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The Seventy Two Names of God (Shem haMephorash) - A Meditation Tool for Emotional, Spiritual, and Physi al !

8 Remove negative energy - from yourself or others

7 Bring order into yuor life by connecting to your soul

6 Build vessel to achievea truthful & dream state

5 Healing

4 Removal of negative thoughs

3 iracle ma!ing

" Return to embryonic state - reca#ture s#ar!s of soul

$ Return to creation - time travel %bac! to the future%

$6 Removing de#ression after a #ersonal setbac!

$5 &eeing the conse'uences of im#ulsive behavior

$4 (chieving a #eaceful solution to avert conflict

$3 )ersonal transformation to achieve inner messiah

$" *ransform hatred through unconditional love

$$ Banishing the remnants of evil and inflated ego

$+ )rotection from evil eye & bad dreams hel#s rebirthing #rocess

, (ccessing angelic net-or! to bring order

"4 Remove slavery to #hysical matter and .ealousy

"3 )riestly blessing to share the lightforce

"" )riestly blessing for -ellness & removing negativity

"$ &trength to go the e/tra mile & eliminate sic!ness

"+ &trengthen s#irituality for victory over addictions

$, Remove static0ego so #rayers are ans-ered

$8 Build your vessel & s#iritual 12( of fertility


Removing ego

3" Brea!ing cycle of re#etious mista!es

3$ 3inish -hat you start0overcome obsticles

3+ Reducing ego builds a bridge to u##er -orlds

", 4leansing hatred from your heart

"8 Brea!ing .udgment

"7 Become #artner -ith light to create abundance

"6 Bring order out of chaos through com#letion

"5 4ourage to s#ea! your mind0tell the truth

4+ )o-er of correct -ords to transform reality

3, *ransform life5s hardshi#s into blessings

38 4ircuitry of receiving for sa!e of sharing

37 6ras#ing the big #icture behind our obstacles

36 4on'uer your fears0 inca#acitate #anic attac!

35 4onnect to s#irituality ignites se/ual energy

34 7etting go of stubbon ego

33 Reveal your dar! side removes self centered nature


8nity through sensitivity and tolerance

47 6lobal transformation begins in your o-n heart

46 (bsolute certainty in the lightforce of 6od

45 4ontrol ego to summons the forces of #ros#erity

44 Remove and s-eeten the .udgments against us

43 9levation of s#iritual over #hysical controls destiny

4" 4onnetting to s#iritual secrets

4$ )riestly blessing for -ellness & s#irituality -holeness

56 9liminate %idol -orshi#% of anger: ego: money

55 4ommitment to achive your goals

54 ;mmortality to cancel death

53 )o-er of (rchangel ichael & loving!indness

5" 4orrect consciousness in #rayer

5$ )o-er of re#utance to re#air #ast sins

5+ Brea! .udgments to a-a!en s#iritual gro-th

4, (s! -hat your soul needs not -hat your ego -ants

64 )ro.ect #ositive as#ects of yourself to others


4reate a##reciation: humility: and gratitude

6" 7ive your truth by e/am#le: be teacher not #reacher

6$ )hisycal & s#iritual healing through energy of -ater

6+ 1elivery from emotional bondage0negative #atterns

5, 1ivine umbilical cord to remove s#iritual dar!ness

58 1ra-ing do-n the light to do battle for us

57 Remove limitations to cross your #ersonal Red &ea

7" &#iritual cleansing im#roves negotiations

7$ )ro#hecy and intuition to transform consciousness

7+ Remove bloc!ages for financial success

6, <isdom - to find & not lose sight of direction

68 a!ing contact to hel# elevate a de#arted soul

67 =vercome disa##ointment from e/#ectations

66 9liminate self #ity: victim5s mentality: and revenge

65 >no-ing conse'uence of bad behavior0fear of 6od

$?Return to creation - time travel %bac! to the future% @ Aav Hey Aav

"? Return to embryonic state - reca#ture s#ar!s of soul @ Bud 7amed Bud @


iracle ma!ing

@ *et Bud &amech

4? Removal of negative thoughs @ em 7amed (yin @


5? Healing @ &hin Hey em @

6? Build vessel to achievea truthful & dream state @ Hey 7amed 7amed @

7? Bring order into yuor life by connecting to your soul @ (le#h >af (le#h @


8? Remove negative energy - from yourself or others @ *av Hey >af @

,? (ccessing angelic net-or! to bring order @ Bud Cayin Hey @

$+? )rotection from evil eye & bad dreams hel#s rebirthing #rocess @ 1aled 7amed (le#h @


$$? Banishing the remnants of evil and inflated ego @ Aav (le#h 7amed @

$"? *ransform hatred through unconditional love @ (yin Hey Hey @

$3? )ersonal transformation to achieve inner messiah @ 7amed Cayin Bud @


$4? (chieving a #eaceful solution to avert conflict @ Hey Bet em @

$5? &eeing the conse'uences of im#ulsive behavior @ Bud Resh Hey @

$6? Removing de#ression after a #ersonal setbac! @ em >uf Hey @


$7? Removing ego @ Aav (le#h 7amed @

$8? Build your vessel & s#iritual 12( of fertility @ Bud 7amed >af @

$,? Remove static0ego so #rayers are ans-ered @ Aav Aav 7amed @


"+? &trengthen s#irituality for victory over addictions @ 7amed Hey )ey @

"$? &trength to go the e/tra mile & eliminate sic!ness @ >af 7amed 2un @

""? )riestly blessing for -ellness & removing negativity @Bud Bud Bud @


"3? )riestly blessing to share the lightforce @ Hey 7amed em @

"4? Remove slavery to #hysical matter and .ealousy @ Aav Hey 4het @

"5? 4ourage to s#ea! your mind0tell the truth @ Hey *av 2un @


"6? Bring order out of chaos through com#letion @ (le#h (le#h Hey @

"7? Become #artner -ith light to create abundance @ *av Resh Bud @

"8? Brea!ing .udgment @ Hey (le#h &hin @


",? 4leansing hatred from your heart @ Bud Bud Resh @

3+? Reducing ego builds a bridge to u##er -orlds @ em Aav (le#h @

3$? 3inish -hat you start0overcome obsticles @ Bet >af 7amed @


3"? Brea!ing cycle of re#etious mista!es @ Resh &hin Aav @


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