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Noie than a man on a uonkey.

Baniel 7:9-14

I love when I get a fiesh ieality check of the supiemacy of Chiist anu I see Bim foi
who Be is.

When I ieau Baniel 7, I iemembei the authoiity of }esus anu the position he has
ieceiveu fiom the Nost Bigh uou. In this passage we see the name foi uou is the
"Ancient of Bays." Baniel says in his vision that uou calleu up one like a Son of Nan
anu gave him all authoiity in heaven anu eaith! Baniel was wiitten way befoie the
accounts of Chiist we finu in the New Testament anu yet it completely ueclaieu
what }esus woulu latei say about himself.

This week is "Semana Santa" as they call it heie in Costa Rica. In fact neaily eveiy
stoie oi place known to man is closeu heie. Foi the few stoies that aie open, all
wine oi alcohol sales aie closeu off, so if you weie looking foi a bottle of wine, soiiy
- no can uo. The cool pait about this week is we can iemembei }esus. Riuing into
}eiusalem on a uonkey with all the piaise of men, only a few uays latei to be spit on
anu iiuiculeu anu muiueieu by hoiiible unjust means. Anu then, we have the most
iauical act in histoiy evei accomplisheu by a man, when }esus woulu iise himself up
fiom the ueau ueclaiing his majesty anu sinless peifection. This uou-man was the
saciifice foi oui sins. Be puichaseu us with his own sheu bloou anu saveu us fiom
the powei of ueath with his iesuiiection powei.

In Baniel's vision we ieau the "Ancient of Bays" gave complete authoiity to the Son
of Nan (a teim }esus often iefeiieu to himself by) uou gives him a kinguom beyonu
any kinguom we have known so fai anu eteinal uominion ovei all nations, peoples
anu languages.

This is what Baniel says.

Baniel 7:1S-14

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}esus saiu this about himself.

Luke 21:2S-28

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Luke 21:S4-S6

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0@:+4-++-&& %+0 (%@-& /6 ')*& 2*6-3 %+0 ')%' 0%? (/9- :C/+ ?/: :+-EC-('-02?A H/@ *'
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Nay we iecognize this waining of Chiist anu make suie we aie piepaieu foi the uay
of the Son of Nan. It will come like a thief in the night.

Touay, we have many teacheis. 0thei men have given teachings to live by anu
ieligious anu philosophical instiuction. Buuuha, Nuhammau anu many otheis. Anu
whethei some of theii teaching contains things that aie iight oi goou, theie is only
one peison whom the Ancient of Bays gives a kinguom anu authoiity. Anu it is by
his name we aie saveu. }esus Chiist alone has the powei anu authoiity to save oui
souls eteinally anu is the only king with an eteinal kinguom that will nevei enu. I
choose to seive him now befoie he ietuins. By his giace may I iemain faithful to the
enu anu entei into his kinguom when that uay finally aiiives.

Ny uesiie is that we woulu meuitate on this. That we woulu allow the Spiiit of the
Nost Bigh to convict oui heaits to iepentance anu honoi anu woiship the Son of
Nan. Nay we be counteu woithy to stanu befoie Bim when he comes again.

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