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I/ How to learn vocabulary effectively: Widen your vocabulary by studying by heart a new word everytime you meet one

and put that word in a sentence so that you can understand it better and remember it longer. II/ Fast-thinkingThink fast When you speak, dont only think for the sentence you are speaking, you should think for the second and even the third sentence so that you wont be in the situation when you dont know what to say. How to practice fast-thinking? With every new word you meet in study, right away think of two sentence with that word right away. III/ Using Use synonyms or explanation In speaking, if you want to say something but you dont remember or dont know the word, instead of trying to think about it, finding another word to replace it would be better. Sometimes if you cant even have a synonyms, just explain for your listener the meanings of what you want to say to your listener. IV/ No fearDo not be afraid You might feel scared of speaking English because you scared of being made fun of or making mistake. So how to fix it? You have to keep it mind that English is just likes Vietnamese, its more popular doesnt make it harder than speaking Vietnamese. You have to have the courage to speak, speak and make mistake so you can improve, you dont speak youll never can speak well.
Comment [M4]: while Comment [M5]: remember Comment [M1]: Writing down?

Comment [M2]: think ahead two to three sentences Comment [M3]: encounter while studying

Comment [M6]: what do you mean?

V/ Practice your pronunciation: Instead of speaking fast you should start by speaking slow and clearly, try to make used to perfect your the pronunciation after that you can speak as fast as you want. VI/ Learning to think in English: You Sshouldnt think in Vietnamese and translate into English because it costs you more time, better that you practice and try to think everything in English. Do this when your are alone, burst out into words and try to have a conversation with yourself, you will see your thinking skill improve considerably VII/ Train your ears: Listen, listen and listen Learn how the tactics to listen effectively, when you listen to others not only you improve your speaking skill but also you can get informations from them so that you can think of what to say next. VIII/ Learn by heart

Comment [M7]: Failure today will give you experience to better yourself in the future. Dont hesitate if you make a mistake, think about it as a beneficial element to your ultimate goal.

With sentences that you always use you should learn them by heart them, so that when needed you can use them easilysince its quicker to pull them out if theyre right at the corner of your mind. IX/ 1. Learning English from whatever source you like It's so hard for you if you to study something you feel bored like Grammar, vocabulary or pronunciation.... You should study with what you like, for example: watching TV, listening to music... or others that you like. It'll improve your speaking, reading, pronunciation.... X/ Speak everywhere anywhere, everytime anytime, to everyone anyone... You should practise speaking whenever you have free time, you may practise with your friends or yourself, it'll help you become more and more conmfident

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