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CDini stry

'Port Elizabeth t
The Carroll Folford Poinily! c/o R.S. Foerster, 3266 CHorchil St., St. Pool, Mn. 55172
Carroll, Nancy

Alandra, Sandra, Timothy


8 Groendal Ave Morningside

Port Elizabeth^
S Africa 6OOI

It is mth much joy that we bring you greetings in the n^e of Christ at this happy season of the year. A full financial report will follow in January^ but suffice it now to say that thanks to God's grace and your generous
support we are no longer in deficit^ but have a balance. God has blessed the ministry of His word in the Port

However^ our greatest joy is found in the wonderful way

into Christ and 3 more congregations have been establish ed at the Gamtoos River mouth, Grootvlei and Smoordrift.

Elizabeth area. This year alone 1^2 have bean baptized

Lo^ willing. Brother Leve. our African minister in New Brighton toiimship, will soon have a parsonage on the church property. The foundation has been dug already.
In October we visited Noupoort (about 220 miles north of

P.E,) where the African ministers and I brouc^ht messages

on "THE AUTHORITY OF CHRIST." At Grootvlei we brought

messages on "GROWING IN CHRIST."

Early in November we went to St Albans for teaching of the chuiTCh leaders as well as a message to the congregatioHr 3 were baptized into Christ that day.
We are enjoying the visit of Nancy's parents with us from Wisconsin, and it has been my privilege to take her father

with me on several trips, including Oubos on the edge of

the Tsitsikama forest where he spoke to the brethren.

We had a number of new people at Grootvlei last week and

it was good to fcllowahip with thoia as we discussed the Fruit of the Spirit^ and shared with them in the
Communion, remomberin our Savior's love.

V/hat a joy for mo 2 xfoeks ago at Uitcnhago to see 3 young Africans come forward to accept the Lord Jesus

Christ. Yesterday they and 2 others were baptized at a nearby river. Afterwards I had an opportunity to bring them a message, and Nancy's father brought a
meditation at the Lord's Table.

Again in the afternoon we gathered at Chatty creak in Veoplaas where 3 from Gelvandale were baptized into

Because there are so many places for us to go and time is so short we have had to spread out some of our

woelcly meetings into alternate weeks.

On Uednesday

evenings I go one week to our congregation in Gelvan dale and one week to a Full Gospel church which is anx

ious to leaxn more about New Testament Christianity,

Also on Thursdays I go one week to Ziade and one week to Uitenhage.

Brethren we earnestly ask you for your prayers. The work is just so tremendous that we constantly feel

unequal to the task. The Lord- has said,

sufficient," Pray for His grace for us,

grace is

Carroll and family.

The Carroll Fulford Family:

Non>proflt Org.
Permit #73

Ministry to Port Elizabeth

e/o Robert S. Foerster

3266 Churchill St. St. Paul, Mn. 55112

Chesterton, In.

Prepared & Moiled by: First Christian Church

Box 291

Chesterton, In. 46304

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