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NEWS UPDATE Cognizant Beats Estimates, Peers IT firm cognizant posted September quarter revenues of $2.31 billion, up 6. !

sequentiall" and 21.#! "ear over "ear. T$e profit stood at $31#.6 million, up 1%.&! compared to $ 2 6.# million earned in t$e last quarter. 'ognizant president, (ordon 'oburn, )$o )as intervie)ed b" T$e *conomic Times, sa"s demand revival appears sustainable as clients spend on cost reduction and innovation. 'ognizant plans a sle) of promotions as )ell as bonuses )ell in e+cess of 1,,! of variable pa". 'ognizant $as over 1.66 la-$ emplo"ees )it$ about %! of t$em based in t$e countr". World Chess Championship: Fourth da , same sho! T$e fourt$ da" game bet)een .is$)anat$an /nand and 0or)egian 1agnus 'arlsen ended )it$ a dra) again. T$e scores are no) tied at 121 after four games and t$ere are 3 more games to go under 'lassical time control in t$is 4s 1& crore prize mone" c$ampions$ip. Super T phoon "ai an Batters Central Phillippines T"p$oon 5ai"an, potentiall" t$e )orld6s most po)erful storm ever recorded, $as -illed at least 1,,,,, people in central 7$illippines and is no) $eading )est to)ards .ietnam. #uhani Sa s $ran Will Not A%andon $ts Nu&lear #ights 7resident 5assan 4ou$ani said on Sunda" t$at Iran )ill not abandon its nuclear rig$ts, including uranium enric$ment. 5opes $ad soared after top )ord diplomats rus$ed to (eneva to 8oin tal-s, t$en faded as crac-s began to appear among )orld po)ers as 9rance raised concerns. T$e 7%:1 group in t$e tal-s2 ;ritain, '$ina, 4ussia, 9rance and t$e <nited States plus (erman"2 suspects t$at Iran6s atomic ambitions are aimed at developing nuclear )eapons. To'i& Tsunami (un) *rom (apan Floating To!ards US /n enormous floating island of debris from =apan6s 2,11 tsunami is drifting to)ards t$e coast of /merica, bringing )it$ it one million tons of 8un- t$at )ould cover t$e size of Te+as. T$e most concentrated stretc$ dubbed t$e >to+ic monster? b" 9o+ 0e)s is no) 1, ,,, miles off t$e coast, sitting bet)een 5a)aii and 'alifornia, but several million tones of additional debris remains scattered across t$e 7acific. +andhi,s $&oni& -Char)ha, Fet&hes #e&ord ../,/// Pounds 1a$atama (and$i6s iconic @'$ar-$a6, )$ic$ s"mbolized $is non2 violent struggle for India6s independence, fetc$ed a record 11,.,,, pounds at an auction in *ngland. (and$i $ad used t$e c$ar-$a during $is "ears in 7une6s Aer)ada 8ail and $ad given it to t$e /merican 9ree 1et$odist missionar" 4ev Br 9lo"d / 7uffer for $is contribution to Indian educational and industrial co2operatives. Agatha Christie No0el 1oted Best Whodunit /n /gat$a '$ristie novel from t$e golden age of *nglis$ crime fiction $as been voted t$e best )$odunit novel ever )ritten. T$e surve" of members of 'rime Criter6s /ssociation D'C/E of professional novelists,

concluded t$at '$ristie6s 1#26 m"ster" @T$e 1urder of 4oger /c-ro"d6 )as t$e finest e+ample of genre ever penned. NEWS UPDATE At Whitehouse, Di!ali !ith A Tou&h 2* Boll !ood It )as a different -ind of Bi)ali, a little /mericanized and a trifle ;oll")oodized. In a gro)ing recognition of /merican diversit" including Indian2 /merican cultural and religious e+pression in t$e <nited states, t$e C$ite 5ouse continued its annual celebration of Indian festival of lig$ts, )it$ t$e first lad", 1ic$elle Fbama lig$ting t$e di"a, t$e traditional lamp. China Fo&uses 2n E&onomi& Fissures 1ismatc$ in s-ills and e+pectations of "out$ $ad been t$e top agenda for t$e T$ird 7lenum meeting at ;ei8ing, a meeting t$at is e+pected to set t$e tone for '$inese economic and political part" ma-ing for t$e ne+t five "ears. Bloom%erg E'its a*ter .3 4ears, Ne! 4or) Ele&ts Ne! 5a or .oters in 0e) Aor- pic-ed ;ill de ;lasio to be t$e cit"6s first Bemocratic ma"or. ;ill Be ;lasio defeated 4epublican candidate =oe G$ota to succeed 1ic$ael ;loomberg as t$e 1,#t$ ma"or of 0e) Aor-. 6uit Smo)ing $* 4ou Want (o% T$ose aspiring for 4a8ast$an government 8obs )ill no) $ave to give an underta-ing t$at t$e" )ould neit$er smo-e nor consume gut-a )$ile in government service. When 5aria&hi 5et +idda / fusion of 1e+ican fol- music and, mariac$i and 7un8ab6s gidda )ill bring toget$er not 8ust t)o continents but civilizations at /mritsar on 1onda". /lso binding t$em toget$er )ill be t$e po)er of )omen as mariac$i )ill be performed b" 9lor de Toloac$e, 0e) Aor-6s first all )omen mariac$i band and gidda )ill be performed b" t$e girls of /mritsar6s H$alsa college for )omen. World Cup "eads to $ndia India )ill be $osting t$e men6s 5oc-e" Corld 'up for t$e t$ird time in 2,13, t$e International 5oc-e" 9ederation D9I5E said. India first $osted t$e s$o)piece event in 1#32 in ;omba" )$ere 7a-istan emerged as t$e c$ampion. T$e 2,1, Corld 'up )as also $osted b" India )$ic$ )as )on b" /ustralia. T$e )omen6s event )ill be $osted b" *ngland, sc$eduled to ta-e place from =ul" 221 in 2,13. 1en6s event being $osted b" India )ill be $eld later t$at "ear, Becember 1216 T!itter $P2 5a)es a Splash on N4SE *ig$teen mont$s after mar-et signaled a >li-e? for 9aceboo-6s Initial 7ublic Fffering DI7FE, pumping it out to a $1,,2billion compan", T)itter, its contemporar", made a splas$ in 0e) Aor- Stoc- *+c$ange D0AS*E rac-ing up a $2% billion mar-et cap )it$in an $our of opening on T$ursda". T)itter s$ares nearl" doubled to $%, on T$ursda" from its I7F price of $26, ma-ing it t$e )orld6s biggest tec$nolog" debut since 9aceboo-.


U7 P5 See)s To Boost +reat Ties during $ndia Trip ;ritis$ 7rime 1inister Bavid 'ameron $as described $is countr"6s relation )it$ India as >t$e greatest partners$ip of t$e 21st centur"? and said t$at <H needs to >continue doing ever"t$ing? to furt$er build it. 5e said $e )as loo-ing for)ard to $is t$ird visit to India. +erman Sa s No To 1isa 2r As lum For Sno!den (erman" $as ruled out granting a visa or as"lum to 'I/ )$istleblo)er *d)ard Sno)den over concerns t$at it could )orsen t$e alread" serious diplomatic ro) )it$ t$e <nited States. Sno)den, a former 0S/ contractor $as been sta"ing in 1osco) after fleeing from t$e <S. 4assar Ara*at Died 2* Poisoning Samples ta-en from Aassar /rafat6s bod" contained at least 13 times t$e normal levels of polonium, suggesting t$e 7alestinian icon )as poisoned )it$ radioactive material. 8ad +aga Set To Be the First Singer to Per*orm $n Spa&e Gad" (aga plans a one mont$ vocal training to perform in earl" 2,1% aboard t$e .irgin (alactica, t$e passenger spaceplane being launc$ed b" ;ritis$ billionaire 4ic$ard ;ranson to popularize space tourism. FB$ "unts For "a&)er Who Trapped Cheating Couples 'arlos *nrique 7erez 1elara,33, features in t$e 9;I6s @most )anted6 list. 5e developed a programme dubbed @Goversp"6 and @ *mail 7I6 to catc$ a c$eating lover. US Woman #uns 20er Bo *riend *or Not Stopping at 5& Donald,s / )oman in t$e <nited States ran over $er bo"friend t$rice )it$ a pic-2up truc- because $e refused to ta-e $er to 1cBonald6s. Tarla Dalal, $ndia,s .st Food Cele%, Dead 'elebrated c$ef and coo-boo- aut$or Tarla Balal D E passed a)a" on Cednesda", 6 0ovember at $er Sout$ 1umbai residence. / 7adma S$ri a)ardee, s$e leaves t$ree c$ildren and a legac" of over 1,, coo-boo-s and t$ousands of recipes.

1enezula,s +a%riela $sler is 5iss Uni0erse 3/.9 (abriela Isler, a 2% "ear old television presenter and accomplis$ed flamenco dancer from .enezula $as been cro)ned 1iss <niverse 2,13. T$is is t$e t$ird )in for .enezula in t$e last si+ 1iss <niverse pageants. T$e last time an Indian )on 1iss <niverse title )as ;oll")ood actress Gara Butta in 2,,,.

A*ghan Sisters 7eep Pun:a%i ali0e in Europe T)o /fg$an Si-$ sisters )$o fled t$eir $omeland to escape e+tremists "ears bac- and made S)itzerland t$eir $ome, $ave toda" become t$e saviors of 7un8abi language in S)itzerland. (urmit Haur and /mar8it Haur $ave vo)ed to teac$ 7un8abi language to t$e ne+t generation of Si-$s and 7un8abis living in S)itzerland. T$eir classes are $eld ever" Sunda" at t$e countr"6s onl" (urud)ara in Gangent$al since 2,,# attended b" c$ildren from across (erman" and S)itzerland. Canada to $ssue Stamp on 7omagata 5aru Homagatu 1aru, a =apanese steams$ip $ired b" influential Si-$ ;aba (urdit Sing$, )as boarded b" 3 6 Indians and set sail for 'anada in 1#1&. T$e Indians )ere not allo)ed to disembar- at .ancouver cit" in 'anada and t$e s$ip )as sent bac-. Fn reac$ing India, t$e ;ritis$ government ordered police to open fire on t$e passengers as t$e s$ip entered t$e ;udge ;udge port near Hol-ata. 'anada 7ost issued a press release on Fctober 31 announcing t$e issuance of a postal stamp in t$e memor" of )$o died in t$e firing as part of its 2,1& stamp programme. P5 World,s 5ost Po!er*ul Si)h 71 1anmo$an Sing$ $as been listed as t$e )orld6s most po)erful, influential and contemporar" Si-$ in t$e first edition of annual @Si-$ 1,,6 publis$ed in Gondon. Centre *or Non;Sur0e #oute to De&ide (at 6uota T$e centre is li-el" to lobb" against a fres$ surve" to decide t$e bac-)ard status for t$e =at communit", )orried t$at it could dela" t$e issue be"ond t$e time line it $as set to )oo t$e communit" in political battles. 5aldi0es SC de*ers re;poll 1aldives Supreme 'ourt ordered t$e suspension of Sunda"6s run2off for t$e controvers"2ridden presidential re2vote, prolonging t$e political turmoil in t$e countr" amid mounting international concern. +oing a%road< Bu our o!n $nsuran&e

;u"ing international plane tic-ets for famil" members online is a breeze, but bu"ing overseas medi2claim cover for ot$ers requires advance planning )it$ insurance companies insisting t$at electronic pa"ment for policies must come from t$e polic"$older6s o)n account. 5;&ap o* Top nine &ompanies tan)s #s= >?,@?A &r= /mid a )ea- stoc- mar-et, top2nine sense+ companies sa) a cumulative loss of 4s. %3,#3 cr. in mar-et capitalization D12capE last )ee-, )it$ energ" ma8ors24IG and F0('2 ta-ing t$e steepest $it among t$e blue c$ips. Ba ern up *or *resh &hallenge *uropean c$ampions ;a"ern 1unic$ set a ne) ;undesliga record of 3 games )it$out defeat. Pun:a% most !ell o**, "ar ana third 1a$aras$tra $as t$e $ig$est per capita income, but )$en it comes to prosperit", 7un8ab tops t$e c$art )it$ 1ad$"a 7rades$ at t$e ver" bottom. In terms of equit", Herala pips 7un8ab to t$e top slot, )$ile /nd$ra

7rades$ $as t$e $ig$est levels of disparit", sa"s a ne) stud" t$at ran-s states based on pattern of o)ners$ip of consumer goods. "aBBani &hie*,s son )illed in Pa) 0asiruddin 5aqqani, eldest son of t$e c$ief of t$e 5aqqani net)or- t$at $as been blamed for attac-s on t$e <S forces and Indian *mbass" in Habul, $as been gunned do)n on t$e outs-irts of t$e 7a-istani capital. 1oda*one against Spe&trum #esale in @//5"z Band /$ead of e+pir" of its licenses in -e" circles of Bel$i, 1umbai and Hol-ata, .odafone $as come out against resale of its air)aves in t$e #,, 15z band, sa"ing its read" to pa" mar-et lin-ed prices for t$em, inde+ed to t$e prices discovered in 13,, 15z band auction. 9// )g Thai +old to Plate +a a Temple T)o dozen commandos from T$ailand are guarding 3,, -g gold in 13 bo+es in ;i$ar6s (a"a to)n as )orbegan to cover t$e dome of 1,%,, "ear old 1a$abod$i temple in glitter. Bhagat Statue to Dot Cu%a S) line: Pun:a% 5art r "eld in "igh Esteem in $sland Nation 7un8ab6s great revolutionar" leader S$a$eed ;$agat Sing$, )$o )as t$e icon of Indian freedom struggle to end ;ritis$ rule, still generates a)e and respect in 9iedal 'astro6s 'uba. #B$ pegs CAD at C>D %illion See-ing to claim currenc" mar-ets, 4;I c$ief 4ag$uram 4a8an on Cednesda" said t$e '/B in 2,1322,1& )ill be <SB %6 billion2 lo)er t$an )$at )as pro8ected earlier. Painting au&tioned *or #e&ord C.E/=E million / 1#6# painting b" ;ritis$ artist 9rancis ;acon set a )orld record for t$e most e+pensive art)or- ever sold at auction and a sculpture b" =eff Hoon6s bro-e a )orld auction record for a living artist at a 1an$atten scale. >T$ree Studies of Gucian 9reud? )as purc$ased for $1&2.& million at '$ristie6s post)ar and contemporar" art sale on Tuesda", 12 0ovember. Hoon6s >;alloon Bog? )as sold for $%3.& million. Trams ma Trundle on Shimla #oads T$e Iueen of 5ills is a step closer to getting a lig$t rail transit s"stem Dtram)a"E, )it$ t$e tec$nical team of 9renc$ *mbass" on T$ursda" giving a green signal to t$e feasibilit". Sense+ up 2,% points as 9ed Taper fears recede US *ights poa&hing, to destro si' tons o* &on*is&ated i0or <S officials are destro"ing more t$an 6 tons of confiscated ivor" tus-s, carvings and 8e)eller", to support t$e fig$t against $1, billion global trades t$at slaug$ters t$ousands of elep$ants eac$ "ear.

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