

PhysiognomyThe study of human face

BiologyThe study of living matter

BotanyThe study of plants

ZoologyThe study of animals

GeologyThe study of rocks and soils

OrnithologyThe study of birds

OologyThe study of eggs

OrologyThe study of mountains

PhilologyThe study of languages

EtymologyThe study of origin and history of words

AstronomyThe study of stars

LimnologyThe study of lakes

Vocabulary : Science is the list of words denoting Science.

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