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Aerosp. Sci. Technol. 5 (2001) 8594 2001 ditions scientiques et mdicales Elsevier SAS.

All rights reserved S1270-9638(00)01082-8/FLA

Two-dimensional viscous vortex ow around a circular cylinder

Sbastien Rouvreau a , 1 , Laurent Perault b
a Laboratoire de Combustion et de Dtonique (UPR CNRS 9028), ENSMA, BP 40109, 86961 Futuroscope-Chasseneuil cedex, b Laboratoire dEtudes Arodynamiques (UMR CNRS 6609), ENSMA, BP 40109, 86961 Futuroscope-Chasseneuil cedex, France


Received 27 March 2000; revised 7 September 2000; accepted 25 October 2000


A code based on a vortex method for simulating viscous vortex ow around a circular cylinder has been developed. The original method to obtain the no-through and no-slip condition introduced here is described in detail. The diffusive part of the vorticity transport equation is treated using a deterministic method based on the solution of the heat equation. Results have been obtained and are presented concerning the vorticity eld, the velocity eld, the evolution of drag and lift coefcients and the Strouhal number. 2001 ditions scientiques et mdicales Elsevier SAS vortex method / viscous / cyclinder / no-slip


Un code de calcul dcoulement tourbillonnaire de uide visqueux autour dun cylindre, fond sur une mthode particulaire a t dvelopp. La mthode originale dobtention de la condition dadhrence mise en place ici est dcrite en dtail. Le traitement de la partie diffusive de lquation de transport de la vorticit utilise, lui, une mthode dterministe fonde sur la solution de lquation de la chaleur. Les rsultats sont prsents pour lvolution du champ de vorticit, du champ de vitesse, des efforts sur le prol et le nombre de Strouhal. 2001 ditions scientiques et mdicales Elsevier SAS vorticit / visqueux / cylindre / adhrence

Nomenclature Cx Cz

St t t u U v x x y

Strouhal number, St = nL U dimensionless time L characteristic time such that t = U component of the velocity vector in x direction reference velocity (upwind ow velocity) component of the velocity vector in y direction longitudinal direction position vector transversal direction kinematic viscosity of the uid

drag coefcient lift coefcient unit normal vector perpendicular to the planar domain reference length (diameter of the cylinder) vortices shedding frequency dimensionless pressure such that p = p2

L n p p Re

pressure of the uid Reynolds number dened as Re = UL

1 Correspondence and reprints. Present address: University of Maryland, Fire Protection Engineering Department, College Park, MD 20742-0001, USA. Email address: srouvreau@le-village.com


S. Rouvreau, L. Perault / Aerosp. Sci. Technol. 5 (2001) 8594

density of the uid vorticity vector solution for the diffusive part of the transport equation


1. Introduction Many incompressible ows are characterised by rotational regions in a mainly irrotational ow. Vortex methods simulate such ows by discretising these concentrated rotational zones into vortex elements. These particle methods, where particles are advected in a Lagrangian way, and which are being developed for threedimensional studies, are particularly well adapted for incompressible two-dimensional instationnary ows dominated by convective effects. The main variable is vorticity = u , dened as the rotational of the velocity vector. For a two dimensional study, vorticity becomes a scalar ( = (0, 0, )), and the only non-zero component of the vector rotational can be written = v u . x y

The boundary conditions associated with these equations include the no-slip condition on solid walls, which is the physical constraint that generates vorticity, and the no-penetration condition (i.e. zero normal speed on solid walls). Since it is impossible to get an analytical solution for this non-linear system, the use of a numerical scheme is necessary. Taking the rotational of the NavierStokes equations (divergence of the velocity vector being zero) and intro ducing vorticity leads to the two-dimensional vorticity transport equation: 1 + ( u ) = t Re

The main difculty concerning time discretisation is to treat the temporal derivative of . The method used here splits the equation and is known as the fractionated-stepmethod. The equation is split into two steps: one of advection and one of diffusion, solved simultaneously: = ( u ) , t 1 = . t Re Proves of the convergence of these equations to the solution of the transport equation do exist [1,13,14]. The vorticity eld is discretised into vortex elements that will be advected and diffused throughout time. Advective transport for an element is governed by a rst order differential equation that uses the position of the element and its velocity induced by the vorticity eld. The way this velocity is obtained depends on the method and an advective displacement is associated to it. Diffusive transport with the Random Walk method, is statistically simulated with Gaussian random displacements to give a diffusive displacement. Concerning the deterministic method used here, diffusive transport is simulated by varying particles weight, in other words their vortical intensity.

These methods, rst used by Chorin [3], have been signicantly developed during the last few years [7,9,12] and now constitute a family of methods with different approaches. The most used approach remains close to the Chorins exclusively Lagrangian method, where particles are displaced by convection and viscous diffusion in time (Random Walk Method). In 1986, Cottet and Gallic [4] and Choquin and Huberson [2] concurrently developed a method to deal with the diffusion term in a deterministic manner. For this method, when calculating the diffusion, it is not the particles position that is changed but their weight. Other widely used approaches are the EulerLagrange approach and the semi-Lagrangian approach (in the Vortex-In-Cell methods). Both of these approaches require a grid. 2. Mathematical formulation Viscous incompressible ows are governed by dimensionless NavierStokes equations (mass and momentum conservation) that can be written in 2D: u v + = 0, x y u u p 1 2u 2u u +u +v = + + , t x y x Re x 2 y 2 v v p 1 2v 2v v +u +v = + + 2 . t x y y Re x2 y

3. The deterministic diffusion model This method, developed rstly by Cottet and Gallic [4] and Choquin and Huberson [2] treats the diffusion equation in a deterministic way by using the exact solution of the heat equation. The conservative algorithm proposed by Choquin and Huberson, on which mathematical analysis has been made by Cottet and Gallic, takes into account the vorticity diffused from each particle. In this method, concerning the diffusion simulation, the vortex intensity varies, not the particle position. The solution for diffusive

S. Rouvreau, L. Perault / Aerosp. Sci. Technol. 5 (2001) 8594


part of the transport equation of the vorticity is then given by:

With this equation, the vortex contained in a particle P can be calculated, and then, taking into account the vortex diffused out of each particle leads to: (t) = 0 +

(t) =

Re 4t


| x x |2 4Re1 t

0 (x ) d x .

Re 4t
P R 2 P


| x x |2 4Re1 t

0 (x ) d x d x

Re 4t
R 2 P P


| x x |2 4Re1 t

0 (x ) d x d x . The second term of the right hand side of this equation represents vorticity entering the particle and the third one represents the vorticity leaving the particle. 4. Vorticity generation: no-slip condition 4.1. Conventional methods On solid walls, the velocity vector must be zero, which gives the no-slip condition. However, during a perfectuid type calculation, this condition is not obtained, giving a tangential velocity called the slip-velocity ug . Thus, for each time step, an appropriate quantity of circulation must be generated on solid walls to obtain

Figure 1. Schematic of the method used to obtain the no slip condition on solid walls for one control point.

Figure 2. Vorticity eld, Re = 1000, black: clockwise, grey: counterclockwise: (a) t = 2.0; (b) t = 6.0; (c) t = 10.0; (d) t = 12.0; (e) t = 20.0.


S. Rouvreau, L. Perault / Aerosp. Sci. Technol. 5 (2001) 8594


Figure 2. (Continued)

a zero slip-velocity, which then simulates the no-slip phenomenon due to uid viscosity [5]. In the commonly used method to generate circulation, known as the Vortex Sheet Method, segment-vortices are emitted by solid walls and need to be transformed into vortex blobs when going out of a user-dened boundary layer called vortex sheet. The inverse transformation

also has to be performed when a blob enters the vortex sheet. This method relies on an arbitrary parameter (the vortex sheet thickness) which can be difcult to compute and increases the calculation cost, since at each time step the transformation of vortex elements (segment or blob) passing through the vortex sheet frontier must be computed.

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Figure 2. (Continued)

In other methods, that do not use the vortex sheet, two steps are commonly used to obtain the velocity boundary condition at the solid surface. One set of blobs is emitted to obtain the zero-normal velocity at the surface and then another one is created to obtain the zero-tangential velocity at the surface. It seems hazardous to use such a method without an appropriate iterative process since the creation of the second set of blobs must modify the

velocity eld and then a normal velocity may appear at the solid surface. 4.2. A one-step method To avoid an iterative process or the use of the vortex sheet method that both induce time cost it is then of


S. Rouvreau, L. Perault / Aerosp. Sci. Technol. 5 (2001) 8594


Figure 3. Velocity vectors of passive particles, Re = 1000: (a) t = 2.0; (b) t = 6.0; (c) t = 10.0; (d) t = 12.0.

interest to try to nd a method to obtain this boundary condition in one step. In our method, solid walls are discretised into wallsegments with a control point in the middle of each one. In order to obtain the no-slip condition we use the association of one vortex-blob and one source-segment for each control point. The source is placed inside the prole close to the wall-segment and parallel to it

whereas the vortex blob is outside of the prole, straight above the control-point ( gure 1). In that position, the vortex blob and the source-segment induce tangential and normal velocities respectively at the control-point. This association enables a one step process to obtain the velocity boundary condition on a solid wall and avoid the use of an iterative process or the calculation of vortex elements passing through a vortex sheet frontier.

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Figure 3. (Continued)

Then, solving a single linear system of 2N equations at each time step gives directly the no-slip condition for an obstacle discretised into N wall-segments. Blobs are then advected, due to the velocity eld and the new intensity of each blob due to the diffusion is calculated. Then, considering the resulting new velocity eld, a new set of vortices is emitted and new intensities for the sources are calculated to keep the no-slip condition.

5. Drag and lift coefcients The force applied on the body by the uid (with unit density) can be easily calculated in the case of a ow around a non-rotating circular cylinder [6]. It is given by: Fb=

d dt

uid + body

x d.


S. Rouvreau, L. Perault / Aerosp. Sci. Technol. 5 (2001) 8594





Figure 4. Experimental visualisation of a ow around a circular cylinder, Re = 1000: (a) t = 2.0; (b) t = 6.0; (c) t = 10.0; (d) t = 12.0.

It is then easy to get the lift coefcient Cz and the drag coefcient Cx . 6. Results 6.1. Vorticity and velocity elds Cylinder has been chosen for this study in order to compare calculation results to some experiments conducted at Universit de Poitiers in the last decade [8]. Simulation has been performed for cylinders discretised into 50 segments and for a Reynolds number of 1000 for the rst twenty dimensionless seconds of the ow. The Reynolds number is dened as Re = UL , where U is the velocity of the incoming ow, L is the diameter of the cylinder and is the kinematic velocity of the uid. Concerning the velocity eld and the vorticity eld, a good accordance has been found between experimental and numerical results. The formation of two symmetrical vortices is observed ( gures 2(a) and 3(a) ) as in the experiment ( gure 4(a) ), creating a wake of about one diameter up to 3.0 < t < 4.0. Then, dissymmetry gradu-

ally takes place ( gures 2(b), 3(b) and 4(b) ), leading to the beginning of the periodic regime ( gures 2(c), 2(d), 3(c), 3(d), 4(c), 4(d) ). Observation of the trailing edge of the cylinder also shows an evolution in accordance with the literature ( gure 5 ). First, two primary vortex zones are created due to the impulsive start . Then contra-rotating layers appear between these vortex zones and the surface of the body, develop and make primary zones to separate from the surface. At the same time a third set of vortex zones appear, develop and join the primary vortex zone, making it grow until separation. This process gradually leads to the creation of the Von Krmn vortex street ( gure 2(e) ). 6.2. Evolution of lift and drag See gure 6. This evolution can be divided into two parts. The rst is from t = 0 to t = 10. Here the drag obtained by calculation is characteristic of the ow under study. Initially, Cx is large, due to the impulsive start. Then the drag quickly decreases until t = 1.0 and then tends slowly towards Cx = 1.0, which is a

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Figure 5. Velocity vectors of passive particles, t = 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0, Re = 1000. Zoom on the trailing edge of the cylinder.

Figure 6. Evolution of drag Cx and lift Cz for 0.0 < t < 20.0 for a ow around a circular cylinder, Re = 1000.


S. Rouvreau, L. Perault / Aerosp. Sci. Technol. 5 (2001) 8594

characteristic value for a ow past a circular cylinder at Re 1000 [10]. As it can be expected from a ow around a circular cylinder, the mean lift is zero in the rst period of this part. It then increases slowly and drops suddenly around t = 10, when the Von Krmn vortex street takes place. Beyond this point the drag is no longer steady and the lift oscillates widely and regularly. The frequency of this oscillations leads to St 0.22 which is a characteristic value of the Strouhal number for a ow around a circular cylinder with Re = 1000 [11]. 7. Conclusion In this paper a particle method, based on a very simple model for the no-slip condition, coupled with a well known deterministic diffusion model, is introduced to simulate a viscous ow past a circular cylinder. Results are in good correlation with both literature and experiments. Qualitatively, the vorticity eld and the velocity eld are in good accordance with experimental data. Moreover, concerning quantitative results, the body forces evolution and the Strouhal number arising from it correlate well with literature. The one step method used here to obtain the no-slip condition then proved correct. Since it is very simple and easily adaptable to more complicated geometries, this method should be of signicant interest for particle simulations of ows around obstacles such as wings with aps. Now that this method is proven to give qualitatively as well as quantitatively good results for the rst 20 seconds of the ow, future work will include an evaluation of the advantage concerning time cost with using this method. Then, the following step will be to try to extend this method to 3d simulations. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank M. Grard Pineau for the experimental data and for his precious contribution.

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