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At the end of the learning unit, students should be able to : Week !"# Chapter ! $%&IC : W'A$ &(%&L( )% $'(*( : &eople + ! Level Interpersonal Talk about daily routines Talk about friends Write a simple account on one$s friends ambition Informational Read and understand excerpt of brochures Scan for details Spell it right Listen to an interview with a firefighter Note important details Aesthetic Grammar Simple present tense for habitual actions Wh words Sound ! r !" ! l ! Vocabular #ntonyms

%dentify main ideas

Talk about the place and people &ive se'uence of events Talk about main characters Talk about values found in a short story

Write a letter to a friend on one$s ambition


+ $%&IC : VILLAG(/S A0) $'(I/ LIV(LI'%%) $'(*( : &eople

#sk 'uestions politely to get information on a flyer

Read and understand an article on (ulau )uyung Scan for details Spell it right Listen to a television programme" *eeting (eople Note important details )escribe an activity

Sub+ect ,erb #greement (unctuation -capital letter

! s !" !.!


+ #

Seek clarification to get certain information about an exhibition Read topics of interest and discuss certain points with friends

%dentify supporting details Se'uence %deas

Talk about the place and time

*ake simple predictions %dentify key ideas Write a description of a

Talk about the place" time and characters in a story

1 I. H. S 2014


*alaysian handicraft


# $%&IC : 3A*%4S 3AC(S $'(*( : &eople +

Talk about one$s favourite personalities /xpress congratulations and respond appropriately 0ongratulate and give compliments and respond appropriately

Reading and understand an article on a remarkable man Scan for details Se'uence ideas in a diagram Take dictation Listen to a conversation Note important details

#d+ectives that shows 'ualities Simple past tense

!v! 1 !w!


(articipate in a class discussion Write a card to one$s favourite personality

%dentify main ideas

Talk about the place and time1

*ake simple prediction Write an account on the person admires the most

!5 "!+

, $%&IC : S$%& AI/ &%LL4$I%06

#sk 'uestions to get information #nswer 'uestions and give details

Read and understand an interview about air pollution Scan for details Take dictation Listen to a news report on ha.e Note important details

Recite a poem on the environment

2uture tense using going to punctuation 'uestions mark

!e!" !ae! !v!" !a3! !u!1 !u!

prefix mis

$'(*( : (nvironment

(articipate in a discussion to find the best way to reduce air pollution Read topics of interest and discuss certain points with friends

%dentify main ideas %dentify supporting details

%dentify cause and effect %dentify key ideas Write a composition on pollution in a town

0ompose a simple poem

2 I. H. S 2014

SCHEME OF WORK FORM 2 +! *A/C' - +2 *A/C' 3I/S$ S(*(S$(/ 7/(A8

!# " !9 9 $%&IC : 3L%%) W%(S $'(*( : (nvironment ! #sk 'uestions to get information #nswer 'uestions and give details 4ffer help and respond appropriately # 0omplete a newspaper report Read and understand the internet article on flash floods Scan for details Spell it right Listen to a news bulletin on the after-effects of a flash flood Tell what the text is about Note important details (repositions of direction formation of the plural words ending with f and fe !i! " !i3! !a!" !e! !e!" !a3! (refix 5re

%dentify main ideas

)raw obvious conclusions )esign a thank you card to express appreciation Write a simple account on a flash flood

Talk about main character

!. " !:

. $%&IC : GIV( 4S S&AC( $% /40 A0) &LA; $'(*( : (nvironment

/xpress satisfaction and dissatisfaction on a playground on in one$s neighbourhood

Read and understand a talk on the importance of play to children Scan for details Spell it right Listen to a conversation between two concerned mothers Note important details

#ct out sections of the text and role pay characters

Negative statement (unctuation 6 exclamation mark

!au! "!au!

suffix ful

(articipate in a discussion by agreeing with the opinions of residents of Taman Sri 7aya

%dentify main ideas

)escribe events

3 I. H. S 2014


)raw obvious conclusions %dentify key ideas Write simple account on a gotong-royong activity

!2 " +!

1 $%&IC : $I*( IS G%L) $'(*( : Social Issues !

8nderstand the types of services available at a sports centre *ake en'uiries as to what sports centre offers

Read and understand excerpt of a diary Scan for details Se'uence ideas Spell it right Listen to a talk on how to spend the holidays beneficially Note important details

#ct out sections of the text and role pay characters

(unctuation 6 apostrophe for contractions article the

ed !t! " ed !d!

Suffix less

*ake further en'uiries 9via telephone:

Read and understand a simple table %dentify main ideas Write an account on how one spent the holidays )raw obvious conclusion

Retelling a story from another point of view

2ill in a registration form

(resenting the text in another genre

+1 *A; - !, <40( IS/A8 *I8/A<, 'A/I ;)&A, *I) $(/* 7/(A8

++ - +, : ! $%&IC : W'A$ A/( 3/I(0)S 3%/= $'(*( : Social Issues Talk about 'ualities one looks for in a friend1 Read and understand an article on how to build a healthy friendship 8se headings and subheadings to look for information Scan for details Take dictation Listen to the views of three students on friendship Note important details #ct out sections of the text and role pay characters Negative ad+ectives using im and un pronounssub+ect and ob+ect pronouns >ea! !ue! Synonyms

4 I. H. S 2014


(articipate in class discussions by agreeing" disagreeing" and giving opinions1

%dentify main ideas %dentify supporting details 2ollow se'uence of ideas

)raw obvious conclusions %dentify key ideas Reply to a letter from a friend to offer advice

0omposing simple poems" stories and dialogues at a level suitable to learners

2 +9 " +: $%&IC : L%%8I0G G%%) 3((LI0G G/(A$ $'(*( : 'ealth +

#sk 'uestions politely to get information on acne &ive instructions orally

Read and understand a letter on what beauty means Scan for details Spell it right Listen to a talk on personal hygiene Note important details

0onnectors 6 se'uence connectors con+unctions 5and$" but " so " and or

es !i.!" !ies! and ves !v.!


&ive advice

%dentify main ideas %dentify supporting details 2ollow se'uence of ideas

%dentify key ideas #pply process writing skills on the topic of proper dental care

Talk about values found in a novel

+9 <4L; - , A4G4S$ (I) *47A/A8 '%LI)A;

+2 " #! !5 $%&IC : 3%%) 3%/ $'%4G'$ ! &ive advice on a healthy diet Read and understand on the importance of breakfast Scan for details Take dictation Listen to the advice on proper modal verbs must " may and can (reposition of /nding sound # group of words that are related to one word

5 I. H. S 2014


$'(*( : 'ealth (articipate in a discussion by giving advice and suggestions Read topics of interest and share information with friends ways to cook vegetables Note important details !.!"!s!

%dentify main ideas %dentify supporting details

*ake simple predictions %dentify cause and effect #pply process writing skills on the topic" What is a ;ealthy )iet

Talk about how events" characters and values in the text are similar to those in one$s life1 #d+ectives of comparison

#+ " #,

!! $%&IC : 340 WA;S $% 3I$0(SS $'(*( : 'ealth

8nderstand the sports activities offered during a sports awareness campaign (ersuade a friend to try a sports activity

Read and understand a web page on skateboarding Scan for details Take dictation Listen to a briefing before a cross country race Note important details

6regular and irregular ad+ectives -longer ad+ectives -using as<11as and not as<1as (ossessive pronouns

(ast tense form 6ed !d! !id!

# group of words that are related to one word

*ake further en'uiries about the activities offered Write a simple message to persuade a friend

%dentify main ideas %dentify supporting details 2ollow se'uence of ideas Write an account of a sports event )raw obvious conclusions Say what one thinks about the text

!+ S(&$(*7(/ - +5 S(&$(*7(/ S(C%0) *I) $(/* 7/(A8, *ALA;SIA0 )A;

6 I. H. S 2014


#9 " #. !+ $%&IC : G%I0G %/GA0IC $'(*( : Science and $echnolog ! Talk about a trip to an agro tourism farm &ive oral and written instructions to make compost + Read topics of interest and discuss certain points with friends Read and understand an article on organic farming 2ollow se'uence of ideas in a diagram Scan for details Spell it right Listen to the views on organic farming Note important details 8ncountable nouns (repositions of place Stresses in compoun d words contextual clues

%dentify main ideas %dentify supporting details

Write a simple account on a trip to ;appy #gro 2arm

Talking about values found in the text

#1 " #:

!# $%&IC : %4/ G/((0 '(/I$AG( $'(*( : Science and $echnolog !

+ (articipate in a discussions

Read and understand an extract from an encyclopedia on unusual plants Scan for details 2ollow se'uence of ideas in diagrams Spell it right Listen to a description about a nature trip Note important details

Simple present tense for facts that are generally true 2uture form using will

Stresses in compoun d words

contextual clues

%dentify main ideas1 %dentifying supporting details 2ollow se'uence of ideas

Read topics of interest and discuss certain points with friends

%dentify key ideas Write a description about a trip to the National (ark

Talk about values found in a text

7 I. H. S 2014


#2 " ,5 !, $%&IC : I00%VA$I%0 S I0 $(C'0%L%G ; $'(*( : Science and $echnolog ! Talk about latest innovations Read and understand an article on robots Scan for details Spell it right Listen to a talk on technology and its effects Note important details #dverbs of place and time (unctuation 6 apostrophe to show possession 0ontracti ons 0hange nouns to ad+ectives

(articipate in a class discussion by agreeing" disagreeing and giving opinions Read about the latest innovations and discuss the changes and benefits they bring to man

%dentify main ideas

Talk about the place and time &ive se'uence of events Talk about characters in the text Talk about values found in the text

%dentify key ideas Write a composition describing one$s innovation

W((8S ,! %0WA/)S /(VISI%0 A0) &7S (VAL4A$I%0

School 'olida s " +!>!!>+5!,- 5#>5!>+5!9

8 I. H. S 2014

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