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COLD HEALING MANDALA One of the strongest healing colours for a common cold is the colour Red.

Pink a nd White are also used here, to further enhance the healing effects of this Mand ala (for the common cold). Red Rays in healing are stimulating . They energize the base chakra. Red is the colour that warms and activates. Red awakens our physical Life Force. Not only i s it beneficial to use for colds, it loosens mucus, and stimulates poor circulat ion. Red strengthens ones physical energy and will. Pink Rays in healing help stimulate the Thymus Gland and the Immune system of th e body. Pink is comforting to one s emotional energies, and eases conditions of an ger and feelings of neglect. It can also be used to awaken compassion, love, and purity. White Rays contain the entire light spectrum. They are the most strengthening, c leansing, and purifying to the energy system of the individual. White will stabi lize one s energy system, and give it an overall boost (especially in terms of the Immune system). White will also amplify the effects of any healing colour it is used with. The difference in computer monitors may vary the shade of Red, Pink, and White y ou perceive in this Mandala. Purposely I used a tone of Red that includes a hint of Blue. Blue is one of the most antiseptic and anti-bacterial colours in the e ntire visible colour spectrum and therefore, very useful in the healing properti es of this Mandala for Cold Healing. A general way to use this Mandala is thru meditation and visualization. As you l ook at the mandala, begin to breath in the Red colour rays, filling your body fr om toes to your head on the inhale, and exhale from head to toes the colour Pink Rays. You may choose to inhale and exhale just one of the 3 colour rays whatever is preferable to you would be the most balancing and healing. If you feel compe lled, once relaxed , close your eyes and continue the colour inhalations, exhala tions and visualizing. If you are targeting a certain area of your body,( perhap s stuffed up nasal passages) you can breath any of these 3 colours in and out of that area . If you find your mind straying or getting pulled into negativity, b ring it back to focus on your breath and the colours. At the end of this Colour Healing Meditation (the length of time is what is most comforting to you) , do 5 rounds of inhalation/exhalation of pure White light from toes to head, and then head to toes and going back into the Earth . This will harmonize and balance al l your energy systems. The beneficial effects of this may be delayed a bit . As you develop colour sensitivity in your healing sessions, the beneficial effects are felt more quickly. Please message me with any questions or concerns. This information is not intend ed to replace the advice of any Physician who may be over-seeing your care. Yet, everything is a state of mind, and all healing begins within one s Self. Namaste

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