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RAMFAN TurboForce Blowers

Faster Set-Up and Peak Performance Anywhere in...


The Starting Line-Up Inside The ZONE

New... Set-Up Zone Guides
for Quick and Easy Deployment


MORE POWER - Honda GX200 6HP Engine Compartment Friendly Footprint 21.5H x 20W x 22D

Variable Speed Electric - Switch to 15 or 20 amps for Home or Truck Power Rain Tested (IP64) IntelliSense Control What is 23H x 17W x 16D

See Inside

The Turbo Force Team

Size DIMS Rated HP RPM 16/40cm 21.5h/20w/22d 6 HP 3498

Put a RAMFAN TurboForce Blower Anywhere in The ZONE and it Will Generate Peak Ventilation Performance and Faster Clearance and Cooling to Safely Clear the Way for Advancing Firefighters
Forced Ventilation is a proven fire ground tactic to rapidly remove smoke, dangerous fumes and hot, toxic gases. Today, fires burn hotter and faster and advances in protective equipment enable more aggressive fire attack procedures. Fast intervention is the key to a rapid knockdown and blower set-up must be fast and uncomplicated as well. Most Blower Set-ups in Residential fires are made within an area 2 feet to 8 feet out from the door opening, depending on the actual distance available. RAMFAN TurboForceBlowers create a more focused airflow that generates Peak Ventilation Performance inside The ZONE, which makes set-ups fast and easy.

TurboForce Technology
Blower Output or CFM is only half the story in Forced Ventilation. RAMFANS more penetrating, high velocity airflow means faster cooling and clearance of dangerous smoke and toxic gases. TurboForce Blowers accelerate the airflow up to 20% greater than conventional propeller style fans. This high energy, high velocity airflow literally cuts into the dangerous heat and smoke layer to quickly clear and cool the way for firefighters.

Size DIMS Rated HP RPM 21/53cm 25.5h/24.5w/19.5d 6 HP 3786

You Can See the Difference in the Shape of the Airflow

Propeller Airflow
Less focused, diffused airflow produces good CFM but low velocity.

Turbo Blower Airflow EV400

Size DIMS Rated HP RPM

The FORCE penetrates and churns for faster cooling and clearing.
15 Amp
16/40cm 23h/17w/16d 1.5 HP 3267

20 Amp
16/40cm 23h/17w/16d 1.5 HP 3978

ZONE Tested Performance

Why We Use AMCA:
AMCA, The Air Movement and Control Association, International, Is the worlds only recognized authority for the measurement of air movement and development of Standards, like the PPV Specific AMCA 240 Standard. Our commitment to AMCA Certification is your verifiable assurance that every RAMFAN PPV TurboBlower will perform exactly as specified.

Contact Euramco Safety for a Demonstration of Any of the Turbo Force Team


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