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Name that Organism

Activity 4

Abyssal Sea Cucumber

!The abyssal sea cucumber is only a few inches long. They live on or just underneath the surface of the very bottom of the ocean. The sea cucumber (a.k.a. sea pig) feed on the mud of the sea floor. They are composed of many cells that all contain a nucleus, and they use their leg-like projections to move around.

Actaea pachypoda (Dolls Eyes)

This organism is composed of many cells that all contain nuclei. Dolls Eyes are photosynthetic and non-motile.

This unicellular organism can only be found in acidic, sulfur-rich hot spring environments. The singlecelled organisms do not have a nucleus, and do not cause sickness in humans.

These unicellular organisms secrete a glass-like shell made of silica. The transparent shell allows the organism to capture sunlight to power photosynthesis. The cells photosynthetic activities and other metabolic processes are regulated by its nucleus.

Hygrocybe chlorophana
This multicellular organism can be found in moist locations, growing in and/ or on dead or dying organisms. This eukaryote participates in external digestion. Its cells secrete digestive enzyme onto its food source and then absorb the digested materials into its cells.

These organisms do not contain a nucleus. They can be found living in the same environments as many plants and animals. These unicellular organisms often cause sickness in humans.

Hydnora africana
This unusual organism keeps most of its multicellular body underground. Its millions of nucleated cells are specialized to perform various tasks to keep the organism alive. The Hydnora africana is a parasitic organism that receives nutrients from its host. The organism secretes an odor that smells like feces to attract dung beetles, its natural pollinators.

Scutellinia scutellata
This multicellular organism can be found in moist locations growing on decaying plant material. The nucleated cells control the production of digestive enzymes. The enzymes are secreted onto the decaying plant material to break down the organism's food source. The organism then absorbs the food into its cells.

Amoeba proteus
The amoeba contains a nucleus and is unicellular. It uses its special cytoplasmic projections to move around in its aqueous (watery) environment. These special projections are called pseudopodia or pseudopods. The pseudopods can also be used to capture food.

Natronomonas pharaonis
These prokaryotic, unicellular organisms are only found in environments with high concentrations of sodium chloride and relatively high pH. Because these organisms live in extreme environments, we do not come in contact with them.

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