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Name________________1 Chemical Reaction Test 1. In your own words, restates the Law of Conservation of Mass?

2. Why do we need to Balance Chemical E uations?

!. Which of the followin" reaction #est illustrate the Law of Conservation of Mass a. 2M" $%2M"% b. Cu$ %2Cu% c. 2&a$2'2%2&a%' $'2 d. !(%2 $%2(%!

). In the followin" reaction* 2'2%2 decom+oses to form 2 '2% $%2 2H2O2 2 H2O +O2 a. ,-- "rams of '2%2 decom+oses to form !1-"rams of %2, how much '2% is +roduced?

.. Balance the followin" Chemical e uations* Clearly write out the coefficients Cl2 $ &aBr Br2 $ &aCl

/l $



Name________________2 Chemical Reaction Test 0e2%! $ C% 0e $ C%2

1here are . main evidences that indicate a chemical chan"e has ta2en +lace. 1hese include* 3elease of "as, +reci+itate formation, color chan"e, tem+erature chan"e and "ivin" off li"ht. For the next 7 questions identify if a physical change or chemical change occurred. If it is a chemical change identify which of the e!idence listed a"o!e support the chemical change. 1. Com#in" Ba2in" (oda and 4ine"ar 5/fter you com#ine #oth of these reactants you hear and see fi66in" and #u##lin"7

2. Mil2 curdles5white solid floaties 7 when it turns sour

!. Bleachin" ). (oa+ dissolvin" "rease .. 8lacin" M"5s7 in a flame "ives off #ri"ht white flame. ,. (now salt meltin" the snow 9. 0ood color is dro++ed into water to "ive it color. :. (odium metal reacts with water to ma2e sodium hydro;ide solution and hydro"en "as. Which of the followin" reaction shows this chemical reaction. a. &a$'2% '2&a%' b. &a%' $'2% &a $'2 c. &a$'2%&a%' $'2 d. &a%' $'2 &a $'2% #se this information to answer the next $ questions% <ou conducted an e;+eriment where -.9. moles of ethyl alcohol C 2',% #urned in a cruci#le. 1his resulted in all the reactants to #e turned into +roducts. C2',% $ %2 C%2 $ '2% 1. Balance out the reaction below:

Name________________3 Chemical Reaction Test

C2',% + %2 CO2 + H2O

2. Write down the per relation hip ! between C2',% and '2%

3. "# 1 mole o# C2',% are reacted$ how man% mole o# '2% are produced&

'. "# (.)* mole o# C2',% are reacted$ how man% mole o# '2% are produced&

*. How man% +ram o# '2% are in " mole o# H2O&

,. "# (.)* mole o# C2',% are reacted$ how man% +ram o# '2% are produced& #se this information to answer the next & questions% <ou conducted an e;+eriment where you added enou"h 'Cl to -.9. moles of CaC%!5s7. <ou allowed !- seconds for the reaction to "o to com+letion. CaC%!5s7 $ 'Cl5a 7 CaCl25a 7 $'2%5l7 $C%25"7 CaC%!====Chal2

Name________________' Chemical Reaction Test

1. Balance out the reaction below: CaC%! $ 'Cl CaCl2 $'2% $C%2 2. Compare the propertie o# the reactant and the propertie o# the product in the chemical reaction when h%drochloric acid -HCl. react with Chal/ -CaC%!7 to +roduce calcium chloride5CaCl27, water and car#on dio;ide.

3. Write down the per relation hip ! between CaC%! and C%2.

'. "# (.)* mole o# CaC%! are reacted$ how man% mole o# C%2 are produced&

*. "# (.)* mole o# CaC%! are reacted$ how man% +ram o# C%2 are produced&

Exceeding Standard One i+ni#icant ource o# air pollution in the 0alt 1a/e 2alle% ri+ht now i bit o# unburned +a oline. "# +a oline i burned completel% it produce onl% carbon dio3ide and water$ but car are not e##icient enou+h to burn all the o# the +a oline completel% and the% emit unburned +a oline into the air a well. "# 1((+ o# +a oline i u ed in a car$ how man% +ram o# CO2 hould be produced&

Name________________* Chemical Reaction Test "# a car u e 1((+ o# +a oline but onl% produce 2*(+ o# CO2 how much unburned +a oline i relea ed into the air& Hint : a +ood chemical #ormula to u e #or +a oline i C4H1,. 5emember that an%thin+ burnin+ mu t react with o3%+en +a . 0how all o# %our wor/.

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