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Rubric for “SLP: Change Over Time” Project Name: ______________________Hour:

Paragraph Double Bubble Visual

A • shows high level of analysis • shows high level of analysis • shows high level of creativity
• has no grammatical errors • has no grammatical errors or beauty
• grabs the reader’s attention • all elements work together to
with a clear topic sentence make a successful package
• has clear concluding sentence • handwriting or typing is free
• uses smooth transitions of grammatical errors
B • shows some analysis • shows some analysis • shows some elements of
• tells details • tells at least 2 relevant similarities creativity and beauty
• has varied sentence structure • has few spelling errors • includes images of both then
• has few grammatical errors • tells detailed information and now
• uses quotation marks around • most images are labeled
all direct quotations
C • contains direct • tells at least 3 details about your place • images are relevant to the idea
quotation in the past of change
• focuses on the most • tells at least 3 details about your place • some images are labeled
important change in your place now • shows effort; is neat
• has only a few run-on • tells at least 1 similarity between now • any writing is neat and dark
or incomplete sentences and then
• is neatly written or • items are accurate and relevant to the
word-processed idea of change
• is in the student’s own
D • has too many or too few • tells fewer than 3 details for now and • images are not relevant or not
sentences then or information is not relevant labeled
• has many run-on or • does not tell a similarity • is messy or disorganized
incomplete sentences • is not in the student’s own words
• does not focus on one
• is messy
• is not in the student’s
own words
Note Cards Rubric
A Direct quotation shows focus and relevant details
Paraphrasing section mirrors entire idea, detailed and thoughtful
My Ideas section shows deeper thinking; interpretation, evaluation, and reflection
No grammatical errors
Citations are free of errors

B Direct quotation section contains relevant and specific information

Paraphrasing section is detailed and thoughtful
My ideas section illustrates a thought provoking questions and ideas.
Citations have few errors
Few grammatical errors

C Two to three accurate citation

Nine note cards
Direct quotation section contains relevant direct information from the source
Paraphrasing section contains student’s own words.
My Ideas section shows reflection on quoted idea

D Citation listed
Note cards are linked to a citation
Note cards have all sections filled out
Paraphrasing section has shown an attempt to put the direct quotation into your
own words.

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