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The Gihon River is Wadi al Gineina/Junaynah, Wady Kenous, or Mount Gianadel or Jan-Adel in the Sudan or Nubia (ancient ush!

or "l Gianieh o# the $st ataract east o# %hilae &sland' Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld y de la Torre, M. A. Ed. 06 January 2007 (Note: Thi i a !Ma"or Re#i ion! of 2$ %&to'er 200(, deleting all earlier )ro)o al * Re#i ion through +, A)ril 20+0 The Nile ri#er ha 'een identified -ith the .ihon ri#er a))earing in .ene i 2:+, in&e the &reation of the Septuaginta, a .ree/ tran lation of the 0e're- 1i'le 'y Je- for Je- li#ing in Ale2andria, Egy)t &ir&a the ,rd &entury 1.3. The late 2nd &entury 1.3. Je-i h Book of Jubilees al o )ortrayed the Nile a 'eing the .ihon. The fir t &entury A.4. Je-i h hi torian 5la#iu Jo e)hu in hi History of the Jews -ritten after 70 A.4., a))arently follo-ing the Septuagintaand Book of Jubilees al o identified the Nile -ith the .ihon. The early 3hur&h 5ather of the 3hri tian 3hur&h a&&e)ted the e Je-i h identifi&ation . The .ihon i de &ri'ed a flo-ing a'out or through the land of 3u h (.e 2:+,* -hi&h 6ay ha#e ugge ted to the ,rd &entury 1.3. Je-i h author of the Septuaginta that Egy)tian 3u h or 7u h (6odern8day 9udan* -a 6eant. To the degree that .ihon 6ight refer to the Nile :in: 3u h, it i -orth noting that e#eral 6a) on the internet a))ear la'el a #illage (;* on the Nile a Wadi el Gineina or Wadi al Junaynah outh of <a/e Na er and the A -an 4a6. =n anti>uity 3u h? northern 'order 'egan at the fir t &atara&t of Nile -hi&h i near A -an (.ree/ 9yene*. 9o the #illage of Wadi Gineina outh of A -an in anti>uity a))arently lay in 3u h. 4oe Gineina (Junaynah* )re er#e in Ara'i& the Gihon -hi&h flo-ed through 3u h; @lea e &li&/ here to ee Wadi el Gineina on the Nile outh of A -an and <a/e Na er.

.ene i 2:+, R9A :The na6e of the e&ond ri#er i .ihon, it i the one -hi&h flo- around the -hole land of 3u h.: Mo t &o66entator under tand that 3u h i a referen&e to the Egy)tian 7u h (3u h*, a land outh of an&ient Egy)t (the 6odern8day 9udan*. .ihon a&&ording to 9trong? 0e're- and 3haldee 4i&tionary (Ja6e 9trong. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance to the Bible. Wa&o, Te2a . Word 1oo/ . +(70*: B +$2+, Giycho(n, ghee8/hone, or Gicho(n, ghee-khone fro6 B +$+C trea6D Gichon, a ri#er of @aradi e. B +$+C, )iyach, ghee'-akh, or goa&h, go'akh, a )ri6iti#e root to gu h forth (a -ater*. =f the Nile i the .ihon, &ould the &atara&t of the Nile 'e -hat i 'ehind the notion of :gu hing -ater:;

1elo-, a 6a) 6ade in +C,+ ho-ing that the 2d &atara&t, -hi&h -ould ha#e lain in anti>uity in 3u h, i &alled elGianadel (the &atara&t i north of Wadi 0alfa*. @erha) GianEadelF )re er#e in Ara'i& 0e're- Gihon; To the degree that 9trong? 0e're- and 3haldee 4i&tionary define .ihon a deri#ed fro6 a root 6eaning :to gu h: a in :-ater gu hing,: thi i an a)t na6e for the gu hing -ater of the Nile at the 3u hite 2d &atara&t of el Gianadel. @erha) .ene i ? .ihon ri#er in 3u h i then )re er#ed in the re)ional land area*s na+e o# Wady Kenous and the 2d &atara&t of el Gianadel; (The 'elo- 6a) i 'y 4aniel <iGar . +C,+. Titled: :Ara'ia -ith the Ad"a&ent 3ountrie of Egy)t and Nu'ia.: =t i a#aila'le on the internet at the 4a#id Ru6 ey 0i tori&al Ma) Ar&hi#e* @lea e &li&/ here to a&&e the

intera&ti#e #er ion of the 'elo- 6a) allo-ing you to enlarge and &roll N89, E8W. ote! "he Septuaginta Bible written in #reek by Jews for Jews at $lexandria% Egypt circa &'( BC in the reign of )tole*y ++ renders #ihon asGeon, Christians used the Septuaginta so it is possible that when +sla* con-uered By.antine Christian Egypt in the 'th century $/% the Septuaginta's #reek for*% Geon% passed into $rabic possibly as Gian 0#ianadel12, A))arently the Nile a it -ind it -ay north fro6 Afri&a? 3entral <a/e 4i tri&t i gi#en different na6e 'y the lo&al nati#e re iding along it 'an/ . =n 3u h, 6odern 9udan, it 6ay ha#e 'een (;* &alled Wady Kenous :Ri#er of 7enou : (Wady .ineinaHJunayah;* 'et-een the 2d and + t 3u hite &atara&t , the + t &atara&t 'eing an&ient Egy)t? 'order -ith an&ient 3u h. Today, thi region or land area, Wady Kenous, i under the -ater of <a/e Na er (&alled <a/e Nu'ia in the 9udan* for6ed 'y the A -an da6. The 5ren&h &holar -ho &o6)iled a History of Egypt and their finding (+7(68+C+,* under the )atronage of the 5ren&h E6)eror Na)oleon 1ona)arte = o' er#ed that the 3o)ti& 1ohari& re&en ion of the Septuaginta render .ree/ Geon a %i-Keon (). I$, /escription de l'Egypte. @ari . +C+,*, and that the Je-i h &holar Mo e of 3horeneH7horene, &ir&a I+08I(0 A4 rendered Gihon a Kehon in hi -or/ (). I$, /escription de l'Egypte*. :@i: in 0e're- 6ean :6outh of,: )erha) the :6outh of Keon: i the 2d &atara&t of Gianadel, a ty)e of :6outh: for Wady Kenous; The )ro)het EGe/iel lo&ated 3u h? 'order -ith Egy)t at 9yene (6odern A -an* and the + t &atara&t of the Nile: EGe/iel 2(:+0 7JA: :1ehold, therefore = a6 again t thee, and again t thy ri#er , and = -ill 6a/e the land of Egy)t utterly -a te and de olate, fro6 the to-er of 9yene e#en unto the 'order of Ethio)ia..: N=A: :...therefore = a6 again t you and again t your trea6 , and = -ill 6a/e the land of Egy)t a ruin and a de olate -a te fro6 Migdol to A -an, a far a the 'order of 3u h.: .WT: :That i -hy =?6 again t you and the Nile Ri#er. = -ill turn Egy)t into a )ile of ru''le. =t -ill 'e&o6e a -a teland, fro6 Migdol to 9yene, all the -ay to the 'order of 9udan.: The 2nd &atara&t i rendered in older -or/ under different )elling : JanAdel, Gianadel, Genadil, Ge-na-dilin te2t fro6 the early +C00? -ritten in 5ran&e (Na)oleon 1ono)arte = 'riefly o&&u)ying Egy)t, +7(C8+7((*. A de &ri)tion of the 2nd &atara&t, e6)ha i 6ine (200$*: :4e )ite it na6e, the e&ond &atara&t i not a ingle )re&i)itiou fall of -ater 'ut a erie of le er o' tru&tion in t-o grou) , e)arated 'y a'out ,$ /ilo6eter of rea ona'ly &lear -ater. The northern end i 6ar/ed 'y a den e grou) of ro&/y i land trea&herou for na#igation, the outhern, at 9e6na, by a narro( roc,y barrier throu)h (hich the river )ushes in several torrents. =n 'oth &a e ailing -a haGardou -hen the ri#er -a lo-, 'ut at full flood the o' ta&le -ere uffi&iently u'6erged to allo- &areful ailor afe )a age.: (). 2,6. 1arry J. 7e6). $ncient Egypt! $nato*y of a Civili.ation. <ondon. Routledge. 200$*

= note that 7e6) )ea/ of the .J90=N. in e#eral torrent of the 9e&ond 3atara&t and .ihon in 0e're- 6ean :T% .J90:: 9trong? 0e're- and 3haldee 4i&tionary B +$+C, )iyach, ghee'-akh, or goa&h, go'akh, a )ri6iti#e root to )ush #orth (as (ater!. A de &ri)tion of the 2nd &atara&t &ir&a +C((: :The &atara&t hinder na#igation of the Nile, and ha#e done o for thou and of year . The an&ient u ed the trong north -ind to ail u) the Nile in Egy)t, 'ut thi &ould not &arry the6 o#er the &atara&t . =n tead, the 'oat -ould ha#e to 'e dragged u) the &atara&t 'y tea6 of 6en, often -ith great diffi&ulty...The 'e t de &ri)tion of &atara&t &o6e fro6 ? "he 3iver 4ar?, -ritten in +C(( 'y Win ton 3hur&hill, then 2$ year old. The 'oo/ detail the e2)loit of the 1riti h in +C(6 through +C(C to return to the 9udan after they -ere &ha ed out 'y the 9udane e )eo)le in +CC$. The 1riti h tried to re&on>uer the 9udan 'y tea6ing in gun'oat u) the Nile, o they -ere #ery intere ted in ho- the -ater flo-ed through the &atara&t . They /ne- that the only ti6e that hi) &ould 6o#e u) trea6 through the &atara&t -a during the u66er flood, and then only -ith great diffi&ulty. 3hur&hill de &ri'e the 9e&ond 3atara&t (no- u'6erged 'eneath <a/e Na er* a 'eing a'out ( 6ile long and ha#ing a total de &ent of i2ty feet. The ri#er flo-ed o#er u&&e i#e ledge of 'la&/ granite. 4uring the u66er flood , the Nile flo-ed -iftly 'ut -ith an un'ro/en urfa&e, 'ut the granite ledge -ere e2)o ed -hen the annual flood a'ated. 4uring thi ti6e, 3hur&hill re)orted that the ri#er tu6'led #iolently fro6 ledge to ledge, it entire urfa&e for 6ile &hurned to -hite foa6. There are e#eral other 6all &atara&t 'et-een the 9e&ond and the Third 3atara&t (3hur&hill ho- &atara&t near 9e6na, A6'igol, Tan"ore, %/6a, and 4al* 'ut none of the e )o ed any )ro'le6 to the 1riti h 6o#ing u) trea6...: htt):HH---.utdalla .eduHgeo &ien&e Hre6 en HNileH&atara&t .ht6l

A 6ore :)oeti&al: de &ri)tion (+C(0* of the 2nd &atara&t area: :The &atara&t K an i66en e 6ultitude of 'la&/ and hining i let , a6ong -hi&h the ri#er, di#ided into hundred of e)arate &hannel , )read far and -ide for a di tan&e, it i aid, of 6ore than i2teen 6ile , K foa6 at our feet. 5oa6 , and fret , and fall D gu hing 6ooth and trong -here it &our e i freeD 6ur6uring hoar ely -here it i interru)tedD no- hurryingD noloiteringD here eddying in oily &ir&le D there lying in till )ool un'ro/en 'y a ri))leD e#ery-here full of life, full of #oi&e D e#ery-here hining to the un.: (A6elia 1. Ed-ard . :The 9e&ond 3atara&t.: $ "housand 5iles 6p the ile. +C(0*

5ren&h tra#eler , +CthH+(th &entury A4, )o/e of a +ountain (+onta)ne* &alled Gianadel, and alternately, the :&atara&t: of Gianadel. An aerial )hoto ho- that the 'a alt ro&/ in the 2nd &ata&t are an e2ten ion of a 'a alt area ('la&/ &olor in the )hoto* lining the 'an/ of the Nile. Today the 2nd &atara&t i under <a/e Na er for6ed 'y the A -an 4a6 ere&ted in the +(60 .. Ritter (+C,$*: :...on lui donnait le no6 de Jan-Adel ou Gianadel, 6ot >ui e t, &heG le Ara'e , l?a))ellation generale )our le &atara&te , &o66e Lellala ur le fleu#re 3ongo.: (). 2C0. Aol. 2. 7arl Ritter. #eographie #enerale Co*paree% ou Etude /e 7a "err e. @ari . +C,$*

4?0er'elot (+777*: :... i la &atara&te du +ont Gianadel ne le e6)e&hoit...: (). 6++. Aol. +. Mr. 4?0er'elot. Bibliothe-ue 8rientale ou /ictionaire 6niversel . Aol +, :A8E,: J. Neaul6e M N. Aan 4aalen, <i'rarie . +777* @an&/ou&/e (+C2+*: :=l en e t de 6e6e de la &atara&te...au de u d?='ri6, et on l?a))elle Giandel, no6 >ue )lu ieur e&ri#ent Jan-Adel, 6ai an fonde6ent: on &roit >u?elle e t due a une chaine de +onta)nes >ui #a de l?e t a l?oue t, #er le 22 degree +$ 6inute de latitude...El8Edri&y ra))orte >ue le 'ar>ue de Nu'ie ont for&ee de arre ter a la +onta)ne de Gianadel, et >ue de la le 6ar&handi e ont tran )ortee a do de &ha6eau "u >u?a 9yene, >ui en e t eloignee de douGe tation .: (). +6C. Aol. +. 3harle 5leury @an&/ou&/e. /escription /e l'Egypte. 2nd edition. @ari . +C2+* :9el on A'ou8l8feda :les deu- chaines de +onta)nes >ui enfer6ent la haute Egy)te )artent de Genadil: au de u d?A ouan, il y a une 6ontagne d?ou le Nil &oule et for6e une &atara&te a tra#er de ro&her aigu el el#e , ou le 'ar>ue ne )eu#ent )a erD &?e t la la li6ite de la na#igation de Nu'ien , &ote du nord, et de Egy)tien , du &ote du 6idi. :Mi&haeli )en e >ue .enadil e t un no6 )ro)re egal6ent donne a la &hute de 9yene et a &elle >ui e t au8 de u : "?ignore ur >uoi il a))uie on o)inionD 6ai , i elle etait fondee, elle &ontri'uerait a e2)li>uer &o66ent l?on a &onfondu l?une et l?autre &atara&te. <e geogra)he 9tra'on at @tole6ee, ain i >u 0eliodore, Eu tathe et d?autre an&ien , di tinguai ent eule6ent deu2 &atara&te , la grandeet la petite, >uoi>u?il u ent #ague6ent >u?il y en a#ait da#antageD et leur de &ri)tion ?a))li>uent tou"our a &elle de Genadil et de 9yene.: ()). +6(8+70. Aol. +. @an&/ou&/e. +C2+* @an&/ou&/e &ite the re ear&h of Raige on -hat Gianadel 6ight 6ean: :a )re&i)i&e,: (Ara'i&;* or the :>uality of e2&e i#ene : (@er ian;*: :=l re ulte de re&her&he >ue M. Raige a 'ien #oulu faire a 6a )riere ur &e no6, >ue l?on ne )eut ?en tenir au en de Genadil, )luriel de )endal, >ui ignfie )ierre ui#ant .oliu , et dont la ra&ine #eut dire re#er er: il )refere le en de Ge-na-dil% dont le )re6ier 6ot ignifie en ara'a ele#e, et a la ra&ine, to6'er, e )re&i)iterD le e&ond 6ot e t )er an, et de igne 6eta)hori>ue6ent une >ualitie e2&e i#e.: (). +70. Aol. +. Note +. @an&/ou&/e. +C2+* TG &h#/lo (+C06*: :4?An#ille ). 2+6, &.l. e2lagto Tur&oru6 e audii e &ri't, hun& e e in Nu'ia et a +onte Gianadel effi&i.: ()). 260826+. 3arlo 0enri&o TG &h#&/lo. )o*ponii 5elae de Sitv 8rbis. <i'ri Tre (Aol. ,, )art +* <i) iae (<ei)Gig;*, +C06* 4e <a 3roi2 (+6C7*: :%n doit a#oir >ue le Nil an ortir de la Nu'ie ren&onrre la Monta)ne de Gianadel, dont le Ro&her )ointu and e &ar)eG &hangent la lenteur de on &our : l?en&einte de &atara&te e t de $0 tade d?etendueD &?e t une )ente droite, enfer6ee de ro&her and de #alee D le Nil

)a ant au 6ilieu and e)re&i)iant de la )ointe de &e ro&he fait un horri'le fra&a : telle6ent >ue &e &atara&te to6'ent de la hauter de 200 )ie non en droite ligne, 6ai o'li>ue6ent...: (). ,$+. Aol. +. A @herotee de la 3roi2. 3elation 6niverselle de l'$fri-ue% $ncienne et 5oderne. <yon. +6C7* 1elo-, a 6a) of the e&ond &atara&t (+C+I, John @in/erton. )inkerton's 5odern $tlas. <ondon* ho-ing aJebel Man)andal on the -e t ide of the Nile, outh of Wady 0alfa, )erha) thi i the :Monta)ne Genadil: of 5ren&h te2t (+6C7, +C2+* &ited fro6 a'o#e; That i to ay the Man8 of Mangandal -a !in error!, rendered into 5ren&h a Montagne (Mountain*; =t :&orre&t: rendering i Mangandal not Montagne .enadil;

1elo-, = ha#e added in in/, the lo&ation of the + t and 2nd 3atara&t of the Nile near A -an and Wadi 0alfa, noting the lo&ation of the #illage of Wadi el Gineina, alternately Wady al Junaynah. The 9e&ond &atara&t i &alled elGianadal a&&ording to <iGar +C,+ 6a), a'o#e (note: a nu6'er of #illage on the Nile 'ear the na6e Wadi, a in WadiHWady 0alfa near the 2nd 3atara&t*

1elo-, a 6a) ho-ing an&ient Middle 7ingdo6 Egy)tian fort &ontrolling the area outh of the 9e&ond 3atara&t:

1elo-, a )hoto of :-hite -ater: at the 9e&ond 3atara&t &ir&a +($I:

1elo-, a )anora6a of o6e of the 'a alti& ro&/ -ith ilt edi6ent in the 9e&ond 3atara&t (+CC0? *, 5ren&h te2t de &ri'e the .ianadel a the :.rande 3atara&t: in &ontra t to all other &atara&t :

1elo-, an arti t? :i6aginati#e: o6e-hat :ro6anti&i ed: /et&h (+CI+* of a )anora6i& #ieof the Nile fro6 the 9e&ond 3atara&t? ra)id to the Mediterranean 9ea, :6ountain : are ho-n on either ide of the Nile at the 9e&ond 3atara&t: The 'elo- 6a) i a :highly detailed: dra-ing of the i land and ro&/ found in the e&ond &atara&t region (fro6 .a ton Ma )ero? History of Egypt% Chaldea% Syria% Babylonia% and $ssyria 'y .rollier @u'li her , <ondon, +(06, +, #olu6e *, the to-n of Wady 0alfa 'eing in the u))er right &orner. Note that the +C,+ 6a) (&f. a'o#e* )la&e the 2nd &atara&t &alled .ianadel !north! of Wadi 0alfa. 3ould the i land of 7ene a' 9. of Wady 0alfa )re er#e 7en, 7en , .i?&hon;

1elo-: an aerial )hoto ho-ing the 'a alti& ro&/ for6ation lining the Nile -hi&h &ontri'ute the 'a alti& ro&/ and 'oulder found in the 9e&ond 3atara&t region (the 'la&/ened area i )retty 6u&h :the length: of the 9e&ond 3atara&t region*, re&/oned 'y o6e a either ( 6ile (3hur&hill, +C((* or +6 6ile (Ed-ard , +C(0*. = thi 'la&/ 'a alti& (granite* region .the Mountain. o# Gianadel or Jan-/el of te2t of the +7th8+(th &enturie A4; =f o, and :if: the .ihon i .ianadelHJan8del, then :the ri#er !of! .ihon: 6ay ha#e ta/en (;* it na6e fro6 thi granite 6ountain through -hi&h the Nile &ut it &hannel. Note ho- it :-ind a'out: (t-i t and turn * or :en&o6)a e : the land of 3u h a de &ri'ed in the 1i'le: :The na6e of the e&ond ri#er i .ihonD it i the one -hi&h flo- around the -hole land of 3u h.: .ene i 2:+, R9A Main %a)e Archaeolo)y Menu &llustrations Menu 0T Menu NT Menu Geo)ra1hy Menu

2iblio)ra1hy Menu 3in,s Menu

1elo-, the 1riti h Ar6y, No#e6'er +CCI, u ing to- ro)e , )ulling 'oat u) the Nile through the 9e&ond 3atara&t? ra)id (a -ind 'lo-ing fro6 north to outh allo- Ara' ail'oat to ail u) the Nile, again t it &urrent, a far a the 9e&ond 3atara&t, their ail are in the di tan&e in thi )i&ture. 1elo-, the &rag of A'ou 9eer (A'u ir* o#erloo/ing the 9e&ond 3atara&t area. 1elo-, a /et&h of A'u ir (;*, a &rag to-ering o#er the 9e&ond 3atara&t area, a fa#orite )ot for touri t to get a )anora6i& #ie- of the 9e&ond 3atara&t and it ra)id :

1elo-, a ro6anti&i ed rendering of the &rag of A'u ir (;* o#erloo/ing the 9e&ond 3atara&t. 1elo-, :-hite -ater: de &ending or :falling: at the 9e&ond 3atara&t. =n +CI, "l Gianieh (+7(CH+C2C 6a) * -a de &ri'ed a a :Nu'ian #illage: (.er6an: nu'i &he dorf&hen* near the )al6 tree &o#ered i land of @hilae: :N-i &hen die en 1ergen i t der Nil eingeG-angt, ein dun/ler 9)iegel, -ie un er Al)en ee?n. <in/ ahen -ir den Minaret de Mo &hee #on An'ea, re&ht da nu'i &he 4orf&hen el Gianieh und G-i &hen 'eiden eine =n el 6it @al6en, u'er deren .i)fel ho&h e6)or die @ylonen der Te6)el ragten, u6ge'en #on 9aulen und Tru66ern. E i t @hilae, die Nau'ein el.: (). +(6. Jo e)h Ru egger. 3eisen in Europa% $sien und $frica... N-eiter 1and (Aolu6e T-o*: 3eisen in Egypten% ubien und 8st Sudan. 9tuttgart. E. 9&h-eiGer'art? &he Aerlag handlung. +CI,* 5or tho e -ho don?t read .er6an, a rough tran lation or )ara)hra ing: Thi i a .er6an Tra#el .uide and a))arently the author (the .uide* i on the ea t ide of the Nile fa&ing -e t. %n hi left (lin/ * i the Mo >ue of An'ea -ith to6' , to hi right (re&ht * i the Nu'ian (Nu'ian are 3u hite * #illage of El .ianieh, 'et-een the e t-o lo&ation , in the 6id t of the Nile, lie the )al6 tree laden i land of @hilae -ith it ruin D he 'riefly de &ri'e the @tole6ai& Era @hilae te6)le? ar&hite&tural feature 6entioning it )ylon . 0e 6eta)hori&ally de &ri'e the Nile here a 'et-een 6ountain , the &ene re&alling for hi6 an Al)ine la/e ( ee* in the Al) 6ountain , it -ater li/e a dar/ refle&ting 6irror. onclusions (4$ A1ril 54$4! Thi :-or/ in )rogre : (06 Jan. 2007 to 0+ A)ril 20+0* ha atte6)ted to find the )re en&e of a -ord a o&iated -ith the Nile in 3u h that :6ight: )re er#e the 0e're- .ihon (.ree/ 9e)tuaginta: .eon*. 9e#eral )ro)o al ha#e 'een 6ade:

(+* A 3u h -a &alled Ta 7en , Wadi 7enou 6ight )re er#e the na6e (6a) of +CI,*D the 3o)ti& 1ohari& re&en ion of the 9e)tuagint: @i87eon, and Mo e of 3horene: 7ehon. (2* The 2d &atara&t of the Nile 'eing &alled .ianadel 6ight )re er#e .ihon (6a) of +C+2 and +C,+*. (,* The #illage of El .ianieh on the outh ide of the + t 3atara&t 6ight )re er#e .eonH.ihon (6a) of +C2C, ur#ey +7(C* = no- (a 27 Mar&h 20+0* fa#or nu6'er (,* 'e&au e the )ro)het EGe/iel )ea/ of Egy)t a e2tending fro6 Migdol to 9yene (EG 2(:+0D ,0:6*. 9yene i near the + t 3atara&t of the Nile o 3u h? 'order -ould 'e outh of 9yene (6odern A -an*. To the outh of 9yene on the a'o#e 6a) i El .ianieh and the i land of @hilae. A El .ianieh i o6e-hat at the 'eginning of the + t 3atara&t it 6ay ha#e lent it na6e a the :ri#er of .ianieh: -hi&h in 0e're- 'e&a6e the .ihonH.eon Ri#er; That i to ay the #illage of 9yene lie at the north end of the + t 3atara&t -herea the #illage of El .ianieh lie at the outh end of the + t 3atara&t, a))arently in 3u h (;*, a 9yene at the north end of the + t 3atara&t i Egy)t? 'order a&&ording to EGe/iel. 5la#iu Jo e)hu a Je-i h hi torian of the + t &entury A4 identified the .ihon -ith the Nile in 3u h. 0e aid .ihon 6eant :that -hi&h ri e in the ea t.: The Nile doe )o e an ea tern tri'utary the At'ara ulti6ately draining #ia it tri'utarie fro6 the 6ountain of 6odern Ethio)ia near <a/e Tana. @erha) , a the .arden of Eden -a de &ri'ed a 'eing :in the ea t: the Nile -a &on&ei#ed a originating :in the ea t: at Eden (#ia it ea tern tri'utary*; Jo e)hu al o de &ri'ed the ri#er of Eden :a running a'out the earth and u'di#iding into four trea6 ,: the @i hon (.ange of =ndia*, .ihon of Ethio)ia (3u hH9udan* and the Tigri and Eu)hrate , a))arently he i refering to .re&o8Ro6an geogra)her ? notion of hi day. 0o6eri& .ree/ 6yth ((th8Cth &enturie 13* had !all! ri#er ari ing fro6 !one! great fre h-ater trea6 -hi&h ran all o#er the earth &alled Ri#er %/eano . All ri#er #ia underground trea6 lin/ed to %/eanu (%&ean*. A late a the + t &entury 13 o6e .re&o8 Ro6an geogra)her thought that the Eu)hrate lo t it elf in 6ar he in outhern Me o)ota6ia and re8e6erged in Ethio)ia a the Nile. =n the Ith &entury 13 the .ree/ thought the =ndu ri#er flo-ed into the Ethio)ian Nile. 9o an&ient .eogra)her (.ree/ * 6i ta/enly thought fro6 0o6eri& ti6e one ri#er (%/eano * -a our&e of all the great ri#er of the -orld. Ar&haeologi t ha#e &onfir6ed .ree/ )ottery in Judea of the Cth86th &enturie 13 and .ree/ re iding in the area (at Arad in the Nege'*. @erha) #ia the e .ree/ 6er&hant and 6er&enarie the )re8e2ili& Je- of the Cth86th &enturie 13 &a6e to under tand the Ri#er of Eden (a i6ilated to Ri#er %/eanu * had u'di#ided in to a .ihon in 3u hHEthio)ia (9udan* and @i hon of 0a#ilah (Wadi 1ai hH1ay h of 7haulan of A ir in 9audi Ara'ia near the Le6en*. @lea e &li&/ herefor 6a) of the 1ai h and 1i hah &onflated into the @i hon. = under tand .ene i 82 7ing -a &o6)o ed &ir&a $628$60 13 in the 1a'ylonian E2ile and )re er#e )re8e2ili& ((th86th &entury 13* .ree/ notion in .ene i ? Ta'le of Nation and de &ri)tion of Eden? four ri#er . @lea e &li&/ here for detail . .ree/ 6er&enarie er#ed in Egy)t, 3u h, Judaea, and 1a'ylon in the )re8e2ili& )eriod and 6ay 'e the our&e of o6e of .ene i ? i6agery a'out Eden? four trea6 . @haraoh Ne&ho hauled off into Egy)tian &a)ti#ity the Je-i h /ing Jeho?ahaG (60( 13*, on of Jo iah (2 7i 2,:,,8,I*. 1y $C7 13 Jeru ale6 had fallen to Ne'u&hadreGGar and a fe- year later .edaliah -a lain and Je- -ith Jere6iah fled to Egy)t to a#oid re)ri al fro6 the 1a'ylonian . Je-i h 6er&enarie at the i land of Le' (Ele)hantine* near 9yene and the + t &atara&t 6ay ha#e ettled there a early a 6$0 13. 9o Je- in Egy)t, -ould /no- of the gu hing -ater of the + t and 2nd &atara&t fro6 fir t hand /no-ledge and )a thi info on

#ia letter to Je- in the 1a'ylonian E2ile, the .ihon Ri#er 'e&o6ing a )art of the @ri6ary 0i tory (.ene i 82 7ing * of $628$60 13. The )re en&e of the -ord 0e're- -ord gihon (:to gu h:* near the + t and 2d &atara&t 6ight 'e due to Je-i h 6er&enarie at Le' in&e 6$0 13E, or )o i'ly #ia 1yGantine 3hri tian (Ith87th &entury A4* -ho, u ing the .ree/ for6 .eon fro6 the 9e)tuagint 'i'le &au ed the na6e to 'e fi2ed in the area, the Ara' &on>ue t of the 7th &entury A4 6ay ha#e rendered the 1yGantine 3hri tian .eon into Ara'i& El .ianieh and .ianadel (lo&alitie in the #i&inity of the + t and 2d &atara&t *. = a6 !una-are! of any &holar other than 6y elf )ro)o ing that the .ihonH.eon Ri#er of 3u h (a o&iated -ith .ene i ? .arden of Eden* *ight ha#e it na6e )re er#ed at either the 2nd 3atara&t of .ianadel or + t 3atara&t at the Nu'ian #illage of El .ianieh. =f 9trong? E2hau ti#e 1i'le 3on&ordan&e (0e're- and 3haldee 4i&tionary* i &orre&t in ugge ting 0e're- gihon 6ean :to gu h: a in -ater gu hing, )erha) .ihon 6eant the :.u hing Ri#er,: o na6ed after the Nile? 6o t di tingui hing and )ro6inent feature in the land of 3u h (9udan*, it 6any &atara&t and their gu hing -ater ; Jo e)hu aid .ihon 6eant that -hi&h !ri e ! in the ea t. The 3u hite Nile? ri ing -ater ea&h year &au e not only gu hing at the &atara&t the ri#er? :ri ing: al o &au ed the annual flooding of the Egy)tian 4elta. 9o 'oth 'oth ter6 are a))ro)riate in de &ri'ing the 3u hite Nile: :ri ing: and :gu hing.: 4oe .ihon 6ean :the Ri ing Ri#er: or the :.u hing Ri#er,: or :'oth:; @erha) it 6ean the :Ri ing Ri#er: a Egy)tian te2t ha#e the god 7hnu6 de&laring he i the Nile in it !ri ing!, a notion u))orting o6e-hat Jo e)hu ? tate6ent a'out .ihon 6eaning :that -hi&h rise in the ea t:: The Egy)tian @haraoh No er in an in &ri)tion found near A -an i )ortrayed a tating that he )rayed to the god 7hnu6 to end a 7 year fa6ine in Egy)t. 7hnu6 an -ered hi )rayer 'y &au ing the Nile to rise and flood it 'an/ : :...7hne6u a))eared 'efore hi6, and aid, & a+ Khne+u the &reator...= a6 he -ho &reated hi6 elf. = a6 the )ri6e#al -atery a'y , and & a+ the Nile (ho riseth at his (ill...: (). $,. Aol. 2. E. A. Walli 1udge. "he #ods of the Egyptians. Ne- Lor/. 4o#er @u'li&ation .E+(0IF, re)rint +(6(* 9o6e ha#e noted an underground u'terranean )ring in a &a#ern at Jeru ale6 &alled the .ihon. Egy)tian art ho- t-o Nile ri ing forth fro6 a u'terranean :dou'le &a#ern: &alled Oerti on the i land of Ele)hantine (Egy)tian A'u or Le'*. A the Jeru ale6 .ihon )ring ri e Hgu he forth fro6 a u'teranean our&e in a &a#ern )erha) the &onne&tion 6ight ha#e 'een 6ade #ia the Egy)tian 6yth a'out a u'terranean our&e for the Egy)tian Nile -ith the Jeru ale6 .ihon )ring; Je-i h 6er&enarie did li#e on Ele)hantine 'efore Egy)t? $2$ 13 &on>ue t 'y 3a6'y e of @er ia and 'eing a-are that the lo&al Egy)tian 'elie#ed that the ri ing of the Nile -a fro6 the Oerti &a#ern they 6ay ha#e e>uated thi &a#ern? )ring -ith their u'terranean .ihon )ring at Jeru ale6; @lea e &li&/ here for a )i&ture of the the T-o Nile -hi&h flo-ed through Egy)t, 0a)8Re et (9outh Nile* and 0a)8Meht (North Nile* ri ing fro6 their 6ythi&al u'terranean our&e, the Oerti or :4ou'le 3a#ern: on the i land of Ele)hantine near the + t 3atara&t. E6ery (+(67* noted that 3u h -a &o66only &alled Ta 7en , 1udge (+(0I* under tand that Egy)t? fir t no6e 7en et -a the region of the + t 3atara&t (doe 7en et )re er#e 7en ;*: :=t i i6)ortant to note that 0e) E0a)iF i 6entioned in &onne&tion -ith 7en et...the fir t no6e of Egy)t, in -hi&h -ere in&luded the 5ir t 3atara&t and it i land Ele)hantine, 9ahel, @hilae, 9en6ut, et&., and thu it -ould ee6 a if the Nile8god 0e), and A)8uat, :the o)ener of the

-ay ,: -ere....&onne&ted -ith )la&e in -hi&h in later ti6e the Nile -a thought to ri e...The Egy)tian 'elie#ed that the Nile ro e in the 5ir t 3atara&t, in the Oerti or :4ou'le 3a#ern...: ()). I28I,. Aol. 2. :The Nile .od.: E. A. Walli 1udge. "he #ods of the Egyptians, Ne- Lor/. 4o#er @u'li&ation . +(6( re)rint of +(0I Methuen M 3o6)any, <ondon* The 3o)ti& 1ohari& re&en ion of the 9e)tuagint render .eon a @i8/eon, )erha) @i re&all 0a)i (;* and 7eon re&all 7hne6 (;*D doe Wady 7enou the region 'et-een the + t and 2d &atara&t )re er#e the Egy)tian Ta 7en , :<and of the 1o-:; A &an 'e een there i 6u&h &onfu ion here. @art of the &onfu ion i that Egy)t? 'order -ith 3u h #aried o#er ti6e. At fir t it -a at the + t &atara&t, later the 'order hifted further outh to the 2d &atara&t. The 1i'le ugge t 3u h? 'order i at the + t &atara&t a EGe/iel de &ri'e Egy)t? outhern 'order at the fortre of 9yene, 6odern A -an. Egy)tian te2t tate the Nile ro e fro6 the de)th of a &a#ern )ring on the i land of Ele)hantine near 9yeneHA -an and the + t 3atara&t. Jeru ale6? .ihon )ring ro e fro6 a u'terranean our&e too. Je- on Ele)hantine &ir&a 6$08$62 13 &ould ha#e e>uated thi u'teranean )ring our&e of the Nile on 3u h? 'order -ith the Jeru ale6 .ihon )ring. The 9e)tuagint? Geon &ould ha#e 'een a))lied to the 3u hite Nile in 1yGantine 3hri tian ti6e 'eing )re er#ed later in Ara'i& a Gianieh near the + t &atara&t or Gianadel at the 2d &atara&t. All of the a'o#e a o&iation :6ay 'e a )art: of the 'ig )i&ture 'ehind a to -hy the Nile in 3u h &a6e to 'e &alled .ihon re&alling for Je- at Ele)hantine i6ilar )heno6ena at Jeru ale6? .ihon )ring. Gihon a&&ording to 9trong? :0e're- and 3haldee 4i&tionary: (Ja6e 9trong. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance% Co*plete and 6nabridged. Wa&o, Te2a . Word 1oo/ .+(77 edition*: +$+C. )iyach, ghee'-akh or )oach, go'-akhD a )ri6iti#e root, to gush forth (a -ater*, gen. to issue:8 'rea/ forth, la'or to 'ring forth, &o6e forth, dra- u), ta/e out. +$+(. )iyach (3haldean*, ghee'-akh or )u(ach (3haldean*, goo'-akhD &orre )onding to +$+C, to rush forth: 8 tri#e. +$20. Giyach, ghee'-akh, fro6 +$+C, a fountainD .ia&h, a )la&e in @ale tine: .iah. +$2+. Giycho(n, ghee-khone'9 or Gicho(n, ghee-khone' fro6 +$+C, strea*D #ichon, a ri#er of @aradi eD al o a #alley (or )ool* near Jeru ale6:8 .ihon. = note at the + t &atara&t a Wad Kou6 9 of Ele)hantine i land and NW of the #illage of El .ianieh, &ould Kou6 )re er#e 9trong? alternate rendering of Gu(ach, goo'-akh;

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