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How to Write Mission Statement It is the Organizations core purpose Why you exist Characteristics: 12345Short Memorable Inspiring

Target audience and benefits What you want to be remembered for

People, Info and Process create Mission statement; it includes Staff members along with management team. How to develop SMART GOALS 1 to 3 year action statement (Increase what you want to) Break down goal and assign responsibility to different people in order to manage properly. Specific Measurable Actionable Responsible Person Time Bound How to develop action plan Set Priority: High Decide Action Item: Marketing Plan Decide Who: Beth Decide Start Date: 1/1/10 Decide Expected End Date: 3/31/10 Determine Budget: $0 Find % Complete: 50%

Keep check on Status: - On Target Not on Target Past due date How to Perform SWOT ANALYSIS for your company Capitalize on Strengths Internal Shore weaknesses up Internal Invest in Opportunities External Identify Threats External For Internal Info Based on Customer Survey, Employee Information, Info regarding capabilities, resources & processes. For External Secondary data which will tell us about environment, Industry info, competitor analysis.

Use all above to create an idea to set a GOAL STATEMENT/ ACTION PLAN We take our strengths and match up with our opportunities Or we take our strengths and match it up with our weaknesses to cover them. Overview of Strategic Planning Process Mission Statement it clarifies why we exist as an organization Where you are now Use primary and secondary data Perform SWOT analysis Determine where we want to be in future Draw clear path from A to B Identify long term strategic objectives eg. Financial, customer, operational expenses, people. Identify short term goals that are SMART each year. Break down goals into department and individual levels How to execute it. Everyone needs to have clear action plan (Time Schedule) Track Progress Burn Your Org Chart One manager works with another manager, employees interacting across in their own group and interact with other groups, that creates more information sources for each person. Org Chart works well for announcements, personal evaluations, who reports to whom etc. Org Chart is not for Work flow, communication, purpose and partner (who is doing what)

Say No without Saying No Elevator Pitch Quick statement of what you are saying Verbalized Summary Objective: What you are trying to do and with whom. I spend x of my resources working with y on z results. 6 Hidden Factors of Motivation Motivation is under the surface or ice berg. Truth, Results, Power, Assistance, Form, Structure, There can be conflicts but you can learn what motivates somebody else by asking WHY? You can advertise your own motivations to others. Smart Managers Read Behavior Respond to environment or Shape the environment Task Focus or People Focus Give them what they need Encouraging Excellent Performance Encouragement Specific (Point out specific item to praise) Pure (talk about what was good) Positive Immediate feedback Frequent feedback Irregular (unexpected days) Manage the People Managing You Role Set theory: 5-8 People are primary role set, they have expectations and they give us rewards and sanctions. Our role set can drive 80% of our work place behavior. ICE MODEL Identify Connect Explain

They should think you are Predictable, Reliable and Responsible, In short they should TRUST you.

Disagree, Dont Argue 5 building blocks of reality Information (it) Situation (it) Interpretation Approach (you) Belief (you)

Need for agreement, what you need to agree on to tell your employees. Then move onto 5 building blocks. Improving Output Purpose Resources Incentive Visibility Encouragement Capability Meeting Types: Information vs. Solution Information meeting happens on regular basis, its regarding status 1 person talks at a time. Solution meeting happens on need basis to solve any problem. Everyone works together in discussion. Turbo-Charge Your Meetings Objective of Meeting Time Who What Expected Outcome Group Decision Making That Works How to decide Consensus (equal) Democratic (Majority) Dictatorial (Manager authority) Consultative Method (Everyone talks to each other) Group Consultative

Explain rationale of the decision by aligning resources and seeking evidence.

Solve it once Facts (data and things you know) (start by problem) (Agreement is on data in the end) Interpretation (Final agreement upon solution) First 50% of the time should be spent on Facts,30% on Interpretations,20% on Solution

Difference between Empowerment and Delegation: the difference is who is in control. In delegation, you delegate tasks to achieve desired result; Delegation has tight boundaries and desired course of action, specific direction to achieve tasks.

BathTub Model represents the responsibility of the boss to bubble up during the project if employee engagement goes down & constantly keep on check on performances and interact with everyone on timely basis. Time is an interval between 2 events. A person can manage events but not time. You should be able to differentiate between Important and Urgent.

* A leader is a person who lives his life meaningfully, in order to live life meaningfully one must LIVE, LOVE, LEARN and LEAVE A LEGACY. A leader is a person who: 1. Has a vision/dream - which must be clear & correct. 2. Manages time differently - prioritizing and showing determination 3. Develops Competence 4. Lead by Sharing, Inspiring and Facilitating.

The 4 D's that assure success in life: 1. Desire - Must have a burning desire 2. Decision - Make them right away 3. Determination - Repeat over and over again 4. Discipline - Know what you should do whether you like it or not V shape formation of Geese flying. The Leader leads and takes all the pressure. When he is tired next person leads. Hence with teamwork and collective effort journey is easier and can achieve destination.

The 2 keys to success for any organization are: 1. Communication - one of the greatest challenge.

2. Go global before the age of 30 - manage people from diverse belief/value systems.

* There are 4 stages of the learning cycle: 1. Unconscious Incompetence - Not aware of what you cannot do 2. Conscious Incompetence - Aware of what you cannot do 3. Conscious Competence - Aware of what you can do 4. Unconscious Competence - Unaware of what you can do

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