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Joey Cuda Warranty Paper The warranty I chose to research is the warranty on my Apple MacAir laptop.

I purchased this laptop in August of 20 !" so the limited warranty of year on the item has run

out. #owe$er" I purchased the laptop with my American %&press card which has some 'enefits. The card pro$ides for (an e&tended warranty up to one year after the original ).* manufacturer+s warranty when the manufacturer+s warranty is , years or less and the purchase was made with my American %&press card.( -Citation. The co$erage offered 'y this additional warranty only co$ers the amount paid in the initial purchase up to / 0"000 per item and /,0"000 per year. 0or the first year I owned the laptop the parties to the warranty were myself and the manufacturer of the computer -%m'edded Mac Warranty.. After the limited warranty pro$ided 'y Apple ran out the parties to the warranty 'ecame myself and my credit card issuer" American %&press. These e&press warranties are co$ered 'y the )CC in section 21! !. The e&press warranty co$ers the Apple1'randed hardware and accessories that were included in the original pac2aging (against defects in materials and wor2manship when used normally in accordance with Apple+s pu'lished guidelines -Apple..( The e&press warranty does not co$er non1Apple 'randed software or hardware e$en if it is included. It also doesn+t co$er damage to consuma'le parts such as 'atteries -unless it can 'e determined to 'e the fault of the manufacturer." cosmetic damage" damage caused when using with another product" damage caused 'y customer error or accident and damage that is caused while the product is not 'eing used according to the guidelines pu'lished 'y Apple. Additionally modifications to the product 'y a non1Apple representati$e or authori3ed ser$ice pro$ider are not co$ered 'y the limited warranty.

In addition to the e&press warranty written 'y Apple there are $arious implied warranties that are spelled out in the )CC in sections 21! 2 and 21! 4. )CC 21! 2 pro$ides for the implied warranty of title and against infringement as well as the 'uyer+s o'ligation against infringement. This means that when a good is transferred from the 'uyer to the seller that the transfer should 'e a rightful transfer with no security interest or liens against the good that the 'uyer is not aware of. This is an important protection 'ecause it protects customers from 'uying something that may already 'e claimed 'y another party and thus would lead to a dispute o$er ownership. Although it is unli2ely that a corporation such as Apple would e$er sell something that it is not entitled to sell this protection is often utili3ed when a customer 'uys an item from a third1party source. The implied warranty pro$ided 'y 21! 4 is called the usage of trade implied warranty. This warranty 'roadly pre$ents scams or deceit in transactions. In the case of the MacAir that I purchased" Apple could not send me a 'ro2en laptop that was used if they claimed to 'e selling a new laptop. Additionally they could not send me a completely different item such as a phone instead of the laptop. This warranty also states that the goods must 'e of fair 5uality and should 'e a'le to perform their ordinary purpose" in this case the 'asic functions of a computer. If the item I recei$ed did not meet these re5uirements than Apple would ha$e $iolated this implied warranty -)CC.. In the case of the Apple Warranty there are three possi'le options. If my product is eligi'le for replacement or repair under the warranty I can either 'ring the laptop into an Apple retail store or authori3ed ser$ice pro$ider" I can mail in the product to 'e ser$iced" or if the repair is simple Apple can send me a do it yourself 2it to fi& the pro'lem. I thin2 that the terms of the Apple warranty ade5uately protect the consumer and pro$ide accepta'le remedies. Although some customers may wish that the warranty co$ered accidents such as a soda spill on the laptop I

do not thin2 that Apple should ha$e to co$er these sort of accidents. They should howe$er 'e held to fair standards and protect the customer against innate defects within the laptop. Many companies now offer additional warranties that pro$ide more comprehensi$e co$erage against accidents li2e drops or spills" howe$er I chose not to utili3e these warranties 'ecause I feel that I am responsi'le enough to ta2e care of the laptop. The American %&press warranty offers similar terms to the Apple warranty 'ut oftentimes American %&press will simply refund the money spent on an item -spea2ing from e&perience.. This is actually prefera'le to me as it is typically a 5uic2er process and I cannot afford to 'e without my laptop for the multiple wee2s that it could 'e in the shop getting repaired. 6$erall I feel that through the e&pressly written Apple limited warranty" the e&tension of this warranty that I recei$ed 'y purchasing the laptop with my American %&press card" and the implied warranties pro$ided 'y )CC 21! 2 and )CC 21! 4" that I as a customer can feel relati$ely certain that my product is a sound product and that if it does ha$e a defect that I can ha$e it fi&ed with no cost to me. I thin2 this is fair and reasona'le and appreciate the protections that are offered.

Wor2s Cited (%m'edded Mac Warranty )*.( Embedded Mac Warranty US. Apple Inc" n.d. We'. 2! 0e'. 20 4. (7 )CC 1 )niform Commercial Code 7 8II 9 8egal Information Institute.( | UCC - Uniform Commercial Code | LII / Legal Information Institute. Cornell )ni$ersity" n.d. We'. 2! 0e'. 20 4.

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