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PD Plan Joe Oakes https://sites.google.com/a/shcsc.k12.in.


PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION: I communicate with professional peers locally during the following: Professional development activities, staff meetings, department meetings, e-mail and informal department meetings in person. Our department spends a significant amount of time meeting informally in the hallway sharing ideas and different uses of technology. We do a very good job of sharing ideas that we think can benefit our students. I shared the following evaluation/portfolio tools with peers to help enhance student learning: I have shared with peers on several different occasions utilizing Quia.com and My Big Campus and methods for evaluating student learning. This allows teachers to evaluate students utilizing technology as well as giving teachers immediate feedback of how their students are doing. This makes altering lessons and adjusting instruction much easier since we are able to get real time data of student learning. I shared the following multi-media tools with peers to help enhance student learning: I shared the Educreations App on my iPad with peers to create lecture videos that students could access outside of class. Teachers are able to record their lectures utilizing the app so that students who are struggling can access the lecture outside of the classroom to help them learn the material. This is actually what my PD In-service was conducted on as well. I shared the following school management tools with peers to help enhance student learning: I have been sharing the My Big Campus school management tool with my department over the past few months. We can utilize My Big Campus for creating quizzes, assignments, and other activities to help students learn the material being covered in class. I use My Big Campus to create units that my students must complete in order. Also, students must complete each assignment to a certain level of mastery before they can move on. This allows them to work at their own pace, but ensures that students understand the material before they move on.

I communicate with professional peers in other countries by utilizing Twitter, My Big Campus, and through other professional websites such as collegeboard.org for AP Calculus materials and ideas. I shared the following evaluation/portfolio tools with a professional peer from another country to help enhance student learning: I got information on how one teacher is using the Educreations app as an evaluation tool through Twitter. I also shared my web address for my PD videos via Twitter and My Big Campus.

I shared the following multi-media tools with a professional peer from another country to help enhance student learning: I shared the web address for my PD videos via Twitter and My Big Campus. Also, via Twitter Mr. Bozetarnik shared with me how he uses Educreations. I shared the following school management tools with a professional peer from another country to help enhance student learning: Mr. Bozetarnik also shared with me how he is using Blackboard 9 to share the Educreations videos with his students, rather than embedding them in a webpage. Below are the following ideas that I was able to get from professional peers in other countries: Mr. Bozetarnik said that he just posted his videos from Educrations on their learning management system. That is something that I need to pursue to help keep everything contained. I am curious if My Big Campus is capable of hosting the videos. I see no reason for it not to be able to host them, but it is something that I have not tried as of yet.

I did not receive any responses from the following Tweets.

COMMUNICATION WITH PARENTS: I communicate with parents about technology that I use in class by: I keep in contact with the parents of my students by utilizing e-mail. I try to send an e-mail home at the end of each unit. This is to let parents know when the next exam is, what it will be over, and when retakes will be available for their students in case they do not do well on their exam. I also try to keep my school website up to date through google sites so parents can find the assignments and worksheets that their students might have missed. These two avenues allow the parents of my students to keep up to date on what is going on in my class and what they can do to help their students.

The following details my PD plan: I plan to present a professional development on utilizing the iPads and screencasting apps to record lectures and make them available to students outside of the classroom. This will help teachers differentiate in their classrooms as well as provide a much needed resource to students who are struggling and parents who want help their students. Unfortunately, my PD plan is a bit narrow in focus, because only a few of our teachers have iPads to use in their classroom. However, if things go well with these iPads, we will be able to request more and get iPads in the hands of all of our teachers for this purpose. I am going to present this PD as both a screencast and in person. This will allow other teachers who get an iPad later to also benefit from this PD. Since teachers will have an iPad in hand during this and they will be able to view it at a later time, I do not plan on making handouts for this PD. The screencasts are linked to the document below.

In order to use the screencasting apps effectively we need to be able to create lecture slides easily, quickly, and from things we already have. We will be utilizing PowerPoint to create these lecture slides. The first part of the PD will be a screencast on making pictures from our PowerPoint Presentations that we already have made. We will go through converting an existing PowerPoint to jpegs of each slide. We will also discuss uploading these pictures to Dropbox to make it very easy to access the pictures utilizing the free Educreations App to screencast utilizing our iPad. We will also talk about making note taking handouts utilizing PowerPoint as well as another way to support our students with these videos. The second part of the PD will be over actually utilizing the Educreations App and the iPad to create lecture videos. We will work on creating a new video, importing pictures from Dropbox, and publishing them to Educreations. I will talk them through create a lecture and how to save the lecture at the end. Again, this will be a screencast so teachers will be able to access them at a different time. The third part of the PD will be making the videos accessible on our Google sites that we create through the school. This will allow anyone to view the videos as long as they can get to our class websites. We will talk about going to Educreations and getting an embedding code for each one of our videos. We will also go over how we can take the embed code and put it on our Google sites. This will make the videos accessible to all of our students and parents.

I incorporated the following concepts in my PD: - The importance for teaching social, ethical, and legal issues and responsible use of technology at the school/classroom level. I included a link to digitalcitizenship.net for teachers to explore and find more information about teaching digital citizenship to their students. The main part that I mentioned was that they need to make sure that students are using the internet appropriately to watch the videos that they post for them to use. Information about summarizing copyright laws related to use of images, music, video, and other digital resources in varying formats. I mentioned on my PD website that they need to make sure that they are aware of the copyright laws on images and other items that they use in the classroom. I included a link to http://www.auburn.edu/citizenship/copyright_for_teachers.html. The website discusses what items can be used legally and what items have restrictions on their use. Many teachers do not realize that many of the things found on the web have restrictions on what they can and cannot use. The website talks about fair use for teachers when it comes to copyrighted items. The website also has a video and other links that teachers can explore to get more information on copyrighted material. Adult learning theory. I predominately relied on the principle that adult learners are practical. I wanted to allow them to use material that they already had in PowerPoints, rather than recreating material to use from scratch. This allowed them to use ideas and materials that they

had already tested. We also just concentrated on utilizing resources that they already had to facilitate the videos. Most of our teachers already use a Google site, so showing them how to embed them on their site is just utilizing what they already do. Also, the videos walk the teachers through step by step, allowing them to try to do it themselves at the same time they are watching the video. This allows them to try what I was going over, rather than just sitting in a room listening to me talk about the Educreations App. Both of these main ideas also focused in on respecting the adult learner as well. I knew that the teachers had already design great lessons utilizing PowerPoint so there was no need for them to start these all over. Allowing them to adapt the tools that they have knowing that they were already of high quality was incredibly important to helping teachers accept and try the new program.

Professional Development (Beyond the School Level):

Artifact 1 I follow the Flipping with Kirch Blog. This is a blog by a math teacher who is also flipping her classes. She describes how she uses technology such as computers, blogs, etc in her classroom successfully. I have included a copy of one of the e-mails that I receive every week or so. Artifact 2 I successfully wrote for a grant for more iPads for our school through the Harrison County Community Foundation. I approached our building principal and our Director of Technology on my own because I fault it could be an outstanding new tool for our teachers to use. I have included a copy of the grant paperwork that I turned in.

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