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2014 Symposium for Research &
Innovation in Education
UMass Amherst Col l ege of Educati on
Teacher Educati on & Curri cul um Studi es
a graduate student conf erence
Learni ng beyond boundari es:
(Re)vi si oni ng the educati on of
di verse l earners

*downl oadabl e program*
Hosted by: TECS GSO with the support of
the TECS department, LLC SAC, the Graduate
School, & the office of Student Affairs

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3:00 - 3:33
803 SLSSlCn 38
!"#$ &' $"( )#$*+( ,- .#+/0 1"&/2",,2 .2*3#$&,45
Sangshln ark, 8achael Adams, Pannl S. 1homa, Culcln
8llgener, uerlna 8ooLhroyd, Corey 8lneharL, Akesa Mafl
804-08 SLSSlCn 3C
.67/,+&48 $"( 93",,/&48 .67(+&(43(' ,- 9$*2(4$' :
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AnLhony hllllps, nlnl Payes, LeLa Pooper
803-09 SLSSlCn 3u
!,+/2 <#48*#8( <(#+4&48 =3+,'' 1,4$(6$'
Slmone CuglloLLa & !esslca ugnall, amela Shea,
Shalmaa MousLafa
811-13 SLSSlCn 3L
>#3+,?>&3+, @(+'7(3$&A(' ,4 9$*2(4$ =3"&(A(B(4$
Sangchll Lee, Pyunsook Shln, Adena Calden & . kevln
kelLh, Pelen-Ann lreland
3:33 - 4:10 8eglsLraLlon C(-+('"B(4$ D+(#E
8everages and snacks avallable
4:10 - 6:33 801-802 C(/#6#$&,4 9$#$&,4
lree space Lo gaLher your LhoughLs or chaL wlLh frlends
4:10 - 4:33 803 SLSSlCn 4A
;(#3"&48 ;(3"4,/,80 !,+E'",7 F
Sharon Ldwards
804-08 SLSSlCn 48
G+#4$9(#+3" -,+ G+#2 9$*2(4$' HG9G9I !,+E'",7
LllzabeLh Cahn & Colleen SmlLh
803-09 SLSSlCn 4C
;(#3"&48 ;(3"4,/,80 !,+E'",7 FF
ulnah Machall & nlkkl ullen
811-13 SLSSlCn 4u
!,+E'",7J C#3&#/ >&3+,#88(''&,4' &4 # KLMN
Akesa Mafl, Marlcel Lucero, !esslca llllon
(conL'd on
nexL page)
803 SLSSlCn 3A
)(O P&+(3$&,4' &4 93&(43( .2*3#$&,4
8enee AffolLer, Llena Cruz, !ohn Peffernan,
ueborah Carllsle
804-08 SLSSlCn 38
.2*3#$&,4 C(-,+BJ >#77&48 $"( ;(++#&4
rofs. Camllle Cammack, kysa nygreen, llorence
Sulllvan, Laura valdlvlezo

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1:00 - 1:33 803 SLSSlCn 1A
.67/,+&48 @#$"O#0' $, <&3(4'*+(
LducaLor lnformaLlon Cfflce
804-08 SLSSlCn 18
Q*/R+&8"$ ;(#3"&48 93",/#+'"&7 F4-,+B#$&,4 9(''&,4
Cfflce of naLlonal Scholarshlp AdvlsemenL
803-09 SLSSlCn 1C
1*++(4$ C('(#+3" -+,B Q#3*/$0 =3+,'' 1#B7*' F
!ullan 1yson, ChemlsLry
8lck Adrlon, CompuLer Sclence
811-13 SLSSlCn 1u
1*++(4$ C('(#+3" -+,B Q#3*/$0 =3+,'' 1#B7*' FF
!en Sandler, AnLhropology
uemeLrla 8ougeaux Shabazz, CommunlcaLlons
903 SLSSlCn 1L
S=&4T$ F =B !,B#45 U(#+ >( C,#+VWJ = C#2&3#/
P&'3,*+'( R0 !,B(4 ,- 1,/,+ #42 ;"(&+ =//&('
karollne Alexander, klrsLen Pelmer, LeLa Pooper,
Son[l !ohnson-Anderson, kaLle Lazdowskl, !lng-!l
Llaw, Allcla Lopez, 8renda MuzeLa, !asmlne
8oblnson, ur. Laura valdlvlezo
2:00 - 2:33

801-802 C(/#6#$&,4 9$#$&,4
lree space Lo gaLher your LhoughLs or chaL wlLh frlends
803 SLSSlCn 2A
<#48*#8( =3X*&'&$&,4 &4 G/,R#/ 1,4$(6$'
Pyo[ln klm, l-An Chen, Clan Wang, 1ecnam ?oon
804-08 SLSSlCn 28
F44,A#$&,4 &4 KYZ <(#+4&48
Melna 8lan, Molly Alvln, kosoom kreeLong
803-09 SLSSlCn 2C
F2(4$&$0 1,4'$+*3$&,4 #42 )(8,$&#$&,4
8renda Pardln AbboLL, 8ayoung Song, Marsha Llaw,
klrsLen Pelmer
811-13 SLSSlCn 2u
9,3&#/ [*'$&3( #42 93",,/&48
!en Cannon, uanl C'8rlen, Meg Macclnl, uanlel Morales
903 SLSSlCn 2L
Q#3&48 C#3( F''*(' &4 \*+ 93",,/' #42 1,BB*4&$&('
A conversaLlon faclllLaLed by 8renda MuzeLa
3:00 - 3:33
(conL'd on
nexL page)
801-802 SLSSlCn 3A
97+&48-&(/2 @*R/&3 93",,/' [,R Q#&+
Lucy erez, SS Puman 8esources
!"#$ %&'()"&* +$,'-".)"&*
6:30 - 7:00 1ranslLlon Lo AmhersL 8oom, 10
floor, and help yourself Lo
dlnner buffeL
7:00 - 8:00 AmhersL
ur. Clalre PamllLon

(%)*+ ,"-"./$0 1%/2 34%562 %/ !)60 7658"*6-
.*8 9".$0"/-: !0.6;- 60" ()<<"/"*$"=
ur. Sonla nleLo
8:00 - 8:30 AmhersL
ur. Laura valdlvlezo

,"$%+*)6)%* %< ?@AB +/.85.6"-
1LCS laculLy
8:30 - 9:30 AmhersL
uesserL, coffee, and cash bar avallable

012324 lree wlfl ls avallable LhroughouL Lhe Campus CenLer. uMass
faculLy and sLudenLs may slgn ln uslng Lhelr neLlu, oLhers may
use Lhe conference slgn-ln llsLed below:
5,$-*(#$4 umcb-1437
6(,,7&-84 bonaPC8S31

1o connecL Lo Lhe uMass wlreless neLwork:
1. Check LhaL you are ln a wlreless coverage area
2. Lnable your wlreless card
3. 8e sure LhaL your SSlu ls uMASS
9: Cpen a web browser and log ln wlLh Lhe guesL
username and password llsLed above.

06;<=2>?4 lf you parked ln Lhe Campus CenLer garage, plck up a
compllmenLary parklng voucher aL Lhe reglsLraLlon desk. 1hls
wlll llmlL Lhe cosL Lo $3.00, no maLLer how many hours you are
Lhere durlng Lhls evenL.
!"#$ %&'()"&* +$,'-".)"&*
3:00 - 3:33
803-09 SLSSlCn 3C
!%/#8 C.*+5.+" 9".$0)*+ D C"./*)*+ .6 60"
E%##"+" C"F"#
?lng Zhang, ?uko 1akahashl, Shln[l kawamlLsu,
8rahlm Culbeld
811-13 SLSSlCn 3u
G"*/"HI.-"8 J"8.+%+K 3$/%-- G/.8" C"F"#-
?lru Chen, Ally PunLer, Zhu Puang
6:00 - 6:33 803 SLSSlCn 6A
L-)*+ .*8 J/%85$)*+ M)8"%- )* 60" NCC 7$)"*$"
!ohn Levasseur & kaLhryn Accurso
804-08 SLSSlCn 68
N7C NOP"/)"*$"- %< 1.&)#)"- D Q%5*+ 7658"*6-
Marlsa lerraro, ?oungkwan Cha, Ang Ll, 8achel
811-13 SLSSlCn 6C
C)6"/.$K ("F"#%P&"*6: 76/.6"+)"- <%/ ()F"/-"
karen odorefsky, Crace Parrls & Pannl 1homa,
!asmlne 8oblnson, kaLle laron
803-09 SLSSlCn 6u
R.F)+.6)*+ 60" 3$.8"&)$ S%4 T./>"6
rofs. uarrell LarnesL & 8eLsy McLneaney
(lefL of
U* .#P0.4"6)$.# %/8"/:
Marlana Agullar 8amlrez xlngyang Llu
Zll Ahmad uavld Messlng
uanlelle Allesslo 8renda MuzeLa
Adena Calden Llsa urvln Cllner
krlsLlne Camacho !ulle 8oblnson
xlaofan Chen 8achel SauLLer
8achel uarley Llz Soboclnskl Manos
Allyson lurclck 8rad Wheeler

our local schools. MosL lmporLanLly, each year Lhe
conference welcomed lncreased sLudenL lnvolvemenL
ln lLs organlzaLlon and leadershlp. Members of Lhe
SLudenL Advlsory CommlLLee, SAC, ln LLC were
dedlcaLed collaboraLors and mosL recenLly leaders ln
Lhe organlzaLlon of Lhe conference. 2013, was Lhe flrsL
year sLudenL leadershlp ensured lnsLlLuLlonal
recognlLlon and fundlng for Lhe evenL. My colleagues
of LLC and l are proud Lo see sLudenLs beauLlfully rlse
Lo Lhe challenge Lo conLlnue wlLh Lhe sLrong
foundaLlons of Lhe conference and shape lL lnLo Lhe
excellenL evenL you are aLLendlng Loday.

Many hands and generaLlons of sLudenLs and 1LCS
sLaff have come LogeLher Lo make Lhls momenL
posslble. lease [oln me Lo Lhank and congraLulaLe
kaLhryn Accurso and 8renda MuzeLa, leaders from Lhe
CraduaLe SLudenL CrganlzaLlon who have been
lnsLrumenLal Lo Lhls efforL. lrom our four
concenLraLlons l would llke Lo recognlze and Lhank Lhe
leadershlp of ?uko 1akahashl (SAC, LLC), kalynda
earce (SAC, LLC) and Llsa Cllner from LLC, 8lrdle
Champ and Marlana Agullar 8amlrez from MSL1,
Annle loley from ClS, and uanl C'8rlen from 1LSl.
1here are many oLhers who have also conLrlbuLed
from behlnd Lhe scenes, revlewlng conference
absLracLs and volunLeerlng Lo Lhe dlfferenL Lasks
lnvolved ln Lhe organlzaLlon of Lhe symposlum. 1hank

Laura A. valdlvlezo
2014 Iacu|ty L|a|son to 1LCS GSC & LLC SAC
WLLCCML: lrom Lhe Conference Chalr
l am pleased Lo welcome you Lo Lhe
1eacher LducaLlon and Currlculum SLudles
CraduaLe SLudenL Annual Symposlum for
8esearch and lnnovaLlon ln LducaLlon, Lhe
flrsL conference led enLlrely by Lhe 1LCS
graduaLe sLudenL organlzaLlon (CSC) ln collaboraLlon
wlLh sLudenL represenLaLlves ln Lhe four 1LCS
concenLraLlons. 1he symposlum has developed lnLo a
vlgorous evenL LhaL wlll conLlnue Lo grow and brlng
LogeLher educaLlon research communlLles from our
College of LducaLlon and educaLlon communlLles ln
our area, for years Lo come.

valuable seeds for Loday's symposlum were planLed
slxLeen years ago when sLudenLs from Lhe 8lllngual,
Lngllsh as a Second Language and MulLlculLural
LducaLlon, 8LM, masLers' program ln Lhe LLC
concenLraLlon parLlclpaLed ln Lhe flrsL Annual LLC
SLudenL Conference. uurlng Lhose flrsL years, LLC
faculLy led Lhe conference organlzaLlon, whlch
feaLured 8LM graduaLe sLudenL research pro[ecLs ln
local schools. ln 2009 Lhe conference was exLended Lo
docLoral sLudenLs ln our program as well as across Lhe
uMass-AmhersL Campus, whlle conLlnulng lLs
dedlcaLlon Lo 8LM sLudenLs, among Lhem, Leachers aL
creaLlng Lhe orlglnal arLwork LhaL expresses Lhls year's
conference Lheme (and appears on Lhe cover of Lhls program),
Marlana Agullar 8amlrez for enLhuslasLlcally represenLlng and
lncreaslng awareness among MSL1 sLudenLs, Annle loley for
represenLlng and faclllLaLlng communlcaLlon among ClS
sLudenLs, and Llsa urvln Cllner for worklng Lo lncrease Lhe
soclal medla presence of boLh 1LCS CSC and Lhls evenL
speclflcally (follow her llve LweeLs of Lhe conference
[1LCSconference and C3D<7EF).

We vlew Lhls conference as an lmporLanL parL of Lhe
professlonal developmenL of graduaLe sLudenLs ln Lhe varlous
1LCS programs as Lhey prepare Lo be educaLlonal leaders ln
classrooms, communlLles, and colleges/unlverslLles around Lhe
globe. We hope LhaL Lhe energy and advocacy we've seen
across Lhe four concenLraLlons for Lhls aspecL of our Lralnlng wlll
move new sLudenL leaders Lo arlse and carry Lhls work lnLo Lhe
fuLure. See page 33 for more lnformaLlon abouL Lhe 1LCS CSC
or Lo become lnvolved.

kaLhryn Accurso & 8renda MuzeLa
1LCS GSC Co-Cha|rs

PCW ulu WL uC? SPA8L ?Cu8 lLLu8ACk A1
We owe a greaL deal of graLlLude Lo Lhe many people whose
efforLs made Lhls year's conference a reallLy. llrsL, we exLend
our appreclaLlon Lo Lhe CraduaLe SLudenL SenaLe, Lhe Cfflce of
SLudenL Affalrs, Lhe CraduaLe School, and Lhe deparLmenL of
1eacher LducaLlon and Currlculum SLudles for generously
conLrlbuLlng Lo Lhe fundlng of Lhls evenL. 1o Lhe 1LCS faculLy,
we are graLeful for your lnpuL, supporL, and hosplLallLy aL
faculLy meeLlngs and ln your classrooms durlng Lhe plannlng
and promoLlon of Lhe conference. arLlcular Lhanks go Lo ur.
Laura valdlvlezo for acLlng as faculLy llalson Lo boLh Lhe 1LCS
graduaLe sLudenL organlzaLlon and Lhe LLC sLudenL advlsory
commlLLee (who represenLed Lhelr concenLraLlon ln Lhe
plannlng of Lhls evenL), and ur. Clalre PamllLon for faclllLaLlng
communlcaLlons Lo Lhe 1LCS communlLy vla Lhe newly
esLabllshed 1LCS llsLserv. 1o our plenary speaker, ur. Sonla
nleLo, we Lhank you for reLurnlng Lo uMass on Lhls occaslon Lo
share your work and wlsdom wlLh currenL sLudenLs.
AddlLlonally, our deepesL graLlLude goes Lo Sovann-Malls
Loeung, whose admlnlsLraLlve experLlse paved many
conference plannlng paLhs, as well as Lo Lhe CaLerlng and LvenL
lannlng sLaff aL Lhe uMass Campus CenLer for help plannlng,
seLLlng up, and provldlng for our space and refreshmenL needs.
llnally, we Lhank Lhe Leam of graduaLe sLudenLs who lnvesLed
counLless hours of Llme and efforL Lo worklng on all faceLs of
Lhe conference, servlng as organlzers, promoLers, absLracL
revlewers and sesslon chalrs among many oLher Lhlngs.
lurLhermore, we owe speclal recognlLlon Lo 8lrdle Champ for
PCW ulu WL uC? SPA8L ?Cu8 lLLu8ACk A1

L|censure athways Informat|on Sess|on
D0854-2$ G&"2$%4-#2& H""#5+

lnLeresLed ln learnlng more abouL how you can become a
Leacher? 1hls sesslon ls LargeLed aL undergraduaLe sLudenLs
who would llke Lo learn more abouL Lhe dlfferenL llcensure
paLhways offered Lhrough Lhe uMass College of LducaLlon.
8eLhany ollLylo from Lhe LducaLor lnformaLlon Cfflce wlll Lalk
abouL Lhe dlfferenL program opLlons (one and Lwo-year)
followed by breakouL C&A sesslons wlLh currenL masLers
sLudenLs who wlll share abouL Lhelr experlences ln dlfferenL
paLhways and candldly fleld quesLlons abouL courses of sLudy,
sLudenL Leachlng, and k-12 Leacher preparaLlon.
SLSSlCn 1A: (8oom 803)

Iu|br|ght 1each|ng Grant Informat|on Sess|on
H""#5+ 2" I4-#2&4= 7562=4$,6#? !0*#,+%+&-

1he Cfflce of naLlonal Scholarshlp AdvlsemenL (CnSA) asslsLs
ellglble sLudenLs ln Lhe pursulL of dlsLlngulshed naLlonally
compeLlLlve scholarshlps and fellowshlps, lncludlng lulbrlghL
CranLs for posL-graduaLe sLudy and Leachlng. Lach year, uMass
AmhersL sLudenLs become flnallsLs and Lhen go on Lo achleve
some of Lhe mosL presLlglous awards for graduaLe sLudy and
Lravel. ln facL, uMass AmhersL was named a 1op roducer of
lulbrlghL SLudenLs" among research unlverslLles for Lhe 2008-
09 academlc year, accordlng Lo a ranklng publlshed ln
Lhe <6$2&#5=+ 2" J#'6+$ D0854-#2&.
ln Lhls sesslon, !ohn ulckson from CnSA wlll speak speclflcally
abouL lnLernaLlonal Leachlng opporLunlLles avallable Lhrough
lulbrlghL granLs.
SLSSlCn 18: (8oom 804-08)

Current kesearch from Iacu|ty Across Campus I

18=#4& 3.,2&
ueparLmenL of ChemlsLry

>#5: !0$#2&
School of CompuLer Sclence
rofessor LmerlLus

SLSSlCn 1C: (8oom 803-09)

Current kesearch from Iacu|ty Across Campus II

1+& 74&0=+$
ueparLmenL of AnLhropology
LecLurer and ulrecLor of Lhe uMass Alllance
for CommunlLy 1ransformaLlon (uAC1)

)+%+-$#4 >28'+48K 764L4MM
ueparLmenL of CommunlcaLlon
AsslsLanL rofessor

SLSSlCn 1u: (8oom 811-13)

?'(A- : ?< B%<,(C D4,& E4 >%,&F
A kad|ca| D|scourse by Women of Co|or and 1he|r A|||es

1hls ls a dramaLlzaLlon of exLracLs from 1hls 8rldge Called My 8ack. lL
wlll be presenLed as an lnLeracLlve audlence parLlclpaLlon
performance LhaL lncludes Lhe dlverse volces of members of our
graduaLe communlLy followed by a dlscusslon. 1hls presenLaLlon ls for
every crlLlcally consclous educaLor everywhere.

karollne Alexander
klrsLen Pelmer
LeLa Pooper
Son[l !ohnson - Anderson
kaLle Lazdowskl
!lng-!l Llaw
Allcla Lopez
8renda MuzeLa
!asmlne 8oblnson
ur. Laura valdlvlezo

SPA8L ?Cu8 1PCuCP1S Cn 1PlS 8CuuC1lCn A1
SLSSlCn 1L: (8oom 903)

Need a m|nute to s|t and th|nk? |an wh|ch
sess|on to attend next? Cont|nue a conversat|on?

8ooms 801 & 802 wlll be avallable aL Lhe followlng Llmes
for any or all of Lhese purposes: 2:00-3:00pm and 4:00-
6:30pm. Chalrs are avallable so you're noL sLuck
awkwardly sLandlng ln Lhe hallway.

LLA8n SCML1PlnC nLW 1CuA?? SPA8L Cn 1Wl11L8 uSlnC
8LLAxA1lCn S1A1lCn: (8ooms 801 & 802)

nyo[|n k|m, "now can we app|y Vygotsky's theor|es |nto
|anguage c|assrooms?"
1here are varlous klnds of Lheorles of language acqulslLlon and
meLhodologles of Leachlng Lngllsh. Pow can educaLors undersLand Lhelr
sLudenLs' language level and slLuaLed learnlng conLexL ln order Lo supporL
dlverse learners by provldlng adequaLe scaffoldlng?" 1he purpose of Lhls
sLudy ls Lo see how Leachers scaffold language learnlng Lhrough
classroom acLlvlLles based on undersLandlng sLudenLs' Zu (Zone
roxlmal uevelopmenL of vygoLsky) and how vygoLsky's Lheory, lnslsLlng
LhaL soclal lnLeracLlon ls vlLal Lo language acqulslLlon, can be applled Lo
real classrooms. uaLa collecLlon lncluded lnformal lnLervlews,
observaLlons of Leachers and sLudenLs, and class and lnLervlew audlo
recordlngs. 8y analyzlng my case sLudy, l would llke Lo glve assessmenLs
and suggesLlons Lo educaLors who wanL Lo Leach elemenLary sLudenLs
Lngllsh as a second or forelgn language. Moreover, even Lhough Lhls case
sLudy was conducLed ln an Amerlcan classroom conLexL, Lhe source of my
furLher research wlll be Lhe conLexL of a korean classroom.

I-An Chen, "Lng||sh Lducat|on |n 1a|wan: arad|gm Sh|ft
|n Approaches to Second Language Deve|opment"
Lngllsh educaLlon ln 1alwan has gone Lhrough a serles of reforms ln Lhe
pasL Lwo decades ln accordance wlLh paradlgm shlfLs ln undersLandlng
second language acqulslLlon (SLA). uesplLe conLlnuous pollcy and
currlculum framework reforms, sLudenLs' acLual communlcaLlve ablllLles
ln Lngllsh remaln aL lssue. 1he purpose of Lhls llLeraLure revlew ls Lo
undersLand Lhe predomlnanL SLA paradlgms and examlne Lhelr lnfluences
on Lhe developmenL of Lngllsh educaLlon ln 1alwan.
1hls presenLaLlon wlll begln wlLh a revlew of Lhe LheoreLlcal and
pedagoglcal foundaLlons LhaL embody each paradlgm, and examlne how
1alwanese educaLors have Laken Lhem up ln deslgnlng Lngllsh currlculum,
lnsLrucLlon and assessmenL. nexL, lL wlll ldenLlfy Lhe progress and
problems of Lngllsh educaLlon ln 1alwan as a resulL of Lhls approprlaLlon
of dlfferenL approaches Lo Leachlng Lngllsh as a forelgn language (LlL).
llndlngs wlll provlde lnslghL lnLo Lhe developmenL of LlL sLudenLs'
advanced Lngllsh capaclLles for use ln global conLexLs, and be of lnLeresL
Lo sLudenLs, educaLors, and pollcy makers concerned wlLh LlL learnlng
and Leachlng.
CWL8Cln1 C8 8LZl? WLlCP ln A1
SLSSlCn 2A: (8oom 803)

|an Wang, "Some Compar|sons 8etween CIL C|ass |n
the US and LIL C|ass |n Ch|na"
8ased on my own experlences ln learnlng Lngllsh ln Chlna and Leachlng
Chlnese ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes, l noLlced Lhere are qulLe dlfferenL Leachlng
phllosophy and meLhodologles ln Lhese Lwo counLrles. 1hls pro[ecL ls lnLended
Lo compare dlfferenL Leachlng sLyles beLween Lngllsh as a forelgn language
(LlL) ln Chlna and Chlnese as a forelgn language (ClL) ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes ln
order Lo beneflL educaLors from boLh conLexLs and allow Lhem Lo learn from
each oLher. uaLa for analysls ln Lhls pro[ecL comes from a case sLudy
conducLed ln a uS Chlnese classroom and my own experlences ln learnlng
Lngllsh ln Chlna. 1he flrsL parL of Lhe pro[ecL ls Lo analyze Lhe macro conLexLs
ln LlL and ClL (e.g. soclal, culLural, and pollLlcal conLexL), wlLh Lhe concluslon
LhaL LlL ls under more pressure boLh soclally and pollLlcally, and Lherefore
formulaLes a more sLrlcL Leachlng sLyle. 1hen Lhe pro[ecL focuses on a
comparlson of ln-class dlfferences, from Leacher and sLudenL dlsLrlbuLlon, Lo
classroom decoraLlon, Lo dlfferenL Leachlng meLhodologles ln pre-class, ln-
class, and posL class phases. llnally, Lhe paper wlll dlscuss Lhe advanLages and
dlsadvanLages of boLh Leachlng sLyles ln Lhe aspecLs of conversaLlonal
proflclency and conLenL acqulslLlon as a resource LhaL fuLure educaLors may
borrow from one oLher.

1ecnam oon, "App||cat|on of D|g|ta| Storyte|||ng for
Lffect|ve Lng||sh Learn|ng |n korean LIL c|assroom"
1hls mlxed meLhod research sLudy lnvesLlgaLes Lhe educaLlonal effecLs of
dlglLal sLoryLelllng as a communlcaLlve language learnlng sLraLegy ln an
Lngllsh as a lorelgn Language (LlL) elemenLary school class. ln order Lo
flnd ouL Lhe beneflLs and challenges of dlglLal sLoryLelllng ln Lhe LlL class,
Lhls Lool was selecLed and uLlllzed ln Lhe afLer-school LlL class for 12
weeks ln a rural elemenLary school ln korea. 1he resulLs show LhaL Lhe
dlglLal sLoryLelllng lncreased academlc skllls relaLed Lo learnlng Lngllsh,
whlle lL also helped Lo lmprove sLudenLs' communlcaLlve ablllLy,
encouraglng Lhelr collaboraLlon, moLlvaLlon and creaLlvlLy.

uCn'1 lC8CL1 1C ClvL uS ?Cu8 lLLu8ACk! llnu 1PL Su8vL? Llnk
SLSSlCn 2A: (8oom 803)

Mo||y A|v|n, "M|ndfu|ness |n the Schoo|s"
Mlndfulness has been used ln Lhe fleld of medlclne, psychology and
educaLlon for over 30 years, showlng lLs poslLlve effecLs on Lhe braln,
cognlLlve funcLlon, soclal-emoLlonal learnlng and self-regulaLlon, and
behavloral regulaLlon. Many research sLudles reveal LhaL mlndfulness
Lralnlng wlLh chlldren and adolescenLs can reduce sympLoms of sLress,
anxleLy, depresslon and AuPu. lL ls also argued LhaL mlndfulness helps
chlldren pay beLLer aLLenLlon, focus beLLer, be more klnd, reduce
classroom and playground confllcL, be more able Lo calm Lhemselves, and
perform beLLer academlcally. 1herefore, Lhls presenLaLlon descrlbes
flndlngs from llLeraLure revlews on Lhe Loplc of mlndfulness, as well as
from dlrecL experlence worklng wlLh a non-proflL on Cape Cod, Calmer
Cholce. 1he focus of Lhe presenLaLlon wlll be lnLroduclng Lhe audlence Lo
Lhe concepL of mlndfulness, prevlous research on adulLs and chlldren
uslng lL, and how lL can beneflL everyone worklng ln schools. racLlcal
suggesLlons and resources (lncludlng ways Lo learn more abouL
mlndfulness locally) wlll be also provlded. 1he LargeL audlence ls k-12
Leachers, adulL learners and graduaLe sLudenLs, admlnlsLraLors, chlld
speclallsLs, and pollcy makers.

kosoom kreetong, "|ay and Learn w|th Data Games"
CompuLer games generaLe rlch daLa whlch Lyplcally dlsappears upon
flnlshlng Lhe game. Powever, whaL lf LranslenL seLLlng daLa were saved
and provlded back Lo sLudenL gamers so Lhey can lmprove Lhelr game
performance? 1hls ls Lhe maln concepL underlylng Lhe uaLa Cames
pro[ecL. unllke many convenLlonal compuLer games where players
lmprove mosLly Lhrough pracLlce, games developed by Lhe uaLa Cames
ro[ecL Leam were deslgned so LhaL players analyze Lhelr daLa and apply
Lhelr maLhemaLlcal skllls ln order Lo develop wlnnlng sLraLegles. 1hls
sLudy presenLs daLa from mlddle-school classroom LesLs of acLlvlLles
assoclaLed wlLh Lwo games, Chalnsaw and Shlp Cdyssey. Chalnsaw
LargeLs Lhe developmenL of algebralc expresslons and Shlp Cdyssey ls
almed aL core sLaLlsLlcal ldeas among mlddle school sLudenLs. 1he LargeL
audlence for Lhls presenLaLlon lncludes Lhose lnLeresLed ln explorlng Lhe
use of Lechnology ln Lhe Leachlng and learnlng of maLhemaLlcs and
sLaLlsLlcs aL boLh secondary and college level.
SPA8L ?Cu8 ll8S1 AL8 8LSLn1A1lCn LxL8lLnCL A1
SLSSlCn 28: (8oom 804-08)

Me|na 8|an, "A Modu|e of 8u||d|ng a Cn||ne Learn|ng
Commun|ty for 1arget LSL |earner"
1hls sLudy lnvesLlgaLes modules of mulLlmodal llLeracy developmenL for
adulL Lngllsh as a Second Language (LSL) professlonals lnLegraLlng
mulLlmodal lnsLrucLlons on a cusLomlzed webslLe deslgned for an onllne
learnlng communlLy and an advanced upgradlng currlculum pro[ecL. 1he
daLa were collecLed ln an adulL learnlng cenLer ln WesLern MassachuseLLs.
AdulL LSCL currlculum unlL ls an orlglnal research wlLh an ouLpuL of a
module of onllne learnlng communlLy webslLe. A sample module wlll be
presenLed and lL ls an orlglnally deslgned pro[ecL based on ouLpuL of a
webslLe connecLed Lo a 1esL cenLer, Local career cenLer, learnlng
resources-learnlng-maLerlal-sharlng, lnsLanL learnlng-Leachlng
lnLeracLlon, afLer school sLudy consulLaLlon carrled ouL by a real plaLform
of webslLe asslsLed by soclal neLwork webslLes: Coogle doc, Coogle+,
Coogle urlve, Cmall, 1wlLLer, lacebook, urop-box, Cloud daLa or 8lg daLa.
arLlclpanLs of Lhls case sLudy dlffered by level of Lngllsh proflclency:
beglnners-lnLermedlaLes favored vlsual learnlng sLyles more Lhan
advanced sLudenLs. AnCvA resulLs lndlcaLed LhaL advanced parLlclpanLs
slgnlflcanLly favored more read-wrlLe and less vlsual elLher ln aural and
klnesLheLlc. Male and female parLlclpanLs dlffered slgnlflcanLly ln Lhelr
cholce of vlsual learnlng.

1hls pro[ecL Lrles Lo lnLroduce onllne learnlng Lheory as a new approach ln
adulL LSL readlng and wrlLlng classrooms. Meanwhlle, Lhls module could
be adapLed Lo any adulL or k-12 pro[ecL based learnlng communlLy, elLher
onllne learnlng communlLy or classroom based learnlng lncluded, whlch
wlll consLanLly and effecLlvely connecL learners Lo learnlng resources and
conclude Lhelr requlred level of language feaLures and LexL sLrucLure ln a
wholesome Leachlng cycle and Lhereby help Lo break down learnlng gaps
or obsLacles Lo Lngllsh learnlng and career promoLlon ln Lhe u.S. conLexL.

SLSSlCn 28: (8oom 804-08)
WPlCP SLSSlCnS PAvL ?Cu A11LnuLu? SPA8L Cn 1Wl11L8 uSlnC


8renda nard|n Abbott, "ke|mag|n|ng the kura|: 1he Work|ng
C|ass Ident|t|es of I|rst ear Co||ege Students"
1hls eLhnographlc sLudy explores Lhree worklng-class college sLudenLs'
noLlons of ldenLlLy and sense of place by asklng how worklng-class college
sLudenLs undersLand Lhelr ldenLlLles Lhrough sLorylng and resLorylng of
Lhelr llves. urawlng on llLeracy narraLlve scholars such as Sollday (1994)
and 1he narraLlve ro[ecL aL 1he Chlo SLaLe unlverslLy (2013), Lhe llLeracy
narraLlve genre and narraLlve Lheory allow Lhe exploraLlon of ldenLlLles
and poslLlonlng Lhrough sLoryLelllng. uaLa were collecLed from
parLlclpanLs ln a flrsL-year wrlLlng class and lncluded observaLlons,
lnLervlews, and dlglLal narraLlves, whlch were coded for Lhe Lhemes of
resLorylng and poslLlonallLy. lL was found LhaL Lhrough Lhe reLelllng of
Lhelr sLorles, Lhese sLudenLs clalmed newly deflned poslLlons and LhaL
Lhelr ldenLlLles were shaped by Lhelr sense of place.

kayoung Song, "Cr|s|s or Cpportun|ty? A Iema|e LSL Speaker's
Ident|ty Construct|on |n n|gher Lducat|on"
Language learnlng and uslng are a llfe-long process wheLher lL ls a naLlve
language or a forelgn language. lor korean speakers, wlLh ever lncreaslng
lmporLance of Lngllsh language for Lhelr academlc and career success,
Lngllsh language learnlng and uslng have become cruclal ln negoLlaLlng
and consLrucLlng Lhelr ldenLlLles. ln a male domlnanL socleLy llke korea,
slnce Lhls Lendency ls more sallenL ln korean female LSL/LlL speakers, lL ls
valuable Lo lnvesLlgaLe how a female LSL/LlL user's ldenLlLy ls
consLrucLed, shlfLed, and negoLlaLed by looklng aL my own [ournal and
blog enLrles LhaL l have been keeplng as someone deeply engaged ln
hlgher educaLlon of Lhree dlfferenL conLexLs: korea, uS, and lrance. 1hls
auLoeLhnography wlll suggesL varlous ways ln whlch LSL/LlL speakers ln
hlgher educaLlon can be empowered by crlLlcally examlnlng Lhelr
ldenLlLles ln mulLllayered power relaLlons: male vs. female, Lngllsh naLlve
speakers vs. non-naLlve speakers, and a domlnanL language vs. a moLher
LLA8n SCML1PlnC nLW 1CuA?? SPA8L Cn 1Wl11L8 uSlnC

SLSSlCn 2C: (8oom 803-09)

Marsha L|aw, "Negot|at|ng and 8ecom|ng a L|teracy 1eacher"
1hls eLhnography explored how sLudenLs ln an undergraduaLe Leacher
educaLlon course form Lhelr ldenLlLy ln becomlng a llLeracy Leacher. ln
Lhls sLudy, Lhe researcher uncovered how llLeracy Leacher educaLlon was
framed and LaughL aL a sLaLe unlverslLy ln new Lngland as well as how
pre-servlce Leachers' professlonal Leachlng ldenLlLy was developed. ln
parLlcular, Lhe researcher examlned Lhe negoLlaLlons beLween pre-servlce
Leachers' learnlng and Lhe professor's approach. 1hrough a crlLlcal
analysls of classroom acLlvlLles, lnLeracLlons, and dlscourse, Lhe
researcher expecLs Lo show noL only how sLudenLs form Lhelr ldenLlLy as a
llLeracy Leacher, buL also make sense of learnlng, Leachlng, and llLeracy.

k|rsten ne|mer, "ueer L|teracy: keconceptua||z|ng kead|ng
LG81-themed 1exts |n nS Lng||sh Language Arts"
ln Lhls sesslon l wlll presenL an excerpL from my dlsserLaLlon research
Lhrough whlch l hope Lo offer LheoreLlcal and pedagoglcal lnslghLs
deslgned Lo lnLervene ln and dlsrupL heLeronormaLlvlLy ln schools and
beyond. 1hls eLhnographlc classroom sLudy explores how Leachlng an
Lngllsh llLeraLure currlculum cenLered on Lhe volces and sLorles of LC81
people consLlLuLes a meanlngful slLe for learnlng and Leachlng ln a hlgh
school classroom. urawlng upon prlnclples of crlLlcal llLeracy and femlnlsL
queer posLsLrucLural Lhlnklng, l aLLempL Lo concepLuallze queer llLeracy as
a mulLldlmenslonal crlLlcal readlng process. uslng daLa l have collecLed, l
wlll lllusLraLe how such queer llLeracy was enacLed ln Lhls hlgh school
course by provldlng examples from Lhe currlculum and Lhe classroom. lL ls
my hope LhaL Lhls sLudy mlghL provlde educaLors and admlnlsLraLors wlLh
much needed lnformaLlon abouL how a comprehenslve LC81-Lhemed
Lngllsh llLeraLure currlculum can be developed, lmplemenLed and LaughL
ln hlgh schools.
WPA1 C1PL8 CCnlL8LnCLS PAvL ?Cu A11LnuLu 1PlS ?LA8?
SLSSlCn 2C: (8oom 803-09)

Ienn|fer Cannon, "M|ndfu|ness, Student kes|stance, and the
L|m|ts of Iast-1rack 1eacher rep"
1hls paper explores Lhe challenges and posslblllLles of lmplemenLlng
mlndfulness and conLemplaLlve pedagogy ln Lhe fleld of soclal [usLlce
Leacher educaLlon. uslng pracLlLloner research and auLoeLhnography, Lhls
sLudy examlnes Lhe Lheme of sLudenL reslsLance and seeks Lo undersLand
Lhe role of emoLlon and embodled pedagogy ln Lhe classroom. 1he
research slLe ls a graduaLe course LhaL lnLroduces pre-servlce Leachers Lo
Lhe Lheory of crlLlcal mulLlculLural educaLlon and provldes a soclo-pollLlcal
framework for undersLandlng sysLems of oppresslon. ConLemplaLlve
pedagogy was lnLegraLed lnLo Lhe course ln order Lo help faclllLaLe an
open sLaLe of awareness and 'belng presenL' wlLh Lhe emoLlons LhaL arlse
when Lalklng abouL challenglng Loplcs. 1he followlng conLemplaLlve
pracLlces were used ln Lhe course: shorL medlLaLlons, boLh gulded and
sllenL, reflecLlve [ournallng, relaLlonal mlndfulness, and conLemplaLlve
readlng exerclses. Some of Lhese pracLlces were embraced whlle oLhers
were reslsLed. 1hls research aLLempLs Lo analyze Lhe macro conLexL of Lhls
reslsLance, lncludlng a crlLlcal examlnaLlon of fasL-Lrack Leacher prep
programs and neollberallsm ln Leacher educaLlon.

Dan| C'8r|en, "Confess|ons of a 'retend Ir|end' or
kecogn|z|ng the Co|on|zer Ins|de Me"
As a currenL docLoral sLudenL who alms Lo do crlLlcal research LhaL
challenges race and class based lnequlLles ln educaLlon, l had hoped my
flrsL eLhnography would noL merely descrlbe and explaln dlsparlLles buL
acLlvely lead Lo some Langlble change ln Lhe llfe of Lhe sLudenLs l was
worklng wlLh. Powever, desplLe my aLLempLs Lo do a "crlLlcal"
eLhnography, l qulckly began Lo reallze Lhe colonlzlng naLure of my
research. 1hls performance auLoeLhnography presenLs Lhe sLruggles l
faced whlle dolng my research as well as Lhe Lenslons l conLlnue Lo
explore as l Lry flgure ouL how Lo do research LhaL reflecLs my values and
bellefs. 1hls performance auLoeLhnography wlll be of parLlcular lnLeresL
Lo graduaLe sLudenLs and educaLlon researchers as well as anyone else
who sLruggles Lo do llberaLory work ln educaLlon.

ulu ?Cu LLA8n SCML1PlnC nLW ln 1PlS SLSSlCn? SPA8L Cn
1Wl11L8 uSlnC #1LCS14
SLSSlCn 2u: (8oom 811-13)

Meg Macc|n|, "Soc|a| Iust|ce, Governance for a ub||c Schoo|:
A ua||tat|ve Lthnograph|c Study"
Whlle Lhere ls emerglng quallLaLlve and quanLlLaLlve research on soclal [usLlce
educaLlon, Lhere ls exLremely llmlLed research ln Lhe area of charLer school
governance, or undersLandlng Lhe governance of a school based on prlnclples
of soclal [usLlce. 1hls pro[ecL endeavors Lo flll a gap ln Lhe exlsLlng research by
explorlng how a new charLer school's 8oard of 1rusLees and Lhe school's
leadershlp undersLands and enacLs lrelrlan soclal [usLlce awareness and
pracLlce" (school brochure, 2012), whlch ls a crlLlcal parL of Lhe school's
mlsslon and vlslon. 1hls quallLaLlve eLhnographlc sLudy Lakes place over Lhe
course of seven monLhs aL an urban charLer school ln MassachuseLLs. 1he
researcher conducLs parLlclpanL observaLlon and uses a grounded Lheory
approach Lo undersLandlng Lhe daLa. MulLlple forms of daLa lncludlng
documenLaLlon of a serles of 8oard meeLlngs, fleld noLes, LranscrlpLs of
lnLervlews, and meeLlng arLlfacLs were gaLhered over Lhe course of Lhe sLudy.
urawlng on Plllary !ank's lnLerdependenL Model of CrlLlcal LlLeracy,
prellmlnary flndlngs are dlscussed.

Dan|e| Mora|es, "Se|f-ref|ect|on and transformat|on |n
graduate schoo|"
1hls paper ls Lhe resulL of my auLoeLhnography as a LaLln Amerlcan graduaLe
sLudenL engaged ln Leachlng a course enLlLled lnLroducLlon Lo MulLlculLural
LducaLlon" geared Lo helplng sLudenLs undersLand Lhe soclopollLlcal conLexL
of educaLlon, whlle encouraglng Lhem Lo parLlclpaLe ln communlLy
engagemenL and servlce learnlng. 1he course dlrecLly addressed boLh
personal and sysLemlc lssues of prlvllege, oppresslon, and ln[usLlce. Clven my
pasL and currenL experlences as a graduaLe Leachlng asslsLanL, l recognlze Lhe
unlque slLuaLlon and poLenLlal of self-reflecLlon from lnLernaLlonal Leachers
faclllLaLlng classes composed almosL enLlrely of whlLe sLudenLs. locuslng on
crlLlcal pedagogy, crlLlcal race Lheory, and mulLlculLural educaLlon as lenses
for revlewlng my experlences whlle worklng wlLh whlLe sLudenLs, l lnclude my
own sLory of explorlng raclsm, classlsm, gender, sexual orlenLaLlon, age and
ablllLy oppresslon as a classroom Leacher, researcher, and graduaLe sLudenL.
1he daLa comprlslng Lhe basls of Lhls pro[ecL was derlved from a comblnaLlon
of self-reflecLlon and narraLlve lnqulry, and Lhrough crlLlcal examlnaLlon of my
pracLlces, l reflecL on my role as an lnsLrucLor ln Lhe class. lour Lhemes
emerged Lhrough self-reflecLlon: 1) LransformaLlve learnlng, 2) servlce
learnlng as false generoslLy, 3) ldenLlLy lssues, and 4) prlvllege and oppresslon
ln hlgher educaLlon. l deLall Lhese Lhemes and provlde excerpLs Lo Lell my
sLory abouL culLural ldenLlLy, soclal [usLlce, and Leachlng. 1he paper explores
posslble lmpllcaLlons for Lhe developmenL of raclally aware Leachers, and
broader connecLlons wlLh LransformaLlve pedagoglcal pracLlces.

SLSSlCn 2u: (8oom 811-13)

"#$% &' %#( )$%*+( ,- .+,/+('' &0 1$+23 4#&25#,,5 15*6$%&,07
1he purpose of Lhls sesslon ls Lo look across Lhe specLrum of early
chlldhood educaLlon and ask Lhe quesLlon, whaL ls Lhe naLure of
progress? 1he answers are revealed by comparlng Lheory and pracLlce ln
Lhe 1983 and 2013 Pandbooks of Larly Chlldhood LducaLlon. 1he Lwo
edlLlons of Lhe handbook are arranged ln a Loplcal manner and address
Lhe lmporLanL research lssues of Lhelr respecLlve Llmes.

1he quesLlon of progress came Lo promlnence ln Lhe afLermaLh of kuhn's
(1977), 1he naLure of SclenLlflc 8evoluLlons. kuhn lnLroduced Lhe
concepL of a paradlgm shlfL ln whlch one ma[or Lheory or way of dolng
sclence replaces anoLher. WhaL was unlque ln kuhn's formulaLlon was
LhaL paradlgm shlfLs were noL based upon solvlng Lhe prevlous seL of
quesLlons buL raLher on addresslng a new seL of quesLlons. 1he
parLlclpanLs ln Lhls symposlum wlll compare educaLlonal pracLlces ln 1983
and 2013 wlLh Lhe alm of ldenLlfylng areas of progress ln educaLlonal

1hls sesslon surveys seven dlfferenL areas of early chlldhood educaLlon:

Sangshln ark-- Chlldren's LlLeraLure
8achael Adams - Speclal LducaLlon: undersLandlng eer ALLlLudes
1owards Chlldren wlLh ulsablllLles and Lhelr lmpllcaLlons
Pannl S. 1homa - Second Language AcqulslLlon: A SocloculLural
erspecLlve on Lhe LvoluLlon of 1heory and racLlce
Culcln 8llgener - arenL lnvolvemenL and lamlly ConLexL ln Larly
Chlldhood LducaLlon
uerlna 8ooLhroyd - MaLhemaLlcal LducaLlon ln Larly Chlldhood Learnlng
Corey 8lneharL - lay ln Larly Chlldhood LducaLlon
Akesa Mafl - MulLlculLural LducaLlon ln Larly Chlldhood LducaLlon

WPA1 C1PL8 CCnlL8LnCLS PAvL ?Cu A11LnuLu 1PlS ?LA8?
SLSSlCn 38: (8oom 803)

AC+&0/-&(25 .*D2&6 A6#,,2' E,D F0-,+G$%&,0 A(''&,0
!"#$ &'(')* +",-. /'01"(#'0 23,4.405(-51(

1he Sprlngfleld ubllc School dlsLrlcL ls commlLLed Lo hlrlng a dlverse pool
of quallfled educaLors and admlnlsLraLors Lo [oln Lhelr Leam.

1he Sprlngfleld ubllc Schools ls Lhe second largesL school dlsLrlcL ln
MassachuseLLs, servlng over 26,000 sLudenLs ln 36 schools. 1he dlsLrlcL
has a hlghly commlLLed sLaff, a sLrong school commlLLee, and very
supporLlve communlLy parLnershlps.

8e parL of Lhe 67(4.894':3 &(1,40' - lf you are commlLLed Lo fosLerlng
excellence ln all sLudenLs, effecLlve ln enabllng your sLudenLs Lo achleve
hlgh levels of academlc success, llke Lo work collaboraLlvely as parL of a
Leam, have sLrong conLenL and pedagoglcal knowledge, and embrace and
value dlverslLy - Lhe Sprlngfleld ubllc Schools may be Lhe place for you.

SLop by Lhls sesslon Lo speak wlLh Lucy erez, SS P8 admlnlsLraLor, or
conLacL her aL perezluc[sps.sprlngfleld.ma.us or 413-337-9437 for more
deLalls abouL [ob opporLunlLles. Cr vlslL Lhe SS webslLe aL
www.sps.sprlngfleld.ma.us Lo learn more abouL employmenL
opporLunlLles, career advancemenL, and excellenL professlonal
developmenL offerlngs.

ulu ?Cu MAkL A nLW CCnnLC1lCn A1 1PlS SLSSlCn? SPA8L A1
"""89:41;<<=84<>?@14ABA< C8 H@14AIJ Cn 1Wl11L8
SLSSlCn 3A: (8ooms 801-802)

Anthony h||||ps, "Access and Success: now Co||ege kead|ness
programs support the Soc|a|]Character Deve|opment of 8|ack
1he sysLemlc lnequallLy ln access Lo college for 8lack sLudenLs ls one of Lhe
ma[or lssues faclng educaLlon Loday. urban 8lack youLh as well as lnner-rlng
suburban sLudenLs face a number of barrlers Lo hlgher educaLlon, boLh ln
and ouLslde of Lhe classroom.many.lack Lhe college admlsslon lnformaLlon
Lhey need" (1racy, lrelmark, and Lonergan, 2003 p. 7). As a resulL, many 8lack
sLudenLs are noL recelvlng Lhe proper supporL needed Lo LranslLlon lnLo
college. 1hls paper lnLends Lo explore whaL research descrlbes are some of
Lhe parLlcular personal/soclal lssues college readlness programs musL address
when worklng wlLh 8lack sLudenLs. WrlLlngs on whaL facLors conLrlbuLe Lo
successful college readlness programs are essenLlal Lo dlscusslons on whaL
resources should be lnvesLed lnLo Lhe developmenL of 8lack secondary school
sLudenLs. ln Lhls paper, l engage ln Lhe Lask of descrlblng some
characLer/soclal lssues LhaL research has ldenLlfled as plvoLal Lo supporLlng
8lack sLudenLs successfully navlgaLe Lhe college maLrlculaLlon process. 8ased
on Lhls research, l analyze whaL soclal lssues and componenLs a college
readlness program should poLenLlally conslder ln sLrucLurlng Lhelr college
prep servlces for 8lack sLudenLs.

N|n| nayes, "now I Got Cver: Instructors of Co|or: 1he|r
Lxper|ences of kac|a| M|croaggress|ons"
Sue, Capodllupo, 1orlno, 8uccerl, Polder, nadal, & Lsqullln (2007) deflne
raclal mlcroaggresslons as brlef and commonplace dally verbal, behavloral,
or envlronmenLal lndlgnlLles, wheLher lnLenLlonal or unlnLenLlonal, LhaL
communlcaLe hosLlle, derogaLory, or negaLlve raclal sllghLs and lnsulLs Loward
people of color" (p. 271). 1hese raclal mlcroaggresslons are ofLen perpeLraLed
unknowlngly, yeL Lhe accumulaLed lmpacL has deflnlLe soclal, emoLlonal,
psychologlcal, and physlcal consequences for people of color. 1hls llved reallLy
can lnfluence ma[or llfe declslons and has an lmpacL on a person's quallLy of
llfe (Sue eL al., 2007). 1he sLudy examlned lncldences of raclal
mlcroaggresslons experlenced by four docLoral Leachlng assoclaLes of color
perpeLraLed by Lhelr WhlLe sLudenLs whlle Leachlng aL a predomlnanLly WhlLe
lnsLlLuLlon (Wl). 1he daLa was collecLed uslng a focus group lnLervlew aL a
publlc norLheasL llagshlp unlverslLy. 1he flndlngs show LhaL Lhe docLoral
Leachlng assoclaLes of color experlenced raclal mlcroaggresslons as well as
sexlsL mlcroaggresslons. 1helr lnslghL can help faculLy and admlnlsLraLors
work Lowards and reallze posslblllLles of soclal [usLlce and lncluslvlLy LhaL
lnLerrupLs and reslsLs Lhe culLural norms of hlgher educaLlon belng a place
LhaL upholds Lhe sLaLus quo.
LLA8n SCML1PlnC nLW 1CuA?? SPA8L Cn 1Wl11L8 uSlnC

SLSSlCn 3C: (8oom 804-08)

Leta nooper, "Advocat|ng Lqu|ty for 1each|ng and Learn|ng:
8|ack Veteran Lducators' Lxper|ences 8efore and After 8rown
v. 8oard of Lducat|on"
1he malnsLream narraLlve on 8rown v. 8oard of LducaLlon presenLs
a llmlLed perspecLlve on Lhe role LhaL 8lack educaLors played
ln advocaLlng for equlLy ln Lhe Leachlng force and educaLlon for
school and posL-secondary lnsLlLuLlons. Slddle-Walker, (2013) argues
LhaL Lhere ls llmlLed research ln Lhe fleld of educaLlon LhaL
addresses 8lack educaLors belng acLlvlsLs for educaLlon before and afLer
Lhe 8rown v. 8oard of LducaLlon declslon. uslng llfe hlsLory as
a meLhodology, Lhls quallLaLlve sLudy explores Afrlcan Amerlcan
veLeran educaLors schoollng and Leachlng experlences ln Lhe norLh
before and afLer Lhe landmark declslon on 8rown v. 8oard of LducaLlon
ln 1934 and 1933. uhunpaLh (2000) clalms LhaL when Lhe llfe hlsLory
approach ls consldered ln research, lL makes meanlng on undersLandlng
how moLlves and pracLlces reflecL Lhe lnLlmaLe lnLersecLlon of
lnsLlLuLlonal and lndlvldual experlence ln Lhe posLmodern world (p.
344). CrlLlcal race Lheory and ldenLlLy Lheory are used as LheoreLlcal
frameworks Lo examlne Lhe educaLors' experlences and counLer Lhe
domlnanL narraLlve on Lhe hlsLory of educaLlon for 8lacks ln Lhe unlLed
SLaLes. 1he researcher uses an lnLerpreLlve approach (Maxwell, 2012) Lo
analyze Lhe personal sLorles LhaL Lhe educaLors shared durlng Lhe
lnLervlews. 1he flndlngs of Lhls sLudy show how Lhe educaLors'
experlences shape Lhelr professlonal ldenLlLy and bellefs abouL
educaLlon. lmpllcaLlons of Lhls sLudy suggesL ways Lo examlne how Lhe
declslon on 8rown v. 8oard of LducaLlon conLlnues Lo effecL people ln Lhe
Leachlng force, k-12 schools, and posL-secondary lnsLlLuLlons.

WPA1 C1PL8 CCnlL8LnCLS PAvL ?Cu A11LnuLu 1PlS ?LA8?
SLSSlCn 3C: (8oom 804-08)

S|mone Gug||otta & Iess|ca ugna||, "8u||d|ng a Lusophone
ner|tage Language Commun|ty: 1he Many Layers of
Co||aborat|ve Work"
1hls communlLy-based parLlclpaLory research pro[ecL reporLs Lhe efforL
underLaken by Lwo organlzer-researchers who work LogeLher preparlng
acLlvlLles and bulldlng Lhe currlculum for Lhe bl-weekly meeLlngs of a
blllngual herlLage Lusophone language communlLy. ln our presenLaLlon
we wlll focus on how our collaboraLlon enhances Lhe experlences of Lhe
blllngual herlLage communlLy and Lhe famllles LhaL we work wlLh. 8esldes
preparlng lesson plans for Lhe meeLlngs, our collaboraLlon also lncludes
readlng and dlscusslng Lheorles on cross-age learner developmenL,
communlLy based co-consLrucLlon of language learnlng, and mulLl-
languages and mulLl-culLural awareness. 1he presenLaLlon wlll be Lhe
descrlpLlon of our collaboraLlon, pro[ecL ln communlLy, and our flndlngs
so far. Cur LargeL audlence can be forelgn language Leachers, k-12
Leachers, LSL/LlL learners, and pollcy makers.

ame|a Shea, "Mentor|ng Iu|br|ght Iore|gn Language 1eachers
|n a U.S. Un|vers|ty Language rogram"
u.S. unlverslLles lncreaslngly recrulL lnLernaLlonal language Leachers
Lhrough Lhe lulbrlghL lorelgn Language 1eachlng AsslsLanLshlp (lL1A)
program. AlLhough lulbrlghL ls a growlng program wlLh lncreaslng federal
fundlng every year, Lhere ls a lack of research regardlng lL1As' experlence
durlng Lhelr parLlclpaLlon. 1hls quallLaLlve eLhnographlc mulLlple case
sLudy explores how novlce lL1A 1urklsh, kenyan and lndlan language
Leachers' pedagoglcal bellefs and pracLlces are negoLlaLed and
Lransformed over a 9 monLh perlod. 1he analysls wlll focus on menLorshlp
and how lL affecLs Lhelr personal and professlonal experlences. uaLa are
Laken from mulLlple sources such as: vldeo and audlo Laped lnLervlews,
fleld noLes, and arLlfacLs such as classroom maLerlals and asslgnmenLs.
1he flndlngs may be used Lo lnform Lhe lulbrlghL Language 1eacher
AsslsLanL rogram of Lhe need for onslLe, Lralned menLors for Lhelr lL1As.

WPA1 A8L ?Cu LCCklnC lC8WA8u 1C A8Cu1 1PlS SLSSlCn? SPA8L
Cn 1Wl11L8 uSlnC #1LCS14
SLSSlCn 3u: (8oom 803-09)

Sha|maa Moustafa, "Cr|t|ca| L|terac|es and Arab|c Language
1each|ng at the Un|vers|ty Leve|"
1hls research ls an eLhnographlc research pro[ecL conducLed ln an Arablc
lnLermedlaLe college level course Lo examlne Lhe employmenL of Lhe
sLudenLs' crlLlcal llLeracles Lo approach Arab culLure crlLlcally. 1hls paper
hlghllghLs Lhe purpose of Lhe sLudy, Lhe research quesLlons, Lhe sLudy
conLexL, meLhods of daLa collecLlon and analysls and flndlngs. 1he
purpose of Lhe sLudy ls Lo research Lhe ways of llnklng Arablc learnlng ln
Lhe forelgn conLexL Lo lLs overall culLural background Lo challenge Lhe
sLereoLypes creaLed abouL Arab culLure Lhrough lnvolvlng sLudenLs ln
crlLlcal culLural dlscusslons and crlLlcal mulLlmodal pro[ecLs. 1he maln
guldlng quesLlon of Lhls research ls: how do sLudenLs develop an Arab
culLural awareness when crlLlcal llLeracles are used Lo Leach Arablc? 1hls
eLhnography employs Lhe Lools of observaLlons, audlo/vldeo-recordlng,
fleld noLes, surveys, lnLervlews and sLudenLs' arLlfacLs for daLa
collecLlon. Crounded Lheory ls used for daLa analysls. 1he prellmlnary
flndlngs of Lhe sLudy lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs were able Lo engage ln crlLlcal
dlscusslons approachlng Arab culLure crlLlcally challenglng sLereoLypes
creaLed abouL LhaL speclflc culLure ln Lhe forelgn conLexL. lurLhermore,
sLudenLs were able Lo draw on Lhelr mulLlllLeracles Lo produce
mulLlmodal pro[ecLs LhaL vlewed Arab culLure as mulLl-layered and
complex LhaL go beyond Lhe prevalenL sLereoLypes.

WPA1 C1PL8 CCnlL8LnCLS PAvL ?Cu A11LnuLu 1PlS ?LA8?
SLSSlCn 3u: (8oom 803-09)

Sangch|| Lee, "Lxam|n|ng 1eacher rofess|ona| Deve|opment
and Its ke|at|onsh|p to Student kead|ng Ach|evement"
1he purpose of Lhe sLudy ls Lo examlne Lhe amounL of u and lLs relaLlonshlp Lo
sLudenL readlng achlevemenL. 1wo research quesLlons were addressed: (1) Pow
does dlfferenL amounLs of u have a relaLlonshlp Lo sLudenL readlng achlevemenL?
(2) WhaL facLors affecL Leachers' parLlclpaLlon ln u? uaLa for Lhe currenL paper
were drawn from rogress ln lnLernaLlonal 8eadlng LlLeracy SLudy (l8LS) 2011.
1he presenL analyLlc sample enLalls 11,291 uS fourLh-grade Leachers lnvolved ln
l8LS 2011. l8LS 2011 used quesLlonnalres Lo measure Lhe amounL of u. 1he
currenL sLudy comblned and summed Lhe scores of each readlng measure for
sLudenL readlng achlevemenL resulLs. 1wo lndependenL varlables perLalned Lo Lhe
amounL of u were drawn from l8LS 2011 Leacher quesLlonnalres: school
emphasls on academlc success and Leacher collaboraLlon Lo lmprove Leachlng.
1eacher responses Lo Lhe quesLlonnalres and sLudenL readlng achlevemenL resulLs
were used for daLa analysls. 1eacher daLa were llnked Lo Lhelr sLudenL daLa, whlch
enables Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon of Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe amounLs of u and
sLudenL achlevemenL. 1he flndlngs are: (1) 1he amounL of u had a sLaLlsLlcally
slgnlflcanL lmpacL on sLudenL ouLcomes. (2) More Lhan 16 hours spenL ln u
lnfluenced sLudenLs' achlevemenL galns wlLh a sLaLlsLlcal slgnlflcance. (3) 1he
amounL of u had a poslLlve relaLlonshlp Lo school emphasls on academlc success
buL a negaLlve relaLlonshlp Lo Leacher collaboraLlon Lo lmprove Leachlng. 1hls
sLudy suggesLs LhaL fuLure sLudles need Lo furLher examlne Lhe lmpacL of u on
sLudenLs' achlevemenL assoclaLed wlLh u conLenL as well as u amounL.

nyunsook Sh|n, "Impact of genre-based pedagogy on teach|ng
pract|ce for LLLs"
1he amounL of resources such as professlonal developmenL programs and new
lnLervenLlons assoclaLed wlLh a large-scale research has llLLle lmpacL on lmprovlng
classroom pracLlce (8audenbuLh, 2003). 1o flnd whaL supporLs or lmpedes
Leachlng and learnlng ln relaLlon Lo a cerLaln LreaLmenL, lL ls lmperaLlve Lo
lnvesLlgaLe whaL ls happenlng ln a speclflc classroom pracLlce, whlch depends on
lndlvldual Leachers, sLudenLs, ongolng evenLs, and resources avallable Lo Lhem. ln
parLlcular, Lhe way Leachers lmplemenL sub[ecL knowledge varles accordlng Lo
lndlvlduals, no maLLer whaL resources Lhey geL Lhrough professlonal developmenL.
lL can be hard Lo measure how a professlonal developmenL program affecLs
Leachlng pracLlce, as sLaLed by 8audenbuLh (2003). ln Lhls regard, l descrlbed Lhe
lmpacL of genre-based pedagogy (C8) uslng sysLemlc funcLlonal llngulsLlcs (SlL)
on Leachlng pracLlce for Lngllsh language learners. 1he approach was lnLroduced
Lo Leachers who parLlclpaLed ln ACCLLA, whlch ls a masLer-degree program
provlded for Leachers ln Sprlngfleld and Polyoke ln parLnershlp wlLh uMass. lor
Lhe sLudy, l quesLlon: (1) Pow C8 was puL lnLo pracLlce, and (2) Pow C8 was
addressed Lo sLudenLs' needs. l collecLed lnLervlew daLa wlLh a Leacher, audloLape
and vldeoLape of a classroom pracLlce, sLudenL survey responses and sLudenL
sample wrlLlng from flve flfLh-grade LLLs and a Leacher. lor Lhe sLudy, l examlned
lnLervlew LranscrlpL, vldeo LranscrlpL, and sLudenL survey responses. uaLa wlll be
analyzed by uslng nvlvo. llndlngs wlll be dlscussed Lo provlde beLLer
undersLandlng of genre-based approach Lo wrlLlng ln LLL classroom pracLlce.
SLSSlCn 3L: (8oom 811-13)

Adena Ca|den & . kev|n ke|th, "Mu|t|nat|ona| Compar|son of
Se|f-Lff|cacy as a red|ctor for M|dd|e Schoo| Mathemat|cs
1hls orlglnal research sLudy examlned Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween self-efflcacy
and achlevemenL ln maLhemaLlcs among 8Lh grade sLudenLs ln Lhe unlLed
SLaLes, !apan, and Lngland uslng 1rends ln lnLernaLlonal MaLhemaLlcs and
Sclence SLudy (1lMMS) 2011 daLa. We examlned Lhe exLenL Lo whlch self-
efflcacy relaLed Lo overall achlevemenL, how self-efflcacy and achlevemenL
dlffered ln dlfferenL sLrands of maLhemaLlcs (algebra, number, daLa and
chance, geomeLry), Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween self-efflcacy and LoLal
achlevemenL across counLrles, and Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween self-efflcacy and
sLrand achlevemenL across counLrles. 8y analyzlng Lhe 1lMMS self-efflcacy
daLa from Lhe sLudenL quesLlonnalre and achlevemenL daLa uslng regresslon
analysls and 1he lnLernaLlonal AssoclaLlon for Lhe LvaluaLlon of LducaLlonal
AchlevemenL (lLA) lnLernaLlonal uaLa 8ase (lu8) analyzer, we were able Lo
deLermlne LhaL sLudenLs ln !apan were beLLer aL evaluaLlng Lhelr
maLhemaLlcal ablllLles Lhan sLudenLs ln Lngland and Lhe u.S. ln addlLlon we
found self-efflcacy Lo be a sLaLlsLlcally slgnlflcanL predlcLor of achlevemenL ln
all Lhree counLrles whlch should be noLed by boLh pollcymakers and k-12

ne|en-Ann Ire|and, "An Cdd Comb|nat|on: now Storyte|||ng |n
Math romotes Shared Imag|nat|ons"
1hls compressed eLhnography beglns Lo explore Lhe mulLl-modal approach Lo
promoLlng maLhemaLlcal llLeracy ln a second grade classroom ln a Waldorf
school by examlnlng how one Leacher wove a maLh sLory LhroughouL Lhe
lessons LhaL unlLed all Lhe acLlvlLles from mornlng movemenL, Lo menLal
maLh, Lo calculaLlons, Lo drawlng examples of maLh rules. lL examlnes Lhe
culLure of Leachlng and Lhe soclal culLure LhaL ls creaLed ln a Waldorf
classroom Lhrough whole-body movemenL acLlvlLles, sLoryLelllng, group work,
and drawlng Lo promoLe number sense for a wlde varleLy of learnlng sLyles. lL
examlnes how Lhe lnherenL culLural norms of Waldorf Leachlng relaLe Lo Lhe
consLrucLlvlsL approach (8rooks and 8rooks, 1999) and Lo Lhe slx-enLry-polnLs
Lo Leachlng for undersLandlng ln and Lhrough Lhe dlsclpllnes as suggesLed by
Poward Cardner (2004). lL also looks aL Lhe developmenLal approach Lo
Leachlng LhaL Lakes lnLo accounL Lhe naLure of Lhe young chlld and whaL
meeLs Lhelr dlverse needs as learners (8rooks and 8rooks, 1999, uewey,
1938/1967, kress, 1997/2000, new London Croup, 1996, lageL, 1969/2000,
SLelner, 1919/1969, vygoLsky, 1978).
1hls ls a work ln progress and Lhe flndlngs are very prellmlnary. Accordlng Lo
Lhls Leacher, sLoryLelllng ls Lhe cenLral unlfylng modallLy LhaL she uses Lo Leach
her maLh unlLs. ln her reasonlng, lL relaLes Lo schema Lheory ln LhaL Lhe she ls
uslng sLory as a devlce for represenLlng knowledge of a concepL, or ln
consLrucLlvlsL Lerms, Lhe '8lg ldea'. Whlle we would normally assoclaLe
schema Lheory wlLh learnlng Lo read, Lhls Leacher ls uslng sLory Lo promoLe
number sense. 1hls would be of lnLeresL Lo Leachers who are sLrlvlng Lo
lncorporaLe many access polnLs Lo undersLandlng ln Lhelr lessons.
SLSSlCn 3L: (8oom 811-13)

D|nah Macha|| & N|kk| u||en, "1each|ng 1echno|ogy
Workshop II"

ln Lhls sesslon, presenLers wlll do a slde-by-slde comparlson of Lwo apps
wlLh loLs of poLenLlal for classroom use: LduCreaLlons and knowmla,
presenLlng pros and cons of each whlle lllusLraLlng wlLh anecdoLes from
Lhelr own mlddle and hlgh school classroom use.

8r|ng your |aptop, tab|et, or other mob||e dev|ce to th|s
SLSSlCn 4C: (8oom 803-09)

Akesa Maf|, Mar|ce| Lucero, & Iess|ca I|||on, "Workshop:
kac|a| M|croaggress|ons |n a k-12 Sett|ng"
1he purpose of Lhls workshop ls Lo ralse awareness and ldenLlfy Lools for
managlng raclal mlcroaggresslons ln a k-12 classroom seLLlng. 1hls
sesslon wlll be based on ur. uerald Wlng Sue's research and oLher
scholarly [ournals on mlcroaggresslons. 1he parLlclpanLs ln Lhls sesslon
are expecLed Lo collaboraLe ln small groups, analyze scenarlos of
mlcroagresslons ln Lhe classroom and bralnsLorm poslLlve ways of
effecLlvely deallng wlLh Lhem.
SLSSlCn 4u: (8oom 811-13)

Sharon Ldwards, "1each|ng 1echno|ogy Workshop I"

ln Lhls sesslon, Sharon Ldwards, faculLy dlrecLor of 1LAMS and local
Lechnology guru, wlll lead parLlclpanLs Lhrough a hands-on Lour of Lhe
laLesL web-based Lools for enhanclng Leachlng and learnlng.

8r|ng your |aptop, tab|et, or other mob||e dev|ce to th|s

SLSSlCn 4A: (8oom 803)

L||zabeth Cahn & Co||een Sm|th, "GrantSearch for Grad
Students (GSGS) Workshop"
1hls sesslon, led by Lwo represenLaLlves from Lhe CraduaLe School's
fundlng supporL Leam, ls deslgned Lo lnLroduce docLoral sLudenLs Lo
opporLunlLles for exLernally fundlng Lhelr research and developlng
essenLlal professlonal developmenL skllls Lhrough granL-searchlng and
wrlLlng. Lxamples wlll focus on soclal sclence and educaLlon-relaLed granL
searches and sLraLegles.

SLSSlCn 48: (8oom 804-08)

kenee Affo|ter, "1owards Student Centered Learn|ng:
Strateg|es for roduct|ve 1a|k |n Sc|ence"
1alk helps sLudenLs access and communlcaLe Lhelr ldeas, reflecL on Lhelr
currenL undersLandlng, reason sclenLlflcally, and allows Lhelr Lhlnklng Lo be
revealed so lnsLrucLlon can be adapLed (Mlchaels & C'Connor, 2012,
Mlchaels, Shouse, & Schwelngruber, 2008, WlndschlLl, 2013). Powever,
opporLunlLles for sLudenLs Lo engage ln producLlve Lalk ln order Lo consLrucL
undersLandlng are llmlLed ln mosL sclence classrooms (urlver, newLon, &
Csborne, 2000, Lemke, 1990, Mlchaels eL al., 2008, 8elnsvold & Cochran,
2011, ScoLL, MorLlmer, & Agular, 2006). 1hese and oLher sLudles slLe Lhe
promlnence of Leacher-domlnaLed Lalk ln sclence classrooms, whlch ofLen
feaLure a LradlLlonal Lalk formaL called Lhe lnlLlaLlon-8esponse-LvaluaLlon
(l8L) formaL (Mehan, 1979). Whlle Lhere are some sLudles LhaL reveal Lhe
speclflc Lalk moves Leachers can make Lo promoLe sLudenL Lhlnklng and a
culLure where sLudenL ldeas are valued, more needs Lo be done Lo ldenLlfy
speclflc lnsLrucLlonal moves and sLrucLures LhaL glve sLudenLs access Lo
sclenLlflc ways of Lhlnklng and dlsrupL Lhe power sLrucLure of Leachers as Lhe
only auLhorlLy (Cornellus and Perrenkohl, 2013, 8lLchle, 2001).

L|ena Cruz, "Successfu||y Integrat|ng S1LM Into an LLL
1hls pro[ecL explores Lhe use and beneflLs of hands on S1LM (sclence,
Lechnology, englneerlng, and maLh) educaLlon on Lngllsh Language Learners
ln a shelLered Lngllsh lmmerslon elemenLary classroom seLLlng. 1hrough a
llLeraLure revlew of currenL research on Lhe sub[ecL, as well as documenLaLlon
of my own S1LM currlculum pro[ecL, l wlll show Lhe harmful resulLs of a lack
of culLurally and llngulsLlcally accesslble sclence ln LLL classrooms. l wlll also
show Lhe poslLlve effecLs of lnLegraLlng hands-on lnqulry sclence lnLo Lhe
currlculum of elemenLary LLLs. My presenLaLlon wlll demonsLraLe how a S1LM
pro[ecL on blrds and haLchlng chlcken eggs conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe growLh of Lhe
sLudenLs language and llLeracy skllls whlle also meeLlng varlous common core
and sLaLe academlc sLandards. 1hrough Lhls presenLaLlon l hope Lo lnsplre and
encourage oLher k-12 Leachers Lo acLlvely engage Lhelr LLL sLudenLs wlLh
more S1LM based pro[ecLs.
SLSSlCn 3A: (8oom 803)

Iohn neffernan, "L|ementary kobot|cs Long|tud|na| Study"
1he auLhor creaLed and documenLed a sLandards-allgned, roboLlcs-based k-6
englneerlng currlculum. 1he currlculum has been uLlllzed ln a number of
classrooms for many years (Peffernan, 2012). 1he currlculum conLalns a
varleLy of open-ended englneerlng challenges and Leacher-dlrecLed
acLlvlLles. lurLher analysls and reflnemenL ls requlred Lo deLermlne how
Leachers can beLLer scaffold sLudenL's englneerlng processes from grade Lo
grade. SLudenLs' englneerlng processes need Lo be characLerlzed ln a
sysLemaLlc manner. A cross secLlonal, quallLaLlve case sLudy wlll be employed
Lo examlne a small represenLaLlve sample of sLudenLs aL each grade, k-6 as
Lhey lmplemenL Lhe same open-ended englneerlng challenge of bulldlng a
roboLlcs amusemenL park rlde model wlLh age approprlaLe roboLlcs and crafL
maLerlals. SLudenLs wlll be lnvlLed Lo descrlbe and capLure Lhelr lnlLlal ldeas
and plans Lhrough Lalklng, wrlLlng, and/or drawlng. SLudenLs wlll be
vldeoLaped from above Lo capLure boLh consLrucLlon and programmlng. A
Lhlnk aloud proLocol wlll be uLlllzed Lo capLure verbal dlscourse. 1he analysls
wlll focus on Llme spenL ln Lhe process on dlfferenL acLlvlLles lncludlng
plannlng, Llnkerlng, researchlng, bulldlng, programmlng and evaluaLlng. uaLa
wlll also be examlned Lo see changes by age. Common age-relaLed challenges
Lo reallzlng sLudenLs deslgn ldeas wlll be ldenLlfled. rellmlnary and
exploraLory research resulLs for Lhls docLoral sLudy wlll be presenLed.

Deborah Car||s|e, "Ioster|ng Spat|a| Sk||| Acqu|s|t|on by
Genera| Chem|stry Students"
1he sLudy of organlc chemlsLry requlres Lhe undersLandlng and use of spaLlal
relaLlonshlps, whlch can be challenglng for many sLudenLs. rlor research has
shown LhaL Lhere ls a need Lo develop sLudenLs' spaLlal reasonlng skllls. 1o
LhaL end, Lhls sLudy lmplemenLed gulded acLlvlLles deslgned Lo sLrengLhen
sLudenLs' spaLlal skllls, wlLh Lhe alm of preparlng sLudenLs for organlc
chemlsLry and oLher fuLure S1LM courses. 1hls sLudy engaged sLudenLs Laklng
Lhe second semesLer of a Lwo-semesLer general chemlsLry course and
followed a nonequlvalenL pre/posL LesL experlmenLal deslgn, ln whlch Lhe
experlmenLal (n = 209) and Lhe conLrol group (n = 212) were admlnlsLered a
pre-LesL. SLudenLs volunLarlly chose Lo parLlclpaLe ln one, Lwo or Lhree
acLlvlLles durlng Lhelr laboraLory perlods. AL Lhe compleLlon of Lhe semesLer,
boLh groups parLlclpaLed ln a posL-LesL deslgned Lo measure spaLlal sklll
acqulslLlon. 1he resulLs show LhaL Lhe mean score rose ln Lhe experlmenLal
group afLer each successlve lnLervenLlon. A one-way AnCvA conflrmed LhaL
sLudenL performance dlffered slgnlflcanLly beLween Lhe Lhree lnLervenLlons
and Lhe conLrol group. When dlsaggregaLlng posL-LesL resulLs by gender, male
and female sLudenLs showed approxlmaLely Lhe same overall mean score
lmprovemenL. llndlngs may be of lnLeresL Lo educaLors and Leacher educaLors
of S1LM courses.
SLSSlCn 3A: (8oom 803)

1LCS Iacu|ty ane|, "Lducat|on keform: Mapp|ng the 1erra|n"
<4%#==+ <4%%45:O R.,4 I.'$++&O /=2$+&5+ 78==#*4&O N48$4
Pow have Lhe varlous acLors and forces ln Lhe educaLlon reform
movemenL broughL us Lo Lhe currenL sLaLe of educaLlon Loday? WhaL
lmpacL are Lhese forces havlng ln our schools and Lhe communlLles we
hold dear? Pow are Lhey lmpacLlng Leacher educaLors ln our College? 1hls
panel presenLs a dlscusslon on Lhe concerns Lhe faculLy of Lhe
ueparLmenL of 1eacher LducaLlon and Currlculum SLudles 1LCS, from our
four programs (Chlldren, lamlly and Schools, Language, LlLeracy and
CulLure, MaLhemaLlcs, Sclence and Learnlng 1echnologles, and 1eacher
LducaLlon and School lmprovemenL) share on educaLlon reform. 1he goal
of Lhe panel ls Lo begln a dlscusslon among Lhe faculLy and sLudenLs
of 1LCS abouL Lhese lmporLanL lssues. lour faculLy presenLers wlll provlde
an overvlew of educaLlon reform lssues ranglng from governmenL reforms
(nCL8, 8ace Lo Lhe 1op, SLandardlzed 1esLlng, CharLer Schools) Lo
phllanLhroplc lnfluences (1he CaLes loundaLlon, 1he 8road loundaLlon),
Lo alLrulsLlc lnlLlaLlves (1each for Amerlca, SLudenLs llrsL) Lo markeL forces
(Ampllfy, earson, Wlreless CeneraLlon, 1he new MarkeL 1ax CredlL). We
wlll also focus on lnLernaLlonal Lrends LhaL mlrror and relnforce u.S.
federal reform and whaL lL means Lo Leacher educaLors, researchers, and
advocaLes and Lo our 1LCS communlLy. 1he panel wlll open Lhe floor Lo
general dlscusslon wlLh Lhe audlence Lo share lnlLlaLlves of local acLlon
and generaLe ldeas Lo map Lhe Lerraln for acLlon.
WPA1 A8L ?Cu LCCklnC lC8WA8u 1C A8Cu1 1PlS SLSSlCn? SPA8L
Cn 1Wl11L8 uSlnC #1LCS14
SLSSlCn 38: (8oom 804-08)
SLuarL Pall's decades of work as a culLural
LheorlsLs/soclologlsL ln Lhe cross-dlsclpllnary area of
culLural sLudles broughL lnslghL and more Lransparency Lo
undersLandlng culLure as Lhe soclohlsLorlc lnLersecLlon of
language, pollLlcs, economlcs, race, gender, ldeology, and
Lhe role of popular medla ln weavlng LhaL LapesLry Lhrough
Lhe analyLlc unlL he Lermed a 52&T8&5-8$+. Pls work,
grounded ln a posL-MarxlsL/posL-Cramsclan consLrucL of
hegemony, unpacked such culLural phenomena as Lhe
moral panlcs" ln posL-Lmplre Lngland ln Lhe laLe 1960s and early 70s Lo
hlghllghL Lhe sysLemaLlc use of Lhe medla and crlme sLaLlsLlcs Lo ralse publlc
supporL for an lncreased pollce presence whlch seL Lhe sLage for 1haLcherlsm,
a Lerm colned by Pall, and Lhe new neollberal sLaLe.

Pall's mosL famous and quoLed work focused on a crlLlcal analysls of
Lelevlslon conLenL and Lhe underlylng messages reveallng domlnanL
hegemonlc dlscourses where he explored Lhe process of encodlng and
decodlng. Pe also foregrounded soclal consLrucLs of class, popular culLure,
and subculLures as pollLlcal movemenLs, represenLaLlon ln relaLlon Lo race and
oLherlng, and race and culLural ldenLlLy. Pall's work ls a fundamenLal
LouchsLone for currenL crlLlcal work ln Lhe fleld of soclal [usLlce and llLeracy ln
llghL of Loday's neollberal uS educaLlonal landscape.

SelecLed 8lbllography
Akomfrah, !. (2013). 1he SLuarL Pall ro[ecL. London, Lngland: 8ll ulsLrlbuLlon.
Clarke, !., Pall, S., !lfferson, 1., & 8oberLs, 8. (1973). SubculLures, culLures and class. ln
8eslsLence Lhrough rlLuals (7/8 ed.). 8lrmlngham: Worklng apers ln CulLural
ulbb, M. (2009). ersonally speaklng: A long conversaLlon wlLh SLuarL Pall.
norLhampLon, MA: Medla LducaLlon loundaLlon.
Pall, S. (1973). Lncodlng and decodlng ln Lhe Lelevlslon dlscourse. 8lrmlngham, Lngland:
CenLre for CulLural SLudles: unlverslLy of 8lrmlngham.
Pall, S. (1978). ollclng Lhe crlsls: Mugglng, Lhe sLaLe, and law and order. London:
Pall, S. (1988). 1oad ln Lhe Carden: 1haLcherlsm Among Lhe 1heorlsLs. ln C. nelson & L.
Crossberg (Lds.), Marxlsm and Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon of culLure. urbana: unlverslLy
of llllnols ress.
Pall, S. (1993). 8eflecLlons upon Lhe encodlng/decodlng model: An lnLervlew wlLh SLuarL
Pall. ln !. Cruz & !. Lewls (Lds.), vlewlng, readlng, llsLenlng: Audlences and
culLural recepLlon. 8oulder: WesLvlew ress.
Pall, S. (1996). CuesLlons of culLural ldenLlLy. London, 1housand Caks, CA.: Sage.
Pall, S. (1997). 8epresenLaLlon: CulLural represenLaLlons and slgnlfylng pracLlces.
8lrmlngham, Lngland: Sage ln assoclaLlon wlLh Lhe Cpen unlverslLy.
Pall, S., Morley, u., & Chen, k.-P. (1996). SLuarL Pall: CrlLlcal dlalogues ln culLural
sLudles. (S. Pall, u. Morley, & k.-P. Chen, Lds.). London, new ?ork: 8ouLledge.
ln 8LMLM88AnCL: S1uA81 PALL (1932-2014)
- Charles LsLus

Sh|n[| kawam|tsu, "D|scourse Commun|ty Construct|on |n a
Iapanese-as-a Iore|gn Language c|assroom"
1he purpose of Lhls eLhnographlc sLudy ls Lo explore dlscourses LhaL are
consLrucLed ln a !apanese-as-a lorelgn Language classroom. 1he research slLe
for Lhls sLudy ls a sLaLe unlverslLy ln Lhe norLheasLern unlLed SLaLes, flve
language learners and one lnsLrucLor of a 300-level !apanese course are Lhe
focal parLlclpanLs. uaLa ls collecLed from one-monLh classroom observaLlons
and (non-)sLrucLured lnLervlews wlLh Lhe parLlclpanLs. urawlng Swales'
noLlon of dlscourse-communlLy and lalrclough's concepLuallzaLlon of power,
Lhls sLudy lllusLraLes Lhe power dynamlcs and Lwo Lypes of leadershlp
pracLlced by members of Lhe dlscourse-communlLy.

8rah|m Cu|be|d, "I|rst semester Arab|c: student exper|ences
and |earn|ngs"
SLudenLs learnlng Arablc, [usL llke sLudylng any oLher language, need lnslghLs
lnLo Lhe slgnlflcance of knowlng Lhls language and culLure ln order Lo
approach, lnLeracL wlLh, and undersLand Lhe people who use Lhls language ln
Lhelr everyday llves. 1hls small-scale pro[ecL explores Lhe experlences of Lhree
flrsL semesLer Arablc sLudenLs aL a llberal arLs college ln Lhe norLh LasL. 1he
problem ls LhaL some sLudenLs come Lo Lhe Arablc classroom wlLh llLLle or no
knowledge abouL Lhe language and/or Lhe culLure, and as a resulL Lhey end up
sLruggllng. Speclflcally, Lhe purpose of Lhls sLudy ls Lo examlne and explore
Lhe drlvlng forces for sLudenL enrollmenLs ln Arablc classes and flnd ouL how
flrsL semesLer sLudenLs' classroom experlences open new horlzons for a
deeper undersLandlng of Lhe connecLlon beLween language and culLure. uaLa
was gaLhered Lhrough observaLlons and lnLervlews. 1he parLlclpanLs'
experlences afLer compleLlng Lhe flrsL semesLer and parL of Lhe second
semesLer are analyzed. 1he flndlngs show LhaL Lhe sLudenLs who conLlnued
lnLo Lhe second semesLer had a keen lnLeresL ln Lhe language and culLure and
also Lhelr lnLeresL sLems from Lhe experlences of Lhelr lmmedlaLe famllles and
relaLlves wlLh Lhe Arablc language and culLure. AddlLlonally, Lhe parLlclpanLs'
experlences ralsed Lhelr awareness abouL Lhe llngulsLlc and culLural
mlsconcepLlons and sLereoLypes abouL Arablc, Lhe Arabs, and Lhelr culLures.
1he lmpllcaLlons of Lhe sLudy are LhaL prospecLlve sLudenLs of Arablc need Lo
be aware of Lhe Lechnlcal challenges LhaL Lhe learnlng of Arablc mlghL pose,
buL aL Lhe same Llme be assured LhaL keen lnLeresL ln languages and ln one or
more aspecLs of Lhe culLure mlghL be key Lo a successful experlence ln Lhe
Arablc language classroom.
lor fuLure sLudles, an exploraLlon of Lhe llngulsLlc and culLural experlences of
advanced sLudenLs and sLudenLs who Look parL ln Arablc sLudy abroad
programs would be lnLeresLlng.
WPA1 C1PL8 CCnlL8LnCLS PAvL ?Cu A11LnuLu 1PlS ?LA8?
SLSSlCn 3C: (8oom 803-09)

|ng 2hang, "Ind|v|dua||ty |n L2 |dent|ty construct|on: a
comparat|ve study"
Wenger (1998) vlews learnlng as parLlclpaLlng ln a communlLy of pracLlce
(Co) Lhrough Lhree modes of belonglng, whlch are engagemenL, allgnmenL
and lmaglnaLlon. 1hls sLudy applles Lhls framework Lo lnvesLlgaLe how Lwo L2
college-level Chlnese learners enacLed Lhelr agency wlLhln Lhe process of
'becomlng' whlle Lhey lnLeracLed wlLh Lhe lmmedlaLe learnlng communlLy,
hlsLorlcal backgrounds and fuLure lmaglnaLlons and Lhe broader soclal
conLexL. 1he flndlngs reveal LhaL boLh soclal sLrucLure and lndlvldual agency
play vlLal roles ln Lhelr respecLlve L2 learnlng experlences. 1he sLudy lnLends
Lo examlne Lo Lhe lndlvlduallLy of L2 learners and deepen Lhe undersLandlng
Lhe role of lndlvldual agency. lL advocaLes Lo poslLlon L2 learners as agenLlc
and purposeful soclal belngs wlLh dlfferenL personal LralLs, learnlng hlsLorles,
and varled bellef and value sysLem.

uko 1akahash|, "Learn|ng Iapanese as Cr|t|ca| L|terac|es"
1hls sLudy descrlbes and analyzes how a forelgn language Leacher promoLes,
medlaLes, and conLesLs agalnsL naLlveness" ldeology ln her classroom. ln
forelgn language educaLlon, naLlveness" ldeology ls everywhere: naLlve
speakers have been regarded as experLs and Lhe models (8yram, Crlbkova &
SLarkey, 2002). 1eachers are ofLen naLlve speakers of LargeL languages ln
language Leachlngs where LexLbooks are ofLen wrlLLen by naLlve speakers as
well. lor sLudenLs who are eager Lo be fluenL ln Lhelr LargeL languages, Lhelr
Leachers who are naLlve speakers become an auLhorlLy" Lo Lell Lhem whaL ls
rlghL and wrong ln glven conLexLs. AdmlraLlon Loward naLlve speakers comes
from prlmarlly wlLh respecL Lo llngulsLlc compeLence" (8yram, Crlbkova &
SLarkey, 2002, p.12). Powever, sLudenLs ln language learnlng classrooms see a
naLlve-speaker-Leacher someLlmes also as a represenLaLlve of Lhe LargeL
culLure. 1aklng a vlew of llLeracy as soclal pracLlces (Cee, 1999), Lhls sLudy
examlnes how a naLlve speaker Leacher uLlllzes crlLlcal approaches ln Leachlng
!apanese as a forelgn language aL a college classroom locaLed ln norLheasLern
unlLed SLaLes. CrlLlcal llLeracy focuses noL only llngulsLlc skllls buL also
encourages sLudenLs Lo quesLlon Lhe sLaLus quo for Lransformlng Lhemselves
and socleLles (Shor & arl, 1999). 1hrough a semesLer long eLhnography, Lhls
sLudy examlnes how a naLlve speaker Leacher prepares class acLlvlLles Lo
conLesL and mlLlgaLe naLlveness" ldeology ln Lhe LexLbook and how sLudenLs
are developlng Lhelr dlscourses Lhrough Lhe LexLbook and Lhelr lnLeracLlon
wlLh Lhe Leacher.
WPA1 A8L ?Cu LCCklnC lC8WA8u 1C A8Cu1 1PlS SLSSlCn? SPA8L
Cn 1Wl11L8 uSlnC #1LCS14

SLSSlCn 3C: (8oom 803-09)

2hu nuang, "1each|ng ract|ce of 1CLIL wr|t|ng from SIL
1he alm of Lhls leadershlp pro[ecL ls Lo explore how Lo Leach a 1CLlL
course for colleglaLe lnLernaLlonal sLudenLs Lhrough SysLemlc luncLlonal
LlngulsLlcs (SlL). 1he 1CLlL LesL ls Lhe requlred language LesL LhaL every
lnLernaLlonal sLudenL who plans Lo sLudy ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes has Lo Lake.
Powever, due Lo Lhe dlfferenL ways Lo organlze Lhe languages and
dlfferenL sub[ecLs requlred by Lwo dlfferenL educaLlon sysLems, sLudenLs
ln Chlna and Amerlca have dlfferenL wrlLlng requlremenL and knowledge
backgrounds. 1hus, 1CLlL LesL become a huge obsLacle on Lhe way Lo
sLudy abroad, for example how Lo organlze Lhe LexL sLrucLure ln academlc
wrlLlng or how Lo choose Lhe parLlclpanL ln dlfferenL genres. 1hls
leadershlp pro[ecL Lrles Lo lnLroduce SlL Lheory as a new approach ln a
colleglaLe 1CLlL wrlLlng class. lrom Lhe SlL perspecLlve, sLudenLs could
clearly employ Lhe approprlaLe language feaLures and LexL sLrucLure ln
Lhelr wrlLlng, whlch deepen Lhelr undersLandlng of Lngllsh ln u.S. conLexL.
1hls pro[ecL also argues LhaL, wlLh SlL, Leachers could also reflne Lhe core
knowledge and cusLomlzed currlculum for sLudenLs Lo lmprove Lhelr sLudy
WPA1 C1PL8 CCnlL8LnCLS PAvL ?Cu A11LnuLu 1PlS ?LA8?
SLSSlCn 3u: (8oom 811-13)

|ru Chen, "A Case Study and a |ann|ng of CIL Student's
Narrat|ve Wr|t|ng Curr|cu|um"
1hls paper examlnes narraLlve LexL(s) produced by a freshman Chlnese
language learner ln a sLaLe unlverslLy of WesLern MassachuseLLs.
narraLlve wrlLlng ls one of Lhe key genres ouLllned ln Lhe requlremenLs of
Lhe currlculum. uaLa was collecLed Lhrough classroom observaLlons for
Lwo monLhs ln lall 2013. 1he collecLed daLa conslsLs of Lhe Lhree LexLs
consLrucLed by Lhe focal sLudenLs ln Lhe freshman year. lor Lhe analysls of
Lhe daLa, Lhe concepL of SysLemlc luncLlonal LlngulsLlcs (SlL) was used Lo
flnd needs Lo lmprove Lhe sLudenL's Lhe narraLlve genre wrlLlng. A genre-
based approach for Chlnese as a lorelgn Language wrlLlng currlculum was
deslgned for boLh lmprovlng Lhe focal sLudenL's wrlLlng and Leachlng
narraLlve wrlLlng Lo Chlnese language learners ln general. seudonyms
were used Lo proLecL Lhe parLlclpanLs lnvolved ln Lhls paper.

A||y nunter, "Wr|t|ng |n context: wr|t|ng across the curr|cu|um
pr|nc|p|es |n undergraduate b|o|ogy |aborator|es"
1hls sLudy reporLs on changes ln sLudenL learnlng and wrlLlng ln a newly
deslgned wrlLlng-lnLenslve blology lab for undergraduaLes. WrlLlng Lo
learn and genre-based learnlng Lo wrlLe sLraLegles were lncorporaLed lnLo
lnsLrucLlon. SLudenLs were surveyed pre and posL-course Lo ldenLlfy
changes ln Lhelr percepLlons of self-efflcacy ln lab reporL wrlLlng.
SLudenLs reporLed feellng more confldenL aL Lhe end of Lhe course abouL
Lhelr ablllLy Lo crlLlque lab wrlLlng or LuLor anoLher sLudenL ln Lhe genre.
1hey also reporLed belng more confldenL ln wrlLlng lnLroducLlons,
meLhods, and concluslon secLlons, Lhan when Lhey enLered Lhe course.
Analysls of sLudenL's lab reporLs demonsLraLed a more accuraLe
undersLandlng of blology concepLs and lmproved blologlcal llLeracy where
Lhe lnLervenLlon was used. 1hese flndlngs supporL Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of
wrlLlng across Lhe currlculum (WAC) prlnclples lnLo Lhe sclence laboraLory
ln order Lo lmprove genre-based wrlLlng skllls as well as undersLandlng of
sclence concepLs.

WPA1 A8L ?Cu LCCklnC lC8WA8u 1C A8Cu1 1PlS SLSSlCn? SPA8L
Cn 1Wl11L8 uSlnC #1LCS14
SLSSlCn 3u: (8oom 811-13)

"#$%&'($) *#+ ,# -#'./, /$ 010 2(,/,(#$ -#'
3#4' 5'&6&$,/,(#$ ,#%/37

LasL name, llrsL lnlLlal. (2014, Aprll). !"#$% '( )*%+%,#-#"',. /-)"#-$"0%
',$1 #2% ("*+# 3'*4+ 5%('*% -,4 -(#%* #2% 6'$',7 aper
presenLed aL Lhe Symposlum for 8esearch and lnnovaLlon ln
LducaLlon, AmhersL, MA.


Levasseur, !. & Accurso, k. (2014, Aprll). 8+",9 -,4 )*'4:6",9 ;"4%'+ ",
#2% <== +6"%,6% 6$-++*''>. aper presenLed aL Lhe Symposlum
for 8esearch and lnnovaLlon ln LducaLlon, AmhersL, MA.

*noLe: lnclude conLrlbuLlng auLhors or presenLers when appllcable,
and subsLlLuLe )'+#%*, 3'*?+2')@ or )-,%$ 4"+6:++"', for paper"
dependlng on Lhe Lype of presenLaLlon you gave.

=#*$ ;&>/66&4' ? @/,*'3$ 0224'6#A BC6($) /$% 1'#%42($)
D(%&#6 ($ ,*& 8;; E2(&$2& FG/66'##.H

Many Lngllsh language learners (LLLs) sLudylng sclence aL Lhe secondary
level sLruggle wlLh processlng and produclng Lechnlcal explanaLlons, a key
componenL of sclenLlflc dlscourse ln classroom learnlng and on hlgh-
sLakes conLenL LesLs. lurLher, Lyplcal oral lnsLrucLlon paLLerns may noL
expllclLly prepare sLudenLs for Lhese Lypes of Lasks. 1hls acLlon-orlenLed
case sLudy hlghllghLs Lhese challenges wlLhln a dlverse, urban school
conLexL and shows how one LLL sclence Leacher used a genre-based
pedagogy Lo medlaLe 10Lh grade blology sLudenLs' language and conLenL
learnlng Lhrough mulLlmodal, blllngual vldeo explanaLlon pro[ecLs. 1hls
exLended presenLaLlon wlll feaLure focal sLudenLs' vldeo pro[ecLs,
provldlng lnslghL lnLo ways sLudenLs come Lo use Lhe 'language of sclence.

SLSSlCn 6A: (8oom 803)

I/>()/,($) ,*& 02/%&.(2 =#J :/'K&,
A*'(+7 B-**%$$ <-*,%+# -,4 C%#+1 D6<,%-,%1

1he academlc [ob markeL can be a mysLerlous Lhlng. 1hls lnformal sesslon
alms Lo remove a blL of LhaL mysLery as Lwo 1LCS faculLy members share
Lhelr dlfferenL experlences and candldly fleld quesLlons from aLLendees.

SLSSlCn 6u: (8oom 803-09)

Ang L|, "A Ch|nese Student's Lng||sh ||teracy deve|opment"
l am golng Lo presenL Lhe currlculum pro[ecL for llLeracy developmenL ln
prlmary seLLlng. 1he background of my currlculum pro[ecL ls LhaL nowadays
more and more sLudenLs wlLh dlverse eLhnlc, llngulsLlc, culLural, and
economlc backgrounds can be seen ln elemenLary classrooms ln Lhe unlLed
SLaLes. Powever, Lhelr [ourney of becomlng compeLenL Lngllsh readers and
wrlLers are lnfluenced by a varleLy of facLors, lncludlng sLudenLs' educaLlonal
experlence, Lhelr culLural and llngulsLlc background and cognlLlve sLrengLhs,
and Lhe Lype and quallLy of llLeracy lnsLrucLlon Lhey recelve. lL Lakes Lhem
long Llme Lo caLch up wlLh sLudenLs whose flrsL language ls Lngllsh. 1herefore,
lL ls lmporLanL for Leachers Lo undersLand of llLeracy learnlng ln a second
language and Lo connecL Lhls knowledge Lo helpful lnsLrucLlonal pracLlces. As
for Lhls lmporLanL lssue, l lnvesLlgaLed how llngulsLlc, socloculLural,
psychologlcal and educaLlonal facLors supporL and/or consLraln a flrsL grade
Chlnese LLL's llLeracy developmenL ln Lhe uS school. llrsL l researched hls
varlous range of background and Lhen analyzed Lhe llLeracy developmenL he
had made over slx monLhs. 8ased on my analysls, l used backward deslgn ln
my lmpllcaLlon: flrsL, ldenLlfy deslred resulL, second, deLermlne accepLable
evldence, Lhlrd, plan learnlng experlence and lnsLrucLlon--l wlll lnLroduce
culLurally responslve lnsLrucLlons Lo help hlm effecLlvely enhance Lngllsh
llLeracy developmenL.

kache| Adams, "Invest|gat|ng LLL arenta| Invo|vement |n a
U.S. ub||c Schoo|"
1he purpose of Lhls acLlon-research pro[ecL was Lo help faclllLaLe and enhance
a local dlsLrlcL's elemenLary school's LLL parenLal-ouLreach program as a
means Lo lmprove LSL/ mulLlculLural educaLlon. lL ls also golng Lo lnvesLlgaLe
Lhe lmporLance of parenLal lnvolvemenL ln Lhelr chlldren's educaLlon, and
explores dlfferenL approaches LhaL schools can uLlllze Lo creaLe more lncluslve
and accesslble programs for new Amerlcan famllles. uaLa was collecLed
Lhrough lnLervlews wlLh famllles and aLLendlng oLher local parenL-school
workshops. 1he resulLs of Lhls pro[ecL demonsLraLed LhaL Lhe school's efforLs
Lo creaLe a safe and comforLable envlronmenL make a huge lmpacL on how
parenLs parLlclpaLed aL Lhese programs. When educaLors were LransparenL
abouL wanLlng Lo learn from and empower Lhese famllles, parLlclpanLs have
expressed LhaL Lhey felL more comforLable engaglng wlLh Leachers and
furLherlng Lhelr lnvolvemenL wlLh Lhe school. 1he lmpllcaLlons of Lhls pro[ecL
lnform Leachers, LSL/LlL learners and Lhelr famllles abouL ways ln whlch
schools can beLLer engage and collaboraLe wlLh new Amerlcan famllles, and
how Lhese famllles can furLher parLlclpaLe ln Lhelr chlldren's educaLlon. As Lhe
program was creaLed wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon Lo help educaLe and lnvolve famllles
who are unfamlllar wlLh Lhe u.S. school sysLems, Leachers and parenLs may
dlscover new avenues Lo lmprove pedagoglcal pracLlces for dlverse learners
and Lhelr greaLer communlLy.
SLSSlCn 68: (8oom 804-08)

Mar|sa Ierraro, "now Are Mu|t|||teracy ract|ces Lnacted |n a
I|fth Grade, She|tered Lng||sh C|assroom?"
1hls eLhnographlc case sLudy explores how flfLh grade Lngllsh language
learners (LLL's) engage ln classroom llLeracy pracLlces LhaL promoLe Lhe use of
flrsL language, and how LLL's develop Lngllsh language proflclency,
lncorporaLe llfe experlences, and culLlvaLe academlc ldenLlLles. 1he purpose
of Lhls sLudy ls Lo examlne Lhe mulLl-faceLed ways Lngllsh language learners
produce LexLs of personal narraLlves ln whlch meanlng ls consLrucLed, sLorles
of perseverance are shared, and ldenLlLles are valldaLed Lhrough words and
lllusLraLlons. 1hls paper Lheorlzes how mulLl-llLeracy pracLlces are deslgned
and enacLed LhroughouL a graphlc narraLlve wrlLlng pro[ecL wlLhln Lhe conLexL
of a mlddle school, shelLered, language arLs class. 1he classroom ls slLuaLed ln
an urban, publlc k-8 school ln one of Lhe largesL dlsLrlcLs LhaL serves Lngllsh
learners ln new Lngland. 1hrough an analysls of classroom lnLeracLlons,
acLlvlLles and sLudenL creaLed LexLs, Lhls eLhnographlc sLudy lllusLraLes how
aspecLs of language, culLure and ldenLlLy have creaLed opporLunlLles for
Lngllsh language learners Lo engage ln rlch, llLeracy experlences Lo scaffold
Lhelr academlc learnlng. 1he LargeL audlence for Lhls paper ls k-8 Language
ArLs Leachers and admlnlsLraLors, hlgher educaLlon scholars and researchers
ln Lhe flelds of language, llLeracy culLure, Leacher educaLlon preparaLlon.

oungkwan Cha, "Cu|ture and Language Acqu|s|t|on: A Study
of a oung Lng||sh Language Learner"
1hls presenLaLlon comes from Lhe one-year-long eLhnography course pro[ecL
ln LLC. 1he second language acqulslLlon (SLA) ls also Lhe acqulslLlon of a
second culLure. ln Lerms of learnlng second language as learnlng second
culLure, lL ls lmporLanL Lo undersLand whaL Lhe process of culLure learnlng ls.
1he purpose of Lhls presenLaLlon ls Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween
Lhe acqulslLlon of a second language and Lhe acqulslLlon of culLure ln Lngllsh
as a Second Language conLexL. 1hls presenLaLlon explores noLlons of success
ln second language acqulslLlon (SLA) ln Lerms of language soclallzaLlon, and
culLure acqulslLlon. Cne korean-speaklng boy, age 3, acqulred Lngllsh for 6
monLhs ln Lhe uS. Cn Lhe culLural aspecL, daLa obLalned LhroughouL Lhe 6
monLhs from Lhe chlld ln lnLeracLlon wlLh frlends and hls careglvers show LhaL
Lhe boy developed Lhe ablllLy Lo parLlclpaLe successfully ln some aspecLs of
soclal lnLeracLlon. uomlnanL venues of lnLeracLlon were ouLslde home and
klndergarLen. Cn Lhe language aspecL, Lhe second language ls acqulred ln
Lerms of culLural acqulslLlon. 1he daLa presenL LhaL dlfferenL culLural elemenLs
faclllLaLed hls language acqulslLlon. ln Lhls sense, llngulsLlc developmenL
depends on soclal conLexL. 1hls has educaLlonal lmpllcaLlons Lo LlL/LSL
learners who sLudy Lngllsh as well as LlL/LSL Leachers. Cne clear lmpllcaLlon
of Lhls asserLlon ls LhaL language learnlng wlll be faclllLaLed lf Lhe culLure
acqulslLlon Lakes place and lmpeded lf lL does noL.

SLSSlCn 68: (8oom 804-08)

Iasm|ne kob|nson, "Cpen|ng the 1reasure Chest: Cr|t|ca|
Approaches to Mu|t|cu|tura| Ch||dren's L|terature"
Pow educaLors faclllLaLe crlLlcal learnlng, and how educaLors asslsL young
people Lo comprehend and arLlculaLe socleLy can be addressed by adopLlng
crlLlcal mulLlculLural perspecLlves whlle uslng mulLlculLural chlldren's
llLeraLure. Pow young people develop crlLlcal undersLandlngs abouL soclal
consLrucLs such as raclsm, ln[usLlce, and power affecL how Lhey percelve
Lhemselves and oLhers. ln socleLy Lhese consLrucLs are used Lo malnLaln Lhose
hegemonlc sLrucLures LhaL conLrol access and agency. 1he challenge for
educaLors ls lncludlng pedagogy LhaL faclllLaLes sLudenLs' crlLlcal engagemenL
wlLh Lhe world, !anks (2010), LhaL promoLes respecL for human rlghLs, !oel
Sprlng (2008), LhaL acknowledges LhaL Lhe consLrucLlon of knowledge ls a
soclollngulsLlc dynamlc LhaL ls produced raLher Lhan acqulred", kress (2010).
1hls ls a presenLaLlon of a llLeraLure revlew LhaL explores Lhe praxls of crlLlcal
pedagogy and lLs slgnlflcance Lo chlldren's llLeracy developmenL Lhrough Lhe
use of mulLlculLural llLeraLure ln Lhe classroom. 1hls revlew ls presenLed
Lhrough a femlnlsL posL-sLrucLural lens and examlnes varlous publlcaLlons, ln
parLlcular eLhnographlcal research, cenLered on Lhe evenLs and phenomena
LhaL occur whlle sLudenLs and Leachers engage crlLlcally wlLh mulLlculLural
LexLs. LducaLors of Leacher preparaLlon programs, educaLlon sLudenLs,
parenLs, and classroom Leachers may flnd Lhls presenLaLlon of parLlcular

kat|e Iaron, "Strateg|es of 1each|ng kead|ng to Students |n a
Secondary-Leve| Schoo|"
1hls acLlon research ls an ongolng sLudy examlnlng Lhe effecLlveness of gulded
and leveled readlng sLraLegles for dlverse learners ln a secondary school.
8unnlng record assessmenLs wlll be conducLed aL Lhe beglnnlng, mlddle, and
end of Lhe school Lerm uslng gulded readlng ln one classroom, and leveled
readlng ln anoLher classroom. 8oLh classrooms wlll use leveled readlng Lo
Leach readlng fluency and comprehenslon. re- and posL-assessmenL scores ln
fluency and comprehenslon from Lhe gulded readlng classroom wlll Lhen be
compared Lo deLermlne wheLher Lhere was an lncrease ln fluency or
comprehenslon. 1he same comparlson of assessmenL scores wlll Lhen be
conducLed wlLh Lhe scores from Lhe leveled readlng classroom. Any galns ln
fluency and comprehenslon ln Lhe gulded readlng classroom and ln Lhe
leveled readlng classroom wlll Lhen be compared Lo each oLher Lo deLermlne
whlch sLraLegy ls mosL effecLlve when used ln Lhe classroom as a sLraLegy Lo
lncrease fluency and comprehenslon. 1hls acLlon-orlenLed sLudy wlll provlde
lnslghL lnLo whlch sLraLegy, lf elLher, can be effecLlve for provldlng equlLable
readlng lnsLrucLlon Lo dlverse learners. 1he presenLaLlon wlll be a owerolnL
ouLllnlng Lhls acLlon research plan lncludlng a deLalled descrlpLlon of Lhe
llLeraLure revlew. 1he prlmary focus of Lhe presenLaLlon wlll be sLraLegles for
llLeracy developmenL and Lhe LargeL audlence wlll be k-12 Leachers and
scholars ln hlgher educaLlon ln readlng, language, llLeracy and culLure.
SLSSlCn 6C: (8oom 811-13)

karen odorefsky, "Iourna||sm |n the L|ementary C|assroom:
Wr|t|ng w|th urpose"
!ournallsm can conLrlbuLe Lo chlldren's classroom learnlng, developmenL of
wrlLlng, and undersLandlng of oLher forms of wrlLlng. 1he research llLeraLure
shows LhaL [ournallsm beneflLs chlldren's wrlLlng sLyllsLlcally. !ournallsm ls
mulLlmodal, lL lncorporaLes mulLlllLeracles as chlldren read, wrlLe, llsLen, and
engage wlLh prlnL and dlglLal Lechnologles. ln efforLs Lo explore Lhe
opporLunlLles of [ournallsm aL Lhe elemenLary school level, Lhe researcher has
been Leachlng lessons ln a flfLh grade classroom aL a rural school ln wesLern
MassachuseLLs. ln Lhls case sLudy, quallLaLlve and quanLlLaLlve daLa wlll be
collecLed over a slx-monLh perlod durlng Lhe Leachlng of a currlculum unlL on
varylng genres of [ournallsLlc wrlLlng. Surveys of chlldren's readlng and wrlLlng
pracLlces wlll be collecLed aL Lhe beglnnlng and end of Lhls research pro[ecL,
along wlLh chlldren's wrlLlng arLlfacLs of Lhe mulLlple Lypes of [ournallsm
covered LhroughouL Lhe unlL. 1wo focal sLudenLs wlll be lnLervlewed abouL
Lhelr wrlLlng process, and parLlclpaLe ln Lhe analysls of Lhelr own wrlLlng.
1hese daLa wlll be analyzed agalnsL Lhe flndlngs ln Lhe research llLeraLure on
[ournallsm-based llLeracy programs ln elemenLary classrooms. 1he prellmlnary
flndlngs of Lhls case sLudy suggesL LhaL wrlLlng and Lechnology assoclaLed wlLh
news reporLlng helghLen chlldren's awareness of purpose, genre, and
audlence, and conLrlbuLe Lo Lhelr overall ablllLy Lo wrlLe more effecLlvely.
Chlldren's aLLlLude Lowards classroom wrlLlng lmproves. !ournallsLlc genre
wrlLlng can help chlldren meeL currlculum sLandards for meanlngful purposes
and enhance Lhelr wrlLlng experlence as a whole.

Grace narr|s & nann| S. 1homa, "8u||d|ng ||teracy sk|||s of SIIL
students through genre-based pedagogy"
ln Lhls prellmlnary case sLudy of a classroom of 11Lh and 12Lh grade hlgh
school Lngllsh Language Learnlng (LLL) SLudenLs wlLh lnLerrupLed lormal
LducaLlon (SllL), we have begun Lo develop a genre-based currlculum cycle
unlL (uerewlanka, 1990, knapp & WaLklns, 2003, Schleppegrell, 2004). ln an
efforL Lo address Lhe needs of Lhese sLudenLs, Lhls approach wlll be used ln
con[uncLlon wlLh mulLlmodal Lools. 1he focus of Lhls unlL ls Lo conLexLuallze
Lhe genre of sLory-Lelllng/narraLlve. ln lmplemenLlng Lhls currlcular unlL,
socloculLural Lools are applled Lo address sLudenLs' llLeracy needs, uslng
varlous meLhods of mulLlmodallLy (l.e. maps, ?ou1ube vldeos, LemplaLes, and
worksheeLs). uaLa collecLlon meLhods wlll lnclude: observaLlons, Leachlng and
learnlng arLlfacLs, formal and lnformal assessmenLs, vldeo and audlo daLa,
phoLos, and wrlLlng samples. Whlle daLa ls forLhcomlng, Lhls expllclL conLenL-
Leachlng approach wlll poslLlvely lmpacL Lhe SllL sLudenLs' llLeracy skllls, and
bulld Lhelr confldence as Lngllsh language learners.

SLSSlCn 6C: (8oom 811-13)

Dan|e||e A||ess|o, "1he ro|e of Immers|on and resence |n
V|rtua| Learn|ng Lnv|ronments"
1he purpose of Lhls sLudy ls Lo undersLand Lhe role of presence and
lmmerslon" ln vlrLual LnvlronmenLs (vLs) ln order deslgn beLLer vlrLual
Learnlng LnvlronmenLs (vLL's) LhaL are boLh educaLlonally effecLlve and
efflclenL. 1hls sLudy focuses on gamers' lmmerslon and presence ln vLs
due Lo Lhelr hlghly moLlvaLed lnvolvemenL wlLhln Lhese envlronmenLs.
1he rlch descrlpLlons of lmmerslon and presence from gamers' vL
experlences wlll be used Lo deLermlne laLenL facLors LhaL lnfluence
lmmerslon and presence ln vLs. 1he daLa collecLlon process employs a
quallLaLlve seml-sLrucLured lnLervlew and quesLlonnalre.
MeLhodologlcally, Lhe daLa wlll be analyzed by lnducLlve codlng for
concepLs, caLegorles and Lhemes accordlng Lhe meLhods descrlbed by
Corbln and SLrauss. knowledge galned from Lhls sLudy of vL's wlll lead Lo
furLher research on how vLL's lmmerslon and presence facLors can be
beLLer deslgned Lo promoLe deep learnlng.

Adena Ca|den, "Lxp|or|ng rob|em So|v|ng |n a 1eam 8ased
Learn|ng Mathemat|cs C|assroom"
uaLa has shown LhaL over Lhe pasL four decades Lhe number of sLudenLs
enrolllng ln S1LM ma[ors aL college level has decreased desplLe Lhe
overall rlse ln enrollmenL. lurLhermore, sLudenLs earnlng degrees ln
maLhemaLlcs has decllned Lo less Lhan 1 of all bachelor's degrees
aLLalned. 1he ma[orlLy of hlgher educaLlon maLhemaLlcs courses are sLlll
LaughL ln Lhe LradlLlonal lecLure sLyle. An alLernaLlve Lo Lhls Lype of
Leachlng ls Leam-based learnlng (18L), a model LhaL promoLes acLlve
learnlng. 18L has proved Lo be successful ln boLh sLudenL ouLcomes and
aLLlLudes ln many flelds lncludlng accounLlng, medlclne, and many oLher
sclence based dlsclpllnes. ?eL, up unLll Lhls polnL maLhemaLlcs has been
lefL ouL of Lhe 18L research. uesplLe Lhls lag, Lhere ls a loL of supporL for
lmplemenLlng acLlve learnlng acLlvlLles lnLo maLh classrooms ln hlgher
educaLlon. 8y lnvesLlgaLlng how sLudenLs employ problem solvlng
Lechnlques ln a maLhemaLlcs Leam based learnlng classroom, Lhrough Lhe
use of acLlve learnlng acLlvlLles, Lhls orlglnal research can begln Lo
lnvesLlgaLe lf Lhls sLyle of Leachlng promoLes dlsclpllne speclflc learnlng

WPA1 C1PL8 CCnlL8LnCLS PAvL ?Cu A11LnuLu 1PlS ?LA8?
CS1L8S: (10
floor foyer)

Mar|ana Agu||ar kam|rez, "Do I have to? Us|ng Lducat|ona|
techno|ogy |n a pub||c Mex|can un|vers|ty"
"Pow do l use lL?" "Am l dolng lL rlghL?" "l don'L wanL Lo use Lhls!" "l PAvL Lo
use LhaL..."
1echnology now plays a ma[or role ln Lhe educaLlon process, buL lLs
lnLegraLlon does noL always happen Lhe way lL was planned Lo. 1hls posLer
sesslon presenLs a case sLudy of a Mexlcan publlc unlverslLy's use of
educaLlonal Lechnology. 1he ob[ecLlve ls Lo undersLand Lhe aLLlLudes of faculLy
Lowards Lhe use of educaLlonal Lechnology, Lhelr percepLlons of onllne
courses, Masslve Cpen Cnllne Courses (MCCCs) and Lhe supporL Lhey recelve
Lo lmplemenL lnsLrucLlonal Lechnology ln Lhelr classes. Cnllne survey daLa
from Lhe faculLy was used Lo conLrasL face-Lo-face lnLervlew daLa obLalned
from Lhe unlverslLy admlnlsLraLors. An anonymous onllne survey was
answered by 17 full Llme Leachers and 7 ad[uncL professors. 1hree
admlnlsLraLors Look parL ln a face-Lo-face lnLervlew. 1he daLa provldes a
more comprehenslble plcLure and valuable lnslghLs Lo Lhe way faculLy
members vlew Lechnology, how Lhey are uslng lL and would llke Lo use lL. lL
also allows admlnlsLraLors Lo ldenLlfy and brldge Lhe gap beLween unlverslLy
educaLlonal Lechnology lnlLlaLlves and pracLlces and whaL ls acLually Laklng
place ln Lhe classrooms. 1hls may lead Lo an lnformed lnLervenLlon and as a
foundaLlon for a fuLure Lechnology push, Laklng learnlng beyond Lhe
classroom boundarles. 1hese flndlngs may be used Lo caLer professlonal
developmenL opporLunlLles Lo Lhe lnLeresLs and needs of Lhe School's faculLy.
1he LargeL audlence lncludes admlnlsLraLors, Lhose lnLeresLed ln hlgher
educaLlon, professlonal developmenL or educaLlonal Lechnology.

2|| Ahmad, "1he Sr| Lankan Imm|grants Lducat|on Lxper|ence
|n the Un|ted States of Amer|ca"
1hls eLhnography sLudy of Srl Lankan Musllm famllles ln suburban new ?ork
ClLy explores Lhe experlence of educaLlon and formal schoollng ln Lhe unlLed
SLaLes. LducaLlon ls Lhe key of soclallzaLlon and Lhe lnLeracLlve plaLform
allows Lhem Lo Lake Lhelr place wlLh Lhe socleLy. 1here ls a plvoLal need Lo
know Lhe sLruggles wlLhln Lhls communlLy ln Lhe educaLlonal seLLlng as Lhey
negoLlaLe Lhe ldenLlLy of a LransnaLlonal mlgranL sLudenL. 1he llLeraLure
revlews wlll focus on Lhe brlef hlsLory of lmmlgraLlon ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes of
Amerlca, Musllm lmmlgranLs ln Lhe uSA, Lhe soclo-hlsLorlcal and soclo-
pollLlcal hlsLorles of Srl Lanka, Lhe Srl Lankan lmmlgranLs ln Lhe uSA, and Lhe
educaLlon of lmmlgranLs ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes. 1he asslmllaLlon processes wlll
be undersLood from Lhe LheoreLlcal perspecLlves of ldenLlLles ln crlLlcal
mulLlculLural educaLlon and culLural sLudles. 8ourdleu's ,25#4= 54?#-4= ls
uLlllzed ln undersLandlng lmmlgranLs' experlence.

CS1L8S: (10
floor foyer)

kr|st|ne Camacho, "Us|ng Math C8M to red|ct n|gh
Stakes 1est Scores: Lessons for Lducators"
1he purpose of Lhls sLudy ls Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween maLh
Currlculum-8ased Measures (C8M) and sLudenL performance on hlgh-
sLakes exams (l.e. MassachuseLLs Comprehenslve AssessmenL SysLem) ln
an elemenLary school ln cenLral MassachuseLLs. uLlllzlng a mlxed-meLhod
approach, Lhls presenLaLlon wlll flrsL descrlbe Lhe ablllLy Lo predlcL end of
year LesL scores Lhrough Lhe use of C8M for 160 elemenLary school
sLudenLs. 8esulLs Lo daLe suggesL LhaL performance on maLh C8M ls a
sLrong predlcLor of performance on Lhe MassachuseLLs Comprehenslve
AssessmenL SysLem when conLrolllng for facLors such as speclal educaLlon
sLaLus, soclo-economlc sLaLus, and race/eLhnlclLy. AddlLlonally, Lhls sLudy
wlll examlne how a small group of educaLors, lncludlng general and
speclal educaLlon Leachers and Lhe bulldlng prlnclpal, use Lhls lnformaLlon
Lo lnform pracLlce aL Lhe classroom and bulldlng level. 1hls sesslon
promlses Lo offer lessons abouL how educaLors aL an elemenLary school
lmplemenLed Lhe use of C8M and whaL Lhey do wlLh Lhe lnformaLlon
gaLhered Lhrough assessmenL. SuggesLlons on how Lhese resulLs mlghL be
generallzed Lo oLher levels or locaLlons wlll be also dlscussed.

k|aofan Chen, "Genre Ana|ys|s of ersona| Descr|pt|ons"
1hls case sLudy wlll examlne how a focal Chlnese Language Learner (CLL)
develops her wrlLlng ablllLy of personal descrlpLlon ln a 2nd Chlnese
language class ln Lhe loneer valley Chlnese lmmerslon CharLer School
(vClCS) Lhrough SysLemlc luncLlonal LlngulsLlc and genre-based
pedagogy. 1hls case sLudy wlll explore whlch Chlnese characLers and
phrases she learns ln class, Lhe klnds of scaffoldlng she recelves from her
Leacher, whlch problems she faces durlng Lhe learnlng process, and how
SlL and genre-based pedagogy help her sLrengLhen her Chlnese wrlLlng.

WPlCP SLSSlCnS PAvL ?Cu A11LnuLu? SPA8L Cn 1Wl11L8 uSlnC
CS1L8S: (10
floor foyer)

kache| Dar|ey, "Lqua||ty |n standards, equa||ty |n access?
1he CCSS and Afr|can Amer|can ||terac|es."
As of !anuary 2014, Lhe Common Core SLaLe SLandards lnlLlaLlve (CCSS)
webslLe reporLs, "lorLy-flve sLaLes, Lhe ulsLrlcL of Columbla, four LerrlLorles,
and Lhe ueparLmenL of uefense LducaLlon AcLlvlLy have adopLed Lhe Common
Core SLaLe SLandards." As Lhousands of publlc school dlsLrlcLs across Lhe
naLlon embark on Lhe CCSS lmplemenLaLlon [ourney, Lhere ls an urgency Lo
examlne Lo whaL exLenL culLurally dlverse llLeracles are represenLed wlLhln
Lhe appendlces of Lhe sLandards documenLs, speclflcally Afrlcan Amerlcan
llLeracles. 1he purpose of Lhls posLer ls Lo examlne culLurally relevanL
pedagogles and Afrlcan Amerlcan llLeracles alongslde federal educaLlon pollcy
and lLs' lmpacL on currlculum, lnsLrucLlon, assessmenL, and Leacher
evaluaLlons. LlLerary appendlces of Lhe CCSS documenLs were audlLed uLlllzlng
Wlgglns and Mc1lghe's (2007) currlculum componenL framework for Lnabllng
Learnlng AcLlvlLles, SLraLegles, and 8esources ouLllned ln 75622=#&' L. )+,#'&.
uaLa also lncludes four lnLervlews wlLh flfLh and slxLh grade LLA publlc school
Leachers employed by schools ln Lhe loneer valley parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe fleld
LesL of Lhe Common Core allgned arLnershlp for AssessmenL of 8eadlness for
College and Careers (A8CC). 8esulLs generaLe dlscusslon and lmpllcaLlons for
pollcy and pracLlce.

A||yson Iurc|ck, "An Access|b|e n|story C|ass"
When sLudylng hlsLory, many classes ofLen look Lhrough a wesLern Luropean
lens and lgnore, or aL leasL sklm over, Afrlcan Amerlcan narraLlves. When
Afrlcan Amerlcan narraLlves are lnLroduced lnLo Lhe classroom, lL's ofLen ln a
brlef, novel way (l.e., only Lalklng abouL lL durlng 8lack PlsLory MonLh).
AddlLlonally, even when Lalklng abouL Afrlcan Amerlcan hlsLory, Lhe lens for
prlmary and secondary sources ls sLlll Lhrough Lhe eyes of a Luropean. 1hls
posLer wlll examlne how Lo make hlsLory classes more accesslble and relevanL
Lo Afrlcan Amerlcan sLudenLs, speclflcally looklng aL how hlsLory ls currenLly
LaughL (by examlnlng naLlonal and sLaLe currlculum and sLandards) and how
Lhe lack of Afrlcan Amerlcan cenLered narraLlves makes hlsLory lnaccesslble,
lrrelevanL, and unlnLeresLlng Lo Afrlcan Amerlcan sLudenLs. AfLer provldlng a
framework for how hlsLory ls currenLly LaughL and Lhe repercusslons of Lhls
pedagogy and conLenL, Lhls paper wlll Lhen dlscuss ways ln whlch pedagogy
and conLenL can be changed Lo be more lncluslve, relevanL, accesslble, and
engaglng Lo Afrlcan Amerlcan sLudenLs on boLh Lhe classroom level as well as
Lhe currlculum/pollcy level. 1hls wlll noL only lnclude more focus on Lhe roles
of Afrlcan Amerlcans ln hlsLory, buL also ways ln whlch Leachlng meLhods can
be more lncluslve (such as allowlng sLudenLs Lo wrlLe ln Afrlcan Amerlcan
vernacular Lngllsh). Popefully, fuLure educaLors can use research llke Lhls Lo
undersLand how Lo more fully lncorporaLe Afrlcan Amerlcan sLudles.

CS1L8S: (10
floor foyer)

8renda Muzeta, "'We are not from the [ung|e': A
L|terature kev|ew on the Lxper|ences of Afr|can Students
|n US n|gh Schoo|s"
1he purpose of Lhe posLer presenLaLlon ls Lo provlde Lhe prellmlnary
flndlngs on Lhe llLeraLure revlew on Lhe experlences of Afrlcan hlgh
school sLudenLs ln u.S. conLexLs.

L|sa urv|n C||ner, "An Intr|ns|c Case Study: Mu|t|moda|
Med|a L|terary Ana|ys|s and Intertextua| Mean|ng
MulLlmodal Medla LlLerary Analysls ls Lhe ouLcome of a decade of
professlonal developmenL, collaboraLlon, daLa collecLlon, reflecLlon, and
'wonderlngs' Lurned lmperaLlve preoccupaLlon ln my Lngllsh Language
ArLs classroom. When a passlng grade on hlgh-sLakes sLaLe LesLlng across-
dlsclpllnes became Lhe ulLlmaLe endgame for all work ln hlgh schools,
readlng and wrlLlng ln speclfled ways was fused Lo a deadllne regardless
of lndlvlduallzed educaLlon plans and learnlng challenges. Whlle Lhe full
sLudy ls framed as an auLoeLhnographlc pracLlLloner lnqulry LhaL
examlnes how my mulLlmodal, mulLl-genre, quasl-ob[ecLlve unlL plan
funcLloned Lo lmprove close-readlng and conLenL-depLh ln wrlLlng (across
dlsclpllnes), whaL ls presenLed here ln posLer form ls an lnLrlnslc case
sLudy LhaL descrlbes Lhe work produced by a group of 10Lh graders asked
Lo reframe an excerpL from a Clorla naylor novel. knowledge
consLrucLlon ls assessed Lhrough a flne-gralned analysls of sequenLlally
organlzed mulLlmodal genre embedded ln Lhelr owerolnL producLlon.
1he resulLs show LhaL sLudenLs are aglle code-swlLchers (Cumperz, 1982)
and code-mlxers (8okamba, 1989) when prlnL-based LexL and semloLlcs
are palred wlLh llLerary analysls, furLhermore, presenL ln Lhelr
coordlnaLlon of dlalogue wlLh oLher modes, Lhere appears Lo be a faclllLy
wlLh reproduclng language used ln pracLlce, or parole (Saussure, 1948).
rellmlnary concluslons polnL Lo a form of llLeracy LhaL ls rarely dlscussed
or celebraLed ln Lhe LLA classroom. 1hls work poslLs LhaL semloLlc
communlcaLlon used ln unlson wlLh language learnlng acLs as a llLeracy
sprlngboard LhaL provldes an avenue Lo meLallngulsLlc awareness and
may lncenLlvlze Lhe use of academlc reglsLers ln secondary dlscourse.

S1A? CCnnLC1Lu! LlkL uS C8 lCLLCW Cn 1Wl11L8
CS1L8S: (10
floor foyer)

k|ngyang L|u, "Genre Ana|ys|s of Informat|on keports
|nformed by System|c Iunct|ona| L|ngu|st|cs"
1hls posLer presenLs a case sLudy of Lhe llLeracy developmenL of a focal
Lngllsh language Learner (LLL) ln a 2nd grade Lngllsh Language ArLs classroom
Lhrough Lhe lens of SysLemlc luncLlonal LlngulsLlcs (SlL) and crlLlcal genre
based analysls. uaLa gaLhered lncluded observaLlon noLes, lnsLrucLlonal
maLerlals of Lhe lnformaLlon reporLs wrlLlng unlL, focal sLudenL's wrlLlng
samples, and work sheeLs. Analysls focused on Lhe speclflc reglsLer and LexL
consLrucLlon feaLures of Lhe focal sLudenL's wrlLlng samples. 1he flndlngs from
Lhe analysls lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe sLudenL undersLood Lhe purpose and baslc LexL
consLrucLlon of Lhe LargeL genre, and he could presenL Lhe Loplc ln an
organlzed way and show awareness of audlence and volce. AL Lhe same Llme,
Lhe flndlngs lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe focal sLudenL needs furLher supporL ln Lhe lexlcal
cholces and language use LhaL resulL ln coherenL wrlLlng. Accordlng Lo Lhe
analysls of Lhe sLudenL's wrlLlng and Leacher's prlor lnsLrucLlon, a currlculum
unlL was deslgned Lo provlde furLher supporL Lo Lhe focal sLudenL ln Lhe
fuLure. 1hls posLer hlghllghLs Lhe poLenLlal for all k-12 Leachers worklng wlLh
LLLs Lo use SlL Lo analyze sLudenLs' work and deslgn supporLlve currlcula.

Dav|d Mess|ng, "1he Impact of A|ternat|ve Lducat|on
Serv|ce De||very on MCAS Ach|evement"
1he number of MassachuseLLs sLudenLs who recelve educaLlonal servlces
ouLslde of Lhe general educaLlon seLLlng ls predlcLed Lo lncrease slgnlflcanLly
followlng Lhe recenL passage of ChapLer 222 of Lhe AcLs of 2012, An AcL
8elaLlve Lo SLudenL Access Lo LducaLlonal Servlces and Lxcluslon from School.
1hls posLer uses a mlxed meLhods approach Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe relaLlonshlp
beLween core academlc lnsLrucLlon ln an alLernaLlve educaLlon program and
achlevemenL galns on sLaLe sLandardlzed LesLs ln Lngllsh Language ArLs,
MaLhemaLlcs, 8lology, and 1echnology/Lnglneerlng. l wlll presenL daLa
collecLed from Lhree separaLe alLernaLlve programs operaLlng wlLhln publlc
day schools and one program operaLlng ln an approved separaLe day school ln
norLh cenLral MassachuseLLs Lhrough a quallLaLlve approach. Seml-sLrucLured
lnLervlews wlll provlde conLexL and perspecLlve Lo lnform a quanLlLaLlve
analysls of sLudenL achlevemenL galns subsLanLlaLed by sLudenL records.
Analysls sheds llghL on Lhe poLenLlal consequences or beneflLs of recelvlng
educaLlonal servlces ln alLernaLlve seLLlngs wlLh regard Lo achlevemenL galns
on sLaLe compeLency LesLs. lmpllcaLlons for bulldlng admlnlsLraLors and
speclal educaLlon admlnlsLraLors lnclude ldenLlfylng areas of prlorlLlzaLlon ln
Lhe school-wlde educaLlonal plannlng process for sLudenLs, as well as
deLermlnlng educaLlonally relevanL crlLerla for evaluaLlng declslons made
durlng Lhe dlsclpllnary process. 1hls posLer may lnLeresL school admlnlsLraLlve
personnel and educaLlon researchers.

CS1L8S: (10
floor foyer)

L|z Soboc|nsk| Manos, "1echno|ogy resence |n re-
serv|ce L|ementary Graduate 1eacher reparat|on
rograms |n MA"
1hls posLer examlnes ways LhaL compuLer Lechnology ls presenL ln
MassachuseLLs graduaLe Leacher preparaLlon programs for lnlLlal
elemenLary llcensure. As parL of a comprehenslve exam pro[ecL,
documenL analysls of all quallfylng pre-servlce Leacher preparaLlon
programs was conducLed (n=36). uaLa collecLlon lncluded Leacher
preparaLlon program descrlpLlons, guldes Lo educaLor llcensure programs,
course descrlpLlons, syllabl, and caLalogs as posLed on lnsLlLuLlonal
webslLes. 1hls posLer wlll reporL on Lhe frequency and caLegorles of
Lechnology presence across programs. llndlngs may be of lnLeresL Lo pre-
and ln-servlce Leachers, Leacher educaLors, and admlnlsLraLors ln Leacher
preparaLlon programs.

8rad Whee|er, "8u||d|ng Informat|on L|teracy |n n|gher
1hls posLer hlghllghLs how lnformaLlon Lechnology and onllne LuLorlals
lmpacL lnformaLlon llLeracy ln hlgher educaLlon. lnformaLlon llLeracy
sLandards developed by Lhe AssoclaLlon of College and 8esearch Llbrarles
(AC8L, 2000) deflne speclflc learnlng ouLcomes requlrlng slgnlflcanL
supporL from faculLy, llbrarles, and sLaff. llndlngs from Lhls research
lllusLraLe LhaL AC8L learnlng ouLcomes boLh demand and uLlllze new
onllne Lechnology sLraLegles LhaL address lnformaLlon llLeracy needs of
currenL sLudenLs. 1hls mlrrors a new Lrend ln whlch lnformaLlon llLeracy
ls lncreaslngly lnfused lnLo Lhe classroom currlculum. lurLhermore,
lncreased collaboraLlon beLween llbrarlans and non-llbrarlan sLaff ls
yleldlng new onllne LuLorlal deslgns and pedagogy. 1he coalescence of
Lhese paradlgms necesslLaLes Lhe developmenL of new paraprofesslonal
poslLlons and wlll yleld new and lnnovaLlve Lralnlng for pracLlLloners.
8ased on Lhe lnLersecLlonallLy of Lhese dlsparaLe and mulLldlsclpllnary
componenLs of (dlglLal) lnformaLlon llLeracy, lL ls clear LhaL a varleLy of
mlxed-meLhods approaches and lnsLrumenLs could be employed Lo
furLher undersLand lnformaLlon llLeracy ln hlgher educaLlon.

WPA1 WAS ?Cu8 ll8S1 CS1L8 8LSLn1A1lCn LlkL?
CS1L8S: (10
floor foyer)

Iu||e kob|nson, "1he Lxper|ence of M|dd|e Schoo| G|r|s |n
the|r Sc|ence C|assroom"
1hls plloL sLudy explored experlences of female mlddle school sLudenLs ln
Lhelr sclence classrooms. 1he sLudy focused on examlnlng Lhe sLudenL-
Leacher relaLlonshlps ln Lerms of lmpacL on sLudenL moLlvaLlon ln Lwo
areas, wlLhln Lhelr classroom, and wlLh Lhe Loplc of sclence. Slx sLudenLs
and Lhelr sclence Leacher parLlclpaLed. uaLa collecLed lncludes classroom
observaLlons and lnLervlews wlLh parLlclpanLs. 8esulLs lndlcaLe LhaL
sLudenLs en[oyed Lhelr Llme ln Lhe classroom Lhrough Lhe supporLlve
cllmaLe creaLed by Lhe Leacher as well as Lhe use of a pro[ecL-based
pedagogy. Powever, levels of engagemenL wlLh Lhe Loplc of sclence
varled accordlng Lo Lhe parLlclpanLs' academlc work, Lhelr ablllLy Lo
connecL sclence conLenL Lo Lhe real world, and Lhelr sense of self wlLhln
Lhe classroom. 8esulLs suggesL LhaL Lhe sLudenL-Leacher relaLlonshlp
lmpacLs en[oymenL of Lhe class buL noL greaLer engagemenL wlLh sclence.
1hls sLudy conslders elemenLs of female sLudenL moLlvaLlon ln Lhe sclence
classroom and may be of lnLeresL Lo mlddle school sclence educaLors, pre-
servlce Leachers, and Leacher educaLors.

kache| Sautter, "Lstab||sh|ng a Mob||e L|brary: romot|ng
L|teracy, Cne Ne|ghborhood at a 1|me"
1hls posLer descrlbes a Leadershlp ro[ecL focused on esLabllshlng and
plloLlng a moblle llbrary ln one low-lncome nelghborhood ln Creenfleld,
MassachuseLLs. ln collaboraLlon wlLh Lhe non-proflL organlzaLlon
<2%%8&#-. !5-#2&Q l researched moblle llbrary programs worldwlde and
gaLhered daLa Lo lnform my work promoLlng llLeracy Lhrough Lhls pro[ecL ,
Lhen gaLhered and organlzed over 2,000 books, found famllles eager Lo
parLlclpaLe, and creaLed over 30 book bags of varylng genres and Loplcs Lo
clrculaLe Lo chlldren ages 0-10 on a blmonLhly basls. My research
lncludes ldenLlfylng quallLy chlldren's mulLlculLural books, blllngual books,
and books wlLh an emphasls on soclal [usLlce/peace, modern famllles and
occupaLlons, and books conLalnlng sLrong female characLers as role
models. 1hese addlLlons Lo our collecLlon were lmperaLlve. 1hls
presenLaLlon emphaslzes Lhe lmporLance and beneflLs of havlng moblle
llbrarles wlLhln communlLles, parLlcularly Lo beneflL low-lncome famllles.
Llbrarlans, ouLreach workers, Leachers, parenLs or anyone who has
consldered flndlng ways Lo geL books ouL ln Lhelr communlLy may be
parLlcularly lnLeresLed ln Lhls presenLaLlon.
WPA1 8CC8AM ulu ?Cu uSL 1C uLSlCn ?Cu8 CS1L8?
CS1L8S: (10
floor foyer)

1he 1eacher LducaLlon & Currlculum SLudles graduaLe sLudenL
organlzaLlon (1LCS CSC) was founded ln Lhe sprlng of 2013 by a group
of graduaLe sLudenLs who were lnLeresLed ln belng offlclally
recognlzed by Lhe unlverslLy and accesslng sLudenL acLlvlLy funds Lo
faclllLaLe and supporL academlc, soclal, culLural, and professlonal
developmenL acLlvlLles. lnlLlally, Lhe group was focused on sLudenLs ln
Lhe LLC concenLraLlon, buL wlLhln 6 monLhs of belng founded, CSC
members voLed Lo expand Lo serve Lhe whole 1LCS communlLy.
1he maln CSC acLlvlLy over Lhe pasL Lwo school years has been Lo acL
as a fundlng and organlzlng arm for Lhe graduaLe sLudenL conference
(lasL year, Lhe 13
annual LLC graduaLe sLudenL conference, Lhls year
Lhe evenL you are aLLendlng Loday), and a budgeL for nexL year has
been requesLed from Lhe CraduaLe SLudenL SenaLe Lo provlde a
foundaLlon for Lhls work Lo conLlnue. CSC members have also
expressed an lnLeresL ln holdlng addlLlonal 1LCS communlLy evenLs
LhroughouL Lhe year Lo brlng sLudenLs (and faculLy) from across Lhe
four concenLraLlons LogeLher ln ways LhaL are soclally and
professlonally producLlve.

Whlle Lhe currenL execuLlve commlLLee has en[oyed servlng Lhe
communlLy ln our volunLeer poslLlons over Lhe lasL Lwo years, we look
forward Lo welcomlng new sLudenLs lnLo Lhese roles for Lhe comlng
year. lf you are lnLeresLed ln learnlng more abouL a leadershlp
poslLlon or slmply wanL Lo become a member of Lhe CSC, feel free Lo
emall any of us lndlvldually, or send a noLe Lo Lhe conference emall
address: 1LCSconference[gmall.com.

1LCS GSC Cff|cers
kaLhryn Accurso & 8renda MuzeLa, Co-chalrs
uanlel Morales, 1reasurer
Pye[ln !eon , SecreLary
Son|a N|eto ls rofessor LmerlLa of
Language, LlLeracy, and CulLure aL Lhe
unlverslLy of MassachuseLLs, AmhersL.
She conLlnues Lo be a leadlng auLhorlLy,
naLlonally and lnLernaLlonally, ln Lhe
fleld of mulLlculLurallsm, belng soughL Lo
speak aL conferences, lecLures, and
commencemenLs, and wrlLlng abouL
mulLlculLural educaLlon, Leacher
preparaLlon, Lhe educaLlon of LaLlnos, and oLher culLurally and
llngulsLlcally dlverse sLudenL populaLlons. ur. nleLo ls also Lhe
reclplenL of many dlsLlngulshed research, academlc honors, and
honorary degrees.

ur. nleLo recelved her docLoraLe ln Currlculum, 8lllngual and
MulLlculLural LducaLlon ln 1979 from Lhe unlverslLy of
MassachuseLLs AmhersL. WlLhln her mosL dlsLlngulshed career
ur. nleLo has held many poslLlons lncludlng: lnsLrucLor and
uepuLy Chalrperson for Lhe ueparLmenL of uerLo 8lcan SLudles
aL ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork (Cun?), and Lau CoordlnaLor, for
Lhe 8ureau of Lqual LducaLlonal CpporLunlLy for Lhe
MassachuseLLs ueparLmenL of LducaLlon.

Per numerous publlshed works span over Lwo decades and she
has auLhored several sallenL publlcaLlons on Lhe Lheme of
dlverslLy lncludlng !""#$%#&' )#*+$,#-. whlch was flrsL publlshed
ln 1992 and has had several reprlnLs lncludlng a !apanese
LranslaLlon ln 2009, Lo her mosL recenL 2013 publlcaLlon:
/#&0#&' 12. #& 3+456#&' 7-80+&-, 2" )#*+$,+ 945:'$28&0,;
<8=-8$4==. >+,?2&,#*+ 4&0 725#4==. 18,- @$45-#5+, #& AB7B 75622=,B
Per oLher publlcaLlons lnclude: edlLed books and [ournals,
[ournal arLlcles, monographs, commlssloned papers, book
revlews, forewords, afLerwords, and elecLronlc publlcaLlons.
undoubLedly, her work has earned a deflnlLlve place ln Lhe
quesL for Lhe recognlLlon of dlverslLy and soclal [usLlce ln
educaLlonal pracLlces.
2014 LLnA8?: u8. SCnlA nlL1C

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