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James Weatherbie

Individualized Education Plan Student Name: Kelcie Demographic Information: Age: 15 (student with Cerebral Palsy) School: Pittsburg High school Starting date: 6/2/2013 Kelcies disability makes it difficult for her to perform many motor skills but she is willing to try anything. Although she has trouble with balance, she can make improvements with practice and focus. Because she is prone to falling, precautions should be taken to have something to hold on to or a soft place to fall. She also might need her walker or safety helmet in some situations. Assessment Instruments: Date: 6/4/2013 6/28/2013

The BPFT will be used to assess the present physical performance of Kelcie. The target aerobic movement test will be used to test Kelcies aerobic abilities. ModificationsKelcie was allow to use her walker in order to keep her balance. The back-saver sit and reach will also be used assess the flexibility of Kelcie. I believe that this test is appropriate because students with CP often have problems with their flexibility and it should be noted and improved. The final test will be an observation of Kelcies balancing skill during 5 balancing drills. During these drills I will count how many times students fall down in order to assess their balancing abilities. Present Level of Performance: Target aerobic movement test: Kelcie was able to walk for 2 minutes before she became to tired to continue. Because of her disability, aerobic activity is difficult and consumes a lot of energy. This is far below the other students capabilities to run for 4 or 5 minutes. Although her disability prevents her from keeping up with the class, her aerobic capacity needs to be increased. Back-saver sit and reach: Kelcie scored 6cm on both right and left sides (Average= 711cm). There was two other students that fell under average flexibility in Kelcies class. To avoid bone deformities and restricted range of motion, her flexibility needs to be increased. Kelcie has fallen on to the mats four times in one class session while performing different balancing routines. The average for the rest of the class was one time. This shows that her balance should be improved.

James Weatherbie

Services and Placement for Academic Year: Kelcie will participate in an adaptive PE call three times a week. However, she will join the general PE class during the units of dance, swimming, yoga, weights and fundamental motor skills. During these units, she will participate 100 percent with the rest of the class. During the weights class she will be pair with a para for safety and technique reasons. In the dance and motor skills units, Kelcie will be paired with a peer tutor to help her with the movements. For the yoga unit Kelcie will use a bigger and thicker mat to reduce the chances of injury from falling. With this plan Kelcie will be include in the general physical education classroom at times that will be safe for her and also give her the ability to work and connect with non-disabled students. Goals and Objectives: Goal 1. Kelcie will improve her aerobic capacity by July 3rd. Objective 1. By June 12th, Kelcie will walk 3 mins with her walker, at a fast pace. Objective 2. By June 23rd, Kelcie will walk 4 mins with her walker, at a fast pace. Objective 3. By July 3rd, Kelcie will walk 5 mins with her walker at a fast pace. Goal 2. Kelcie will improve her flexibility by July 3rd. Objective 1. By June 14th, Kelcie will reach 7cm with both of her legs. Objective 2. By June 25, Kelcie will reach 8cm with both legs. Objective 3. By July 3rd, Kelcie will reach 9cm with both legs.

Goal 3. Kelcie will improve her balance by July 3rd. Objective 1. By June 16th, Kelcie will only fall 3 times while complete 5 balancing drills. Objective 2. By June 28th, Kelcie will be able to complete 5 balancing drills and only fall twice. Objective 3. By July 3rd, Kelcie will be able to complete 5 balancing drills and only fall once.

Transition: Kelcie love dancing so much and it has helped her overcome her disability. She should continue to do so all year. This has amazing benefits for her and also works on the balance and flexibility that she needs to gain. Swimming would also be highly recommended because of its aerobic benefits. The local YMCA has a number of swimming classes and maybe she could even join the team if she enjoyed it. For the times when she has free time at home, she can work on her balancing skills with her parents. It would be excellent if they could work on them every night to decrease the likelihood of falling and seizures. Because of improvement that physical activity made in Kelcies life, I would recommend that she tries to stay as active as possible to continue this progress.

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