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By: Estefany Coria

Effects of Global Climate Change

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Climate Change as an example of Positive Feedback Loops Warms temps warm air and lead to increased evaporation but instead of clouds forming remain as water vapor Water vapor is a greenhouse gas. The warmer it gets the more water vapor, and the process continues Example: The change of climate

will help the production of plants and by changing of climate other plants will be able to grow in the different seasons of the year Industrial vs. Photochemical Smog Photochemical smog (LA type smog or brown air) Directly related to automobile use Sulfurous smog (London type smog,

gray air, or industrial smog) Produced by combustion of coal or oil

Temperature Changes
-If the climate changes than the temperature will rise -Many ice caps will melt and the arctic animals will have nowhere to live

-The ozone layer will increase in thickness and the UV light will not be able to bounce back out and the temperature will rise more frequently.

Proxy Indicators -Ice cores help us understand

the climate change due to the bubbles that form -weather is measure through the with of the rings

-It is possible to gain climatic change from pollen, they survive for long periods of time -ocean sediment provides it through the radiocarbon

P a g e

Changes in Precipitation
After a heavy precipitation event, there is less water vapor in the atmosphere, and therefore dry spells tend to be longer. In the absence of rain, extra heat exacerbates drying and can contribute to longer and more intense drought periods.: -Union of concerned scientist As climate changes then the places with precipitation will have more rainfall, snow, or hail. While those without it will have even more less of it Example: Scientists have observed less rain falling in light precipitation events and more rain falling in the heaviest precipitation events across the United States.

Changes in Biota
-The changes have been very obvious especially the loss of habitat lands, climate change shift the distribution of plants and animals. Which from this can change the food pyramid for many number of animals.

Sea Level Changes

A warming in climate can rise sea levels 1. The expansion of liquid water would be warm water and some species cant exactly adapt to the temperature very fast 2. Melting of the ice sheets on land will overflow and can cause damage to sea level lands -Many will experience flooding Example: Since last ice age, sea level has risen 1 ft/century, global warming can double the action

Changes in Global Ice

-The ice glaciers have decreased in size -lakes break up earlier -Sea ice is white, so nearly all of the sunlight that hits the sea ice surface is reflected back into space; -now that climate has changed it warms up the Arctic and melts the ice which the polar regions reflect back less -Then more heat is absorbed and the ice melts more

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