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vita danzare

Issue 62 '13

In This Issue...
4 Historical Use of Aromatic Plants in the Garden...............Sharon Falsetto, CA, BA,(Hons) 9 Flower Essences: Bridging Body & Spirit ...............Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers 11 Flower Power for Pets to the Rescue (sm)....Kelly Holland Azzaro, RA, CCAP, CBFP, LMT 14 Launching Your Personal Care Brand........................................................Tim Johansson 18 Aromatherapy and Travel Ailments........................................Green Valley Aromatherapy 21 From the Aromahead Recipe Book...............Andrea Butje, LMT, Clinical Aromatherapist 24 Essential Oils vs. Synthetic Chemicals..........Liliana Macedo, Integrative Aromatherapist

Articles presented in Vita Danzare are copyright to respective authors. All Rights Reserved.

Vita Danzare
A Canadian Publication

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Disclaimer: Vita Danzare is published quarterly. Advertisers and contributors assume sole responsibility and liability for the accuracy of their claims and statements. The opinions and views expressed in articles do not necessarily reflect those of the Publisher, Editors or affiliates of Vita Danzare, nor can be held responsible for the misuse of essential oils or any other usage methods discussed within these pages. It is in no way intended to replace professional medical advice. You the reader are responsible for your actions. Copyright 2013. All rights reserved Vita Danzare Reproduction in part or whole without written consent is prohibited. ISSN #1918-7106 BN #83550 7740

It is with a profound sadness in our hearts that we announce the untimely passing of our founder, friend, and dear sister Rae Dunphy from cancer on May 6, 2013. Rae embodied uncompromising love, generosity and grace and will be missed by anyone fortunate enough to have crossed paths with her. She inspired all those around her to follow their authentic passions and to do so with grace, love and gratitude. Beyond the deeply assuring wisdom she offered are the many gifts of wise, practical advice and heartcentered guidance she gave endlessly. Her understanding of the natural world, plant medicines, essential oils, inspirational books, healing methods and heart healing opportunities was absolutely unquantifiable. A passionate leader in the natural health industry in Canada, Rae left a legacy of wisdom in her business. Rae Dunphy Aromatics. It is with grace and gratitude we continue her legacy going forward, pillared by her husband of 27 years, Jeff, and Raes sister business partner, Jill.

A Celebration of Life
A celebration of Life will be held at the Parkdale United Church, 2919 - 8 Avenue N.W. on Friday, May 10 at 2:30 pm with a reception to follow. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Sleeping Children Around the World www.scaw.org Condolences and queries to Jill: jill@raedunphy.ca

Historical Use of Aromatic Plants in the Garden

By Sharon Falsetto, CA, BA, (Hons)

"If one way be better than another, that you may be sure is natures way." Aristotle
Gardens, or "yards" as they are more commonly known in the United States, have been around for literally thousands of years; they are a place of tranquility and relaxation, a place to unwind from the stresses of life. Whatever shape, size or form gardens take, they all have many things in common; the visual stimulation of a bright array of flowers, the feel of the coolshade of a welcome tree in the heat of the midday sun, the sound of a trickling fountain or waterfall or the fragrant aroma of roses. All of these things touch one or all of our five senses. The Egyptians show evidence of gardening on tombs dating back to 1500 BC. The Egyptians used many aromatic plants and herbs for both medicinal

and perfumery uses. Kyphi was a well know Egyptian fragrance blended from plants such as juniper, peppermint, myrrh, cinnamon and saffron. Persia was also renowned for its fragrant gardens as far back as 2,500 years ago. Indeed, the most famous of these gardens must surely be the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. They were built in the 6th century BC by Nebuchadnezzar II for his wife, Mayitis, who was apparently homesick for her native country, although other writings suggest that they were built by another Persian King, Cyrus, for a courtesan. Whichever of these stories is true, descriptions concur that these gardens were visions of water, cool terraces and an exotic blend of fragrant trees, flowers and herbs. The Romans learned about gardens mainly from the Greeks, notably from Discorides, but were also aware of the Egyptian ideals. They were in the habit of building large gardens and devoted a lot of reverence to the rose. Banqueting guests were showered with rose petals in an attempt to combat any drunken shenanigans; Nero apparently had his banqueting floors strewn with rose petals. The rose was seen as somewhat of a "status" symbol in the Roman garden. The ancient wall paintings in Pompeii in Italy, laid undiscovered under the lava of Mount Vesuvius for centuries, also show the elaborate gardens that were prevalent at that time and the number of aromatic plants and herbs that were in everyday use. The Roman Empire extended to the conquest of Great Britain and consequently the Romans introduced a number of now well known plants and trees such as cherry, peach, parsley, fennel, rosemary, sage and thyme. The herbs that the Romans introduced to Great Britain became an essential part of the medieval monastery gardens and remain today an integral part of an English country garden. Gardens in England varied over different historical periods; for example, the Tudors were heavily influenced by the Italians, whereas the Stuarts were more influenced by the French style. Large gardens
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Historical Use of Aromatic Plants in the Garden

By Sharon Falsetto, CA, BA, (Hons)
Continued...page 4 were normal for huge, stately country piles; however even small cottage gardens were crammed with herbs and aromatic plants, used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. It was only with the onset of the Industrial Revolution, when people left the country for the cities in search of their "fortune" that gardening declined to a lesser scale and the medicinal value of plants were forgotten for a period of time. Hospitals are realizing the benefits of providing a garden for their patients recovery and many are putting money into providing a garden because of this. One study, the Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Hospitals Organization, found: "Patients and visitors need connections with nature through exterior spaces, plants, halls and TL (therapeutic landscaping)" (1999). (Source: Journal of Mediterranean Ecology Vol. 8 2007) An aromatherapy garden focuses on the scents of the plants and flowers in it. The scents released from plants, trees and flowers are the basis for the essential oils used in aromatherapy. Essential oils are volatile (from the Latin volare, meaning to fly), which means they evaporate at or above room temperature. Heat releases the fragrance of the oils (essentially the plant's perfume or flavor), hence the more noticeable fragrances generated by a walk through a summer garden. In the winter these fragrances are less noticeable as the cooler air prevents easy evaporation of the oils from plants. Flowers for an aromatherapy garden "I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck" Emma Goldman There are lots of flowers that you can choose for an aromatic garden, depending on your location, size of space and personal preferences. These are a few of my favorite flowers for an aromatherapy garden. Rose (Rosa damascena): rose is perhaps my most favorite flower as it reminds me of England; however, rose is actually a true native of the Far East, brought to England in the trading of spices and other exotic goods. Some hardier varieties of rose tolerate the sub-zero temperatures of our Arizona winter and provide lasting color throughout the summer and fall. Extraction of rose essential oil is difficult and thus costly, making it subject to adulteration by some suppliers. It takes about 60,000 rose petals to produce one ounce of essential oil, so take advantage of the natural fragrance of a rose in your backyard for a fraction of that cost!

Power of Scented Gardens The Healing

"The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses" Hanna Rion
All of our senses are stimulated by the sights, sounds, smell, touch (and even taste!) of a garden. Vincent Van Gogh spent time (at his own admission) at the Asylum of Saint Paul de Mausole in Saint-Remy, France and this was where he painted one of his most famous series of paintings, Iris. He was apparently inspired and healed by the surrounding gardens of the Asylum. Trees for an aromatherapy garden "Of the infinite variety of fruits which spring from the bosom of the earth, the trees of the wood are the greatest in dignity" Susan Fenimore Cooper
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Historical Use of Aromatic Plants in the Garden

By Sharon Falsetto, CA, BA, (Hons)
Continued...page 5 There are also a large number of fragrant trees from pine forests and cedar woods to the more exotic fruity fragrances of the citrus trees to choose from for your aromatherapy garden; here's a couple of my favorite trees for an aromatherapy garden: Orange (Citrus sinensis): orange is my favorite citrus tree, simply because it is so uplifting and nearly every part of the tree is used for aromatherapy, (leaves - Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium var amara), flowers - orange blossom/neroli (Citrus aurantium var amara) fruit sweet orange (Citrus sinensis). You can also both eat and drink the fruit! Orange reminds me of Spain, where there a lot of orange trees growing, but it is also grown in other Mediterranean countries as well as worldwide, including several states of America (Florida and California). However, orange was an original native of China. An orange tree grows to about 2 ft. Sweet orange essential oil is usually liked by children, pregnant women and the elderly due to its gentle nature. Pine (Pinus sylvestris): there are a number of varieties of pine tree but the Scotch pine is usually the favorite for aromatherapy use. Pine is a native of Eurasia; it is also found in the cooler climates of Eastern United States, Europe, Russia and a number of the Baltic States, in addition to Scandinavian countries such as Finland. Pine trees can reach 131 feet. Pine takes its name from Scotland, where it is thought to have covered a lot of the countryside at one time. The fragrant aroma of the pine tree is known for its many healing properties including respiratory, sinus, anti-viral and anti-bacterial. Cyprus (Cupressus sempervirens): cypress is an ancient species of tree; it takes its Latin name (sempervirens, meaning evergreen) to heart, as some cypress trees are thought to be over 2,000 years old. Consequently, a number of folklore and traditions are associated with it. Cypress is a highly aromatic tree found in a number of European countries, although other species of the cyprus tree

are found throughout the world, for non-aromatherapy purposes, including the Arizona cypress tree. The properties of cypress in aromatherapy use include calming the nervous system, circulatory problems, antiseptic and astringent properties. Plants for an aromatherapy garden Other plants for an aromatherapy garden include: Peppermint (Mentha piperita): peppermint is cultivated worldwide and is a favorite in many herb gardens; it has been used for centuries. The uses of peppermint in aromatherapy include a treatment for respiratory and digestive problems. It is also used in skin care, as well as being useful for the nervous system. Continued...page 7

Historical Use of Aromatic Plants in the Garden

By Sharon Falsetto, CA, BA, (Hons)
Continued...page 6 Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens): geranium is often referred to as the poor man's rose because of its similarities in fragrance of true rose; however, geranium is a worthy plant in its own right. Geranium essential oil is actually extracted from the leaves of the plant and not the flowers. It is a popular choice for women in treating a lot of "women's" problems (including PMS, menopausal problems and excellent for skin care for all ages). Geranium is available in a large variety of colors and species for the garden and will continue to bloom throughout the summer and right through fall in the state of Arizona. Thyme (Thymus vulgaris): there are a number of species of thyme but sweet or common thyme (Thymus vulgaris) was one of the earliest known medicinal plants in Western herbal medicine. It grows extensively throughout the world including the Mediterranean region, the United States, China, Russia and Turkey. Thyme leaves emit a pleasant aromatic aroma and is used in culinary dishes too. Thyme is used in aromatherapy for digestive, respiratory, antiseptic and antibacterial problems. It grows to a height of 18 inches.

"A garden is a friend you can visit any time" Anonymous

Copyright Sharon Falsetto 2008 All Rights Reserved References: Lawless, Julia (1995) The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils Thorsons: UK Lawless, Julia (2001) The Aromatherapy Garden Kyle Cathie Limited: UK Squire, David (2002) The Healing Garden Vega: UK Journal of Mediterranean Ecology Vol. 8 2007 Articles on: www.healinglandscapes.org www.britainexpress.com/History/english-gardens.html

Flower Essences: Bridging Body and Spirit

Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers
Alberta Wild Rose The color of Albertas Wild Rose ranges from white to intense pink. It is related to the heart chakra, both in its color and in the shape of individual petals. It has been known through time as the flower of love. While the flower opens it forms a cup shape, receptive and gentle. As the 5 petalled flower blooms it releases a magnificent scent. Its perfume to me, is one of the most appealing in the prairie summer, delicate enough to attract devas and encourage the birds and butterflies to mate in blissful union. Yet the rose is a study in contrasts, gentle color and scent, fierce barbs for protection and a determined forceful root system, allow it to grow in situations that are less than optimal for many plants. The Alberta Wild Rose is a flower of replenishment. Its physical properties reflect its use. The gentleness of the color and odor mirrors its ability to bring hope. Its tenacious roots show an aptitude to hold on, even when it feels bleak or hopeless. The Wild Rose barbs represent the selfpreserving, instinct useful for protecting itself and others around it. case it can help connect us to the Source and our personal belief in soul continuity. This also applies when parts of us are repressed or dead. This deadening feeling can happen after trauma, a bad relationship, or as a consequence of long term, low self- esteem. When we get too bogged down by routine, or duties we might forget to laugh, dance, and sing. We may also neglect to connect to ourselves and others, especially in a heartfelt way. These frozen or dead parts of our psyche can revive, as the spring does after winter. Alberta Wild Rose helps awaken numb parts. Case Study One woman noted that when taking Alberta Wild Rose essence that her heart seemed to thaw after a few years of isolation in her significant relationship. Not only that my husband also took the essence and went through a transformation where he decided our relationship came before his career and recommitted. I felt joyous and alive. Alberta Wild Rose is a flower essence of compassion relating to the heart chakra. It helps release bitterness by recognizing the beauty that does exist in one's self, one's life and one's choices. It is an essence that lets us see our life is a reflection of our choices, and if we change our choices, we change our life. It may help us feel young when we think we are too old to move on. It reminds us of our youth. Not that which has gone by, but that which lies ahead. Alberta Rose flower essence also helps us overcome grief, allowing joy to emerge. It is difficult to be apathetic or bored around Wild Rose essence, because it brings out the curious, hopeful child in us all. It allows us to grasp the powerful truth- that we are responsible for the decisions in our life and we have the power to make the changes, necessary to have our life reflect our consciousness. Alberta Wild Rose is related to the planet Venus. Its loveliness helps us renew our commitment to our life and who and what we love. It is an essence of hope, joy, and tenacity. This queen of the Canadian Prairies is a flower of self- empowerment and sensual beauty. Continued...page 10

Photo Robert Rogers

This flower essence may be applicable if there is a tendency toward apathy. The person may indicate that they are in a life situation that deadens them rather than nourishes them, but they need to hang on and survive until the situation improves. This essence also helps us deal with the most difficult transition in our experience death. This essence may aid us when facing that grief. In this

Flower Essences: Bridging Body and Spirit

Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers
Continued...page 9 Exercise Make a list of what you are bored or under- involved with. What do these situations have in common? Are there life lessons associated with these circumstances? If so, what are they? Have you learned them? If not, what do you need to do to let them go? Are you ready to move on? When and where in your life are you excited, happy and enthused? What do these situations have in common? What is stopping you from being enthused, hopeful and happy more often? How can you shape your life so you fall back in love with it? Honeysuckle Honeysuckle flower essence is related to the soul qualities of hardiness and perseverance. There can be a thin edge at times between stubbornness and mental fixation. It is important that thoughts and action are completed for the appropriate reasons. If the reason is mainly to control self and others due to constant fear, less pleasure is experienced in life. Honeysuckle is the flower essence for those who fear failure or the responsibilities of success. It helps those individuals who will avoid completion at the first sign of challenge or obstruction. In some, this has become ingrained to the point of inertia in both thought and action. At these times, the honeysuckle flower essence acts as a catalyst. It is particularly indicated for those who feel the need to be employed in "safe" employment situations. Not only is this illusionary; but it prevents the soul from expansion. This can create physical disease in the body if left unattended. It also relates to holding onto the past, as if it is better than the present. There is a tendency to remember foods, actions and events from the old days being sweeter. Idealization of what was prevents the individual from moving forward in their lives and being grateful for the gifts they do have.
* Information is for general interest and is not a diagnosis or panacea. The essences can safely be added to any health care or psychological program. Flower essences will not, however, take the place of medical or psychological treatment. Do not replace your medications with essences.

Robert Rogers: Robert has been a student of plant medicine for nearly 40 years, including 18 years as a clinical herbalist. He is a professional member of the American Herbalist Guild and author of thirteen books on medicinal plants of Western Canada. Robert has a Bachelors Degree in Botany. He has taught plant medicine for over 20 years, and is an avid fan of our indigenous plants and mushrooms. Robert has been involved in the health field for over 30 years and had a clinical herbal practice for 18 years (retired). He works as a consultant to various boards and industries advising growers and creating herbal formulas. Laurie Szott-Rogers: Laurie has worked with aromatherapy for over a decade, creating products and concocting blends. She has a degree in General Studies, a Diploma in Social Science Research and a strong background in metaphysics. She has taught alternative healing for nearly 20 years. Laurie is a certified aromatherapist, dreamworker and flower essence practitioner. Lauries novel is entitled The Path of the Devas. She is currently writing and researching about goddess archetypes and their influence on modern women.

Prairie Deva Essences are made by Robert Rogers, Laurie Szott-Rogers and many Prairie Devas who work hard to bring their knowledge and healing methods to the human realm. Prairie Deva Essences are mainly from the Canadian Prairies.
Photo Robert Rogers

Visit: Prairie Deva Essences


Flower Power for Pets to the Rescue (sm)

Bach Flower Essences for Fear Issues
By Kelly Holland Azzaro, RA, CCAP, CBFP, LMT Does your animal friend have fear issues? If so, you may want to consider trying the Bach Flower Remedies. Natural flower essences can be helpful with so many emotional issues, including fear based behaviors. Our animal friends can suffer from some of the same type of fears as people, fear and anxiety may include: fear of loud noises (fireworks, gunshots and thunder), separation and travel anxiety, phobias and more. What are Bach Flower Essence Remedies? Bach Flower Remedies are derived from the essence of a plant, flower, water or mineral. The essences are created by a natural process called: sunlight infusion method. Similar to homeopathy, the flower essences are safe, gentle and easy to use. The essences are typically taken in drop form diluted by way of water and placed directly on the tongue or mouth, or placed in water to drink. Flower Essence Remedies are all natural, non-toxic and do not interfere with any other treatments, therapies, supplements, herbs, oils etc. There are no side effects. Flower Essences can be used with animals and people. They are not a substitute for medical treatment. Flower essences are a supportive natural tool that can also be combined with other therapies such as acupuncture, aromatherapy, massage and energy therapies. The Bach Flower Remedies were created in the early 1900s by Dr. Edward Bach, an English physician, homeopath and bacteriologist. Dr. Bach was searching for a more natural and holistic approach to healing for his patients. He also created seven nosodes; a homeopathic alternative to vaccines. Dr. Bach passed away in 1936. All of his works and wealth of knowledge is still being shared to this day, and is preserved by the Bach Centre in Mt. Vernon, England. What are Flower Essence Remedies used for? Flower Essence Remedies are typically used for balancing emotions and negative behavior. Essences allow for a gentle shift of the negative aspect to the positive for balance and harmony. You may already be familiar with the popular flower essence remedy called: Rescue Remedy, which is sold world-wide in health food stores, holistic health centers and by holistic veterinarians and practitioners. Rescue Remedy is even available for purchase in some airport shops (useful for fear of flying). This flower essence combination is useful for anxiety, shock and trauma and high stress situations, and can be useful for supporting a calm and peaceful state of being. Rescue Remedy is a combination formula of five individual flower essence remedies: Cherry Plum (fear of losing mental control/panic), Clematis (fainting), Impatiens (irritability, agitation due to pain), Rock Rose (terror), and Star of Bethlehem (shock). The Bach Flower Essences are also available in single remedy bottles. There are 38 remedies total. The individual flower essences are useful for a wide-range of issues and imbalances. For this article we will focus on Fear issues. Continued...page 12

Cherry Plum or Myrobalan Blossoms


Flower Power for Pets to the Rescue (sm)

Bach Flower Essences for Fear Issues
By Kelly Holland Azzaro, RA, CCAP, CBFP, LMT Continued...page 11 Individual Bach Flower Essences useful for Fear issues: Aspen: unknown fears or worries Cherry Plum*: fear of loosing control, bad temper Mimulus*: known fears, phobias, shyness Red Chestnut: over-concern for others, family members etc. Rock Rose*: panic, terror Star of Bethlehem*: shock and trauma Rescue Remedy Formula: overall anxiety, stress, fear and trauma (*These flower essences are available as individual remedies or via the Rescue Remedy formula.) With the use of any of the flower essence remedies it is important to note that they are not a substitute for medical or emergency care. Remedies should be used as a supportive and complimentary tool. Fear issues are a constant part of life, and certain anxious-type behavior may need the use of these supportive tools on an as needed and continued basis. We must also take into consideration any outside factors that may be contributing to the anxiety and fear issues and behaviors. Some outside factors may include: new surroundings or a new family member, change in routine or diet, the death of a loved one past traumas or recent adoption/rescue situation etc. Consulting with a professional Bach Flower Practitioner is one of the best ways to ensure that correct flower essences are chosen for you or your animal friend/s. A Bach Flower Practitioner will take the time to do a complete consultation/evaluation and work with the client to select the proper flower essence remedies for home use.
References and Resources: Nosodes History www.homeoint.org/cazalet/stearns/nosodes.htm

Kelly Holland Azzaro is a Registered Aromatherapist, Certified Clinical Aromatherapy Practitioner, Certified Bach Flower Practitioner, Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner, Past Vice President (NAHA) and current Past President of NAHA (National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy). Kelly has over 20 years professional experience in holistic aromatherapy and massage therapies for both people and their pets. She offers NCBTMB CEU Approved courses in Animal Aromatherapy and Flower Essences. Kelly is the Founder and Director of The Holistic Animal Association Network: Supporting the Holistic Healing Arts for People and Their Animal Friends. www.holisticanimalassociation.com Kelly, and her husband Marco who is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Qigong Practitioner, have a Holistic Healing Center in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. To learn more please visit our website at:

Star of Bethlehem


Launching Your Personal Care Product Brand

Tim Johansson
Finding the very best private label skin care manufacturer is perhaps the single most important decision you will make as you launch your personal care product brand. To assist you in this decision here are some things to consider: First, remember that you are seeking a strategic partner that will be responsible for the manufacturing portion of your business. You are counting on them to manufacture a safe and effective product. Finding a credible manufacturer requires due diligence. A personal recommendation is always helpful but if you do not know an industry insider you may consider an industry trade group. Industry trade groups tend to be unbiased and thus a more trusted source of information for and about the skin care industry and has access to a database of private label skin care manufacturers. Once you have sourced some credible candidates start with the basic questions like how long have they been in business. Like a candidate in a job interview, experience in private label skin manufacturing matters and you are putting your money, your brand reputation and your formulations into their hands. So before you ask any other question, ask them how many years they have been in business. Next, be certain to pay attention to the service you are receiving BEFORE you have a signed contract. The kind of care and attention that you are receiving as you explore says everything about what kind of care and attention you will receive after you have a signed manufacturing contract. A high quality manufacturer will care about your business before before you are customer. If they are responsive during your exploration process they are likely be responsive when they are your chosen manufacturer. Of course the price of the private label skin manufacturers services matters and your ability to deliver your product profitability will determine your long-term success. But also remember that the finished price is not always the true finished price. Continued...page 15


Launching Your Personal Care Product Brand

Tim Johansson
Continued...page 14 Hidden costs to your final product cost are important to note and this is no more prominent than in the minimums that the manufacturer requires. While higher order minimums often reduce the per-unit cost they also require significantly more up front investment capital and cash to carry the product as inventory. Sometimes lower minimums with a higher per unit price tag may actually be cheaper if you explore these factors. In addition some private label skin care manufacturers charge for additional services like supplying the shipping containers and many even reuse shipping boxes in a manner that risks damage to your product once it leaves the dock. Also, know that the geographic location of the manufacturer will impact the finished price by adding transportation costs associated with longer shipping distances. Finally, the exploration into your private label skin care manufacturer will deepen your experience and knowledge of the personal care products industry and you will begin to get a better sense of who the savvy private label skin care manufacturers are. These manufacturers are on the cutting edge of the industry and are working with the hottest brands and helping them to launch lines with unique and effective raw materials. This is the manufacturer you want! Tim Johansson: Rainshadow Labs/RSL Direct Co-Owner and Corporate Visionary RainShadow Labs offers a Business Development Program as an additional client service for existing and potential customers. Facilitated by Timothy Johansson, RSL Co-owner and Corporate Visionary and Business Strategist, the RainShadow Labs Business Development Program is designed to create a roadmap to success by helping our customers and potential customers think bigger and smarter; plan and execute effectively and efficiently; increase revenue and profits and ultimately enhance personal and professional fulfillment. Contact Tim: tim@rainshadowlabs.com Visit the website: www.rainshadowlabs.com 15

Ashi Therapy, Inc.

All Natural Products for People and Their Animal Friends
Educational Programs Live Classes & Workshops Holistic Mountain Retreats Online Certification Courses NCBTMB Approved CE Provider Animal Aromatherapy and Bach Flowers for your Pets Animal Aromatherapy Practitioner Course(sm) Online Courses Save Money & Time Learn Online

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The Alliance of International Aromatherapists Invites You!

With the title, Expanding Aromatherapy: Power of the Past ~ Force of the Future, AIA is hosting an array of industry leaders who will be presenting on a variety of topics including the use of aromatherapy in clinical setting, personal care and other integrative therapies, as well as aromatherapy research.

Purpose, Theme and Objectives of this Conference

Purpose: The purpose of this conference is to provide opportunities for aromatherapists, massage therapists, related specialty practitioners and students to meet, discuss and learn about current aromatherapy methodologies and research. Theme: This conference will recognize the foundations upon which aromatherapy was built and evolved, then explore the possibilities for practitioners from diverse fields to expand aromatherapy into their practices as well as influence reform in general healthcare. Objectives to fulfill the conference purpose: Promote responsible use of aromatherapy. Inspire excellence in educational standards for aromatherapy training. Bring conventional medicine and natural therapies, with emphasis on professional aromatherapy, into a more harmonious relationship. This conference is a part of the AIAs mission to unite aromatherapists from around the world in an effort to advance research and professionalism within the aromatherapy industry and to provide public education through scientific research and educational programs; and our goal to bring conventional medicine and natural therapies, with emphasis on professional aromatherapy, into a more harmonious relationship. Learn how essential oils are being used in clinical environments, hospice & palliative care, cancer care, skin care, massage and spas, psychotherapy, Eastern medicine, and yoga, among other integrative therapies from dynamic and engaging speakers! Learn new techniques to enhance your practice! Network with the experts! Shop the Expo! Learn, laugh and relax with your colleagues!

For more information and to register: Expanding Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy and Travel Ailments:

Essential oils for use while travelling
Green Valley Aromatherapy
Ways to use Essential Oils While Travelling by Land, Air or Sea Essential oils are considered to be little miracles in bottles and are helpful in many situations. They lend themselves well to helping with travel aches and pains. Essential Oils and Traveling by Airplane When traveling by airplane remember to pack a basic kit of essential oils in the checked luggage. Oils to consider are Eucalyptus essential oil, Lavender essential oil, Geranium essential oil, Ginger essential oil, Peppermint essential oil, Rosemary essential oil and lavender hydrosol. If airline rules allow, keep a small bottle of eucalyptus essential oil and lavender hydrosol in carryon luggage. Current rules allow non-flammable materials of less than 3 ounces. Preventing Ear and Sinus Discomfort According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Inc., ear problems are the most common medical complaint of airplane travelers, and while they are usually simple, minor annoyances, they occasionally result Refreshing with Lavender Hydrosol Lavender hydrosol is wonderfully refreshing, particularly after a long, hot flight. Use it to freshen up your face and for removing make-up. It may be Continued...page 19 in temporary pain and hearing loss. To avoid or reduce the discomfort associated with ear problems when traveling, deeply inhale Eucalyptus essential oil prior to take-off and again when landing. The decongestant properties of eucalyptus essential oil will help to ease popping ears and sinus discomfort.

Looking for Events in Your Area?

Visit the websites below for current listings
www.cfacanada.com www.naha.org www.alliance-aromatherapists.org

Aromatherapy and Travel Ailments:

Essential oils for use while travelling
Green Valley Aromatherapy
Continued...page 18 used undiluted in a compress on the neck, shoulders and forehead to help reduce headaches, tension and stress. Hydrosol is safe to use on children so use it to wipe their sticky hands and faces. Reducing the Risk of Infection with Lavender and Eucalyptus The air system on airplanes tends to circulate everyones germs leading to increased risk of infection. Because Lavender essential oil is anti-viral, use it and Eucalyptus essential oil (which is anti-viral, anti-fungal, and antibacterial) to boost the immune system. Make sure to drink lots of water while flying and avoid diuretics and stimulants. Combating Nausea with Ginger and Peppermint Essential Oil When traveling by car, train, boat or bus, nausea and the resulting headache are often part of the journey. Make sure to have some Ginger essential oil at hand. Apply several drops to a tissue or cotton ball and inhale regularly. If a headache comes along following the nausea, apply peppermint to a tissue and inhale. Aromatherapy and Travel Fatigue Arriving in airports after hours of flying and waiting around can be exhausting and overwhelming. Rosemary essential oil is considered a brain stimulant and will help to clear a foggy mind. Apply some to a tissue and inhale deeply. Staying healthy before and during your travels will help to minimize travel fatigue. Ensure enough sleep is attained to heal the body, keep the immune system fighting and feel refreshed. Whether traveling by plane, train, boat, bus or car, a variety of ailments are sure to afflict the weary traveler. Be prepared by carrying a well-stocked aromatherapy first aid kit on every journey.
Copyright: Green Valley Aromatherapy Ltd.

Visit Green Valley Aromatherapy: www.57aromas.com

www.facebook.com/57aromas Twitter: @57aromas


Aromatherapy Journal Publisher

National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy

Reviving knowledge of therapeutic use of aromatic plants and essential oils, and restoring aromatherapy to a truly Holistic professional art and science

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PO BOX 27871 Raleigh, NC 27611-7811 Email: info@naha.org


From the Aromahead Recipe Book

by Andrea Butje, LMT, Clinical Aromatherapist

Vanilla Infused Jojoba Oil

Buy whole vanilla bean pods and add 3 or 4 to a large glass jar (16-32 oz. is good). Fill the jar with jojoba and let it sit for about a week. Remove the vanilla bean pods and your left with the most luscious vanilla infused jojoba for sugar scrubs and other essential oil body-care products!

Coconut, Lime, Lavender & Vanilla Sugar Scrub

A fabulous, soft scrub for your skin
Ingredients cup brown sugar cup coconut oil cup vanilla infused jojoba 30 drops distilled lime (Citrus aurantifolia) 30 drops lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) Instructions Combine all ingredients in a 12 oz container Be sure to use **distilled** Lime as the cold pressed lime is phototoxic. Notes: I like to use a PET plastic container (12 oz or larger) and leave the scrub in the shower. Use a handful on your arms, legs and back. I don't use it on my face. It can make the shower floor slippery. If it does, I wipe the floor with a paper towel after my shower.
Andrea is changing the Aromatherapy educational paradigm through her inspired approach to teaching and creating community.

More great recipes and ideas from Andrea

After Andrea taught her first Aromatherapy Certification Program in 1998, she continued to grow the Aromahead Institute into a premier resource for aromatherapy information and instruction. The Institute offers exclusive online and in-person educational resources.

The Aromahead Blog www.aromahead.com/blog


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and innovative lotions, gels, soaps, washes, body butters, cremes, scrubs, candles, bath salts, essential oils, organic active ingredients, massage oils, masques, serums

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The newly formed Holistic Animal Association was founded by Kelly Holland Azzaro, RA, CCAP, CBFP, LMT, a holistic healing arts practitioner and lifelong dedicated animal lover, whose passion to help people and their animal friends led to the concept and creation of H.A.A. I wanted to create an area where practitioners and animal lovers could come together to share information, build a referral network, and most importantly to encourage mutual support for one another and the unique healing tools that each person has to offer for the wellbeing of animals. The Holistic Animal Association is dedicated to empowering others through education and promotion for the holistic and natural animal healing therapies. Our Vision is to support awareness and education of the many safe and effective holistic modalities and natural therapies that are available for the benefit and wellbeing of animals.

Calling All Animal Lovers Join Us Today!

Phone: (828) 263-4033 (EST) info@holisticanimalassociation.com

The Holistic Animal Association is open to membership for those that have an interest in the holistic healing arts and specializing in natural animal therapies. Membership categories are available for: students, businesses, professionals, sponsors, non-profits and friends of animals.

www.facebook.com/TheHolisticAnimalAssociation Twitter: @holistic_animal

Kelly Holland Azzaro and Sandy


Essential Oils vs. Synthetic Chemicals

Liliana Macedo, Integrative Aromatherapist
Essential oils are highly concentrated substances extracted from aromatic plants with medicinal properties. The pharmacological activity of their constituents, give them a tremendous curative potential, that mankind discovered centuries ago. After a long time of use by apothecaries, alchemists and early physicians, a day came when scientists started identifying the chemical composition of essential oils, and a big enthusiasm surrounded these substances. They quickly learned how to reproduce these molecules artificially, originating the modern industry of synthetic drug mass-production, which no longer needed the plants. Our organism, not used to decode synthetic and decontextualized elements, starts manifesting various side effects, resulting from that misunderstanding. After so many centuries, the pharmaceutical laboratories are still not able to correct this fact and, rather incomplete long lists of side effects, are still found inside each drug package we buy at pharmacies. Unlike synthetic drugs, good quality essential oils, when correctly used, don't have undesirable side effects and don't leave toxic traces in the organism. The natural biochemical language of essential oils is perfectly understood by our organism, which positively responds to the application. The frequent use of good quality essential oils, promotes the action of the body's own healing system, stimulating and supporting our immune system, our vital strength. It should be a matter of serious reflection, how nowadays people take synthetic drugs so frequently, most of the times not even trying other restorative methods. Taking a pill is quick and easy, but the quick temporary relief has a long-term damage associated. Synthetic drugs can be helpful in certain cases, but should always be our last choice, and not the first. We are all paying the price of this legal drug abuse, getting more vulnerable as a species, incapable of responding to new virus and bacteria and, even worse, creating them! Continued...page 25


Essential Oils vs. Synthetic Chemicals

Liliana Macedo, Integrative Aromatherapist
Continued...page 24 Our negligent use of antibiotics is an example of how we are contributing to dangerous mutations in these pathological microorganisms, creating new drug-resistant strains like the multi-drug resistant tuberculosis. Its about time that we take responsibility for our own health, instead of transferring that responsibility to our doctor or our pillbox. Its up to each one of us to research and learn about ways of dealing with our health challenges in a more conscientious and committed way, combining different approaches in an integrative therapeutic strategy. Its no longer a matter of individual concern; its a matter of global responsibility.
The information in this newsletter is for educational purposes only, it is not intended to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any disease or condition. Nor is it intended to prescribe in any way. If you are pregnant, nursing or suffer from any type of health challenge, work with a qualified and expert practitioner. Keep preparations way from children.

Liliana Macedo holds two aromatherapy certificates, being one of them in Integrated Aromatherapy, by the Institute of Integrative Aromatherapy (IIA), internationally recognized for being in the forefront of clinical aromatherapy studies, and for his standards of quality and excellency. She is also a certified practitioner of Deep Tissue Therapeutic Massage and "M technique". Liliana has been a member of the South African Aromatherapy Association since 2010 and is currently practicing in Swaziland. She frequently visits South Africa to participate in workshops, courses and conferences related to essential oils and aromatherapy.

liliana@sinergiaessencial.com www.sinergiaessencial.com

dance with us! 2013 Media Guide

Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/VitaDanzare Follow us on Twitter @vitadanzare

Customer Service Rep/Account Manager

Rae Dunphy Aromatics is the most experienced merchant of top quality essential oils and specialized aromatherapy in Canada. We are a growing wholesale business and need your help to ensure our customers needs are met efficiently, effectively and professionally. As our customer service rep you are the face and voice of Rae Dunphy Aromatics. To be successful in this position your strengths need to include: Customer Service experience Understanding of and passion for essential oils and natural products Strong interpersonal skills Amazing Administrative skills: thorough, organized and detailed Proactive team player Multi-tasker Excellent communication and problem solving skills Proficient in MAC Happy, energetic, enthusiastic and fun!

Responsibilities include: Handle customer inquiries in a friendly and professional manner Respond in a timely fashion to daily customer phone, fax, email, show room and web orders Create orders and invoices and process payments Monitor back ordered and returned stock Create new customer accounts and maintain existing customers and their records Maintain showroom inventory, pricing and displays Assist with scheduled workshops and tasks associated

Additional information: Hours 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday - Friday Located in Inglewood, Calgary Please forward resume to: info@raedunphy.ca

Essential Oils & Blending Supplies Certified Organic, Wildcrafted & Unsprayed. www.aromaticsinternational.com

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Prime Ingredients

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Online Courses: Animal Aromatherapy Practitioner Course, Bach Flowers for Animals and much more. NCBTMB Approved CEs available for Massage Therapists

Specialty oils - Exotic butters - Aseptic Coconut Products. Functional & Natural Ingredients for Food, Cosmetics & Pharmaceuticals www.qualityfirst.on.ca

Rae Dunphy Aromatics RainShadow Labs


Extraordinary essential oils since 1987. www.raedunphy.ca A full service Private Label Skincare manufacturer offering timely Product Development and Product Design; manufacturing at industry low minimums and technical support including packaging and label procurement; warehousing for excess product packaging; contract filling, multi-product packaging; and shipping and logistics support. www.rainshadowlabs.com

Green Valley Aromatherapy

Wholesale and retail supplier of top quality aromatherapy products since 1995. Pure essential oils, therapeutic blends, carrier oils, cosmetic bases, hydrosols, books, bottles, boxes, kits, diffusers, chakra products and more! Online oil profiles and monthly newsletter. www.57aromas.com Toll Free Number 1-877-572-7662

International Journal of Professional Holistic Aromatherapy (IJPHA)

The IJPHA is a peer-reviewed professional journal dedicated to providing the professional holistic practitioner with useful information and resources to enhance their practice and expand their toolbox. Each issue contains essential oil profiles, a chemical profile, case studies, research, and articles that encourage integrative practices. Each quarterly issue is available in print. www.ijpha.com

RSL Direct is the RainShadow Labs online

wholesale skin care market selling wholesale cosmetics including lotions, gels, soaps, washes, body butter, cremes, scrubs, candles, bath salts, essential oils, organic active ingredients, massage oils, masques, serums,and so much more. Visit: RSL Direct

New Directions Aromatics


New Directions Aromatics, your supplier for the finest, purest, natural products at honest, competitive prices. www.newdirectionsaromatics.com

Sales Email: sales@vaporizers.ca Support Email: support@vaporizers.ca Toll Free: 866-35-VAPOR (866-358-2767) Phone: 613-679-7600 www.vaporizers.ca

Educational Resources

Alliance of International Aromatherapists

Public education through scientific research & educational programs. Supporting the responsible use of essential oils in a harmonious relationship with modern medicine. www.alliance-aromatherapists.org

East-West School for Herbal & Aromatic Offering dynamic aromatherapy Studies.
education for health care practitioners. We offer a wide range of professional programs from Foundations to Advanced graduate programs. Live and distance learning education available. www.theida.com

Aromahead Institute Aromahead Institute

School of Essential Oil Studies. We offer students the finest in Aromatherapy education through a 235-hour Aromatherapy Certification Program and a 400-hour Scholars Program. The programs are taught online or in-person (Ithaca N.Y.) www.aromahead.com Andrea: 941-323-3483

Integrative Aromatherapy Certificate Program Nationally accredited correspondence

training in the art, science & bio-energetics of essential oil therapy with personal mentoring from best-selling author and holistic nurse aromatherapist, Valerie Cooksley, RN. Blending supplies, books, manuals and education contact hours included. www.FloraMedica.com

Aromahead Institute Components Database

An in-depth search-able reference database to find medicinal actions, therapeutic behaviors, and research on the components of essential ils. http://components.aromahead.com

OK in Health Established in 2003, OK in Health is

based in Penticton, Canada and covers in and around the Okanagan, Vancouver, Kootenays, anywhere in BC and Alberta, across Canada, western USA and Ireland. We provide workshops, health care practitioner's listings, articles, health tips, recipes, and more, for our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well being. www.okinhealth.com

Aromatherapy Today An international journal with information relevant and interesting for both professional aromatherapists and anyone with an interest in aromatherapy. www.aromatherapytoday.com Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists
The Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists fosters continuing growth, quality and high standards of education and practice within the aromatherapy profession and provides on-going information about quality of aromatherapy products and services to the public. www.cfacanada.com

National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy Reviving knowledge of the

medicinal use of aromatic plants and essential oils, and restoring aromatherapy to a true holistic professional art & science. www.naha.org

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