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The Infant years (Birth to 12 Months Old) Identify specific health and safety considerations that you will

have to consider during the infant years. How will you address these issues?

1. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome A concern for parents is their young infant sleeping. They can die suddenly for no apparent reason. This is called sudden infant death syndrome. Scientists dont know the exact causes of SIDS, but they do know several contributing factors. Babies are more vulnerable to SIDS if they are born prematurely or with low birth weight. They are also more vulnerable if their parents smoke cigarettes. SIDS is more likely when baby sleeps on its stomach (face down) than when it sleeps on its back (face up). Finally SIDS is more likely during winter, when babies sometimes become overheated from too many blankets and too heavy sleepwear (Hunt & Hauck, 2006; Carroll & Loughlin, 1994). This is just a concern for many parents. Since me and my virtual partner did not smoke and Edyta was born healthy, we were more concerned the way Edyta slept, so we put her on the side. My mother told me she would put me to bed on the side, as well as my sister to prevent SIDS. During the winter, our rooms were heated up so there wasnt any reason for us to cover our baby too much, but a warm sleepwear is recommended without a blanket.

2. Motor Vehicle Accidents The most common accidental death for infants and toddlers is Motor Vehicle Accidents. Many infants can be prevented by these accidents if proper seating is arranged. In addition, new Canadian recommendations include the use of booster seats for youth up to age 9 or eve n older, depending on the height and weight of the child; most children ages 4 to 9 do not have the proper bodily proportions to benefit from use of a seat belt without a booster seat that ensures safe seat belt positioning (Safe Kids Canada, 2004).

3. Fevers An infants immune system isnt that strong, and its a number one concern for all parents. When your baby gets a fever, he o r she could have caught it through colds, germs or viral infections. Other causes would be a reaction to vaccines or being overheated by clothing. If my baby has a temperature of 100.4 degrees F (38 degrees C), or higher. Id call the doctor immediately for a check up. http://www.babycenter.com/0_fever_84.bc

4. Breast Feeding vs. Bottle Feeding Breast feeding contains calcium, fat, vitamins, and minerals and other nutritions and has antibodies to fight against infections, such as d iarrhea, ear infections, respiratory infections and meningitis. It can also protect babies from obesity, allergies, asthma, diabetes and SIDS! Breastfeeding can bond a mother and baby greatly but breast feeding is not for all mothers. Another method to feed babies is bottle feeding, made from commercial formula and its stress free for mothers; they dont have to worry about eating foods that is passed on to the baby. Medical conditions such as HIV or AIDS or those that involve chemotherapy or treatment with certain medications may make breastfeeding unsafe (http://kidshealth.org/parent/growth/feeding/breast_bottle_feeding.html# ). Mothers can also be pain free, because the breasts may be sore from the weight. Bottle feeding lets a father and baby bond as well, and its an easy to go method for babies to be fed by their caregivers. Formulas do contains nutrition for babies but does not prevent them from future health problems like breast milk does.

5. Introducing your baby to new foods. Introduction of only one food at a time is a good rule (National Research Council, 1989). An infant should start trying new foods at 6 months of age from to 1 cup, (a chart @ http://www.readyforlife.org/nutrition/howmuchinfants). When a baby tries a new solid food, they should not have any more until a few days later because it a child can develop allergies, like skin rashes, diarrhea etc,.

The Toddler Years (2 Years Old) Have there been any environmental events that you think might have influenced your childs development? Does this create any health or safety concerns for your toddler?


Air Pollution

The increase of air pollution is high. Everyday there are harmful fossil fuels released into the atmosphere and this is a serious concern for our health, especially for childrens development. Air pollution, both indoors and out, can affect respiratory health and influence childrens behaviour (Children: A Chronological Approach, Kail&Zolner, 2012). Also Children are often more susceptible to the health effects of air pollution because their immune systems and developing organs are still immature http://oehha.ca.gov/public_info/facts/airkids.html. Parents should be concerned because their child can develop asthma. 2. Lead

Lead is a toxic metal found in small amounts in the earth's crust, it is used for gasoline, cosmetics, paint, batteries etc. Research shows that blood lead levels of 10 micrograms per deciliter of blood (g/dL) in young children can result in lowered intelligence, reading and learning disabilities, impaired hearing, reduced attention span, hyperactivity, and antisocial behavior http://yosemite.epa.gov/ochp/ochpweb.nsf/content/blood_lead_levels.htm. 3. Second Child I gave birth to another baby girl, and I named her Ewalina. I let Edyta feed Ewalina with a bottle of pre-pumped breast milk and I let her hold and rock the baby as well, she seems very fascinated by it. As weeks go by I notice Edyta likes to imitate Ewalinas sounds a nd movements and enjoys play-acting a baby role. She sometimes seems to be regressing and becoming more demanding and whiny, and less cooperative. She occasionally shows a sign of jealousy, and starts to take Ewalinas toys and pretends to be a baby too by suck ing her thumb and whimpering so she can get that attention as well. I let Edyta get involved with me and the baby to reduce the jealousy and have a positive outcome on the baby. 4. Plastics Many of our products today are made from plastics, such as utensils, clothing, toys, books, computers, phones, dishes, and many more. Manufacturers expose the air, water and land from plastic substance. The most dangerous plastic is PVC, which stands for polyvinyl chlorides. This type of plastic was around for many years and its difficult to destroy. Products that are made from PVC are plastic squeeze bottles, cooking oil, peanut butter jars, detergent, and window cleaner bottles. PVC can affect childrens hormone systems. Another pl astic that is used for making baby bottles and sippy cups is Bisphenol A. The chemical can cause damage to reproductive and developmental systems during vulnerable stare of human development, such as early childhood and in the womb (Environmental Defense, 2008, p.1). 5. Relationship between me and my partner

My partner and I have been in a lot of conflicts. We argue about household chores, money and respecting one another in our relationship. These arguments have been holding off Edytas mood and behaviour. Later one, we separated for sometime , I stay at the house and he rents an apartment. He calls me often asking about our children and I tell him how its going and that our children are alright by Edyt a hasnt been very sure about herself and gets very clingy to me, like shes lost, though the preschool teacher has not seen any major changes.

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