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Annotated Bibliography

Brizuela, G., S. Llana, R. Ferrandis, and A. C. Garcia-Belenguer. 1 !. "#he in$luence o$ bas%etball shoes &ith increased an%le support on shoc% attenuation and per$or'ance in running and (u'ping." )ournal *$ Sports Sciences 1+, no. +, +-+-+1+. S.*R#/iscus &ith Full #e0t, 1BSC*host 2accessed February 3+, 3-145.

Brizuela, G., S. Llana, R. Ferrandis, and A. C. Garcia-Belenguer $ocused on the in$luence o$ $oot&ear &ith increased an%led support on an%le %ine'atics and on i'pact loads during landing $ro' a 6ertical (u'p using high-speed cine'atography, dyna'o'etry and accelero'etry in a series o$ tests in &hich a rebound action &as si'ulated. #his paper pro6ided so'e data that they tested. #hey selected se6eral 'ale students &ho played bas%etball and let the' &ear t&o prototype shoes &hich are high-top and lo&-top. #hey used high-tech e7uip'ent to the e$$ect o$ an%le support on shoc% attenuation &hen landing a$ter (u'ping. #he result sho&ed that $or the bare$oot (u'ping condition, the $orehead acceleration &as $ound to be signi$icantly lo&er than the high-support shoe. An increase in the delay bet&een $ore$oot and heel i'pact $orces &as $ound in this condition in co'parison &ith the lo&-support shoe. #his research paper has se6eral $igures and data that sho& speci$ic nu'ber and di$$erences bet&een t&o types o$ shoes and 8 &ill use the' in 'y paper.

9ing :ai La' , #horsten Sterzing ; )ason #a%-<an Cheung 23-115 =Reliability o$ a bas%etball speci$ic testing protocol $or $oot&ear $it and co'$ort perception.> Foot&ear Science, 2accessed February 3+, 3-145.

Fit and co'$ort o$ bas%etball shoes are i'portant aspect $or consu'ers and 'anu$acturers, as they are related to athletic per$or'ance., $atigue and in(ury de6elop'ent. 8n order to test the $it and co'$ort o$ bas%etball shoes, the BSC incorporated a se7uence o$ acceleration, deceleration, lateral shu$$ling, lay-up, bac%&ard running, (u'ping, and landing 'o6e'ents. #hey selected nineteen 'ale uni6ersity players and &ore si0 di$$erent bas%etball shoes. #hey 'easured heel-cushion, $ore$oot cushion, heel region, collar o$ these shoes and let those players rated the shoes, so they can analysis &hich shoes is 'ost $it and co'$ort and &hy. #he result sho&ed that shoe &ith high-top, 'ini'al padding and large sole heel thic%ness is 'ore co'$ortable. #his paper ha6e 'any speci$ic detail data about each pair o$ shoes and players $eedbac%, so there are lots o$ co'parison bet&een e6ery pair o$ shoes. 8 can use these co'parison to $ind &hich co'bination is the better choice and &hat %ind o$ shoes can 'a%e players $eel 'ore co'$ortable and i'pro6e their per$or'ance.

Fong, /aniel #i%-.ui, ?ong @oulian, and Li )ing Aian. 3--!. "Cushioning and lateral stability $unctions o$ cloth sport shoes." Sports Bio'echanics B, no. C, 4-!-41!. S.*R#/iscus &ith Full #e0t, 1BSC*host 2accessed February 3+, 3-145.

#his paper e6aluated the protecti6e $unctions o$ cloth sport shoes, including cushioning and lateral stability. So this group selected t&el6e students participated in this research. #hey tested se6eral di$$erent shoes, &hich are cloth sport shoes, running shoes, bas%etball shoes, cross-training shoes and bare$oot condition. *ne o$ the 'ost i'portant data that they $ocus on is i'pact $orce. As &e all %no&, 'ost players are in big size, so they need better shoes to decrease i'pact $orce on their body &hen they (u'ping or doing other 'o6e'ents. #hey set so'e e7uip'ents in a roo' that test the i'pact $orce &hen testers (u'p $ro' a C.D ' bo0 and let testers crossing running to test the lateral stability. #he result sho&ed that the cloth sport shoes has 3.++ B9 o$ i'pact $orce but bas%etball shoes only has 3.C! B9 o$ i'pact $orce. So bas%etball shoes really can reduce the i'pact $orce. ?o&e6er, the lateral stability is no di$$erences a'ong these shoes. 8n this paper, 8 noticed that they test cloth sort shoes and bas%etball shoes. As &e all %no&, C- years ago, bas%etball players &ore cloth sport shoes to play bas%etball, but no& they &ear high-tech bas%etball shoes to play. So it an let 'e &rite a good co'parison bet&een the old technology o$ cloth sport shoes and bas%etball shoes.

#orsten Brauner, <arc E&inzscher and #horsten Sterzing. 3-13. =Bas%etball $oot&ear re7uire'ents are dependent on playing position.> Foot&ear Science, 2accessed February 3+, 3-145.

#his study ai'ed to in6estigate playersF sub(ecti6e de'ands o$ bas%etball $oot&ear according to playing position and respecti6e physical ga'e re7uire'ents. A super6ised 7uestionnaire sur6ey o$ 1B+ bas%etball players o$ heterogeneous s%ill le6el &as carried out. #hey &ere di6ided into three sections2a5 sub(ect pro$ile, 2b5 athletic de'ands o$ playing positions, and 2c5 bas%etball $oot&ear. #he G3 test and the :rus%alH9allis test &ere used $or statistical e6aluation o$ the non-para'etric data.#he three playing positions ha6e 6ery di$$erent physical pro$iles, guards re7uire speed and agility, centers re7uire strength and strong leaping ability, and $or&ard players are 6ersatile all-rounders. *6erall, an%le stability &as rated the 'ost i'portant shoe characteristic and 'id-cut uppers &ere $a6ored by the 'a(ority o$ players. Shoe pre$erences di$$ered only 'arginally bet&een playing positions, guards put 'ore e'phasis on lo&-&eight and 'ore $le0ible shoes &hereas center players pre$er shoes &ith high stability and in(ury protection. Accordingly, center player $a6ored high-cut uppers.#he $indings re6eal the potential $or t&o position-speci$ic bas%etball shoe 'odels, a lo&- to 'idcut agility shoe 'odel $or guards and s'all $or&ards that has high traction and is supporti6e during acceleration and cutting 'o6e'ents, and a 'id- to high-cut stability shoe $or po&er $or&ards and centers &ith the $ocus on an%le stability and (u'ping per$or'ance. #he stability

shoe could easily be co'ple'ented &ith additional an%le braces.

#orsten Brauner, <arc E&inzscher and #horsten Sterzing. 3-13. =Bas%etball shoes, &hat players &ear and &hat they de'and.> Foot&ear Science, 2accessed February 3+, 3-145.

#his paper &as describe bas%etball playerFs $oot&ear habits, their 6ie&s on speci$ic physical de'ands due to playing position and their e0pectation regarding the i'portance o$ bas%etball shoe characteristics. A total o$ 1B4 'ale acti6e bas%etball players &ere included in this sur6ey. 8t &as di6ided into three part, A as%ing players $or their current $oot&ear properties. B as%ing players to ran% $ro' one2'ost i'portant5 to three 2least i'portant5 the $ollo&ing si0 athletic characteristics regarding their i'portance $or three playing positions, strength,6ertical (u'p, sprinting, acceleration,agility and cutting. C as%ing $or choosing $i6e out o$ nine bas%etball shoes characteristics, stability, $le0ibility, lo& shoe &eight, co'$ort, traction, in(ury, protection, cushioning, breathability and to ran% $ro' 1 to C. #he result sho&ed that +3I o$ center players $a6ored high cut shoes. Guards are characterized as 7uic% and agile, $or&ards as all-rounders &ith high (u'ping abilities and centers as strong and high (u'ping athletes. 8 can use these data 6alue to tal% about &hat shoes that di$$erent playerFs position li%e and &hy they li%e these characteristics o$ this shoes and ho& they i'pro6e their per$or'ance.

Jestor 9. Sher'an ; <i%e /aniela , 3--3. =1$$ects o$ ?igh-#op and Lo&-#op Shoes on An%le 8n6ersion.>)ournal o$ .hysical 1ducation, Recreation ; /ance, 2accessed February 3+, 3-145.

An%le in(ury are 6ery co''on a'ong participants in bas%etball playing. ?o& to use high technology and better design to protect players is i'portant. So this paper $ocus on the e$$ects o$ high-top and lo&-top shoes on an%le in6ersion. So the researchers 'easured the a'ount o$ in6ersion, the a6erage rate o$ in6ersion and the 'a0i'u' a'ount o$ in6ersion in 3- college age 'ale. /uring the test, the sub(ects stood on a plat$or' &ith their &eight on their right $oot, balancing only the toes o$ their le$t $oot, then the support right $oot &as une0pectedly re'o6ed, allo&ing a C+ degree in6ersion to occur in an%le and analysis it &ith a co'puter. #he result sho&ed that the high-top shoes decreased the total a'ount o$ in6ersion by 4.+ degree, decreased the 'a0i'u' a'ount o$ in6ersion by 1--.1 degree per second, and decreased the a6erage a'ount o$ in6ersion by !C degree per second, so it sho&ed that hightop shoes can signi$icantly reduce the ris% o$ an%le in6ersion and pro6ided better protection $or bas%etball players. 8 can use these data to co'pare the e$$ects o$ di$$erent height collar o$

bas%etball shoes.

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