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Our Enemy, The PDP.

By every definition, the PDP is more than just a political party; it represents the most consummate and quintessential manifestation of elite exploitation and leptocracy. !nder the shade of its malevolent um"rella, #i$eria%s thievin$ elites have competed and cooperated "eyond tri"al, sectional, and re$ional divides to preserve their leptocratic privile$es. &or the past fifteen years, the PDP has sin$lehandedly and dili$ently supervised the "etrayal of #i$eria%s destiny. 'ust recently, a faction of the PDP ( )ith O"asanjo for its patron and *ule +amido for its spo esman ( o)ned up to its o)n crimes "y admittin$ ho) decades,lon$ exploitations ma e us too docile to revolt, and that )e are all cursed to live, die and rot in perpetual penury. -any #i$erians are euphoric at the prospect of the PDP tearin$ itself to factional strife. There%s of course this irresisti"le ur$e to rejoice at the travails of a party )hose hands are muddled in all the infamies of this country over the past fifteen years and countin$. .t appears finally that #i$erians are "ein$ spared from fi$htin$ the PDP "y the simple reason of the PDP%s o)n infi$htin$. But to simply assume that #i$eria%s pro"lem )ill just $o a)ay )ith the PDP )hile many architects of its decades,lon$ misrule are no) a"andonin$ the /'onathanian sin in$ ship% for ne) political parties exhi"its an incura"le form of political naivet0. The leptocracy )ill try as hard as it could to reinvent itself "y hijac in$ every political process and manipulatin$ every outcome to suit its interests. The present discontent )ithin the PDP has nothin$ to do )ith its "etrayal of #i$eria%s destiny. .t is a"out political po)er and the leptocracy%s self,$iven ri$ht to pilla$e and plunder #i$eria and its resources. The 12 opposition to 'onathan has nothin$ to do )ith the latter%s monumental leadership failure and incompetence; it is a"out 'onathan%s unquencha"le $reed and ina"ility to evenly share the loot. +i e)ise, 'onathan%s desire to continue "eyond 3456 is not a"out )hat he can deliver, it is a"out his selfish lust for po)er to the detriment of #i$eria%s vital interests. Throu$h his official and unofficial spo espersons, 'onathan has consistently reiterated his resolve to hasten the somaliasation of this country if his continued stay in office "eyond 3456 is not $uaranteed. Today, the "i$$est challen$e facin$ the PDP is not from its o)n internal division. 7istory has sho)n that political movements that serve to advance elites% $reed do not easily die from internal fra$mentations. Because, the losin$ faction )ill al)ays cra)l "ac to the )innin$ side and try as hard to discount its scars as lon$ as there is enou$h to plunder. But this is one political crisis quite different; the crisis roc in$ the PDP is in response to a national emer$ency. The #i$erian political landscape is radically transformin$ )ith the help of a vi"rant youth,led social media. #i$erian youth are $radually freein$ themselves from the "onda$e of divisive politics that the PDP has so dexterously championed. *o for the first time in its history, the PDP is loc ed in an existential dilemma. &aced )ith a revolutionary storm, the leptocracy is at the ris of extinction; of )itherin$ into nothin$ness.

7ence its internal factionalisation is nothin$ "ut a desperate attempt "y the leptocracy to save the PDP ship from a rec less captain and once more consolidate its privile$es. That is )hy all #i$erian ran in$ leptocrats have a"andoned the constitutional tas of $overnance in order to ne$otiate a favora"le political "ail out at a time #i$erian universities are shut do)n "y the leptocracy%s o)n mischief. But no matter ho) they try, the PDP%s death nell has sounded the very day it decided to add the Bo o 7aram insur$ency to the a$oni8in$ poverty already $rindin$ #i$erians. .t )as a hu$e miscalculation. #i$erians )ere until then content )ith their peace and poverty, "ut in a darin$ sho) of cruelty and elite insensitivity, the PDP too a)ay the peace and #i$erians are no) ready to pay )ith their "lood for the peace and di$nity that the PDP denies them. .n this re$ard, the "i$$est threat to PDP%s he$emony is the youth,po)ered discontent and its continued identification )ith the principles and leadership virtues of -uhammadu Buhari. Buhari%s continued sur$e in popularity is the "i$$est em"arrassment to /or$ani8ed "i$otry% that the PDP is financin$ throu$h its ethnic and reli$ious provocateurs. 9ith each sin$le ridiculous lie and "lac mail come hundred persuasive refutations. The truth literally spea s for itself. #i$erian leptocracy sees Buhari as the $reatest antithesis to its interests. That is )hy in all its northerner,southerner,:hristian,-uslim permutations, the leptocracy never for once considered Buhari. 9hat it is loo in$ for cannot "e found in Buhari, and )ho it is loo in$ for is someone "est suited to ruin #i$eria and preserve its interest. ;larmin$ly, there is no political party in #i$eria )hich the PDP,inspired leptocracy has not successfully infiltrated. This presents a major threat to the #i$erian revolution. ;nd that explains the conspiracy to prevent the emer$ence of Buhari or any credi"le, independent,minded alternative as the opposition fla$ "earer. .n fairness, not everyone that opposes Buhari candidacy does so out of mischief, "ut many are $ulli"ly cajoled "y the on$oin$ propa$anda campai$n. 9ith or )ithout Buhari as an individual, Buharism , the exemplary ideals )hich Buhari%s life and career unam"i$uously espouse ( has come to stay. ;nd :ome 3456, those counter, revolutionaries must stand "y respectfully and salute Buharism, in a)e and fear. Therefore, no #i$erian should stand on the sidelines and lament helplessly )hile 'e$a%s .#E: plays match,fixin$ )ith the PDP in our electoral play,offs. The reluctance )ith )hich the ;P: )as re$istered sho)s that 'e$a%s .#E: is un)illin$ to $ive the opposition its ri$hts even on a paper platter. #i$erians should "e vi$ilant on ho) some mem"ers of the PDP,inspired leptocracy are tryin$ to re,invent themselves politically on "orro)ed opposition ro"es. 7ere, the 12 faction is no less a culprit in this national catastrophe than the 'onathan%s faction. Both factions are complicit in the PDP%s fifteen years of crimes a$ainst humanity. The PDP ( )hichever faction ( is an enemy #i$erians should fi$ht )ith every ounce of their ener$y. ;hmed -usa 7usaini.

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