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GIBSON, R. E., 1967.

Gkotechnique, 17: 58-67


SYNOPSIS The influence of a variation with depth of Youngs modulus on the stresses and displacements in an isotropic elastic half-space, subject to loading normal to its plane boundary, is considered. The case of an incompressible medium with a modulus E(t) increasing linearly with depth is examined in some detail. It is shown that if E(0) =O the loaded surface settles an amount w,-,proportional to the local intensity 9 of applied pressure : On considere Iinfluence dune variation avec la profondeur du module de Young sur les contraintes et les deplacements dans un semi-espace Blastique isotropique, sujet au changement normal de sa limite mane. A On examine en detail le cas dun milieu incompressible avec un module E(z) daccroissement lineaire avec la profondeur. On montre que si E(0) =O la surface chargee tasse une quantite w, proportionelle a lintensite locale q de pression appliquee: w,=ql& oti le facteur k, (le coefficient de reaction de soubassement) est independant de la dimension ou de la forme de la surface chargee et Bgale numeriquement a deux fois le coefficient daccroissement de E avec la profondeur. En dehors de la surface chargee la surface ne se tasse pas. Ces resultats permettent une interpretation du coefficient de reaction de soubassement dapres le comportement mecanique dun continuum Blastique non-homogene. De plus, dans ce cas special, on montre que les parties de contrainte ne sont pas affectees par la variation de la profondeur de E. M.I.C.E.*

WI = q/b
where the factor k, (the coefficient of subgrade reaction) is independent of the size or shape of the loaded area and equal numerically to twice the rate of increase of E with depth. Outside the loaded area the surface does not settle. These results provide an interpretation of the coefficient of subgrade reaction in terms of the mechanical behaviour of a non-homogeneous elastic continuum. Furthermore, in this special case the components of stress are shown to be unaffected by the depth variation of E.


The theory of the homogeneous, isotropic (or anisotropic) elastic half-space loaded on its plane surface has given rise to a wide literature, and only slightly less extensive is that concerned with a single elastic layer or contiguous elastic layers of infinite lateral extent. By the expedient of regarding natural soil strata as behaving, to a first approximation, as homogeneous elastic media, it has been possible to make use of the results of these studies for estimating stresses and displacements due to foundation loads. But in these investigations the assumption has invariably been made that the elastic parameters are uniform through the half-space or layer. In nature, however, the rigidity of soils generally increases with depth as a consequence of the increasing effective overburden pressure, but the effect on displacements and stresses of elastic parameters varying with depth has received scant attention and much of the work is comparatively inaccessible (Frdhlich, 1934; Mikhlin, 1935 ; Klein, 1956 ; Popov, 1959 ; Sherman, 1958; Olszak (Ed.), 1959). In this Paper, we examine some problems involving elastic non-homogeneity, particularly in the case of an incompressible medium and where the shear modulus G (or Youngs modulus E) increases linearly with depth according to the law G(z) = G(0) fnzz. In the special circumstance when this modulus becomes zero at the surface z=O of the medium, i.e. G(0) =O, some rather simple (and surprising) results emerge. * Kings College London.
r Simpler algebra results from using G rather than E in the development: 58 G = E/2( 1 +Y).











For reasons which will appear presently, we consider first the following problem of plane strain deformation : the plane surface z = 0 of an isotropic elastic medium z > 0 is subject to a uniform pressure2 -q over the strip -b <x < b. Our task is to determine the stress and displacement fields associated with this loading when the shear modulus G varies with depth in It is convenient to choose Poissons ratio (v) as the other elastic some specified manner. parameter, for we conjecture on physical grounds that it is likely to be much less sensitive to the effects of overburden pressure than is G. This is exemplified in the important case when a saturated clay layer is loaded under conditions of no volume change : for the calculation of the immediate deformations, a constant value of Y=$ must be assigned throughout the elastic medium even when this is non-homogeneous.




In these circumstances the stresses (u, w), see Fig. 1, by the relations

are connected


the displacement


uxx = 2G(z) $+ae





G(z)[g+g] arv


where the dilation au e=z+z and where a=~/(1 -2~) is an auxiliary . . . . . . . . . (2)

elastic constant.
q is then essentially positive.

2 We adopt the sign convention

of taking tensile stresses as positive;

60 Equilibrium of the medium




(in the absence

of any change in body forces) requires



everywhere. We observe that the stresses (and displacements) determined by the above equations arise only from the surface loading ; to these must be added the initial stresses due to the gravity field if the gross stresses are required. In terms of the displacements, these equilibrium equations take the form : v2a+(l+2a)~+h(z)[~+~] v%+(1+2a);+2h(z) where h(z) = Three cases arise where some simplification Case 1 We notice first that when G(z) varies with depth according G(z) = G(0) exp (AZ) . to the relation . . . . . . . (5) g+are II = 0 = 0 . . . . .

. . . . . . - W

$ (log G).
is possible, as follows,

For the quantity h becomes constant ; this allows equations (4) to be handled more readily. this reason the relation (5) has been adopted by a number of authors (Korenev, 1957; Mossakovskii, 1958) and the resulting simplifications exploited. Case 2 If equations (4a) and (4b) are differentiated results added, we obtain (1 +a)V2e+ and the dilation medium, if with respect to x and z respectively and the

($-h2)(cfe+g) function,

= 0 as it is for the homogeneous elastic

e is seen to be an harmonic

but this depth variation Case 3

G(z) 7 -=z+rl G(0) is clearly of rather limited interest.

If the medium is incompressible displacements is, from (2) :

= co and one of the relations e = 0, or= 4, CL



g+g=o. . . . . . . . . .

However, no one-to-one correspondence between stress and strain now obtains since an arThis lack of uniqueness is reflected by the bitrary isotropic pressure will cause no strain. presence of the indeterminate product ae in equations (la) and (lb), and also in (4a) and (4b).









We introduce,


the function f(x, 2) = (1 + 2a)e = 2ae . . . . . . . (7) (1) and, in terms of this variable, equations

which must be determined as part of the analysis become in the limit a-+co :

v2u+f+ h ax
V%+$h Eliminating

(g+gx )=o
ft2$ =O. c 1

. .

. , .

. . . . . . - @W

f between

these we obtain, Vz(~-~)-2hV2z+P+~)(~+~) =0 . . . .


which together with equation (6) is sufficient to determine the displacements. tion we seek arises from the vanishing of the last term of equation (9) when G(z) = G(O)+mz.

The simplifica. . . (10)


We now confine our further discussion to a consideration of the third case mentioned above, namely that in which the medium is incompressible and the shear modulus increases linearly are then with depth according to equation (10). The equations for the displacements

v2 ( E-au ax q-&v2u=o )

. . .



f . . . * . . . * .

. . . . .

. . . . * * (9) bis (11) (12) (13) (14) for the

where /3 = G(O)/m. The details of the solution of equations =0 gxwp onz=O;Ixl>O; . . . . . * . . . . (6) and (9) subject to the boundary conditions

= 0; 1x1 < b, 0.Z = -qonz = Oonz=O;Ixl > b; > -+Oasz+co, . =xBI*rz have been relegated to Appendix A. This analysis component of vertical displacement : NT 4 = 2n$o)

leads to the following 1+ SBF(!P) -&WY) &? e2~8Ei(-2&I)+&+l



o eTtz

sin (bt) cos (xl) P

d4 . I . . . .


where F(h) = e2Ei( -2X) -log and y = z+& The classical solution for the vertical settlement of the point (x, z) of a homogeneous elastic half-space subject to a strip loading may be recovered from (15) by allowing m to approach zero (/I+co), from which we find :
w(x, z) = - q









Fig.2. Settlement

of planes z/b = 0,&,a, & I due to uniform pressure 26 for (a) G = G (0) and (b) G = mz

q over infinite strip width

which diverges at the lower limit of the integral for all vaIues of z. This result, that the settlement of all points of the medium is infinite, is well-known. The shape of the deformed surface z=O can, however, be obtained by using a new origin attached to the medium at point 0 and convecting with it ; this is tantamount to subtracting the infinite constant msin cb#) d( rG(O) S o # With this understanding the relative settlement

from equation (17). zu(x, 2) -w(O, 0) =

sin P9 -A.- m


cos (zt) - 11 d#

+i tan-l

b+x +i tan-l ( .z )

b-x z










while the surface


is -qb

4% 0)-40,O) =



which are known results. The other limiting distribution of G(z) arises when G(0) = 0 and the settlement to this case is obtained by allowing p to approach zero in equation (15): zo(x,z)





sin V4 cos(c9

dt . . . . .



which unlike the corresponding expression (17) for the homogeneous case, possesses the satisfactory feature that it isjnite for all values of x and Z. This result follows, evidently, from the increasing rigidity of the medium with depth. The vertical settlement of the planes z/b= 0, 6, 4, 4 and 1 in the two cases corresponding to equations (18) and (21) are shown for comparison in Figs 2(a) and 2(b). The expressions for the components of stress at any point (x, z) are given in Appendix B for any value of /3, and from these the usual formulae for the homogeneous elastic stresses are recovered in the limit p-+03. However, in the other limiting case, /? = 0, it is noteworthy that these same (homogeneous elastic) expressions are again recovered (see Lekhnitskii, 1982; Borowicka, 1943) which suggests that the stress components corresponding to finite values of ,6 may not differ appreciably from the classical values.

It has already been established (McNamee and Gibson 1960a) that for a homogeneous elastic half-space the solution to a problem of axial symmetry can be written down if the solution to the corresponding plane strain problem is known in a particular form. It can easily be shown that this reciprocity still holds when the elastic parameters vary from point to point in the medium, so long as they vary with the co-ordinate z alone and not with x or r. It was shown by McNamee and Gibson that in this sense the above problem of the uniformly loaded strip -b <x < b corresponds to the case when the load is distributed uniformly over the circular area r c b of the plane z = 0. The solution to this problem of axial symmetry can be written down by replacing 5
by in the

sin (bt) cos (A$)


integrands of the solution integrals. settlement equation (20) now becomes3 qb w(r, 2) = i& s0

For example,

in the case p=O,

the vertical

m e-CzJo(v&l(b&)


(22) in the

while the appropriate expressions same way* (see Appendix B).

3 This expression, in the homogeneous Gibson, 1960b). * The case of the (1943) using infinite

for the stress components

u,,, u,,, a,, can be derived

apart from a multiplicative constant, is apparently identical with that for the dilation case; it can therefore be expressed in terms of incomplete elliptic integrals (McNamee and surface point load (with arbitrary Poissons ratio) has been examined by Borowicka series for /I=0 ; some of our results can be obtained from his by superposition.



The settlement in the homogeneous case is (23) and we note that, apart from a constant, equation (22) is the z-derivative of equation (23) ; a similar relation for the strip loading exists between equations (18) and (21).

In the special case /3 = 0 when G and E increase linearly with depth from zero on the surface z = 0, the settlement of this surface can be found from equations (21) and (22). For z = 0 these two integrals become discontinuous5 at x (or r) = b and for both the axially symmetric and plane strain problems we obtain the following remarkable result : w,, = q/2mwithin the loaded area = 0 outside the loaded area > where w0 denotes w Indeed, since the principle of superposition holds, this result has a much wider validity and applies to any loaded area D of any shape whatever to which a uniform pressure is applied. This can be established by considering D to be made up from an (infinite) spectrum of circular areas; the result (24) applied successively to each of these then leads to the required result. This response of the surface to a uniform loading is identical with the behaviour postulated in Winklers (1867) theory which involves the concept of a coefficient of subgrade reaction. . . . . . . . . * * (24)


which in most applications is supposed to be a constant independent of the dimensions of the loaded area (Terzaghi, 1955). It has long been realizecl that this behaviour is not consonant with that of a homogeneous elastic medium, but we have in effect shown that Winklers concept is rigorously validate@ for a semi-infinite elastic medium provided that : (a) it is incompressible, (b) Youngs modulus varies with depth according to the equation E(z) =3m.z. Furthermore, the following simple expression for the coefficient of subgrade reaction is obtained by comparing equations (24) and (25) : k, = 2m. This interpretation of the coefficient of subgracle reaction seems to be rather more attractive than the usual spring analogy since it refers to a continuous medium. It follows directly that solutions to foundation problems based on a constant coefficient of subgrade reaction (see, for example HetCnyi, 1946; Baker, 1937; Allen and Severn, 1960, 1961,1963) are exact if the foundation medium does behave as an elastic continuum, deep compared with the size of the loaded area and satisfying the above conditions. The extent to which these conditions are met in practice is another issue, but it is likely that some uniform deep beds of normally consolidated clay, when strained under conditions of no volume change, do meet these requirements fairly closely. 6 The infinite shear strain on the perimeter of the loaded area at the surface z = 0 is due, not to an infinite shear stress, but to the vanishing there of G. 6 We have not, of course, established that these conditions are both necessary and sufficient, only that they are sufficient. It is conceivable that other variations V(Z), E(z) might lead to a result of type (24).










I should like to record my debt to Dr Noel Simons of Imperial problem to me.


College who suggested


By introducing

U and W the Fourier

sine and cosine transforms

of u and w . . . . . . . . .

24(x,2) = mU(& z) sin (xi) dl 77 f0 w(% z) = ;Jom W(& z) cos (xk) d# we reduce equations (6) and (9) to a pair of ordinary differential


. .

equations . . . . (28) (2%

cu+g=o . . . . . .
(-&$)(~w+~)+& (&P)u.
By changing variable to y = z+p and using equation (28) in (29) we find

. .

of which the solution, The exponential satisfying integral conditions (14) at z=co, is W = A eetU+B function is defined by: _?%(..-A) = -

(#y)] . e . (30)


m 7-l e-dr sA which behaves like y +log A+ O(A) for small A, where y is Eulers exp (-A)[1 +O(h-l)] for large A. From equation (28) we now find that U = A e-@-B e-ry[e2ryEi(-2#y)+log of t to be determined where the parameters A and B are functions tions (12) and (13). Condition (12) requires that


and like -h-l


(31) condi-

from the boundary

(g-tW)=Oonz=O, but to satisfy equation (13) we must first consider

(I b) which on z = 0 can be written

We findfl

which we need in equation

(33), from the transform

of @a), namely

the last term of which vanishes


. . . .


on z = 0 by virtue

of equation

66 Equation (33) now becomes $(0)jOr$++($-p)





(xi) dk 1 -;;

1;; ; ;}

(33) &s

and to solve this integral equation we make use of the known discontinuous integral (o sin (bt) cos (z$) dl = 1, 1x1< b = 0, 1x1> b.> = 0 -s t 2 A comparison of (33) bis and (35) gives (36) Using expressions (30) and (31) for W and U in (32) and (36) yields two equations for A and B from which (37) * 13)

A - = --&j[&le B

2eeEi(-2#/3) -#p log

(&a, +l],


and the displacements (ti, W) can then be written down from (26) and (27) using (37) and (33) in (30) and (31).

The three stress components a,,, a,, and a,, in the plain strain problem can be evaluated from (la, b, c) replacing cue by f/2 (equation (7)) ; the quantity f is found from its transform 7 given by (34) : ~2, --=4 1 K e-<z{#yL?%y)+ W$~1-[%9-~b%1 2oA s +@y log C(Y)+ 1+ (1 +b,/@l dtf


-2#y log (ty) +1 +(I -#~)/&a> d<

. .

. .

(40) (41)

where :

i/omf e-{i-#y[F(b)-F(@)]}dh

and A = [&W#P) + &Plog (B) + 1+ where F is defined in (16). In the limit @a~ we recover the classical expressions :

-- =zz=
=x4 --=

OD s
0 m K s0

K e-CZ(l + &) di

Q *x2 --= 4


OD K e-@#.z d4, s0









which can be expressed, by rather cumbersome formulae, in closed form. These formulae are, surprisingly, also obtained from (39), (40) and (41) in the limit @O : the stresses are unaffected by this particular type of non-homogeneity. For the problem of axial symmetry the above expressions still hold with Y replacing x as a subscript to O, save that the above expression for K is replaced by where b is now interpreted as the radius of the uniformly-loaded calculation is needed to determine the hoop stress a,,.



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