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Prepared By : Chia Lok Thye Guru Cemerlang SMK Sultan Ismail, ohor Bahru! "##$ In collaboration with Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Johor & Majlis Guru Cemerlang Negeri Johor
STPM Biology Getting Started & Moving Ahead

%Prepared &y : Chia Lok Thye, Guru Cemerlang, SMK Sultan Ismail, ohor Bahru' A. Suggested Programmes and Requirements or STPM Biology !urri"ulum (! Sylla&us "! S)heme o* +ork ,! Standard Te-t . as in sylla&us /! Lo)al re*eren)es . 0a1ar Bakti, Longmans and Pelangi 2! Tea)hing C3s *orm KPM 4! Pra)ti)al manuals *rom MPM $! 0iles *or student5s notes, assignments, tests, e-aminations and pra)ti)als 6! Theory 7 Pra)ti)als: #$ : Chap ( to Photosynthesis and Ta-onomy and 8)ology to+ards the end o* the year! 9e:elant pra)ti)als in)luding , end;year pro1e)ts %$ : The rest o* the )hapters and pra)ti)als! Pra)ti)al assessment as in the manuals <! 8ssential pra)ti)al skills : i! Mi)ros)ope ii! 3isse)tion iii! Biometri)s i:! =uantitati:e 8)ology :! Identi*i)ation o* *lora 7 *auna :i! Physiology :ii! Instrumentation (#! Suggested a)ti:ities: i! 3is)ussions ii! >ands;on tea)hing and learning iii! 0ield +ork i:! Pro&lem;&ase;learning ((! Suggested e-amination preparations : i! 9e:ision ii! Continual assessment iii! Past;year ?uestions i:! =uestions *rom other s)hools :! Moti:ations

B. To&i"s to 'e "overed during the &eriod o( #o)er Si* and %&&er Si* suggested sequen"e and

analysis. (These information should be used at the discretions of the teacher concerned) No . ( " , / 2 4 $ 6 < (# (( (" (, (/ (2 (4 ($ (6 (< "# "( "" ", "/ "2 "4 "$ "6 Topic Cell Bio)hemistry Cell Stru)tures Cell 3ynami)s Cell Spe)ialisation 8nAymes 7 Cellular Control 3BC 7 Protein Synthesis Photosynthesis Gaseous 8-)hange 9espiration Butrition, Te)hni?ues 7 instrumentations in Cytology Transport >omeostasis Ber:ous System Chemi)al Coordination Immunity 8)ology Con)ept 7 =ualitati:e 8)ology =uantitati:e 8)ology Te)hni?ues in =uantitati:e 8)ology Ta-anomy Biodi:ersity Dariation 7 8:olution Inheritan)e Geneti)s Population Geneti)s 7 Mutation Geneti) 8ngineering Gene 8-pression 9eprodu)tion 3e:elopment Gro+th Obj. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Str. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Essa y @ @ @ @ @ @ Pract . @ %(' @ %,' @ %/' @ %4' @ %<' @ %$' @ %"', %2', %6' @ %(#' %((' @%("' Projec t Difficult y Note

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It s about e!am.

"re#uently $s%ed &uestions ("$&s) ' =(! Can a )andidate ans+er in Bahasa Malaysia E C! ="! Can a )andidate ans+er in mi-ed languages . 8nglish and Bahasa Malaysia E C! =,! Fhat a&out C&&re:iations E C! =/! Fhat a&out diagrams E C! =2! Fhat a&out )al)ulations E C! =4! >o+ to ans+er geneti) ?uestions +hi)h in:ol:ed any )rosses E 8!g E!plain ho( the )enotype of an or)anism (ith %no(n phenotype can be determined in a *endelian *onohybrid cross + C! =$! >o+ to ans+er ?uestions +ith the +ord ,Describe + C! 8-ample: the graph sho+s the rate o* rea)tion o* an enAyme +ith di**erent )on)entrations o* su&strate and ho+ the rate is a**e)ted &y the addition o* a parti)ular )on)entration o* an inhi&itor!

+., +.- +.$ +.. / /., /.- /.$ /.. ,.+ su&strate )on)entration %mol dm ;,'

0uestion 1es"ri'e the e**e)t o* ea)h o* the *ollo+ing on the rate o* rea)tion o* the enAyme: a! the )on)entration o* su&strateG &! the inhi&itor! Ans)ers

=6! Fhat a&out H2*&lain3 4 C! The *ollo+ing ?uestion uses the same graph and in*ormation as *or I3es)ri&eI! 0uestion 2*&lain i* the inhi&itor is )ompetiti:e or non;)ompetiti:e! Ans)er =<! Fhat a&out HSuggest3 4

C! The *ollo+ing ?uestion applies to an enAyme and its inhi&itor! 0uestion T+o su&stan)es, J and 56 +ere in:estigated as possi&le rat poisons! Both inhi&it the same enAyme in an important &iologi)al pro)ess! The diagrams sho+ the stru)ture o* the enAyme, its su&strate and the inhi&itors! Kse the in*ormation in the diagrams to suggest +hi)h inhi&itor +ould &e the &est poison!


=(#! Can a )andidate ans+er essay questions in point *orm or *lo+ )hart or in a ta&le *orm E C!



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<8R=S78P > T2ST 58%R MAR=;9G S=;##S Sample script 9.

Sample script :

Sample script ; Compare the photosynthetic pathway between C3 plants and C plants! "#$

Sample script <

Sample script = "a$ %hat is meant by an en&yme " $ "b$ Gi'e an account o( how substrate concentration) p* and temperature can a((ect the rate o( en&yme+catalysed reaction, "--$


Sample script >


Sample script ? 8 @alculations =! Cal)ulate the total num&er o* CTP produ)ed during aero&i) respiration!

Sample script A7 .enetic crosses. ( a' Let B9 represent long +ings red eyes, Br; long +ings +hite eyes Parent: J B9L L J B9 JBr Long +ings, red eyed *emale Br J L L JBr J BrJBr JBr %('

%(' %('

Gametes: J B9 /: J B9 JBr Long +ings, red eyed *emale !ross among Gametes: JBr

JBr L JBr L Long +ings, Long +ings, +hite eyed +hite eyed male male B9 J JBr J B9 JBr

%(' %('

,: J B9 JBr JBr JBr J B9 L JBr L %(' "2M are long +inged, red eyed *emalesG "2M are long +inged, +hite eyed *emalesG "2M are long +inged, red eyed malesG "2M are long +inged, +hite eyed males! &0ESTION TI*EB


#2SS89 R8M #; 2 SometimesC stru))les are e!actly (hat (e need in our life. If .od allo(ed us to )o throu)h our life (ithout any obstaclesC it (ould cripple us. 4e (ould not be as stron) as (e could haDe been. I as%ed for Stren)th... $nd .od )aDe me difficulties to ma%e me stron). I as%ed for 4isdom... $nd .od )aDe me Problems to solDe. I as%ed for prosperity... $nd .od )aDe me a Erain and Era(n to (or%. I as%ed for @oura)eF.. $nd .od )aDe me obstacles to oDercome. I as%ed for 2oDe... $nd .od )aDe me Troubled people to help. I as%ed for "aDors... $nd .od )aDe me Opportunities. -I receiDed nothin) I (anted... Eut I receiDed eDerythin) I needed.5 -2iDe life (ithout fearC confront all obstacles and eDince that you can oDercome them.5

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